Letter 1 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Mrs Caroline Burr,
Ct. [Connecticut]
My dear Caroline,
Often, very often do thoughts of the past come over me, and with these, come images of the loved ones of other days, —
And surely then, the friends of the last year, claim a place in my memory — Yes, I often think of you, and of others that I loved, and the remembrance is like a pleasing dream. But those days are past, and we can only remember their scenes. — And where are you this winter? — and what are you doing? If I may be so inquisitive. Do you ever wish you were back to Holyoke [Mount. Holyoke Female Seminary] with your sister Mary [Mary Burr Hill]? She looks so much like you, that I almost think you are here, once in a while. Mary will tell you about all the changes here, and about all the improvements upon the old system of things. I felt like a stranger when I first came back, and thought I never could love the new building as well as I did the old one, And indeed I used to say in the secrecy of my heart, when I looked about on the multitude of strange faces, that I never should love them, as well as I did those with whom I use to mingle last year — But I am <going> beginning to love new things, and new faces for they have now become familiar.
But you will ask of our religious state — I can say that we trust the spirit of God has been among us, altho’ there has not been that general effusion which there was last year, We have had a day of fasting and prayer — It was a solemn day, as you well know that they always are here, — it was a day when I trust Christians humbled themselves before God, and sinners were converted. There were a number of interesting conversions on that day. — [Miss?] Abby Brown was one. When your thoughts turn back to Holyoke [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary], do you ever think of our little praying circle on Saturday eve? Then think of me. I had a letter from Catherine Blair a little time ago. She was well and happy — she is teaching a select school in Hyde Park N.Y. [New York] — You probably heard of the death of Anna Maria Clarke — Truly, every day brings with it sad evidence of death’s doings. —“—“—“—“
Now my dear Cara Burr, you are well acquainted with the press of business here, at the close of a Sem [Semester], and therefore I shall offer no excuse for this hastily written note, for our friends must accept hurried letters, or none from Holyoke’s busy daughters.
Do write me a long note by Mary [Mary Burr Hill], — do not fail,
With love from,
Caroline E. Bois,
Tuesday Eve.
[Added in another hand:]
Caroline E. Boies Married 1848 to Geo. B. Ely Esq. of Trenton N.J. In 1852 removed to Jamesville Wis [Wisconsin] —
Caroline Grant
Letter 2 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Caroline Burr.
South Hadley [Massachusetts] March 20 [1842?]
My friend Caroline,
Your sister is going to have us today, and I cannot let such a good opportunity pass without writing a few lines, although my time is fully occupied. I must just tell you that you are not forgotten though you are absent. Often ones memory turn to the scenes of last year and particularly those in which you had a part. I love to think of our little circle for prayer, Was there not often a union of soul as we bowed together to pray to our Heavenly Father? And do we not now though separated still meet at the Throne of Grace? I hope we do and that we not only pray for ourselves and friend at such times, but for a world lying in wickedness. Do you not feel that we have much to do in this work and need to be active?
To be sure we are very sinful and our prayers are unworthy to receive answers of mercy yet the obligation still rests upon us and we should be willing to meet it.
I wish I could I see you now and know how you feel upon the subject of religion. I hope you enjoy the light of the Savior’s countenance and are growing rapidly in grace. We may enjoy such blessings if we only seek [aright?] for them. I wish I could tell you that I am thus blessed, but I cannot, for I turn away from the path of duty too often and am too cold-hearted to be happy thus. Will you not pray for me that I may be useful in my situation here?
I should love to see you and converse as we used to upon this subject. — the bell has rung and I cannot write more, now
I shall wish to hear from you and your sister after she returns home. We are sorry to have her leave but hope her health may be better
In Haste
Your aff. [affectionate] friend
Susan Reed.
[Added in another hand:]
Now <Rev> Mrs. Rev. Wm. Howland[s] Missionary in India — taught several years at So. [South] Hadley in the Sem. [Mount. Holyoke Female Seminary]
C. Grant [Caroline Burr Grant] –
Letter 3 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Caroline, Burr.
May every year that glides by thee,
That mental worth improve
Which more than beauty pleases me
And more insures my love to thee.
Desiah Nettleton.
Colebrook [Connecticut] Apr 18: 1836.
Letter 4 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Jane Benton
Or to Caroline Burr. [Caroline Burr Grant]
Norfolk [Connecticut]
Dear Friend A letter has been received giving notice that you, and your <s> sister and niece can be received into the seminary at Ipswich [Ipswich Female Seminary] <can> with a request that you be there at the commencement of the term if any thing is likely to occur that will prevent your your going that you give notice as soon as circumstances will permit when Mary made application for your reception she likewise applied for Elizabeth Phelps but she has concluded not to go Mary left Wednesday I think of nothing to write that will interest you and close with wishing you to present my regards to your Sisters and Nieces likewise to Miss Coller if you should see her yours sincerely Elizabeth Grant [Elizabeth Grant Burgess]
Colebrook [Connecticut] Sab [Sabbath] Morn May 8th 1836
Miss Jane Benton
Letter 5 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Caroline Burr [Caroline Burr Grant] Present. [at Ipswich Female Seminary?]
Ipswich [Massachusetts], Sept. 18, 1836
My very dear Caroline
I just bid you farewell, the carriages at the door, their rumbling wheels soon will tell that you are far away, but the fond remembrance of these happy hours will remain while life lasts
When your happy home remember Again [dear?]
Levina Moore
[Added in another hand:] Niece of Miss Lyon [Mary Lyon]
Letter 6 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Caroline Burr [Caroline Burr Grant]
[Circular design small dashes with writing that says: To Caroline]
Will you my friend when far away,
Think of the hours you’ve spent with me
And If at evening as you stray,
Think of a friend who thinks of thee
Olivia Cowles.
Colebrook [Connecticut], Feb. 22, 1837.
Letter 7 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Caroline Burr [Caroline Burr Grant]
Oh may thy future hours be given
To peace, to wisdom & to heaven,
Thy hopes disdain a mortal birth,
Thy joys ascend above the earth,
Thy steps retrace the path they trod,
Thy heart be fixed alone on God.
So when the scenes of time shall fade,
And life’s frail lamp be dark with [shade?]
A seraph’s voice shall soothe thy breast,
And lend you where the weary rest.
Your sincere friend.
D. [Daniel] Grant.
Colebrook. [Connecticut] Feb. 23, 1837.
[on back side]
Caroline pleasing power,
A mark of friendship
In these four lines you see;
And sometime in a lonely hour
View them & think of your friend
D. [Daniel] Grant
Letter 8 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Caroline Burr [Caroline Burr Grant]
Conn. [Connecticut]
Seminary. Friday Morn
My Dear Caroline
I cannot let pass so good an opportunity without writing you a few words
How is your health now? I hope it is better than it was last fall
I am anticipating the pleasure of having you for a class mate next year, and hope I shall not be disappointed. I often think of the many happy moments we have spent here together. Do you remember our reading class? “The frost and the flower garden?” ?
I have been here but a week and consequently have become acquainted with but a few of the new scholars, from appearances should think them a very pleasant circle of young ladies — you probably know who are our teachers
I think they demean themselves with the utmost propriety
It seems more like a dream than reality that our dear, sweet, [little?] Helen has a seat with them.
I need not tell you how much we all regret to part with your dear sister [Mary Burr] I had anticipated much from her society, and now as soon as I get here she goes away, but so it is with all our earthly hopes. How thankful should we be that there is a hope which will not disappoint, that there is a home where friends will never part. Oh, Dear C. [Caroline] how I wish I could see you & have a good long talk with you
Good bye
Affectionately yours
Mary W. Chapin.
Martha sends much love.
[Added in another hand:] The writer, Mary W. Chapin of Somers, Ct. [Connecticut] Principal of Mt. Hol. Sem. [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] 1853. C. Grant
Letter 9 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Caroline Burr. [Caroline Burr Grant]
Mt Holyoke [Massachusetts], March, 1840
My dear dear Caroline,
Sister Mary [Mary Grant] is going to leave us tomorrow for her own dear home where she has so long wished to be, I do not need to tell you how sorry we all are to have her go, but still much as we love her, we would not keep her from those dear ones who know best how to cheer the drooping spirit, of a fond sister and daughter.
But stop, me thinks you will wonder, by the time you have read so far who it is that is writing you, if so I will gratify your curiosity by telling you that it is none other than your old friend, who used to sit right opposite you, last summer, at the sixth table.
Yes Caroline I am still at the Sem. [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] And I have wished again and again that you were here, that together we might ascend the toilsome passage at the hill of science, for alas! sad experience teaches that the way is not all strown with flowers, I might tell you of the difficulties, but sister Mary knows them all, and it would only be a vain repetition of words. A strange feeling comes over me when I think of poor Mary’s going away, I have loved her ardently and strongly and time will not soon dim my remembrance of her. Where now shall I go when I am sad and lonely? For Marys seat is vacant, in the hall at the table and in the section room, and there are now no charms <now> to induce me to go to No 40, the one I loved has gone. Oh I do hope you will do something, for the poor girl, she has borne all her pains in silence, though her countenance has so strongly betrayed her assertion, that she was well. I have often wished that I could be a sister to her, for I do think a sister presence would often have prevented the falling tear.
Mary will tell you all about the Sem. [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] What vast improvements have been made since last year, also what you are to expect on the coming one Sister Helen expects to be here, perhaps you will be class-mates, As for me I must stop my story, for the retiring bell has rung Please excuse this hasty scrawl, I would not send it, but I wish to have you know that I remember and love you, will you not write
[Added in another hand:] Written by Harriet N. Thompson Heath, Mass. Married 1848 Mr. J.G. Mead — Residence in 1852 Northwood, N.Y. [New York]
C. Grant. [Caroline Burr Grant]
Letter 10 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Caroline Bur, [Caroline Burr Grant]
Conn. [Connecticut]
Miss M. Burr.
Mt Holyoke [Massachusetts], March 19, 1840.
Dear Caroline ~
You will not I trust give this not an unwelcome reception, tho it is a little one. Mary goes tomorrow & I have so little time that I must [needs?] be brief if I write at all. I am sorry to have her leave us & I am sure we should all be quite unreconciled if her health did not require her to go home. I hope that under the kind nursing of a judicious mother & a dear sister & relieved from study, she will soon find her health much improved.
Now I have a plan for you both? Can you not make your arrangements to come to the examination? I should think you would love to one, & I am sure Mary would enjoy it. You would find a goodly number here who were here with you. I suppose you & Mary will help to form the Senior class of next year. I should think M. [Mary] would be almost glad to write that she may finish with a sister. I think there is a prospect of a fine class for next year. There are several here now who could nearly have finished this year & who will, I presume, do themselves and the Institution [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] credit when they do finish. I hope for your sake you will have some study in [advance?] when you return for the last year is so full that it is nothing but study, study all the time. I would not have any thing left out, the studies are all interesting – yes delightful – but if we had ten more weeks or ten weeks study in advance it would be much pleasanter & perhaps more profitable. Mary will tell you that the course is soon to be four years. I think very little need be added to fill up the time. I do not know that any thing more than Latin is to be added. You have a feast before you in Upham’s Intellectual Philosophy [Outlines of imperfect and disordered mental action. By Thomas C. Upham, professor of mental and moral philosophy in Bowdoin College]. We have just finished the first volume & the arrangement is so good & the whole work so beautifully transparent that it seemed as though we could look back through the whole & follow him from beginning to end in such a manner as to afford real satisfaction to the mind. O, you will have fine times here next year.
You will find many improvements in the system, since you left. There is an evident advance towards perfection each year. Miss Lyon [Mary Lyon] has (I rather think) the Model of a perfect young lady in her mind & she is unwearied in her efforts to make all her young ladies thus perfect. — I should like to peep in here twenty years hence & see to what the school & family will have attained. I hardly dare hope that Miss Lyon [Mary Lyon] will be sparred so long as that but if she should be, I fancy the standard here will be so high that we, groveling mortals, will have to open wide our eyes to look at it — O I must be studying or I shall find myself sadly below the present standard I shall be very happy to hear from you & Mary & hope I may before the close of the year.
Yours truly
Catharine L. Leach.
Miss C. Burr.
[Added in another hand:] Married Dec. 1843 to Rev. E. [Y.?] Swift of Chillicothe Ohio — Removed to Northampton 1845 — to South Hadley 1851 — Mr. Swift preaches in So. Hadley — is Secretary of the Board of Trustees — 1853 — Caroline Grant –
Letter 11 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Caroline Burr
Ct. [Connecticut]
Miss Mary Burr.
Mt. Holyoke [Massachusetts] Mar. 19. 1840.
My dear Miss Burr,
Much as I regret the casualty that gives me an opportunity to communicate with yourself, I most gladly accept the invitation of your sister to write you a note, tho’ it must of [necessity?] be a very short one Certainly if your feelings correspond with my own, I know you will be glad to have a word from our common “Alma Mater,” even tho’ it be from me. Is not this still a sacred spot to you? Does not your memory love to linger around this consecrated temple of literature? We wish you were here. Many a hearty kiss would be given, you nor should they need the element of sincerity Doubtless you are looking forward to the time when you shall again be reckoned one of Mt. Holyoke’s [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] favored inmates, and perhaps you even venture so far as to anticipate the time when you shall be called one of the Mt. Holyoke’s graduates.
Now I’ll tell you a word about this part of the subject You may think (if you labor under the same mistake that I did) that in the name Senior is embraced that transforming power that changes to gigantic strength the weak mind of the “Junior,” & gives to the unstable character of the “Middle” fairness, dignity, & grace. But believe me Caroline Burr Senior will be just what Caroline Burr Junior was. There is no magic power in the word Senior to make it otherwise
We regret that we are not able to send diary to you in rather “letter or air” lest you should be almost disheartened. Take good care of the dear girl & we trust that under your fostering care she will soon regain what she has lost — we do not like to part with her. I believe that even Miss Lyon [Mary Lyon] herself would drop a “tear or two,” would her dignity allow it.
You see I have no more room [&] certainly no more time. I only ask you to not forget me entirely
1st page
and will you not think of me sometimes on paper. I fondly hope that we may see each other once more meanwhile I remain your true friend
L.H. [C?]lark
[Added in another hand:] Died soon after completing the course at Hol. Sem [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] — C. Grant —
Letter 12 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Caroline Burr [Caroline Burr Grant]
Ct [Connecticut]
By Mary Burr}
South Hadley [Massachusetts] March 20, 1840
Dear Caroline
Your little black eyed sweet sister Mary, is going to leave us this morning ~ I cannot let her go without saying one word to you. And first I wish you had been here to make Mary come & see us more
She has rarely been in our room, this year & forsooth she says because she always finds a room full, which I do not admit. I have just lectured her for it. Yet she is very dear to me & ever will be.
Mary will tell you all about the school [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] so I will only say, we are very happy this year, for we have a precious school. The grape in our yards is freshening beneath the light rain which is just now falling upon it.
— There — a bird is wakening his sweet notes, in the tree. We shall have a splendid yard this year, the tulips snow drops & daffodils are up. We shall think of you when at work in it.
How is my Caroline employed this year Usefully — I trust, & usefully in the greatest degree. We should make improvement you in mind person & heart. Have you read much
I would read some, We are just reading the Memoirs of Mrs. Smith [Memoirs of the late venerable and pious Mrs. Mary Smith, of Newark, in New-Jersey, relict of the late Hon. William Peartree Smith, Esq. By Timothy Alden ; with the address delivered at her funeral, by James Richards] perhaps you can obtain it & read it. Then I hope you write occasionally a composition will you not write something for our missionary meeting
The young ladies write for it entirely And you as ready as ever to say a smiling thing? Have you made your mother very happy, so that she thinks you worth your weight in gold? Is your mind your intellectual taste your everything growing? More than all is your soul growing into the perfect likeness of Christ. Can you apply to yourself that description of Charity in the 13th. Chap. of 1st Cor. [Corinthians] Is your closet cleaner & still cleaner to you, do you find your aspirations rising more and more to your heavenly father that you may glorify him, I hope you will grow brighter & brighter as a Christian till you reach the blessed abode above. I have but a moment before comes my class in Nat. Phi [Natural Philosophy] then Astronomy then Calisthen [Calisthenics?] & dinner, before that is over, Mary will be wheeling away. So I must speak quick. I intended to say that I feel God has been with us as truly this year as last. I hope as effectually
But he came more in the still small [voice?] Do not forget us in your petitions. Dear Caroline I love you very much & hope we shall some time meet again
Most affectionately yours
Abby Moore [Abigail Moore Burgess]
[Added in another hand:] Niece of Miss Lyon [Mary Lyon] Teacher & Associate Principal in Mt. Hol. Sem. [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] From 1835 to 1846 — Married 1846 to Rev. Ebenezer Burgess Missionary to India — Mrs. B. [Mary Grant Burgess] died Apr. 1853 — The first Mrs. Burgess was Mary Grant sister of my husband — C. Grant
Letter 13 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Mary & Caroline Burr
Miss Elizabeth Cone will be
happy to see Miss M. & C. Burr
on Wednesday eve at 7. o’clock
Tuesday July 27th 1840 ——
Letter 14 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Carrie Burr. [Caroline Burr Grant]
Present —
Distresses of Marie —
Grant Temple of Luince [Lands?]
My dear Carrie
I did not think when we parted that so long a time would have elapsed without my hearing from you. But as it happens, I hear that you have been transformed from an “Old Senior” to a dignified “School mam” quite a transformation an’t it? Do you love to teach the young “ide” how to shoot? You must be careful that it takes a right aim or else it will overshoot the mark. I am writing now in study hours and to pay for it I shall not get the time on my lessons — & more than this I have lost my lines and have to write nearly by guess, I wish to tell you of one fact which is quite astounding is Miss Hill lived to get home & I believe is alive now. I waited very anxiously all [vacation?] to receive a paper containing her obituary notice as she promised she would leave word to have one sent me.
I get along in about the same truck that I did last year only I think my character is very much more elevated then it was. The [reader?] probably is oblivious to you, I improved very much last year under your supervision, I expect every moment the bell will ring & I must close. I have not written one half sheet I wish to. Hope a long [answer?] in return — aff your old room mate Lissie L. L.
P.S. Love to all inquiring friends
[Added in another hand:] edgwick
of Sharon
Letter 15 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Caroline Burr. [Caroline Burr Grant]
Holyoke [Massachusetts]. Sabbath eve. Jan 23
My own dear Caroline
Sisters should hold intercourse with each other, should they not? This is my apology for writing: that I am a dweller at Holyoke [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary], and an assistant pupil, here, is my excuse for doing it on so small a scale — for time is wanting to me even to keep up an intercourse with the sisters who are clustered here.
But dear Carra. I could not let Mary go without at least a note to you, for I have many things to tell you. And first I must tell you my own delinquencies, and my sorrow because of them. I have been an unfaithful friend and sister to Mary dear, and perhaps she will tell you that weeks have passed away in which she has had no proof of my remembrance. Could she have seen my heart she would have known herself beloved and cared for — but I fear that now she thinks me indifferent. I will not attempt to exculpate myself — for Miss Lyon [Mary Lyon] tells us the want of time is generally equivalent to a want of “character,” and this is my only plea.
I hope I shall not always live as I have done during these 16 weeks, for the have sometimes seemed to me the most unhappy of my life, from their very hurry.
I am sometimes ready to say this cannot be our own Holyoke [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] — for so many are the changes in the building — that it is not an easy matter to trace out last year’s seems. But I have had no time to make myself unhappy on this score — [new?] yet because so many beloved forms were absent, and now I am getting quite reconciled to new rooms and new faces.
Are you still an inhabitant of the school-room? the guardian spirit of the little group? Mary has told me you were so engaged in the early part of the winter. And I suppose you find much to [make?] you happy for the consciousness of being useful makes us so. I have often thought of you — and desired for you the smiles of your Heavenly Father’s countenance.
We have had much here to humble us — and much to make us earnest and constant in prayer — but we have been slow to learn these sweet lessons. Sometimes it has seemed that Christians would never arouse from their slumbers — and that the year would pass and leave us unblessed with the outpouring of the Spirit. Yet God has not left himself without witness — for sometimes we have felt his presence and some have had their eyes opened — and are rejoicing that now they see.
I should dearly love to show you my black-eyed timid Addy, who sits here at the table by my side, and to have a nice long visit with you, in our pleasant No. 17. then perhaps we might fly over the mountains and leave a kiss on Lottie’s lips — if nothing more — she is in Becket. Mass [Massachusetts] — where my father is recently located.
As to all the other things to be done and said should we meet again, it was fully to predict for the present I am quite removed from the atmosphere of my classmates — and while they explore the beauties of Milton — the depths of Olmsted — or the pages of Wayland — I plod on with Geology — “History and Euclid” But a truce to my pen for the bell is no less potent than in olden time. Yours still
[Added in another hand:] Julia Hyde, daughter of Rev. Mr. Hyde of Becket Mass [Massachusetts] — Married 1844 Rev. Edward Clarke — Residence in 1852 in Middlefield, Mass. C. Grant
Letter 16 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Miss Caroline Burr [Caroline Burr Grant]
Ct. [Connecticut]
Holyoke April 28, 1843.
Frid. Morn —
My dear Caroline —
With a heart full of love to you I have only a little time to speak of that love — I this morning had a fine ramble — gathered some wild flowers and have sent them as my bridal present to my dear C. [Caroline] — With them you will find some other flowers perhaps equally precious because they have been reared within Holyoke’s [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] walls.
Another little token of love made by her whose name it bears will be enclosed in this — may it often remind you of Susan and always assure you of her best, her very best wishes for your welfare. O, how I wish I could be with you when you are publicly given to him who has long claimed you for his own. May you not only be happy in each other but in God — the source of all happiness — Do write me when you reach your new home — Will you not?
Yours truly
Susan Reed.
[Added in another hand:] Miss Reed taught several years in the Mt. Hol. Sem [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] Married in 1845 to Rev. Mw. Howland Missionary to Batticotta India.
She was a very dear friend of mine —
Caroline Grant
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