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[Addressed to]               Mrs Pamelia Burr [Pamela Benton Burr]
Litchfield Co
Conn [Connecticut]

Troy Fem. Sem. [Troy Female Seminary] July 23rd 1827

Mrs Burr,
                        Mrs. Willard recd [received] your letter of the 12th inst in behalf of your young friend Miss Benton who is desirous of entering her school in order to prepare herself for a Teacher — she would be happy to render her the necessary assistance in prosecuting her designs, but finds that she has admitted already as great a number of pupils on the terms you propose as the present state of affairs through out the country will make it safe for her to receive — She thinks however that with the attainments you mention Miss Benton might now teach a <primary> school which could no doubt be procured for her among her friends, with success — and perhaps render herself quite as useful as in a more remote <extended> place — Mrs. Willard feels that her situation demands sympathy, and would gladly aid her did circumstances allow her to do so —

Respectfully Yours
[MA?] Osterhout
For Emma Willard


[Addressed to]                                       Mrs Eben Burr [Pamela Benton Burr]
                                                            Norfolk [Connecticut]

Norfolk [Connecticut] March 1[9?], 1828

Mrs Burr            This note Miss Grants Brother left here saturday for me to hand it you yesterday but you was not to meeting so I sent it this morning —
You may send me 50 lbs of good rye flower soon if you please
I expect to go to N York [New York] the first of April & shall want the money then for the tuscan hat
Respectfully yours
B. Dowd


[Addressed to]               Mr. Ebenesar Burr
                                    Litchfield County
                                    Conn. [Connecticut]

Great Barrington [Massachusetts] 6th April 1836

Dear Sir
            Your communication concerning our school was sent to us two days ago — and I take an early occasion to answer it.  We keep a select school in our house and wish to board twelve or fourteen of the young ladies in our family; in addition to them we generally have five or six to attend school who do not board with us; our price for board and tuition is advertised, as you may see in the Litchfield Sem [Litchfield Seminary] at $2. per week and one shilling for washing. — we shall expect the scholars to find their own books and stationary and lights.  We should be pleased to take your Daughters into our family, and instruct them in those branches which are the most important and useful and in which they may be found most definitely. Our summer term will commence on the first monday in May. For further particulars I would refer you to our advertisements in the Litchfield Sem. [Litchfield Seminary]

Respectfully Yours
Sturges Gilberts
Rector of St. James Church

Mr. Ebenesar Burr



[Addressed to]               Mrs Pamelia Burr [Pamela Benton Burr]
Ct. [Connecticut]  

Wethersfield [Connecticut], Sept. 4, 1837.

My dear Madam,
            My Mother being absent on a journey, I have taken the liberty to open your letter, & will endeavor to answer it, as far as in my power.
            There is no doubt in my mind, that Miss Benton would be cordially received into our school, & that her expenses would be at least as low as at any similar institution in the vicinity.  We have always felt a particular interest in young ladies who were preparing themselves for teachers, & I know that my Mother would be desirous to afford her every facility in her power.
            If we should be so situated as to render it practicable, we should be happy to receive her into our family (that is, if she would be pleased with our plain style of living) in which case, she would not be under the necessity of going out at all.  The expense of boarding in our family, including every thing, would not probably be more than $2 a week. It might be considerably less, though living as you know, is very high now.  If we cannot receive her, we can doubtless obtain board for her at a short distance, but the expense might be somewhat greater. Tuition is at the rate of half a dollar a week.
            Our school closed the 30th of Aug. Vacation continues three weeks.  There will probably be a short Fall term till about Thanksgiving time, then a <weeks> vacation of a week perhaps.  The winter term has generally been about sixteen weeks.  The spring vacation continues two or three weeks, I believe.
            Pupils can be received at any time, but it is generally preferable to enter at the commencement of a term. The next term, you perceive, begins not far from the first of Oct. If she should conclude to come about that time, we will expect her without further notice.  She can come directly to our house, & we will see, that she is provided for.  And I would just remark, that this season of the year is perhaps the most favorable for study.  Should she conclude not to come, then we shall like to be informed.  Mother’s return is expected in about two weeks.  Should she wish to communicate anything different, will write immediately.
            Your respectfully,
Nancy Emerson


[Addressed to]               Mrs. Eben Burr [Pamela Benton Burr]
                                    Ct. [Connecticut]

Thurs. morn Mar 15, 1838

Dear Mrs. Burr,
            I did not decide to go to S. Hadley [South Hadley, Massachusetts] till yesterday & now I intend to set out by tomorrow noon, to spend the Sab. [Sabbath] in Hartford, & to be at the Sem. [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] Mon or Tues. I could take any thing to your girls, & should be happy to do so, though father says he does not think he shall be able to go to your house, & I fear you will not get this note in time to send. The terms closes so soon there you may not care about it.  I shall be very to see your daughters.
In haste
Very affectionately
M. Grant [Mary Grant Burgess]


[Addressed to]               M. Ebenezer Burr
                                    Ct. [Connecticut]
                                    with box

Winsted [Connecticut] Feby .25/40

Mr. Ebenezer Burr 6th By Bal. on Books                                      $0, 12
By 9 1/2 [marking] Butter           at 18 cents                                            1.71     
“           allowance [obeyed?] & Drilling not sent before                  .15

Sent this day 11th [Copper?]                                           1.64
“           “           “ 2 1/4 [yd?] [...] Drilling              .34                    $1.98

Mr. Burr, our Books showed a balance of 12 cents due you before the trade this day — to which I have added as above the Butter & one [yd] [short mason?] in Drilling and had sent Drilling & Copper to balance I suppose that you owed in a little until I looked at the Books but as they show it different We have sent goods accordingly if there is an error we can rectify it hereafter — we have sent Miss Dorr Sugar for the [Lace?] as requested
Yours truly

Hinsdale & [Beardsley?]



[Addressed to]               Mr Ebenezer Burr
                                    Norfolk Litchfield Co.
                                    Conn [Connecticut]

                                    Wellington O}
                                    Sept 24th}

Brighton September 3 ‘’ 41

Much respected Relatives
            I have often purposed to write to you but have delayed from month to month till years have passed since I have addressed you. I think it may be worse than useless to attempt an excuse.  And yet I hate to have you lay it all to the score of disregard for your friendship, or even any part of it        But I will tell you what. Perhaps you would prefer a letter of good length and well filled with interesting matter to a hundred excuses, poorly thought of and clumsily told. and so here is for the trial [marking]
            And I would thank Cousins Mary [Mary Burr Hill] & Caroline [Caroline Burr Grant] for the tokens of remembrance we have received from them, and I hope they will embrace every opportunity to write to us.  As for our health I can say I have enjoyed almost uninterrupted good health since I left Norfolk, ~ and Eliza’s health I think improves from one year to another.  She thinks she can endure hot weather and fatigue much better than she could two years ago.  Her finger that has been so troublesome is improving constantly but not very rapidly she does not bandage it this summer, but subjects it to all the exposures and hardships that she does [her?]/others         Our family consists of four, one a boy in the seventeenth year of his age whom I have taken till he is 21 and a hired girl, we live in a log house 18 feet by 24 partitioned into two rooms we have a stove instead of a fireplace and this hot summer weather we place it in a shed on the north side of the house where Eliza does her work leaving the kitchen for a sitting room, cool, comfortable, and pleasant        You eastern folks who have always been accustomed to houses with more rooms in them than you well know what to do with, have but very imperfect ideas of the convenience enjoyed by people of a new country, who often have kitchen, buttry, bedroom, parlour, and cellar, all in one apartment of the size            I have mentioned the dimentions of my house  Now do not picture to yourselves a huge potatoe bin and a long row of musty ciderbarrels as the most prominent objects in such a room. for we have a way of not apt to produce cider till their owners are able to build cellars, but such rooms are placed where the neat housekeeper can display of no small share of taste and skill in so arranging her little stock of furniture that each article shall appear to fill its proper place without being unduly prominent, and in giving to the whole an air of neatness and comfort &c            And such little rooms are great places for indulging in the sweets of anticipation for instance one thus situated will think of the time when the dense forest which surrounded the little mansion will give place to cultivated fields.  When his little cabin will be exchanged for a mansion of greater size and elegance, when all the inconveniences incident to the settlers of a forest country will be overcome  — when the fields and highways will become stumpless and smooth  — and when all around, the impress[es?] of art will be stamped on the rude face of nature          In Brighton we are thinking of the time when we shall have a meeting house  — without steeple or bell to be sure  — but commodious for the present, and we even talk of the time when it will require a larger building than 27 by 38 the size of the frame we have erected to accommodate the first Congregational Society of Brighton and it is possible we may then even listen to the “sound of a Church going bell” [marking]   Eliza and I attended the commencement at Oberlin the 25th of August    The day was taken up with  exercises of the graduating class in the Collegiate department, Three young ladies took the degree of Bachelor of Arts Viz Miss Mary Hadford of Oberlin, Caroline M. Rudd Huntington, Conn Elizabeth [S.?] Prall New York City, They have been through with a full course of study  — they did not speak in public on that day but their compositions were read by professor Morgan and they appeared on the stage to receive their degrees, I have understood they were all affiance to [...] young men in Oberlin, the next day the theological graduates exhibited themselves we did not attend not finding it convenient to do so     We were much interested with the exercises of the first day, the singing was excellent I should like to have cousin M [Mary] & C [Caroline] come and measure heads with Oberlin ladies
            Why cant you come one or both of you, and visit your relatives in this part of the nation, see the country &c We should be extremely happy to have you come and spend a good while with us, Now you have completed your studies you want to travel a while to complete your education and in what direction could you travel with more intellectual profit than to the west you would see some of the noblest specimens of art and some of the wildest and sublimist displays of nature and I may add the most beautiful.  If you want to teach school you would find schools in abundance. We want a teacher in Brighton that is something above par, one that could fit young ladies to Enter college

My little sheet contains but little room, I find it requires a larger sheet to write a long family letter, tell Cousin Erastus & Ralph I am raising nine calves and building a barn 40 feet square this summer Uncle Warrens family is well

Sept 23d all well            Please write and see if I will not answer it in better season than I have done this time

To Uncle [Ebenezer Burr] and Aunt Burr [Pamela Benton Burr] and Cousins Mary Caroline Erastus [Erastus Burr] and Ralph [Ralph E. Burr]   Please accept this Epistle as a testimonial of the sincere regard of    D.B. & E.A. Hulburt


[Addressed to]               Mr. Ebenezer Burr
                                    Litchfield Co.
                                    Conn. [Connecticut]

Prairieville [Wisconsin] June 2, 1843

My dear Parents, Sister & Brothers,
            We are now in Wisconsin at cousin Levi’s [Levi Grant].  I can’t realize it I dont seem possible.  We arrive this morning about 9 oclock were received quite cordially by Mr. & Mrs. Grant who said they had been looking for us two or three weeks Levi is not quite as tall or large as Daniel, blazing red hair freckled face & hands, butternut colored eyes, Smooth voice  & converses very well — his wife [Lucinda Octavia Tryton Grant] about my height perhaps a little taller rather more fleshy, though her face not much if any larger — complexion neither very dark or light hair dark as my own, blue eyes very mild, pretty voice, looks a little like Catie Wright but prettier <though perhaps not much more than I do> her name was Lucinda Tryon — parents now reside in Ohio — removed thither from Southington Hartford Co. Conn [Connecticut] am really quite pleased with her — think I shall enjoy her society considerably — age 22 last March her husband 25 last Sept — They have been married more than 2 1/2 years — have a little daughter Frances Augusta 11 months runs around — fat little thing — black eyes — rather sandy hair — quite large & active for one of her age —
            It is now nearly 1/2 past 7 Friday eve — laid my writing aside an hour or so during a shower of rain & hail, accompanied by wind, thunder & lightning — they say such storms are frequent & violent some think so much thunder & lightning to be attributed to the minerals abounding here Mrs. Grant & myself were alone our husbands being gone to Milwaukie [Milwaukee, Wisconsin] for our goods — I felt very calm this time but dread them some
            Sat. morn. Daniel & Levi started for Milwaukie yesterday after dinner & will not probably be at home until to day noon — we rise about 6. had for breakfast some codfish very nice — potato mashed warm wheat cake & butter & tea. Lucinda is now getting her little child asleep —
            I suppose you feel anxious to know about our journey — I will first briefly say we left Albany Sat. noon reached Buffalo in one week from that time sailed from B [Buffalo]. Sat P.M. arrived at Milwaukie Thursday Morn 15 days from the time we left home had on the whole a very pleasant prosperous time — what was the most vexatious was being detained in Albany nearly 2 days before starting & then getting along so very slow on the canal boat — suppose we might just as well have been in Buffalo a day or two sooner I do not feel nearly as tired as I anticipated — but about as usual — very well —
            Our passage here has cost us <between 50> 61 dollars & little more D [Daniel]. has an exact account from Albany to Buffalo ‘twas nearly $18 — our fare $3 each & board ourselves — freight nearly $12 — little more than 26 hundred. 45 cts. hund. From B [Buffalo]. to Milwaukie the freight exclusive of the wagon was called 15 barrel bulk — $1 barrel & the waggon $5 making $20 for freight from Buf [Buffalo] our fare from B [Buffalo]. was $9 each  — deck passage — cabin passage would have been twice as much — it would have been much more pleasant but think we shall be glad of our $11 or $13 saved — Daniel was not sick at all on the Lake — & I not but very little — it cost us little more than $6 getting from Milwaukie here — storage of the goods in M [Milwaukie] $1.50 — horse hire to come here $150  — D [Daniel].& L [Levi]. stay in M [Milwaukie]. & our [...] $3 & more — & now after we have fairly got here Daniel has left $184 — for which he owes no one — he has also that $100. note of his father —
            It was not very convenient for me to write much on the boat, so I just noted down a little now & then on a slip of paper which I will transcribe after writing a little before we left Albany — We just drove up to Mr. Butlers & talked a few moments with Jennette she said Ann Phelps was going to Chicago soon 90 miles from us — called at the school house & <just> said “Good Bye” to Desiah — as we passed along a little below Mr. Sam Gaylords Daniel sung Bounding Billows &c. several verses — some quite pretty & appropriate — it did me good — perhaps you can get them of some one — The first day as you probably learned of Joel, D [Daniel]. rode with him some leaving me to drive then Joel rode with me a little way saw no pleasanter farms coming to Wisconsin than in Sheffield & beyond — the next morning Joel & I went on to Albany 26 miles had a good visit reached there about 10 — called at a public house where I remained until 2 o’clock then I went on board the canal boat. Brockport, Capt. Chappel <Capt> when we reached Albany Joel went immediately to ascertain about a passage for us. Daniel arrived with the goods past 12 — & for some reason I was taken to the boat without looking for any carpet filling — J [Joel Grant] said he would get some I want to know about it I did not get any sacking for the settee because I thought we could get it here without the money & Joel said he presume ‘twould be as cheap.  Soon after we went onto the boat Jo [Joel]. came down & almost immediately word was given that we were to go to the other side of the river — So he bid us good bye & hastened out — an hour or so after Capt. brought from him a note saying that he had been looking at some stoves & thought twould be well for us to get one — D. [Daniel] looked & purchased one for $16 — funnel two spit boxes $5. I think it a very pretty stove — should think rather smaller than Uncle Silas’ & much handsomer —
            The furniture of the stove consists of a tin boiler with copper bottoms, a copper tea kettle larger than ours at home a pot. larger than yours an iron kettle not very heavy which will hold about 8 quarts — a spider very pretty & not as heavy as ours — an iron dripping pantwo long tin platters for pies, two 3 pint basins & a dipper which holds about a pint with a handle going straight up for several inches & then curved —
            When we went on the boat the Capt. said he should start that night or the next morning — but he waited & waited for more passengers & freight & finally went out Sat. noon — I spent my time in looking & going about & seeing every thing that was going on — I did not feel very impatient, but [D?] felt as if he wanted to be going
Friday morning there went on the boat three sisters going about 200 miles on the canal, quite pleasant young ladies, or rather old maids, Also Mr. Stanberg from N.Y. city [New York City], his sons & daughter 16 going to Chicago Ill. — believe he was a mason — were rather gay, full of life, but had no religion nor much principle, liked to play cards, go to Theatre, read novels &c. — yet still I found I thought a good deal of meeting them on the steam boat on  the lake — as we knew no other face —
            Friday P.M. there went on board a family of Jewetts from Northampton Mass — Old Mr. & Mrs. Jewett, their daughter Isabella about 22. I think, sons Albert 18. & Edward 16 & a married son with two children George 5 & Mary 14 months — lovely children — Mary one of the sweetest [...] things I ever saw. They were all very pleasant & good company I felt quite attached to them — particularly Mrs. Henry Jewett — were going to Bricksville Ohio — not far from Cleveland — we left them at Buffalo —
            There was also Mrs. Jackson on the boat from Northampton going to visit her married daughters in Ohio & N. York — left her husband & daughter at home.
            Sat. 1/4 before 12 — Have got fairly started from Albany just passed the first lock, When the country through which a canal passes is not level locks are necessary in order for the boats to ascend or descend — when we got in sight of a lock there are gates which would seem to prevent our passing, but on approaching they are thrown open by large levers, log like & we pass on they are then closed & we find another gate in front — then we are completely penned — with gates before & behind & walls of stone on each side — from 8 to 6 feet in height though generally about 10 & Ralph how do you think we get out? By machinery, raising iron rods the water comes foaming, roaring, dashing in & raises us <the top of> to a level with the wall, the gates are then opened & on we pass or if we wish to descend the water is let out & we go down several feet —
            Nearly 10 o’clock — are passing through Troy — which is on both sides of the river — cannot get a sight of Mrs. Willards Sem. [Troy Female Seminary, started by Emma Willard] — are now off the boat while it is being weighed — freight & boat*

* boat weights 30 tons

exclusive of the passengers about 52 tons for which the Capt. has to pay about $86 totl.     It is considered a light load — In West Troy is an arsenal — are several buildings  — do not think they are quite as handsome as those in Springfield — between 3 & 4 P.M. passed Cohose falls — thought of [M?] Calo. Butler & the little mineral on the shelf — the falls are no great sight — though very pretty —
Sat Eve — past 8 the cook has just come to the cabin to make the [berths?] there are 18 put up — in the ladies cabin & 12 in the gentleman’s — the cabin is one room except a division of a curtain — the smaller room is called the Ladies Cabin I took an upper berth slept soundly —
            Sab. [Sabbath] morn awoke & found our boat going — notwithstanding we understood [...] to stop on the Sabbath — All along the canal [...] & shops were open — if I had not remembered it as Sunday I should not have known it — it seemed dreadful I felt wicked enough — conscience smitten — afraid but I could not help myself — Daniel spoke to the Capt about stopping — he said a little & went off — [on?] — D [Daniel]. staid in the cabin most of the day & we read in the Bible & the Reformation Book & slept some for the first few days I sat down on the Settee & slept an hour or so each day
& slept soundly nights too — so you see I got rested Sab. [Sabbath] P.M. we came in sight of a place that reminded us of the gorge between Holyoke & [Tom?] — it really looked beautifully & more — as we approached it & passed between the mountains & saw the ledges of rocks the trees & shrubs on the mountain side — 150 feet perhaps was conscious of emotions of sublimity — I enjoyed it much — very much —
            Monday — This morning when I awoke found our boat passing through a lock — it is said there are 99 between Albany & Buffalo — about 9 o’clock came to another — got off the boat & walked with Daniel 2 or 3 miles — felt refreshed — dined at 1 — ate bread & butter tongue & — Half past 1 just entered Utica which is on both sides the canal  — the part of the city that we [saw?] is not handsome — looks as if there was a good deal of business done — about a mile <this side> out of the city is the state lunatic asylum — a large stone building very handsome
            This P.M. sat on deck some & sewed some on sheets I dont work or read much for I cannot confine my mind to reading & I liked better to see all I can than to sew — though we could work as well most of the time for all the motion of the boat as in a house   To day a boat was nearly with us containing I believe 45 or 50 mormons going to Nauvoo, Ill. A priest came on board & spent a few hours, laboring to convert I suppose   eat for supper bread & butter, cake & pie
            Tues. morn [...] last night [...] rain the first we have had since we left [...] — breakfasted on bread cake & sweetened water — D [Daniel]. has <just> purchased 2 lbs. beef steak 5 cts lb. shall have some for dinner — sat on deck an hour or two — & after sewed some — Past 2 o’clock are passing through Lodi — the rail road passes under the canal here I think Clarisa Eastman lived in Lodi — D [Daniel]. enquired but could hear nothing of her or her family — Possibly she never resided here as there is another tower of the same name in the state —  
            3 o’clock are now in Syracuse — many handsome houses — like the appearance of the place better than I do Utica — though it is not as large — about 6 o’clock just left Syracuse — rained most of the time while there — there came on board there Mr. John Hall, his wife & 4 small children — thought them an interesting family — he was not Elisa’s brother — A little out of Syracuse are the salt works of Salina & Gettysburg — The last is on the canal — In my next think I will tell you more about them in my next letter —
            Wed. Just heard the small pox in Syracuse where we called yesterday — but I dont fear it much  — 5 o’clock — our boat just passed under a bridge one end of which had settled & was so low as to take some of the baggage from the deck into the canal — believe it was all recovered — this morning before breakfast put my person in order — read in the Bible &c. & sewed some breakfasted at 8 on steak, bread & butter most of the day it has been quite windy — P.M. finished my sheets then sat on deck a little while — eat for supper [rusk?] & milk & cake
            Thurs. morn. Are now within 16 miles of Rochester by way of the canal & 8 the stage road — Daniel & another gentleman have got off the boat to walk there as they wished to look around & D [Daniel]. though he needed the exercise —
4 o’clock — now in Rochester — canal passes through city — good many large buildings enquired after [...] Sibley Alling — found that <she> her husband kept a shoe store & that they lived with her Father a mile from the canal — I would have been very happy to have seen her, but we feared the boat would not stop long enough for us, & beside D [Daniel]. had a severe head ache — but we staied 3 hours or more & had we known we should might have gone —  we learned before we got to Buffalo not to place much, if any dependence on what the Capt. said —  
            Friday — our progress to day is faster than any preceding <...> at 9 in the evening reached Lockport  — we sat up waiting to go out & see the locks as there are 5 or 6 together that is we got from one right into the other [...] rise in some of [...] but the banks are very high — [...]
a thunder shower came up & prevent — Sat at 12 reach Buffalo — [...] 4 miles on the lake — You have probably concluded before this that we did not go to the falls. If our old Capt. had only [...] in Rochester 1 hour sooner than he was we might have gone from there for 25 cents each! there were 2 boats went out — opposition then did however a [Cat?] go out at 7 in the evening in which we might have gone — the fare was more considerable (dont remember how much) but suppose we might have gone from R [Rochester]. that day to Buffalo for 7 or 8 dollars — now I suppose you’ll say, why didn’t you go? We did not know what was best to do. hesitated & doubted — the reason of our doubt was, that if our boat went as fast as the Capt. affirmed it should, we might go from Lockport with probably 4 or 5 dollars less expence — be in season there to take the Sat. morning cars — but we did not know as it was best to depend upon him — thought if we went from Rochester we should be sure of it — & might possibly be sorry if we didnt but we concluded to try him once more & went on  — & he went beyond our expectations so that we arrived at Lockport several hours <several hours> before we anticipated about an hour after the evening cars left — we might have got off & staid over night & taken the morning cars at 9 — but the Capt. declared we should be in Buffalo before that time, said he should wish to unload the boat that day, & we were afraid some of our things would be lost were we not there to attend to them — thought we might get to B [Buffalo]. in season to attend to [...] things & go to the falls from there — but we were unexpectedly detained a few hours, after we left Lockport as we met a boat that was very heavily loaded & had struck a ground so we could not pass it

[page torn] [...] about noon the cards had [...] was a boat going out to Milwaukie that P.M. & we got on it, for [...] we had [...] & gone to the falls Mon. did not know when we could go to Milwaukie as they could not tell when a boat would go out — want to know what you think about it all — do not you feel troubled — do not feel very badly — I do not feel as [...] gentleman did, “that he could not die till he had seen Niagara” — D. [Daniel] is sorry we did not go from Rochester — he told me then, if I said go, we would do so, but after all I thought he didn’t quite think ‘twas best — say I must keep my $5. to go with some future time —
Will tell the rest of my journey in my next — I feel in very good spirits — have had but 4 or 5 crying spells since I left home — love D. [Daniel] better & better — my health is good — shall send another letter soon as I can write it for I could fill a [...] folio now — the mail only goes from here once in 7 days — Sundays — I want to hear from you — very particular — I thought of Mary [Mary Burr Hill] & Ralph [Ralph E. Burr] on their birth days —

Friday June 9 — We moved into our house yesterday — not being in readiness before — think it will be comfortable Daniel said I must tell you that he is quite pleased with Wisc thinks we have a very good farm — that he has bought a yoke of the best oxen in Wisconsin great things, with a yoke on a good cow & [calves?] 6 weeks old for $70 — [try?] call the oxen $60. w[...] cattle are much higher here than Joel represented [...]

Levi folks seb[...]perets — to relative — all my love to every body — want to know about Wm. Nortons [Cat?]

I want to know how much Ma [Pamela Benton Burr] has been sick Love to father Grants [Elijah Grant] people — how does Ralph feel & all of you my dear dear parents sister & brothers —

There are several plum trees near our house — a great many strawberry blossoms, & wild flowers — I enjoy them much believe there is most every thing to be bought in Milwaukie — such as dried applies. peaches &c — believe lard is here 5 or 6 cts. lb. [tallow?] twice that — wheat [flour?] $4 or 5 barrel — Muscovado sugar 8 cts — molasses 62 gale — butter 12 1/2 usually & 25 the last winter no shakes have been seen this spring but expect they will be plenty — musquetos are thick better get that broad cloth from Miss Dowd     Want to know how much that brown broad cloth was worth in N. also how much strained pails cost. Levi’s folks want one of ours very much — there is about 9 2/3 yds. of that black cotton cloth           All that we had broken was largest looking glass, wh. was broken very fine, one tumbler, one light, <tea> cup. one quart bowl, one white deep plate, one blue pie plate, & our blue edged pie plate can mend most of them with little trouble — Dont feel bad about me — think I shall feel well enough if you do
Very aff. [affectionately] Caroline


 [Addressed to]              Mr. Ebenezer Burr
                                    Litchfield Co.
                                    Conn. [Connecticut]

Prairieville, W.[Wisconsin] Aug. 1. 1843

I will endeavor to write this letter more legibly that I did the last —  
            And first to my dear little Ralph. [Ralph E. Burr]
                        So you like to go a fishing yet as well as ever. I have thought that perhaps when you were a very good boy, & helped nicely & did not make a cry face in the whole forenoon that Ma & Mary said you might go & get some fish & Sis Mary would cook them for your supper — I hope you will keep away from the deep water, bearing in mind that you are not yet a full grown man & probably have not the judgment of one.
            Wonder if you find plenty of chipmunks to shoot.  There are here little animals very much resembling chipmunks, called gophers, when I see them I always think of you — When you come to visit us, had better bring your gun — I dont think you would find wolves, for I have neither seen or heard of any — but there are deer around — Daniel saw one the other day about the size of a little colt, & it looks some like one — If you should come this year, do not think you need fear snakes much for I heard but very little said about them, have not seen one of any description to D [Daniel]. only one — Last year they were here around considerable —  When you went on a shooting expedition you might take a basket & gather of the fruit about here, as you could find, strawberries, raspberries, red & black, whortleberries, blackberries, gooseberries, high bush cranberries, grapes, plums, crab apples, choke cherries, black cherries, hasle nuts & walnuts, or you might gather herbs & roots, wild balk with purple instead of red florets, wild summer savory, mint, pennyroyal, thoroughwort, mayweed, tansy sweet flag, leeks & cattail — And I am sure you would not leave unpicked some of the lovely flowers you would  — thousands of wild rose bushes bearing sweet scented, single red roses, red, yellow, white & pink ladies slipper, painted cup, wild sunflower beside a few scores of which I know not the name
            But should you go into the woods in a warm day you would probably encounter several of musquitoes & gnats, <but> perhaps you would only feel the bite, & then think no more of it, as Daniel does, but should they poison you as they do me, & cause smarting, & itching & blotching, then salt & water or salt & vinegar is very good to put on.
            Almost every thing wild grows much more luxuriant here than on old farms in New England, pennyroyal & sweet flag are not nearly as pleasant as what you gather but have a strong rank taste. It is said that crab apples grow to considerable size, are hard & sour, but still quite eatable, if one can get no better —  
            Should like to know if your <... some> prettiest kitten catches mice. We were quite troubled with mice & brought up Levi’s [Levi Grant] cat with six small kittens to clear them away — we put them in the chamber & the first night I awoke hearing the cries of a kitten & after a while rose, lighted a candle & found it on the kitchen floor with the cat by its side — It had fallen through a knot hole in the chamber floor seemed to be bruised & had a stiff leg — I had a great mind to cut its little head right off with the hatchet or if D. [Daniel] had some percussion caps for his pistol, dont know but I should have shot it — but I finally lay down again, & the next day it seemed better & after a while got well
            Now my dear brother if you can think yourself of some thing to write to me & do it without troubling Ma & Mary I should love to have you.
Very affectionately your sister,
Caroline Grant

Prairiesville [Wisconsin], Aug. 25, 1843

My dear Mother [Pamela Benton Burr],
            Is often very often in my thoughts & sometimes the tears run down my cheeks as I think of her in her feebleness, oppressed with care & anxiety, or as I think that perhaps now is suffering by that disease with which she has at times been long afflicted O my dear mother, I want to ask your forgiveness that I have not always waited upon you with all the cheerfulness & patience becoming an affectionate dutiful, christian daughter.  I know I labored to alleviate your distress, & should love <to> again to have the privilege, but then I think all would be of no avail without the blessing of Heaven, & with it all will be well — I am comforted by thinking that Mary is home, I hope that you will give your self as little solicitude about us as possible. I do not feel that we are peculiarly fit subjects for it, we are blessed with health, a sufficient supply of food & drink are among a Christian people with a devoted pastor, are in a Ter [Territory]. where with the Divine blessing we hope in a little time to be able to obtain everything desirable for our taste & I was a going to say comfort but we now have things for our comfort — There <are many more> is much more to enjoy here than I supposed, & it seems much more like N. England
            As for myself I have a kind husband whom I dearly love who is constantly striving to promote my happiness — I am not obliged to labor hard but have considerable leisure — I have not read very much — hardly know why — some of the warm days I feel languid & as if I didn’t want to do any thing or sit up — then I lie down & sleep an hour or two & it is considerable work to keep my dresses & stockings & D’s [Daniel] clothes in repair — & I do a little of this, & a little of that [text too faded to read] don’t really sit idle much — & read all the Miss. Heralds [The Missionary Herald, monthly publication of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions] & most of the newspapers & some in the Bible & in my cook books & a little moral. [...] pick fruit & write letters & read Mary’s compositions.
            Whenever I feel as if I wished for any thing go eat a bit of cheese or dried beef or raisin or black berry pie or stewed dried apples I remember what Ma said go right off & get it — & I believe it is a good way — Cas. E. Pinne put up dried blackberries for several pies — that bit of cheese that I brought is not gone. I do not often care for it & when it is gone I know where I can let a little stocking yarn go for some first rate — a year ago cheese was sold in Milwaukie for 18 cts pound — dont know the price now
Last Fri. Aug. 11 we received a sheet of foolscap well filled from mother Grant [Elizabeth Phelps Grant] — said was at our house not long before, sat to the table with you all & drank pure cold water — ‘twas a good letter — we also rec’d one from John — were glad of it — said he spent an hour very pleasantly about two weeks previous with Martha Woodward — she <was re> & her beau Mr. Cummings were riding about & visiting their friends with the hope that it might be a benefit to her health which is not good —  
            We also at the same time rec’d [received] a paper from you & the letter send by Mr. Woodbridge & it was mailed at Milwaukie, have not seen any thing of Mr. W. or any of the Canaan people — You enquire what I did with those tins that were borrowed to bake cake in — I cannot tell — I think I clearly remember that Bill[al?] took only three, & I believe she brought that number — possibly I might have sent to Mr. Pendleton more than we borrowed of her — & her woman not have known — but I intended to make no mistake — Aunt Norton has only the one & I dont know as there was any other sent her — You also say you wonder what I took one of Mary’s good corsets for — when I read it I did not believe I had one — but I looked & found it if I put it in ‘twas by mistake — Mrs. Levi Grant expects to start for Ohio this week Sat. Aug. 9. & I will send it along by her for her Father Grant to take to you if he goes — I wish I had some dried plums to send but they are not ripe till Sept. I did not injure any of my clothing coming on more than one would rather fall — The Crocha shawl is in a good condition & I have thought some of sending it for M. but I do not think I can well get along without it — there are many here that dress genteely & with taste & I think this is no better [than I?]
            My dress is very good for the place — I have nothing but that I am glad I have — have seen no prettier hat than my white one — the roads are so filled with black dust that I cannot avoid getting it more soiled than if at home — but I am careful — wear a handkerchief over it —
            I wear my buskin calfskin high shoes when I walk at all, almost always change to go to Levi’s The socks are just beginning to wear through a little so as to need underlays D. [Daniel] says he can mend them — in the house I wear those calfskin [run?] rounds — the heels all stand erect yet —
& I have not [burnt?] them —
            I feel as if I should on no account suffer that large silver spoon to be made over —<I> intend to mind the suggestions in the letter so far as I can, but you know that I cannot exactly with regard to the spoons as we lost some — I wear no night dress & a plain coarse cap mostly — Should like the sheep skins — do not need the iron hook much as we use the holder & two crane hooks that D. [Daniel] brought. — presume we shall sometime be glad of the churn but have not needed it this summer — we nearly fill a six quart pan at a milking usually, set it in the cellar, & skim it in a 2 qt. pan, when it is nearly full of [cream?] I stir it with a spoon or paddle  & have <from> generally about 1 1/2 lbs butter — have made this summer about 16 lbs. have put down three or 4 lbs for winter — & hope to more.
Shall like the beer keg —
            We did not find the pendulum belonging to the clock — D. [Daniel] also left a box of percussion caps for his pistol & a map of all <the different> missionary stations — he has two or three light vests here that need new button covers there are no pieces suitable — perhaps you or mother Grant could find some — do not put yourselves to much trouble — think perhaps you might send these articles by Mr. Harvey Grant & Lucinda Levi’s wife can bring them in the Spring —
            Of our neighbors you enquire — Levi’s people live down north east 1/4 of a mile — Mr. Hubbard the next nearest neighbor — lives 3/4 mile east — they are not religious people neither should I think them blessed with a great share of knowledge, nor a capacity for receiving it, but seem to be very clever, well disposed, & accommodating neighbors — very near them lives Tim Mayor & his wife, young Irish people — believe they are very <pretty> clever & accommodating —
            North west from here not farther than a mile lives Mr. Eggleston’s people English suspect they are not in good
Mr. E. rather [is?] a mean man — near them lives old Mr. Brown & his wife — Mrs. Brown is a smart, intelligent cheerful old lady — are Baptists — have a son an Anti Slavery <lecturer> & moral reform lecturer     His wife delivered a lecture on slavery to a crowded audience the other evening when she had concluded sung a song — we did not hear & not far from them lives Mr. Crocker — another Baptist family, believe Mrs. C [Crocker]. is called an intelligent lady they have a fine garden filled with vegetables & flowers We have no garden as we thought it necessary to go immediately to clearing — I miss it more than I supposed I should — but we have had sent in some lettuce, a few beets, squash, string beans new potatoes & green tomatoes — the tomatoes are pretty good fried & make very good pies —
Fri. Eve 10 o’clock. I intended to write Ma every little incident that occurred daily for several days in succession, but I thought I must write what I have I will endeavor to sometime Good night dear mother My health is good as it was last year — am not sick any only sometimes
very aff — Carry — [Caroline Burr Grant]
don’t feel much like work — Daniel wants me to give his love to all our people — he has intended to write in some of the letters but found no time —
            I want to tell my dear Father that I many times look at that little lock of hair that I cut from his head with a great deal of satisfaction — I do look at all the others too, but there is a peculiar emotion on seeing that, because there are silvery hairs there — I fancy that the next time I see my father I will find about the same number of black ones that I now do of grey —
            Believe we have not heard since we last wrote whether our boxes are in Milwaukie — Levi is going there to morrow & says he will search —
            By all that we enquire & hear abou[t?] stocking yarn don’t think that we can do any better with it than you & perhaps not as well — Give our love to Father Grants people — we wrote to Joel about a week since & directed to Millbrook —
If Mr. Harvey Grant has left for Conn. Before Mrs. Levi reaches there, or if he does not go shall ask her to mail this in Ohio
            D. [Daniel] is now cutting grass on our marsh south of the house 1/4 mile should think — has quite a stack a little distance from the house
My dear brother Erastus,
            Before <I> leaving we took Ralph’s height but I have forgotten it will you please see that it is taken again & sent — if you have grown any would like to know it — <You may>
            The time that the kitten fell D. [Daniel] had gone to Tenessee to [Ruluf?] & Frederic Grants for some potatoes they have been worth 50 cents [writing very faded] [a bushel about?] […] [very fair?] at that — the prospect of an abundant crop this year is very unfavorable it has been so extremely dry — we have had but about two bushels potatoes — wheat bread, & biscuit with milk & butter griddles & hasty pudding & milk of which last D. [Daniel] is a very fond — He has eat since he came to Wis [Wisconsin]. About as much as you do — says he never eat so much before
People that come here & settle on uncultivated <new> land are obliged to labor very hard to out & burn bushes & gather together & burn old logs dig a few stones & “break up” after the land is once broken then one can get [al?] with less hard labor then in N. E. [New England]
            My [dear?] brother I think of you often this summer & [in?] my prayers too — O I have wept again & again to think that I did not pray & labor & agonize more for you last winter when It seemed as if you had almost entered the kingdom of Heaven but O it is not now too late — the Savior says “come go to a meeting all you can, wont you” & try to be good every day  — be assured you have my most sincere love & regard — very affectionately your [sis]ter Caroline
I want to know how your back is also your lungs —
To my dear sister Mary what can I say — My heart is full — You have my sincere sympathy a[s?] I think of you this summer laboring hard &c I suspect I don’t grieve as you do not because I love you less but because I have an aff. [affectionate] sympathizing heart here that lightens my heart
            You are remembered at the throne of grace —
            O dont grieve for me so — I trust we will yet spend part of our remaining days together —
            We want to hear from home often

[written in pencil, upside down on bottom of page]
Norfolk [Connecticut], Sept. 18.
My dear Mrs. Grant,
            We received this last Saturday by Mr. Harvey Grant — Think perhaps that some portions will interest you Would like to read the letter which you last received from D. [Daniel] & C. [Caroline] & shall be much obliged if you will send it us the first opportunity should John not come with it you will notice that Caroline would like some pieces like D’s [Daniel] light vests — You may know what they are — We do not. Shall probably send something by Mr. Grant
            Yours &c.
Mary Burr [Mary Burr Hill]
