[Attached envelope addressed to:]
Mrs. Caroline Grant
Berkshire Co.
Hallowell, Maine
Jan. 1st 1876
I wish you a Happy New Year my dear brother. I hope that this may be a jubilee year to us all. We are all well. The children keep remarkably well this winter and seem to be enjoying themselves very much. They had a fine time on Christmas, we had a Christmas tree for them, thank you for the little things that you sent. Their Aunt Alia sent them some picture books. Their Uncle Austin some stockings and his photograph, and Miss Drummond gave Pettie a nice story book and Halley some blocks. Ive got Pettie a good doll and a little set of dishes, and Halley a toy watch and a little – well I cant think what else they had, some candy in little bits of pink bags, and they looked very pretty, they were very much delighted when they saw it in the morning. Almon [Almon Burr] gave me a writing desk which I like very much. I made him a little letter rack of spatter work.
Most of my plants are beginning to grow nicely now, and my room looks quite pleasant – and cheerful<l>. We have been having quite warm weather lately it seems like an Ohio winter, but no doubt it will soon be cold again.
If you subscribe for cousin Semantha please let me know and I will send you the dollar.
I think about Edward [Edward Burr] very often. I do hope that he will find something to do, there are so very many out of work. It does seem hard but I cant help hoping that times will brighten soon.
Almon thinks that he can pay Uncle Collars note about the first of Feb. He intended to have paid it the first of this month, but Father [Burr] was disappointed about getting some elsewhere, and so Almon paid the money to him, as he was needing it very much.
We shall not get our debts all paid this year for which I am very sorry.
I suppose that Minnie Hill has been home for some time and that they must be enjoying themselves very much all together. I do hope that Uncle William wont be thrown out of work it will be very hard if he is? What is Sam doing now? do they have any more boarders than they did? How are you getting along this winter? Is your work very hard? and how do you feel? Are Uncle and Aunt in their usual health? Is Mr. Bell there yet? Remember me to them all and to cousin Alberts people when you see them.
I have received quite a number of calls and try to return them seasonably, have made some very pleasant acquaintances.
With much love
your aff daugh
Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
[Attached envelope with printed return address: “Return to Hallowell Classical and Scientific Academy, Hallowell, Me.if not delivered within 10 days” Addressed to:]
Hallowell Maine
Feb 18th 1876
My dear Mother,
Thank you very much for the pretty little book that you sent us, it is very nice and we like it very much.
I think about both you and Edward [Edward Burr] a great deal. Has Edward found any employment yet? and is he still in Winsted [Connecticut]? How are you enduring the winter? Is your work as hard as it has been all along?
We see no prospect of getting to housekeeping very soon, it is very difficult to find a suitable place or indeed any place at all and indeed we get along so slowly paying our debts that the wherewithall to furnish one will not be forthcoming right away. I feel very sorry about Uncle Williams being thrown out of employment. I do hope things wont be in this bad state very long. Almon says that he dont see now how we can possibly help Minnie this next term, but if it does come so that we can, we certainly will.
I am feeling pretty well most of the time, this is quite a mild winter all over the country I believe. the “ice men” upon the Kennebec are expecting to reap quite a profit on their ice next summer. The winter with us is what we would call a very cold one in Ohio or New Jersey, but it is very mild for this place is a constant astonishment to the inhabitants.
We have the Congregationalist here but I did not notice the article of which you spoke and it goes from here to the boys boarding house, so that I could not look it up.
Cousin William Burton was here when your last letter was received. he staid with us for several days. He intends to visit in Conn. before he goes west midsummer. I hope that it will be so that you can see him. He is studying in the Institute of Technology in Boston. I hadly know what for, and he seems to be quite undecided what he shall do. He says that Auntie is about the same as usual, has had a very severe attach of lameness this winter, but is better of it now. Mr. Shurtleff was in Ohio not very long since. I dont know anything of his success raising funds.
The children seem very well. The winter here has been remarkably healthy, there has been but one death in town within the last three months. Mr. McCully left for Calais yesterday.
Our parlor looks quite cheerful now. My plants are growing nicely, and I take a great deal of pleasure in a pan of things which we brought from the woods in the fall, moss and ferns, so many little wood plants come up out of the moss it is very interesting to watch it. The house is so completely warmed that we feel the cold very little. Do you hear from father lately, and how is he getting on. I had a nice long letter from Linn a few days ago. I think from her letter that she must be much better than she used to be her father and mother are both very feeble. How are Uncle and Aunt now. Please give my love to them. I remember that your birthday comes soon. Almon is in Augusta at a meeting of teachers. I expect him home in a few minutes.
With much love,
Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
[Attached envelope with printed return address: “Return to Hallowell Classical and Scientific Academy, Hallowell, Me. If not delivered within 10 days” addressed to:]
Mrs. Caroline Grant
Mass. [Massachusetts]
Hallowell Maine
Apr. 2nd 1876
My dear Mother,
I certainly intended to have written you last week, but I am trying to do all the sewing that I can and keep putting off my letters. I dont know as I explained to you sufficiently about our money affairs. I would help Minnie this year if I could, but do the best that we can it is going to cost us about fourteen hundred dollars to live this year, and I dont see how it can be much less any year while we are here. Our board at home will amount to about $800. Then we have to dress better than we have been obliged to before, the children especially, and the furniture and the books that we have had to have &c. I cant enumerate everything, but as I said before we shall need about $1,400. There is premium on Insurance Policy and giving to benevolent objects. When we came here we owed over $700. We have paid $300 of it, and that is all that we can pay this year. I dont mean to complain but I want you to understand a little better, that is all, everything costs so much here dress goods dont cost any more than in other places, but it costs so much more to have them made than I have been accustomed to<o>. I do all the sewing that I can myself, but I dont suppose that I get so much time as you think. I have three rooms to take care of you know, and I have to keep closer watch of the children, and spend more time in amusing them than if I were in my own house, and I suffer very frequently from nervous headaches which unfit me for anything, <The princip> for one or two days at a time. We cant find out what brings them on so often. I am as careful in diet as I can be here. Almon [Almon Burr] has about made up his mind that it is something about the air of the house.
Pettie had a very nice letter from Uncle William not long ago. It delighted her very much, he sent a pretty little picture too. The children are having very bad colds, but are some better than they were. Will soon be entirely over them, I hope.
The snow is going, and the river shows some spots of water. I hope that the ice will go out before long, for I do like to see the river.
Dr. J. P. Warren editor of the Christian Mirror of this state, spent a sabbath here not long since, he was a college classmate of Uncle Joels, and also knew Uncle John well. He is a Conn. [Connecticut] man when he found that I was from Conn, He asked who I was and where I came from, and said “Why I know the Colebrook Grants”. It did seem pleasant.
I received the Congregationalists that you sent. I read the article and thought that it couldn’t be Charlie, and when Almon read it he said that he knew it wasn’t Charlie. It doesnt sound like him at all.
Aunt Beach of Lawrence died last week.
Austin has salary of $1200, and parsonage. They are boarding now and rent the parsonage, but expect to go to housekeeping in a month or two I believe. Almon sent them a silver butter dish for a wedding present. Mother Burr sent them a silver cake basket and a [Brouge] clock. [Fannies] Mother and Aunt gave her spoons. I am very glad that Edward [Edward Burr] has obtained a situation. Hope that he will like it. I received a letter from him a few days ago. It was a very nice one. When Almon read it he said “How much Edward has improved in letter writing lately.” What do you hear from Father now? Are Uncle and Aunt well? Give my love to them and also Cousin Semantha [Binlors] when you see her. how are all her little boys?
With much love
Your aff daughter
Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
[Attached envelope addressed to:]
Mrs. Carrie Grant,
Mass. [Massachusetts]
New Haven, Conn. [Connecticut]
June 5, 1876
Dear Cousin Carrie [Caroline Burr Grant],
We received your letter, and was very glad indeed to hear from you & to know that you were all as well as usual; am glad that aunt is no worse with her lameness, think she must be a little better, at times, to go about even the little she does go, hope she will not get sick again this summer. I don’t know what excuse to make for not writing sooner. I certainly thought I should write very soon & often, after returning home from there last summer, but I have kept putting it off from time to time until the long winter has passed and still no letter. I hope you will all excuse me. I have thought of you often & have heard occasionally through Cornelia, but my visit there was a pleasant one, and it did me a great deal of good, was better after my return -- & have been better through the winter, and am now stronger & have more endurance than last year at this time, & with hiring my washing, ironing & sometimes sweeping I can get along nicely with the rest of the work, and the sewing, but always find enough to do. My housecleaning is done & my sewing for the summer is nearly done, have only one new dress, a twelve & a half cent cambric, have made over two, the grey one I had up there & my poplin; more work to make over than to make new. I am glad that I did those laces for you, wish that I could have <done more for> helped you more about your sewing, suppose you do not get much time for any thing but housework. Are you thinking of going to the Centennial? I do not expect to go, think it would be very hard & then one would need to stay a week or more to see or even glance at all the things, suppose Lon will go sometime, perhaps not until September. There has been a change in the firm with which he is <with> this spring. Mr. Bowns has withdrawn his interest, selling out to Lon & Mr. Briggs, the other partner, so now they have it all to themselves, there was no dissatisfaction, but as Mr. Bowns had business in New York, which took nearly all his time, they all thought it was best to dissolve. Most kinds of business here are very dull, a great many men out of work, am sorry that Mr. Hill has lost his situation, it must make it hard for them all -- hope (she) ^Mary has as many boarders as she can take care of – should think she would have as it is so convenient to Phila. [Philadelphia]
We have heard that Minnie has returned to Oberlin. Grace has had sickness in her family nearly all winter, the three children have had whooping cough, scarlet fever & measels, & later, the baby had catarrh fever but they have all lived through and are pretty well now except the baby. Mother has been with them, is there now. Cornelia has had a hard time housecleaning, they have been painting & whitening the walls all over the house but are nearly through now. She received a letter from aunt E about the middle of May, and a postal card a few days ago. I found a soapstone a good one, what a comfort they are I think of you every time I use it. This letter is intended for Aunt E. too, although it is addressed to you. Hope you will write again as soon as convenient. Wish Aunt E. would write to me. How is Lennie this summer. Marion is still in Southford likes it pretty well her health is as good as usual. David & Alonzo’s family are well. Must stop now. Your aff cousin Emma B. [Bownsird?]
Flemington [New Jersey] July 27 1876
Dear Sister
It is a long time since I have written you and now want a little information about the Potato crop in your part of the Country. Wish you would ask Uncle Collar about the price of new potatoes & whether they are ready for market. Here we have no vegetables of any kind on account of the very severe & protracted dry weather.
I went to N York [New York] yesterday to buy potatoes, turnips, cabbage tomatoes & squashes, found them of good quality but not very cheap—Our crops will all be very light & corn nothing unless we have rain within a very short time. I had 96 Bu of oats from 4 acres and they only weigh 26 ½ lb per bu. Shall have enough to last my horse through the year. Pasture as brown as a [counter?] and feed meal to cow twice a day.
We never have had such a poor garden in the 27 years that we have kept house.
Our house is pretty full from top to bottom, but we get along pretty comfortably since the weather has become cooler!
The first night we slept in the attic it was like the torrid zone, but now the nights are cool.
Have had no rain to wet the ground for about six weeks and all the showers go either north or south of us.
We were all glad to see Ed but sorry that he could not stay longer. Expect he has told you all about the Centenial. I do not think Mary & J can go before the middle of October.
I think I would almost enjoy a week among the hills of Mass as the Centenial, but expect it would not do not to go when we are so near by and have friends in the City with whom we can stay.
We find our boarders quite as pleasant as we expected and hope we shall be able to please them.
Mr. Vansyokle has a team of horses & driver. They stay at the Hotel in the Village.
They go out riding once every day & sometimes twice.
Last Saturday, I had a holiday & took out Carrie [Caroline Lynette Burr]. Mrs. Earl & Miss Bethel in the morning, & Mary & Allie in the evening, it was a pleasant day & we all enjoyed it.
Had a letter from [M …] forepart of the week she was well happy & doing pretty well with her studies. Has been examined in French and was complimented by the teacher upon her proficiency in the Language. Sam has had a felon on his left hand doing nothing for more than a week, so that I had the milking to do & water to draw from the well in the field for five cows. Our well at the barn has been dry for about 10 days. Sam has gone to work again today – How did you all stand the extreme heat? And are you through your haying? We shall have wheat enough off of our little farm to give us bread for the year to come.
Nothing in the way of news about town. Dinner is nearly ready so will turn myself to sharpening the carving knife cutting this letter short.
With love to all I am yours truly,
William Hill
[Attached envelope with printed return address: “Return to Hallowell Classical and Scientific Academy, Hallowell, Me. If not delivered within 10 days”]
[Addressed to:]
Caroline Grant
[in pencil at top of page # 2: letter fragment, probably Abigail G. Burr to Caroline Burr Grant, ~ 1876]
He is to have thirty five dollars a month.
You know Mr. Emery is dead. Died the <2nth> of Sept. The Heirs will sell the board yard when they can but Father will be needed for two or three months to receive the payments of old bills and may have the situation all winter, but probably only two months. But this will be a help. The Emery house is to be closed this winter Cousin Annie goes to Julius in New York, Fred goes to Columbia College, New York City. They will sell the property as soon as they can. It will seem strange and sad to see strangers in that house. Cousin Annie asked if father would accept one of Mr. Emerys overcoats It is new he only wore it two or three times. It is a light weight coat and father is glad to have it.
Aunt H. gave Allie a good black worsted dress and it makes her a very nice dress indeed. So you see the Lord helps us and I do hope to pay a little of our debts
Sam has helped us this summer some beside sending us away but in my mind it is only a loan and we want to pay it back.
The Sutphins pay one hundred dollars pr month and furnish fuel for Mrs. Sutphins room. But we have had to buy a new small furnace which cost $55, beside a <of>small expense in putting it up.
You remember we had a small furnace but it was worn out. The new one is a very good one and they ask at retail ($125, but as they have no agent here Father and Chalmers insisted on their taking off all the “per cents” possible.
Carrie [Caroline Lynette Burr] and I have moved into the 3rd story room and we are all cleaned and straight up there, and I wish you could see how nice our room looks we shall put up a small stove and in coldest weather have a fire In ordinary weather, the room will be warm enough from the heat in the Hall .
Oct. 14th
This is the way it goes two weeks since I began this. I went to New York as we planned altho’ it was a rainy day we chose the carpet a [body?] Brussels best quality. We had it made in city Did not come until last <Mond>Wednesday Got it down Thursday. It is light ground but well covered Has brown terre cotta, & Persian blue in the figures and we all like it very much I wish you could see it for yourself. The Sutphins are here came Oct. 2nd They seem pleased with their rooms, paid one hundred dollars in advance. We paid for furnace, also bought 5 tons of furnace coal (27.50)
I have finally sold my safe. Received fifty dollars cash for it Paid twenty dollars on our sixty seven dollar
Dr’s bill, ten dollars on carpet, ten to Miss Kate Nevins for making or rather remaking summer dresses. The remaining ten will go for repairing winter wardrobe. Mrs. Higgins has helped us with sewing It does seem impossible to get through with every thing. We are trying to get a girl but we have so much work to do that girls are afraid to come We certainly do not expect any girl to do all our work. Have our washing done out of the house. We have a good strong woman who comes Fridays to clean This week beside the regular cleaning we gave Father’s room its regular fall cleaning. I [. . . ed] our Father’s clothes brushed and sponged them And there is a blue coat that he does not need any longer. It is old but still in pretty decent condition and I wonder if either Uncle [Lennie?] or Ed would use it. We have a few articles to send Lucy can you tell us what sizes stockings the children wear. Wish we were able to help them It would be a pleasure we often speak of them How very little to spare in the way of winter clothing. Do the children need flannel skirts? If so give me the length of skirt, I think we can spare some flannel, enough for one any way.
Aunt H. gave Carrie [Caroline Lynette Burr] on her birthday some beautiful flannel for a skirt also gave me some at the same time. I needed mine very much and am very thankful for it. Had a new heavy one last winter.
I hope Ed is really improving. It has been a very hard time for him and he has our sympathy in his trials. Answer as soon as you conveniently can the questions about the children.
Last eve, we were all down to [Leygui?]’s to tea. We gave the Sutphins their tea early and then we all left the house to take care of them until our return a little after nine.
Thursday Eve, we young people were at a party given by Mrs. A.H. Rittenhouse. Had a very pleasant evening.
They have sold the board yard so Father does not have to go back after tea. Does not yet know how long he will be needed We are making about forty lbs. of butter a week. Have found sale for it at 25 cts pr lb. up to Oct. 1st Since then have 30 cts pr lb. Have a fresh cow last week just fresh in Sept. Hope to sell cream this winter Sold twelve qts care of mills last week. This, of course adds to our work.
Now I must go to bed. Refrigerator to clean in morning, churning, etc. Oh Abbie is going to Phila.. [Philadelphia] to make a long promised visit to Sophie Hill, leaves the children at home, Have we . . .
Hathorne House
Cushing Me [Maine] Aug 27th
Dear Mother
The day after tomorrow we expect to leave here for Hallowell [Maine] again. School commences on Tuesday the 4th of Sept. I received the package and letter that you sent, and also the postal on Saturday. Thank you very much. I am glad if Aunt Mary was at all benefited by her journey and hope that she will continue to improve. I am very sorry for Uncle John. I wish that he could sell his property well and get out of his troubles.
We are all well, the children have enjoyed their stay here very much. I am afraid they will be homesick when they go back to H.
Almon [Almon Burr] has gained ten pounds and says he feels all ready for work again. I weigh 155 lbs. and have not been troubled one bit by neuralgia or rheumatism since I have been here. Edward [Edward Grant] did not come, had gone to work again I suppose. We were very sorry for I know that he would have enjoyed it very much and we should have been so glad of a visit with him. They just said that they were going to town so I am hurrying to write this. I am so thankful for this pleasant summer.
<Over> We have paid off three hundred dollars this year, the hundred that we borrowed to go to Phila. [Philadelphia] and the hundred that we owed Alia with the int. which was $21.00 and one hundred that we owe Mother B. I hope that you are all usually well with much love to all.
Your aff. daugh
Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
[Attached envelope with printed return address: “Return to Hallowell Classical and Scientific Academy, Hallowell, Me. If not delivered within 10 days”]
[Addressed to:]
Mrs. Caroline Grant
Mass. [Massachusetts]
Hallowell, Me. [Maine]
Aug. 30th 1876
Dear Mother,
We have just reached home arriving about an hour ago. After your departure from Norfolk [Connecticut], we remained at Uncle Erastus’ until Friday afternoon, I had a real good visit there and enjoyed my stay ever so much.
We went straight through to Collinsville that night. Sat. Morn we went up to New Hartford and got a carriage and went over to Pleasant Valley but did not find Edward. [Edward Grant] Had been gone since Thursday noon [top of next page repeats] since Thursday noon and no one knew just where he had gone. It was supposed that he had gone to Millbrook.
We went back to Collinsville and Sunday morning Edward came having driven down to see us. The people where he was let him have a horse. He remained all day and Abbie had quite a visit with him. I did not see so much of him, as so many of my friends had come to spend the Sabbath. He does not expect to remain beyond Dec. Does not know what he shall do then. Did not have much of an opportunity to talk with the Bakers they were very busy. I liked the people where Edward boards. They seemed to be intelligent and good hearted, and seemed to think a good deal of Edward. I asked about Edward’s acquaintances and Mrs. Ripley said he did not get acquainted much. She thought he would like more intelligent and better educated associates than most of those about there. I was glad other people had such an opinion of him.
The night before we left Carrie [Caroline Lynette Burr] was taken sick and we were up with her a part of the night. She stood the journey pretty well, but is still sick. She slept well last night on the boat as did we all.
I am feeling quite well as we all are, except Carrie. The journey home did not tire us so much as we thought it would. It is very dry here. Has not rained since we left.
Give our regards to Uncle and Aunt. Uncle was very kind to go after us so many times and take us over to Norfolk. We saw Uncle Erastus on the call Tuesday morning. He said that they had not been well for several days. I find considerable to do <since> here, most of the work stopped as soon as I left, and is not done as I expected.
We will send back that two dollars soon. [Goood . . .?]
Your loving son Almon [Almon Burr]
[Attached envelope with printed return address: “Return to Hallowell Classical and Scientific Academy, Hallowell, Me. If not delivered within 10 days”]
[Addressed to:]
Caroline Grant
Mass. [Massachusetts]
Hallowell Me. [Maine]
Oct. 24th 1876
My dear Mother,
We are having a long spell of dark rainy weather the sun almost shone out once this afternoon but is completely darkened again now. Carrie and I have been watching for the rain to cease so that we can go to the dentists and have one of her teeth extracted, the new teeth that are coming in are so very large that I fear she is going to have a real deal of trouble with them. She is pretty well and is getting on very well with her reading. Harold is better than he was the first of the term.
Almon [Almon Burr] is very busy now getting out a catalogue, is pretty well except that he is very tired. I hope that it will be finished this week. Almon hasn’t much idea that he can get money here for Uncle Erastus, people don’t let money at <6 > six percent to go so far away, but he will see what he can do when Mr. Page comes home.
I received a very pleasant letter from Mary Shurtleff the other day, she thinks that her health is improving somewhat says that Laura is well. grows tall very rapidly but does not increase in weight. the baby is quite healthy and happy, has dark eyes and hair and they think of calling her Mary Grant. says that she enjoys<d> this baby more than she did Laura because she does not have so many “needless anxieties” concerning her. Speaks of cousin Will as being at Michigan University getting field practice in Surveying. Says that Phill has been nominated for county clerk and will undoubtedly be elected, which will necessitate a removal to [Montesenna?] the county seat. She fears the affect upon her mother as removals seem to be disastrous to her. She also tells of the death of one of President Fairchild’s daughters, Alice the darkest-haired one.
Father Burrs people are all about as usual I judge from their letters. Alia is teaching in the [Divine?] School in Oberlin.
I am very sorry to hear that Jennie and her husband have been turned out. Were they able to save their furniture and goods? I hope that their loss will not be very great, and that they will be sufficiently prospered in the future to make up for it all.
It is not raining now and I must stop and go down town with Carrie. ----
We are home again, did not have it taken out, dentists now do not advise it, they say wait till the child is older the taking out of one tooth only makes it worse for the next. the gum shrinks much more than if the tooth is not removed.
I have been reading Dr. Hills “True Order of Studie” which treats of the proper teaching of young children, it is an uncommonly sensible book. I hope that you are all well. With much love to you all.
Your aff daughter
Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Return Hallowell addressed to:
Mrs. Caroline Grant
Mass. . [Massachusetts]
Hallowell Me. [Maine]
Dec 1st 1876
Dear Mother,
For the last five or six days I have been in a very great rush. Our fall term closed last Monday night and then I was obliged to start the next morning to find a new teacher. Did not get back until right before dark, and I was completely tired out. Yesterday I gave up to rest. We had a very pleasant time here in the house. Felt much more at home than we did last year. Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr] and the children have been very well all the fall. My health has also been very good.
I was not in haste to write about Mr. [Marsland?] for I know but little about him. He was in my classes for some time in the [P….] Department Oberlin Coll. He was then a young man of very good ability, active, energetic, and very pleasant in manner. What the last few years have done for him, I know not, but if he has worked hard since I knew him in O. I should think he might be considerable of a man. He was then a very earnest young man. If he has improved as he ought I should prefer him to Mr. H_____. But, remember, I cannot tell much about <it>Mr. [Marsland] because I do not know what he is now.
I did not write to Uncle Erastus because <th> Mr. Page the man, to whom I should go for money here was away at the Centennial at the time. He was expected back in a day or two, and so I waited before writing to Uncle Erastus, but Mr. Page did not come as expected but was coming soon. Thus it went on for about ten days and then from your letter I judged that there would be no use it was so late. Nor did I have much hope of getting money at that rate for one so far away. I have no property upon which to give security. Nor would I give it <under>, if I had. A man of my profession has no business to undersign for any one. I think I will send a line to Uncle Erastus explaining the circumstances of the delay.
Please give my regards to uncle Collar and Aunt Emeline.
Your loving son Almon [Almon Burr]
Flemington NJ [New Jersey]
Bitter Sweet July 1877
Dear sister,
It is just after ten and am writing in Mary’s bed room she is lying in bed well propped up with pillows as she has been most of the time since being sick Was not so well yesterday but today seems more comfortable again and I think breathes easier and more natural than since she has been sick
We get along pretty comfortably with work. Rebecca is very good about helping extra and Hester sometimes comes earlier in the day than usual and if extra busy Carrie stays home from school.
Doct Mott called to see Mary today, and gave her words of comfort and consolation, & made a very excellent prayer. He has a very lame back but hearing yesterday that M was not quite so well came today to see her.
Sister H. came down this morning and sat with M for several hours while I lay down on sofa and rested. Things in bbl carried very nicely but it was quite a sum in long division to separate the beans Hnuts dried apples – chestnuts
Have not as yet cut the whole cheese All the articles are very acceptable unpacked them in cellar.
Mary was not able to see much about them, but we thank both you & Aunt E. very much for your kindness.
Folks enjoy maple sirup.
Mrs. Jackson sister of Miss [Imby] was here today to see her & gave Abbie five dollars for her extra trouble in taking care of Miss I. She is still in her room but her sister and the Doctor both try to encourage her to get out of it pretty soon, about half her illness is imaginary.
We did not think it best to write you to come unless more needed than at present
Doc says that he does not see any probability but that Mary will continue to improve. Saturday will be six weeks since she was taken badly though she complained for several days before
Glad to hear that Daniel is well. Often think I ought to write to him. Do not think you ought to try and do anything further for Minnie as am sure you have done more than you ought already & hope that in some way we will be able to help her through the course. She has 100 dollars that her Grandmother left her and if necessary she will use that.
Shall very soon have to trim grape vines.
When M seems tired we do not admit callers. Sister Kate has had a very bad cold in head and has not been able to get down since I wrote you before. Mary says must thank Aunt E. for her letter and all her kindnesses. Doctor thinks as a rule alkalies are much better than acids in rheumatism. Do not think a plaster would do much good in inflamitory rheumatism.
Will write you again before many days.
With much love
Yours truly
William Hill
Friday Morn
M had good night slept straight through without morphine.
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