[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant.
9 Dwight St <Clayton>.
New Haven Conn <Mass>.
[Note on envelope:] Apr. 1878
Speaks of debt
of their School &c.
Hallowell Me. [Maine]
Apr. 9th 1878.
My dear Mother,
I am surprised that you did not receive the papers. I sent them at the same time that I sent the letter. They must have been lost. If you wish to send for another Congregationalist of that date, I will pay for it – if you will let me know how much. Harold does not wear pants yet, and am not sure whether he will for another year. He wears kilt-skirts with breton jackets now.
Almon [Almon Burr] has endured pretty well until now. But he is getting pretty well worn out now, and sees no time for rest. The extra labor and anxiety<y> on account of the financial condition of things wears upon him much. You are not very much behind others in learning of it. I have only just begun to tell any one. Edward was the first one to whom I said any thing about it, and I only told father Burr’s people in my last letter. I hardly think that the school will be allowed to die, but we cannot tell yet. We have a good number of students and the school stands in the front [yard?]. But no<l> school of this grade can be kept<p> up on tuition fees, and at the same time carry a debt of $20,000 or more. It seems that the school began burdened with a heavy debt, which has been increasing by the interest & other means. But I would try to explain it to you in this letter. Almon has been writing a circular which the Graduates have signed, as soon as it is printed I will send you a copy. I will also send some “Christian Mirrors<...>” in which are some articles by Graduates & friends of the school. The Christian Mirror is the state paper of the Congregationalists “edited by the <Mr> Dr. Warren who was a class mate of Uncle [Burrs?]. One article by Dr. [Glasston?] I do not find, but he is to write another, and I will try to send that. [Flag?] money may not be raised, or they may reduce Salarys or teaching force so that we shall not wish to stay. We have no idea yet how things will turn out.
Rev. Mr. Parsons is not coming here, it was to our church that he was called, but it seemed best for him to withdraw.
I had a letter from Mary Shurtleff not long since. She reported herself as much better this year than she was last, says that Mr Shurtleff has gone to New York on the financial agency again. She said that Auntie was with Lavinia found, and that Lavinia would not let her [do?] any work about the house, [since?] so she says “Mother had become a great letter writer” I am glad that Auntie is having some rest. She speaks of William as being in California with the intention of the china [...]
I am glad that Uncle John is unfavorably. With much love to you all
Your aff daughter
Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
[Faded writing along margins]
I know nothing about [Christmas...,] children going Ct [...] daughter Betsy is [...] Sister & [...] so <...> [next to nothing?] to him about it, because I think he now wishes he had said that he in [...] much of a [...] [end of faded writing on salutation side of letter]
I will send this [...] all [...]. I would like this letter returned sometime. This [...]. Send Congregationalist containing [...] and [...] with [...] both [...] and the missing [of Congregationalists?] Herald who [...] holy [...] just [...] about [...] she stayed [...] but I will send [...] those [Christmas?...] please let me know. [end of faded writing on other side of letter]
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant.
Mass. [Massachusetts]
(Care [Dr. Collar?)
[Note on envelope:] May ‘78
Speaks of my Photograph of her using Lemons to aid digestion – of using Sulphur for sore throat of Nettie Burr’s illness – of birth of Austin’s second child – cautions me not to overdo it.
Hallowell Me. [Maine]
May 21st 1878
My dear Mother,
Your letter with leaflets enclosed, was received to-night. Thank you. I shall read them as soon as I have opportunity. The photographs came a few days ago. I think them very fine, especially the one with the light background I think the expression is more perfect than the other, but I like them both and would be glad to keep them both if I may. If you have not promised or bestowed them all, I wish that you would send one to Mary Shurtleff.
I am not feeling very well to-day, but I attribute it to the damp weather. My health as seemed very good for the past few weeks. I think that I have used lemons with benefit, for some time I took one every morning before breakfast, now I take them only occasionally as I seem to need them, they seem to aid digestion and help fight away langor. My rheumatism is not as troublesome in my foot as usual, it is distributed about more. The fingers of my right hand and my shoulders have been taking their turn.
Nettie Burr has been quite sick with some lung trouble. I have not understood from their letters exactly what it was. The doctor considered her in serious danger for a time, indeed I do not know that she is out of danger now, but they called her better when they last wrote.
I dont remember whether I have mentioned to you that Austin Burr had a little son born on St Vallentines day.
The diphtheria has been quite prevalent here this Winter and Spring, especially so this Spring, and with fatal results in many cases. I keep sulphur on hand. Harold had been having a sore throat and I gave him the sulphur freely. I knew it wouldn’t hurt him if it was only a common sore throat, and it might prevent something worse, he is now nearly well.
Carries [Caroline Lynette Burr] Whooping cough<t> left her weaker than usual this spring, but I can see that she is gaining strength every day.
We do not yet know how affairs of the school are going to turn out, but of one thin<l>g we are sure. If the school keeps another year we shall be rid of Miss Lincoln, for she has got beyond endurance. And steps have been taken to have her leave at the end of the year.
I should like to be able to invite the Townsends here, but dont see how I can. They would not be treated with common decency by Miss L, and I would rather not invite any of my friends until there is a change. I am glad that you went to hear Moody. But I feel concerned about you. I do wish that you would give up working so hard there. I wish that Aunt [Emmeline?] would get a woman to do the hard work, and that you would do the overseeing and some light work, of course you wouldn’t receive the same amount of money that you do now, but hasn’t the great necessity passed? or you could have her get a good capable woman, and you just look after things and help take care of Aunt, and you have your house there, and be at liberty to go and come when you pleased. I thank Aunt Mary very much for her kind thought of inviting us there, but if the school continues I think very likely that we shall go to the same place that we went last Summer. It did Almon [Almon Burr] so much good, he is living on the strength that he gained last summer yet. Whom is Mary Burr to marry?
I am sorry for Uncle John.
With much love to you all.
Your aff daughter
Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
[Printed letterhead:]
Belleville Avenue Congregational Church,
Newark, N. J., July 5th 1878
Mrs. Daniel Grant [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
My dear Madame
I am deeply grieved to be the bearer of evil tidings. Mr. John Grant was seized suddenly with acute pleurisy last evening at about 5 o’clk. and died this morning at 8 o’clock. We are all greatly shocked, as I know you will be. He was unconscious for some time before he died. We take the body to Colebrook Conn. [Connecticut] for interment, on Monday morning.
Yours in haste & sorrow
Geo. M. [Bryceton?]
for Mrs. Grant.
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant
Mass. [Massachusetts]
[Note on envelope:] Aug 3, ‘78
Speaks of Edw’s visit & of the Burrs (Almon’s family) & of her fall.
Cushing Me [Maine]
July 31st 1878
My dear Mother,
We have been in Cushing nearly two weeks now and have been enjoying ourselves very well. Celia and Nettie Burr came a few days ago, and Austin Willard and my brother Edward came today. Edward appears well. I think him a very fine looking young man. He is to stay but a few days, not so long as I hoped he would be able to. I feel proud of him beside those Burrs he looks and acts so much more gentlemanly. I dont see how my husband came to be so different from the rest of his family. I am proud of him too. I sent a pair of shoes to you this morn I beg pardon for being so long about it. I put them all up in a little box before I left Hallowell and was going to express them to you But when Almon [Almon Burr] came home he hadn’t time to make any enquiries, about rates and thought perhaps we would better wait, and not send them immediately so we took out a pair and brought along to send as soon as we could.
I fell on the stairs last Sunday and hurt my back quite badly. I think something as you hurt yourself at Uncle Erastuses once. It quite laid me up, until today I am getting about a little more, but I havent got full control of my legs and arms yet. I am sorry on Edwards account that it happened just now. still I hope to get about a good deal before he goes away. Now dont worry about it. I think I shall do well. I am using sea water and hops and wormwood and mustard, and Almon has been to the doctor and brought some alchohol, and I am going to have a [cat] spruce plaster, and I dont know what else, so if there is any virtue in doctoring I <dont> think I shall get it.
Edward and Almon and one of the other boys I think have gone out fishing for mackerel. The rest are down at the shore some where.
Uncle Johns death has saddened me very much, dear kind Uncle John, it doesnt seem possible that I cant see him again. I did love him very very dearly. When you have time please write me something about it. I had a letter from Aunt Elizabeth Burton a few days ago. I dont remember that there was any especial news in it except that William is in Los Angeles Cal. [California] but what doing I dont know.
I hope that you are well. Please give my love to Uncle and Aunt and take a great deal for yourself from your daughter Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Aug 2nd My back is very much better. I think it will soon be quite well. My birthday yesterday.
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant.
Mass. [Massachusetts]
[Note on envelope:] Dec. ‘78
Speaks of qualifications for a teacher – of Almon taking Thanksgiving dinner with Edw. Miss Rice goes to Germany
[Note at top of letter:] from Abigail E. Grant Burr
Hallowell Me [Maine]
Dec 4th 1878
My dear Mother,
It is some time since I wrote you. Things have been going all kinds of ways. We are still to remain here, but do not know for how long. Rev Mr. Gay of Bangor is canvassing for the school now, has not been able to get money yet, but has awakened some interest among people. Miss Rice who has been with us so long sailed for Germany last week. It was very hard for us to lose her. Almon [Almon Burr] has been hunting for a teacher to take her place, has been gone nearly a week, and has engaged one now whom he has not seen. It is very hard to find one with the proper scholarly attainments, and the needful characteristics, for she must be able to teach well Greek, Latin & German and be a<n> wise and aggressive Christian woman.
We did not go to Oberlin Matters were too uncertain here.
Almon took his Thanksgiving dinner with Edward. Ed’s [Engineer?] invited him. I thought it very pleasant of him, and pleasant of him that he had invited Edward too.
The Old South Church in this place burned to the ground Sunday morning between the hours of three and six, it was the one which we attend. It will throw a great burden upon this feeble society. But we have now a most excellent pastor Rev. C. T. White recently from Palmer Mass.
I am much better in health than when I last wrote, and hope that I shall be well through the winter.
I was glad to hear so much about Aunt Mary’s people. Thank her very much, for her kind offer with regard to us. Our fall has been reasonably mild. We are having a little snow tonight, but it is melting as fast as it comes. The wind is whistling though, as though it might turn colder soon.
The children are well and I think that Carrie [Caroline Lynette Burr]
will write you in a few weeks.
With much love to all
Your aff. daughter
Abbie E. G. Burr [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
It does not seem to me advisable for father to make any plans about coming to Uncle [Collars] to live, <he would be> [several words erased]
[Note on envelope:] from Abigail Cowles Grant
Dec. ’78 -
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline B. Grant.
[Printed letterhead:] Chicago Home for the Friendless,
Chicago, Dec. 16, 1878,
Dear Sister [C?],
I am always glad to hear from you, & especially so now, for it has been so long. Am glad you are in usual health, & that you hear from E. [Edward Burr] & Abby [Abigail E. Grant Burr]& family often. I hope the funds will be raised for the school, for the sake of the pupils, as well as Mr. Burr [Almon Burr] – it would be unpleasant for them to change, where all seems going so well.
I fear, as you do, that either one or the other of you will die before you & Daniel meet, but I do not know as it can be helped, tho’ I think the survivor will feel very bad – Life seems more uncertain to me each year, & day:
I do feel brother John’s death, very much indeed – he was very dear to me, & to all of us – I pity Gertie [Sarah Gertrude Day Grant] & [Lilly?] O. so much – there can be no loss so great as husband & father or mother – I hear [Co. J?] to be at brother Marcus, & for a time G. is to visit in Winsted. [Loni?] G. & Harriet have just gone to housekeeping in their new house –
J. L. & wife Susan, have a rented house, furnished, a small cottage, his early in Jan: then the owners return, & they will probably board, - as it is cheaper, & takes less of John’s time, & gives me more of his time.
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace, & Jennie Grant from Omaha spent last week in C, we saw considerable of them but not nearly enough – all [well].
Remember me to your Aunt Collar - & to [btokice?] & to him you write.
My eyes will not let me write more tonight, so goodbye. Love to each & all the friends & a large [share?] for yourself,
from yr aff sister Abby – [Abigail Cowles Grant]
Five years ago now, my precious husband was with me. It has been so lonely since, but the years shorten & I shall ere long join him in the Bethel Land –
[Note at top of letter] from Sarah Gertrude Day Grant to Caroline Burr Grant?
West Winsted [Connecticut]
Jan 31, 1879
My Dear Sister
I ought to have answered your very kind letter sooner, but many things have conspired to delay my doing so. I am now making a short visit in Winsted, came down Sat. last think I shall return tomorrow to Millbrook, and if everything seems right, expect to leave next week for Schenectady, cannot tell what day for the weather is so uncertain. I thank you for your kind invitation to spend some time with you, but I have heard that my uncle’s health is not good, and think it my duty to go and see him. Perhaps when I return, I can arrange to spend a day with you, will do so if possible. Often think of my pleasant visit with you, enjoyed it very much. I remember your kind Aunt and Uncle, they did all in their power to make it pleasant. Give love to them.
Willie now seems quite well contented at Marcus’. I think he has got over his homesickness, and feels that it is best for him to stay there. He is with me today – Marcus brought him down yesterday and I thought it would be nice to let him visit with me. Harriet will come down after us tomorrow. The horse blanket came safely. I have not yet sent your mittens. We arrived home very comfortably – without getting severely cold. Let me hear from you soon – Direct your letter to me at Schenectady N. Y. care John McNee. Am at Cousin Williams all are well, as are all the Winsted cousins – All have asked about you.
When you write please give me Edwards address.
With love from Willie and myself. I remain
Your Aff. sister
Gertie D. Grant. [Sarah Gertrude Day Grant]
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant
Mass. [Massachusetts]
(Care D[r.?] Collar)
[Note on envelope:] In Oberlin when Harold was sick
Apr. ‘79
[Note at top of letter:] from Abigail G. Burr
Oberlin Ohio
Thurs eve. Apr 3rd 1879.
My dear mother,
I am at Father Burr’s with my little sick boy. Almon [Almon Burr] and Carrie started for home on Tuesday, and if they had no mishap reached home this morn, at about three o clock. We started from Hallowell [Maine] two weeks ago last Tuesday, at about ten o clock in the morning, reached Boston at half past five in the evening, and left there at six on the Hoosac Tunnel rout, were delayed on that, so we did not make connections at Troy, so did not arrive at John [Frazier’s?] at Madison O. (where we were to stop over one night) until between seven and eight o clock on Thursday morning, several of Almons classmates were there to meet us, and we had a very pleasant time. We left there for Oberlin at noon Friday, where we arrived at five o clock in the afternoon. We had a very pleasant time for the first few days. Minnie Hill took tea with us on Saturday eve. Sunday was communion, and a great many united with the churches. At the Second Church where we attended, forty two united on prof<f>ession of faith and a few by letter, it was a very impressive occasion. Monday eve we took tea at the Hall with Mrs. Johnston, Tuesday eve at Mary Shurtleffs. Minnie also was there. Wednesday was so rainy that I remained at home all day and no one came except Prof. Newton. Thursday we spent in making and receiving calls. Went to Mr. Maltbies for one place. I do like Mrs. Maltbie very much. They seemed pretty well, though I think Mrs. M. is not very strong. I have forgotten just what they did say about themselves. Mr. M. I did not see.
Friday just before noon Harold was taken suddenly ill, headache and vomiting. we thought at first that it was a sick headache, but as the afternoon progressed and he continued to vomit and a high fever came on, we feared scarlet fever, we sent for the Doctor, he didnt seem decided what it was. Saturday he thought it bilious fever, but Sunday he began to break out and show other decided symptoms of scarlet fever. We were over him day and night until Monday night when he seemed a little more comfortable Almon took care of him alone that night as I was about worn out I had a very bad cold too. We had all expected to leave for Hallowell on Monday, but of course could not. Almon stayed over one day longer, and will be one day late at the opening of the term. We thought it best for Carrie [Caroline Lynette Burr]
to go with him, if she is sick will have to have a nurse, there seemed no way to take care of her here. I have my hands full with Harriet. [Utica?] is no place for her to be sick, and no one in the family to take care of [him?] Celia teaches all day long and is not able to do any thing here. Nettie is an invalid Mother is not well, and if she were is so very deaf as to be useless in taking care of a very sick person, and there is no room in the house for a nurse. I hope the dear little thing will get along all right.
Friday morn. Harold had not had much fever for the last two or three days, but is very weak, and does not seem to gain much, his spine seems some affected, could not sleep last night because of pain in the back of his neck, he does not sit up any yet ex. to be held in my arms for a few minutes, or be propped up by pillows while he eats. Of course he is very fretful and wants me to be with him constantly. I have been having a very bad cold which with the care of Halley has made me about sick, but I am much better now, and I sleep the larger part of the night. The Shurtleffs are in their usual health, little Mary is a very lovely child. Mr Shurtleff is going away on a financial trip again soon We were invited down there last Saturday eve to meet Theodore, and some other friends. Theodore was not able to come, for what reason I do not know. I received a card from Almon today. They had reached Boston in safety. I hope that I shall hear tomorrow, that they are safe in H. Minnie Hill seems well, she appears well. Almon has a fine account of her from Mrs. Jonston. Mrs. [Joth...?] & she will make a fine teacher. I can spend more time now.
With love
Abbie. [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant.
Mass. [Massachusetts]
[Note on envelope:] From Abbie May 79
[Note at top of letter above address:] Abigail E. Grant Burr
Hallowell Me.
May 7th 1879.
My dear Mother,
We are safe at home my little boy and I. I am pretty well. Harold is very weak yet, but is gaining every day. The dear little fellow has been very sick, and we are thankful enough to have him as well as he is, when he was down the first time the doctor said that for a day or two he did not know which way it was going to go with him, then when he began to mend, we suppose that he took a little cold, though we hardly see how, and he had a serious relaps, with dreadful swelled neck, vomiting and other painful troubles. I was at that time sick myself, then he was taken with dropsy, but now he has recovered from all, and is slowly gaining strength. We started for home at the first minute that it was safe to do so. We left Oberlin Thursday noon May 1st and reached home about ten o clock Saturday morn. We came from Boston by boat, and both of us enjoyed that part of our journey very much. Harold was much stronger when we reached here then<re?> when we left Oberlin. We took a sleeping car Thursday night, and were in the boat Friday night, so that Halley slept well both nights. Brother Willie is in Boston now, and met me at the depot. I also saw Prof. Shurtleff for a few moments. All tell me that Carrie has been a little woman while here alone. I was very glad that she did not remain with us, she could hardly have escaped being sick. She has not been well for two or three days, and was taken down with diphtheria this afternoon, but I hope that it will not be serious. I am sitting up for a while to take care of her and it is pretty late that I am vomiting.
Minnie Hill and the Shurtleffs were in their usual health when I came away. Celia was suffering considerably with rheumatism and Nettie was feeling pretty weak and under [able?]. I had the scarlet fever thoroughly, but was not very sick, and got over it well, was confined to my bed four or five days, or rather five or six.
Mr. Shurtleff stopped in to see Aunt Gertie [Sarah Gertrude Day Grant] a few days ago, he says that she is living alone in the house now. A man comes to sleep nights. She spoke very tenderly of Uncle John, but on the whole seemed quite cheerful. Many Shurtleffs children are very pretty and sweet, little Mary is especially lovely.
I had a letter from Edward yesterday, he represents himself as about as usual<l> and glad that he has changed his boarding place.
Carrie [Caroline Lynette Burr] has been quiet for some little time now, and I think I will venture to go to bed. Please give my love to Uncle and Aunt, and take a great deal for yourself please. Your aff. daughter
Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Father and Mother Burr, received your letter, but as I had sent you a postal a few days before they will probably not think it necessary to write [now?]. I think that in some ways Carrie seemed a little better this morning.
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant.
[Note on envelope:] From Abigail E. Grant Burr
Tells what Mrs. Johnston says of Minnie Hill
[Note at top of letter above address:] From Abigail E. Grant Burr
Hallowell Me.
May 20th 1879.
My dear Mother,
Your letter enclosing one from Minnie Hill was received a few days ago. I will send the shoes as soon as I go back to the house, at present I am in exile, for Carrie [Caroline Lynette Burr] three days after I returned home had a mild attack of Scarletina, and the matron was so frightened that she kept some of the rest all the time stirred up. So Carrie Harry and I left the house and are not at this present state permitted to enter it. The doctor makes a good deal of fun of them, he says that if any of them were going to take it of Carrie, they got it during the day or two that she was feverish, for she had not rash enough to be likely to give it from her skin. When she was taken her throat presented every appearance of diphtheria, and the peculiar appearance which scarlet fever exhibits did not occur for several days. Carrie has had three or four very sick days with inflammation of the bowels, which the doctor says has no connection with the fever but he thinks was engendered by the condition of her stomach previous to her sickness, indeed he says that she would not have had the fever at all, had it not been for this state of her stomach. We are pretty well posted about diphtheria, as we have a great deal of it here, there is hardly a time in the year when there not some cases in town. Nettie is expected to be an invalid for some time, her disease is considered to be a serious one, which time and rest may overcome, but their physician says it may be several years. Celia has kept in school all the time, is now getting a little better. She writes me Willard is in Boston studying music, he expects to go to Germany in the latter part of the summer, his whole heart and soul is bound up in music.
I thought I told you in my letter from Oberlin about Minnie, and still think that I did. Every one spoke highly of her, Miss Johnstone very much so. She was not a first class scholar but a good one, and had remarkably good sense and executive ability would in their opinion make a good teacher, better than many who stood before her in scholarship. Mrs. J. spoke of her as a most excellent girl in all ways.
I think that Carrie took care of herself mostly, all were kind to her.
Carrie is improving rapidly Harry keeps tolerably well, has the ear ache some, but the doctor says is not at all strong, and cannot endure much, shall have to be very careful of them both till we can get to the sea shore and let the sweet salt sea breezes straight in them. I received a letter from Edward since coming home. We live in a little room in one of the houses near the school, and Almon [Almon Burr] brings us our meals from the house. I hope that you are well. How are cousin Albert [Bentons] people now? and Jennie and her family [Write?] much to Uncle Aunt and Yourself. I am
Your aff. daughter
Abbie E. G. Burr. [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Was glad to see Minnies letter. I hope that if she is to teach she will be successful in obtaining such a situation as she deserves. I think Minnie is much liked in O. [Ohio] I noticed that she was one of the leading girls in her class.
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant.
Mass. [Massachusetts]
Care Dea Collar.
[Note on envelope:] From Abbie
Aug. ’79.
[Note at top of letter above address:] [fro?] Abigail E. Grant Burr
Cushing Me. [Maine]
Aug 4th 1879
My dear Mother,
We have now been in Cushing three weeks, and are glad to be here. We were not any of us very well when we came, the children were not strong at all. Carrie [Caroline Lynette Burr] had coughed slightly ever since her sickness in the spring, and seemed to be losing strength all the time. She has not been very well all the year, and I have been feeling a little troubled about her, fearing that the climate [was] too severe for her. She is so apt to have a cough, but I am feeling greatly relieved now for she has <imp?> improved wonderfully since coming here, has grown plump and rosy and strong. Harry does not improve so rapidly but I think is now really on the road to better health, he is quite deaf though, but I am still in hope that it will wear away. I had a very dreadful cold on my lungs, when I came but do not cough any now and am growing stronger. Almon [Almon Burr] is gaining strength and enjoying himself very much It has been very hot here for the last day or two which makes me think that it must be very very hot back in the country.
Willie Burr was married July first, to a lady of Franklin N.H. a widow with considerable property, they are going to Germany sometime this month, I suppose to spend several years. [Austin] Burr had another son, born in June.
We begin with new teachers entire next year. Carrie & Harry have just begun lessons again and I think Carrie will be able to write you a letter before long, as she seems to learn very well. You spoke sometime ago of Uncle Erastus’ going to leave his pleasant house and take another elsewhere, that Ralph was to be married &c. I would like to hear more about them. I shall be sorry enough to have Uncle Erastus’ people have there. How are the Bentons now? and Jennie and her husband and children?
I hope that Uncle and Aunt are pretty well, and how is it about yoursel<f>f I have not heard anything particular from you in so long. I suppose you must be very busy. We shall be here about three weeks longer. With much love to you
Your affectionate daughter
Abbie. [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Care of
Capt. Ha[thorne?].
[Envelope at back of folder without an attached letter]
[Addressed to:] Mrs. Caroline Grant
Berkshire Co.
[Return address:] Silver Dale Kan
[Jan?] – The – 14, - 79
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