Letter 1 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
Beloit Wis. [Wisconsin]
Feb. 22nd 1887
My dear Mother,
I can not let your birthday pass without a word to you to let you know that we do not forget this anniversary. I hope that it finds you well in body & in soul and that the coming year may be abundantly blessed to you in comfort & happiness in all that makes life worth living & death not a bitterness.
We have had sent to you & father a Cowles’ “Pentateuch” which please accept as a birthday gift from Almon & myself. Carrie has returned from Janesville delighted with the friends which she has met there. She spent a little more than three weeks with Mrs. Little.
She & Harry have this evening gone to an entertainment at the church with Prof. & Mrs. Emerson & Addie. I think that Carrie seems little better than <when she> before her visit.
We are all as well as usual.
With much love to you both.
Your aff. daughter
Abbie. [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Letter 2 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
Bolton March 28, 87 (Mond Eveng.
My Dear Niece -- Thank you for yours & the other letters. You said I need not answer immediately. I delayed. I think I told you I anticipated coloring. I am happy to be able to tell you I have accomplished the delectable job quite successfully although not quite to my mind but as well as I could expect with no knowledge of the science. I have colored considerable in my life but always felt as I do now that I dont know much about it but I have always succeeded so that I rather have the articles after I had colored them than before. This time I colored Thibet or something that looked like it, all wool, a light brown for Sue a dress. It had a faded look, now it looks fresh. I also colored an all wool dress that <that> Sue had worn & soiled so that it was of no use as it was, [alittle?] darker brown for Mollie I dont think any one would suspect they had been colored. I colored some dresses that were soiled & faded, Enough to make me two morning dresses & a few other little things, I feel glad that I have got that disagreeable work done. I hope I shall not find it necessary to color again for a good while if Ever. Mary hopes so too. <...> She did the pressing & helped what I would let her but I would not let her put her hands in. She was invited up to Miss Osborns to tea the first day I commenced coloring. I did not undertake to do it all in one day I got all through with Sue’s & Mollie’s the first day that I colored for myself was part cotton & gave me more trouble but I got all through & I cleared up the third day. I took it so moderately that I did not get over tired & am well rested now. I had my common housework to do in the mean time. Tomorrow I expect to wash It stormed so today I concluded to wait for a plesanter day. Mary usually washed rain or shine. I dont know as I told you that I was braiding matts I have made one good sized one & have another about half done, If you never braided one you dont know anything about the labor of it. I dont know how to do it very well & dont have the best materials but is such as I have been saving up for some time & when I get a matt done it looks very well. I made two last & am making two this Spring
Thurs. Evening I meant to have finished this letter before now. How time flies, the last day of March I can hardly realize, “The Winter is over & gone” although there is some snow to be seen now, We heard robins this morning
I hope you will persevere & get the old letters read over & burned most of them I hardly think any of your relatives will have leisure to read them over There is so much to occupy the whole time of Every one who can do anything & there is so much interesting [reading?] I presume your husband will read to you the Commentary your daughter sent I should think she was quite pleasantly situated & has good society &c I am pleased to read her letters I judge she has not much leisure time. & the Flemington girls are just as busy as they can be I am glad they can so manage as to pay a $100. on a note. Minnie seems to keep up pretty good courage which I am glad to see I wish her strength was Equal to her ambition. It seems that Lizzie Anderson Hyde has got to help pay for the new house if she has one I dont know as you have ever told me how much she had from her father & mother.
Sue & Mollie got through with the school examination very credibly & performed their parts in the dialouges very well indeed The High school gave an entertainment at the Hall in the evening which was very enjoyable the scholars were at liber[ty] to invite who they pleased & the Hall was pretty well filled.
Sue is hired for the year to play the church organ <for the year> is to have $50. which is the usual price paid here Mary & Bessie have been to Clinton today (the mildest day we have had this month I think) to have some dentistry done for Bessie & to get some trimming for Bessie’s & Sue’s spring dress Bessies dress is almost finished only to put the satin <ve> vest in. Sue is to have a velvet vest in hers her school dress is about finished [Amory?] uncle in Acton is to have a golden wedding the 27 & then the whole family is invited & I think we shall have some hurrying times to get them ready but I guess we shall be able to do it. That family is quite dressy. It must be quite an undertaking for you to get ready to go to Mt Holyoke’s [...] [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] 50th anniversary. I should think you much prefer to stay at home, but you are some younger than I am. We are all in usual health & all are in bed but myself. Write as often as you can. Mr Wallis is quite comfortable if he does not exert himself which he is careful not to do
With much love
S J Wallis [Susan Jane Benton Wallis]
I send little samples of the spring dresses we are making. The greenish piece Bessies the lighter blue Sues & the darker brown Mollies. I hope you are both in comfortable health
Letter 3 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Daniel Grant
New Marlboro
Berkshire Co. Mass.
Bittersweet [New Jersey]
April ‘ 17 ‘ 84
Dear Aunty,
I return Abbey’s letters also the one you wished of Fathers. Am sorry we have delayed so long but various reasons have been the cause
Mrs Herland has been here a little more than two weeks as a kitchen girl She leaves on Tuesday and goes to housekeeping again the 1st of May
We have been doing all the housecleaning we could while Mrs H. was here
Tomorrow we will finish the 3rd story. Attic and all and have already cleaned three bed rooms on 2nd floor so you see we will be able to manage the rest alone Mrs H. does not clean much but she helps get the meals and washes dishes Etc
Very unexpectedly to us one week ago last Wednesday night [Lizzie?] told me that Cliff had decided to move back to his Aunts to board until their house was finished
C. thinks it too far from business here at least that is the reason he gives. I am glad he is no relation to one He is nothing but a spoiled boy. Even Aunt H. says that. Lizzie has to give up to keep peace in the family.
They C & [L.?] moved a week ago yesterday we did not like the short notice they gone and told them so we had made arrangements which we would not have made had we known our income would be curtailed in this way
But somebody will come I hope Have had several applications but no engagement as yet
The present clerk at Post Office leaves May 1st Possibly I may get the place Shall do so if I can A regular sum coming in is better to depend upon than boarders
Father would try office had he not been elected Freeholder Chalmers is Justice of Peace and moves into office of his own this week for which we are all glad
Our chickens have done well this Spring we get nearly forty eggs per day Have two broods of little chicks already
We sell all our cream milk three cows and will milk 4 after a little Are raising Sweetbriars calf which is two or three weeks old.
More than half the garden is dug and planted very early for us Chalmers helps with digging
Sophie and Will have been vaccinated three times The third time Will’s took and this last week his arm has been very sore and the poor little boy has been cross His father takes most of the care of him at night He is better to day and more like himself Sophie is to be vaccinated from Will
Will is a bright little fellow tries to talk and many words can say very distinctly
He is crazy to get out doors and always wishes to go to barn to see “cows” will cry if not taken there
Runs to where his cloak hangs and says “out” “out” He seems to have more fun and mischief in him than Sophie had Climbs like a little circus boy on all the chairs rocking chairs included Seems to have no fear and needs constant watching Sophie is very fond of him and some times sings him to sleep as they lie together in their big bed in their Mama’s room
Sophie is learning to pick up her play things and to go on errands and helps her Mama very often
Aunt H does not seem so strong this Spring has worked too hard the past year but will have more time to rest now that Charly Hyde has gone
Father is pretty well tho troubled with rheumatism some Is so ambitious that he will work too hard when he gets into garden. Father washed off all the old [halumine?] from the walls of his room and [rekalsomined?] it and it has been painted and looks very clean and fresh
We are all longing for pleasant days Have had a cold spring so far
I am feeling better than I did several weeks ago but want to feel stronger yet
We are well along with sewing that could be done Early
Do you know that you never said whether the little shirts would do for Carrie Grant or not Give love from us all to Edward and Lucy and the little girls I think the baby’s name a pretty one
I must stop now and retire Glad you see Mary Sage now and then
Was Glad to read Abby’s letters Am so sorry to know that Carrie Burr is not strong Poor girl There are trouble enough for those who are well
Hope she may outgrow some of her trouble Really got to it and wrote Abbey last week
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday Noon
A severe storm of hail and snow Hinders some with cleaning but we are making progress
Before we know that C & L. were going to leave we had ordered new shades for parlor & sitting room They are “Windsor sage” in color, perfectly [plain?] holland with fringe across the bottom We had saved [skim?] milk money to pay for them The old ones after twelve years use are exceedingly shabby Hope you will feel able to write soon and report progress in preparations for Hadley Have we written that Charly Anderson has a little daughter Katherine Henrietta
Aunty and Lizzie are going to Vineland soon to make a visit would like to write to Julia Burr to congratulate them on birth of boy but cannot now. Have a plan in my mind for a table cover for your parlor table Hope to get at it some day
With much love to Uncle Daniel and yourself
Give my kind regards to Mrs [...] if she remembers me & is still in New M.
Will send a picture of Will by [Abbie’s?] request in a few days
Letter 4 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
Beloit Wis. [Wisconsin]
July 7, 1887.
Dear Grandma, --
In the bustle of coming home the half finished letter to you was laid aside & between Mamma’s ups & downs & mine, also the little Latin I am trying to do. It has lain in my desk untouched. However I hope it will be better late than never & so shall send it on as it is.
Papa has but just returned from Oberlin Commencement. He found all well as usual at Grandpa Burr’s & Cousin Minnie bright as ever. A call on Miss Malthy, who still lives there was one of the pleasant doing he had to tell us of. She too is well.
Uncle Giles family are strong again except Aunt Mary, who has at last given out.
In a week of so we must move from this house. A Chicago Lady has bought it. There is some prospect of our going into Prof Emerson’s house for this year. It will be partly furnished & has a pleasant yard. The family which is in it now, has the lease of it till the first of October, when they expect to leave. Though we hope <they> they will be willing to go this Summer.
Papa’s new Academy building is really going up this year. The Architects were here last Thursday to see about it. The money has been given for it, & the two hundred thousand raised.
Papa himself seems to have come through the year better than usual and will be here most of the time during vacation. He is to preach four Sundays in Chicago.
Mamma & the boys are about as usual I think I am some better this Summer.
So far the weather has been comfortable, & our numerous rains has made the foliage beautiful, the Farmers complain of there not being enough heat for their corn & every shower makes it so much the worse for them.
How is Uncle now, & all of you? We think of you often & wonder.
With a great deal of love to you all from us all
Your loving
Granddaughter Caroline L. Burr
Letter 5 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Daniel Grant
New Marlboro
Norfolk [Connecticut] Aug 8, 1887
My dear Cousin
I have been appointed to act as an E in the Scheme for the Endowment at Hadley. and as I know you took a great deal of interest in the place I thought perhaps you would like to act as an F.
You fill find by blank that you are to get 12 persons to give 25 cents and then send the $3.00 to A. (whose address is on the blank) with the blank having your name and address on it. Your 25 cents you send to me and I sent it to A. with the three others that I get. I hope you will take this but if you cant please sent the blank back as I shall have to find some one else.
We are all pretty well Mabel has not been very well but is better now. The men are very busy haying, the weather has been rather discouraging for hay makers. I hope we shall have some good weather now. Yesterday and to day have been just perfect before it has been too hot to breath hardly. I hope you are well and reached home all right. We were so glad you came to see us.
If I have not made it plain or you dont understand it in any way let me know and I will try to explain more fully. hoping to hear soon
I remain yours lovingly
Sadie Brown
Letter 6 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
Bolton. Aug 31st 1887
My Dear [Niece?] --
I was very glad to get your nice long letter & also the one it contained I really had been some anxious about you lest you might be sick, although I thought if you were affected as Mary & I are you would need some time to rest & recuperate How any one can get rested by going away from home is more than I can understand from any Experience I have had. To be sure it is a change of fatigue, & thought & scene.
I am glad you went & enjoyed so much. I feared you would give it up. Your account of it is very interesting & it was quite an inexpensive outlay for the enjoyment you got from it, & it will be pleasant to think about in future. I do hope your health will improve as the cool weather comes on. I feel much more rigorous since the weather is cooler I have been able to do what was absolutely necessary to be done. I find I cannot do as fast & as much as I could in younger days, but if I get pretty tired one <one> day perhaps I can rest the next. It is not like having farm work, men & a dairy &c which must be attended to every day.
I have been looking over things & making some changes which I find very tiresome but I keep very well that is I am not sick or in pain but have needed to lie down once or twice a day some times. I thank you for your cordial invitation to visit you this fall I should be pleased to accept it for I should like to see you in your new home & & have a good visit with you & also with your daughter & son & the other friends I should not think Cornelia would venture to leave home unless her health has much improved since her letter to you in July I hope she is better now How ever much I should like to visit I do not think it would best for me to do so. It would be a great undertaking & I have many things to do & attend to about the house
Mary & family keep pretty well. They all have as much to do as they can comfortably Sue practices on the church organ an hour & half daily & Mollie blows for her twice a day 3/4 of an hour at a time & then they each practice 2 hours on the piano. Sue gives Mollie lessons She dont learn as easily as Sue who learns quite Easily She still plays the Church Organ & also the smaller organ for the Sunday school very acceptably The choir rehearse Sat. Evenings
Our children have all had their photographs taken recently I intend to send you one of each. I will send you one of Sue but we do not consider it as good of her as of Either of the others pretty difficult to get a good one of her Her hair is a light brown which appears black in the Photograph She has red cheeks naturally & is just 17 years old tomorrow
1st day of Sept. I shall expect a letter from you soon telling me that Abbie has arrived with her son safely. Much love
S J Wallis[Susan Jane Benton Wallis]
Dont forget to send the Flemington [New Jersey] letter
Letter 7 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Caroline Grant
New Marlboro
Berkshire Co.
Beloit, Wis [Wisconsin]
Aug 1[]th 1887
My dear Mother
You are probably wondering why you dont hear from me. I have not been well this Summer & cannot often write. Have been very nervous have written almost no letters unless necessary or account of business.
I think I last wrote you in the neighborhood of Commencement time received your letter telling me not to send lace shawl just as I was about it send it so it did not go.
Father & Mother Burr came just about Commencement time & stayed three weeks or so. Soon after they went away from here Almon’s Uncle Harmon died. He went down to the funeral then went again & visited at some cousins with Father & Mother. He has been away over Sunday a few times is to-day in Chicago. So he is getting a little change from time to time. He is in much better health than he has been.
The children are unusually well.
The heat & [drought?] have been terrible here this year. I will send you a bit from the Boston Journal which describes it all very well rather than write about it.
Yesterday we had a delightful rain -- today it is cloudy & cool. I hope that we are past the worst time though many Farmers have lost everything.
On my birthday I had some very pretty presents from Almon & the children Glass ware mostly. Carrie had the most things for me. Then she gave me a little party in the evening. Pres. & Mrs. Chapin, Prof. & Mrs. Emerson. Prof & Mrs. Blaisdell & some of our near neighbors doing everything herself except making the rolls & salad which she allowed me to do.
I may make you a short visit in the early part of Sept. but will write you again with regard to time. & it is just possible that I may not go at all, or may make my visit later. Please do not send word all a <round> round that I am coming. Or make any arrangements for my visiting at places. I shall do very little visiting & prefer to make my own selection. I am not fit to visit though probably you wont see why I cant. I feel that I must have the visiting business let alone or I cannot come.
Mr. Shurtleff is home from Europe has been appointed Treasurer of O.C. Mary writes that though he is better then when he went is still very nervous.
We hope that you are well & all send much love
Abbie E. G. B. [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Received [chimes?] which you sent with Arthur only will accompany me.
recevd to South Hadley.
Letter 8 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
Bittersweet [New Jersey]
9 -- 11 -- 87
Dear Aunty,
It is a long time since I have written you The days have been so full with housecleaning, sewing and the thousand and one nameless things that after all must be looked to if the house machinery is to run smoothly.
This has been a rainy day and the house has seemed so very quiet as Allie took Sophie and Will to Bloomsbury on Thursday and yesterday Chalmers joined them
All coming home to-morrow. Aunt H. has been in Phila [Philadelphia] and is now in Vineland Returns next week
So you see our family numbers four Father, Carrie, Mr Warren, and myself
I received two “Woman’s Journals” from Aunt Jane yesterday I will try to acknowledge them soon
Hope we may soon hear from you Has Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr]returned to Beloit [Wisconsin]? We are all sorry that she has not come here
There is an item that I have had on my mind to tell you Think I have not mentioned it Aunt Hetty gave me her black silk for my birthday present It has been made over and in a very handsome dress and I think it was very good and kind of her to give it. Before Mrs [Sutphin?] left she insisted on giving Carrie and me Each five dollars with my five I helped to pay for the making of the silk Carrie puts hers into a new blue cashmere which Mr [Cornet?] is to buy this week I am glad to say that I need no new cloth or cashmere dress
We did not really finish cleaning until this last week because we needed sewing done and stopped to do it However we had only left Pantries and back porch, the rest all being finished before Thanksgiving
Chalmer’s Father and Mother spent that day with us and after they had gone home we went to an Entertainment in our Chapel given by the Mission Band to which we belong Tuesday Eve of this week the “Hill Memorial” Band (named for Mama) give a supper in the Chapel. We are going to give cream and we are to help Lizzie Anderson Hyde make cocoa nut kisses for them tomorrow A. M. So it is first one thing and then another
I do often wish you could see Sophie and Will but they are noisy and you would not like that children How are Eds little girls? Of course the baby walks and talks now Give my love to them all which means Ed & Lucy also.
What has been done about the acct book What has Mr. Cowles to say for himself? Rather strange for a banker to make so many mistakes Carrie wishes to use a little of her money But would rather know how much she has in Savings Bank before sending for it So if it is convenient will you write her how matters stand very likely you have not been able to attend to it yet If so you could tell her on a Postal I must go to bed A busy day tomorrow Do write and let us know how you are getting on
With love to Uncle Daniel
Minnie H.
We still milk seven cows sell cream and butter get 30 cts for butter now
You may return this please
Letter 9 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
Bolton Sept 25. 87
Dear Carrie --
I received yours telling of the safe arrival of the bbl Sat A.M. I was very glad to hear from you & yours &c & of the [the?] barrel.
Why I was so particular to know the price of the freight on the bbl. Amory said when he got home from the Depot he guessed the freight would be $4 dollars which quite surprised me. I had not thought of its being more than $2. I thought they would have a fixed price for a flour or sugar bbl whether it was light or heavy. I am glad it cost no more & you are entirely welcome to the over plus money. I hope the contents will be useful.
I guess the cool bracing air & quiet & rest & change will do much to restore your daughters health but it may take longer than she feels that she can be away from home but she may gain very fast in a little while. Lilly Edes called here last Evening. She has been in Nantucket considerably <fo> during the year She speaks of it as being a very healthy place Especially for those affected with malaria It is quite a resort for invalids & also for those seeking rest & pleasure A great many have summer residences there. Her sister -- wife of Mr Boys our former minister lives there they went from here there about two years ago & like there very much. The climate Especially & also people. Lilly intends to go back there & spend the winter Thank you for your good long letter & the one in it Write as often as you I dont know as I have any thing of interest to say of our family since I last wrote We are as busy as Ever our cattle Fair comes next Wed. which always makes additional work for us. We are all well now & try to keep well which requires considerable thought & care. We consider Sams the most natural looking photograph of them all. Mary & Amory have not had any taken lately I hope Emme had good reasons for her belief in Cornelias restoration to comfortable health. Love to you all
Affectionately S.J.W. [Susan Jane Benton Wallis]
I write so soon again to make some Enquiries about your Mother Grant. I remember she had a cancer on her nose When your sister with her little Carrie & Minnie were there I think. Did she not have a cup of copperas water & Every little while wet the sore with a little rag or lint? I think it was a rare sore at that time If she did so use copperas water was to allay pain or backen the disease or both? Did the cancer cause her death & how long did she live after she had the cancer & what did you do for it or what was done for it for her comfort? The reason of these Enquiries is that one of our neighbors an Excellent woman has a cancer come near her collar bone & she has consulted doctors & is told that it cannot be removed without Endangering her life it is so near an artery. It is not very painful yet but is very tender to the touch but has not broken into a sore. She can now do her work for herself & husband. She has no children. She may be 60 year sold Her name is Mrs. Proctor. You may not have hears us speak of her. She goes & belongs to the Baptist Church.
She does not Expect to get well but if she could do any thing to backen it would be glad to. She has had two removed but this one cannot be removed. When I spoke of the copperas water her countenance brightened up & she said it might backen it. I told her not to use it for what I had said for [...] I might not be right about it. It was long ago & did not make much Enquiries about it. It seems to me that her chemises became some yellowed from her use of the copperas though the pores of her skin. Now was it so or not? I never thought to speak of it whenever I have seen you since. Please write about as soon as you will can & write on a separate piece of paper so I can read it to her Easily.
You did not ask me to return C’s letter but I can as well as not
I was glad to see it & hope to see the others you speak of It keeps up my interest in the friends. I wonder you can write so much as you do as you have so many to write to & so much to do & you dont feel a great deal of the time
Try not to overdo for you are needed.
Letter 10 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Daniel Grant
New Marlboro
Berkshire Co.
Bolton, Nov. 26 1887 (Sat A.M.)
My Dear Niece,
Thanksgiving being over & having a little leisure I will endeavor to answer your last letter to me dated in Oct. answering my Enquiries in regard to treatment of a cancer. Thank you for the information you gave. I immediately called on the neighbor & told her about the copperas application & she tried it but it caused so much pain that she gave up using it. She cannot bear any outward application but takes something to purify the blood. I think she is quite comfortable & does her own work & is very careful not to over Exert herself. I have been hoping to hear from you Even if I did not answer your last. I presume your daughter & child have returned to Wisconsin & I hope were rested & improved in health. I want to hear all about her & family as well as about yourself & family. I know you have many letters to write & many cares & much to do. I am glad for you all that your daughter could come onto visit you & now you must be behind with your work. We are just as busy as Ever. Sam. came home Thanksgiving & we all went up to “Grandpa Haynes” to dinner but did not stay to supper as Amory needed to come home & take care of the cows & hens it would be very dark driving in the Evening. Sam returned to Boston Friday morning. He is well & likes there still. Last evening (Friday) I went over to Berlin with our minister & wife and a neighbor to hear Mrs Mary Livermore Her theme “My Dream of tomorrow” She was intensely interesting & was intensely clapped. I felt well paid for going 4 or 5 miles in a dark misty night (though not cold) to hear her eloquent address The audience listened breathlessly with deepest interest for an hour & half & then she said she had just glanced at the possibilities of the further <possible ties> generations as civilization increased & mechanical art & morality & christiainity & humanity &c &c I cannot tell you much about it. It was worth hearing. Now while I think of it I want to know if you have received the Woman’s Journal dated Nov. & how many. An offer was made Nov 19 that any subscriber might send in 5 names & they would send the Journal free till 1st of June .88. I sent in 5 names yours among them, Since then I have had several Extra numbers sent me from the W. Journal office, so I dont know but they have sent the papers to me for me to remail them to those I named & to whom I pleased If you have received a paper I should like to know it as soon as may be <If you have> & what dates. I hope if you think it advisable you will let your ministers family see the paper Minister you will see can have the paper till 1889 for $1.50 & some others are specified as being favored. I have always paid $2.50 a year & considered the money well spent. I find this Evening that no more Extra members have come to me so I presume those whose name I mentioned will receive the paper mailed from their office the Extra numbers sent me are dated Nov. 5th & 19th If you have not received those numbers I can send them to you I fear you have so much reading on hand so much to do that you can’t spend time to read them but perhaps you may know some one that might like to see them & know what is doing. Very likely some of us will go down to the Bazaar commencing <Nov.> Dec. 12th & continuing all the week. Last year Mary & Bessie went down & staid all the week I think Hired a room & took their meals out
We are not all quite fitted up for the winter yet, We, Mary & I have new bonnets Mary a felt & I a velvet. Sue & Mollie Each a felt hat Bessie will probably get a hat <this> next week. I am to have a new shawl Expected to have it today sent for it but it did not come but will be here Monday. The girls all have to be fitted up anew with out side garments as well as dresses so you may imagine we are quite busy. I have had a sink & pump put in to my room where the old sink was. I find it very convenient to have the water in the house. Cost about $25. Mary prompted me to having it done <I find it a>
A double Tablet was placed on our burying lot last week. The inscription on one reads John J Wallis died June 6 1887 aged 76 & 4 months The other part is not lettered.
<The lot> It came from Boston. It is a light grey marble & cost $70. We expected it in the early part of October. It came so late that I shall not be able to have the lot wholly fixed up this fall. It will probably cost $25. or 30 to have it nicely prepared. The tablet is satisfactory to us well as the price. Thanksgiving day I thought of you & wondered where you were spending the day as you were at home last year & had something of a family gathering. I presume you were not at home this last Thanksgiving. I shall be glad to hear all about yourself family & friends. Our Minister Mr. Isaac Porter has a brother out in Kansas City who has made a great deal of money by buying & selling land. He bought some land for the purpose of farming & the grasshoppers ruined his crops so he sold his land at quite an advance for house lots the purchaser sold the same for a still greater advance too & so on. He is one that happens to be fortunate in his speculations I presume he had very little to loose when he went out there but had a head for business. I have heard nothing from New Haven friends since you wrote me so you must inform me of them. I sent to have a paper sent to Cornelia I mean a W. Journal the same as to you & I hope she will get it. If you dont care for the one that is sent to you & no one about there cares to read it you might sent it to Flemington friends They may like to see it. Our desire is to get the good seed scattered as much as possible. I sent in the name of our own minister & Mr Stone & a neighbor, one to [Halyme?] one to New Haven one to South Carolina & should have liked to name others.
Mon. Evening I had four shawls sent me from Clinton which a merchant had sent to Boston for me to select from. They are black cashmere which is not just the kind I sent for. I wanted a later style which they did not send. I may not have liked it any better the price of these is from $6 1/2 to $10. I shall take the $10.00 one It is a large fine heavy shawl.
I hope I shall hear from you soon, & that you are well We are all well. It has rained here all the afternoon & is still raining this I presume it is the same with you. Next week the High School is to give an Entertainment Sue & Mollie as well as the other scholars have been preparing for it some time & will continue their preparation up to the time that its to come off They have a new upright Piano costing $450. Sue is to be the player but Mollie & two other girls are to play duetts.
S. J. Wallis [Susan Jane Benton Wallis]
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