Letter 1 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mr. Daniel Grant
Milwaukie [Milwaukee] Co
New Haven [Connecticut] July 28, 1845.
Dear Brother and Sister [Daniel Grant and Caroline Burr Grant],
I received your letter a day or two since and as it requires an immediate answer I haste to give it. I have no news to tell. Martha is no better. We had her make a visit to Watertown [Massachusetts] <to> at Dea. [Deacon] Woodard’s, hoping it would improve her, but it did not. She had to ride there and back on a bed.
As to your selling your place I shall be glad to help you by letting you sell a part or the whole of mine with it, but I do not think you ought to sell yours short of $500, and I think it ought to bring $600, or $5 per acre though of course you can judge of that. You know how land is selling with you and can tell better than I.
I find there are some objections to sending you a power of attorney to sell my land, though they have reference to the expense solely, which after all would be no more than two or three dollars. If after my explanation you think best to have such a power, write me and I will send it. It must be made before a justice here, and must be recorded at Milwaukie [Milwaukee, Wisconsin] before it will be good for anything. A better way seems to be for me to authorize you to sell and I will give the deed as soon as the name of the individual is made known to me. This will be I think satisfactory to any one who wished to buy, and will save expense and trouble. If you think differently however, let me know. At all events such a plan will suit some folks, and therefore I authorize you to sell the whole or a part of the 80 acre lot. If you sell the whole it must not be for less than $200 or $2.50 the acre. If a part it must not be for less than $3 per acre, and as you know far better than I what land is worth you may get as much more as you can, remembering that all you can get more is your own, though unless you need it much I should prefer that you would apply it to the extinguishment of your debt to me of whose amount I know nothing. [Terms], either cash, or one half cash and the remainder secured by mortgage, interest 8 per cent, (or more if you do not think it wicked to take more, less if you feel that it ought to be). Perhaps you can divide both your farm and mine thus making two pretty fair farms with plenty of wood, though at some distance. Do as you think best but remember that if you wish any one to value your farm you must not run it down yourself.
What do you propose to do after selling? I hope you will not think of going into the wilderness. I care not how good the land may be, it will never pay you for being <ex>secluded from society. Perhaps if you can sell your farm you can take my 40 (though you say you can take that whether or not) and buy a part of the 80 for wood &c. and then if you can get a house up on the 40 you will be very comfortable. But I feel altogether incapable of advising you. As land is not diminishing in value I should be in favor of your keeping yours for a year or more, till you can get a house somewhere to live in, but perhaps it is not best. I give you full latitude as far as I can.
I do not think I shall come to Wisconsin. You have as many ministers now as you <can> ought to have till people can do more for their support. I do not decide <conclus> finally however as yet.
Write me at any and all times just as much as you can. The postage now will not be a severe tax especially if you will hand your letters to some one who is coming within 300 miles of Mill-Brook [Connecticut], though you need not take great pains to do that. You can send two letters at a time however nor need you be very anxious to fill them full. Our [term?] lasts only till Aug. 21, therefore you will direct to Mill Brook [Connecticut] for me and to Newberg N.Y. [New York] for John. He has taken a school there, though his prospects are somewhat doubtful. Both John and I expect to speak at commencement. I enclose you my duplicate, though I do not see of what use it will be to you. I am certain it is of no use to me. Your affectionate brother Joel.
Letter 2 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mr. Daniel Grant
Milwaukie [Milwaukee] Co
Lockport, Ill. [Illinois] Oct. 29 ‘45
Dear Brother & Sister [Daniel Grant and Caroline Burr Grant],
You will probably be somewhat astonished to receive a letter from me dated in this region, which is comparative near you, but here I am in Illinois and that but 35 miles from Chicago. I was married Oct. 12, and the next morning we started for the west and arrived here Oct. 23. I came here with the intention to supply this place with preaching, and as far as things now show themselves, I see no reason why I may not do so. We should have written you before but in the hurry of preparation for our journey and our wedding we scarcely had the time & we flattered ourselves that on our journey out we should find the necessary time. But that time did not offer itself, and we have been here nearly a week and you have not had a letter, but it shall not be our fault if you do not have one soon.
It seems a sort of tantalization to be so near you and yet not see you. I sup-[pose] you must be regarded as about 150 miles off, for we are nearly south of Chicago and we must go to Milwaukie [Milwaukee, Wisconsin] probably to get to you. As soon as we can, we mean to come and see you, but that will not be just now, perhaps however, it will be in the course of the winter. I want very much to see you and being so near you makes my want still greater.
The Missionary Society [American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions] sent <me> us here, but this place is so large that I shall not be expected to supply any other while I remain here. It is I think about the size of Prairieville [Wisconsin], perhaps a little larger than that was when you went there, though I presume it has grown some since. This place sprung up when the canal which was to connect Lake Michigan and the Illinois River was projected, and it then promised to be a large village. But when the state found itself unable to complete that work, the village was prostrated or at least checked in its growth, Now that the completion of that Canal is rendered certain, the village has started again and promises to grow. Many new houses are now building and the village is so crowded that it is with the greatest difficulty that we find a place to stay even. We could not do so, only we are content to take a room in a garret of what may be called a high one story house a room hardly more than six feet high in the highest part and sloping on each side because it meets the roof. It is about 9 feet long and perhaps eleven wide, and here we have every thing. It is our bed, sitting, dressing, and study room, in short it is every thing but our cooking room, for as we board we have no cooking to do. It would be impossible I presume to find here any place to keep house, at least it would be to find any convenient place at any reasonable price.
We have as yet learned but little of the people. We hardly know where to begin to get acquainted with them. As far as we have met them, they are kind, and we cannot but believe we can do them good There are in the village and within a circuit of three or four miles, something like 600 people though that curse of the West (and I may say of the church) sectarianism, has thrust its Hydra head into this place. There are here Methodists, Baptists, Episcopalians and Presbyterians besides a sprinkling of Catholics, Unitarians & Universalists, and probably a considerable number of infidels. The Presbyterians are I suppose the strongest but they are weak enough. They have the walls and roof of a church erected but there is nothing finished about it.
Our people at home are about as usual. Martha [Martha Grant] having despaired of cure by any of the ordinary methods has determined to try the cold water cure and so has gone to Lebanon Springs where she will if it seems best spend a few weeks. If that does not benefit her, I do not know but we must abandon all hope.
I hope you will write to us as soon as you can. One reason why it is difficult for you to write home is that it must necessarily be three or four weeks before you can get an answer and it may be much longer before you will get one. I think you can write to us and expect an answer in less than a fortnight
I have not heard any thing from you since I gave you leave to sell the whole or a part of my lot, and do not know whether that increases your prospect of selling to advantage. I suppose however that the time for selling has passed this year and all such things must be postponed till after the navigation opens next spring. Please let me know. Remember me to my little niece, and with earnest wishes for your temporal and spiritual prosperity I am your aff. [affectionate] brother Joel. [Joel Grant]
P.S. Since writing the above we have received a letter from John dated Richmond Va, [Virginia] Oct. 14. His school is small not promising as well as he hoped, but his health is good. He wishes to be remembered to you. Brother Phelps not succeeding with his Association in Ohio went East as you know some months since. Susan was present at our wedding But Phelps was at N. York [New York] to ascertain if there was any place for him in some New Jersey Association The Ohio Phalanx proved a complete failure as all of them probably will eventually
Lockport. Ill. [Illinois] Oct. 29. ‘45
Dear Brother & Sister [Daniel Grant and Caroline Burr Grant],
When you were married and came to this western world, I had little thought of so soon following you; much less of coming as your sister. Almost the last words of Caroline to me were, “I hope we shall some day see you at the west.” Vain hope, thought I, for why should I ever leave New England. But so it is. Norfolk [Connecticut] is no longer my home, but a pleasant village in Ill. [Illinois] where all is now new and strange to me, but where there are doubtless many congenial spirits, and much that will help to make life happy. The particulars of our wedding, journey, &c. I will defer till the happy time when we may meet, and have an opportunity to talk of these things. Neither can I tell you much of the people here. Several ladies have called, and seem very cordial, One who was prevented by a sick child, from going out, sent for us to spend Sat. eve with them. We went, and spent an hour or two very pleasantly, indeed all whom we have met, greet us with smiles and kind wishes. We have a good boarding place, <with> in a pleasant family, though from Joel’s description of our room you can judge that more would be desirable. But as we care not with the idea that every thing must be for our accommodation, but rather to accommodate ourselves to circumstances, and be happy whatever they may be, we find ourselves contented in this small room, without door, or closet. Still we hope for better things, though it may be a long time before we have them. We should feel ourselves rich indeed, had we a log house like yours, or even two rooms in any other.
A little more than a week before we left, we spent an afternoon at your father Burr’s. Mary [Mary Burr] was at home, and with her and your mother, we had a rich visit. I do wish it were best for Mary [Mary Burr] to come West to teach, provided it could be in [the] your or, our vicinity. You are probably aware that she is now in Philadelphia. The Sab. [Sabbath] before we left, your mother gave me a letter partly filled, for us to finish, and send to you. In the hurry of the eve, and our early departure the next morn, I think it was left on my stand at home, though I thought till we arrived here that it was in my trunk, but cannot find it. I had not opened it, which your mother gave me permission to do, so that I know not of how much importance it was.
Mariette Phelps & John Cooke of [Touisteu?] were married Wed. eve after we left. She made a large wedding.
The day before we left, I received an invitation to come with Joel to S. Hadly [South Hadley], to attend the wedding of Miss Reed and Mr. Howland. They were to married Tues. morn, & Mr. H. [Howland] to be ordained in the P.M. They are going to visit around among their friends till the 10th of Nov. when they with several others sail from Boston for India. Nancy Foote, a teacher last year at the Sem. of Cayuga N.Y. now Mrs. [Treble?], is one of the no. [number]
The no. [number] at the Sem. [Mount Holyoke Female Semianry] this year is about 200, much smaller than last year. Miss Lyon [Mary Lyon] is determined to have a "sort of jubilee this year", a time in wh [which] to rest from the severe labor of previous years. Do not you rejoice my sister, that you were once one of the favored no. [number] who dwelt within those walls? Many things wh [which] are there impressed upon the mind, are of incalculable importance to those who come west.
How is your little daughter? and what is her name. Is she a healthy, happy child? I want to see her. Please give here a kiss from her Aunt Abby.
I hope we shall soon hear from you. Although we are far from home, and eastern friends, we are not very far from each other, and may often speak <of> with our pens. Write all about yourselves and little one. We shall be interested in all that interests you. Mary Woodard spent a day with me about four weeks since. Her family are all well. Martha has fully recovered her health, and can now walk, sing &c as usual. I hope we may see you this winter, still I dare not set my heart too much upon it, lest it should be otherwise -- at any rate we may hope to see you in the course of a year. I suppose the roads are very fine in the summer. That the blessings of Heaven may rest upon you and yours is the desire of your aff [affectionate] sister Abigail.[Abigail Cowles Grant]
Letter 3 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mr. Daniel Grant
Milwaukie [Milwaukee] Co
Wis. Ter. [Wisconsin Territory]
Milbrook [Mill Brook, Connecticut], Nov 9, 1845.
My dear brother,
I promised Martha [Martha Grant] when I left her at Lebanon a few weeks since, that I would see that all of the brothers and sisters were written to, and if no one else could write, I would. It seems almost impossible to get Marcus to write, and Mother has always more on her hands than she can, well attend to. Phelps is busy writing letters, so that the only alternative is, that you do not hear from home at present or that I write myself, a thing which I have had it on my mind to do ever since the introduction of the new postage law.
Your letter to Joel [Joel Grant] was recieved sometime after he left us. We were glad to hear from you that you are getting along so comfortably. I regret never having an oppertunity to see and become acquainted with sister Caroline [Caroline Burr Grant]; give my love to her and to the little Abby, who is I presume a source of much enjoyment to you already. May her life be spared for many years! You have probably heard ere this of Joels arrival in Ill. [Illinois] and though you may not be able to see him for many months, it will be a gratification to you to feel that he is so near you. John is engaged in a school at Richmond Va. [Virginia] with what prospects I cannot state, as I have not seen his last letters and have heard nothing said about it. Martha's at Lebanon Springs at a hydropathic establishment. She, as well as the rest of us had become satisfied that medicine could do her no good and we hoped that the application of cold water as practiced by the hydropathists, might stimulate her nervous system, and restore a healthy action throughout her system generally. She has been there a little more than three weeks, and as yet there is no perceptible change though some symptoms are more favorable. For two years she has been obliged to take cathartics daily or suffer severly. When she wrote last she had been able to dispense with them for 5 days. Dr. Graham considers her case a very critical one, but gives encouragement that she may recover. We have much confidence in the application of cold water, but it cannot cure all diseases and hers may be one of the incurable. You may feel some desire to know something of the operations to which she is subjected. I can not state it accurately, but she is plunged into a bath of cold water, then rubbed briskly, then walks as much as she is able to do probably after an interval of rest. after this she sits in a tub of cold water 1/2 an hour is rubbed again then walks. In the PM she has wet napkins applied to the spine & abdomen and is bandaged with dry blankets for 2 hours. This process seems at first a hard one but it seems in many cases to be very effectual in removing diseases often of a long standing, and is said to be much less unpleasant than one would suppose. Mother and Marcus intend visiting her next week if the weather should be favorable.
I saw Mrs. Burr a few weeks since, she was then well. I do not know any thing of general interest to communicate. It seems to be a season of general health here. Uncle Sam is very feeble but seems to continue far beyond the expectation of his friends. L Griswold is to teach the school in this district this winter.
I am sorry that you do not feel satisfied with your prospects where you now are, but I hope you will be able to fall upon some expedient for making enough out of your farm to induce you to remain where you are. I never thought it well to change if one can possibly avoid it, and I feel more the folly of it and I have had some experience. I am sorry that you have to work so hard as to impair your health this ought always to be avoided if possible. I think you will find frequent ablutions in cold water strengthening and invigorating. Take a towel wet with cold water and rub yourself over every morning and see if you do not feel the better for it. The more water you use the better. I have written in great haste. I hardly know what, but Caroline [Caroline Burr Grant] will be able to sympathise with my confusion when her little one is 2 or 3 years old and she attempts to write with her at her elbow chattering the whole time, and keeping the table in constant motion I will leave the rest of the sheet for some one to fill up I shall ever be very happy to hear from you, where we shall go next we have not decided but Phelps has some idea of returning his profession in Canton. Elizabeth cherishes an affectionate remembrance of "Uncle Daniel." Your affectionate sister
S B Grant.[Susan Boyd J. Grant]
Dear Brother
As I have never writen to you I now take the oportunity to write a few words, to you would like to hear about our crops and such things I supose. Our potatoes are <lite> light about <half> two thirds of a crop they did not rot in the field but have some in the cellar our hay crop is about half as much as we had last year our oats were pretty good the straw was very light but well filled our hogs to are pretty fat but not very large if these few lines will at all interest you I may at some future day write some more your aff [affectionate] Brother Marcus [Marcus Grant]
My Dear Children
I was glad to hear from you by Joels or the one you wrote to Joel and I will here mention that has taken quite a rise I cannot state definility how much but think I will send you a paper before long that will give you more information than I can give you I am glad that you think of keeping more stock I think keeping cows and sheep in your situation will be a good course not that I would advise you to go largely into the business at first a small stock will soon make a large one and I fear that you feel a desire to be rich but if it is so I hope you will remember the Bible injunction be not in haste to be rich also that riches bring a snare
I want you should be come[...] I want you should keep a horse and waggon that that you may go to church and wherever you want to go with less futigue I am glad that you call your little daughter Abby I wish her name to be Abigail Caroline. I hope you will give her to the Lord in baptism and consider the Lords and may you pray the Lord to sanctify her wholly body soul and spirit and preserve her blamely unto the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ [live?] near to God my dear children
I want to have you bathe the dear little one from the crown of her head to the soul of her feet in tepid water daily I think it will prevent her crying so much I would not have it [creuelly into?] I must stop for want of room may God bless you is the prayer of your Mother [Mrs. (E.) Grant]
Letter 4 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Miss Caroline Burr
Conn. [Connecticut]
Rochester [New York] Dec 21st 1846
My dear Caroline [Caroline Burr Grant]
You perceive that I have disregarded all the rules of letter writing by commencing at the very topmost line in order that I may have room to say a great deal, You may be some what surprised at the receipt of a letter from R. -- NY [Rochester, New York] -- but in the name of Sarah Anna Sibley -- you will recognize an old and familiar acquaintance, no other than an old roommate & school companion -- , Do not think Dear Caroline! I have ever forgotten the kind & affectionate letter I received from you, I do not now remember whether I ever answered it, if not please accept my apology and receive this as an answer, although long in coming yet the friendship it breathes is never the less fine or lasting -- , but I am so anxious to learn what has been your destiny, that I can consume no longer time upon preliminaries, and you will not think me inquisitive, if I make many inquiries with regard to you, for I intend to give you the particulars relating to myself as minutely as you can wish to hear them. I believe you were long since numbered one of Mt Holyoke’s [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] graduates. Are you still living with your parents in Norfolk or has some successful swain possessed himself of Caroline, to adorn, & beautify his home, in a neighboring village? -- remember me to your sister Mary [Mary Burr] & write me the particulars respecting her also. Any thing relating to Mt Mt Hol [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] -- will be received with pleasure, the fate or destiny of any we used to know there would be interesting. Elizabeth Smith, my roommate is married to a young Physician here, named Dean, she has one child, they are in moderate though comfortable circumstances, you perhaps remember that she had a sister here, whose husband is wealthy, they are Baptists and it was through their persuasion that she married him, although she was formerly a presbyterian but it makes very little difference what his profession is if his is a Christian, we are not quite as intimate as formerly but are upon good terms, call & visit -- &c --
Rochester [New York] March 30th 1847
As you will perceive by my last date a long time has passed since I first commenced this sheet, my only apology must be that I commenced six long sheets to different correspondents at the same time, & have finished all but yours, but you will excuse it I know when I give you an account of my family matters, as I intend to do very minutely -- After I left you at So [South] Hadley [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] I spent the time until september very pleasantly with my aunts in Hartford [Connecticut], then my Brother came down to New York, and came for me on his way home, We went immediately to So [South] Hadley [Massachusetts] and arranged my affairs paid my bills, and left for Rochester [New York], I need not assure you I was overjoyed, once more to set my foot in the hall of my Fathers house, I met many happy faces, who all gave me cordial greeting, I recovered rapidly from my lameness, and have never been troubled since, The next september, one year from that time my only Brother, (of whom you often heard me speak) was married to a Miss Hastings of Clinton, near Utica [New York], of course I was there, quite a party of mine and my brothers acquaintances went down together, and we had as you may suppose a very agreeable time, there is a small host of their own family, fifteen children all living, an extensive circle of acquaintances & friends made a very large wedding I remained at the Dr,s while my Brother and his bride, took their wedding tour to N. York [New York] Hartford, Springfield &c., & designed to return with them, but the family would not consent to that at all, the Dr said he had lost one child, and it was but fair, he should gain another, so with much persuasion I spent eight months in their family, now you will say Sarah married some one there but do not be too hasty, and I shall tell you all about it, I returned home in May after my long visit, and my husband that is now, commenced paying his attentions immediately after, (we had corresponded by the way before I left Clinton), and we were married the folowing September, just two years from the time I left So. Hadley, what changes take place in the few short years of our lives?, with what rapidity we hasten from the cradle, to the grave?, so that we might so live as to be ready when the summons comes for us?, But I hasten to give you a description of my Husband and children, and to commence you will permit a wife to speak in her husband,s praise, God has indeed blessed me in giving me him in whom the virtues are all united, he is a devoted Christian, and to a perfectly amiable disposition, unites agreeable manner and a comely pleasant look, and although always pleasant he does not lack energy, he is enterprising in business, and although a new beginner as it were we are already possesed of a competence, have a fine house & garden of our own, we have nice fruit, grapes &c which we prize very much in a city, you will not think me egotistical if I proceed & give you a description of my children, for if I do not, I know not who will, --
I have two children my eldest Mary Alida, (named, for my brothers wife) was four years old in January, quite a girl you will say?, she makes me feel quite matronly sometimes, when I look at so large a girl & think she is mine, would you like a minute description? she is quite tall of her age rather light hair, but it is growing dark, blue eyes and a fair complexion she has never been to school, but “says she goes to school to her mother”, I teach her evy day, she has known her letters since she was two & a half years old, and can spell in words of one sylable, she answers a great many -- questions in Geography can count &c, I do not mean to insinuate she is a prodigy or any thing of the kind, only that I have taken pains with her, and have taught her carefully, she goes to sabbath school every Sabbath, in the Infant School, where I am a teacher, and can take care of her, she goes to church with us in the morning, & from there right into the school at noon, she has learned several little hymns which they sing, also bible stories, and learns a verse <a verse> of Scripture to recite, It is quite a task to learn a little child to sew, by perseverance I have taught Alida to sew very neatly, and when she was three years and nine months old, I had finished quilting a good sized quilt which she had pieced intirely by herself, and the past three months she pieced another which, is not yet quilted, I get all new cloth for her, and design to keep them for her untill she is a young lady that I may show her what she did when she was a little girl -- I mean to do the same by the youngest when she is old enough, for I use no partiality, they are very happy together and are just near enough of an the right age to be good company for each other, they play, the livelong days and never see[m] tired of each others society --
But I did not design to occupy so large [a] share of this sheet with my own matters, but you will as you ever was willing to overlook a fault in me, do not fail to write me everything of interest relating to yourself, <yours>, and I know of nothing in regard to you which would not interest me, where is your good sister Mary [Mary Burr] now? remember me affectionately to her, Do you hear from So [South] Hadley often? I suppose you do, write me all about it, I occassionally hear something by way of my friend Elizabeth, but not very much, I suppose they have stricken me off the books of the Memorandum Society [of Mount Holyoke Female Seminary], for I receive nothing from them, The Secretary wrote me two or three times with regard to it I replied to it and sent all the particulars of my life &c. -- untill I became tired & wrote that if they were not satisfied now I would not try any more to make them so, -- Do you ever hear from Miss [Erving?] or Miss [Jones?], or any of our old companions. I have nothing of my old complaint now and think the attack I had while there was owing to the climate, we all enjoy excellent health, I must addres you by your old name as I know no other, please wite me as minutely of your matters as I have of mine & belive me as ever your affectionate,
Sarah [Aprin?] Alling. –
Letter 5 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mr. Daniel Grant
Milwalky [Milwaukee] County
Wisconsin Ter.-y. [Territory]
Piketon [Ohio], Feb. 22, 1846.
Dear Brother Daniel,
I once was informed of your P.O. address, but lost & forgot it, & this must be my excuse for not writing sooner. Is it possible it is almost six years since we last parted? & that we have not exchanged letters since? I can hardly believe it. Since that time, great changes have taken place in our father’s family; you have assumed the responsibilities of husband & father; the bodies of our dear sister Mary [Mary Grant Burgess] & her little son [Edwin Burgess], have been committed to the silent tomb, & our beloved Martha [Martha Grant] is still in the furnace of affliction, where she has remained for more than two years. Sister Susan [Susan Boyd J. Grant] gave me a pretty full account of her situation but I do not seem to understand much about her symptoms, nor can I, without seeing her, & I do not know when that will be. I believe brother Phelps is about to connect himself with an association at W. Roxbury Mass [West Roxbury, Massachusetts], if he has not already done it. I know almost as little of Joel, John & Marcus, as of yourself.
I am anxious to know more of your situation & prospects, both as it respects this world & a future. Horatio Burton a nephew of ours, spent six weeks with us last summer He had spent the preceding winter in Poelloit Wisconsin, with which country he was much pleased. -- he had not heard of you. What is the character of your society? (I trust superior to ours) & your religious privileges? & may I be permitted to ask, <what> something of the improvement, you have been enabled to make?
We have had a cold winter for Ohio. thus far & I fear in your climate, you would almost suffer, but I suppose wood is plenty.
Our “barn of a house” was finished, neat & comfortable, in Sept. after you left us, since which time, our family, then three daughters, has been increased by three sons, Ohilander, Edward, & William, who will be 20 months old, March 9th.
Mr. B. [Burton] is now wishing to get rid of his farm. He tried hiring for a time & though he had little difficulty with his hands, he wished to try renting. Having built a comfortable hewed log house, he has tried renting his farm to two men heads of families, first, for five years, secondly for three years, but in each case, before one year had half expired, such was the state of feeling between <the> us, that it took no small effort to settle it. In the last case wh. [which] was last fall, we lost considerable in the settlement. Indeed the older I become, the more I think of the importance of acquiring absolute control over our passions, while young. My little boys are hard to govern. I fear for them, but O for more faith. Every good gift is from above, & with God all things are possible. We have enjoyed more peace in our family for about a year, than I once expected to enjoy in this life. Doubtless all we endure in this life is designed to wean us from the world, & bring us home to God. Strange how slow I have been to learn, for I have had many lessons. I have been a great backslider when shall I return? Never? I cannot think so. O that by the grace of God the time might not be far distant when I shall experience that joy & peace in believing wh. [which] the [world?] can neither give nor take away.
Feb. 28. This day is very cold. A heavy snow has fallen wh. [which] might be of some advantage to us, if we had sleighs as the ground was hard frozen upon which it fell.
Though Mr. B. [Burton] is about <but> he has not preached for sometime, he is somewhat indisposed, & so much afraid he shall be sick, as to avoid almost all exposure.
Mary sends her love to her Uncle Daniel & Aunt Caroline.
Your affectionate. sister, Elizabeth Burton. [Elizabeth Grant Burton]
Dear sister Caroline [Caroline Burr Grant],
Though I suppose I have never seen you I have almost become acquainted, by means of fiends. I know, at least, that your education would make you just such a sister & friend as I should most desire. though I know nothing of your religious sentiments. In my mind cold as my heart is there is nothing that so cements friends hearts together, as true religion. Indeed I am alarmed about myself & my children, (two of whom are quite ill,) my heart is so hard, & my love so cold. Do, sister, write me soon, sister Martha [Martha Grant] is sick & cannot write, mother is almost worn out with nursing so that I seldom get much that is calculated to revive my spirits from the east. I seldom attend public worship & never private religious meeting, & can very very seldom meet a christian, with whom I can hold sweet converse. My streams seem almost dry. I have forsaken "the Fountain of living waters, & hewn to my self cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water" Forgive dear sister, this strain into wh. [which] I have almost unconsiously broken
Kiss the babe for me, tell me all about her when you write, and believe me
Your affectionate sister
Elizabeth Burton
[written across side] Any thing about your New England friend would be very acceptable, If you ever know me, please tell me when & where.
I hope both will [write?] soon. Adieu E.B.
Letter 6 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
Lockport. Ill. [Illinois] Tues. Feb. 16, 1847
Dear Brother & Sister [Daniel Grant and Caroline Burr Grant],
I need not say how glad we were to get your letter last Sat. evening. for you already know the joy of friends at hearing from those they love. I do not know that we had said “we will not write to Daniel & Caroline again, till they write to us,” but it is a general principle upon wh. [which] we act. to write in answer to letter received. Of course exceptions are sometimes made. but in general. I know not that we ought to do otherwise than as we are done by. (I now refer to nothing but writing) You both write as if you were enjoying yourselves well. I doubt not you find it much pleasanter living in the village, than out. You have now. easy access to meetings, lectures &c. the tendency of wh. [which] is. improvement in various ways. Is Mr. Curtiss in Prairieville [Wisconsin] still? I believe he owned the house in wh. [which] he was living when we were there.
We have now the pleasure of saying to you that Joel is quite well. He has had no ague for four weeks. and is now looking quite like himself. His appetite is good, & for the three last Sab. [Sabbath] he has preached all day. Our congregation is increasing: a good deal of attention is being paid to Sacred music. and we are causing tracts to be given monthly to every family, together with an effort to increase the number of Sab. [Sabbath] scholars. Our Sewing Soc. [Society] is flourishing; New Year’s eve, the ladies gave an oyster supper, the avails of wh. [which] are to aid in finishing the steeple to our church. The frame only is up. Near $100 were cleared. considering the time we had to prepare in (three weeks) we think it was doing well -- It is near four weeks since we heard from our homes, or John [John Grant] -- we are daily expecting to hear from both). John [John Grant] was then at Watertown. [Massachusetts] designing to spend the winter in the family of Mr. Woodard, teaching their children. and a few others. He then thought to have those tumors removed in the spring. hoping to be relieved from much of the consequent suffering, by inhaling the “etherial gas.” of wh. [which] you have doubtless read. I hope much for him, but fear more.
I noticed in one of the recent papers an account of an uncommon outpouring of the Holy Spirit. in Mt. Hol. Fem. Sem. [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] “We could only stand still and witness the wonderful working of God.” said the writer. A friend wrote me a few days since, that Miss Lyon [Mary Lyons] had been very sick. and is now feeble. I cannot imagine how they get along with so many of the important one’s gone. How rejoiced we all shall be to get the Mem. [Memorial] Catalogue [from Mount Holyoke Female Seminary]! It will inform us of the residence of many a loved one, and make us feel how far separate Holyoke’s daughters really are. Three weeks since, I saw a notice of the marriage of Celia Wright. (sister of “Kate Wright”) to a missionary among the Choctau Indians. His name I have forgotten. Did I tell you in my last that “Miss Reed,” “Nancy Foote” & Miss Webster” that were, had each a son? I hope you see the Miss. Herald, [Missionary Herald published by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions] How much more are we interested in the missions where we know the missionaries. Do you hear from home often? Where is Mary [Mary Burr] now? I hope we shall not have to wait quite so long next time before hearing from you.
[written along verso side] I did not [take?] at all. when you said some of Daniels brothers & sisters did not write particularly enough, for Joel says I am too particular altogether. and that I ought not to write so long letters.
[written along front side] We have had a little sleighing. but it is gone, and we are now having an ice storm. I dread the wind of March and April. Should like to take a peep at N. England [New England] faces & scenery next summer. Perhaps we shall though we cannot now decide certainly about it. I fear Joel’s health will again suffer if he should spend the hot months here. Hoping soon to hear from you. I remain your aff. [affectionate] sister Abby. [Abigail Cowles Grant] Kiss little Abby for us both.
Are you sister C. [Caroline Burr Grant] learning Phonography? I cannot get time.
Letter 7 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mr. Daniel Grant.
[March] 11, 1847
[Date supplied from date stamp: Lockport Mar 13 Ill. [Illinois]]
[First two pages in phonographic shorthand. Numerous sums of money are mentioned.]
March 12 Friday, morn. 47.
My dear Brother & Sister [Daniel Grant and Caroline Burr Grant],
We were very glad to receive your letter yesterday. It seems so much more like living as brother and sister should, to have frequent communication, and know of each others state. We are so near, that of all others, we ought to <be> write often.
You may have heard from John [John Grant] before you receive this, but lest that be not the case, Joel [Joel Grant] thinks best to send the letter we received Monday. It was enclosed in one from John [John Grant], written in part, the day before the operation. He says if he does not survive the operation his friends have not cause for grief. He feels that all will be well with him. It is a great comfort that he can trust in his Heavenly Father, now in this time of deep affliction and that those to whom he is so dear, can supplicate God in his behalf. We are very anxious to hear again from him. Let us all thank God for providing him with friends who sympathize with, and aid him, especially for so disposing the heart of that kind family where he has spent a part of the winter, and some of whom are constantly with in the Hospital.
If John lives, I shall feel more anxious than ever to go home. It seems as if it would be easier to give him up after seeing him once, and not him only, but all my friends -- Some ten or 12 of our ladies intend spending the summer away, most of East. If I go before my husband it will be in compay with some of them. Aff. [affectionate] your sister Abby
[written along side] In your next will you please return the enclosed letter from Martha W. as I suppose it will be of no service to you after reading it. and it may be to me. Kiss that dear little Abby for her Aunty’s sake. I am glad Mr. Curtis has left P. [Prairieville, Wisconsin] he is not the man to minister to you there, though I doubt not but he is good.
Joel feels somewhat agueish, but I hope will not have it hard. He will not be very well, I fear till he has breathed purer air than is found here. The travelling is terrible now.
I hope Daniel will be able to sell that land –
Letter 8 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mr. Daniel Grant
[April] 1 1847
[Date supplied from date stamp: Lockport Apr 2 Ill. {Illinois}]
[First page in phonography shorthand. Numerous sums of money are mentioned.]
Please let me know if all is plain. I would prefer I think a mortgage on my 80 to a mortgage on any other place. If however the purchaser wishes no more than a bond I suppose no mortgage will be necessary
The letter we sent you last was not double for I had our postmaster weigh it before I sent it. Still we will be careful in future.
Write as soon as you can learn whether the term I propose suit, or if not what will be likely to. do so. I have thought it best to inclose a rough draft of a bond which should it suit you may cause to be copied and returned to me for a signature, or should it be imperfect or incorrect you may alter it.
Your aff. [affectionate] brother
Joel Grant
Statement of the amount due each year on a debt of $300 upon wh. [which] a present payment is made of $36.50 and an annual payment thereafter of $33 1/3. Interest 8 per. cent. Time May 1847
1847 263.50 The amount for any year is found
1848 251.20 by adding the interest of the amount
1849. 237 96 due the precieding year at 8 per
1850 223.66 cent to that amount and sub-
1851 208.22 tracting $33.33. It can be seen
1852 191.55 at a glance how the whole ac-
1853 173.54 count may be settled at any time
1854 154.09 Thus the payment of $43 in
1855 133.09 1848 besides the $33 1/3, or $76 1/3
1856 110.07 would carry the matter forward
1857 85.90 at once to 1851 or through th[ree]
1858 59.44 years. Should the purchase[r]
1859 30.86 wish it I am willing this an-
1860 33.33 nuity should be made larger.
If fifty dollars were paid at first and fifty each year thereafter it would require not quite seven years to pay the whole, or about half the time required by the annual payment of $33 1/3. Should the purchaser prefer to enter into an arrangement to pay $30 now and an annuity of $100 thereafter until settled allowing interest as above I will assent Indeed almost any way will answer wh. [which] allows the lot to have a present value of $300 and provides for the annual payment of at least $33 1/3. You are at liberty to show this half sheet to any one who wishes to purchase and assure them these are my views
Your aff. [affectionate] brother Joel Grant
[written across side] Abby sends her love
[following sheet enclosed in letter]
Form of a Bond
I hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors, or administrators to give to Y. M. his heirs heirs executors or administrators a full and sufficient [Warantee] Deed of (here describe the lot of which I am now in full and undisputed possession, on the following conditions viz. the said Y M. to pay now $36.50 to my full satisfaction and to pay annually thereafter $33 1/3 in the same manner for thirteen years the last payment to be made in the year 1860, the said Y. M. to have the privelege of <paying> claiming the benefit of this bond at any interveneing time <mak> paying the then present value of said annuity allowing 8 per. cent interest.
This bond is to remain in force so long as the above conditions are complied with but should the said Y M his heirs executors <an> or administrators delay <said> the payment of said annuity for a longer period than three months during the first <three> six years or longer than one year thereafter this bond to be null <and> void and the <complete> right to dispose of or use said land shall revert to me unrestrained by any of the conditions herein <desc> adopted.
In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of 1847
Should it be wished the annuity part of this may be varied as follows The said Y. M. to pay now $40 to my full satisfaction and to pay annually thereafter $50 in the same manner for seven years the last payment to be made in 1854 &c
Or as follows,
The said Y. M. to pay now $42 &c and to pay annually thereafter $100 for three years the last payment to be made in 1850.
If none of these terms will suit I know not that it is best to trade.
Letter 9 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
New Haven [Connecticut]. June 30 [1847?].
My Dear Sister [Caroline Burr Grant] --
Your very kind letter came Tuesday morning -- and gave me pleasure and comfort -- In such trials as that through which I have passed the sympathies of friends avail much to alleviate and sustain.
You will be glad to know that my recovery has been rapid and uninterrupted -- so that I can now quit myself -- It was my purpose to leave here today, but it being rainy I shall remain till tomorrow at least. Think to reach home by the middle of next week -- where I shall remain pretty quiet for a time. Will you not be able to come and see me?
I received also on Tues. forwarded from New York a letter from Daniel and Marcus -- dated May 26 -- Daniel speaks of having written you by the same mail a few day previous So you doubtless have all the intelligence which I have. He says he requested you to send him some book on Butter & Cheese making, but that he does not wish you to do so as he has found one there --
My pen is poor and I ought not to write much yet, so excuse my short letter --
In [...] for your sisterly remembrance,
Your aff. [affectionate] brother
John[...] [John Grant]
Letter 10 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Caroline Grant
Care of Daniel Grant Esq.
Milwaukie [Milwaukee] Co --
Wisconsin Territory
Philadelphia Sept. 13, 1847
My dear brother & sister [Daniel Grant and Caroline Burr Grant],
My last dated from you was the 11th of June which I almost immediately forwarded home. My last letter from there was June 21st which was written before your letter had reached them. Their letter was enclosed in one from Abby Brown, Abby writes very well & has much improved -- Suppose our people have been so occupied through haying as to leave neither time nor thought for me -- I do feel very very anxious to hear from them & from you dear sister -- What has caused your long silence -- I answered your letter very punctually -- Has ill health of yourself, Daniel or darling Abby saddened your home? -- or has constant & pressing employment given your pen this long respite? I endeavor to console myself by thinking the last supposition correct. July 15th Madame Sigoigne [Adele Sigoigne] took her family out to the country seat of the late Mr. Nicholas Biddle 16 miles from Philadelphia. -- It was a hot summer’s morn & all things in readiness when two baggage wagons were at the door & packed off with trunks & what furniture was necessary (in addition to that already at Andalusia) for housekeeping --. Then came an omnibus (or private stage) which was speedily fitted with Miss Crissa, Miss Sophie myself, three young ladies & 4 servants -- After a merry ride of two or three hours reached our destination. Madame Sigoigne Miss Adele & their maid with her nephew’s two children followed in a double carriage which with a coachman she took & kept during her whole stay in the country -- and she rode every day twice each time 4, 5, or 8 miles out from home & back again -- Mr. Biddle you remember was President of the United States Bank. After losing his country’s confidence he sickened & died of a broken heart it is supposed. He was a man of remarkable talent & uncommon taste which last he displayed in adorning his residence at Andalusia. The house is situated one mile from the public road & is reached by a well kept lane -- It is in the midst of a large field or rather an immense lawn (comprising many acres) which is skirted on one side by a beautiful grove <which the field> -- & scattered with trees throughout its surface -- The house itself is surrounded by trees, shrubs & gravel walks & about 20 or 30 rods from the river Delaware which is seen glimmering through the foliage that fringes the waters edge. The main building is surrounded on three sides by lofty columns which support the roof -- there are two wings -- the north & south -- four immense parlors communicate with each other & open out upon the piazza towards the river through large glass windows opening to the ground -- they contain one mirror reaching from floor to ceiling & two or three others of large size -- On arriving at Andalusia I ran about perfectly wild admiring the elegance & beauty of everything -- among other luxuries paying particular attention to the two libraries the largest of which equal in extent to three or four of our "east rooms' is lined throughout with bookcases most of which were locked & continued so -- I examined the contents of those that were open & quickly discovered the nature & extent of the field <over> which might embrace our reading -- found it one well worth traveling over -- though it would occupy years to do so thoroughly. I spent very little time in that delightfully cool & shady library but kept my room & studied French -- I had nothing to prevent & therefore made considerable progress in it -- I roomed with two of the young ladies The parlors, libraries, & some of the cambers contain marble busts & statures & choice paintings -- of the last -- one or two by Hogarth -- Down by the river’s side is a little stone grotto embowered in vines and trees -- In a niche above the door upon the exterior of the grotto stands a statue of Napoleaon in his coronation robes presented to Mr. [Nicholas] Biddle by a brother of Napolean (Joseph) I think. In the interior of the grotto stands another statue -- also chairs settee & centre table in a rustic style floor of marble &c -- Forty rods distant & also by the water -- is a little building of two rooms -- the lower one a billiard room & the upper a reading room which last has windows on every side opening down to the floor & through every one of which we step out upon a <piazza> balcony The room also contains a statue -- chairs, settee, centre table & a sedan chair brought from China -- There is a large flower garden & grapery on the place -- compising 10 or 11 acres -- The vines are in two or three rows of hot houses -- which were they in one line would extend nearly 1/4 of a mile -- The garden many choice flowers, <an> infinite variety of roses &c. The gardener is such by profession & lives in a pretty little cottage adjoining his charge -- employs constantly in it a number of workmen -- I ought to tell you that Mr. Nicholas Biddle’s family have always been intimate with Madame Sigoigne -- & not wishing to occupy the house themselves this summer they gave Madame Sigoigne the use of it -- & a most delightful retreat it has been. My time was entirely my own -- I did not sew at all -- but devoted myself to French & the reading of books to which I shall probably never again have access. Since commencing this letter have rece[ived] one from home which they request me to sen[d] [y]ou -- But wishing to send you a collar in th[e] sheet I will copy the parts that would interest you -- Much of it is taken up in considering whether I ha[d] better continue here another year -- Ma s[ee]md on the whole to concur in my own opinion-- which is that as I have endured the little trials thus far -- I had better do so perhaps a little while longer & prepare myself for teaching it if possible -- It is becoming more & more necessary every day for teachers & indeed for every well educated lady. .
“Your pa was appointed committe last fall with Esq. Mills & Anson Norton to let out the roads in town & see that they are well worked. Esq. Mills does not wish to spend much time about it -- Your pa likes it & is I think at present the most active & popular of the three -- He insists on the roads being put in better repair than they have heretofore been & that pleases the community. He expects 1.00 per day beside horse & wagon & sometimes oxen &c. he has charge near 20.00 for which he expects money. 13 July -- Ralph [Ralph E. Burr] left school last Thursday -- expects to go no more till after haying -- has been strawberrying twice -- got 2 or 3 quarts at a time -- -- your pa is on the road. Erastus after same-- intended to have sent this two weeks ago but could not see Esq. Mills about the writing till last Friday -- I have much less to worry me now than I used to -- like giving up the dairy -- Nancy takes pretty good care -- cheese looks well -- butter good. 14 July -- Erastus begins to mow today -- grass is not so good as usual -- your pa is on the road -- Ralph doing chores -- think he is well liked at school & associates with the first. Mrs. Pendleton sends love -- has seven cows -- makes a cheese every day that weighs 9 & 10 lbs. Sept 11 -- It seems as if I never should finish this letter -- We sent letter to Caroline [Caroline Burr Grant] with a 10 dollar bill in it (to buy drawers about the 1st inst. by [Irad?] Mills who with his wife have gone to Wis. [Wisconsin] also a small white flannel shawl. pr. [pair] coarse white cotton stockings & Carries scissors -- I told them Daniel ought to give you a mortgage & all about it. [Seoville?] has been here -- there are two closets in the kitchen 1 by the bed room the other by the buttery -- the windows are all in -- garret stairs made -- 4 bed rooms & 3 closets in the chamber partly done some of which we expect to have finished this fall -- your pa has been to work on the Crissey road this week for one dollar or more a day & his board -- Eras. & Ralph have been at work hard about our door yard -- draining stones making steps, laying wall, making trough & putting down to carry off slops, & it is now about ready to fill in dirt which they intend to do next week -- but you must not expect to see it as nice as Mrs. Biddle’s place [Andalusa] when it is all done which will not be this year -- hope to have some painting done this fall -- Have had Mrs. Nettleton to help a few days -- most of the ceilings have been washed very clean & floors too -- Am as busy as ever -- not generally as much worried. Recd. [Received] letter from Carrie [Caroline Burr Grant] this week -- [D?] [Daniel Grant] unwell with chill fever -- She & baby well -- Thankful Rogers & her sister Caroline were here three weeks ago & star’ed over the sabbath -- had things decent & comfortable -- Ralph went Monday with them to New Marlborough. Tuesday they went back to Cornwall -- Caroline stays about in Thankful’s district -- sews for herself and sister & studies some -- Two weeks ago David Rogers came to Cornwall & he & Caroline went to New Marlborough. Tuesday & Wednesday came here -- he talks of going to Genesee to visit his mother’s relatives -- Thankful’s school will be out in two weeks --Caroline did not know but she & Thankful would go to Genesee too -- if not Thankful talks of going to South Hadly [South Hadley, Massachusetts] & Caroline stay about here.
“August 12 -- sab. [sabbath] eve” I think Ma must have made a mistake & August for Sept. “been to meeting -- Parney Phelps says Abigail has been very sick -- but is now better & expects to go to Dea Grants to morrow. Martha is very low -- think she can’t live long -- I intend to go there this week -- Erastus & Nancy appear happy -- work very even -- cheese look well sell for six pence a lb. Sarah [Brown?] says they thank you for your letter -- don’t know when A. can write again -- they are so busy. Nancy sends love to you & Caroline. The text to day was “What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world & lose his own soul” I thought of you -- am afraid you are in a bad place for your soul -- do pray & think a great deal.” “Ralph could go to school were it not for fixing about the house he cares as much as I do about that -- we agree very well & have had it done to our mind so far -- Much love to you & Carry -- from your aff. [affectionate] Moth[er]
The above is all that ma wrote either of Dea. Grants people or of the writing which I ought to give you.
[written across side of verso] Am very sorry for D’s [Daniel Grant] poor health -- Write very soon. & tell me all about your affairs -- The collar has never been washed but once or twice though it is a little soiled now--excuse me for sending it so.
[written across side of first page] Andalusia is the name belonging exclusively to the house & grounds of Mr. Biddle but it is now given also to a small collection of houses & a post office that have grown up recently -- Analusia the country seat is considered the handsomest around Philadelphia Strangers who come to the city often visit the place -- Miss Sophie a blind cousin of Mrs. Sigoigne makes me every now and then a present of a collar -- as a recompense I suppose for many little favors which I render to her. Therefore I can spare you one much better than not & I send this -- it being the only one which has not been given to me I hope it will not cost you double postage -- write whether it did -- & write also how to direct my letters -- whether to the new county or no -- Miss Kenard & Bonham my last years roommates have left -- Miss Kenard gave me a morocco port folio that locked -- -- love to yourself & Daniel & many kisses to dear little Abby --
Your affection sis
Mary Burr
Letter 11 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mr. Daniel Grant
Waukesha Co
Mill Brook Ct. [Connecticut] Sept. 23, 1847
Dear Brother and sister[Daniel Grant and Caroline Burr Grant],
Today we have performed the sad duty of following our dear sister Martha’s [Martha Grant] mortal remains to the grave. She died night before last (Sept. 21) at about half past eleven o’clock, after a season of most severe suffering. I found her very low upon our return, though I did not think her case hopeless. She has been sinking gradually ever since, and about three weeks since we began to feel more anxiety on her account. About one week before her death, she became very weak, so much so that she could not see company except in extraordinary cases. Last sabbath she became still weaker and we became apprehensive that her end was at hand. Her sufferings were very great indeed, and we sent for the doctor, hoping he might give her something to relieve her pain. He did so, and she had a more comfortable night, but in the morning she was unable to swallow any thing, so that she was beyond the reach of anodynes. She appeared in the course of the day to be dying but she again revived, and lingered in great suffering till Tuesday night when she expired.
In her case we are privileged to record another triumph of divine grace. She has all along expressed herself resigned to the will of God, and has felt <more> deep anxiety lest she should cease to be patient under the <deep> sufferings which it pleased God to send upon her. When I prayed with her, it was usually the burden of her request that grace might be given her for that purpose. She felt almost ready to chide the slow approach of death. Her sufferings had made her very poor, and weak. I never saw a human being so much wasted and emaciated.
She bade us all farewell, and gave us such advice and exhortation as she judged adapted to us, and sent messages to her absent brothers. She said “Tell Daniel to be faithful to himself in the study and contemplation of religious truth, never suffering his business, his cares or his prosperity, to interfere with his religious duties. soon he may be like me upon the bed of death. O may he be prepared to follow his sisters who have inherited the promises.”
A post mortem examination was held which showed, that, as a result of protracted disease her lungs had grown to the sides of her chest, and her bowels had become one solid, agglutinated mass. Dreadful has been the suffering she has endured, great (as she said <before> the day before her death) beyond the <pow> belief of the world in general. But she sleeps -- sleeps in Jesus, and we cannot mourn that she has exchanged this life for another. We could not take care of her. -- Physicians did her but little, if any good. All our care could not relieve her sorrows, or comfort her upon her bed of suffering. She has gone, we trust, to the Great Physician, where her case is perfectly understood, and where no sorrow enters. Let us praise God for his grace that called her to his kingdom, and not sorrow as those without hope.
My health has improved rapidly since our return and I am now quite well. But Abby [Abigail Cowles Grant] has had a severe and dangerous attack of billious fever, which lasted about seven weeks, and from which she has scarcely recovered yet. It is about eleven days since she came from her father’s here and since that time has been for the most part with us. Our people are usually well.
Your aff. [affectionate] brother,
Joel Grant
P.S. Sept. 24. Whenever the business is all completed with Mahar and the papers properly recorded I wish you to let me know. The time for the payment of $15 is at hand (Oct. 1.) I wish you to use such portion as may remain in fencing out the sand bank on the 40. I think that about 1/2 an acre more or less should be fenced with boards. Fence five or six feet high, boards nailed to posts set in the ground, and with a gate that can be locked, so that no one can get at the sand without going to you for permission. I would like to have you do the labor, keeping an exact account of it and in due time I will pay you. Perhaps you might make some arrangement with Mahar to deliver the timber on good terms. Joel Grant
Letter 12 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mr. Daniel Grant
<Prairieville> Waukesha
Waukesha Co
Mill Brook Ct. [Connecticut], Dec. 28, 1847
Dear Brother [Daniel Grant],
I received your letter of Nov. 7, about a month since, and have delayed to reply to it for two reasons, the first of which is a very common one, viz. that I have been busily employed otherwise, and the second and most important is that I have not known what to write. The apparent importance of writing something however has at last led me to take my pen.
It seems that you have sold my 40 and now have a team; whether your investment was wise is more than I can determine, and it being already made there is the less need that I should as the action can not be recalled. But as I am now the owner of a team perhaps it may not be amiss to say something about the future control of the matter, though even here I can do but little more than to suggest some ideas which perhaps are even more palpable to your mind than to mine. In the first place take good care to curry and to feed them well. Be careful also in muddy weather not to drive them, or if you do so to take very light loads. Remember “the die is cast,” if this speculation fails I know not where you can look next. I know not where you can stable them, nor in what shed you can shelter your wagon, but this I trust is known to you.
But I wish to write you something respecting the religious bearing of your business. It is God alone who can give you success; none but He can save you from the thousand dangers of failure and consequent loss both to yourself and me that attend you. This truth should be acknowledged, not merely with our lips, but in some way that is calculated to carry more of the feelings with it. I have become satisfied that it is every Christians duty to give, at least, one tenth of his prosperity to God -- to consecrate it to the promotion of his kingdom on earth. This principle I have acted on for the last six months and I mean to do it while God shall give me life. Now as far as I have any share in the team you drive, I wish this principle applied, & I should feel much, very much safer if you would apply it to your share. I wish therefore to have you <state in some> ascertain what is the amount of my capital you have invested in paying for <them> it. I propose something like the following. Horses, wagons, and harnesses are of so perishable a nature, that if you cannot pay for them in the three years, it is not probable you ever can. The business will be far from a profitable one, if you cannot do as much as this. This will be 3 per cent a month for 36 months (allowing about 3 months in which to pay interest) I propose therefore that you at once enter on a plan of paying that amount month by month for that object. I think you can find no difficulty in doing this; certainly you cannot if the business is to be any other than a losing one either to you or me. As nearly as I can estimate from your account of the matter you have invested or are to invest about $237. dollars in the team, $163 of which you have already paid. Aside from this you seem to have used $15 paid by Mahar, $29 paid by some one else, and $10 or more from the store <which goes to pay> in payment for the lot, making in all $217. You ask also to be permitted to use $29 coming to me early in Jan. which will make $246 -- not lacking much of $250. I give my consent to your using the note of $29 come due in Jan. and as all the rest that comes from the lot will be used soon we will call the whole lot invested in the team, that is $250. Three per cent on this is $7.50 per month which I shall expect you to lay aside to pay for the principal this, beginning, if possible, Nov. 1, 1847. or at least as soon as Jan 1, '48. If you cannot do this your business will be far from a profitable one, I am confident, and <unless you can> the loss of the whole team will eventually fall on me.
I cannot give my consent to the investment in a team of the mony that is to come from Mahar next spring <in a team> unless you can make the payments I have just mentioned. I am owing nearly $300 which those funds are consecrated to pay; I cannot therefore venture to place them in so uncertain a state. But this I am willing to consider upon, viz. If you will pay $7.50 a month from Nov. till May (which will make $45) I will consent to the investment of a part of it, otherwise I cannot.
Mahar is sufficiently correct in saying that I gave my consent that all the taxes that had been laid previous to the sale of the farm might be deducted from the amount he was to pay. If the taxes have been laid since I sold the farm, no deduction can be made.
I wish you would write to me as often at least as once a month, presenting a clear and distinct statement of what you earn with your team and also of your expenses. Such a statement will soon show you whether you can live by teaming, and also whether I can expect a remuneration for the investment of my property. Of course you understand that it is no security for you to call the team mine, for it is property that will not avail much as security. I like the proposal to have the deed of your lot taken <from> for me, but not because it gives me a security that is of value, for if you cannot pay otherwise, do you think I shall take the lot from under you? Unless I am willing to do that, such security is of no worth to me. All my security lies in the hope that you will manage business well, and that God will smile upon your efforts, and add his blessing.
I presume you will appreciate my motives in what I have written. I have endeavored to be accommodating to every member of your family. I shall still endeavor to help if God gives me the means. But I now am poor, yea $300 worse than poor. I have lent brother John $1000 (with the interest it would now be $1200) and that is sunk beyond hope. How much <what> I have heretofore lent you, I have no knowledge, but believe it is not less than $60, which together with what you now ask for will make $300, and perhaps by next May $350. It is plain that I must stop the practice of lending money where it is so uncertain whether it will ever return. The $250 you may take, and may God's blessing go with it, but with present prospects ought I do more? I think you will feel that I ought not. Still if you can show that teaming is a business that holds out a prospect of supporting you I will do so much as to lend you a part of what you may earn between this and May, but the Mahar money must not be touched.
If you have not forgotten your Phonography I should like to have you write to me in that, as I care not to have every body read our business transactions. You can write it first in long hand and then copy it is Phonography: You must not suffer yourself to neglect writing for in a few years you will forget entirely how. I see you have forgotten very much already.
I hope you will consider carefully the subject of benevolence and if you do not feel able to consecrate one tenth to God, try one twentieth, and do whatever you do cheerfully, laying it aside as a sacred treasure, and taking of the best you get, that is money for this purpose.
I have as yet not employment. I have been preaching for two sabbaths in West Avon, and perhaps shall settle there, but do not know. Abby has for the most part recovered her health. John is teaching in Woodbury [Connecticut], but his school is small only about 30 now, and will not have so many in the summer. Marcus goes to school to him. Father and mother are well as usual as are also Mr. Burr's people. Am sorry to hear that you suffer so much from ague. hope that a change of business will relieve you. My love to Caroline and Abby. <and> In haste
Your aff. [affectionate] brother Joel
I believe Mother intends to write soon but I have filled this letter so full that I cannot well give her a chance in this.
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