Mason I. Lowance Jr. |
The Language of Canaan: Metaphor and Symbol in New England from the Puritans to the Transcendentalists |
Harvard University Press |
1980 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Ellen Jane Lorenz |
Glory, Hallelujah! The Story of the American Campmeeting Spiritual |
Abingdon |
1980 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Jacqueline Jones |
Soldiers of Light and Love: Northern Teachers and Georgia Blacks, 1865-1873 |
University of Georgia Press |
1980 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Anthony G. Roeber |
Faithful Magistrates and Republican Lawyers: Creators of Virginia Legal Culture, 1680-1810 |
University of North Carolina Press |
1981 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Wendy W. Reaves |
George Washington, An American Icon: The Eighteenth-Century Graphic Portraits |
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service |
1982 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Patricia C. Cohen |
A Calculating People: The Spread of Numeracy in Early America |
University of Chicago Press |
1982 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Jonathan Prude |
Coming of Industrial Order Town and Factory Life in Rural Massachusetts, 1810-1860 |
1983 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Ronald P. Formisano |
The Transformation of Political Culture: Massachusetts Parties, 1790s-1840s |
Oxford University Press |
1983 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Edward Countryman |
The American Revolution |
Hill and Wang |
1985 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Steven B. Stoll |
The New England Soul: Preaching and Religious Culture in Colonial New England |
Oxford University Press |
1986 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Carroll Smith-Rosenberg |
Disorderly Conduct: Visions of Gender in Victorian America |
Oxford University Press |
1986 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Laurence Shore |
Southern Capitalists: The Ideological Leadership of an Elite, 1832-1885 |
University of North Carolina Press |
1986 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Cathy N. Davidson |
Revolution and the Word: The Rise of the Novel in America |
Oxford University Press |
1986 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Randolph Roth |
The Democratic Dilemma: Religion, Reform, and the Social Order in the Connecticut River Valley of Vermont, 1791–1850 |
Cambridge University Press |
1987 |
AAS Catalog Record |
William Miles |
The People's Voice: An Annotated Bibliography of American Presidential Campaign Newspapers, 1828-1984 |
Greenwood Press |
1987 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Charles Fanning |
The Exiles of Erin: Nineteenth Century Irish-American Fiction |
University of Notre Dame Press |
1987 |
AAS Catalog Record |
David Cressy |
Coming Over: Migration and Communication between England and New England in the Seventeenth Century |
Cambridge University Press |
1987 |
AAS Catalog Record |
David S. Reynolds |
Beneath the American Renaissance: The Subversive Imagination in the Age of Emerson and Melville |
Alfred A. Knopf |
1988 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Michael G. Hall |
The Last American Puritan: The Life of Increase Mather, 1639–1723 |
Wesleyan University Press |
1988 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Richard Schwarzlose |
The Nation's Newsbrokers |
Northwestern University Press |
1989 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Louis P. Masur |
Rites of Execution |
Oxford University Press |
1989 |
AAS Catalog Record |
William J. Gilmore-Lehne |
Reading Becomes a Necessity of Life: Material and Cultural Life in Rural New England, 1780-1835 |
University of Tennessee Press |
1989 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Ann D. Braude |
Radical Spirits: Spiritualism and Women's Rights in Nineteenth-Century America |
Beacon Press |
1989 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Richard D. Brown |
Knowledge Is Power: The Diffusion of Information in Early America, 1700-1865 |
Oxford University Press |
1989 |
AAS Catalog Record |
John L. Brooke |
The Heart of the Commonwealth: Society and Political Culture in Worcester County, Massachusetts 1713–1861 |
Cambridge University Press |
1989 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Peter Coclanis |
The Shadow of a Dream: Economic Life and Death in the South Carolina Low Country, 1670-1920 |
Oxford University Press |
1989 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Paula Backscheider |
Daniel Defoe: His Life |
Johns Hopkins University Press |
1989 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Michael D. Warner |
The Letters of the Republic Publication and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century America |
Harvard University Press |
1990 |
AAS Catalog Record |
David S. Shields |
Oracles of Empire: Poetry, Politics, and Commerce in British America, 1690-1750 |
University of Chicago Press |
1990 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Carla G. Pestana |
Quakers and Baptists in Colonial Massachusetts |
Cambridge University Press |
1991 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Patricia Watson |
The Angelical Conjunction: The Preacher-Physicians of Colonial New England |
University of Tennessee Press |
1991 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Susan Porter |
With an Air Debonair: Musical Theatre in America 1785-1815 |
Smithsonian Institution Press |
1991 |
AAS Catalog Record |
John Seelye |
Beautiful Machine: Rivers and the Republican Plan, 1755-1825 |
Oxford University Press |
1991 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Ann Withington |
Toward a More Perfect Union: Virtue and the Formation of American Republics |
Oxford University Press |
1991 |
AAS Catalog Record |
William Ward |
The Protestant Evangelical Awakening |
Cambridge University Press |
1992 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Bruce Greenfield |
Narrating Discovery: The Romantic Explorer in American Literature, 1790-1855 |
Columbia University Press |
1992 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Bernell Tripp |
Origins of the Black Press: New York, 1827-1847 |
Vision Press |
1992 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Michael Broyles |
Music of the Highest Class: Elitism and Populism in Antebellum Boston |
Yale University Press |
1992 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Michael Carlebach |
The Origins of Photojournalism in America |
Smithsonian Institution Press |
1992 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Claudia L. Bushman |
America Discovers Columbus: How an Italian Explorer Became an American Hero |
University Press of New England |
1992 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Ronald J. Zboray |
A Fictive People: Antebellum Economic Development and the Reading Public for American Novels, 1837-1857 |
Oxford University Press |
1993 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Robert R. Dykstra |
Bright Radical Star: Black Freedom and White Supremacy on the Hawkeye Frontier |
Harvard University Press |
1993 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Peter Way |
Common Labour: Workers and the Digging of North American Canals 1780–1860 |
Cambridge University Press |
1993 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Marc Shell |
Money, Language, and Thought: Literary and Philosophic Economies from the Medieval to the Modern Era |
Johns Hopkins University Press |
1993 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Elliot B. Davis |
Training the Eye and the Hand: Fitz Hugh Lane and Nineteenth Century American Drawing Books |
Cape Ann Historical Association |
1993 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Charles E. Clark |
The Public Prints: The Newspaper in Anglo-American Culture, 1665-1740 |
Oxford University Press |
1994 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Janet Brodie |
Contraception and Abortion in Nineteenth-Century America |
Cornell University Press |
1994 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Menahem Blondheim |
News Over the Wires: The Telegraph and the Flow of Public Information in America, 1844-1897 |
Harvard University Press |
1994 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Richard Gildrie |
The Profane, the Civil, and the Godly:The Reformation of Manners in Orthodox New England, 1679–1749 |
Pennsylvania State University Press |
1994 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Harvey J. Graff |
Conflicting Paths Growing Up in America |
Harvard University Press |
1994 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Andrea J. Tucher |
Froth and Scum: Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and the Ax Murder in America's First Mass Medium |
University of North Carolina Press |
1994 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Faye Dudden |
Women in the American Theatre: Actresses & Audiences, 1790-1870 |
Yale University Press |
1994 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Gillian Elise Avery |
Behold the Child: American Children and Their Books, 1621–1922 |
Johns Hopkins University Press |
1994 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Cornelia H. Dayton |
Women Before the Bar: Gender, Law, and Society in Connecticut, 1639-1789 |
Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and the University of North Carolina Press |
1995 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Michael Bellesiles |
Revolutionary Outlaws: Ethan Allen and the Struggle for Independence on the Early American Frontier |
University of Virginia Press |
1995 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Dona Brown |
Inventing New England: Regional Tourism in the Nineteenth Century |
Smithsonian Institution Press |
1995 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Alan S. Taylor |
William Cooper's Town: Power and Persuasion on the Frontier of the Early American Republic |
Alfred A. Knopf |
1995 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Christopher F. Clark |
The Communitarian Moment: The Radical Challenge of the Northampton Association |
Cornell University Press |
1995 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Elaine Swift |
The Making of an American Senate: Reconstitutive Change in Congress, 1787-1841 |
University of Michigan Press |
1996 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Nell Irvin Painter |
Sojourner Truth: A Life, A Symbol |
W. W. Norton & Company |
1996 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Mary Beth Norton |
Founding Mothers & Fathers: Gendered Power and the Forming of American Society |
Penguin Random House |
1996 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Rosalind Remer |
Printers and Men of Capital: Philadelphia Book Publishers in the New Republic |
University of Pennsylvania Press |
1996 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Carol Sheriff |
The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradoxes of Progress, 1817-1862 |
Hill and Wang |
1996 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Shirley R. Samuels |
Romances of the Republic: Women, the Family, and Violence in the Literature of the Early American Nation |
Oxford University Press |
1996 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Steven C. Bullock |
Revolutionary Brotherhood: Freemasonry and the Transformation of the American Social Order, 1730-1840 |
University of North Carolina Press |
1996 |
AAS Catalog Record |
W. Clark Gilpin |
A Preface to Theology |
University of Chicago Press |
1996 |
AAS Catalog Record |
David L. Waldstreicher |
In the Midst of Perpetual Fetes: The Making of American Nationalism, 1776-1820 |
University of North Carolina Press |
1997 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Joseph S. Wood |
The New England Village |
Johns Hopkins University Press |
1997 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Grantland Rice |
The Transformation of Authorship in America |
University of Chicago Press |
1997 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Gregory H. Nobles |
American Frontiers: Cultural Encounters and Continental Conquest |
Hill and Wang |
1997 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Elizabeth Bethel |
The Roots of African-American Identity: Memory and History in the Antebellum Free Communities |
St. Martin's Press |
1997 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Richard R. John |
Spreading the News: The American Postal System from Franklin to Morse |
Harvard University Press |
1998 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Deborah Madsen |
American Exceptionalism |
University Press of Mississippi |
1998 |
AAS Catalog Record |
John Seelye |
Memory's Nation: The Place of Plymouth Rock |
University of North Carolina Press |
1998 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Karen Halttunen |
Murder Most Foul: The Killer and the American Gothic Imagination |
Harvard University Press |
1998 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Catherine A. Brekus |
Strangers & Pilgrims: Female Preaching in America, 1740-1845 |
University of North Carolina Press |
1998 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Ann Bowden |
Sir Walter Scott: A Bibliographical History 1796-1832 |
Oak Knoll Press |
1998 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Margaret Newell |
From Dependency to Independence: Economic Revolution in Colonial New England |
Cornell University Press |
1998 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Harlow Sheidley |
Sectional Nationalism: Massachusetts Conservative Leaders and the Transformation of America, 1815-1836 |
Northeastern University Press |
1998 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Scott E. Casper |
Constructing American Lives: Biography and Culture in Nineteenth-Century |
University of North Carolina Press |
1999 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Jill M. Lepore |
The Name of War: King Philip's War and the Origins of American Identity |
Vintage |
1999 |
AAS Catalog Record |
David Philip Jaffee |
People of the Wachusett: Greater New England in History and Memory, 1630-1860 |
Cornell University Press |
1999 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Norma Basch |
Framing American Divorce: From the Revolutionary Generation to the Victorians |
University of California Press |
1999 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Robert Begiebing |
The Adventures of Allegra Fullerton or, A Memoir of Startling and Amusing Episodes from Itinerant Life: A Novel |
University Press of New England |
1999 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Saul Cornell |
The Other Founders: Anti-Federalism and the Dissenting Tradition in America, 1788-1828 |
University of North Carolina Press |
1999 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Geoffrey Plank |
An Unsettled Conquest: The British Campaign against the Peoples of Acadia |
University of Pennsylvania Press |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Mark Schantz |
Piety in Providence: Class Dimensions of Religious Experience in Antebellum Rhode Island |
Cornell University Press |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
David W. Blight |
Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory |
Harvard University Press |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Alice E. Fahs |
The Imagined Civil War: Popular Literature of the North and South 1861-1865 |
University of North Carolina Press |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Andrew J. O'Shaughnessy |
An Empire Divided: The American Revolution and the British Caribbean |
University of Pennsylvania Press |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Priscilla Brewer |
From Fireplace to Cookstove: Technology and the Domestic Ideal in America |
Syracuse University Press |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Joyce Oldham Appleby |
Inheriting the Revolution: The First Generation of Americans |
Harvard University Press |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
John Resch |
Suffering Soldiers: Revolutionary War Veterans, Moral Sentiment, and Political Culture in the Early Republic |
University of Massachusetts Press |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Catherine A. Allgor |
Parlor Politics: In Which the Ladies of Washington Help Build a City and a Government |
University Press of Virginia |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Patricia A. Crain |
The Story of A: The Alphabetization of America from the New England Primer to the Scarlet Letter |
Stanford University Press |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Donald J. Ratcliffe |
The Politics of Long Division: The Birth of the Second Party System in Ohio, 1818-1828 |
Ohio State University Press |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Marcus Wood |
Blind Memory: Visual Representations of Slavery in England America, 1780-1865 |
Routledge |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Brian Roberts |
American Alchemy: The California Gold Rush and Middle-Class Culture |
University of North Carolina Press |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Isabelle Lehuu |
Carnival on the Page: Popular Print Media in Antebellum America |
University of North Carolina Press |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Carolyn J. Lawes |
Women and Reform in a New England Community, 1815-1860 |
University Press of Kentucky |
2000 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Katherine Preston |
Opera on the Road: Traveling Opera Troupes in the United States, 1825-60 |
University of Illinois Press |
2001 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Sally Hadden |
Slave Patrols: Law and Violence in Virginia and the Carolinas |
Harvard University Press |
2001 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Jonathan Sassi |
A Republic of Righteousness: The Public Christianity of the Post-Revolutionary New England Clergy |
Oxford University Press |
2001 |
AAS Catalog Record |
William Astore |
Observing God: Thomas Dick, Evangelicalism, and Popular Science in Victorian Britain and America |
Ashgate Publishing Ltd. |
2001 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Phyllis Hunter |
Purchasing Identity in the Atlantic World: Massachusetts Merchants, 1670-1780 |
Cornell University Press |
2001 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Daniel K. Richter |
Facing East from Indian Country: A Native History of Early America |
Harvard University Press |
2001 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Jeanne Mackin |
The Sweet By and By |
St. Martin's Press |
2001 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Christopher Cokinos |
Hope is the Thing With Feathers: A Personal Chronicle of Vanished Birds |
J.P. Tarcher/Putnam |
2001 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Louis P. Masur |
1831: Year of Eclipse |
Hill and Wang |
2001 |
AAS Catalog Record |
Burton Bledstein |
The Middling Sorts: Explorations in the History of the American Middle Class |
Routledge |
2001 |
AAS Catalog Record |