[Printed: Water Color Work Studio of Crayon & Ink Work
Benton & Rogers,
Artistic Photographers.
Large Work a Specialty.]
Hoosac Falls [New York] July 23 1880
Dear Aunt
I have just finished reading your letter and was much pleased to get it. Now to business first and chat afterward. If after what I tell you you still want Ed's photo copied I will be glad to do it and give you 4 or 5 The picture is considerably faded. It was a good one, I think, when first taken, but now being faded I am afraid it would loose in the copying. I think you could get Ed to sit for a 1/2 doz which would be more satisfactory, though it may be you want them like this one for associations connected with it. Now please dont think by what I have said that I dont wish to do it for you. It will really give me pleasure and may be I can get a better one than I think. At any rate if it will not be convenient to have him sit for more please send me word right a way and I'll see what I can do. We are not yet very busy so I'll have the time plenty. I dont think I'll need that money, if I do I'll let you know
Will send you at same time as this letter one of side view of our house, that I took when home last winter. Would also send one to Uncle & Aunt Collar only I have but one more, and unfortunately the negative was broken when we moved so that no more can be printed. Will send them one of front view which is not so good however, that is of the house though it shows the grounds to better advantage, and on that account I like it. When first I looked at it through the stereoscope it made me feel a little homesick it seemed as though any minute I might see Father or one of the girls go up the path.
In Bennington I had become acquainted with several very nice people and hated to leave but then we cant always do as we wish. And another thing: There we had a nice reading room and library to go to. Here there is a small library but there is no reading room where we can see the papers, and what to me is of more consequence the magazines. You ask how we prosper. I think in a little while we will do pretty well. We are beginning to get work from a nice class of people. One Gentle man who took home some photo's of himself last night this morning came in and ordered some more saying they were all pleased at home and he thought we would get some more work on account of the way his were done. Of course commendation from a customer can not help but please us. My health is generally very fair and by care I hope to keep it so.
Whe[n] I was at home I used to wonder a little when I heard people talk of christians being drawn toward each other so much. Then I did not understand it. Now that I am among strangers I do for I feel it myself. I meet so many scoffers and rough irreligious men that it does one good to get among christians, especially as it is with some I meet whose lives bear out their professions.
I have been wondering for some time if Mary Burr is married, and now from what you say in your letter I conclud she is. Am glad to hear that Ralph has such a nice wife. If I can so arrange it, when I go home next time I will stop a day or two in Norfolk to see them all. It is now almost six years since I was there. Is Ed any where near getting married; but then I'll write to him in a few days and put the question to himself, though I doubt getting as much satisfaction from him as I would from you. I knew you were to spend a short time in New H. and it may be that I had heard that you did. Nellie had some very sweet traits, and toward the last she was (so they have told me) more drawn toward her Heavenly Father than ever before. It is pleasant for me to think of. Fannies husband wrote me a day or two ago that Cousins Mills, Cornelia Raymond & Bessie are going west next week, Where I don't know.
Thank Uncle & Aunt for their regard for both Lewis & myself. Lewis says he remembers with great pleasure his visit there and told me to say he may go again sometime He expects to go home in the fall and if I remember right he spoke of stopping there on his way; That was several days ago. If it is possible should like very much to stop myself. Now don't forget to let me know if you wish that copy made; If you have not time to write letter a card will answer. Love to yourself Uncle & Aunt
Your aff nephew
S. R. Hill
Hoosac Falls
N.Y. July 18, 1880
My dear sister.
The switch arrived all right -- it is very nice & good -- Suppose it must have cost two or three dollars -- which I will try to remember -- cannot very well spare the money just not now if not actually obliged to. Have had to get new napkins, towels, pillow cases &c. Am using <three yr.> some old linen sheets to be washed once around, thus saving the necessity for more than a pr. or so of new cotton ones.
Wm [William Hill] read D's [Daniel Grant] letters -- says it is impossible to advise him at this distance As to stock-raising -- he supposes that D. would of course have to invest money & he would have to depend upon others for much of the work in it" -- But it seems that is the one thing he has never tried but always wanted to try -- when he has lost every cent in the business -- he will probably be ready to come East & be taken care of -- though if he does go into it -- it would of course be best to hope for better things. In the light of the past it looks as though more money would be made by putting what he has left at interest & earning his board at house work if he could not do it any other way -- He might go to Leadville & set up a laundry. But all must be left to Infinite Wisdom I think D ought to contrive to do something at which he could earn his board, but it may not be possible.
I have a new lawn dress -- black ground with small white figure -- material cost about 1.50 the making two dollars -- the girls would have me get it -- & I suppose I really did need it -- We did nothing whatever to my last summer's hat but to take off the flowers I had worn 2 years & put on new ones & put on last winter's bonnet strings -- Carrie has my old flowers on her hat
Carrie seems about the same in health as before -- but we dont allow her to sweep nor iron -- she does light work. I have very little more idea of Abbie & the family than before she came home -- Have had very little opportunity to question,
Love to Uncle & Aunt
Your aff. sister
Mary B. Hill.
Carrie says she did not work much at Abbie's. [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Will send next time D's letter in which he tells you to live in your income & that he is going to Indian Ter [Territory] & one of Abbies saying perhaps they will not stay & asking you again to come, i.e. if you wish them.
You would better at once put in a sure place this letter of D's telling his affairs & with whom to communicate.
Wed. 21 Wm says that this additional sheet will make the letter double postage -- so opened it to put in the other letters & have them off my hands -- Am going riding Wm & I with Mrs Lukens this morning.
Carrie does not seem to know that they had surely decided to go back to the Hall -- Thinks it very probable that they will stay in house the year out. Carrie is very useful. There is much she can do without doing hard work.
[Addressed to:]Mrs Caroline Grant
Mass [Massachuetts]
Colebrook Sept 16th/80
Dear Aunt,
Was very glad to get your letters, glad to know that you take an interest in Father & Mother, Charley took me home Sunday night, & asked Mother if she would like Marion to come & stay a while with her, she said No: one Benton was enough thinks can have one of John Robart's sisters said she did not want Aunt Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr], so did not send, Julia's sister could not come was not well, When home Sunday night Mother said she was some better than when we were at Uncles, has been taking hop tea; that is good for the nerves, does not get up in the morning as early -- says gets more rest, I do hope she may get better, it does trouble me. but as you write I take it to the "Lord in prayer," & it is a help to me many times, then again it does not seem to help me as much, Oh dear! there are times when I do not know what to do, I am alone now for a few days. Father Eunice, & Anna, have gone up to Monterey, coming back Saturday, it seems nice to be alone, only three of us not a large family. E- expects to be married before many weeks, Cousin Nellie Northway is to be married next Wednesday C. & P. will go over home Tuesday night so I will be there to help Mother get ready in the morning, says she cant get ready alone & I am very glad to help her, mean to help her put up some peaches when we get back from wedding, Thursday after C. & J expect to start for brother Alberts, will be gone about a week, Ralph & wife are well or were yesterday,
Sunday evening You see it takes one some time to get a Letter started. have not had a good opportunity to send Ralph was here yesterday for about an hour, says thinks does feel better, Father, Eunice, & Anna was there to tea last night, E. said Mother told her to tell me she was better, so glad, but suppose she is not well, C. & J have been over to M. Phelps this evening, a pleasant time Must stop now & go<t> to bed, C. joins with me in sending love to you
[written across first page] & Uncles folks Hope you will write me again glad to hear from you & would like to have you visit me,
Hallowell Me [Maine]
Oct 5th 1880
My dear Mother,
Your letter and postal were received to-night. It is a great disappointment that you cannot come now, for it makes your coming at all seem very uncertain. We had found that the American Board meeting was this week and were thinking that you would be here in a few days.
About the silk, it is not necessary for you to have it here. Hallowell people are not particularly social, and as you know I always stay at home if I can.
The boat is safe as long as it runs. its time of stopping varies with the season. Sometimes the river closes in the latter part of November. and sometimes not until a week or two of December has passed, The boat "S[t]eamer Star of the East" leaves Boston at 6 oclock P.M. Tuesdays and Fridays. at Gardiner four miles below here, you change to the "Della Collins," a small steamer which runs right along side, all you have to do is to step from one to the other.
There is some Small Pox in town, and the children and Cora, my little kitchen girl have been vaccinated. Harold has been very sick for several days. I never knew a case when the disease was so violent. Cora is beginning to be sick to-night. Carrie was vaccinated when a little child, so presume her trouble will be very slight if she takes at all.
The fare from Boston by rail is $3.95. or $4.00. I dont know which. but when Almon [Almon Burr] comes in I will ask him. Almon thinks $3.95.
Our lease of this house expires on the 20th of Nov. but unless the next tenant is very anxious to get in at that date, we shall probably be here a few days longer. I feel very sorry to leave this pleasant little house.
If you cannot come this fall you must visit me some other time. though of course it would be pleasanter if you could come while we are in our little house.
With much love to Uncle and Aunt, and Edward and your self,
Your aff daughter
AbbiE Burr [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
[Post card addressed to:] Mrs. Carrie Grant,
Berkshire Co.
Mass. [Massachusetts]
309 Gates av.
Oct. 8. 1880.
My Dear Friend; --
I expect you are as busy as a bee but you can find time for one word. We had a pleasant ride home -- found your lunch very acceptable and "Dick" enjoyed his chickweed while it kept fresh. We got in the coal and plants yesterday. I am saving Aunt some seeds. When do you go on your visit? Let me hear from you
With love yours Fannie.
[Caroline Lynette Burr to Caroline Burr Grant]
Hallowell Me. [Maine]
Nov. 6th 1880.
My dear Grandmother,
I have finished <My> my lessons this morning and think that I will write you a letter.
Last Monday was Harry's birthday. He had a very pretty knife and candies fruits a book and a boat.
Harry and I belong to a sewing circle which works for the Missionaries we are making a guilt out of red and white pieces. there are nice white pieces in a block. and we go about and ask the poeple to have their names put on them and pay ten cents each for the privilege. Harry and I are collecting money. we have been to all that we know around here and now we dont know where to go. unless we write to some one. Mama thought that you and uncle Edward would perhaps give us your names, If you do, you may send the money in postage stamps,
Papa and mama are well and send love. So do Harry and I.
Your loving little grand-daughter
Carrie L, Burr.
[Minnie Hill to Caroline Burr Grant] Office
Jan 11, th '81.
Dear Aunty
Mother received your letter this P.M. We are all very sorry indeed to hear of Uncle Erastus' sad accident but hope to hear still better news than you sent us, Hope Mary is there to help Aunt Nancy and be a comfort to her Father It was too bad I forgot to send that bundle I send it tonight Hope Ed has not his expectations raised with regard to it The contents are only some cloth gloves pretty color but too large for any of us but Father & too small for him Miss Bethel gave them Hope they will fit Ed The reason that I forgot to send them before is that we are so busy Sophie Hill has been with us two weeks & Paddie Morrison was also with us between Xmas & New Years and with the work & Carrietrying to study some Latin & less Algebra and the office work keeps us stirring round only mornings I dont get up much before half past six & I am the first after Papa Carrie does not know that her back is much better We try to spare her & hope she will be better sometime Allie is going home with Sophie next week and will have a chance to rest up We think she is pretty well Father better than he was but is very stiff sometimes Mama well & so am I. Will Allen was buried today Allie Sophie & I attended the funeral He was in bed but two days How he felt with regard to the future no one knows I did not hear all your letter so perhaps leave out something I might write, kind remembrances to Uncle and Aunt & Ed
With love
Shall be glad to hear further news of Uncle Erastus if you have time to write
Newburyport [Massachusetts] Jan 14th 1881
Dr Madam
I can furnish you with such goods as you need of this character as I continue the business formerly carried on by my Mother.
Edwin Lunt.
Flemington N.J. [New Jersey]
Jan. 21st 1881
Dear Auntie
I have been sitting here for five minutes trying to think of some way to commence this letter so at last I grew desperate and put down anything. I thank you very very much for the money. It will be a great help if I go back to Hallowell [Maine] and I hope I will improve my opportunities and learn something to pay up for all that has been spent on me. I am afraid that I never will know enough to teach but perhaps shall if I try hard enough. It has been storming and blowing very hard all day The trees are all covered with ice and some of the branches are bent down to the ground. They look very beautiful. Lizzie Anderson has been very sick with billious fever but is better now so that she sits up a little while each day. I went in to see her yesterday afternoon. She looks very sick and her hand & arms are so thin and white.
The girls are up in Sophie's room talking away for dear life. Sophie has been here for some time and we shall miss her when she goes away. Allie expects to go with her when she goes home to Phila. [Philadelphia]
I expect that Mamma has told you everything that I am telling so it will be rather stale.
It was so slippery and story that I did not go to school this morning. I go for an hour from eleven to twelve every morning. Am taking Cicero & Algegra. I don't like Mr Bahler's teaching very much it is not nearly as thorough as at Hallowell. Don't think I will take more than this term. I wonder if you have heard about my Christmas presents. Papa gave me two dollars and Mama gave me one. Then I had a glove box and some candy and when Allie does to the city she is going to get me two picture to put in some frames that we have. Miss Gast gave me two pretty collars and <some> a set of Chinese tangrams made of carved sandal wood. They are beautiful little things. Aunt Hetty gave each of us girls two nice towels and Lizzie gave me a white tie. Think I fared very well don't you? I had such a nice little letter from Carrie Burr [Caroline Lynette Burr]several weeks ago. She writes very plainly for such a little girl. I expect to write to Cousin Abbie as soon as I finish this. O I forgot one Christmas present. Uncle Tom Hill sent me an oil painting. one that he painted himself. We went for a walk one morning over to Cape Elizabeth and he made a little sketch of the C. E. lighthouse
[written across first page] which we could see was across the water and was'nt I surprised when he sent me the painting from that sketch. Give my love to Ed. I have been all over the house hunting for Mama to see if she has any message to send to you but I can't find her. Give my love to Aunt Emeline and keep a great deal for yourself from your aff. niece
Carrie R. Hill
[written upside down across top of last page] Abbie is not going to Phila. because the smallpox is so bad there.
2219. Wabash Av. Chicago. Ill
Apr. 3rd 1881.
Dear Sister C,
I was most glad to hear from you, a few days since. It is a great blessing that your health continues. Your cares must be great. It is wonderful that your Aunt lives, eating so little & suffering so much # !
[Written across side of first page in different handwriting: # I did not write that Aunt suffered now, but she knows she did suffer with rheumatism & suppose she thought she did still. C.]
I am glad your kind care can be for her comfort. I do not know of any one who would do as much as you have done, & do, for aged feebleness, & helplessness -- God will bless you for it in the end, if you do not see it day by day -- I think of you very often, & know how full of care you are --
It is good news from Abby that you write! how little we hear of revival now, & yet the way of salvation is just the same, by repentance & faith in Jesus Christ.
We noticed the 23d of M'ch & spoke of Edward's new happiness, & gave him our best hopes, & warmest congratulations -- you did not say where they were to live, or what E. was doing.
I have hoped dear brother Daniel w'd come home some time, & still hope so, but who can tell what a day may bring forth! His life may be longer for the rough way of living, or may not. he evidently enjoys it -- & has large
[Written in gutter between second and third pages in different handwriting:] You may return this -- Abby has an Ovarian Tumor -- has been tapped twice -- is not expected she can ever <recover>be well again.
hope -- Am glad to hear so well of Willy at Marcu's & of them all. I did not know where Gertie [Sarah Gertrude Day Grant] was, or if she was doing any thing Am glad, for she will be so much happier for it, & can help Willy. neither she, or M. have written me in many, many months.
I have had bad health for a long time, & our Board in March voted me a leave of absence for three months! so I am with John & Susan, in their small but comfortable place, just before 22d St -- almost in sight of the "Home," & hear from it every day, & oftener. All is well there, & work is plenty -- Miss Bowman "holds the fort" --
John & partner, a Mr. Schubrujn, a Swiss scholar, have a very successful school of 80. pupils, & are encouraged -- J. & Susan enjoy their housekeeping vry much -- & I am so thankful to have this house to come to. It is quiet, & every thing done for my comfort -- I bro't a girl to take care of me, for I need a good deal of waiting on, & have little strength -- Have been here since March 10th am going to try with J'C's help to go down stairs to dinner this P.M. at 5 -- It will tire me but may not be worse for me -- have not been down since I came up --
[Written across last page] Love to your sister M. & family.
[Written across first page] Am always glad to hear from you. Our love to yourself, Daniel, & your children & grand children. Remember me most kindly to your Aunt C [E?]. I hope she may be better & more than all that her hopes for eternity may be bright.
Very af'ly y'r sister,
Abby. [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant
Care of Bea J. N. Collar
Mass. [Massachusetts]
Flemington N.J. [New Jersey]
May 8. 1881
My dear sister
Your letter was gladly recd. Had been anxious to hear from Aunt Emeline & you all. What great cause for thankfulness that our dear aunt is granted a cheerful & a comfortable "passing away". I hope she may <be> welcome us all in the Happy Land. Have thought much of you all to day & wondered if her Spirit were still with you. How is aunt Jane? I would like to see her. I hope Uncle Collar is in comfortable health that he may be able the better to pass through this season of affliction
About cashmere shawl. You ask whether I would prefer it or the petticoat. I would like the New Haven [Connecticut] people to have their choice. I should be perfectly satisfied with either or neither.
Regarding the "Turkey red" & green quilt aunt spoke of giving to Aletta. I dont see <ho> why there should be any hard feelings. If aunt Emeline were living when Aletta was married & she were to give her that as a bridal present no one would think of saying a word I presume.
I have no doubt they do value that old fashioned comfortable more than either of the others. There is such a craze <now> in these days over antique things. If any of aunts underclothing is left -- please keep it rather than send it here -- it would fit you so much better & the stockings also would no doubt <be> suit you better.
How events are crowing upon you. Aunt leaving, Daniel coming, Edward married &c. As your day is so will I hope be your strength.
Love to all & aunt Jane,
Your aff. sister
M.B. Hill. [Mary Burr Hill]
We are all pretty well -- Mary not very strong -- but better than she was.
[written across first page] If the Cashmere shawl were to fall to me I should let you have it -- & I say that I think you must ought to have <a> one of the good shawls to wear in place of yours that is so much injured by that tear -- Being constantly worn the one side out -- it will soon become rusty. I <think that> have fared well & I think the New Haven people have fared better than you in the division --
I would not do any thing myself nor have you do any thing to make hard feelings -- But as you asked about the <shawl> shawl -- thought I would speak my mind. I only think you need not be afraid to take it -- that's all -- However it goes -- do not feel badly.
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant
Mass. [Massachusetts]
(Care of Bea Collar)
Hallowell Me. [Maine]
May 21st 1881
My dear Mother,
I want to write you a few words this evening but cannot find my pen. and do not feel quite energy enough to go to the study for Almon's [Almon Burr]. so will you please excuse me if I use a pencil.
The card telling of Aunt Emmelines death was received. Of course after the messages that I had received from you and Edward, I was not surprised to hear that she was gone from us. and I sympathyse most sincerely with the large circle of friends who have lost in her one ever kind and helpful, thoughtful for their interests, and interested in them as people rarely are in one another even though they be close of kin, and dear Uncle, my heart is especially sore for him in his loneliness. May the dear Lord comfort him, and be company for him. I hope that you are all in reasonable health.
I read in the Chicago Advance of the death of Aunt Abby [Abigail Cowles Grant]. Have you heard any thing more of Aunt Gertie [Sarah Gertrude Day Grant]?
We are in our usual health. though Carrie [Caroline Lynette Burr] does not seem strong. and her eyes are troubling her very much. I have been having one of my bad headaches. and am not quite over it yet
With much love to you all
Your aff. daughter.
Abbie E.G. Burr . [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Flemington N.J. [New Jersey]
July 27, 81
My dear sister,
I think we will take the encyclopedia as first offered & make no change.
I dont understand about the mails. Did you not always have a daily mail to Clayton? & does the N York mail pass your house & does the stage hand it out to you?
No doubt those cashmere dresses will be nice for some one. Perhaps the whole suit of which that sack is a part will be nice for you sometime. Last winter the sacks here were worn quite close fitting.
There does not now seem to be any time to talk with the girls about the dresses (have not shown them that part of the letter) & you need not send any with the flannel which you may send by mail. Send nothing else now. Am glad if you can have the Brocha. I don't see what you can say to Daniel more than you have said -- Say what you will to him -- & he must be his own judge after all. If he can get cured at Eureka Springs I would advise him to stay & be cured.
I forgot to say in the other letter that I think the cans are washed & scalded at the factory. I would ascertain & not do them yourself if unnecessary. Am glad the work is easier & that you hire. I forgot also to say that aunt Jane gave Abbie $5.00 for her marriage gift. You need not send what she said of visit in New Haven. She told me something of it on Postal & Cornelia wrote about it too. Only the Van Syckels are here just now -- We expect one or two others soon. We are getting along very well. Mary improves & Carrie too I think & Alletta remains about the same. Warren thinks she seems better than 3 years ago.
Two or three weeks ago we recd, a postal from cos. W. Benton who was at Georgetown that if convenient for us he would like to stop & see us a few days -- Should leave his family there. So he came & staid one week -- & left to day for Bordentown to join his wife & daughter whom he expected to also arrive there to day.
We hope & rather expect them all to call here on their way North. Cousin Mary's "Aunt Pierson" lives in Bordentown & <she had> cousin Mary had arranged to stay there a few weeks -- but Warren fears it may be too malarious.
Warren is so changed that I would not have known him. About middle of May (I think) he went out to Michagan to his brother John to learn about Western investments. He intended to go much farther West -- but found that he could not be sure of escaping Malaria -- so he staid two weeks with John & then came to Georgetown there to await his wife & daughter who went on after the close of Maries school at Saratoga. I think he was at Georgetown 6 weeks <before> in advance of his family.
Fanny Brayley was a little mistaken in regard to the subject of cos. Waren's curiosity. John had written to Warren telling all about Western investments, securities &c. which was what Warren was anxious to know & had made inquiries about -- & he was curious to know if John had heard of that desire & how. But Warren found that John was entirely ignorant of W.'s wishes & had only happened to write the letter at that time.
John is worth about $30,000. He did well at farming which he has now given up & makes money by shrewd investments. John has one son by the first wife & two daughters by the present wife. Son & eldest daughter married. Neither the Son nor son in law is good at getting along. Bertha the daughter at home is 18 or 19 I think & has more taste for painting than for literature. Warren advises "Erastus & Carrie" not to invest in Western Securities through those agents in Norfolk & Winsted especially at those high rates -- says you will lose -- though he says you are safer to have small bonds than large. Says he will not invest without examining securities himself -- But every body cant do that. W. says he expects to find it very hard to get 6 pr. cent in good securities here at the East. Will probably have to take 5% & perhaps 4%. Thinks perhaps he will go West again this winter & invest. The low interest curtails his income too much. He says that although the lawful interest here is 6% yet there
[Written across third page:] is so much money to let that it can often be borrowed at 5 pct. by giving good security. He says there never was a better time to borrow money.
Love to Uncle Ed. &c.
Your aff, sister
M.B. Hill
[Written across first page:] Cap. Warren says that ten years ago uncle Collar told him that he had $7000.00 (seven thousand dollars) at interest. He cannot be poor.
Your aff sister
M.B. Hill
Bolton, Aug. 25, Thurs, 81
Dear Carrie -- I was very glad indeed to get a letter from you & was thinking of writing you fearing that your much work & many cares would prevent you from writing for some time. I was glad to hear that you were getting along so nicely & that Mr Collar was getting along so well with his farm work I have thought of you both very often this summer of the loneliness, How you must miss sister! no one to go to consult as you have been accustomed to do, & so many things to constantly remind you of her. She is on my mind a great deal & it seems hard to realise that I am to have no more letters from her but it is a great consolation to me to feel that she was so willing to go, and that she could speak of it so calmly. I am greatly impressed with the shortness of life. a few years at most left for me. I dont know why I should want to live but I have a great clinging to life. I have felt since I got home this summer that my end might not be far off I have felt great languor. It has been a great effort for me to do my work & would want to lie down in the day time I had no sickness, but I am feeling better now especially as the weather is some cooler I hope you are well over your billious attack. almost every one is subject to some poor days I suppose Jennie has not been to New Haven as you said nothing of it I have not heard from there since I left neither have I written but I have a letter begun
I was very glad to know that Caroline Mead had written Mr Collar & to hear something of her Electa has not written me at least I have not received any letter from her I should like to hear of her & her circumstances as I was more acquainted with her than with Caroline whom I never saw but once I think
I must forget to tell you that I said to Mary when I was in Flemington that I had given you some green veiling & I thought you intended to color it & send some to them Oh she said green is just in fashion so perhaps you will not take the trouble to color it I should like to tell you a good deal more about my pleasant visit there <but> to New Haven but I cant now Do give my love to them when you write I intended to <to> have written before now but I could not very well & I knew they would be very busy & perhaps would not think of it.
Give my love to Samantha & the boys I am glad she gets up to see you occasionally It must be very lonesome to you to have no women in the house to speak to I know how it is for when I was in Topsfield I had no on to speak to but men & could seldom get out to speak to a woman rember me to Mr Collar & Jennie & write when ever you can. We are all well here. O I will tell you that black dress of sisters that I brought for Mary we find very tender indeed & Mary thinks she cannot possibly get a dress out of it for her It was not so full a dress as some of them were She feels quite disappointed but she will get along without it but she depended on that. Our children have been berrying some & between them they have got over $20. but I guess not $25, & they have used & carried what they cared for They got from five to 10 cts a qt
S.J.W. [Susan Jane Benton Wallis]
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