Letter 1 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Daniel Grant
Care Rev. A. W. Burr
Mass. [Massachusetts]
Flemington, N. J. [New Jersey]
Jan. 27 1884
My dear Sister,
Am glad you have a new cloak. Have no doubt that it is all right & that we should be perfectly satisfied with it here. Of course Abbie & Almon [Abigail E. Grant Burr & Almon Burr] would not let you get anything, but what was right. Am glad to hear about Abbie & family. It was very good of her to write that nice letter to Mary.
Aletta is doing very well but does not sit up.
She suffered very much for nearly 24 hours before the birth of child. Mrs. West, the nurse has been with a great many women & never saw one suffer more unless it were Mrs. Spangenburg in this place. I only saw Alletta twice through the day, did not feel that I could endure it & it was not necessary. Chalmers, the nurse & the Dr. were sufficient. Perhaps Mary told you that the baby was born at 10¾ P. M. I believe Dr. Parish always keeps women in bed four weeks if he can. He tells Aletta that she must lie in bed four weeks. The baby is nearly two weeks old & I think she does not yet feel like sitting up.
The baby is not named. We hope it will have neither of the grandmother’s names ‘Emily” nor “Mary”
Do you intend sending money out to Mrs. Benedict? You might possibly find when too late that her title was not good or that some other mortgage came before yours or something else that you should have informed yourself about before sending money.
The baby takes long naps (sometimes sleeping four five & six hours at a time) but cries a good deal when awake.
I have written to Erastus, also to Aunt Jane & Mary Haynes together since the baby’s birth & asked them all to visit us. I dont think the baby will look so pretty at three months old as her aunt Carrie did, & <I dont> nor do I think she will ever be so pretty. She has finally learned to suck very well & her mother has quite a flow of milk.
Love to all in the family
Your aff. sister
Mary B. Hill
Am glad Almon is having time & rest, also that your cough is better. Etta Hill has sent the baby a very pretty knit shawl <for> to wear when it goes out.
Aunt Jane
I send this thinking there may be something that M. did not say in her letter to you. I would like it returned – it is the last she wrote to me. C. G.
M. alludes to my sending money to Kansas. I sent D’s letter for them to read but said nothing about the money. I had replied to them declining to loan it before I send the letter to them.
D. G.
Letter 2 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
Oberlin, O.
Feb. 28th ’84.
My Dear Aunt,
I am glad to learn, through uncle Marcus, that you are at Andover [Massachusetts]. I know a visit to Almon’s [Almon Burr] family, while situated in that classic town, must be pleasant, both to them and yourself. I hope you have all been well this winter, and that baby has made such progress in strength and good looks, as he gave promise of doing when I last saw him. Laura had a pleasant letter from Carrie, some time since, from which we gathered that “all was well” with the family, up to that time. I hope that Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]received a letter from me, written soon after I reached home, the 1st of last Sep. – I addressed it to the care of Capt. Hathorne, through I was not sure but she had left there, before it would have arrived.
I talked with Abbie, last summer, about a life of Mrs. Banister, which was being prepared by a Miss Guilford of Cleveland. I now write to you, upon the same subject. The life was completed some weeks ago and Miss Guilford, at my earnest invitation, came here and read it to me. I was very greatly interested in it. As a literary work, it – seems to me superior to either of the lives of Mary Lyon. It is also complete, covering the whole 80 years, and giving extracts from correspondence and papers, which Aunt Banister had carefully preserved for such a use. If published just as I saw it, it would make a duodecimo volume of four hundred pages. But since then, Miss Gilford has sent it to Mrs. Cowles of Ipswich, in whose judgment, it should be considerably abridged. My last word from Miss G. is that she will have it returned <to her> and undertake to shorten it. That will diminish, somewhat , the expense of publishing. But I doubt if 500 volumes (the least number which a publisher would care to undertake) with a good picture, could be gotten out much short of $500. Miss Guilford does not ask any reward for her large share of the enterprise. The Tract society will publish the book at actual cost, but will not take it, and depend upon the sale of it, to meet expenses. Somehow the money must be raised, or the book will never be a book, except in manuscript.
I dislike to have the matter dropped, after Miss Guilford has taken so much pains, partly on her account, but more because I think the book is a worthy memorial of an excellent woman, whose life and work ought not to be forgotten. Mrs. Cowles offers to give $100 toward the expense of publishing, besides something more to help furnish a good picture. I have taken it upon myself to find out what can be raised among the Grant relatives, and I think Mrs. Phillips will do as much among the Griswolds. I have corresponded with aunt Susan Grant, and she is willing to pledge, for herself and family $50. I think our family will do as much, though I fear Theodore and I will have the most of it to pay. Cousin John Grant will give $10. Mrs. Phillips is sure of $50 or more in Winsted. So we have $260 pledged out of say $500, which leaves a large sum yet to raise. It would seem as if there ought to be a good many among Mrs. Banister’s friends who would be glad to purchase her life, and pay for it beforehand. Unfortunately I have no acquaintance with any of them. I have written to uncle Marcus, and hope he can do something among the Colebrook friends. I know you, Abbie and Edward, will all be interested, and will do what you can. The money will not be needed till after the manuscript has been sent to the printers, and they have made an estimate of the cost of publishing. There is time for correspondence and consultation among friends.<>
You may have heard something about an expectation that some money could be obtained from Mrs. Hale’s estate, inasmuch as she made a verbal request that such was her wish. Miss Guilford, at one time, has strong hope of such help, but has now given it up. Mrs. Hale’s estate went to a distant relative, who feels no interest in the life of Mrs. Banister.
May I hope to hear from you, sometime, when you have leisure to write upon the subject? Please remember Mr. Shurtleff and myself to all of Almon’s family. The little girls would send love if they were at home. They both attend school, and are as well and happy as we could ask. We should all be glad to see our Aunt Caroline here in Oberlin. Is there not some hope of you visiting here, before long?
Affectionately your niece
M. B. Shurtleff.
Letter 3 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
3 – 11 – ‘84
Dear Aunty
I am afraid you do not get news of Mother as often as you would like but I know that you remember how busy we must be and you may always be sure no news is good news, Mother progresses from one stage of the sickness to another Her cough troubles quite a good deal just now. Her joints are not so stiff as during the exceeding cold weather of the past week
The end of back bone has been very tender but by help of air cushion hair cushion and a great deal of rubbing it is much better, no skin has been broken we have used, tablespoon of powdered alum in pt. of alchohol to toughen skin It is very grateful With help Mother walked half way round the bed this morning
The outlook is favorable if we only have pleasant weather During all the five weeks she has been in bed we have hardly had three entire clear days
So you see we have had great deal to contend with just at present
Emma Loweree is away so there is only Nora Parish beside the family We expect Emma back any day
Mrs West the nurse who was with Allie has been helping us with Mama this week and that is giving us all a rest
Mother likes her and she is able to rub a great deal more than we could get Min to do Allie grows all the time and Baby Sophie is better than she was at first about crying takes long naps of three or four hours.
March 15th – Dear Auntie
Min asked me to finish this letter this morning so as I have a few minutes before the mail comes, will try and do so. Min has taken cold and is not feeling very well so I came up to the office this morning. Mamma is a great deal better than when Min began this letter on Tuesday. Her cough is better and her feet and legs are not so much swollen. The baby is as cunning as can be. She laughs sometimes and looks so pleased and happy. Cousin Tom & Cousin Eliza & Sophie are so pleased with the baby’s name. It seems as though they would never be done talking about it. I went up to Easton last Sat. and spent Sunday with Sadie & Jessie Pollock. You remember Sadie Pollock don’t you? She is Mrs Bullock niece and use to live there. She and her sister are going to break up house keeping next week and they wanted me to come before they left their house. I knew it was the only chance I would have to go to Easton so as Mrs West was with us to help take care of Mamma I went up Saturday afternoon and came home Monday night Sadie wanted Min & me both to come but we could not both go of course, and Min was good, and let me go. I had a splendid time. I don’t think I ever enjoyed a visit so much before. Easton is a very hilly place. It reminded me of Hallowell on that account
John Watson a senior in “LaFayette” College there, took Sadie and me all through Pardee Hall on Monday morning. John used to live here in Flemington and went to Mr. Leighs School at the same time I did so he was an old friend.
The view from the top of the Hall is beautiful. We could see all over Easton and Phillipsburgh over in New Jersey, and up and down the Delaware. It must be lovely there in the Summer.
Allie had a letter from Miss Bethel on Thursday and she says she is to be married in May and had been out that morning buying furniture which gave her inexpressible pleasure etc. Benton [......?] is to be married on the twenty fifth of this month. Chalmers & Allie have an invitation of course.
Ella Ramsey and Ed. Allen are to be married in the Presbyterian Church next Wednesday at five o’clock. We all have invitations. I just heard the train so will have to stop. Please tell Carrie I was very much pleased to get her nice little letter and will answer it when I get the time.
Does “Puppy dog’s tail” go wiggledly – waggledly as much as ever. I don’t suppose he has forgotten how to talk yet. You must kiss dear little baby Arthur (I dont suppose you will object!) for me and his cousin Sophie and give my love to his Papa and Mamma and tell then that “Cudya” Thinks it is high time baby Arthur has his picture taken and sends us one. Auntie what is good for “hungry consumption” I have that or something else for I am hungry all the time. I can’t get enough to eat. Perhaps Hally can <symphath> (I am worse than Sam am I not?) sympathize with in this respect. Well I can’t write any more so goodbye. With a great deal of love to you all
Letter 4 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
Flemington N. J. [New Jersey]
Mon. eve. Mar. 24 – 84
My dear Auntie
Your letter came this morning, we were very glad to hear, we were afraid it would be a great shock to you, but please Auntie don’t blame us for not letting you know before. We did not telegraph to Sam until Friday eve. poor fellow, he did not get here until all was over. The doctor had spoken very encouragingly of Mamma, and we had great hopes of her going right on improving. When the doctor came Friday morn. he said Mama was not so well that she has not fair, square pneumonia, but it was the rheumatism that had gone to her lungs, the left lung was affected, that was about ten o’clock in the morning, he said he would call again <in the> toward eve. I had no idea then, that the end was so near, neither had the Dr. After dinner Mama seemed so much worse, that when Papa went up to the Office, he sent Minnie at once for the doctor, but the Dr. was not home & would not be until six o’clock that eve. When Minnie came home, Mama said Dr. Ewing would not get here and she wanted some other doctor, so we sent for Sullivan he came a little after six o’clock said Mama was very dangerously ill – pneumonia in both lungs that, he said might be relieved but he did not like the looks of here eyes and lips (by this time her hands and arms up to the elbows were cold) we telegraphed to Sam after Dr. S. had been here, so you see the end came upon us very suddenly. Carrie was with her in the afternoon. At 2 o’clock I was obliged to go up stairs to my baby, who was very wakeful that day, I came down again at five, and was very much alarmed at Mamas condition. Mama was perfectly conscious that she was dying. She was not afraid, though I think she dreaded the physical suffering – When Minnie was by her in the evening once (Mama), she told her not to cry, it was all right it had to come sometime. Mama said a great many things that I know you would like to hear but I can’t write them to night and I hope you can come and make a visit and we can tell you all about it. One thing I must tell you, Mama mentioned you, said “my love to Aunt Carrie” and then afterwards “my dear sister” She left her love to all her friends in Connecticut.
She said “Tell Dr. Mott it must be hard to die without a Saviour” said “I know the Lord Jesus is all sufficient” her mind wandered more or less all through her illness. She did not talk after 12 o’clock , excepting just yes or no, and about the hot flannels we’re were using, yes – she did say one or two things but her mind was wandering – Mrs. Bullock was with us all night and was such a comfort. When the Dr. went away at 1 o’clock he said that we need not fear that Mama would die that night, he though her better, he said if she could live 24 hours, she would have a chance for her life, but do not think he expected her to last longer than Sat morn. It did not seem to me that Mama could live through the night, I am so tired dear Auntie that I can’t write much more, we will try and write [soon] again. Sophie Hill came up [Sunday?] [afternoon] and is the greatest [comfort] to us. Everyone is so kind and <take> everything is that can be is taken off our shoulders. Chalmers is taking charge of office has John [C....?] & John Bullock to help him. Uncle Erastus came to night and I wish you could be here too. I dread to morrow very much, but I know you will be thinking of us and praying for us. It is very hard to let Mama go, although we feel assured that she is far happier. She needed so much care that we still feel that she must need something and often think we here coughing or pounding (she had a cane to pound on the floor, if we were not there) I think Mama <said> for us, felt that <I had> she had good care – Papa was so good to her Mama often told him, that she could not live without him, she thought no one else could fix her for the night like papa. The services to morrow will be short. Mrs. Nerius and some others will sing “Asleep in Jesus and perhaps one other hymn. We are all quite well, but of course tired. We all try to keep up, for Papas’ sake and for each other. I feel so sorry for Papa, he is all alone now, of course we are left but it is not like his wife. I think he was very glad to have uncle E. come.
Well good night dear Auntie write and ask questions, if we do not write enough. There is so much we can’t write, so I hope you will come and make a visit
Very lovingly your niece
All send love.
Letter 5 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
3 – 29 – 84
Dear Aunty
Yours to Allie received after Uncle Erastus had left. Thursday A. M. We are all quite well Baby Sophie much better than during the early part of week.
We too had a beautiful day on Thursday for which we all felt grateful
Am glad that Carrie A and you all remember us in prayer, we need great faith and love with which to bear our sorrow. It is all right Mama said “It is all right” but Oh it is so hard.
Aunty come just when it suits you best We shall wait for you to look over Mama’s things You would know better than we what to do with some of them
As we have but one little girl boarding with us we shall not keep a girl after next Tuesday Shall have help by the day when we need it
We want to do just as nearly as possible as Mother would have us do
Sam. will be here until Monday or Tuesday Sophie Hill a day or two longer She has been such a comfort to us all
Come and stay just as long as you can
Love to Almon Abbie [Almon Burr & Abigail E. Grant Burr] and the children
Write when you can
I have not time to write more Have been interrupted many times while writing this
Letter 6 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs Caroline Grant
C/o Rev. A. W. Burr
Mass [Massachusetts]
From Wm. Hill after Sister A’s death Apr. ’84.
Bittersweet April 6/84
Dear Sister
I have passed many lonely hours since the sad event so unexpectedly came to pass. It was only on Friday Morning when Mary thus spoke “I would like to stay a few days longer, but if it is God’s will <that> I am willing to go. Yes I want to, that I realized the probability of what happened.
She was wonderfully patient & cheerful all through her long weary & painful sickness, and thankful for all that was done for her comfort. We miss her so much every day in so many many ways. Yet we try to say even so Father for so it seems good in thy sight. And we pray that the faith that sustained her in her departure May be ours when our turn shall come to bid farewell to all things here below.
It was the most beautiful day of the spring when we laid her down to her last rest, but even its brightness, would have been darkness except for the shining of the Sun of Righteousness. We rec’d words of Sympathy & deeds of Kindness from Many friends far, and near and it was a great comfort to have all My dear children with me and to know & feel that there dear Mother still lives in them.
Sophie Hill staid with us until Yesterday afternoon being a great comfort to us all and especially to Allie, so kind & good to the baby – so helpful & thoughtful in many ways. We miss her sadly and begin just now to feel more fully our great loss. –
I have been pretty well though tireing very easily with my daily duties and feeling as if I never could get thoroughly rested again.
We were very glad that Erastus came and we made him stay over Wednesday with us The girls feel more acquainted with him than ever before and think he is very kind & good and we all sympathize with him in this trouble. His trial I think is greater than mine.
We shall be glad to see you whenever you feel able to come and am glad that you have had such a pleasant time with Abby – Give My love to Almon & Abbie [Almon Burr & Abigail E. Grant Burr] and hope they may find some pleasant & profitable place in near future.
Our spring weather comes along slowly the grass has started a little and we have the birds with their morning & evening songs but very high winds and cold weather prevails
How many of our friends are past now called to part with their dear ones – When Sam was here he took the baby’s picture and for one so young it is really good –
Sam has left Lewis and [engaged] to work for a [Mr...?] of Waterbury getting much better wages than Lewis could afford to give him We are glad that he is going to do better as he was quite low spirits over his slow advancement –
Farewell with much love
William Hill
Letter 7 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Caroline Grant
Hunterdon Co.
N. J.
Andover Mass.
May 7th. 84.
Dear Grandma
I am not very well to day so I did not go to school. It was so lonesome for a few days after you had gone it didn’t seem like home. The day you went away I stopped going to school in the afternoon, and had Arithmetic and Writing with Papa for two hours. I now have Itelleclual Arithmetic with Mamma too.
Miss Charles came here Monday the 28th and stayed until last Tuesday. Florence and I go to a class at Mr Makepeaces for the purpose of studying the Creed.
I made a basket of moss and flowers the first of May and gave it to Miss Woodbridge. Lilie Cutter one of my schoolmates made one with me but did not give it to her at the same time, hers was made of paper and filled with hot house flowers. I went with her to get her flowers one recess, it took as agreat deal longer than we expected so we were a half hour late. We were afraid she would scold us but she didn’t.
We have decided not to take the stone house in Beloit it is so large
May 20th.
Florence went home last Saterday, and Papa went to Saugus so we were all alone Sunday. We have had such a time cleaning up dishes and closets, though we have not got it done yet, Hally and I get up early in the morning so as to get the work done before school.
Everyone is getting ready for examination day at school. The blackboards in Miss Berrys Whitehouses and Woodbridges rooms are to be decorated with pictures which the girls and boys are going to draw. All the classes are going in Miss Whitehouses room to be examined. There is to be some singing and nearly all of them take part on operetta representing different birds. I am going only a few days more to school.
Mr Wright the one who is going to help Papa in Beloit came Thursday the 15th. and stayed over night, he looks very much like Mr. Nickerson. I have mended all the stockings since you have been away.
Papa and Mamma went up to Prof. Churchills Wednesday night to a reception that was held there. They had a very pleasant time. Papa Mamma Uncle and aunt Fanny rode over to Haverhill yesterday. Papa and Uncle went to see about getting some watches. Papa got a gold one and Uncle ordered a costlier one. Papa’s is very pretty.
The trees have all bloomed out and it has been so warm that it has been uncomfortable with our thick clothes on. Miss Allen the painting teacher in Hallowell is coming here in two or three weeks to see us and Miss Hattie Allen in Miss McKeens school.
Baby is quite well now but he has been troubled with his teeth. We are all well and send love to you all especially Baby Sophie
Your Loving Granddaughter
Carrie L. Burr [Caroline Lynette Burr]
Letter 8 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
Bolton, May 15, 1884
My Dear Niece,
Mary and I were anxiously waiting to hear from you & often spoke of you and were glad to hear of your safe arrival in Flem. [Flemington, New Jersey] where you must be a help and comfort to them
What around about way you took & accomplished it so quickly you must have been quite courageous. I hope you will not long be disabled by the accident you met with & trust you will be careful not to over exert yourself in that warm climate. It is time for <to> you to have some rest. No doubt it will be a great comfort to all the family to have you there even if you cannot do hard work. You will all help each other bear the sad loss of the dear departed one I was glad to hear how bravely they were bearing their sorrow and striving to do as their dear mother would have them
Please remember Mary and myself to Mr Hill and his family and assure them of our deep and heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement. We feel that the character of our dear relative was one of singular worth and loveliness.
Her own beautiful example of resignation forbids the murmur we could hardly repress that one so fitted to live should be taken away so soon. But she is gone up higher.
I am glad I went there when I did and saw her once more and her dear family (with the exception of her son who was not at home.) It is a pleasant remberance.
You did not tell me how long you intended to stay there nor what were your plans for the future, I shall hope to hear from you again soon when perhaps you can write more particularly Thank you for all you did write & think you wrote a great deal in the space you had to write on.
I dont know as I have any thing of particular interest to communicate in regard to our families. Not much change since I last wrote you I may have mentioned that Sam went to Waltham to see if he could get a chance in a machine shop & could not at the time but one man said he might want him some time and would let him know if he did. He has not heard from him and we did not think he would but Sam still has hope. He helps his father on the farm & his father is grafting some for people & he sometimes takes Sam with him and teaches him The father has $2.00 a day at that work Sue is taking another term of music lessons of the same teacher who speaks very encouragingly of Sue’s progress She says not one in ten of the scholars she has taught would learn as fast as Sue does. She reads notes readily. She usually practices an hour in the morning before going to school & an hour after school & plays any little piece when she feels like it for her own amusement. Mary, Bessie, Sam & Mollie practice any leisure time they can spare & they have really made considerable progress. Mary intends Mollie shall practice an hour a day half hour at a time but she little rather play out with the little girls. We are getting along slowly with our sewing. We are about finishing off the seventh dress since you were here and now we only have two more to make & then they will be fitted out for the summer.
I have had only one hard cold since you were here & it passed off in less than two weeks Mr Wallis has been very well. In pleasant days when he feels like it he gets out and does little jobs on the farm but spends most of his time reading the papers. We are all in comfortable health not very strong. Amory has to lie down almost every day an hour or more. He works very fast & then needs to rest.
It must have been hard for your daughter to have you leave her, but I presume she cheerfully acquisced under the sad circumstances I shall want to hear about her & Erastus & Edward & Daniel & all the friends Mary joins in love to you & all there S G [.?]
Letter 9 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Caroline Grant
<Mill Brook> Canaan
Care E. D. Grant
Soon after reaching Beloit in Aug. ‘84
Beloit Wis, [Wisconsin]
Aug. 1884
My dear Mother,
There really hasn’t been a chance to write before for lack of a suitable place, even if the chance had come other wise. I think of you and know that you are wondering why you don’t hear. It has been very hot most of the time since we came, though it is cooler now, and settling has been slow work. Here the house is a very inconvenient one with but few cupboards and closets, and it has been hard to know what to do with things. We are getting along now so that we are beginning to see through
After we left you we went to Aunt Charlottes. There Arthur began to have bowel trouble I <made> had some neutralizing mixture <and> which I gave him, and he improved a little, but while we were at Lymans it gave out. On our way to Oberlin I stopped at Alice Leonards as we expected, but after leaving the train I began to worry at the character of the passages, which I hadn’t fully observed in the close quarters on the train. At Mrs. Leonards he grew worse very fast. I sent out and got the ingredients for some medicine for him and began giving it but Mrs Leonard was so alarmed that she wanted me to send for the Dr. he came and pronounced him a very sick child. I told him what I was giving him, but he knew nothing of it, so I let him treat him as he wished. Baby grew worse faster than before. I felt that I must get to father Burrs with him, and went on the day before I intended to, the Dr gave me medicine to give him every half hour on the train. When I reached fathers I said to Mother as quick as I got into the house, “I want some neutralizing mixture as quick as I can get it.” There happened to be some in the house already prepared and he began to take it immediately. Before twelve hours had passed he was much more comfortable, before two days were gone I felt he was out of danger. But if it hadn’t been for the neutralizing mixture I believe he would have died. He was so sick poor little thing. He hasn’t been quite so pleasant and happy since his sickness as before, but seems well.
We find Beloit very pleasant, the people are kind and a number have sent in things such as apples, green corn etc. a good many have called already too. Our house (The one we used to speak of as the Rowland house) is in a very nice neighborhood on a pleasant street. When we came Pres. Chapin meet us at the station and took us to his house to tea, and to spend the night.
We are all pretty well now. I hope to hear from you before long and hear something of father. Give my love to him. Have you made any plans yet? What do you hear from them at Uncle Erastus’s ?
I must get to bed.
With love Abbie.
Mond morn
I found there were no envelopes so did not get my letter off. I forgot to say that we called on Aunt Susan and Jennie in Chicago. John of course was not at home again. Little Susan is a sweet child. Not as tall as Arthur but about as broad.
I had a nice visit in Oberlin both at Fathers and Mary Shurtleffs. Spent two or three days at Mary’s and was there at tea once or twice beside. Annie and Laura renewed their intimacy and were very happy together. Prof. S. was in Dakota but returned the day before we left for Beloit. Father and Mother Burr are well. Nettie much better than when I last saw her. She is wearing an electric belt which she thinks helps her. Celia rather under the weather with rheumatism
I send a picture of little Arthur
Letter 10 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to ] Mr. Daniel Grant
<Mill Brook> Canaan
Litchfield Co. Conn. [Connecticut]
E. Law On back of envelope [Care of Edward Grant]
Arkansas City Kansas
August 30th. 1884
Mr. Grant
I seat my self to rite you a few lines to let you know of our situation I am hardly able to go and Charlie has the typhoid intermitent fever and the doctor is tending on him I had to loose My dear husband he died on the 12 of this month and I am left to get a long as best I can with my little Children I cant tell when I can pay you any thing for it Will take ever thing I can make to pay the doctors with I get a dollar a day for my team when it works but we have to live and that costs a rite Smart Mr Law is in the territory and he is going to move down there and he cant see to enything for me and I have to trust to most enybody to get things tended to I would like to hear from you so I may know how long you Will Wait for your pay this from Mrs
Ellen Law
to Daniel Grant
Recd by Mr. B $215
Grant 487
Grants surplus 272
Payed by Grant Slandleys bill 262
Letter 11 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
9 – 4 – 84
Dear Aunty
I do know that this letter should have been written long ago. It has been on my mind but so many things crowd upon me that it has seemed impossible
After you left we were busy finishing housecleaning which we did get out of the way before Mrs Brown came Helen Pepoon came the 22nd of July Sam came home for a week the 21st so we had a houseful We were all glad to have Sam with us. He took all our photos. Succeeded in getting very good ones of Allie, Carrie, Chalmers and baby Sophie. None are finished but one of Carrie which Sam sent to her for a birthday remembrance on the 29th.
Chalmers Miss Pepoon and I spent one day in New York Walked over Brooklyn Bridge went up to Central Park saw the Obelisk, went thro’ Tiffanys and into many of the larger stores and then went down to Coney Island & back, to get a view of the ocean
We went in on an excursion train and reached home about nine oclock in the eve.
The next day the last day of July Helen and I went down to Philadelphia stayed four days and saw a great deal
Cousin Tom and Sophie were very good to us and we saw more than stranger ordinarly could see in so short a time
We visited the Park, Memorial Hall with its multitude of curiosities left from the Centennial, Horticultural Hall is my special delight with its wonderful plants The fern house is enchanting, we saw the Elephants at the Zoo, taking their bath in a bath tub out of doors built for their special & sole use, It was curious to see the great creatures splashing round to their very evident enjoyment.
We spent a whole day in the park and wished we had more time for it
One day we went down into Old Philadelphia visited State House Carpenters Hall which has stood for more than one hundred and fifty years as a meeting place for the Carpenters Association of the City
Cousin Tom took us into some of the handsome business blocks of the City They are really magnificent in their appointments
Another day we went into the New Public Buildings with those four stairways, each costing $100,00, 00
We had altogether a very good time and Helen enjoyed it Cousin Tom & [Elizie?] and Sophie all
liked her and have taken pains to tell me so several times
Helen and I returned to F Aug. 4th, Aug. 6th Helen left for Ohio stopping at Elmira on her way
She bought baby a very pretty cap in Phila. Also gave Carrie a beautiful little cup & saucer and after she left sent me a beautiful plush frame in which I have put Mammas’ picture. Aug 11th the Monday after H. left Carrie went to Asbury Park to stay ten days, Sophie Hill was to be there and we all thought it would do Carrie good You know Sophies two Aunts live in Asbury Park and they were pleased to have C. board with them so C’s bill was my birthday present.
Just after C got away Father caught a heavy cold and was home three days and did not come regularly to office for a week. Chalmers was very good and helped in office But it made me rise early to send out first mail
Belle (the colored girl) was very ugly while C was away and in fact had been growing worse all the time since she came and we could stand it no longer Carrie came home Aug 20 and Aug 23 Belle left or rather we sent her away
She would go out so much and was so unwilling to do her work that it did seem a relief to have her away We have the washing done and have a good women to come two days and help iron and sweep and clean. Have had girls room cleaned this week and 3rd story stairs down and so third story is done for the Fall except of course we must look over things The Attic is in first rate order and clean as can be
But you can see that we have been pretty busy and for the past two weeks we have had fruit to take care of tomatoes to put up Peaches and pears and plums everything at once
Ellen Stout came one week and cut carpet rags. I think nearly enough for a step carpet When she was here last summer Mama made an arrangement with her to come in April and cut rags and wash dishes. E. could not come then but she wanted to be out of the city awhile in August and so came then She praised the rags exceedingly and has cut them very nicely Mrs Brown who bought her up taught her how Now we hope to sew those rags ourselves but I do not know when I am sure I shall give some uncut rags Mrs Car[??]huff so that she may be working at them but it seems to bad to pay her to sew cut rags But if we must, how much ought I to pay her? pr lbs.
Mrs Brown and Emma are still with us and will no doubt remain until 1st of October About the middle of August Aunt Eliza Cray came up to Uncle John Capners She was scarcely able to come and the journey proved too much for her strength. She was unable to leave her bed after the first day and grew gradually weaker until the 28th of August when she died Poor Aunty she did have a hard life We were all so thankful that she could get up here She had every attention Dr Parish attended her several time a day part of the time
Her mind wandered a great deal I went to see her several times she seemed to know me called me by name but in a few minutes would evidently forget Father went to see her and she knew him and was pleased that he visited her She had heart disease and much of the time was unable to lie down Mrs Thompson was very good to her Mr Cray was with her a great deal Poor man Both he and Uncle John feel the loss sorely Very few relatives could come to funeral Cousin Tom and cousin [Kathy?] of Philadelphia were the only ones from out of town I was at Post Office and Carrie took care of house and Sophie, Father Allie and Chalmers went, Uncle Tom of Portland could not come
Sept. 5
Again I take this up I wonder what you and Uncle Daniel will do this Fall Give Uncle love from us all Would be glad to see him were it possible now You will let us know when you wish your things sent and write us what you wish us to know of your plans. I will try not to let it be such a long time before I write again
Have had a great many letters to write about that Brazilian girl (They have decided to keep her in this country) Then [...?] in [peach?] season we are unusually busy at office I will be glad when they are gone
Mr<s> Anderson is about the same They have a man nurse for him now. It does not seem possible he can live much longer He is the thinest and worst looking man I have ever seen alive Aunt H. is not very well is tired with the long period of nursing for she has the responsibility of Mr. A and house too
Miss [Jacot?] visited Cousin Annie Pierce a week we saw very little of her except the day she spent at our house She made a great fuss over baby and wanted to hold her all the time
She missed Mama and spoke feelingly of her Also told Aunt H. that Carrie managed house keeping wonderfully and that everything was as clean as could be. It was after Belle went that she was there
Last eve (Sept 4) we heard of the very sudden death of Charles Hill of New Brunswick Found dead in the morning know no particulars
Father feels that so many have been called away during the last few years
Caddie Morrison of Elizabeth wrote to Carrie a few days ago inviting herself to spend next Sunday with us so we wrote to her to bring Maude and spend a few days, Carrie likes Caddie and I should like the acquaintance kept up Carrie will go to Elizabeth sometime
Thus you see it is all the time something on hand
Baby grows and is good in day time but her teeth are coming and at night she is inclined to be fretful which makes it hard for Allie tho Chalmers is very good and does his full share of nursing She sits alone and is very cute in her short dresses This is a long letter and have not yet written all I wish too, several ladies enquire after you after you had left. Aunt Eliza said we were to have a quilt which is ready to be quilted, also some linen sheets
Send regards to Mr & Mrs Phiney Shall hope to hear from Uncle Erastus and Abbie and Ed & Ralph & Mary thru you
With love from all
Sam signed that assignment. Has Chalmers written about it? Shall it be sent to you?
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