Mon. morn.
Dear Brother,
As Abbie is writing I will drop a line. Tho’ I cannot give myself credit for taking “good care” of Abbie, I think she takes pretty good care of herself. As to her patriotism I fear it does not meet the same responses as in her former position. I feel much about the war, as you do, & often inquire in my distress, (as in the days of witchcraft) “When & where will this accumulating mischief & misery end” I have not that full confidence which some express, that “the Lord is on our side.” Yet we must continually look to him, & trust in him. We have no other refuge. May He soon say to the sword & all munitions of war, Return to thy resting place.
How is our dear mother now? By a letter rec’d [received] fr [from] bro. Jno. [John] I understand she is improving. I [w’d?] appear that the Lord has something farther for her to do or suffer, that she may be fully prepared for his presence. Are we not specially called upon to pray for her entire sanctification? Let us try to be faithful.
How is father this spring? I understand they have very kind good attention wh. is a great relief to me.
Where is our dear Joel now? your almost constant companion in your childhood. May the Lord be with, strengthen & comfort him
May we hear from you oftener?
Your affectionate sister
E. Burton.
[Various envelopes]
My dear Caroline,
My headache yesterday & to day tho [though] it threatens to become rich head ache, is not that, & I hope will not be, I hope your kindness to your father, on the confines of heaven, is a service to Christ, in love; & that He will grant you mercy in that day. 2. Tim [Timothy]. 1:16-18.
[...] Mar. [7?].
[fragment of letter from John Grant to Daniel Grant?]
You wish to know what Dr. Knight said to my inquiries &c.
His opinion is that [trouble?] must recur again for the same reason as before. When I asked whether it would be best to try farther for relief he simply said that he could not tell beforehand — implying that it would depend upon the symptoms or the modifications under which the malady should be there formed. Probably under the same circumstance <I think> he would advise to submit to another operation, if I felt disposed. He charged me $30 — for services last spring —
You will perceive that you sent me a good deal more money that I expended for the book but you did not tell me how to dispose of the balance of sixty — cts [cents] or so — I have not the amount in postage stamps — so will keep it till you want some thing else — I use the book in our school — and it was a [tachen?] that I got it so cheap
I am glad Abby has an opportunity to learn much — Give my love to her and Eddie — to sister Caroline also a brother’s love —
I shall write to Mill Brook [Connecticut] immediately the intelligence from Marcus — also to Joel —
In haste
Your aff. [affectionate] brother
Jn. [John] Grant.
[In Daniel Grant papers, undated letter fragment]
Guess ma”
will have to adopt my method of cleaning up — When I get hopelessly behind and my mind burdened with thoughts of things to be done. I sit down make a memorandum; take up one at a time and in earnest, as soon as done cross off and take another, never making a new list until one is finished, ‘Tis bad training for the memory but tis a relief to the mind.
[Other side]
few days [...]
has been up to go 0 perhaps to day also though I have not been over home to see — corn is very backward for this climate but is now growing rapidly we have ploughed most of ours once and some twice though the major part is not more than 4 inches high work all comes in a heap this year people have commenced mowing about here. We shall go at it in earnest next week — ap
[Written in pencil — upper right — “written before 1854, from D Grant 1848-1854”]
there is for others
Your affectionate Son
Daniel Grant
Dear little Abby
I can have but little idea of you, but as the same little Abby, that you were when I left you, though I suppose you have grown a good deal since that time. I love to have you write a few words with grandma when she writes to father. The last time you wrote you said you had a sugar cake for uncle M. [Marcus] & me; but we want to have you eat them or give them to your little brother, or little cousins or whatever you please.
I expect you will be able to write whole letters to me pretty soon.
Can you help grandma considerable about <your> her work.
I expect you are most always a good girl. Father will try to come home before a great while. He wants to see you very much.
Your aff [affectionate] Father
Daniel Grant
Dear Wife
I think I had better finish on this page [B…?] & L.P. came to Marysville [California] last thursday They left for Cherokee Corral about 45 miles from here monday he was not quite well but I presume is better before this They left in good spirits
Your affec. [affectionate] husband
Daniel Grant
Continued from page 4 I have read an old letter from you to Me, in which you state, that you saw a letter in the Connecticut Courant, that states Marysville [California] is at the head of river navigation, & that vessels drawing 11 ft. water can go there 8 months out of 12. Now this is a little nearer the truth than reports of Cal, [California] generally are, boats drawing 11 ft. water can reach here from 2 to 4 months in 12, & boats drawing 5 ft. from 6 to 8, & boats drawing 3 ft. from 10 to 12 months in a year,
You think I was mistaken in the spelling of the name Juba, or Yuba, but I was not, Juba is pronounced without the J. in spanish, The americans have made it american by using Y instead of J, The San Joaquine river retains its spelling but is pronounced San or St. Waukeen. San Juan retains the same spelling, but is pronounced San Wan, i.e. St. John. I presume that it would be nearly correct to substitute the sound of Y in English, for J in Spanish. Joel can tell something about that I presume. I presume there are a great many things that I scarcely notice. I see them so much, that I could write about, that would be interesting, but as they have lost all interest to me if they ever had any, I cant see what
[Annotation, “part of a letter to Caroline Burr Grant from Daniel Grant undated”]
[in pencil] city property is stagnant every where owing to you tampering with the currency
The Republicans are making very bad work. I am afraid that a change to a Democratic administration will be necessary to save our country. If you buy property of John you can have no idea what it will bring a year or five years hence yet to try to save John I am willing you should buy some but you must look out and buy it very low. Low is not sufficient. It must be very low. Real estate in cities is not worth to sell I suppose half as much as two or three years ago.
City property here is worse than a stand still. Property I bought 10 years ago is not worth what I paid for it then and I bought it low.
If it cost us no more to attend to the Wis. [Wisconsin] land than it would if Mary had no share in it that is no reason why she should not pay her share and if she is to have any <ex> equal share in it as a matter of course she must pay her share of expenses but it cost us more to pay the taxes than it would if she had paid her proportion. You estimate the taxes and cost of selling $100, when I think $500, will not pay it. I can’t now tell how much it was but I made two or more trips to Wis. on that business at an expense of more than $100, a trip. I can’t say how much but I distinctly remember that I paid for a ticket from N. York [New York] to Milwaukee [Wisconsin] $52, and some cents wh. [which] would make the fare alone for two trips about $225, and one tax in particular I paid was $83, and some cts [cents], and that was not as large as the last tax for I paid about $25, between $25, and $30, I think besides about $60, you paid. I don’t remember how many years we paid taxes after Mary sold but think they would amount to nearly $300, if not more. You can easily see that you are paying Mary a good deal more than you got when she does not need near as much as you do. I know she has been kind very kind to us and I am willing she should have pay for it yes very glad — but to give her so many hundred dollars is wrong. If Wm. [William] is improvident he has a good situation and earns a good deal & has a good deal left yet. At any rate she is much better off than you are.
It may be years before I am ready to go east Can’t tell. Intend to wind up here soon as I can but it is going to take some time
Love to the friends
Ever Thine
D. [Daniel] Grant
[in pencil: 1870s?]
My babys name is Roger Allen from my husbands friends — he seems well & we think him a good strong healthy child — Grace has named hers Susan Bertha calls her Susie — she is fat & good — Do you not think of coming to New Haven [Connecticut] some time before long? We should be pleased to see you at any time —
I am ashamed to send such a looking letter hope you will excuse the appearance of it — under the circumstances I can do no better — Hope you will write again — will try to answer — Please give love to your sister Mary & family — & accept a share yourself — your friend & cousin
Emma B. Townsend
Mrs. Grant: —
Dear Friend,
I wonder how you are and what you are doing this afternoon! I know you are busy about something
I intended to write you a letter but I have not time now & I want aunt’s letter to go to-night but I will just copy a receipt [recipe] — which I believe I promised you.
Tapioca Cream.
Soak 2 tablespoonful of Tapioca over night in water enough to cover it. In the morning boil 1 qt. of milk with the tapioca — add 2/3 of a cup of sugar — a little salt and the beaten yolks of 3 eggs; stir them in the milk and remove from the fire
On the top put the 3 whites beaten to a stiff froth & flavor to taste. To be eaten cold.
When I want it more of a pudding, I make a sponge cake after this receipt [recipe] which I will give you and line the sides and bottom of a dish with the cake cut in thin slices and pour the mixture in and set aside to cool — putting the beaten whites on top of this.
Sponge cake — cheap.
4 eggs, 3 cups of sugar 1 of milk — 1 teaspoon of soda — flour enough to make a stiff batter. Little salt & spice. Quick oven.
This makes two long tin cakes. I sometimes put in a little baking powder which I think improves it. This is very good
Do not make too stiff.
We are getting our coal in to-day — $5.00 a ton.
It is raining and is getting cooler. It has been very warm.
I must now say good-bye. Do you not see what a hurry I am in? I must now look after my dinner. I am making mutton soup — and we are to have some steamed apple dumpling.
I hope you are well now and that aunt & uncle are no worse than when we were there.
Did your niece visit you?
With much love to all from us all and hoping you may have a pleasant and comfortable winter I remain ever your friend
Fannie C.C.
Mrs. C. Grant. [Caroline Grant]
MillBook [Millbrook, Connecticut] Aug 13
Mr & Mrs. Daniel Grant
Dear Relatives
Your Welcome letter came to hand last evening at about our usual bedtime wish we could hear from you oftener but will take much of the blame to ourselves
The note which seems an important item in your letter may run as long as you wish — indeed I had almost forgotten there was such a note — have managed to pay off our haymakers without it And Mr. Gay at the Bank said I might go on and do another haying if need be and draw needful
What a discouraging time this haying season has been men under pay and little progress made — but we managed to live in through — so much cloudy rainy weather it was enough to make one crazy some of the time
Get in our last yesterday except the “West. or Brown Meadow” which I have not seen this summer but am told it has been pastured and flooded so I think it will not be advisable to try to mow it
Glad to know that your health has improved so you was able to mow and get in some of yr [your] hay yourself even on a wheelbarrow For Ourselves we must report about usual health though a gradual decline in strength gives unmistakable evidence of approaching dissolution — in not far distant future.
Susan (Martin’s widow) who is at the helm in business has hired her haying done by job Marcus has had a man hired but I am not informed how much he has got along but have heard said he was near crazy at having so much dull Weather But the rains have added to the heft of the crop —
We know not what is to be our future but I feel sensibly that I ought not to have the care of the farm another year and perhaps I shall not It is too much for my declining strength mind and [memory?] too are getting treacherous — but such is order of nature to which submission is a duty — With kind regards
I am as ever
Yours Truly
A.O. Finney
Dear Cousins
Was glad to put on my dress & open the door to get a letter from you glad business drove you to write — It was Sophia Rockwell that died not Elizabeth, Henry Rockwells sister, John has been here & wife we talked of you but did’nt see how he could go to you — like his wife much, think he has got another exceptionally good woman — the gullweed you sent me will last me a long time, let some one else have yours or take it yourself Mr & Mrs Beecher were here the first time this summer few days since Beecher looked worn, M, as well as usual <ly well> J.C. took me to the cemetery & [...] myself to J.M. Grants for a few minutes — I am very glad you went to the Anniversary — have read some about it in the advocate — Walter Wakefield’s wife died Thursday at her sisters in Winsted [Connecticut] was buried in Colebrook [Connecticut] Walter was sent for & see to her burial, her son was there too I hear — so we go, “One by one” — I love to think of you in your pleasant home think you have many mercies. Hope I do not quite envy you, — — As long as you can get your milk conveniently I would say don’t get a cow it will bring so much care at Barn & House let some one use the poor hay for litter for horse or other stock —
You <&> both write such good letters, and they do us so much good, can you not make a duty of it & write us often? and we ought to see each other as often <er> as four times in a year, but do not see how I can do my part of the duty —
P.S. remember us kindly to Edward and Wife
A.O. Pinney
Tues. morn [ ]
Dear Children,
I have thought that some of these rainy days we might see some or all of you — but dont suppose it is convenient — I think we have great reason for gratitude that we are not all sick such uncommon weather as we have In some parts they suffer with drought — Have word from Abby that she & Arthur “may make a short visit fore part Sept. or perhaps later or possibly not at all” has not been well, “is not fit to visit.” & does not want word sent all around that she is coming — If she does come perhaps it will be so that you can come up
Our haying was finished week ago today The Bergmans helped — Your Father says it was not worthwhile for Edw. [Edward] to come for such small piece as he wanted done with machine —
Think our oil will last about two weeks — when you come probably better bring some in your oil can. And if you have potatoes to spare would take half bushel or peck — would prefer some of them at least old ones — all old if you have plenty. Shall be glad of a few cucumbers as you spoke of —
There are things of yours ready that I brought that I should think you w’d [would] want. Expect you get your oats in all right & I hope yr. [your] Father B’s [Burr] haying is done “well as could expect” any way —
Mother G —
[On stationary — Beloit College]
Beloit, Wis. [Wisconsin], July 21st, 188 [ ]
My dear Mother —
Your letter should have been answered before this. But since Almon went away day after day I have felt so tired that I have continued to put off all work that I could.
We are having a very trying season. everything in the vegetable line is literally burning up so dry dry and a great deal of hot weather. we shall have nothing from our garden even the tomatoes are drying up. I was glad to hear that they are fairly comfortable at Edwards. I am so sorry for Lucy to have to try get along alone with all those little children.
Almon left here two weeks ago to-day went to Boston visited Willies. also visited Aur. Wilson at Billeraca Went on to Hallowell where he met Mr. Bacon when they proceeded to the Captain’s where Mr. Bacon will spend a few days, there go home for the principal part of his vacation. His father lives in East Hampton. His mother has been in poor health for a long time. Mr. B. [Bacon] is the oldest of six children. Almon did not know when he went away whether or not he should be able to visit you. Will probably write you himself before he comes home. He will not stop in Oberlin [Ohio].
John Grant expects to marry Aug. 11th Miss Anna Coffins of Wiscasset Maine. Almon expects to see him this summer.
Prof. Shurtleff has gone to Europe I suppose. He was expecting to go the last I heard. Laura writes Carrie that they are to take a trip up the Lakes pretty soon.
Carrie is not very well. fever and continuous headaches. Mr. Bacon has let her take his piano during vacation. She enjoys it very much. Harry well and lazy. Arthur well and industrious.
President Chapin has resigned and Pres E. D. Eaton of Oak Park Ill. [Illinois] elected in his place. Mr. Wright one of Almonds assistant has gone to Europe. We shall hardly get as pleasant a man in his place. I have not yet heard from Almon since he reached the Captains, but hope to hear in a day or two. I hope that you and father are well.
With much love to you both.
Your aff. daughter
Abby C.G. Burr
[Note — in pencil. to Caroline Burr Grant from Elizabeth Grant]
New Haven Ct [Connecticut]
Feb 28th ‘83
Dear cousin Carrie
Yours of Feb 11 was received & we were very glad to hear from you — thank you for your sympathy in our sorrow [yet?] — we feel as though Marion had gained a heavenly home and is now and forever at rest. She died of Pneumonia — had been with me since about the first of Nov. when she first came I was quite feeble — had taken cold & had a good deal of malaria — so that under the circumstances there was a great many things she could do to assist me, soon my girl left, & Marion thought that together we could manage the work, for a time, at least my health was improving so that I could do a little more than take care of baby — We got along very well together she only doing the lightest of the work — but she became very tired and thought best to stop & rest awhile. I engaged a girl to come & help me so that she could go rest — she came the 29th of Jan. that being the time M [Marion] proposed to go — was going to Davids from here to make a visit & probably would have visited with all — She was getting ready packing her satchel & arranging her things to leave in her room — when she was taken with a chill & her head ached dreadfully — she went to bed, and began spitting blood right away — this was about ten o’clock, before one, we sent for the Dr; when he came he said it was Pneumonia — but thought until Friday that she would get through it – she died Sat. morn at half past eight — she had a cold for some time & coughed some — & the day before she was taken down she [in pencil — went out to church a slippery, rainy day &] took a little more —
Mother was here all through and took most of the care of her. Cornelia came and <spent> helped what she could — was with her Friday night she passed away very peacefully — without a struggle — she said several times while sick, she was “so tired” “but she should soon have rest” she realized that she could not live and was prepared to go — The funeral was from here — on Monday — Cornelia took cold the day of the funeral and was sick in bed three or four days — was threatened with catching fever is better, and gaining slowly — David & [Eunice?] had both been about sick with colds — but are better now Grace’s husband has been sick with chills — but is as well as usual now — Alonzo’s two children have been afflicted with Whooping cough — had it pretty hard; think they are over the worst of it. Mills has had a very bad cold, is better but gains slowly — we are all pretty well here — baby is quite good now — but I feel as though I had a great work before me, if they all live — Mother is with me yet & is a great help in many ways. That cousin left me last Aug.
Mt. Holyoke Fem. Sem.
[Mount. Holyoke Female Seminary]
So. Hadley [Massachusetts] July 6th
My dear Aunt Carrie [Caroline Grant Burr],
I believe I half promised Uncle Daniel as I bade him good bye, after my pleasant visit at your home, that I would write to you some time, and I have more than once come very near fulfilling that promise, but have delayed for want of leisure or interesting matter to communicate.
I learn from Uncle Marcus that you have sold part of your farm, and suppose you now think of removing to some more favorable location. Will you go farther west? If so I hope we may have the pleasure of seeing you at home. I do not know as we ever should if it did not “happen so”. I wish that the Western Reserve offered sufficient attractions to the farmer to induce Uncle Daniel to settle near us, but suppose that there, very much as in Norfolk [Connecticut], we have an intelligent excellent class of people, but very little highly productive land.
I must tell you what a pleasant time we had here at the Sem. [Mount. Holyoke Female Seminary] last week. I know you would have enjoyed it very much — you would probably have several old acquaintances. You know there are a large number of missionaries in this country now some of whom are formerly connected with this school, and one teachers thinking it would be pleasant to all parties to have a “reunion” invited over one hundred missionaries and patrons and friends of the institution to be here on the 30th last June. Among them were fifteen gentlemen and thirteen ladies who had in all spent 398 yrs of missionary labor. Of the ladies Mrs. Hazen (Miss Martha Chapin) Mrs. Stoddard (Miss Sophia Hazen) Mrs. Howland (Miss Susan Reed) Mrs. Webb (Miss Foote) Mrs. Mills (Miss Tolman) and Mrs. Wilder were formerly pupils and some of them teacher here. “Father Migs” for 45 yrs a missionary in Ceylon. Dr. Perkins 25 yrs. in [Aroomiah?] Persia, Dr. Anderson Secretary of the A.B.C.F.M. [American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions], Ex. President Hitchcock and others of whom we have often read and heard were here and addressed us. — Aunt Banister [Zilpah Polly Grant Banister] and Mrs. John P. Cowles were here from Wednesday afternoon until Friday morning. They have both visited Austinburg, and it was very pleasant indeed to see them. Aunt Banister [Zilpah Polly Grant Banister] looks better and says she feels better than she did there. She is at present boarding in Ipswich. They both charged me to remember them to friends, when I wrote, with much love. – Another wrote me that I would probably have a call from Aunt Abby, but she does not come, and I fear I shall not see her.
My school year closes the 28th of the month, three weeks from tomorrow. I can hardly believe that I am going home so soon. I expect to go to Newbury and other places in Orange Co. [Vt?]. where father’s relatives live, to spend about a week before returning home. I remained at the Sem. last vacation for the sake of studying — read [Amacitia?] with my room mate in that time —. I shall have completed the Junior studies, and shall have only three of the shortest of the Middle studies “back,” and suppose I could easily complete the course here in another year, but rather think I shall prefer to go to the Lake Erie Sem. [Seminary] in Painsville, which opens the 15th next Sept. to graduate, as mother favors my doing so rather than to return home, and the trustees are anxious to have a Junior Middle and Senior class the first year as they did here. — You probably know that Mary Grant is coming here next year. Have you heard of the death of her youngest sister Martha? I have not heard particulars but “the Canton girls” told me that she had been a long time sick, and at last was thought to have the dropsy upon the brain.
Please remember me affectionately to aunt Nettleton, and cousins Margaret and Desiah, and assure them that I shall never forget the pleasant visit I had with them last winter, also to Olive Crissey to whom I feel much indebted of the kindness she has shown me on many occasions. — I often think of the trouble I caused my friends on account of my keys and wonder if I shall ever be so careless again.
Have friends informed you of brother Philander’s expedition to Newfoundland? He started, I suppose, on the 23rd of May, as a passenger on board a cod-fishing vessel in the hope that the sea air might be a benefit to his health, as physicians told him that he was consumptive, and would soon have trouble, if he did not take some such remedy. He does not expect to be back until the middle of Sept.
I hope aunt Carrie you will not feel obliged to answer this poor letter — though we love to hear from you dearly, yet I know you have many cares, and other correspondents who have stronger claims upon you. Will not Abby some time write me? I should be very happy to receive and to answer a letter from her. Please give her much love, as also Uncle Daniel and cousin Eddie and accept a large share yourself
From your aff’te niece
Mary E. Burton
Dear Aunty
We were all glad to hear from you and we are sorry that you have so much on your hands
It is too [bad?] to talk business on Sunday but it seems necessary in this case We did not remember about Carrie’s bond and thank you very kindly for letting [us?] of it
We would like it reinvested and if Cowels & Eldredge will advance the $11.45 we would be glad to have them to so We cannot without great trouble, send any money just now
Messrs C.&E. will of course reimburse themselves with interest, and pay themselves with next years interest
If the party who now has the money wishes to keep it longer I should think it best to let him do so and continue to put in interest in Savings Bank
I hope this will not give you too much trouble and if there should be any expense to you in connection with the business I beg of you to take it out of this years interest
One reason that we are short of money is that Father’s Life Insurance has now been fully paid up and the
[page perhaps missing?]
All send love and Sophie sends this kiss that I have marked below
[curvy circle]
kiss from Sophie
- Tuesday AM.
I kept this letter that I might return Aunt J’s and Abbie’s
This morning none of the trains are running in consequence of the very severe rain storm of yesterday We needed the rain badly I never saw it pour harder
Mail was delayed last Eve and Father and I did not reach home until after nine oclock and had a wet dark walk
Allie fell part way down the cellar steps, on Sunday and sprained her foot and of course has to keep perfectly still
She is comfortable and we are thankful that she is no worse off. She will be able to get around by next week How fortunate that we have help
I may have time now to write a little about L’s presents
Aunt H. gave her Duchess Lace for her wedding dress which was white silk long trip and our dress of little Charly gave a very handsome white embroidered fan
Louis Anderson a very beautiful set of bed-room china Mr & Mrs Hyde Grooms parents an ice pitcher. Mrs Van Fleet a large engraving of a scene from Shakespere [Shakespeare] I believe in a very handsome bronze and velvet frame Allie & Chalmers two handsome towels on which Allie embroidered the letter A. Father you a very pretty colored glass pitcher
Sam, Carrie and I gave a photo of Richter’s “Neopolitan Bay” similar to the one Mrs Earl gave me Cousin Eliza Hill gave a set of 1 [dry?] silver nut picks in handsome case Sophie a very pretty hand satchel of Alligator shire
Charly Hill a pair of vases Cousin Annie Pierce a pair of vases Cousin Nancy some very pretty fine handkerchiefs
Dr & Mrs. Sullivan 1 dry cut glass goblets with monogram
Some one I forget whom gave a hanging lamp all there [were given 1 long?] for table not nearly so pretty as Allie’s Also a tea set of china not very fine also a dessert set with butter flats three very handsome brush & comb case with contents, [another?] silver ice pitcher 1 [casten?] a very pretty lemonade set brass silver with glass pitcher and 1 dry glasses two colors 1 cake basket 1 very pretty fruit dish silver & glass Ella Hill gave a beautiful bureau
[Note attached — part of an account of travel to CA? in Daniel Grant papers]
May 30 Traveled over hills till late in the afternoon when we again came to the river and at the rested a little and then drove across another bend in the river and encamped about two o’clock in the morning —
Oct. 1. To day found plenty of good feed Traveled 10 miles
2. The feed continues good Dis. [distance] 14 miles —
3. We crossed a bend of the river. The road is bad <and> Small pines and cedar begin to spot the hills. We are now getting into the high mountains again and snow is in sight
4. & 5. We continued up the river — The mountains on our right are steep and high and covered with scattering pines of large size and on our left not as high and is nearly barren. Feed good. Dis. 27 miles.
6. Our road led us over a low hill about six miles when we entered a deep canon of the mountains and we followed it up about four miles when night came on and we camped without grass. The road now leads over piles of almost impassible rocks
7. We continued to tumble over rocks till about noon when we found ourselves rolling over a good road in a pleasant mountain valley where we encamped for the night though the feed was poor being eat close. In the canon we found the elders older and some nuts and berries
There name was unknown to me
8. The road was very good to Red Lake. A A Red Lake (which is a very small lake or frog pond as I should call it) we arrived at the foot of the dividing ridge of the Calafornia Mts. [California Mountains] and up this we were obliged to carry our loads on our backs and double teams for nearly empty wagons Distance 11 miles
9. At half past nine we gained the summit of the ridge and we drove over a rough and rocky road to another small lake known by the name of Lake Valley where we arrived at one o’clock and encamped This is at the foot of the highest ridge of the Mts. Distance five miles
10 This morn. when we arose the ground was covered with snow two inches deep. To day we ascended the highest ridge and reached the summit at half past four a distance of four or five miles. We left an ox that gave out and ascended about three miles and encamped. It has snowed some all day here: and there is no feed for our cattle Distance eight miles
11 This morn. the snow is three inches deep or more. The teams were started at half past eight and I went back after the ox that was left and labored with him all day but did not get him more than four miles and finding that I was given to be benighted I left him and went on and overtook the teams in camp a little after dark. The snow has melted considerable to day and the cattle are in good feed. Distance six miles
12 We drove about three miles and found good grass and stopped for the night. We passed two small lakes and there is one to the right of the road a little distance before us. The evening is cold and our log fire if very comfortable. The snow is nearly all gone
13. A fine day. Our road has been better and we have made a good days drive considering the condition of the team. We were visited when <[converse?]> at dinner by a small company of men <from> employed by government to assist all who are in need on the road. Found to day small red cherries growing on very small bushes and a large red goose berry which was very nice. The fine fir and white cedar grows here very tall and handsome many of them five and six feet through. We are again encamped without feed or water. Dis. 12 miles.
14 We started and drove five miles to water and encamped and turned our oxen into the wood to get what they could their being no grass. We met a drove of oxen sent out by government for emigrants and later in the day train of pack mules loaded with provisions.
15. We encamped without water or grass but we find plenty of oak brouse. Oak is now beginning to be rather plenty and continues to grow plenty as we descend. Today we lost an ox. It was one that we picked up yesterday He gave out and we left him to rest and in about half an hour I went for him but did not find him, but found the place where he lay and the road full of Indian tracks
16. I arose early this morn and found an ox had been stolen in the night and then I aroused the camp and as soon as it was light we went in pursuit We tracked him to an Indian lodge where we found he had been slaughtered. The Indians fired upon us and hit Mr. Elliot in the shoulder. They had secreted themselves and we thought it imprudent to try to hunt them out the brush being very thick and it was not safe to be their. We got under way about 9 o’clcok. Dis. 10 miles.
17. The road has been good to day. We encamped in a pleasant valley nine miles from a small town called Weavertown on a creek of the same <nam> name. We are now in the gold mines
18 I prospected some to day but found very little gold. I saw some mining. I have great reason to be thankful that I have reached this place in safety. God has been good to me
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