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[Addressed to:] Hon. W. [William] B. Banister
                                    For Mrs. Banister [Zilpah Polly Grant Banister]

                                                            Mass. [Massachusetts]

Ahmednuggur [India?] Nov. 29, 1842.
My dear Mrs. Banister [Zilpah Polly Grant Banister]

            Inclos,d [Enclosed] is a letter for Miss Joanna Smith which I shall feel much oblig'd [obliged] by your directing to her, as I know not where she may be, or the name she now bears I had the pleasure of seeing yours & Miss Briggs,s letters to dear Mrs Burgess -- was delighted with inteligence respecting so many that I knew -- and, glad hear of Miss Cutter's marriage.  You will rejoice to hear, as I trust you will through the Herald of this encouraging progress of truth among this people -- Of the eight who were receiv,d [received] in [the] church at last communion one was a sholar from the [?] Boarding shool -- Nine others have since receiv,d [received] baptism, which has produc,d a very great excitement I may say, far & near.  Serious effort is in progress by opposing heathens to undermine our operations as much as possible -- But we feel that He that is for us, is more than they who are against us, and we are encouraged to believe that God,s word is having free course & will be glorified.  I am not able, definitely to state the number expected to be receiv,d [received] into the church at next communion, but am expecting one of the number will be a scholar from one of the schools <I left under Mrs. Burgess care on going to the Hills.> under my care.  I now have her with me as an assistant in teaching those we require to have daily about us, and for gathering together what I shall call, a family school.  The two girls already under her care, are doing well, & I hope others will soon be added to this number.  Thank Mrs Grant with my best love for her rememberance of me -- You will rejoice to hear so good account of my health -- am feeling quite well, and able to attend to <attend to> the schools under my care, and other duties with enjoyment such as I was want to, in gone buy years of labour in India -- have in a measure, lost that stupor, and dullness that so unfitted me for social enjoyment the dreary years of poor health -- Mrs Ballantine says I begin to look again as I did when she arriv,d [arrived] in the country -- I say all this dear Mrs. Banister [Zilpah Polly Grant Banister], as I know not how best to express the gratitude I feel for so great a blessing. 
            I am sorry to say that Mr Burgess,s appears delicate -- is subject to poor short attacks of [M...?] which, for a day or two quite prostrate his strength and spirits -- generally speaking however, he appears tolerably well.  He is now preparing for a visit to the [C...?] for a change, which we hope may be a great benefit to him -- I know your respect for him, and need not assure you how much he is treasur,d here [treasured] -- what confidence the brethren have in his judgment and abilities, and how he will be miss,d [missed] during his absence; still, they are anxious he should avail himself of such measures as may tend to the promotion & establishment of his of his health.  He takes Edwin with him -- [he is] a fine child, and a most interesting little companion  I often think how delighted you could be to see him in his cheerful, happy amusements -- I expect to miss his company a good deal, as he usually goes out for the morning air with me in the [?].  He often speaks of his dear mama of his own accord in a way which shows that he has some distinct recollections of her, and which I trust he will never loose.  May the sure promises of God, and answers of a godly mother's prayers rest on this dear child, His loss is irreparable to human view, but God can overrule even this dispensation for His greater glory -- I know you pray for him, and for us all, that we be found faithful, and the blessing of God may rest upon us, and our labours.  Allow me to ask a rememberance to my friend who may inquire for me -- for your [?] --
            --respectful regards to Mr Banister if you please
                        and believe me,
            dear Mrs Banister [Zilpah Polly Grant Banister],
                        yours sincerely
                                    Cynthia Farrar
I give permission for you to [...] the inclos,d [enclosed] if you please --

Ahmednuggur [India] Nov. 28. 1842
My dear friend Mrs. Banister [Zilpah Polly Grant Banister]
            Miss [Cynthia] Farrar gives me the opportunity of writing a word or two on the out side of her wrapper -- I have time to say but few words -- I rec'd [received] your letter dated June 10 on the 29th of Oct. -- Am truly thankful for it -- expect from what you say I shall have more letters from you before long.  The last six months have been months of great interest to our Mission -- The interest still continues, and is of such a nature that there does not exist the same reason for its ceasing as in case of revivals in N. Eng. [New England]  We do not say revival -- it is the attraction of the people to christianity -- Some six or eight individuals have been examined within a few days -- and will probably be baptized next Sab. [Sabbath]  We shall have some eight or ten new communicants next Sacramental season. -- next Sab [Sabbath] -- We had quite a number last one.  Edwin is pretty well -- I am much better than I was two or months ago -- I am about to take a journey to Bombay, for my health
            In great haste  As ever your friend   E Burgess

[Written across side] My regards to Mr. B [Banister] - and inquiring friends --

I wrote you a half sheet by the mail which left Sept. 1- and the same by the am of Oct. 1.- Steamer leaves Bombay Dec. 1s


Extract from a letter from Rev. Salmon Cowles to Aunt Banister [Zilpah Polly Grant Banister] -- they are cousins -- he was born June 1784.
            It is dated West Point, Lee Co. Iowa, Sept. 17, '62
            "I have for three for four years past given up the charge of the church in this place, & of the Des Moines College in this place a little longer, but still preach occasionally as I have opportunity -- Last week our Presbytery met at Keokuk, & as Moderator, I preached the opening sermon -- My wife is yet living, & we are on our farm, a little our from West Point, with our son Noah Miner Cowles, with his family, so that in our old age, we have a moderate living & suitable care -- We have not withstanding to wait on ourselves more, on account of Henry our youngest son, & James Noah's oldest son, being in the Army now nearly a year -- James was not quite 16 when he enlisted -- They are both in Co. G. fourth Iowa Cavalry, under Maj. Gen. Curtis -- Henry has been for some time in Memphis City Hospital -- Memphis Tenn. [Tennessee] able to walk about, slowly recovering from camp. fever -- My son Samuel Mills had a son <Samuel> William S. Cowles, by his first wife, about twenty years of age, in the third Iowa Calvary, who fell at Pea Ridge, Ark. [Arkansas] under Gen. Curtis, while fighting his way, with part of his Reg [Regiment], through the Texan Rangers & Indians, by whom they were surrounded.  He first had a finger shot off, & then his horse shot under him, after which he had no way of escape, but was soon shot down --
            My son Salmon has also a son by his first wife, who is about nineteen years of age, in the fifteenth Ohio (Inft [Infantry] (I think)  He is under Buel, in East Tenn. [Tennessee]  His name is Samuel W. Cowles --
            My daughter Lucinda Stewart, who has nine children, has a son, Oscar Eugene Stewart, in the fifteenth Iowa Inf. [Infantry]  He is nearly 18, & is about Corinth Miss. [Mississippi]  He was one of the Reg. [Regiment] that just received their arms, & landed at Pittsburg landing, on the Sab. [Sabbath] morning of the battle, & fought valiantly through the whole two days battle, & came out unhurt, except lying on their arms two or three nights in the cold rain, after which he had to lie in the Hospital for some time.
            I do not know what are God's designs by such terrible judgments upon our beloved Country -- But my mind was struck forcibly with the conviction from the first, & the conviction has been increasing up to this time, that God has some grand purpose to accomplish, by this mighty uprising, & awful chastisement.  From the first I believed that such suicidal madness, & infatuation, as was manifest in the secession of the South, was a token that God was about to accomplish some grand design, & what greater than to overturn the vast & powerful system of slavery, which man could not do."
