Letter 1 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Dan’l Grant Esq.
New Marlborough
Mrs. S. tells of rec’g money & about investments – also what she does for rheumatism
Oberlin, O. [Ohio] Jan. 9th 1890.
Dear Uncle and Aunt,
As Mr. Shurtleff is quite busy – it being just at the opening of the winter term – he wishes me to write you that your letters have reached us, enclosing the draft of $200.90. He wishes me to say that if you would be able to add something to this sum, say within six months, he would find it easier to get a good investment, for a larger sum, and would pay 6% for the money already received, until it would be convenient to add to it. If it is not convenient to send more, he will no doubt be able to place this, in time.
He also says that he would be better satisfied with a farm mortgage as security, at 7%, than city property at 8%, unless the investment were made with great care.
We are very glad to hear that Edward’s family are, on the whole, a good deal better, and hope the sad experiences of a year and more past, will not be repeated. You refer to the few things I sent them. I have been wondering if a few things I am have, too small for my own girls, would not be useful. May had a “tam o’shanter” (a sort of turban for head) knit last winter of white angora yarn. I have washed it and it seems to be about as good as new. We have also white, all wool wrappers and drawers. Would they like any or all of these things?
May does grow stronger as she grows older; is much interested in her studies, and bids fair to be a good scholar. She has been taking music lessons, this year, outside of her work in the Union School, practicing one hour a day. Laura seems to be as well as ever. She joined the Freshman class in the Philosophical course, last fall, and has carried the regular work of the class without difficulty. Her father too, seems to be a great deal better than he was a year ago, so that we feel that we have a great deal to be thankful for.
Mrs. Nichols went home to Grand Island, for a two months visit, last fall, and the baby improved greatly, during her absence, so that he is now a very pretty, promising child. The call him Grant Hurford.
She seems herself to be quite well and happy. I have not seen her or Minnie Hill, since you wrote, but will remember your message to them.
It is getting late in the evening, and I am too tired to write respectably, but I must not forgot to answer your question in regard to my rheumatism. I suspect the medicine I took helped me. It was a mixture of iodide of potassium and silicate of sodium. But the diet I adhered to, and still keep up, probably did more than the medicine. I aim, as much as possible, to take no sugar or starch in my food. Of course I let potatoes alone, and expel the starch from bread by toasting it. Laura sends love, and so would the rest of the family, if present.
Your affectionate niece
Mary B. Shurtleff
Please remember me to Mrs. Pinney, if she is with you.
Letter 2 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Caroline Grant
New Marlborough
Berkshire Co.
Mass. [Massachusetts]
Beloit Wis. [Wisconsin]
Feb. 11, 1890
My dear Mother
I became a little alarmed during the past few weeks <on> because I did not hear from any of you. I feared there was some serious sickness among you, but about two weeks ago in looking over my box of papers pertaining to household expenses etc., I found an unopened letter from you. I need not say that I was surprised, but I concluded upon thinking it over that Harold had brought in the letter & laid it on the table as he often does when I am not in the room, that any papers were then also, that when I came back & picked things up I did not notice the letter.
Then two or three days since I received another. I do hope that you will continue comfortable & that Edwards family will also. Lucy wrote me not long since of which I was very glad & I will try & write her sometime. You spoke in your first letter of the Christmas package to Edwards people being broken, & did not know but something might have lost out, as none of you have mentioned particularly about the things for the children & Edward. I will enumerate them that you may know whether they all came.
For Edward there was a little hymn in booklet form, a pocket handkercheif & a dollar bill. For the children there were one collar & two handkerchiefs each. Also for Grannie a little collar pin with a blue stone in it, & for Carrie two gold headed pins with chain, which are very fashionable for collars now. I shall be much disappointed if they lost out.
With regard to ourselves I have nothing very good to say. Almon has kept pretty well, but has been very hard worked. He has not has the Influenza yet, but there is still time. My girl is not at all strong & had a good many little sick spell that are quite a strain upon us. I have been unusually poorly all winter. I was taken with Influenza a little before Christmas, was quite sick, & get but little strength since. Carrie has not been nearly so well for two months back, is sick with Influenza or “La Grippe” now. Harold is about as usual though I do not think quite as well as last winter. Even little Arthur is rather miserable this winter.
Our beloved physician Dr. H. R. Clarke died early in Jan. literally for his patients. Your note with regard to insurance money came yesterday. Almon will get the money to-day. I wish that we could pay the whole of it this year as we did last but we find it impossible.
School has been quite a little injured this winter by the influenza so many sick all the time, both teachers & pupils.
Our winter has been very mild, some foggy days which is quite unusual here. We have had considerable cloudiness & some drizzle, but not much rain or snow. It has been a very comfortable winter.
You spoke of cousin Elizabeth Pinney’s visiting you. I should very much like to see her. You must tell me about her visit. Her bright piquant ways & the evident strong affection between my dear Grandmother & her have always been among my pleasent memories. If she does not visit you until after you receive this letter, please give my love to her & assure her of my sympathy in the loss of her dearly loved nephew. What a blow it must have been to them all. What was the matter? Please tell me about it.
You would like to see how pretty the blue dishes look in the dinning room here, there is a sideboard & some corner shelves in there & I have them arranged so that they look nice, this is a beautiful house. I have enjoyed it very much, but the [Emersons?] will be home in a few months I presume. Austin Burr is in Colorado this winter supplying a church there & thinks he is gaining a little in health. His family is at Indian Orchard Mass.
Thank you for Mrs [..ites ? ] letter it was very interesting. Were glad to hear from you & father both this last time. With love to you all
Abby. [Abigail E. Grant Burr]
Letter 3 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mr. Daniel Grant
New Marlboro
U. S. A.
14 Struve St.
Dresden, Germ. [Germany]
Feby 25, 1890
My dear Uncle,
Some time ago my sister Mary wrote me, that a letter had come to me from you, which she had opened and answered but did not forward to me, because my movements were very uncertain and I did not then expect to remain aboard very long. Afterwards I decided to spend the winter here and have had it on my mind ever since I settled in Dresden, to write to you.
I do not remember that I ever saw you, but since my mother’s death I have thought of you and uncle Marcus very often and am always glad to hear from you.
My trip to Europe is a thing I have dreamed of for many years, but I shall always be glad that I did not take it before mother’s death. I came over with a lady friend who had spent some years over here and spoke French and German, so that we had no trouble in travelling alone. We made short stops in Liverpool, Oxford, Kenilworth & Warwick, spent a week in London, two weeks in Paris, two in Switzerland, stopped to see Heidelberg, Cologne, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Hague, Brussels, Antwerp, sailed a day on the Rhine and then my friend had to return to America. The time we spent in seeing all these places might easily be filled in any one of them, and of course, we saw them very superficially. I did not at all realize how much there was to see or I would not have attempted to get over so much ground in so short a time. After my companion sailed, I went to Wiesbaden, a delightful health and rest resort in Germany, where I spent a few weeks and then joined a party of friends and took a trip through Italy. By this time I had decided to spend the winter in Germany and Alice Hurford, sister Libbie’s oldest daughter, came over to be with me and study drawing and painting. I suppose she could learn about all she cares to in any of our American cities but her coming over here gives her an opportunity to see a great deal that is novel and interesting, and, as living and lessons are somewhat cheaper than in our large cities, it will not cost any more, probably, than if she were in New York or Boston. Besides we are learning to talk German, which is the only acquisition I expect to take home with me. We board in a German family where there are a few American and English ladies and try to hear and read as little English as possible. Alice is very much occupied with her lessons and I spend considerable time in the galleries and museums which are very fine here. I look over the German paper every morning and read occasional items but always feel vexed to find columns devoted to the news from Bulgaria, Rumania & Servia while the United States has only a few lines or more. I am beginning to feel that our country is not as important a factor in the world’s affairs as I had formerly supposed – but this does not make me any less satisfied with my own land. On the contrary, I shall go back rejoicing that destiny made me an American. What I find we need particularly is a name for ourselves. When I tell anyone I am an American they generally take me for a South American and talk about Brazil and if I explain that I am from North America, they very likely suppose I am from Canada or Mexico.
I like the German people and their ways (except their excessive beer drinking) very much. They seem to be generally honest, friendly and very well read & educated. But I am glad that our country is not so surrounded by hostile lands as this one is. So large a part of the means and men of this country have to be devoted to the army that I wonder the nation can sustain such a burden. They are very proud of their victory over the French and of their new empire, however, and of their young Emperor, whose heart and interest are all tho<u>roughly German.
In spite of this, the socialist party has just had something of a victory in the recent election, which is thought to be quite a blow to Bismarck
I hope Edward and his wife are quite recovered in health. Mary wrote me that they had both been sick and I had heard before, indirectly, of Edward’s illness. Please remember me to them both. I saw Edward once but have never seen his wife.
I do not know how long I shall stay over here. Now that I am here, I can live quite as cheap as I could in Omaha and there is nothing to hurry me home. My sisters and their families were well when we heard last. One of the greatest annoyances of being here is that it takes so long to communicate back and forth. Our letters have been sometimes nineteen days in reaching their destination.
I suppose you heard of the sad death of my cousin Thos. Clarke, last November, on one of the ocean steamers two days before it reached New York. It must have been very hard for his poor wife as well as himself.
I hope you and aunt Caroline have been as fortunate as Alice and I, in escaping the influenza.
Give much love to Aunt Caroline. I hope it is not necessary to say that I shall always be glad to hear from you both.
Very affectionately your niece
Jennie M. Grant
Letter 4 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Daniel Grant
New Marlborough
Berkshire Co.
Mass. [Massachusetts]
Tells what she does – what her work is at Oberlin – also tells about Mr.Emory’s
Oberlin, Ohio
May 16th, 90
Dear Aunty,
Possibly you have given up all hope of hearing from this quarter of the States. It has taken me so long to get at it.
I have been careless, intending every day to write, & then letting my feelings or some trifling matter interfere Never feel quite so energetic at this time of year.
First let me answer one or two questions of long standing Mr. Emory was in good condition financially had not lost any money that I know of His disease was disintegration of the spinal column & that affected his brain & he thought he was growing poor. He did commit suicide which was a trial to his children What he was worth I do not know Father probably could tell approximately He was wealthy. Mr. Emorys mind had been somewhat affected for six months before his death but Cousin Annie did not seem to have apprehended what finally came Some of the others had feared it I believe
Mr Emorys Father & Grandfather & one Uncle died in a similar way.
This winter Mary Studeford has been very much depressed & the last I heard had been taken to a private Asylum in New Jersey out far from Philadelphia. In spite of their wealth their heritage is a sad one. Cousin Annie & Will are more like Cousin Nancy Their home has been rented to a Dr. from Philadelphia Father looks after their rents & what other business there is & receives fifty dollars per year for doing it Not much but it helps
The plaid flannel sent to L. would be perfectly suitable for a dress for one of the children. Your cape can be suitably worn to Church if you need it, also to call on your neighbour but of course one would not make state calls in it but with you state calls are seldom made. As far as I can think now, whenever you need it you can wear it
We have no President yet & it looks as though we might wait another year The right man does appear & it would be much better to wait than to make a mistake & call the wrong man
There has been some talk of J. G W. Cowles of Cleveland son of Professor Cowles of commentary fame But I think the feeling now is that his would not be the best appointment.
Now as to what I am doing, I enter in books made for the purpose a record of what each student is doing in each study he is pursuing. I do this for all students in College, Preparatory Deprtm’t , & those in Classical Course in Theological Seminary. I send to all College Students once a year a card showing what studies they have ahead of their class, & in what studies they are behind. I prepare the names for the Catalogue. I am Secretary of two standing Committees that of Entrance to College & “Committee on Substitution” To this last Committee come all the requests to make up work, to have one study count for another, I give out all certificates for private Examinations. I give out certificates to all boys who enter for Field Day showing that they have the required grade in their studies.
I make out copies of Students marks for them to use in obtaining schools Besides this there are little matters coming up all the time that naturally belong to this office
I mean to make myself so useful that they will not want to do without me.
I am not expected to do more than I can & I am careful. I am treated with great kindness & consideration, and am coming through the year’s work in good condition tho’ of course begin to feel that it will soon be vacation time My title is “Ass’t Registrar”
I am sorry to say that I do not have so much faith in “Microcosm” [Ext..?] as you and Uncle Daniel have. Doubtless it is owing to my natural depravity. I think any individual who has discovered such a blessing to mankind is more sharp than benevolent when he requires four dollars from poor suffering humanity for the revealing this same wonderful discovery
However I may be mistaken so you must not mind my foolishness Time may give me better sense
I see Mrs Shurtleff quite often Feel welcome there whenever I can go in. Their house stands in same yard with Talcott Hall I do not know Mrs Nichols I have no
How is Uncle Erastus Ralph & Julie & Mary Sage & her husband Give them kindly greetings when you see them
Father has the selling out fever again & we do not know what is best to do May the Lord give us light to do the right thing
Letter 5 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Daniel Grant
New Marlboro’
[Printed return address] THE HARVARD SCHOOL
2101 Indiana Ave., Cor. 21st Street
[Printed letterhead except for date]
The Harvard School
2101 Indiana Ave. Cor. 21st Street
John J. Schobinger,
John C. Grant
Principals. Chicago, June 28, 1890
My dear Aunt Caroline:
Your long and interesting letter of some time ago gave me a great deal of pleasure, because it was proof that I had not entirely escaped your mind; it was also a source of deep regret to know of Cousin Edward’s poor health.
I trust that long before this things have changed in that respect and that he is enjoying all the blessings that there are.
I often think of you and Uncle Daniel snugly settled on your farm – a rather small one I believe, but probably large enough. It has been my hope to get to see you when in Mill Brook, but each time there have been obstacles which made it impossible. At some future time I may be more fortunate.
Long as Mr. Burr & Abby have been in Beloit I have not seen them, but yesterday I wrote them to come and spend a few days in idleness with me here. I hope for a favorable reply in a day or two. I have heard from others that Abby is not very strong. The school is prospering under Mr. Burrs management.
Remember me affectionately to Uncle Daniel and Edward.
Most sincerely
John C. Grant
Letter 6 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
[Printed letterhead except for date] OBERLIN COLLEGE.
G. W. SHURTLEFF, Secretary and Treasurer.
Oberlin, O., July 7th. 1890
Dear Auntie
Min [Mary P.B. Hill Wright]rec. your letter in due season, and as she is very busy has petioned me to answer it for her. We hope to get off the last of this week. Min is working hard trying to get her work in good shape to leave. She could not get it done before, because she could not do it. The different Professors did not hand in the marks of their classes. Some of them will be left till Fall. We are sorry to disappoint you, and ourselves too, but do not feel that we can come around your way this time. You see, I feel that I ought not to be away from home any longer, it will be more than four weeks now, and Min will not have very much time home, as she is obliged to come back a week before College opens, so you see her vacation is cut off at both ends. Then Min wants to have her clothes fixed while home, as Miss Nerius does it better, and more reasonably, than she can have it done here, so I expect it will be this summer, as it was last, she will get ready to come back as soon as she gets home.
I wish it were so that we could come for your sake, and our own, and then the scenery, those beautiful Berk. Hills [Berkshire Hills], would be so refreshing after this level. I am enjoying my visit here very much. It is all so entirely new to me, and the rest and change and new ideas that I get are very delightful. I am being very lazy am almost ashamed of it, but then I comfort myself that I will have plenty of chance to make up for it when I get home. The children have all had the hooping cough since I left. In the last letter Father said that Will was better, and Sophie & Mary in the midst of theirs yet. Last Friday we were invited to tea at the Burrs. Had already called there once. The Burrs are going to spend the Summer among the Berkshire Hills at Burrville or between there & Winsted [Connecticut] I believe the house is situated which they rent. They hoped to leave today, have not seen them since Fri. so do not know if they were able to get off. While we were there Fri. they rec. a letter Cousin Almon [Almon Burr]. He expects to come East and visit them in Burrville some time during the Summer, I am disappointed not to have seen him. Wish he would come to Flem. [Flemington, N.J.] he will probably be near us. Would like him to see how our trees have grown. The two Shurtleff girls are visiting at Beloit now. We spent, an evening at the Shurtleffs. She invited the teachers from Baldwin & Talcott, Mrs. Johnston was there, also Dr & Mrs Warner.
Will attend to Crissy letter as soon as I get home. Am sorry we overlooked it. Min did her share about it. Says she wrote to us twice to forward it.
[Note at end of letter] Please return this letter when convenient
Letter 7 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Daniel Grant
New Marlboro
Berkshire Co.
Mass. [Massachusetts]
About Prof. W.
Sunday P. M.
Aug. 10th. ‘90
Dear Aunty:
Have been wanting to write you every day since reaching home July 16th but so many things have kept crowding in We were sorry not to go and see you but it did not seem best and now there is a bit of news to tell which will make you want to see me I know just before I left Oberlin I promised Professor Albert Wright that I would resign my position as Asst. Regstr. and take the position he offered me that of a wife in his home He is nine years older than I, his first wife has been dead thirteen years His daughter Helen is nearly 14 yrs. old. It was a great surprise to me I have known him very well as he was the Registrar when I went to O. and he taught me the duties of my position He was always very kind and I learned to admire him, and respect his judgment He visited us this past week and the family are all pleased with him. It does not seem at all real to me yet. I return to my work the 10th of Sept. I do not know when I shall be married. Probably in the Christmas vacation but nothing definite has been decided
Please do not tell the Burr’s from Oberlin of this We are not ready to have Oberlin people in general know of it Of course Prof. W’s family know it. Do not tell Almon if he should come I heard that he thought of going to Conn. for a few weeks. Wish very much he would stop here on his way home
If I had plenty of money I would come & see you but it does not seem best just now
We except Sam sometime this week to spend a few days Miss Jacot is here Goes to the sea shore tomorrow & returns next week to stay until Sept. lst. Carrie enjoyed her trip to O. and seems better Father is pretty well now Allie and Chalmers go to Bloomsbury tomorrow for a few days Chalmers mother is not well so Sophie and will stay at home
Now I have this other letters to write Please keep my news to yourself like the good Aunty that you are
Your loving niece
Minnie P. B. H. [Mary P.B. Hill Wright]
Letter 8 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Daniel Grant
New Marlborough
Berkshire Co.
Mass. [Massachusetts]
From Dr. R. F. Stevens of Syracuse N. Y.
Sept. 1890
I receive a great many letters - coming from all parts of the country & answer them as best I can. The Hall treatment, from the start, has been a matter of surprises. Almost numberless cases, to which it did not appear to be specially adapted have been cured, while in some it did not seem to work well. In most of the latter I have found they have used either too much water – or too often – or too hot, or have overtaxed the kidneys by retaining water in the colon overnight too frequently. Great numbers of cases of both constipation & diarrhea have been relieved as well as almost every kind of functional disorder.
The general tendency of the treatment is to improve the nutritive functions, and when the general health is improved, many kinds of local diseases disappear. I use the treatment regularly every other night, & have done so for 24 yrs., as a health preservative, & have been absolutely healthy all that time – have gone from 145 to 206 pounds weight, & am 72 yrs. of age. I see no reason for your not getting the same benefits from the treatments as others. I generally recommend the use of from one to two quarts of blood warm water every other night, retaining it but a few moments. When there is a rank ordor to the urine, or a sediment, occasionally a pint of water may be retained over night to be discharge by the kidneys. But this process, while beneficial in some forms of kidney disorders, it is not well to carry too far.
I have known relief to follow the treatment in very many cases of piles, but in such I recommend small quantities of water & quite cool. You mentioned being troubled with indigestion for 3 or 4 months, & think the treatment caused it. So many report relief from indigestion & all forms of dyspepsia that I cannot see why it should have the opposite effect in your case, unless it is in someway by the manner in wh. you use it.
In my practice for many years, I have used the treatment instead of cathartics, & have used it as an adjunct to other treatments to a large extent, & especially in constipation, and have been, always, careful to adapt the details of its use to the conditions existing with the patients.
That is, it is a matter to be used with care & judgment, there being no set rules for guidance. Like all other remedial agents it is not a cure all, for there is no such thing.
[Note at end of letter]
This is a copy of the main part of a letter by Dr. R. F. Stevens the Physician to whom Dr. Hall “revealed his treatment” more than 20 years ago. Lives at Syracuse N. Y. We saw in a Microcosm a magazine published monthly by Dr. H. (it is mostly on scientific subjects, but 2 or 3 leaves of “testimonials & something referring to the Health Pamphlet.
It was said in one of those, that one wishing for advice with regard to the treatment – wishing for advice to consult with a Dr. could by enclosing a dollar write to Dr. Stevens & receive from him a personal answer. – You or any one can you see if you wish.
Letter 9 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Daniel Grant
New Marlboro
Mass [Massachusetts]
Speaks of cemetery lot
Millbrook [Connecticut] <Aug> Sep 7th 1890
Dear Cousins,
I am just last night returned from a four days visit at South Norfolk with Mrs. H. Pendleton, who goes soon to Penn. for the Winter, - heard on the way home of your cousins, (in Barrington) affliction, by lightling. - What cause for gratitude that there was no loss of life – Give Lester 2. dol. for taking me over. Mrs Pendleton says we are two lone women, & true enough. She has buried all of her family, 5 chil, and husband, her loss is great, all mine the same, All – I feel that it is right, but do not see it.
Have not seen Marcus’s people except at church since you was here. Was glad to hear by yr. letter of Edwards family, & also of your own condition
Do write me often & confer a great favor
I find by inquiry that there is a vacant lot in Cemetery adjoining Uncle Grants lot on North side not sold. I said, about what price? was told probably about 15 dollars. Luthers Tablet not up yet but the foundation for his & his grand mothers is laid.
It is indeed pleasant to be remembered even by your neighbors. I often wonder how the Barn progresses, was glad to hear the wood was prepared, very sorry to cousin D. was no better, please let me know often just how you both are, think of you & of my pleasant visit often.
Do you hear from Mr. Shurtliff? any thing definite yet? shall hope to hear when you do. Does the Choir prove a comfort? think it may & without will. I find Vinegar is in greater demand that I supposed as there is so great a scarcity of Apples
It seems I cannot turn over the leaf properly, but think your careful eyes will find what there is worth finding.
Received the package you sent by Mr. Burr’s meat pedler, for which accept thanks he seems a very kind man.
Wish you & D could come & stay a week can’t you contrive it so that you can
Cousin Elizabeth
Letter 10 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Caroline Grant
West Norfolk
Dec 15th 90
Dear Sister & Brother
In regard mineral in the pasture. I live here to get rid of care and work dont think best for me to trouble myself with it. I dont think there is more than 30 acres in the wood lot. Mr Humphrey was apt to set his Compass and look then guess.
Mr Henry Parton of Goshen <of> was very correct every time. I think Mr Cressey has desided it would be best to piece the lot up.
I have decided it would be well for me to have a little wood lot to go for wood as I expect to kep a Horse, if so would like part of yours.
Am very glad you have decided to have Ralph Cressey sell the lot.
Will see R. C. and find out what Mr Grant will do. perhaps I can make some arrangement with Ralph in regard to a piece or what Grant dont take. If you have no objection.
Truly yours
E. Burr
In regarde to the pitch I think Father tride to get hold of it found it to cost more than it was worth I think John Shepard has tried the same thing.
E. B.
Letter 11 -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
[Addressed to] Mrs. Daniel Grant
New Marlborough
Berkshire Co.
Castile, N. Y.
Monday Dec. 22. 1890
My dear Grandma, -
I am so sorry you are all having such a hard time, Mamma wrote to me about it. I think of you often & wish you could each one be here & have the care taken of you & the kind pleasant things done for you, that I am having.
Grandma dear, I am a different girl bodily. Every one says I have changed so much. They would not know me, especially since all my hair was cut off, which was done a week ago. I look & feel very queer with it short, & secretly wish many times that I had it again, but Dr. Greene knows best, & I am trying to be a “glad, happy child” as she wants me to be.
My roommate who kindly mothers me, is one of those dear, sweet “Friends” from Poughkeepsie, & brightens my little south room, - which looks out on the green terraces & Summer houses, bestrewn in warm weather, with hammocks & the gay trappings of the ladies, - by her sunny self.
There is a lovely little women in the building, whom I wish you could know. Her very presence is a benedition. She/Miss. Morse/was the first Lady Principal of Vassar College & I doubt if there was ever a sweeter one.
Do you remember Hawthorne’s “Story of the “Seven Gables”? Grandma, we have a Mrs. Pyncheon here, who used to live in those same “Seven Gables” & belongs to that old family. She is a delightful old lady to meet, & then the romance all about her name facinates me. I can not tell you about each one. There are so many pleasant & entertaining, & young girls, of whom there are quite a number, are warm hearted & lovable too.
Every one is very kind to the “Little Burr” as I am called, & surely in no other place are they more ‘kindly affectionate one toward another’ than here.
Though all are more or less ill, they try to keep cheerful, & now & then, we have some sort of a social gathering together in the evening!
I am kept busy from six o’clock in the morning, when my nurse rouses me for medicine & exercises, before breakfast, what with gymnastics, of one sort and another, baths, & resting hours, till nine in the evening, at which time we must put ourselves to bed, whether we want to or not, however we are so tired with the day’s work, the beds are usually welcome indeed.
The Doctors & nurses I like & trust, they are so thoughtful & interested for your good. I feel that I am learning many things & that my time is not wasted.
I sent you three or four copies of the Christian Union not long ago, as I had some coupons given me. Did you enjoy seeing them?
I hope the clouds are beginning to break by this time, for you & Uncle Edward & his loved ones, that they are improving, & someway has been provided for them.
You will find a small card inclosed, which I had taken just before my hair was cut. It looks a little older than I do Grandma.
A happy peaceful Christmastide to you everyone. With a great deal of love. The letter is loaded full for you all.
Your own Granddaughter.
Caroline Lynette Burr
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