[Addressed to] Mrs. Caroline Grant
Berkshire Co.
Oberlin O.
January 1st 1874.
My dear Mother,
Almon is very sick, the worn out body must have rest. Mr. Finney was in this afternoon and thanked the Lord in his prayer. “That Thou hast laid thy servant upon his bed to rest, before he was dead from over work.”
Jan 2nd A’s sickness commenced with bilions fever & inflammation of the ear was [latern?] down about two weeks ago. Has now run into Typhoid. Has also had inflammation of the kidneys in connection.
The prospect is that he wont be up for several weeks yet. The children [slay?] down to fathers a good deal. Father is also having a long sickness, but is not so nervous as Almon. We have some man to watch every night -- now. So that I get some rest. Mr Finney has been in to see Almon again this morning. Every one is very kind. I dont try to do much about the housework, what the girls cant do I let go.
I will drop a line in a few days to let you know how he is getting along. If he should not get any better or the children should get sick (it is a very sickly season here) I may be glad to have you come for a few weeks if you can. But as things are now I think we can get along very comfortably. I have received all your letters. Pettie was pleased with the little card.
I cannot write more now
With much love
Your aff daughter
I have received [no.?] dressed from Mary Burton.
Silver Dale Sp. Cowley Co. Kan
Jan. 17, 1874
My Dear Wife
The above heading I found on this sheet and concluded to let it remain. It is the name of the Tp. Township in which I live and I suppose I wrote it sometime. There is a post office called Silver Dale between two and three miles from me but they have a mail but once a week, and it is a point I seldom visit so it is not as convenient as Ark. City altho the latter is 10 miles distant.
It is a rather unpleasant day today and I have concluded to sit in the house and write a while. We have had a very pleasant winter thus far. Now it is threatening a storm and I fear our pleasant weather is at an end but hope not.
When I last wrote fore part Dec. it was stormy. That storm lasted 10 day gradually growing warmer every day till it cleared off and we have had fine weather ever since.
Your letter dated Dec. 8 came in due time, I perceived by it that I must direct Clayton instead East Sheffield. Quite an improvement. Glad you enjoyed thanksgiving day. I enjoyed it same as other days. Nothing but health to be thankful for.
I can give no idea when I shall conclude best to go east. Uncle must lay his plans and make his arrangements same as tho he did not expect me. I have several irons in the fire and cannot now tell when it is likely I will be ready to go. It may be a year or perhaps two of them.
I am at a loss at present what I will do with my claim. My time for entry is up on the 14th of April and if I do not enter then unless Government gives an extention of time I will have to run my risk of getting it at a land sale to come off when Gov, advertises it. There is now a probability that the time will be extended. If I can find a chance to get money at 15 per ct. I will enter but I think if I must pay 25 per ct. I better run the risk. The mistake made in the [Po.?] of one of the 40s is not yet rectified. If that is not done before my time expires I shall not enter the rest at present. I <can> claim three 40s or 120 acres. This is the principal cause of delay and I can’t tell how long it will take to get it out of the way. There are two parties who want the place but money is scarce and the mistake is in the way. I am in a way now of getting a little start and if I was located, there seems to be good reason to think I might go slowly ahead but I suppose something unforeseen will thwart me yet. The worst drawback that is visible is I am alone I cannot go away from home without a good deal of trouble and if I should be sick there would be trouble indeed. I have six head of cattle two of them are last years calves.
The man Mr. Hager who I expected would be a help is not quite the man I expected I expect you will say “I thought as much” He is honest clever and a right good fellow but lacks energy. He don’t take care of what is his own I promised in my last to send newspapers but they got left. I will send them.
Rec’d, three Winsted Heralds. Glad to get them but they make me feel bad.
They have news I would get in no other way. It seems C.B. Phelps is dead also Beng. Welch and others I know. Wm Phelps could not live without a wife. “So [mote?] it be”
You see my half sheet is full. Some time or other I will get this to the P.O.
Remember me aff. to Uncle an aunt and all inquiring friends
Ever Thine
D. Grant
I enclose a little slip paper wh. gives my idea of what a man should be rather better than I can tell it myself. The man who has no ambition and will sit down contented with poverty ought not to live even when like me every move has been a failure
Ark. City, March 13, 1875.
My Dear Wife
Yours of the 28 ult. was rec’d. last evening. It contained check for $10, for wh. I am very thankful.
My health is improving. I am now pretty well. Have not been very sick.
I am it is true in pinched circumstances but am in so much better fit than some of my neighbors that I sometimes think I am pretty well off. I have had plenty of flour (through your help) and have had as much pork as I wished to use and coffee tho I have been rather stingy of coffee. Some of my neighbors have lived part of the time on bread alone only changing it occasionally for boiled wheat. I am more comfortably dressed than some of them so I think I am pretty well off. A great deal of food has been contributed from the east and sent to Kan. but K. is a great state and there are a great many people to feed. On reason why this country has received so little is because false reports have been made from here. In the first place our county Commissioners reported last fall that Cowley Co. was self sustaining then the merchants in hopes to sell more goods have given out the same idea and the newspapers and land speculators have done the same in hopes to induce emigration etc. The general Gov. has taken hold at last but I fear it also will be nearly a failure from its magnitude. <I l>
I think you better not send me anything as I shall be able to live thro it I guess and it is so far it will be long before it gets here and there is danger that it will be lost on the road. I don’t know whether much is lost or not; there are so many false reports we don’t know what to believe.
The State Gov. has made two unsuccessful attempts to do something but it must fix it in such a way that somebody must make a rich thing of it and so that it will cost more than it comes to. The legislature passed one act that will help a little viz. appropriated $5000, to pay freight on corn wh. is sent from the east but it is so little that it will hardly be felt. Corn is charged freight on the R.Roads. The greatest help I look for is thro the Grange
The weather is now warm and pleasant. The first week of March was quite cold. Jan. & Fed. were very cold months
I am at a loss yet about going east. If I go now I must sacrifice everything I have got and I am afraid it will be no better [...] next fall. I shall pretty soon decide either to <do> give up everything and go or to put in a crop. It seems Congress has adjourned without extending the time of payment on this land. I cannot enter now if I would.
Give my best [reg?] to uncle & aunt Thank you all for the money
Entirely Thine
D. Grant
Ark. City, April 4, 1875.
My Dear Wife,
Yours of March 24 is just recd. Ought to have written before in answer to your letter of Mar. 7 but I am slow in getting around and have not done it. My evenings have been occupied most of the time so that if I got a spare evening I wanted it for rest.
The check you sent me saved me from suffering. I got along with it better than I expected.
Was able to get four dollars advanced upon it Expected I would not get anything till it would be sent back and collected. The remaining six dollars probably will be able to get in course of another week. Your last contains P.O. Order for $38, wh. I presume is right and will be cashed on presentation tho it looks to me somewhat deficient but I am not acquainted with P.O. Orders and believe it is right. You do not state by what means this is raised. I would like to know for the sake of gratifying my curiosity. You have done right in sending money. Goods cannot now be sent to individuals or localities without paying freight.
I do not wonder that people east think they have sent enough to supply us for they don’t consider how much it takes. Ascertain for once how many car loads it takes to supply the little town of Flemington and its surroundings for one week then compare it with the great state of Kan. and you will have a better idea then consider that Kan. is not half of the famine stricken district and you will see at once the enormous amount it takes. I am unable to state whether the relief sent is all distributed as it should be or not. I fear it is not. There are so many false report about the relief Committees that I don’t believe anything I hear. I have as a member of this TP. committee been assailed by many and it does beat everything how much ingenuity is used in fabricating falshoods. It is fairly astonishing. I pay but little attention to them and a majority still stand by me. I am not aware of making but one mortal enemy and I don’t fear him. The committee sent in their resignations last week but mine was not accepted. The other two members have got out of it two others appointed in their places. We get so little to divide that it gives great dissatisfaction each needy one thinks he ought to have it all.
I am glad of your suggestions for it shows you think how it might possibly be improved but you will have to think of something else to think of something I have not tried. I would not advise you or any body east of Indiana to send goods of any kind for I fear they are not distributed as they should be. Send money to some one who can be trusted or to someone who is ascertained to be in destitute circumstances so that if the individual receiving uses it all himself it will be well appropriated then it will not be lost. I hardly know just how to use what you have now send me. I sadly want it myself and I feel more like appropriating it than I should <but> for the time I have spent and the trouble I have been at for these needy ones. I have earnt it and not only need it but think I deserve it but if I can have instructions from the donors I will use it accordingly. I have had almost nothing of what has been received for I could not bear to take it when others needed it. Nearly everything is for sale in the markets here at reasonable prices if people had money to buy. All kinds provisions probably cheaper than in the east.
Apr. 7 I will now try and finish this letter I think I have written enough on relief or will have done so when I state that you better not attempt to send any kind of goods unless you can pay the fright at the starting point. Then they need not be sent as relief goods and probably will reach the individual or locality to wh. they are sent. R.R. now refuse to freight goods to individuals or townships free of charges and all goods sent in that way <or> go into the general relief fund or are appropriated by the R.R. the amount of relief wh. has been received by this Tp. averages about 300 lbs. of corn meal per week. a little clothing has been sent here. Government however sent much the largest share viz. 12 overcoats badly moth eaten and 13 pairs shoes.
Now a little about a certain legacy If aunt B. [Zilpah Polly Grant Banister] has bestowed upon me $300, certainly I have reason to be thankful. It seems tho that you do not know that such is the case. now what is the use of working our minds up upon a supposition of that kind till we know something about it. I don’t want to make my calculations upon receiving money to be disappointed. When I am sure of it then is soon enough to decide what to do with it. you have a good deal to say about how it better be invested wh. is all very natural and perfectly proper but you don’t consider atall my wants. You know I have written several times that I wanted money to enter my land and you have consented to help me to the amount of $100, but now that there appears to be a chance to get all I need for that purpose you are not willing I should have it. I know you have a claim on the money and I am willing it shall be yours but why do you wish to prevent me from entering my land? or if I do enter to oblige me to loan money at 10 per ct. and then pay from 25 to 36 per ct. for it? I am not certain that I shall enter my land but I want to put in a bid for it and if the bid is accepted of course I want to pay for it and if there is a chance to do so without drawing from your private means why not let me have the chance? besides the idea that it is better to loan it there at 10 per ct. than to loan it here at 20 per ct. or more. I don’t so much wonder at that idea in you for several reasons I might mention but wh. I think not worth while to mention here as I other wise should. It is no strange that people in the east who have money to loan should prefer to keep it near them <th> at 10 or even at six per ct. than to sent it west but the case is different with you at present at least but I know you have reason to think otherwise
If the legacy from aunt B. comes into my hands I am determined to look out for it and save it for you but don’t let us worry ourselves about it till we know something about it.
You inquire how I am getting along? I have occupied so much room with a lot of nonsense that I have not room to tell you, with the help you have sent me I shall do very well. My health is better than in winter. I will try and write more upon this point in my next.
Ever yours
D Grant.
[text upside down] Turn bottom up.
[Stationary] Oberlin College
Oberlin, Ohio [handwriting starts] Apr. 6th 1875.
My dear aunt,
I have been thinking from day to day ever since I received you last letter that I must not delay answering it, and last night, in order to be sure not to fail in sending out a letter today. I decided to begin writing this morning before any other work should engage my attention. I have something to tell you about, in which I know you will be interested. I attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Malthy last evening, and will produce to you some of the features of the occasion which particularly impressed me.
We received our invitation more than a week ago from a Miss Ayers (the Principal of the High School) who resides in the house between the Malth’s and Prof. Smith’s. She said the neighbors were greatly interested in the coming anniversary and were going to do all they could to make it a success. To relieve the family, who were to have company from abroad, they insisted upon <preparing> providing all the refreshments except, I believe, the meat and fruit. Nicer cake and biscuit I am sure I never was made.
The company was received in the two front rooms the double doors being thrown open. There must have been over fifty present. They were all from Forest St. except the relations from abroad Prof. & Mrs. Cowles, Mr. & Mrs. Brand, Mr. S. and myself. We considered ourselves quite honored to be invited.
The rooms were pleasantly adorned with flowers and evergreens. Festoons of evergreen hung from the casings of the double doors and other appropriate places. There was a beautiful pyramid of rare flowers in the recess of the bay window where the bride and groom sat in easy chairs, and there were handsome boquets in baskets and vases in other parts of the room. I think all the green houses and conservatories in town must have been laid under contribution to furnish so many. <After>
After refreshments were served Prof. Cowles was called upon for remarks. He naturally dwels somewhat at length upon the great changes which have taken place since he and Jesse Malthy were school boys -- the greatly increased educational advantages and progress of Christian enterprises of every kind. He referred to the upright and excellent character of the large family, thirteen in number, of Mr. Malthy’s father, and mentioned the fact that a daughter of an older brother present, was a missionary on heathen ground.
This brother followed with a short speech which I did not distinctly hear, but which had reference to the value of early Christian training. Mr. Shutleff then read from letters of about relations expression regret a not being able to be present, among them one from Lea Collar and his wife. Mr. S. spoke of his visit at Lea C’s -- his pleasant impressions of the country and people about Mrs. Malthy’s old home &c.
The bridegroom in his characteristic way gave an account of <the> his marriage the manner in which he pursued his work of carpentry and joinery in those <years> days, his trip to Ohio, his residence in Bristol and since then in Oberlin, Some things which he said were quite funny and amused his hearers very much. In conclusion he thanked the neighbors for their interest and kindness, and thought he should know them better after this. Mr. Bushnell (the father of Mrs. Prof. Smith) made the wittiest speech of the evening in giving reminiscences of the time <evening> when he and Mr. Malthy and a few other were managers and proprietors of a Rail Road. They were so generous to passengers that they not only gave free tickets but entertained them on their way. Of course we soon perceived that he was talking of the underground R.R. for transporting fugitive slaves to Canada -- Prof. Ellis made the concluding remarks and a prayer which was full of interest and feeling. I have gone so much into detail because I felt sure you would be interested and I hope that through you Mrs. Collar may hear about it unless she is more particularly informed by some one else. I learned yesterday from Minnie Hill that you are in Flemington and I want to write to Abbie I will communicate what further I have to say to her, expecting that you will also have the benefit of it. Your affectionate niece.
Mary B.S.
[Stationary] Home for the Friendless
No. 911 Wabash Avenue
Chicago, Ill. [handwriting starts] May 1st, 1875.
Dear Sister Caroline,
I was very glad to get your letter yesterday, and you see my effort at promptness in replying.
You have not been forgotten in these long winter months, but you have shared like the rest of my personal friends, in the results of my care. Business letters must be ans. but those of affection can wait, and the love does not grow cold -- The anniversary of my dear husbands death was living once so [...] again, realizing afresh the agonizing fact. God helps me to look upward, to have alittle more faith & trust. I try to see beyond the transitory state to the mansions prepared for those that love the Lord. “Perfect love [castitle?] out fear”, I want that assurance, that will make me fearless in view of death. I have so many precious memories of the past, my life has been so full of rich blessing, that I feel called upon always to Praise the Lord.
It is sad to have our family so fast going: brother Phelps, & Aunt B: [Zilpah Polly Grant Banister] we are fast leaving the places to others. Sister Susan & Jennie spent a day with me, on their way back to Omaha -- Sisters love for the husband of her youth showed itself so beautifully. Have heard from her once since she returned to O. I hope to see sister Elizabeth during the summer -- & it may possibly be go on to Omaha --
It must be delightful for you to visit sister & daughter & grandchildren, all at the same time. I had a letter from Abby recently, and John C. said he would like to answer it. so she will hear from us some day.
I sent the Cook Book, the day after yours was rec’d -- Hope Mary will like it. Of the Edition of 5000, 4500 have been sold --
We are in the midst of calcimining painting &c -- have been for three weeks. How glad we shall be to be through: next month, I hope to go Hannibal Mo. for a week, to visit Mr. Turner -- ‘Guster is here, is queer as ever; she often asks for Mrs. Caroline Grant & says she loves her next to her Mother --
Lottie Somers remembers you, and Amanda Hahn well several others -- Mrs. Ostrom is gone, & Mr. Bell, and Mrs. Kelly,
I have written to brother Daniel this winter, & know of the state of things there: have several acquaintances in the grasshopper region -- I know they have suffered, but I do not think half as much as if the grasshopper had not visited them -- then there had been no excuse for a call for help which they really needed. Daniel writes pretty cheerfully, I hope he can so arrange as to come home before long. He knows best what he will be satisfied with --
Miss Bowman, Hough Johnson, Mary G. & all the rest send love to you --
Have sent the memorials. Your Af. sister Abby. [Abigail Cowles Grant]
[Addressed to] Mrs. Caroline Grant
Flemington, N.J.
Ark. City May 17 1875
My Dear Wife,
I have misplaced your last letter and cannot now find it. I will write briefly without it.
I asked to know if you rec’d former letter because I feared I had made a mistake in the superscription. Glad to know you got it. I am getting on very well thanks to your effort. I feel younger than I did. Such an uncertainty how I was to get along hung upon me that it weighed me down but your timely aid has relieved me. Thank God.
You have relieved others also. 2800 lbs corn and potatoes arrived at Wichita depot just as the $15, you sent reached me. The corn and potatoes were held for $21, 85/100 charges against it. The question was how would we raise the money to redeem them and save them for this suffering people. The only way seemed to be to sell enough to raise the money out of it. This would take nearly all probably all the corn viz. 36 bush and leave the potatoes about 8 bush, to be distributed after paying expenses from Wichita a distance of 65 miles but your aid arrived by the help of it I got one of my neighbors to go with me with a small team wh. with my team was able to hall the stuff so with some of our labor and your money we were able to distribute nearly all the corn and potatoes.
Many were made glad for a few days.
Times now are appearing brighter. A large amount of corn is planted wh. is now up and looking well. Wheat also looks promising. One month more and harvest will commence. We will then have wheat of our own, gardens will be producing, green corn will be ready and people will begin to live. A good crop and we are all right.
I have received aunt B’s [Zilpah Polly Grant Banister] legacy. The amount is $440, At the same time came the advertisement announcing the land sale.
Is Abbie at Flemington? How does she get her living? Give her my love. It is all I have to give. I am very busy now but will try and write again soon as I can consistently.
I suppose you are at New Marlborough now and this will find you there
As Ever Thine
D. Grant [Daniel Grant]
Omaha July 11th 1875
Dear sister Carline,
Your kind and sympathetic letter, with a note enclosed from Abbie, was duly received, and I was very glad to hear form you. I am very anxious to keep up communication with my husbands friends, but all have family interests and duties which occupy their time so that I cannot expect to hear from them often. I am sorry that Daniel finds it necessary to stay in <Kansas> Missouri when it does not seem to be desirable for him to remain, but I am told that there is every prospect of a very fine crop there this year. I was in Kansas about the last of March and all the crops were then promising and Mr. [Bossierre?] writes me that every thing is very encouraging. The grasshoppers have done little damage and crops fine. You seem to be able to make your self useful wherever you are, which must be a great comfort to you in your unsettled life. I hope Abbie will soon have a home to which you can go whenever you choose. I am here with my children and shall probably spend the remainder of my days in the west. Jennie Boyd and myself are boarding with Wm & Mary are just now on a visit of a month to Utah and Colorado, and I expect this week to take the two little children and meet them at Grand Island (where Libbie lives), on their way home, Libbie has a family of 6 children four boys and two girls. They are living in a region which was devastated by the grasshopper last year and of course it injured Mr. Hurfords business very much. You who live at the east can have no idea with how much interest the movement of this insect are watched here. I presume half of the days for a month they have been passing over as so that looking up toward the sun was like looking up into a snowstorm. Very few have alighted in Nebraska though in some cases the gardens have been quite destroyed and I have heard of a few wheat fields which were consumed. We have had terrific storms this season of hail, wind and rain, but vegetation seems to thrive in spite of it all. I am glad that you can visit the old home of our fathers occasionally and that Newark lies in your way to Flemington that you can see John and Gertrude sometimes. It is matter of regret to me that I was not with my husband that last winter in Kansas but he thought it not best for me to go back there until our home there could be made more comfortable. The new house is now finished, and how sad it was to me as I went through the three pleasant rooms adjoining the library designed for our use, to think that he who had planned and labored to carry out the plan could not enjoy them. But I do not feel that his efforts to benefit humanity are lost. Others will arise to carry forward the work, while he is at rest. It is pleasant to me to read your words of appreciation of my dear husband and I know that he felt a deep interest in your welfare.
I should be very glad to hear directly from Daniel and hope he will yet write to me.
Please let me hear from you as often as you can find time to write to me
Your aff Sister
S B Grant
[Addressed to] Mrs. Caroline Grant,
Clayton Berkshire Co.
Mass. <Conn>
[Stationary] Home for the Friendless
911 Wabash Avenue
Chicago, [Handwriting begins] Aug. 8, 1874
Dear Sister C.
It will be impossible for me to visit you at [...] Aunts. I am not able to make many visits except at [...] Mr B, [...] N. I think you had better come to brother Marcus, & all can visit there & at the [other?] friends, giving us a good deal of time -- I shall expect you certainly --
Miss Johnson, our teacher, goes [East?] with me -- We leave Mond. Aug 10th go by Pt. & Ft. Wayne R.R. get to John’s Tues. P.M.
Shall go to [Hemisted?] Fri or Sat & go up to Marcus’ about Wed or Thurs of the next week --
Shall hope to meet you there -- It will bring many precious memories back: I want it to. I want to go where my blessed husband was home & where his parents & brothers & sisters lived -- It will make my heart ache, and will also comfort me --
I love for time to think of all these things am so hurried here as to feel hungry for though -- time --
With love [your?] aff sister
Abby [Abigail Cowles Grant]
John C. is on a trip to Dulutte -- been gone near a week. Mary has gone to Miss B’s Mothers in [Tower?]
Andover, Mass.
Aug 16, 1875.
Dear Mother,
I reached here last Thursday night very much worn and exhausted by my journey. Was detained a number of hours in Western Mass. by the damage done to the rail road by the severe storm. It rained so much while I was in Oberlin that I was obliged to do most of my work the last few days I was there. So when I started I was very tired. I left Oberlin [Mond?]-night and reached [Piturville?] the next day at noon. Had a long talk with Mr. Abbatt, and at 4 P.M. went to [Pryenville?], found the farm and spent three or four hours in going over it and making inquiries of the tenant and the neighbors. I stopped at a hotel near by for the night and went on to Dunkirk next morning. In the first place was very much pleased with Mr. Abbott, I think he is perfectly straightforward and trustworthy, and I will do the best he can for all parties. Every one speaks very highly of him, and has entire confidence in him. I think he would never take advantage of any of the parties.
In the second place, I found the place better and worth more than I expected. The home is entirely unfit to live in now and the farm is very poor. The farm too has grown up to bushes and has but little fencing. But it is well watered, two fine springs near the lawn, the land is grand and there is considerable good timber. A farm <next> <below> of 50 acres which joins it could not be bought for $60, per acre, but has been taken care of and the buildings are a little better, but it is not better farming land.
The farm in which father has a share is worth a thousand dollars and ought not to be sold for much less. Mr. Abbot is not willing to sell except at about that rate, wants about $300 for his share. Still I doubt if in two weeks a purchase could be found for the place at $500. No one about there has any money. There is no purchaser now who would take it at any price <much> which would not be giving it away. As Mr. Abbott says, the times cannot possibly be warm and there is hope of their improvement. The flowing wells below [Pitusville?] have made <things> times very dull in [Puterville?] and above, but as they give out, as they will, pumping wells will pay and affairs about [Piturville?] and above will bright up. Oil has been found within two miles of the farm, and the old wells were 1000 feet deep. The best wells now about [Piturville?] and are 1500 feet deep. When the present supply below [Piturville?] gives out, of course there will be [preputing?] above and then may be in rise of the land from that course.
My judgement would be to let the matter rest at present. leaving it in Mr. Abbotts hands as in the past. The country about is pretty thickly settled tho the people have not much thrift and enterprise, are content with getting a [...] living. There are no foreigners in that section, but the moral [time?] is somewhat low <I shall judge>
I shall judge that it would be a much more desirable and comfortable place to live than in Kansas frontier would be. There is a Methodist Church within a mile.
An enterprising thrifty young man might take the place at $800, or $1000 and within two years clear $1000, above all expenses of repair and improvement, but [most?] men [would?] not do it. altho my visit did not accomplish much directly, yet I am glad I went, because I now feel as tho I could judge what would be best when any thing can be done. My expenses were seven Dollars. Were somewhat more than they would have been, if I had not wished to avail myself of a reduction in fare between Oberlin and Buffalo which was granted to Oberlin Alumni.
I shipped your [Lecietasy to Flemington?]. It is a little out of repair, but I was so drive in O -- that I could not attend to it.
Abbie and the children are all well. Abbie’s health has not been better since she was married. We shall be here about two weeks more and then shall go to Maine. I meant to have written to Uncle [Collar?] about that money, will try and pay of the note soon after I get to Hallowell, within two or three months at least, am very much obliged for his waiting. Have either you or Edward about $50.00 that I could get for three months. Am thinking I could buy Abbie’s [wistie shalting?] and my own, much cheaper now in Boston than I can get it up in Maine next Fall. I hoped to sell my [stoves?] while in Oberlin, but did not, when they are sold or when I begin to [drain?] my salary I shall [...] some money. My expenses in Hallowell will not be great & we are furnished board rooms, washing, fuel and light for $15 per week. Am expecting to get Abbie a black silk dress before we go to Hallowell can do well in silk now – Boston. Enjoyed my visit in Oberlin very much, I had a most heart welcome at all lands, almost an ovation. Cousin Mary’s health was not so good as usual. All were well at home, Had several visits with Minnie and have written in full to [uncle?] William, received a real good letter from Uncle William Sat.
Your aff son
Hallowell Maine
Sept 8th, 1875
My dear Mother,
Your letter has been just received. I forgot in my living of moving and settling that I had not answered your question with regards to the cape. I have been thinking for two or three days days that I would write to you right away, but I should not have thought of the cape. If you think that aunt W. or the [Stewarses?] would value the cape any I would just as soon they would have it for it will be some fuss to get it fixed and [thou I?] know how pretty it would be. I am not particular either way. We left Andover Miday Aug 27th and spent most of the day in Boston. At 6 P.M. we took the Steamer Star of the East and sailed for Hallowell. We reached here at half past 8 on Saturday morn, and found Dea. Page waiting to take us to the school. We were here in advance of all the others as the school did not commence until the 2nd of Sept. We did not more than get settled in our rooms before the time commenced and there are quite a number of things that are not arranged yet, brackets pictures, &c. We have a large parlor 18 x 21 upon which is quite a pretty carpet, but we furnish the rest. We bought in Boston a very handsome haircloth lounge and rocking chair, our four black walnut [cameseat?] chairs which we had at home were packed with the things and came safely. We bought in Augusta a large Mahogany [curtis?] table, and quite a pretty camp chair. Also a little [ratain?] rocking chair for the children. We have [hung?] several of our pictures in there but the room is so large that it doesnt seem much furnished yet. I am going to have a small rocking chair soon and my large wooden one that I brought from O. can be covered newly and when my flowers are started we shall be quite cosey. The bedroom opens out of the parlor through a closet which I have carpeted and in which stands a bureau when I keep the childrenss clothes. We also hang some clothes that we need very often there. The bed room we also carpet ourselves but they furnish it otherwise we have a full bedroom set light color. The room is about 14 x 16 in it are two large windows in the parlor are four. They both have doors opening into the hall and between them is a door opening into a large closet which we use.
Here is a rough diagram at the other end of the building
Almon Hall has a small study.
The view from our room is quite pleasant.
We can see the river for some little distance
but the hills close us in pretty [roughly?] Pettie
is writing a letter to you one of the girls gave
some paper and envelopes for her own use.
I asked her to wait and [...] help her write it, but she was in too much of a hurry. We received your letter with the $10, for which we were very thankful, and Edward sent
[Addressed to] Mrs. Caroline Grant,
Hallowell Maine
Wedns. Morn. Sept. 29th/75.
My dear Mother,
Your letter to Almon was received last eve he has been very busy ever since so tells me to write. He says that taking everything into consideration, he would think you would probably better sell if cash can be got. Though Mr. Abbott seems to him a perfectly responsable man, if anything should happen to him (Mr. A.) it might be very hard having the deed in his name. The money that you would get by its sale now would pay a large share of your debt to Aunt Mary and you would be more comfortable at present if it was sold. A doesnt have time to attend to it on his own account, he thanks you very much for your offer, but thinks you would better sell if both the others want to <you must> I dont know as I can tell all the reasons pro & con, he <What> doesnt think it best for you to buy it, better keep your money.
I think it strange that you have not heard from Edward. When he sent the money to us in Andover he told us that he was expecting to be in Unionville at present. We have written since we came here directing to [Wimmonville?] but have not heard from him though I dont know as we could expect -- to quite yet for he doesnt write very often.
What do you hear from Father now. is he getting on well with his land. Almon is getting along nicely with the school. I am beginning to gather a few plants in my rooms that it looks a little smaller and more home like. I suppose that you must be very tired with so much company there. Hope they will all go soon and that you will not have to much to do. How are Uncle and Aunt now?
Pettie and Harry are very happy here and are very good little children too. they seem to be in very good health thus far. Pettis first teeth are beginning to fall out. I took out one yesterday and am going to take out another to-day.
I hope that we shall hear from Edward before long and know surely where he is.
I cant write longer this morn because tis time for the mail to be taken down town.
With much love,
Your aff. daugh.
Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Hallowell Maine
Oct 1st 1875.
My dear Mother,
Your second letter concerning Penn. land was received last eve. Almon does not wish to invest in the land. Still thinks that you would better sell if you can get the cash. Neither father nor Edward are the ones to take hold of the place and get a thousand dollars out of it the way he though it could be done was to improve the place neither of them could do it without sinking about as much as they could make at least father couldnt and doesnt think Edward could do much there.
Am not feeling at all well this morn or would try to write more. We are having dreary rainy weather here now.
I wish that you could get more for the place it is too bad. but being in with so many men makes it bad to do many things.
Good bye your loving
Abbie. [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Hallowell Maine
Nov. 1875.
My dear Mother,
We are having cold dismal weather now but are getting along nicely I think. Almon seems to be prospering with the school. I am pretty well and dont have much to do. and the children are pretty well too. Pet seems better than ever she was and Harry is stronger and less fretful than last spring though he doesnt seem to be very healthy yet. Almon thinks that he grows but I cant see that he does.
Our rooms are getting to look a little more cheerful than they did I have several plants. some hanging baskets and some dishes of moss and little wild things. I take the whole care of any rooms I have no one in particular to take care of the children when I go out but am going to try to find some one next time though I dont know as I can. It is very hard to find any one to help here. and we dont feel that we can pay a girls whole board for what she would help. I wish we could go to housekeeping but it seems as though Almon ought to be here in the building for the present. This is a cold dismal land except for a little while in the summer. I dont enjoy the board here very well. We have so little fruit. and things are not always well cooked. but upon the whole I suppose that the board is very good.
The soreness about Pets eyes seems entirely cured now which of course improves her appearance very much I like most of the people whom I have met here very much. quite a number have called and I have been out to three evening companies.
I hope that you are all well at Uncles. and that company has ceased to pour in upon you.
A little farther up this hill upon which we are there is one of the most beautiful views that I ever saw or rather was for since this landscape has lost its summer and autumn beauty the view has lost much of its charm but is still very beautiful in a bright day. I send some pieces of my dresses. the silk was two dollars a yard. I got 25 yds. the making up in simple style yet stylishly was $15.00 aside from lining &c. the cashmere was $1.25 per yard. 10 yards. the making cost 9.50. The Alpaca was well I have forgotten exactly what. but it was a remnant. and I think was 35 or 37 cts. per yd. I have a wrapper of it.
We heard from Edward a while ago. I am so sorry that he has to go wandering about so much. I wish that we could find a place for him here but nothing has shown itself yet. We shall not forget him though. What do you hear from Father and from Aunt Mary and family? I hope that you are well With much love
Your aff. daugh.
Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Almon is very much tired just now. but vacations is soon coming.
How are all of Albert’s family? and [Jennie?]
Hallowell, Me.
Monday Dec 2, 1875.
My dear Mother,
We are all pretty well. I feel the cold very much not that I really feel very cold. but I feel the effects of the cold. The thermometer showed 18 [degrees] below 0 here on the 30th of Nov. and 22 [degrees] below 0 this morning. during this month for the most of the time we have had very pleasant winter weather. We have had snow ever since the first of Thanksgiving week. Our rooms are beginning to look quite pleasant and homelike as we add our little things after another to them. We fear that Mr. McCully our minister here is going to leave us, as he has a very urgent call to Callis in this State. We shall be very sorry if he goes for besides being an excellent man and good preacher, he was here very kind to us. I was glad to hear from Edward, but sorry to know that he could find no work. It seems to be here just as it is in the rest of the country almost impossible for one out of work to find anything to do. Almon does not seem to think that the farm land is situated just right for raising things for market but I suppose he has told Edward all about it. I think that if cousin Samantha does not find her four subscribers easily that I will join with you in one number. I will pay a dollar I do not think that I want the engraving, better give that to someone else. I dont know much about the magazine but think it is sure like Godey. dont imagine that I shall care much about it except perhaps the pictures in it. Halley has been pretty freful for a few days. think he is hardly as well as usual. Pet seems very well. and her disposition seems much improved. she is most of the time a very good child. I received the letter which you sent with ribbons in it but the package never came It was too bad when you took so much pains to sent there the sugar. I keep myself very busy but do not overwork as I used to. Almon went to Boston during vacation saw Prof. Shurtleff there and. will [Boston?] I suppose that Minnie is home now and employing herself very much. I will try to write again before long -- With much love to yourself and Edward. I am
Your aff. daug.
Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Silver Dale Dec. 9 1875
My Dear Wife
Your last was recd. yesterday A thousand thanks. From the indifference you manifested when I applied for money some time ago I was afraid you would do nothing for me now but you have acted nobly. You most always do well when you act on your own judgement.
Tell Erastus I will give him 10 per ct. I want to divide the profits with him. Thanks, thanks to you both.
I have not opportunity to write all I want to now. If my bid is accepted shall send at once for the money. If rejected shall not need it, but would not Erastus like to invest some here at 20 or 24 per ct. If he would let him sent it on I will see that it is invested safely. Must close.
Daniel [Daniel Grant]
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