[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
Paducah, Ky. [Kentucky] Jan. 7, 1862
Dear Sister,
The reception of a letter from Abby, in which she says that Mr. Russell has sent her the semi- annual interest on your loan, ($45) and asks how she shall dispose of it, suggests to me the propriety of writing home, a duty I have for some time been contemplating. I am now expecting as soon as the troops here are paid (which well be in a week, or ten days at the farthest) to return home for a few days, and I have ventured to write to Abby to hold the money until I return to Chicago when I will see the Draft & all else that appertains to it. I have now been from home four months, and during all that time have not been able to send any thing to my family, for the reason that, since Sept. 1, we have not been paid. There has been sad neglect* in this matter, the more inexcusable as the Govt. has during all this period had a sufficiency of funds, and by the law of Congress the troops are to be paid every two months, which in our case would have been Nov. 1 and Jan. 1. Many of our soldiers have families (judging from our own Regiment about one seven) and in most instances these families are directly dependent on their wages for support. The disappointment has been serious therefore in their cases.
In these circumstances I have ventured to say to Abby that for the few remaining days that will laps before I get my pay she may retain the money, and I will <pay> forward you the Draft before I get home as I pass through Chicago. The only difference it will make with me is that I shall thus avoid carrying just that amount home.
It is not easy to get leave of absence here. The exception has been that we were on the eve of great events – a great expedition down the Mississippi, or elsewhere, and very few have been able to get away. After all we have done nothing, more than to hold and fortify this place, and another point (Smithland 12 miles above here) on the Cumberland River. What has kept us back we can but partly see, though I feel that God himself is holding us in check until we see clearly the way to act as our present circumstances demand, and assail the South in it weakest point. – Slavery. Should we advance without attacking this I should expect or at least greatly fear disasterous defeat. Whether our rulers will see the true nature of the crisis, or seeing it will dare to meet it, it seems at present doubtful.
Beyond all questions the times must be very hard in most parts of our country, and I often think of my acquaintances and friends who are, or are likely to be, overwhelmed by them. Many must lose their all. The shrinking of values in real estate, the stoppage of most kinds of business not directly connected with the war, and the low price of produce must ruin pecuniarily vast numbers. I feel that it is, indeed, a Baptism of Fire through which our nation is passing.
In securing the position I occupy I felt myself doubly fortunate, perhaps I ought to say triply. I felt glad to be connected directly with the defenders of my country*, I rejoiced in being placed in such a position as to do something to keep up the principles and practices of religion, and in which my labors are well rewarded. But as matters go, I fear that association with the defenders of the country is but likely to prove a great honor, for every thing seems to be another link in a chain of blunders. The other two objects I hope I am securing in a good degree.
We hold our services now in a Church belonging to the Campbellite denomination. It is new – large (holding about 500) and neat. They have no minister at present (<an is the> and this is true of every congregation here) and there is some diversity of feeling on the part of the few members of the Campbellite congregation still remaining in town with reference to our occupying their <Ch> House. I received a letter from one of them (a secessionist) professing to be in the name of the Congregation requesting me to preach there no more, though our first entrance into it was by his consent. On inquiring it was evident that he had acted without authority from the congregation, and after consulting with the Col. we concluded to go on as usual, and shall probably continue to do so long as cold weather lasts. The regiment marches to the music of a band to and from church
I have been well since coming into the service. I get permission to leave for three weeks <in view> <in the> in order to take home the spare wages of the regiment, of those who have been in since Sept. 1. he who received least has $52. I hope that on an average they will send home $30, or about $30.000. I shall not have charge of all this, perhaps not of more than a third. I am to leave as soon after pay day as I can arrange the accounts. It will be a good deal of work, but I shall undertake it cheerfully. I shall ordinarily leave the money at the nearest express office or deposit it in Banks and send Drafts. If you write me within two weeks after receiving this direct to Lockport, afterwards direct to me as Chaplin 12th. Reg. Ill. Vol. Paducah, Ky. at least till you have an intimation of my change of place. I should like to know where I can address Aunt Banister – or something about her.
The weather has been very pleasant here this winter thus far. We have scarcely had snow, and but little freezing weather, while most of the days have been even warm in the middle and after part. My love to all your aff. brother Joel Grant Chaplain 12th Reg. Ill. Vol.
* This neglect is attributable to our Gen (E. F. Smith) not to the Govt. directly.
* Yet it is the final result alone that determines the desirableness of any position. Duty is always safe
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
Paducah, Ky. [Kentucky]
Jan 29, 1862
Dear Sister,
I have been disappointed in not getting such a permission to leave the army as it seemed best to use, (seven days being all the liberty I would get) and therefore neither have visited my family nor expect to do so at present. We took a march through the country a few days since leaving Paducah Jan. 15, and returning Jan. 25, having been out 11 days and 10 nights. We marched S. from here to Mayfield 30 miles. Camp Beauregard is about 9 miles to the S. W. of Mayfield, and was abandoned at our approach. We then went in an easterly direction, through Murray the Co. seat of Calloway Co. to the Tennessee River, which we reached 45 miles from Paducah, and 20 miles below a rebel fort a little over the Ky. line in Tenn. called Fort Henry. We met no enemy, in force, and had no battle. Our troops numbered a little more than 5000, consisting of six Regs. of infantry – and detachments of Cavalry and Artillery. The object of the movement seems to have been as much to occupy attention while a portion of our forces made an attack on Somerset, as to make any attack ourselves.
But I cannot dwell on these things. We were paid yesterday for four months – Up to Jan. 1. I inclose $45 for Mr. Russell. You will acknowledge the same <for> to him, according to forms I have heretofore given “Rec.d interest on (here describe note) up to Dec. 23, 1861. If you mention any sum it must be $37.1/2 not $45, for reasons that I believe you understand. So in indorsing the amount on note say Rec.d interest on this note to Dec 23,’61 etc.
It is possible that you have rec.d another draft from Aiken & Norton for this purpose. If so pass this over to Father and let him endorse it on his note against me.
Your aff. brother Joel Grant.
[The following part of this letter was written in pencil and does not appear to be in the hand writing of Joel Grant]
The form wh. he gave when he sent the other interest is as follows.
$37.50/100 Rec’d of B. F. Russell Thirty seven Dollars & fifty cents, being the interest to June 23, 1861. Upon a note of $750 wh. I hold against him.
You will please acknowledge rect of money will you not.
C. [Caroline]
I do not know whether Abby will send on that letter to him though I presume so You can if you think necessary write again to him at Paducah Ky. Chaplin 12th Reg. Ill. Vol.
[Addressed to] Mrs. Daniel Grant
Mill Brook
Your Sister Abby Grant. Feb. & Apr. 62
Lockport, Ill. Feb. 19, 1862.
Dear Sister Caroline,
I have delayed too long the answering of your letter, and Abby’s, both of which gave me great pleasure. I can give no good reason for the delay, except that every day brings all I can meet, and my correspondents have had to be neglected, all but one, my husband.
I write to him always once, and generally twice a week. Several days since he wrote me to write you respecting the address to Dodge Co. He said Tell them to address, Treasurer of Dodge Co. Juneau, Wis. asking amount of taxes, and offering to pay in a Draft on N. Y. I presume you have heard from him recently, for in the last I had, he said he had just sent a draft to Father Grant. I can hardly express to you the scenes we have been thro’ here since last Friday. We hear by the morning paper at 11. & evening one at six, all that the papers can give of the war news. We knew when the troops started from Ft. Henry, for Ft. Donelson and knew there must be terrible fighting before it could be taken, and we were sure our men never would give up. Sat. eve buo’t us no comfort, & then came a long day and night in which we could not hear. Sunday was a day to fear in, for the last news was of our wing being driven back. Monday morn & all was uncertain, Mond. eve paper came headed “Ft. Donelson is ours” – In that every heart rejoiced, but the fear, the agony of suspense as there was no list of the killed and wounded. Brief mention of a few officers, who had fallen, buo’t grief to us, for there was one Lieut. Irwin, from Joliet, whom some of us knew - I have met his wife. It was a sleepless night to all of us who have friends there; husbands, sons, brothers, lovers, gone from this place, made many very anxious. – No full lists have yet been given, but I hope, from the fact that I have received no telegram, that my husband is among the living – People often say to me, Mr. Grant is in no danger – but I cannot conceive of any one being there at all, and being safe. – The accounts in yesterdays & to-days papers, shew the bravery, & courage of our men – I cannot see how they can face such danger, how they can rush up such steeps, and into the enemy’s rifle pits. Thus they did, and a great victory is gained. I expect to get a letter soon telling how it [seemed] to Mr. Grant. I fear for him constantly, but find some rest in committing him to Our Father’s care.
His trip from Paducah to Ft. Henry was tedious but Mr. G admits he was glad he went etc. etc.
You will see the particulars of the battle etc etc – so I will say no more about it.
Mr. Grant wrote me the week before they left Paducah, that he would as soon as possible go to Cairo an St. Louis, and telegraph to me, & I was to leave the next morn for that place. I was ready only putting things in the truck, to go. John was to stay at Mr. Smiths (they are Ct. people, have a son near John’s age, with whom J. is intimate) I cooked just enough to last from day to day, etc. when I saw the announcement that the 12th Reg. with others were in route for Ft. Henry. It was a great disappointment to us both, but we do hope yet to see each other before long. I wrote last night to know if I might come to Ft. Donelson. Hope I can go. You will judge by________
Friday P. M. There I was interrupted, till after mail time – yesterday a friend from Iowa came in the morn, & has just gone.
[Tues.] eve I had a letter from my dear husband, he wrote at intervals when he could get a moment. The scenes thro’ which he is passing are heartrenching, but no better man than he could be found to perform kind offices – Fear I shall not see him till after they have been on to Nashville – A good many have been in to hear the letter read, and ask if Mr. g. made any mention of their friends. –
Had a letter from John yesterday. All well. My John goes to school steadily, is the best Latin scholar in school, (thanks to his father), is not specially forwardly in other things tho’ I hope tries to be faithful in the main – He is getting more careful this winter about a clean collar, cravat, brushing his boots and clothes, but cannot yet remember to clean his teeth, every day, without telling. He saws the green wood we use in our sitting room stove, we bo’t the dry all cut. Our cow is now dry, we buy a pint of milk a day, we have a doz. chickens wh. we mean to eat along before summer - We drink part, sometimes all barley for coffee. Almost every one uses some substitute for coffee. Had a present a few days since of two gallons of sorghum. It is excellent, we use buckwheat about half the mornings, we often wish our dear absent one could be supplied as we are. He sometimes gets the best, then again gets little – Think I will send you his last letter, and you may send it to brother John. You will all be interested in it. I long to see him again.
Willy’s fits are better for a few weeks, as they often are in cold weather. John is over ft. high, some taller than I am – Is as strong as any one growing so fast can be –
I hope Daniel will do well in his business and find it easier to get along than in the past. Abby cannot be in a better place than with Mrs Phillips – I shall try to write her ere long. You see I have written mostly about war matters. If the excitement is less next time, will try to be better.
Hope Father & Mother keep well as usual, and Marcus, and you all. I hear nothing from Norfolk. Guess they have all forgotten me, it’s no matter. I shan’t forget them – If I have not answered the questions you asked, please give them in y’r next. I will try to be more punctual in writing, but my work takes a good deal of time, & duties of church. Sab. School, Sew. Soc.’ – Female & c’h. prayer meetings, Sociables, etc., ect., keep me unusually busy. It is getting dark. I must close - Let me hear some as you have time. Much love from John & me to father, Mother, and you all – Your aff. sister
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
Lockport, Apr. 1, 1862.
Dear Sister,
The enclosed letter from Joel came this morning. He writes cheerfully, & I hope will keep in good health.
Three weeks ago last Sat. P. M. I received a dispatch from Paducah, saying Mr. G. will be in Cairo, Mond. & wished me to come – I took the train here, Mond. morn at half past ten, & reached Cairo, Tues. morn at six.
Went to the St. Charles hotel, & found Mr. G’s, name was not registered, and knew by that he had not arrived. Soon I went down to order up my luggage, & saw the same old striped carpet bag, that has seen so much service in the family, standing by the door, with a familiar trunk, & roll of blankets strapped to it. I asked the darkey who was watching it, where the gentleman was who owned that baggage. “He’s coming down there maam,” and soon he came up looking so thin and weary, as to make me heart sick. He had just come off the boat from Paducah, & had slept very little, the boat was so full. We staid one day at the St. C. but soon as possible went to a family where Mr. G. boarded last summer, & where several of our acquaintances now are boarding.
Joel was very unwell for two days & nights, & I had fears of a fever, but my Homeopathic box contained the little pills that arrested the diarrhea, & fever. He soon rallied, & was quite well when I left, the next week Wed. morn. at half past three. We had a precious visit, one we shall both remember as an oasis. It was hard to leave him to go down amidst the rebels, but it was best, for I could be of little use amid so many hardships & was needed more here.
John staid at Mr. Smith’s here,<where he> who has a boy of his own age, with whom J. is intimate. John, has often helped Mrs. S. by milking for her, when her girl was gone, & in many ways been helpful, and Mrs. S. has often said, “John is to come here when you go to see Mr. G.” She says he was a good boy, & gave her no trouble – Mrs. S’s sister from Odell, 70 miles from here, sent for J. & George Smith to come down & spend a few days. So they went last Sat. & are to return Thurs. eve of this week – Mrs. S. was in this morn, said she had a letter from G. they were well, & having a good time. A change will do J. good, & help him to study better next term.
Spring is coming on, already the tulips have started, & the other [borders?] look green. I fear the summer for our armies. I am so glad Mr. G. & Philander B. have met, hope they can often see each other
Love to father & Mother & all the family, from your aff. sister
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
3 m. S. of Cornith, Miss.
July 1, 1862.
Dear Sister,
Abby informs me that Mr. Russell has paid to her the semi annual interest on your loan, and asks me what she shall do with it. Being thus in a measure called upon to decide, I conclude to send you a letter, through her. I shall direct her to inclose for you a draft for $45, for wh. you will indorse on Mr. Russell’s note “Rec.d interest to June 23, 1862.” In a letter to Abby, which <you> she will send to me you will also inclose a receipt for Mr. Russell. You will mention no specific amount (or if you do it will be $37.1/2, being the interest at 10 per cent) but will say, “Rec.d of B. F. Russell the interest on a note of #750 which I hold against him to June 23, 1862, “ or words to that effect.
The papers have informed you of the main facts respecting us here. Our Reg. (together with others) was assigned the duty of garrisoning Corinth, & taking care of Rail Roads etc. in its vicinity, and it seemed probable that <I> we might stay here for some time. But the news of McLellan’s reverse near Richmond came yesterday, and also an order for 25,000 troops to be furnished by the army here, to succor those in Va. As the result we may be called to Va., though, as yet, we have not rec.d orders. Our former Col. (now Brig. Gen. McArthur) has rec.d orders to go, with all his Brigade – which does not embrace us. In any case so large a withdrawal will weaken us here, and render us more liable to attack in points where the enemy may see fit to mass his troops, and pour down upon us. The news of McLellan’s ill success created great sorrow here, as it must over all the land. We were looking for the speedy subjugation of the rebels, but this will probably postpone that event many months.
We are in a pleasant place at present. Our camp is in a shady grove, is dry, and, for the climate, healthy. We have, as yet, no trouble from musquitoes; a relief we did not expect. The weather is hot – every day, but as yet we have had no special sickness resulting from the climate. It will be wonderful if we escape long in his way.
I was sick for three or four weeks, dating from one week after the Pittsburgh battle. I recovered so as to be in the siege of Corinth during its three last weeks, and am pretty well now. With love to all. I am
Your aff. brother,
Joel Grant
Chaplin 12th Ill. Inf.
Corinth, Miss.
I have lost sight, for the present, of Philander Burton. I cannot tell where he is and have not heard of him for several weeks. I suppose he participated in the siege of Corinth, but am not certain.
[Addressed to] MrsCaroline Grant
Mill Brook
Lockport, Ill. 4th. July ’62.
Dear Sister Caroline,
Not knowing if you have of late heard from my husband, & if not, Father & Mother will feel anxious. I will write or little this P. M. We are not in a jubilant mood at all here; the news of McClellan’s retreat, the terrible loss of life, & the dark war aspect in other quarters, make us sad, and undemonstrative
Received a letter from Mr. G. last eve written June 27, & 28, - he was at Corinth, Mis. there are 13 Reg. three Brigades there they expect to remain for a time & garrison Corinth. Their Div. Generals name is Gen. Daviss -
Mr. G was well, except an attack of Cholera Morbus, from drinking lemonade; he will not try it again I hope; the water is so bad, anything to relieve it must be tempting.
He thinks he shall not try to get a furlough till Aug. or Sept. when he will have been absent from home a year -
The demand for Western men at Richmond, may change the whole programe & the next thing I hear may be, - that that Div. are on their way east. I feel uncertain in every thing, always expecting if the porter from the telegraph office is coming on this street, that he is bringing me a dispatch of some kind. Mr. G. says the heat is terrible there, & the dust, flies, etc. etc., most uncomfortable I hope he will keep well, & out of the hands of guerrillas and that in the course of two or three months I may have a visit from him.
We are in usual health. John with the other boys of his age has been trying to amuse himself on this 4th., but he says it is very dull down town, a few fire crackers, occasionally a pistol shot, are all we hear –
Willy is much as usual. The anxiety of these days make them pass rapidly, in the main, tho’ some pass slowly. We are having warm weather now, our rhaspberries are just ripe – have plenty currants, some cherries, & prospect of grapes –
By a letter from Mary Phelps, yesterday, I hear that Abby is not well. I hope it is nothing serious.
How is Daniel, & does his business go well? Is Eddy well? & is your own health good this summer?
How are Father & Mother? and Markus? Are the other friends well?
I hope to hear from you ere long. How shall the $45 int. money be sent you? In what form?
With love to all, I am as ever your aff. sister
Abby –
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
Newark, July 29, 1862.
Tues. P. M.
My Dear Sister –
Your favor came this morning – and almost decided my course for me. Yet with regard to the proffer of pecuniary assistance, I may feel compelled to accept it temporarily, but shall insist that it be regarded as a loan to be repaid. I may so borrow here as to render it unnecessary for me to avail myself of you generous proposal. Will write again of that, as also the place for Abby to meet me. – You see I now write as if I were resolved to go. My efforts to collect are simply useless – but I shall still make an effort while I can.
Tomorrow I shall go to N. Y. and will get such information as shall enable me to decide where Abbie had better meet me. The fare to Cleveland from N. Y. is the same via Albany & Central R. R. as by Erie R. R. so it is to me a matter of indifference which route we take. I shall prefer not to go before Tuesday, <and may possibly find [....] a later day advisable – Will inform you in [.....]> – (N. B. For matured plan see other sheet)
Keep pretty well up with the mails this week. I will not propose to go before Tuesday however. I shall not need to write you again till Abbie & I meet in Albany. Expect a letter next Wed. eve from us.
Received a letter from Gertie also this morning. She arrived at Canton last Tuesday having made a two week’s’ visit at Austinburg She and Will are very well. Will is in high favor with his grandparents. Gertie had seen brother & sister who, she says, are not changed apparently. Boyd only of the children is at home just now. [Audsen?] Day arrived home on the day of Gertie’s arrival – very fortunately it worked well. She does not say what called him home - nor how long he will stay.
Little Katie Van [Waganen?] (whom you remember) died suddenly last Friday P. M. about the time of my last to you. Was nearly 4 years old – and a lately happy home is made very desolate and sad.
She was the only child and a very bright promising one.
<Will write so that you shall get it as early as Sat. perhaps Friday>
With reference to Mother’s affliction, I wish to know whether is has assumed a marked malignant character – and whether there is a rapid change.
With love to all – and especial gratitude to you and brother Daniel for your offer. I am your ever aff. brother
Jno Grant.
[Addressed to] Mrs. Caroline Grant
Mill Brook
Conn. [Connecticut]
Bills of Abbie’s Expenses to Ohio
Austinburg. Aug. 12, ’62.
Dear Sister,
Abbie has written you of our safe arrival and has, I doubt not, told you of our journey, visit to Niagara, etc.
We find all well <t>here. Mary Grant is still here and proposes to visit in this part of the state for some time yet to come.
I intend to leave for Canton tomorrow – probably stopping in Cleveland to see Edward & Nelson Griswold.
Abbie enjoyed the visit to Niagara very much. It cost us about $3.00, or including Extra R. R. fare, about $4 more than to have come direct by Buffalo. I took care to have Abbie see everything about the Falls.
We left Niagara Falls at 6&1/2 P. M. of Wed. and Buffalo at 10 same evening, expecting to stop at Kingsville - to breakfast, but found our train did not stop at K. We had therefore to stay in Ashtabula for friends to come for us longer than was pleasant. <Oth> Otherwise our journey was very pleasant indeed.
Abbie seems very contented and happy here – and is already much loved.
Perhaps I ought to give statement of Abbie’s Expenses and of our joint expedition on the way. It is somewhat as follows – from Albany hither.
Abbie’s fare from Albany to Buffalo, via Niagara $6.60. Buff. to Ashtabula $3.65
or - Total fare $10.25
At Niagara for both Admission to see Whirlpool .50
Toll across Susp. Bridge .50
Carriage thence to Table Rock .25
Musuem .50
Crossing to American Side .50
To Goat Island .50
Baggage Expense .25
Total at Falls $3.00
Abbie for Book & views .35
Refreshments in all 1.18
ount. Call my share 2.00 Bal. $12.78.
I have the $10 sent by Abbie as a part of the means of getting back East – and of which I will render such acct. as is right in due time.
We have had pretty hot weather most of the time since we came.
Perhaps Abbie will write to you a little in this. All send love to you all.
Your aff. brother
J. G.
Wed. morn. Aug. 13 –
This morning is cool and beautiful. We are all well. I leave this morning. Expect to spend a few hours at Painesville.
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
Newburyport, Mass. Aug. 30, 1862
My dear Caroline,
Young generous letters of February last, rich in family intelligence & genial in spirit, I highly prized. Wishing to reply in some degree worthy of so valuable an epistle, & being so limited in my writing that I could not, at my present time, I have delayed in hope, till I am constrained to allow myself just to speak to you in gratitude & love, as I see not when I can do more. - How are you now, & how are all your loved ones? – Through different sources, I have learned that your father & mother are not so well as they were half a year ago, that your daughter has not been well, that she has gone to Austinburg, Ohio, & that is about all. Whether your brother Joel has officiated as Chaplain since last spring, I have not heard.
Through the spring & summer I have been a sufferer, from what my physician supposes may be the scrofula, manifesting itself in various forms of inflamation. Just at present I am in a more comfortable state than before since last winter. There seems an abatement of my difficulty. Perhaps it is subsiding.
Generally it has not seemed like the breaking down of my constitution, & a general failure. So many of the functions of the system have had such a degree of healthful action, that in my best state, my aspect would be suited to give a stranger the idea, that I might be pretty well. – Not having been well enough to journey, or even to be away from the comforts, which had become necessaries , I have had no definite plan for going any where, & cannot at present form any. A large amount of discipline has, for many years, been applied to me, as if on purpose to lead me to live in the present, & moment by moment, unto Him who created & redeemed us. I blush with sorrow that I have been so slow to learn to live constantly for eternity. As to the [future?] in this world, it is doubtful whether I [see it?], & if I do live a little longer here below, what is before me, that I nearly look into it in sober thought or even in imagination. Earthly props are taken away that the soul may lean wholly upon the Lord. When we assume the burdens of the undeveloped future as we are pruned in imagination to do in our want of faith, <so> much is subtracted from our present strength for sustaining our present burdens. What depth of meaning, in the words, Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, & all connected in Mat. 6: 24 – 34.
The note from my aged brother was most grateful to my feelings. My heart has responded, tho my pen has not. When you next write, as I hope will soon, perhaps you can tell me of his scripture reading, & of subjects which interest him. – I think of your mother as quiet & sustained in her sufferings, & as looking forward in hope to the time when she shall be absent from the body & present with the Lord
Assure them both, & Marcus & Daniel, & all kindred of my love best wishes always. In love & sympathy y’rs
Z. P. Banister [Zilpah Polly Grant Banister]
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
Mill Brook
Conn. [Connecticut]
From Mary Burton
Oct. ‘62
Austinburg, Oct. 30th 1862.
My dear Aunt,
Thank you very much for your good letter received a week or more ago. It is not because I do not enjoy hearing from you as much or more than ever before, that I have become such a poor correspondent of late, but, as I have already assured you, because I am so busy.
We love to have Abbie with us, and hope that her stay here will not be an unprofitable one to herself. She is studying pretty hard this term, but I think not so as to endanger her health, and as the term is drawing to a close, perhaps she would better not drop either of them.
She thinks she will <not> take but two studies during the winter term. I suppose she will go on with her Algebra and Latin. It will be an advantage to her, if she goes to So. Hadley, to have a knowledge of Algebra, as it would be a long hard study if she took it up there for the first time. She will finish nicely Andrews and Stoddard’s Latin Reader within the year, and be prepared to take Nepos or Sallust. I wish she could have another year upon her Latin before she goes to Holyoke, as she could there finish the course in three years with ease. Perhaps you will conclude to let her remain with us longer, than was at first proposed. I think she is interested in her studies, and will make a fine scholar.
I think mother does not feel that Abbie adds to her cares and labors. True, we are both very much occupied with the duties of school five days in the week but upon Monday we hold ourselves at Mother’s service. Abbie puts the house in order while I assist about the washing. Our family is not large, and when we are all well, mother does not find it hard to do her work without much help – indeed she prefers it. Do not feel troubled for fear Abbie will not do her part. She has always shown a disposition to do all, and more, than was asked of her.
With regards to matters of dress, I think our views accord with yours. Austinburg is not a dressy place, and we approve Abbie’s taste, and think she is amply provided for. I do not think a silk dress an essential part of her wardrobe while she remains here, - She will tell you about her arrangements for this winter. I wish we might have found a pretty all wool delaine such as we wanted, but I could not find it in Ashtabula or Jefferson and finally concluded to take a dress for myself from a piece of blue parametta which suited me better than anything else I found, and Abbie got one like it. I suppose we are in the habit of paying higher prices here than you do east, though probably there is not much difference.
We can furnish her with money until it is convenient for you to send, just as well as not, and we are happy to do so.
Brother Willie was engaged in the battle of Corinth. We were quite uneasy about him, after we heard that Hurlburt’s Division was there, until we received a letter from him, stating but two of his Battery were hurt, and they not seriously. He seemed quite elated as the part his battery had taken in the engagement, said that the General told them that they had done more execution than any other two batteries on the field. We also had a letter from Philander a few days since. He reports himself well, and enjoying himself as well as possible under the circumstances.
We heard that Grandpa was having a number of photograps taken, and trust that we shall be remembered in distribution of them.
I am very glad that Eddie is going to be under the instruction of uncle John. He has written us that he thinks that the young man who is boarding with them will be a very agreeable companion for Eddie, as well as an excellent example. – Our Eddie has had quite a severe sickness of a week – was threatened with a course of fever but is about again. Mother joins me in sending love to all of Grandpa’s dear family.
Very affectionately, your niece
Mary E. B.
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
Austinburg Ohio.
Nov. 16, 1862
My dear Mother,
I receive your letter with what it contained all safe and sound, and was very thankfull, (somebody just hit my arm) for it you may be sure. I received the five which you sent some time ago. The photograph of Grandpa was firstrate, thank him very much. It is Sunday evening, and we are going to start before light tomorrow morning for Canton. I have been to the prayer meeting this evening, and have not much time to write.
I donot have any blotches come out excepting once in a great while
Am glad they have named the<r> baby Cassie, they ought to.
I saw about Uncle Clarks death in the Independent, knew it was he. Am very very sorry. Am glad Mary Wallis is with Aunt Mary.
I have not heard from Linnette for sometime, last time I heard she was sick with the Dysentery. She said there were a great many dying with it. I have had two letters from her since I have been here, and have written as many and I think one more.
The Institution is distant, about a quarter of a mile or less. Am glad Rene Eldridge is married. Do you whether cousin Ralph has any office or not. Cousin Will Burton has been in the hospital for a time but is well now, he is at Bolivar, he says that about 20,000 troops left to go after Price not long ago, but they have left to guard the place because their horses were unfit for use, and their new ones had not come. In the battle of Corinth the Gen. complimented Will’s Battery very highly. Will sent home a piece of shell which came ‘not far from his head.’ Phil<l> is still in Jackson.
Am glad you wrote about our other friends who are in the army.
Has Mrs. Allen recovered yet. Am glad McClellan is removed, hope something will be done now.
It is getting late and I must go to bed or I shall be tired tomorrow. We are going to stop in Cleveland and look around the City for my benefit.
Give my love to Father and Eddie and all the rest. I hope you will be able to read this. I will write a longer letter another time.
Your aff daughter
Abbie E. Grant.
Wrote to Mr. Eddy some time ago, have received an answer which is real good.
All send love
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