Letter 1 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
Eldorado Apr. 3 70
My Dear Wife
I must write you a few words for it is long since I have written I am well and as you see in Eldorado.
I will send you an Eldorado paper.
I have not heard from you since I left Ottawa Perhaps there are letters at Ottawa. You may direct a letter here if you write on the rect of this. I am going south on a land hunt shall be gone 10 days or more. A letter sent here will reach me before I go to Ottawa I think Edward has put off coming to Kansas Give what reason I know not. It is strange that we must all take just the course we ought not to. I see he is destined to be unlucky like his father, but think unlike his father he is naturally stingy and will collect about him a pretty good property if he does not like his father get to rambling. It is very essential that he comes here soon to get hold of some land at a cheap rate that will be within civilized limits in a year or two. As long as he waits the distance is dropping back. Now this Co. is in advance of Franklin Co. when I first went to it, and we must go farther to get land. I have been trying not very hard it is true to have E. come on for two years. The hope that he was learning Surveying or something useful and beneficial for him in after life has prevented my urging him very hard to come on, but it seems that he has done nothing to help him in future He must now come on or he will have to go into the Indian Territory (wh. of itself may not be bad) or beyond the Rocky Mts. wh. I do not at present fancy. I have bargained any place here away partly because I expected him on and we would seek places together but now he is not coming. he must come and that speedily or he cannot get good land. It is possible I may <and> with difficulty get a chance for him and hold it till fall but it would be better for him to come. He can as I understand it do as well here as there ennyhow
Give love to Abbie Joel &c.
D Grant [Daniel Grant]
Letter 2 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant.
[Pre-printed: Home for the Friendless,
911 Wabash Avenue,
Chicago,] Aug 10. 1870.
Dear Sister Caroline
Yours was duly rec'd. Am glad there was no occasion for the "accident tickets." Also glad you found Abby more comfortable. Have no doubt the very thought of your coming tended to make her feel less nervous & more as if she was going to get along well. It must have been pleasant for you to be there thru Commencement week -- & especially to hear Mr. Burr -- I hope you have good news from Daniel & Eddy.
We are getting on in the usual way. Miss Shean left last week Fri. Miss Hovey came the morning before, & takes her place. She releives me entirely at the children's meals. Miss Bowman left on the early A.M. train just after Miss H. came on Thurs. -- I have heard from her twice -- she leaves Middletown to-day for Ver [Vermont] -- says she wants to get back here, & "shall be in ample time for the meeting of the Am. B'd [American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions]." She visited her sister Mat. who is well as can be expected --
Joel was here last week; also John got back from his northward trip Sat. A.M. two hours before time to join his father on his way to Cambridge -- thus both felt sorry not to see you here -- Had a letter from them this A.M. J. C. likes C. so much better than Bristol, he will stop here a day as he returns to Lake F.
Harriet Butler is visiting me with the rest of her friends in this city -- she is this P.M. at Mr. Gray's to tea -- Mrs. G. & Maria Phelps called to see her here yesterday -- Maria said she was sorry not to see you again. She did not think I cared to see her, because I never called on her &c &c -- She is blind as ever, & very fleshy --
Mrs. B. has just returned from tea -- had a nice time &c -- Geo & Maria bro't her home --
I know you will repine & may be put on crape (white) when I tell you that Augusta has gone to a home; went yesterday -- we miss her -- Agnes, Nellie, & Delia Grave are also gone -- Changes are so continual here -- we have received over 50 this month.
Kate does very well in the bath room -- she cleaned it all over again yesterday -- I have had the hooks for the hats & caps put down in the Bath room; it is more convenient -- also we have moved the old benches into the new School room & the other is painted ready for furnishing --
We have an awning over the front door giving a pleasant affect to the hall, & protecting from the morning sun, & evening dew. I hope for the fountains some day. Edward is in a shop down town, where gold leaf is pounded out: he likes it & is so much happier for having something to do.
Mr. Bell is faithful as ever, is now fixing up a play house for the children & getting the lumber in shape in the yard --
Miss Bowman's brother Henry's wife, sent 'special love to you -- Miss B. also.
My love to Mr. & Mrs. Shurtleff, to your children & to yourself, from y'r aff sister, Abby --
I hope Abby will not be discouraged, or too apprehensive -- She has a host of sympathizers who are ready to congratulate, at the earliest opportunity -- I shall be glad to hear from you any time & always --
[written across first page] None of us have been paid yet, as soon as we are, I will send yours on -- by P.O. order or by D'ft --
Letter 3 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
Cambridge, Ill. Oct. 3, 1870.
Mrs. Caroline Grant
Oberlin, Ohio.
Dear Sister,
Your letter of the 22nd ult. was received the 28th, and I have reason to regret that I did not come to my reply sooner. But besides my ordinary duties, I have been to Chicago since, and moved into <the> our new Parsonage here i.e. have occupied its study, the remainder of the house being as yet unfinished, and I take my meals elsewhere*
[written along side of first page] *Besides all this I did not know what to write. It would be a satisfaction if the questions to wh. your situation gives rise could be definitely, and without reopening, answered.
I was very glad to hear from you, and Abby and Mr. Burr, and thee baby. I trust God's blessing will be upon them all. The letters from Daniel and Edward help me understand their situation and that they have not yet got out of the wilderness of their troubles. It is sad to think that they are thus doubly in the wilderness. I will write to Edward to day, and encourage him to hold on to his land, or at least to hold on with patience to something. It is hard for any one to say (and of course it is hard for you harder in some respects than for any body else) to say what you should do about investments in Kansas. If Daniel had showed a tolerable skill in past investments, or even had he done as it seemed to us he ought to with reference to titles of land the case would be more plain. Still I think, [one line scribbled out] that it would be important to know whether the land was in Kansas or not before making any such investment. It seems to me it ought not to take a great while to decide this; though if the land is within half a mile of that line it is time true that only a careful survey will determine the matter. In investing there you seem to run a double risk -- or even a triple one -- that of finding that the land cannot be bought, and that of finding it slip away even if it can be bought, as did your investments in Ottawa, and <beyond> <more than all this in> and finding the place not so desirable as supposed.
Still if you can contrive to have half or even less <given> sold to you when the land comes into market, the case would be different. As matters are I think I would wait awhile.
My wife has gone East to be absent during this month, more or less. She seems not to make calculation for your return to the Home I suppose your place is filled, moreover she calculates to leave the Home in January. <That these> which renders the matter less important. You would do well to lay your plans irrespective of any expectation of going there. Could you not, with Abby, open a boarding house in Oberlin?
Excuse my delay in answering, and accept my thanks for your letter. Give my love to Mr. Burr and <Abbly> Abby, and the baby. I send back the letters -- at least so many of them as will go under one stamp. Write me again soon. Your aff. brother
Joel Grant
Letter 4 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Abigail Cowles Grant to Caroline Burr Grant]
[Printed: Home for the Friendless,
911 Wabash Avenue,
Chicago,] Dec. 23. 1870
Dear Sister Caroline,
I was very glad to receive your letter some time since. The same reason for delaying to reply that exists always here, is my excuse for so long silence -- Every day & hour is full or care, & far into the night I often write, just as I used to when you were here
The Home has never been so full of inmates as the last month, and this & the vigilance required to keep every thing shining, gives us all, all we can do -- The same employees are here, & Kate Davis is still in the Bath room: so we run pretty smoothly -- The Christmas fixins are this P.M. arranged for by M.C.C.P. Holden giving me $16. to get filling for thin stockings, wh. are to be filled Sund. night -- Our tree, & general jubilations are to be Thurs. the 29. so you can think of as poor tired mortals Thurs. & all the week as having had a good time at the expense of muscle & sinew --
Joel & John C. met here for Thanksgiving, & we all enjoyed it much --
Both were here again Tues eve of this week. John C. for a half hour, (he was in to the Yale banquet) & Joel to spend a day & two nights -- J. is well, & likes Cambridge, & the people like him -- I have delayed going there for a few weeks or perhaps months, as the parsonage is not quite completed -- I have been threatened with lung trouble again, but am better, & hope to escape a second time -- the weather now is fine; the cold, clear air is bracing, & makes me breathe easier --
Our new building in all costing $40,000 is paid for, & as you will see by the annual Report, when out, all is in a prosperous condition -- the Industrial school commences Jan. 2 -- in our new school room -- Miss Hovey to see to the sewing &c -- and a Miss Simonds to be teacher -- she is 28 yrs old -- a Missionary's daughter &c.
I hope you are well, & happy with Abby & the dear little baby; how time passes, and how old it makes one feel to have Abby a wife & mother! What is the young lady's name? and who does she look like? Does she cry after her father yet? Abby must not forget to teach her that. Love to them all, & a kiss for the little one. Yr aff. sister, Abby --
[written across verso] I shall be glad to hear from you at any time -- What do you hear from Daniel & Edward; any thing encouraging?
[written across front] Rec'd a letter from Marcus & wife Tues -- M is teaching as last winter, & busy as ever making the old house appear new -- she has painted & papered the bed room off the middle room --
M. wrote that Desiah N. was at the Asylum & not improving --
I hope Prof. & Mrs. Shurtleff are well my love to them.
What do you hear of sister Elizabeth?
Miss Bowman sends love to you, the others would if they knew I was writing.
Mary often asks about you and the baby, she cannot comprehend that your daughter is the mother -- she is almost crasy about Christmas -- She has squirrel furs –
Letter 5 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Printed: Oberlin College, Thank you for
Oberlin, Ohio. the pen holder I
Office of the Registrar, have it with me
H.C. King, Miss M.B.P. Hill.]
Oberlin Ohio
Jan. 10, '71
Dear Aunty:
Your letter received yesterday and to day they forwarded the one you sent home Intended to write for Christmas but found so many things at home to do and wished to do much more than I could
You are not to save any money for me for next summer I do not want you to think of it. Reached Oberlin last Sat. night Jan. 3rd at eight oclock Began work Monday A.M. & as it has been the first week of term have been exceedingly busy. I want to wish for you & Uncle D. a bright and pleasant New Year and thank you for all the good wishes you sent me
Now as to the spoon business You are under no obligations whatever to let Cousin Cornelia have that spoon Just tell her that you have but one and do not wish to part with it We have one and until we are worse off than we are now no money will buy it Cousin C. should have taken care of the one she had They are beautiful spoons and should be kept according to my belief where they are I remember that the broken one was remodeled but do not know who has it probably Abby Don't sell you spoon If Ed does not care particularly for it, Abby will I am sure
As to Cousin C's question about me I would rather that you admit the fact that I am to be married but you will tell particulars later I cautioned Sam but suppose in some way the Bentons have got hold of it It is not known here Am sure none of the Burrs have heard of it In the course of a month or two I hope to let you talk about it all you want to You may let Ed read Allie's letter but please do not let him mention it to Abby yet My reasons are good Thank you for being so good about keeping it to yourself I do appreciate it. I have scarcely seen Mr Wright since my return, He is full of college business until after the 20th of this month After that I hope to have the opportunity to talk over many things with him He is not rich but he is every thing else that a man ought to be and I am a fortunate woman to have the affection of such a man
Professor Shurtleff is out but not well Have not spoken to Mrs S. since return but have seen her
I am well Have not looked so well for a long time Want to keep so
Now must stop Have a little sewing that must be done and this half day is most gone Shall be glad when we can see the days grow longer
Love to all but the great share for yourself
From your loving niece
Mary H.
Did Allelta tell you that Mrs Earl brought me a 1/2 doz. pr. of beautiful kid gloves from Paris Wasn't it good of her
[written across verso] I want you to know that Mrs Johnston said some very nice things to me just before I went home about my success here in my work.
Letter 6 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
Adrian Mich. Mar. 6th '71.
Mrs. Grant,
Dear Madam
Yours of the 2nd inst. is at hand. In reply I would say that the place, consisting of 33 acres, is still for sale for three thousand, five hundred dollars ($3,500.00)
The two orchards taken together contain about 300 trees; an equal number in the new and old.
There is about a half an acre of "Davison's Thornless Black-cap Raspberries." A very choice kind, for which we paid at the rate of $50.0 for 1000 in New Jersey. One half an acre of Strawberries. The varieties are Wilson's Albany Seedling and the Green Prolific, the kinds that we have found, from experience, to be the best for market. We sold 1100 qts. last year -- but there are more vines this year to pick over.
There is nearly a quarter of an acre of Asparagus. We sold a little over a hundred dollars ($100) worth from the bed last year. The place contains between 5 and 6 hundred evergreens;
We sell three hundred dollars ($300) worth of plants yearly from the hot-beds and hot-house: and this trade properly managed can be increased, easily to $500.00. The average income has been about a $1000.00 yearly. But with sufficient help and proper attention we think it might be made $1500.00
Work can be commenced at any time on the place between <now> this and the first of next month; or the middle of next month, to advantage. I think I spoke to you of the water power on the place.
I should prefer that you would examine the place that you may see for yourself before making any bargain. My terms are $2000.00 down and a mortgage on the place for the remaining $1500.00. If we can close a bargain under these considerations I shall be very happy to sell to you.
I shall want to hear from you immediately; or know your conclusion by the 15th of March; as one of our neighbors is very anxious to purchase the same; and it will be necessary for us to know as soon as that in order to make preparations for the sale before moving.
Hoping to hear from you soon I remain
Yours, very respectfully
Lydia Jones
Letter 7 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
Norfolk, Conn. March 18, 1871.
Dear Sister,
I received your letter in due time. I see by your letter that you had not heard of Eben's death. Eben fell on the ice Monday Feb 20. between three & four in the afternoon -- he staid out about one half <an> hour played as usual.
he then came in went to his Mother said he fell on the ice and his head ached. We did not think him badly hurt until the Dr. came, which was the next morning about ten oclock. he staid twelve hours. Called it severe concussion of the brain he was unconscious most of the time until he died Thursday morning about two oclock, he suffered terribly. It was hard to part with little Eben but it seems to me that it is for our good we have two little angels in heaven.
Ralph as been to the Center to School this winter Frank Phelps has taught the school.
Mary went to New Haven and to Groton this winter.
Aunt Sally was well the last time we heard.
Charles has rented his farm is going to pedling lightning rods for a company in Philadelphia Aunt Sally and Cha Wife are going to stay in Del.
Hattie and Martha have gone to Eldred Nebraska I think they have a small store Mr Collar is a very good neighbour is doing very well. they have a little Boy about 5 months old.
Plumb and his family are well their youngest childs name is Plumb Brown,
Aunt Eunice is not very well this winter. Uncle Parton has visited us this winter is very well.
Uncle and Aunt Wallace have been here this winter. Uncle and Aunt Collar are well. Russel and Jane have taken Uncle Collar's farm. they live in separate families.
Jane has a little boy is is about 5 months old.
Horace K Knapp has sold his farm to Abel Stevens. Knapp is going to live with Mrs Theodore Hall. this is where Frederick Porter used to live. Theodore Hall died last summer. Mr Samuel Seymour died this winter he went to bed well as usual was found dead in the morning.
I wrote you last spring not hearing from you would like to know if you received it. The taxes are dues April 1st 1871 I will pay yours. I am afraid you are so taken up with your little grand daughter you dont take as such time to think of Norfolk friends as you ought. Let us hear from you often. All send love to all.
from you
Aff. Brother,
Erastus Burr
Letter 8 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Envelope addressed:] Mrs Caroline Grant
Care of Mr A.W. Burr
Fr Mrs. Anderson Apr. '71
Flemington April 23rd
My dear Mrs Grant,
I received your letter last Thursday morning, and would have answered it immediately only that I knew Mary had written you, and supposed you were in the possession of her letter, about the time I received yours, I was very glad to hear from you though sorry you should have been kept in suspense regarding the state of M's health, Her recovery is tedious, she improves; but it is slowly, and some days she feels pretty well, and on others, quite miserable, but she is able to be about the house and give directions. From the the beginning of her sickness, Hetty and I have tried to do all that we could to relieve and assist them, the bread baking, and the heaviest part of the washing has been done either at mothers or my house, and for several weeks I did the regular-= weekly sweeping through the house. and went out any, and every day that I could spare from my own duties, to do any thing to advise, and help in any way. Minnie is a great treasure to that household, she has been so womanly, and so untiring in energy during her mother's sickness and withal so cheerful, that it has been a pleasure to see and help her. My sister, who has so great a charge at home, was not able to be with them so much as I was, but she did considerable in altering, mending and making some of their clothes, and in doing their ironing at her own home. I have not, dear Mrs Grant told you all this, to praise ourselves, but that you may know that they have not suffered for want of attention, and that Minnie has been relieved of that which we feared might be too hard for her, when continued for weeks. She seems very well. and to my question, "Minnie "aren't you tired?" she always says no auntie I am not tired, I like to do. Both she and Alletta drank tea here a week ago on Saturday. Alletta has not been kept from school at all during Mary's sickness.
My mother is very miserable, can not walk without a cane, and suffers in various ways, she had a very severe term of palpitation of the heart last week, we felt quite alarmed as she seemed almost exhausted with it. Miss Allen is pretty well tho. she was more feeble than usual last week, and a little rheumatic but when the weather is fine she likes to be out in her garden.
Tell Abbie I often think of her, and would enjoy seeing her and the baby very much, I hope they may all be induced to visit Flemington, before a great while.
Annie Pierce, (Emery she was) has a lovely baby, he is not so pretty, but very sweet, blue eyes, and fair complexion, very large and very good natured. She calls him Fred. She is very fond of him and I hope he may be spared to her.
We all love our present pastor, Mr Mott very much both in the pulpit and out of it. I wish you could hear his prayers & sermons. I trust that I hear him with profit, I know I ought, much more than I do, I often feel grateful to my Heavenly Father for sending him here He is very kind and attentive in visiting my mother.
You ask about Louis and Frank. The former was married last November, He and his wife are living at Branchville, a small village about 10 miles from here, where Lou is in business (the mercantile) for himself. They commenced housekeeping on first of April. Frank, returned from Iowa, rather more than a year ago, he is now at Hamilton Square, where his aunt and grandmother live, engaged as engineer in an India rubber manufactory. We hope he may do well, and keep his place, it is much more satisfactory to us to have him there, than so far away from home. Lizzie and Charlie go to school and are doing well we think, Rev Mr Woodhull a friend of Mr Mott and through his influence brought here, is the principal of the school. is a very fine man, and a good teacher we think, Charlie is in his department, he has an assistant teacher -- for the younger ones, Miss Ioanna Higgins, perhaps you may have heard of her when here, Lizzie's teacher. It is more expensive to us to send them to this school, but we feel better compensated, because we think they have superior advantages <than> to those of the Public school. Charlie has grown so you would scarcely know him, I suppose, he is as tall as his auntie; He is learning to work as well as to study. and is quite persevering in what he undertakes, for which I am thankful as it is an essential trait, in one's character I think. I hope and pray that he may develop into a good, and an upright and noble Christian man that is my highest wish for him. and; May God help him.
The weather here is quite cool and we are needing rain very much. Our garden is all dug and ready to finish planting, we have peas and potatoes up, but they need raid to bring them on.
Mr. Anderson has gone to Trenton to-day, he is the sole trustee and executor of his step-fathers estate, and that takes him there quite often to gather with his own business. He has been quite well for him during the past winter, but has a cold a present. I hope it will soon pass away. Mother and sister join me in love to yourself and Abbie. I hope you will write again, I shall always be glad to hear from you Please remember me to Mr Burr.
I have heard of sister Mary. this (Tuesday morn) and she is feeling better. Good bye.
Your aff. friend
E.H. Anderson
I should like to hear of Mr Grant and Edward. I suppose they are well.
Letter 9 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant
New Jersey
Oberlin, Ohio
Aug. 22nd '71
Dear Mother,
You haven't heard from us for a long time have you? It is too bad, but as you said there was the hurry of Commencement, and after that the hurry of getting ready for our visit, I took along pen and paper for the express purpose of writing to you, but while I was gone, found no time on acc't of the baby's needing so much attention,
I was driven very hard Examination week before commencement, I don't think I have ever been through so hard a weeks work before, I didn't commence to learn my graduating speech until Friday afternoon and spoke it the next Tuesday evening,
I did well, so folks said, I spoke against "Church suppers, Fairs, &c," Mary Shurlteff to the contrary notwithstanding, Quite a number thanked me for bringing out those sentiments, Several ministers, Mr. Hubbard the merchant, &c, And now seeing I am blowing my own trumpet I might tell you that I have received a great many commendations for the work I have done in teaching Latin, and also a very flattering public notice in the Reports of the Officers of the College read before a meeting of the Trustees and Alumni!!! There, I won't say any more about that or you will begin to say I don't "seem sensible,"
I shall not have to work so hard next year, I teach only three hours next year and have the same salary, School commences in just two weeks.
We had a lively time here commencement, Both days there were five or six here to meals and the same number to stay over night Tuesday & Wednesday, Mr. Bakers young people were here, Amanda's sister, and a Mr. House of Painesville who was classmate in New York and resembles me very much, All went away Thursday morning.
We could not get ready to start for our visit until the week after Com--.
[Delia?] was sick before and during comm -- from teething &c, so that Abbie could not get her dresses made &c, &c. We had a very pleasant day for our journey and reached Mr Thompson's about 9 o clock in the evening, We enjoyed our stay there much. They are very well to do farmers and it is a very nice country, One of the best farming sections I have ever seen,
After we had been there three or four days "Pettie" was taken sick, She was cutting two upper teeth and her bowels became very loose, After a day or two we stopped it two suddenly and a fever set in, we got her out of that in a day <or two> and then she began to get well,
So that we were able to come home last Saturday, "Pettie" has been quite well since we got back, There were a number there to take care of her and they thought a great deal of her, So probably it was not so hard on us as if we had been at home, The visit refreshed us very much, I checked through in a box a bushel and a half of splendid Early Rose potatoes, they gave us, <also> and they also gave us a large piece of cheese,
We found every all right at home when we get back except a large limb of the peach next the road had broken off in a storm it was so loaded with fruit,
We picked about a bushel of Barlett pears from the tree by the gate and they are now ripening and are splendid,
Abbie and I are alone now, Our hired girl left the Monday after commenmt, and we were glad we were through with her, Mother, hired girls are a pest, They waste more than they earn, and are a poor speculation, It don't pay, Folks call the girl we had a good one, I hate hired girls,
But a little more about Pettie, When she was a year old she weighed 18 1/4 lbs. She had just been sick more than a week from her teeth and with Sum-complaint, She had when a year old six teeth and cold run about the yard any where, She has two more teeth now I believe, Says "purty" at every thing she likes, calls the kitty "tee" &c,
The enclosed letter from Father was received some time since and Abbie took the liberty of opening it, We have been waiting to<o> send it when we wrote, Mrs. Hayworth & baby are not back yet, Don't know when they will be,
I enclose a little scrap about clover blossoms that I thought might comfort you, especially after all the persecution you have gone through on that point, I think you and that Dr. ought to write to each other and condole and sympathize, &c, Good thing you got your blossoms when you did, for it has been terribly dry here this Summer and is so yet, But I must stop I hope Aunt Mary is improving and that you all are well, Remember me to
[written across last page] Carrie especially, Much love you all
Your aff. son Almon.
[written across first page] I enclose one of my Faculty pictures, We had that class party here that we were talking about, 21 here, She that was Nellie Striely among, them, Every thing went off charmingly, Abbie says she cant find all <the letter> of Aunt Abby's letter,
Letter 10 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Printed: Home for the Friendless,
911 Wabash Avenue,
Chicago,] Jan. 11. 1872.
Dear Sister Caroline,
Your letter was rec'd, this morning; was glad to hear from you & yours --
I am glad Abby & family keep well. I doubt not little Carrie is a great comfort to them all --
It is too bad that brother Daniel should be so continually disappointed -- I often think of him, and seem to see him, weary, yet hopeful. I hope some time he will be really successful -- it would cheer me to hear him wake up some fine morning with a large fortune -- I hope Edward is not to have such a discouraged life, it is too bad, though of course he can leave when he wishes --
We have had such a very busy life since the fire that we scarce have rested at all -- You did not say whether you see our little paper -- it has gone thr'o vicissitudes, but comes out with a new interest, & we hope will be as good as before -- Miss Bowman arranges it, and her experience & skill is equal to it -- Miss B. & Hovey, Mrs. Ostham & Bike are here still -- Miss Gould has not been here since last summer -- except the Tues. night after the fire she came & staid till Sat. morning -- those were days of dread & terror, days to be ever remembered -- days when friends from near & from far, poured in, & worked & sympathized, & helped -- My husband reached here Thurs. morning & John C. Sat -- neither staid long, but they came to give thanks for spared wife, & mother, & "Home" -- Both are well as usual & with prosperity as for some time before -- John G. is pleased with the Nebraska plan -- so is his father. I did like to go to the Colony to live, but doubt if I get soon away from this Home -- The fire did not affect Englewood -- but it made me thankful I did not own property in this city -- The west side lot I sold last spring, & have the money at 10 pr. ct interest -- Some time, we hope for a little quiet home, but it may
[written across last page] never come. I do not worry about it but feel trustful in some degree -- Tell me if you do not get our paper --
[written across first page] My love to your sister & family -- You have doubtless heard of brother John's illness, & recovery, also of the death of my co. James Cowles -- I do not like to feel that I am growing old so fast, yet it crowds upon me, & soon the fact will come
I am always glad to hear from you --
Miss Bowman sends love, so does Mrs. Ostram & Miss Hovey.
Very aff'ly Your sister Abby,
The $1 came safely.
Tell me if I have Mr. Hill's initials right --
Letter 11 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant
Care of Mr. Hill Esq.
Flemington N.J.
Cambridge Ill. Feb. 22, 1872.
Dear Sister,
I am much obliged for your letters of Jan. 3. and Feb. 13, with their inclosures Was glad to see Daniel's letter of Jan. 29 (herewith returned) which so fully discloses his view of his present condition. I know nothing respecting the prospect that Congress may legalize the occupation of the Indian Territory or any part of it; but cannot think it is likely to do so. Am sorry that Daniel will adhere to a plan that at best has so doubtful a basis; but as he has good health there, and may do something as profitable as he would elsewhere, it is not best to try to disturb him. Of course no one of the friends or family should feel bound to follow him. Of course also it is wildness itself for D. to suppose that Mr. Hill will go there.
I think it possible that D. may yet be glad to take any place offered him. Of course the contest cannot now be long. A man 54 years old cannot long carry on a life such as he follows. The matter must end. We can only commit his case (as we do our own) to him who knows our frame and remembers we are dust.
I have been very busy this winter. We held meetings every evening for about five weeks. The results were not very marked; and yet cheering. I was nearly used up. Of course I had no time to write or answer letters as I wished.
The S.W. corner of my land is (I believe) exactly two miles from the nearest point in Plymouth. Two and a half miles will probably be the proper statement of distance.
Your aff. brother
Joel Grant
Letter 12 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
Oberlin Ohio.
March 4th, 1872.
My dear Mother,
I will write a little while this afternoon so as to have my letter ready when Almon writes. The sun shines beautifully now, but it is very cold, this morning was stormy and blistering, regular March weather.
I tried your wonderful soap this morning. Put the clothes asoak in it last night and did everything in order, but we couldnt make out that it was any better than other soap. not a quarter as good as the machine. Mrs. Fay had to take the wash board, and rub the clothes out regular old style, before she could make them look any how.
I am doing my work alone again this spring (Pet is climbing around me so you must excuse the writing.) I didnt expect to. had an excellent girl engaged. but her mother was taken sick, and she was obliged to give up coming. Girls are very scarce this spring. we cant hear of a single one, good or bad, but I am getting along very well now. Pet is getting to be like her old self. her swelling has been lanced, has discharged a good deal, and has now healed up. her eye teeth are through, and one of those opposite is through, the other now looks as though it would be along by tomorrow.
Almon had quite a severe atack of diptheria. the first week of the term, but is over it now.
I hire my washing and ironing done, hall hire some sewing after a while. get along with the housework nicely. Ill have to stop writin for awhile, for Pet is crying and hugging to hard to be taken.
May 24th My dear Mother, Almon is going to write to you this eve, so I will try to send a little. As you will see I commenced this letter long ago, before Pet had the lung fever. The dear little thing is getting rosy and fat now and seems to be quite healthy. She tries to talk a little more than she did.
I am not able to do much of any thing yet, but have a young lass here who is excellent help. Although I am afraid every day that I shall lose her. I had been sitting up but one day when Alice Stocking went home. She was obliged to go on account of her own housecleaning, moving, &c. I shall try to get your things together to send before long. Alice couldnt see to it before she went, for the letter only came that day. I do feel so sorry for poor dear Eddie. Shall write him as soon as I am able. Almon will write him too. Almon says that if E will come on here, he will give him work for a couple of months. though I believe A thinks that he wont need him much before the first of August, still if Es health is in such a state that he needs to come before of course he might and be welcome. A things Father would [hire?] him some too. and in the mean time you know he could be looking around, making up his mind what he wanted to do &c.
If I should be unsuccessful in getting good help this summer do you suppose that you could come out here along about commencement, or even after. I do not want to take you away from Aunt Mary if she needs you yet, but there is so very much to do this sum
[written across first page] mer and fall that I am clear discouraged every time I think of it. If I should happen to get real good help though, I could get along nicely. I suppose it will be decided before long now whether Miss Sayer stays or not, she is not attending school and if she does stay, I can have her all the time if I want her, she is a real nice housekeeper. I am too tired to write any more.
Love to all,
Your aff. daughter, Abbie.
Letter 13 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant
Hunterdon Co.
N. Jersey
Arkansas City June 4 1872
My Dear Wife
It is but few days since I wrote but will write again as yours of May 12 is. rec'd, I am not in connection with any books or papers that give any missionary intelligence and know nothing of the doings in that line except what I can learn without the aid of printing and conducted by government, principally as I understand by the secretary of the interior and wh. is well explained by some lines wh. I read in a news paper recently. The first verse I wrote in my last but will reproduce it. The first verse should be read simply as it is and taken without comment. It expresses the simple truth.
I want to be an Indian
An Arapahoe or Ute
I'm tired of being a white man
An unprotected brute
I want to be an Indian
A ward of the Government
Its the bigist thing in America
Except the President.
The second verse shows how well the business is conducted and there are white men who would like to be Indians for the reasons here given
I want to be an Indian
A warior of the plains
I want to wield a tomahawk
And scoop out people's brains
I want to build a camp fire
On a human beings breast
And watch his writhing agony
With a noble savage zest
The third, fourth and fifth verses may be read same as second. Of course no honest white man wants to be an Indian for these reasons.
I want to be an Indian
With tall commanding form
And a lousy U.S. blanket
To protect one from the storm
I want to be an Indian
And learn the scalping art
And then dear Vincent Colyer
Will come and take my part
I want to be an Indian
And beg and lie and steal
With that placid sense of safety
A white man never feels
I want to be assured too
That in the worst event
Im a pet of Vincent Colyer
And a ward of Government
I want to be an Indian
An Apache or Cheyenne
I want to bid defiance
To the comon laws of man
When I do a bit of arson
Murder tragedy or rape
I want to know I have a friend
At Washington -- Red Tape
I want to be an Indian
And have an agent too
One who's honest like the rest
And pure and good and true
So when I do my devilment
He may be there to tell
Vincent Colyer all about it
And Horace G. as well
This sixth verse is a reflection on the agents Who without exception are dishonest. The seventh verse needs no comment.
But alas! I'm not an Indian
And my name is only Bent
So I till the soil by honest toil
And sware I'm content
But still I think an Indian
A ward of Government
Is the bigest thing in America
Except the President
These verses exactly explain the policy of Government toward the Indians and this <poll> policy is applawded and sustaned by almost the whole east. They say it is wrong to crowd upon the Indian. Give him the Country to roam over it is his. Let him alone they say. <have it.> If this had been the policy in years gone by where would be our country now Why did the Almighty sweep a tribe out of existence by a pestilence just in time to make room for our forefathers on the shores of Mass? and why have the Indians been continually killed off and driven back ever since until<l> the white man has nearly the whole country under control and the Indian nearly become extinct. It will be argued that our policy should be more humane as the race becomes less and of course more easily controled
Well let us admit that this is so is it a reason why <that> they should be protected in crime? Is it a reason why they should be huddled together in this Territory <wh> with the plea that they are to be civilized when they choose to remain on their present reservations where they will be surrounded by whites and <of> by civilizing influences?
Most if not all the Indians (all as far as I know) wish if they are to be removed from their present reservations <choose> to go farther west but for some reason I cannot understand Gov over rules them in that and we hear the cry there is no west for them. But there is yet a west where there is room where they choose to go and where they can be civilized quicker and easier than to be huddled in this Ter. where most of them will never come if they can possibly avoid it. And better still to let most of them remain where they are. The whole area of the U.S. & Ter. is said to be 3,010,000 sq. miles equivelent to 1928,400,000 acres The population is estimated at 40,000,000 This <480> gives 48 acres and a small fraction to each inhabitant of the country; Now why claim for the Indian 200 or 300 acres where there is so little for him and claim that a white child or a married woman shall not have any land. The Indian will not cultivate 10 acres in 1000 while if women and children could have it I have no doubt that in a very short time 300 acres in 1000 would be cultivated. The Indian must have a large amount of land and then fed at government expense and many whites forbidden to get a living at their own expense. What folly. But "so mote it be"
This poem rather waked me up to the Indian policy but I donot expect to bother myself about it. I could not effect anything if I should.
I am going to try yet to get my claim and as I have the Indian policy to fight I am naturally rather sensitive on that point. While waiting to get a foot hold there I propose to take another claim in the state of Kan. not a very good one but the best I know of that is vacant. It has some timber and a fine small stream of durable water. Perhaps I will only enter 40 acres but will see about that. The price is $2, per acre, I am staying now with a family whose claim joins mine. They have been married little more than a year have a babe. I don't like the little squaller not but what it is pretty but you know I never could bear babies.
The nuptial knot was tied by my own delicate hands while acting as justice of the peace. Tom as I call him will I think fill the place I was anxious for Ed. to fill that is in a measure. Of course he cannot fill the place of a dutiful son. I know nothing of Edward. You inquire about ague. I know of two cases only in this vicinity. They had it last fall and still have it some There is very little of it here
[written across first page] Am sorry for your ill health. guess you will have to come here for a cure.
Give my love to Wm. & Mary and the children. Write occasionally
It appears from your statement that you have written a letter I have not rec'd
As Ever Thine
D. Grant [Daniel Grant]
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