Box 4 Folder 11

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[Printed:] W. L. Scott & Son,
            Estate and Insurance Agents,
            Loans Negotiated etc. Room 2
            7 Richmond Street West,
            Toronto, Ont.
                                                [Typed:] 7 Richmond Street West, TORONTO, Ontario,
                                                                        January 2nd. 1891.
Mrs. Daniel Grant, [Caroline Burr Grant]
            New Marlboro, Mass., [Massachusetts]
Dear Madam: -- Your favor of the 29th. ult. addressed to Mrs. Scott was duly received.  As Mrs. Scott rarely writes letters, and is especially busy at present, she desired me to answer your enquiry.
            Mrs. Scott's kidney trouble was quite largely brought under control by Dr. Robbins during our stay in Southfield, she has rarely been troubled in that direction since, and not at all since using Dr. Hall's treatment, which she has been using now for about 15 months.  I do not suppose that with the present light on the subject there is any positive cure for advanced Bright's Disease, but am quite sure that some benefit at least would result from Hall's method.  Mrs. Scott has had more trouble from imperfect digestion and assimilation than from other sources of late, and for this the treatment is very helpful.
            As to the frequency of its use, our experience in our own family and with others leads to the conclusion that much depends upon the individual, and the general state of health.  In some cases it may be used daily to great advantage, and in other instances every alternate or every third day will be enough.  To one who is in very poor health I would recommend the frequent use of the treatment, using only a small quantity of water at first, gradually increasing as may be found convenient until at least the system has been thoroughly cleaned out, then a less frequent use may suffice.  Experience will show what is required.
            In the case of your pastor's wife, I would advise the use of the treatment, not to supercede the physician's work, but in conjunction with it.  They will not at all interfere with each other, but if the physician is an intelligent man and knows of the use of the treatment he will be greatly aided by it.
            Your pastor can obtain a copy of the Health Pamphlet at a nominal cost.  If he will sign the enclosed pledge and send it with 8 cents to Dr. Hall to pay postage, he will receive a free copy under the offer to ministers, if he states in his letter that he is a minister.  It certainly will be worth trying.
            I have not the slightest hesitancy in saying for myself and family that having paid the full price $4 for my own copy, that if I could not in any other way regain the knowledge now possessed through the study of the Health pamphlet, that I would not think of parting with that knowledge for $400.            I have not an unlimited faith in it and always call in a physician in case of special ill health, but have found the treatment a great preventative of sickness, and a strong aid in recovery of strength.  We do not call in a Dr. once where we used to have him twenty times, and for this the treatment is largely responsible.            Trusting this may meet your desires,
                                    Yours faithfully,
                                                Lock[...] B. Scott


                                                                        Flemington N.J [New Jersey]
                                                                        Jan 4th 1891
Dear Auntie [Caroline Burr Grant]
            It is too bad that your kind letter with enclosure has not been acknowledged before, But we have been so busy & sometime too tired to write that we have put off writing from time to time.  I was so sorry that I could not send you anything for Christmas this year, but I could not nor to Sam either, so resolved that I would write you each a letter,  I am writing to you first Sams letter has not yet been started, you were very good to remember us, but I wish you would not do it, for I know you can ill spare it.            Minnie has come and gone, went back Friday eve. was home three weeks.  We were very busy while she was at home doing necessary sewing.  It takes a great many stitches to keep three children in cloths.  We turned Sophie's best coat -- which she has worn for three winters -- that was quite a job and we had a woman to help.  Then we had two night drawers to make for her and a new waist to make for her school coat and a new flannel skirt.  I did not want Minnie to sew so much while she was at home, but I think she thought it was her last chance to do much for us, and she wished to improve the opportunity  She sews very little while at Oberlin, so in way it was not a rest.  She went out some, had a new cloth dress made for herself at dressmakers  All the sewing done was not for Sophie, some was done for Carrie and for Minnie herself.  Aunt Hettie is making Minnie some new underwaists she has done a great deal of sewing for M. which saves much expense.  Minnie will not be married until sometime next Summer, time not fixed yet.  I doubt if we home folks see much of her after she is married            If Mr. Wrights work calls him East in Summer she may come with him, but I do not know how it will be.  Chalmer's father is here now making us a little visit, he goes home to morrow.  He and Chalmers have gone out to church this evening.  All the children are in bed and asleep, they go to bed early, and usually waken early.  Mary is a dear little baby.  She is fifteen months old, walks all around & has for two months, but talks very little,  She is a very happy little thing and full of fun.  Sophie goes to school and gets along very nicely, reads very well & does well in arithmetic,  She is seven years old this 15th of Jan.  Will is an active, restless boy, likes to be out of doors with his father & grandfather he does not go to school yet and we shall not send him this winter, he is a little over five  We all think him quite bright -- very observing and quick to understand things,  There is a strong affection between him & his father.  Minnie <say> said she would write to you after she got back to O. but you need not expect a letter soon, as the first few days there are very busy ones.  Aunt Hettie sends her love. says she often thinks of you, spoke so nicely of you to night  Carrie and I belong to a reading circle Chautaugua, so that takes some time.  We get behind sometimes and then have to make desperate efforts to catch up.  We have English History English Literature, and articles in the Chautauguana Magazine <bup> published by the Society  Carrie and I read aloud to each other.  We have a local circle in F. about 33 members.  Of course while one stops to read, we do not get along quite so fast with any sewing we may have to do.
            Father sends love, says he will write sometime.  he is well now, but was sick about a week after he came from Mass.  took a heavy cold.  I was away at the time, up at Bloomsbury, father's sickness and Mrs. Hulsizer's death, put us back with house cleaning, so we did not finish until after Thanksgiving,  Carrie and I did most of housecleaning ourselves, the girl helped some.
            I thought I answered about Ladies Home Journal, they came & we enjoyed them very much.  Carrie says she thought she had acknowledged the calendar, she is very sorry, if she did not do so.  There are some very good things in it.
The children received a package of little papers from Lucy, please thank her for them, Sophie enjoys them very much, Will does not care so much for reading as Sophie <does>  Mrs. East came back to this country the first of November.  At Christmas -- She is in Philadelphia -- she sent the children a box of candy, and afterwards sent a bundle of things for us all, which she had bought in Paris.
Minnie received a half dozen pair of beautiful kid gloves,  Father a handsome knife -- Jack knife with twelve different attachments or blades, for instance a corkscrew tweezers, a saw, screw driver & a lance &c.  Carrie had two pins, one, Caroline in silver letters and a round one set with small pearls.  Aunt Hettie had a silver bracelet.  Sophie, a silver pin like Carries -- Sophie in silver -- Chalmers a little writing tablet to carry with one when traveling and I had a beautiful fairy lamp, gilt set with glass, cut in imitation of stones, blue, red, yellow, &c when a light is inside the effect is most lovely.  Then I had beside a Russian Icon, which is really a picture set in silver and gilt, which is very handsome.  Wasn't it kind in her to send us so much and think of us while in Paris, she has been there for three or four years.            Aunt Hettie gave a Christmas present to the house this year of lace curtains for the parlor.  She had quite set her heart on our having them, she thought they would add so much to the parlor, which they certainly do, and she wishes it to look pretty for Minnie's wedding,  They are Madras light yellow ground -- which does not show much -- with white sprigs of leaves over them, a very pretty pattern.  They cost ten dollars for the two windows.  Carrie and Minnie gave father a flannel wrapper, grey with stripes of red on bottom, something [end of page]


                                                                        Hartland Vt. [Vermont]
                                                                                    Jan. 5/91
Daniel Grant Esq.
            My dear Sir:--
                        According to the "Year Book" your church has no pastor?
            I am exceedingly anxious to find a more congenial field of 'holy toil.'
            Can you obtain for me a trial? or if the church, of which you are the clerk, has now a pastor can you refer me to some vacant charge?
            Hoping for a favorable reply
                        Sincerely Yours
                                    Ralph J. Haughton

[On verso, a penciled diagram with distances marked.  Written in another hand in pencil:] Map of our Wood lot in Norfolk I think -- am pretty sure -- C. Grant.                        that D. marked off.


[Addressed to:] Daniel Grant Esqr
                                    New Marlboro
                                                Mass [Massachusetts]
Hartsville Mass
                                                                                    Feb 3d 1891
Daniel Grant --
            Dear Sir
I received your letter some time since & in my negligence have neglected to reply until this late date.
As regards prices of shingle, you can sell you deliverd to your place any time before the 1st of Apil as follows
A. No 1 c 18 inch pine shingle for
            3.30 per on good ones warranted to be
western 7 inch clear butt from notit sap
A No 2 18 inch sound butt some
western nots for $3.00 per M
A. no 1 domestic shingle, for
            $2. 75 some sap on them
If you should conclude to have any of these let me know & I can have them up while we have sleighing before mud time
                                                                        Yours with Respect
                                                                                    Charles Adsit


[Addressed to:] Danl Grant Esq
                                    New Marlborough
                                                Massts [Massachusetts]
$1.00                                                                        Lebanon, Ohio
[added: Mr. and]                                                            Feb. 27-, 91
Mrs. D. Grant
            Dear [added: Sir &] Madam
                        Your letters of 19th date recd and answer delayed on account of my absence from home at Syracuse, N.Y. -- Letters were forwarded to me, at this place where self & wife have been spending February to avoid the cold weather of New York State.  We will be home in about two weeks.  I note what you write of your afflictions.  I receive a great many letters -- coming from all parts of the country, & answer them as best I can.  The Hall treatment from the start, has been a matter of surprises.  Almost numberless cases, to which it did not appear to be specially adapted have been cured; while in some, as in yours, it has not seemed to work well.  In most of the latter I have found they have used either too much water -- or too often -- or too hot, or have overtaxed the kidneys by retaining water in the colon over night too frequently.
Great numbers of cases of both constipation and diarrhea have been relieved as well as almost every kind of functional disorder.  The general tendency of the treatment is to improve the nutritive functions, and when the general health is improved may kinds of local diseases disappear.
I use the treatment regularly every other night and have done so for 24 years, as a health preservative, and have been absolutely healthy all that time -- have gone from 145 to 206 pounds weight, & am 72 years of age.  I see no reason for your not getting the same benefits from the treatment as others.  I generally recommend the use of from one to two quarts of blood warm water every other night, retaining it but a few moments.  When there is a rank odor to the urine, or a sediment, occasionally a pint of water may be retained over night to be discharged by the kidneys.  But this process, while beneficial in some forms of kidney disorders, it is not well to carry too far.
I have known relief to follow the treatment in very many cases of piles, but in such I recommend small quantities of water and quite cool. 
you mention being troubled with indigestion for 3 or 4 months, and think the treatment causes it.
So many report relief from indigestion and all forms of dyspepsia that I cannot see why it should have the opposite effect in your case unless </ except> it is in some way by the manner in which you use it.  In my practice for many years I have used the treatment instead of cathartics, and have used it as an adjunct to other treatment to a large extent, and especially in constipation -- and have been, always, careful to adapt the details of its use to the conditions existing with the patients.  That is, it is a matter to be used with care & judgment, there being no set rules for guidance.  Like all other remedial agents it is not a cure all, for there is no such thing.
            You ask if it is right to use the treatment during pregnancy.  I have recommended a use of water in such cases if constipation existed, but only enough to overcome that disorder.
            Yours very truly            R.F. Stevens M.D.


New Marlboro', Mass. [Massachusetts]
Apr. 23, '91
Mr. Plumb Brown
            Dear cousin,
                        Will you be so good as to give your opinion about the prospect of wood land improving in price within say 10 yrs.  We would be glad to hear soon as consistent & feel greatly obliged.
            Yours truly,
                        Caroline Grant.
            You may if you have a chance speak with Erastus about it. please --
[In other pen and/ handwriting:] over

                                                                        Norfolk, April 28th 1891
                        My Dear Cousin
            I do not see any prospect of improvement in price of woodland in 10 years as <our> on the Furnace Co's -- which have been our principal market in the part -- are at present supplied with cheap coal by rail and have thousands of acres of wood growing in the mountains now getting ready to cut The Line Co's are makin an increased demand which seems to be readily supplied at a low price  The fact is our Farms are all growing up to bushes and wood which the farmers are selling at about the price of cutting and hauling to market.
            Yours Truly Plumb Brown

[On other half first side] Your letter happened in an unusually busy time for me on the saw mill.  I have not had opportunity to see Erastus and my opinion may be very wide of the mark as I am out of business almost -- <such as it is.>                       

[Printed:] Memorial Life of General Sherman
[Handwritten:]                                                New Marlboro May 1 1891
Daniel Grant Esq.
[Typed:] Permit me to call your attention to the enclosed ticket which we have issued for the use of yourself and family at our store.  It explains itself.
            We invite you to bring it with you whenever you contemplate making cash purchases, and carefully examine our stock and prices.  We will punch the amount purchased ;  when the entire ticket is used and $20.00 worth bought, will take pleasure in presenting you with a copy of THE LIFE OF GENERAL SHERMAN, ILLUSTRATED AND ELEGANTLY BOUND.  This opportunity to secure this great work without cost is one which we feel sure you will appreciate.
            We have adopted this plan for the purpose of expressing our appreciation of past patronage and increasing our circle of friends and patrons to the largest possible number.
            Please bear in mind that we have no advance in the price of our goods on account of this Premium offer, but as heretofore we continue to be headquarters for lowest prices and best quality of goods.
            Inviting you to call and see us and trusting we shall have the pleasure of presenting you and many of your friends with a copy of this great standard work, we are
                                                                        Respectfully yours,
[Handwritten:]                                                 Clark & Hayes
[Enclosed card printed:] The holder of this ticket is entitled to one copy of The Memorial Life of Gen. Sherman after having purchased $20.00, worth of goods, for cash, from
[Handwritten:] Clark & Hayes
[Handwritten in red across card:] Except Flour


[Addressed to:] To-
Mrs. Daniel Grant
                                    New Marlborough
                                                Berkshire Co.
                                                            Mass. [Massachusetts]
May the Second
My dear Grandma, --
            'Twas so sweet to me to open that box full of delicate color & fragrance & find it was your thought that sent it to me that bright sunny Monday morning. -- I never saw larger or more perfect clusters, thy were beautiful Grandma mine. & I thank you with all my heart appreciating the time you had & trouble, in fixing them.
            Mamma's letter a week or so ago, spoke of a new little one in Uncle Edwards home.  I hope Auntie & the baby are growing strong fast. -- It must be so hard for Aunt Lucy she has been poorly for such a long while -- give her my love, & sympathy for her weeks of pain.  How happy she will be soon, with all her girls about her.  Mamma doubtless envies her their companionship, she herself is so lonely. -- I am getting very anxious to go back to her for she needs me more than she can or will tell. & I feel so ashamed of myself, having all these good times & easy undisturbed days -- to be sure getting more strength in each one, -- but so seemingly idle beside her['s] busy & burdenfilled.  However she has gotten along better than I dared dream of. -- They are about as usual I think now, though Harold is ailing rather more than common.
            I hear from Laura Shurtleff very often from her last accounts I judge they are all getting better, their mother is with them again & Uncles expected soon.
            Grandma I was so pleased to hear of Cousin Minnie's engagement.  I have always admired Prof. Wright, & since he has shown his good sense & taste in asking her to help him in his life work, I think the more of him.
            They all have been quite laid up & good for nothing at Grandpa Burr's this whole winter & spring. & not being able to sell their place in O. [Oberlin, Ohio] are rather giving up the Winstead [Connecticut] plans.
If nothing happens I shall return to Beloit in June a much improved daughter bodily.  May these warm spring days make you & Grandpa more comfortable, adding new strength & peace to your true & patient lives.
            With much love to you both.
            Your affectionate
                        "Granddaughter Carrie"


[Addressed to:] Mrs Daniel Grant --
                                    New Marlboro --
                                                Berkshire Co.
[Printed:] Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio.  Office of the Registrar, H.C. King ; Miss M. B. Hill.
[Handwritten:]                                                Oberlin, Ohio.
                                                                                    May 6th '91
Dear Aunty:
            That box of beautiful Arbutus came last eve and my room was scented with its delightful fragrance.  Thank you so much for it.  Have been wanting to write you ever since the term opened but how been unusually busy during the day with writing & have not forced myself to write at night as no doubt I should have done.  We have had a beautiful April warm pleasant spring days and the trees coming into leaf.  Apple trees in blossom, and the prospect for fruit is good both here & in New Jersey.  You have doubtless heard from Abby and know that my engagement is known here in Oberlin and any body is welcome to talk about it to any body else  In order to appoint my successor it was necessary to give in my resignation to the Faculty -- I am happy to know that they accept it with regret and all give hearty testimony to the fact that I have done my work successfully, to the satisfaction and, pleasure also, of the Faculty and have been of real service to the College
All of which does me much good both for the sake of those at home for Mr Wrights sake & also for my own sake,  I do want to write to Mary Burr Sage but do not know when I shall get at it  There seems to be a good deal ahead of me  Have been trying to decide on my three new dresses because it will be to late to have any choice after I go home  Have bought a thin black sort of crepe to make up over my old black satin skirt that is to be my handsome dress
            I expect to be married in August probably about the middle tho' we have not decided upon the date  Probably shall not until toward the end of the term  Mrs Shurtleff & Professor S. have returned & look<s> very well indeed   Mrs S. was very pleasant in her congratulations and did not mind at all that she was not consulted said we did not need any advise  All of Mr Wright's friends Pres Fairchild and others seem to feel that he is doing the wise and good thing in taking this step, and that is very pleasant for me,  I shall not get home before middle of July as I wish to leave my work in as good shape as possible  Oh I shall be glad when these two months are over.  How is Lucy getting on & what do they call the baby  How are you  Hope you do not feel obliged to

[written across first page:] keep constantly doing more than you are able to do  I would like to see you very much but do not see my way to it  Give love to Uncle Daniel.  Carrie Hill seems unusually well for her this spring & I am thankful  Goodbye  Keep as well and as happy as you can
                                    Lovingly your niece
                                                Mary T. B. H.


[Addressed to:] Mrs. Daniel Grant
                                    New Marlboro
[Printed:] Mount Holyoke Seminary and College Observatory.
                                                            South Hadley, Mass., [Handwritten:] May 13, 1891
Dear Mrs. Grant, of the class of 1841: --
            Excuse a stranger for addressing you, but we both are interested in our dear Mrs. Stoddard, you as her classmate, I as her pupil.  You received your diploma with her fifty years ago; twenty five years ago my class also received ours bearing her signature.  You and we expected to meet her at our respective class meetings next month; but her place will be vacant.
            My class wishes to have some memorial of her prepared for our meeting.  If you can be here, (and I hope you will be) and we could have a quiet talk.  I am sure you could tell me many things that would interest us.  But at that busy time I fear such an opportunity might not be ours, and therefore I venture to ask if you would not like to make the tribute to her memory of some reminiscences of her in her school days or her later years, or any impression of her character that I might use for that purpose.  Anything will be gratefully received, and an early reply will be doubly welcome.
            Yours in Holyoke bonds,
                        Elisabeth M. Bardwell.


[Draft of reply            :]                                                            New Marlboro', May 30t, '91
Dear Miss Bardwell,
            Your letter was rec'd some time since, but sickness in our family prevented my replying before -- hope you will excuse --
            Altho' I enjoyed the society of "Sophie Hasen" when a classmate, I can say but little by way of "reminiscence."  I remember her as bright, intelligent, & thoroughly Christian, yet in those days rather retiring & timid -- ^I knew that Miss Lyon [Mary Lyon] appreciated her qualities of mind & heart.  You are <already> acquainted with her work, the responsibility of her positions at the Sem. [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary ] & how well she filled them -- & of her usefulness on mission ground --
            Your letter was the first intimation I had of her death -- I would be glad to know more particulars -- How much her presence will be missed at the coming reunion of our class of '41. 
            Instead of meeting with a few friends here, we can think of her as being in the "home about with many former associates & loved ones, and mingling with them songs of praise & thanksgiving to their Redeemer.
            I had a very pleasant interview with Mrs. Stoddard when at the "Semi-Centennial" -- it was a great joy to me to be there -- so inspiring -- so many precious memories came thronging <in> to my mind -- particularly those connected with our beloved Miss Lyon.  May her spirit rest upon all of her successors.
            As I have told Mrs. Mead, it would be very pleasant to me to be present at the coming anniversary exercises, and to meet with the remnant of my class of '41.  but I regret to find that it will not be <consistent> practicable --
                                                                        Yours very truly,
                                                                        Mrs. Daniel Grant
*What cause for gratitude to see the enlargement and improvements the beautifying of any thing <connected with> belonging to that dear Institution.


[Printed:] S. B. Hill, Photographer, 82 Bank St.
                                                            Waterbury, Conn., [Handwritten:] June 24, 1891
Dear Aunt Carrie
            It is too bad that I have for so long a time left your letter unanswered  I thank you very much for the letters you sent me.  I read them with a great deal of interest.
            Am glad to hear that you are better than you were a year or two ago.
            My health has much improved so that I am almost as well as I have been any time within the last 7 or 8 years.
            I wish I could hear as much from Ed. [Edmond Burr]
            My garden has kept me very busy for the last few days, in fact ever since I first began to work in it this spring.
Yesterday I picked over 8 quarts of strawberries, though unfortunately many of them were in such poor condition from the continued wet weather, that they would not keep over night, and, <and> preserves were gotten well under way before bed time.  I have had very fine berries, some of them measuring 5 inches in circumference.
            Besides my garden for the last few days I have been helping take care of Miss Lownds an elderly lady a freind of the Prichard's and who boards here.  She has been very sick and part of the time needed constant attention.  It has been my first experience
in that kind of work, though they tell me I make a very good nurse.  I fear I would not do so well if I could not call on any one else to help but had to take full charge.  One thing that has made it easier is that we are pretty well acquainted and each likes the other.
            I can not well write more just now so will leave it till another time.
                                                                        Your aff nephew
                                                                                    S. B. Hill


[Partial letter in envelope addressed to:] Mrs. Daniel Grant
                                    New Marlboro
                                                Berkshire Co.
[Date stamped: Marlborough, Mass. Aug 5 1891]
We made our party call there Saturday afternoon.  We also went to call on Mrs. J.  She was engaged at the time but said "You go tell so and so, mentioning the few teachers still at Talcott Hall, to come in and visit me this evening of course we were included too.  So after tea we made two other calls, one at President Fairchilds, where we were entertained by him, his daughters were out and then at eight o'clock we went to Mrs. J's.  It was a cool evening and she built a small wood fire in the fireplace and we had a real cosy time, while Mrs J entertained us.  She told us about Dr Warner and his various enterprises.  I went to Alumni dinner with Min & enjoyed it very much.  President Gates the President elect, made a fine address, Pres. Fairchild said a few words, and Prof. Ellis made a short speech.  I heard of one Prof. in speaking about it afterwards say that Prof. Ellis showed by that speech, that he had attained as high a degree of moral excellence, as any mortal attains in this life.  Every one feels that Prof. Ellis is bearing himself so well concerning this election of an outside man for President, when it would seem as though he were naturally the man to succeed Pres. Fairchild.  Pres. Gates has not yet given his decision, and every one is anxiously awaiting it.  He made a very favorable impression while here, and we are all hoping that he will decide to come. 
After the Alumni dinner there was a reception given Pres. Gates <a reception> in Talcott Hall. You know he is from Rutgers College in New Brunswick N.J. and when Min [Mary P.B. Hill Wright] & I were presented we mentioned that we were from N.J.  "Ah!  Are you connected with the Hill's of New Brunswick and Dr Hill of Harvard"? said Pres. Gates  Of course we replied in the affirmative and passed on.  One afternoon we drove with a party of fifteen out to the lake, boiled coffee and eat our lunch, and drive home by moonlight.  Had a delightful
time.  The Wrights have been very kind to us and we enjoy going there very much.  Were there to tea once, just in an informal way and Prof. Wright had his class reunion this year and entertain them one afternoon at his house.  I went down before and helped make the mayonnaise dressing for the chicken salad, and then Min and I went and helped wait on the guests.  We had lots of fun behind the scenes, More than the company we declared.  I am so glad Min has such pleasant friends as they have proved themselves.  She likes Stella Wright very much and Stella is very kind and thoughtful and makes Min feel free to go there whenever she likes,.  Mrs Wright is a dear old lady.  Min & I both say she reminds us of Mother in some of her ways.  I was down there yesterday morning and helped Miss Stella pick currants for jelly.  They have proposed our going with them on a picnic to Chance Creek tomorrow.  That is about nine miles from here and is considered a beautiful spot.  I am afraid it will make us a little later about getting home, but we feel that they are getting it up for our benefit and do not like to refuse.  And I do not want Min to stay behind and work.  It will do her good to have the pleasure.  She will have a quiet vacation at home.  Have heard through letters from home that Sam has been spending a week or so at Nantucket.  I am so glad he could get off again, he enjoyed it so much last year.  I feel that this letter <is quite a bit [...]> in the way of economizing in paper.  Min sends love, Says she does wish that she could come to see you, but does not see her way clear this time.  Hopes to be able to do so sometime in the near future.  Oberlin is looking very pretty now.  I was agreeably surprised in that respect  Did not know there were so many fine shade trees and pretty lawns.  Pres Fairchild said, the evening we called there, that all of these trees, except the Historical Elm, had been planted within his memory.  I enjoyed the Concert very much.  It was given twice this year and by good luck I attended both times.  Min & I had planned to go to one and then I had a ticket given me by Mr Peck, the Principal of the Preparatory Dept.  He had bought it for a cousin, who, could not go finally, so he was kind enough to give it to me.  I have also had the privilege of attending several of the Conservatory Recitals.  Cousin Abbie [Abigail E. Grant Burr] wrote for me to go out to Beloit [Wisconsin] for a visit but we did not feel that I ought to take the time or money now.  She is very anxious for Min to visit them and I hope she can sometime.  It would be a delightful trip for her.  Mr Austin Burr says Abbie is really very much improved in health.  He has just returned from there.  Harold has had the misfortune to break his wrist.  I must stop writing now and see if I can do anything to help Min.  It is very nice to go away for awhile but I am always glad to turn towards home when the time comes.  Am glad Uncle Daniel is feeling better.  Give him my love and also to Ed & Lucy & family, and keep a lions share for your own dear self
                                                                        From your niece


                                                                        Bolton Aug. 5, .91 Wed. A.M.
My very Dear Niece,            I have been thinking for a long time I would write you (as I want to hear from you so much) but some how the time has slipped along & I did not get to it.  This morning before I got out of bed I determined if possible to write you today.  Soon as my breakfast work was over I began to look for your last letter to me but failed to find one with a date later than last Feb, remembering my 80th birth day.  I remember answering that but was under the impression that I had received another from you since, but I guess I have not as I don't find one, so if I do not owe you a letter I will write & remind you that you are owing me one, & I hope you will be able to respond promptly.  I know you have many letters to write & much very much to occupy your time & thoughts so you are excusable.  I do want to hear from you & yours.
            There has nothing transpired out of the usual course in our family since my last writing.  We have all been in usual health.  Bessie has to be very careful about her food & suffers some from indigestion but with care is able to keep quite comfortable & can do a good deal.  Sue & Mollie are still studying <typography> Stenography & I have practiced type writing two months.  It is quite an undertaking to learn it.  It remains to be seen whether it will be of advantage to them pecuniarily.  "Hope keeps the heart whole."  Great many are learning the same thing as in every industry.
            Sam is still where he has been.  In his two weeks vacation which commeced about the 1st of July he has spent part of his time in travelling & selling paper on commission & made about $100. but cleared deducting expenses between $60 & 70. & had 3 or four days at home to rest & visit. 
            We dont any of us go off on vacation this season, but Mary & the girls have been to Boston twice since I last wrote you I think & they expect to again soon.  They usually stay one or two nights & that makes a little change for them.  I will not write lengthy now  Hoping to hear from you soon & about all your family & friends. 
I receved & nice little letter from Abbie the last of June with a letter from Warren's wife dated in Jan. which you had requested her to send me & she had forgotten to send it before.                                                                        Affectionately, S. J. Wallis

[written across first page] In looking over my letters I found on an envelope "This letter to be returned  I had overlooked it.  I know you will forgive my remisness. & send on more letters.  I want to hear about Flemington friends & about Abbies daughter, she said nothing about her in her short letter to me & about Edward & family & Erastus & all of you.  I often think of you & wonder how it is with yourself & husband in so feeble health
My health is very good.  I feel age creeping on fast enough.  I am able to do my own work mostly & sew a good deal & make button holes yet.
Mary sends love.


                                                                        Bittersweet Flemington NJ Sept 5/91
Dear Sister
            We did not intend to keep you quite so long waiting for news of the wedding, but so many letters have had to be written and the girls have been so busy with fruit drying & canning that the time has passed and with it the opportunity of writing before--.  This morning we have had another heavy rain and I am thus prevented from working the garden among the Celery. and you should have the time that was to be spent in hoeing --            Mr Wright came Monday morning before the great day -- and stayed with us that night.  They were married at 2 oclock PM Tuesday by Doct Mott.  Married with a ring -- Min [Mary P.B. Hill Wright]was dressed in her travelling suit of dark blue & white with bonnet of about same shades -- The front Parlour had a bank of Golden-rod from floor to top of Mantel and all round the room & in back Parlour were many beautiful vases of flowers,  The neighbors sent in lots of flowers, and our boarders helped arrange them -- The rooms looked very pretty.  Min had a number of presents that are quite handsome -- The St[...] gave her a large cut glass bowl -- cruet -- and Olive dish  Soph Hill a cut glass bowl -- Cos Tom & wife 1 dozen silver coffee spoons -- 5 Teachers from Oberlin sent each a coffee spoon with their initials on -- Sam & Carrie gave 1 dozen silver tea spoons -- The Misses Prichard 3 silver table spoons.  Chalmers 3 dessert spoons  Al a silver butter knife -- Mrs Earl gave her 1/2 doz pair of kid gloves.  Silver bracelet 2 gold coffee spoons from Paris -- 1/2 doz hem stiched handkerchiefs with M, embroidered on the corner.  C H Anderson & wife a handsome black fan with tortoise shell ribs -- Mr & Mrs Hyde a rocking chair -- Mrs Nevise sent a handsome embroidered scarf, done on Botting cloth -- and there were numerous other small things that I cannot now describe -- Ellen Stout has a silver sugar spoon for her & Mrs Bullock gave her 10 dol. to get something she would like -- They left at 3.45 P. M for Washington DC -- Where they have been until yesterday when they were to start for Oberlin -- As they left they were showered with rice and an old shoe thrown for good luck let on top of the Carriage and was there when they arrived at the Depot -- They had pleasant time at Washington except one or two hot days -- Made several excursion around the City. to Mt Vernon -- & <John> Cabin John bridge -- the largest single stone arch in the world -- 240 ft wide & 90 ft high -- Attended meetings of the Scientific convention -- Min says many of the men are cranks & their whole conversation is scientific --
            We are all very well pleased with Mr Wright  he appears very gentlemanly & thoughtful of others -- M. says she is very happy -- We rather hoped they would return this way but they gave us the go bye on the score of economy -- We are getting on comfortably at home now.  Al is much better than she was a while back and Carrie seems to endure her summer work well -- Did not have very many at the wedding our out of town friends did not come except. Cos Tom & wife C H Anderson & wife -- and Sophie Hill was with us for 3 weeks -- and was a great help in very many ways -- She made a new white dress for Sophie to wear at the wedding & when she went home took one that was cut out for Mary and made & sent it home the other day -- One of our boarder has left and Sister Let has been away on a visit for a week --  Fruit has been very abundant and is yet  Peaches have been very low and the late rains have injured the quality of the crop -- Good peaches have sold for from 30 to 50c basket the last week -- The girls have dried a few and made some peach butter -- Apples very good & plenty -- My garden has been good all through and we have had a great abundance of sweet corn & Lima beans --
Our refreshments at the wedding were Chicken Salad, Sandwiches of Ham -- Rolls, (Carries made/ Ice cream -- cake, Olives & coffee -- we made but little display but abundance.
Sam was with us a week and we enjoyed his visit, and the children enjoyed being altogether once more --
Sam took a picture of Mary as she was dressed for the occasion in low necked & short sleeved dress -- She looked very pretty and was quite self possessed running around among the strangers -- The Steeles have been very kind to us  This summer they have taken Carrie out riding two or three times and it was their young people that brought the Goldenrod -- I forgot to say that we had had rain the morning of the wedding but when they left the rain was over --             I attended the funeral yesterday of John P Blackwell. the last of the old Members of the family.  We were all very intimate with them years ago -- Hope you & Daniel are comfortable -- and that you can enjoy the pleasant days that we have.  How Many of them there were the fore part of the summer -- My health is pretty good now and I can walk 3 or 4 miles without discomfort.  Have been up on the hill twice lately and enjoyed the walk and the beautiful view greatly --
I Hope this will come up to your expectation and be detailed, & specific enough for your taste in such matters -- Certainly it is long enough to satisfy a good deal of longing --
            All send love & good wishes and so do I
                        Affectionately yours
                                    William Hill


                                                                                    Flemington N.J. [New Jersey]
                                                                                                Oct 4th 1891
Dear Aunt Carrie
            Have intended to write for the last two Sundays but did'nt find time one evening I went to Church and last Sunday afternoon went to the Sunday School Anniversary with the children, and that took all the afternoon we did'nt get home until half past five, and in the evening I did'nt feel equal to writing.             We have been without a girl for more than three weeks now, and while the boarders stayed were kept pretty well on the go, but they have all left now, part went last Monday morning, and the other two on Wednesday.  It is a relief not to have to fuss over meals so much.  We began churning again the first of September churn two and three times a week and get from ten to twelve pounds of butter at a churning.  We are having a very warm Fall, need summer clothing yet, and have had no<t> frost as yet.  The thermometer now (4-30 P.M.) registers 80° on our front porch.  Fruit is very abundant in this part of the country, the apple orchards are loaded, peaches very plenty and cheap, and Father says he never saw finer corn in his life.  Father and I were out for a ride Wednesday.  Father had business in Annandale and he rode over there, and took me with him.  It is about twelve miles from here, and we had a perfect day, and the roads were in splendid condition.
Peaches are almost over and how good these last ones taste.
Mrs Grey was buried a week ago Tuesday.  She was in Oswego with Helen at the time of her death.  Was buried here in the Cemetery.  Helen, Mrs Charles is still here, visiting at Voorhees!  She and her little daughter, the youngest, called the other day.  I had gone to Mission Band Meeting, and did'nt see her but Alletta & Auntie were home. 
Sophie came home from Sunday School to day feeling very happy because she has been promoted to the big room  Mrs Bell Thorton (Bell Mott) is her teacher.  She received a copy of The New Testament this year for learning the little catechism.  She was also promoted to the next higher room in day school this Fall.  She has learned to read very well indeed, and is fond of reading to herself.  Will started to school for the first this year.  He doesn't enjoy it very much yet, it is pretty hard work for him to keep still.              Alletta expects to go to Bloomsbury for about two weeks soon and I hope nothing will prevent her going.  The change will do her good I think and she did'nt get up there this summer as usual.  She will take Mary with her, but of course the others must stay at home to attend school.  Mary does'nt look as though she needed a change.  She is as big and fat and healthy as any one could wish.  Was two years old on the twenty seventh of Sept.  She begins to talk more now, but does'nt speak as plainly as the others did, is a little tongue tied.  Sam took a photo of her in her "wedding dress" when he was home and I will get Alleta to send you one.  We think them very good.  We have begun house_cleaning have two rooms done.
Kate Capner is to be married on Thursday.  I am invited to the wedding and expect to go.  She marries Hirvey Finch Jr.

[written across first page] Father is feeling quite well at present  The rest of us are all well.  I enclose a letter of Mins.  Please send it on to Sam when you have read it, Dont send it around to the relations please  Abbys caps have arrived and Min says they are lovely, hand_painted and so dainty.  Give my love to Ed & family and Uncle Daniel, keeping a large share for yourself
                                                                        Aff. your niece


                                                                        Bolton Nov. 10, 1891,
My Dear Niece,
            I wonder how you & husband are & also Edward & family & Abbie & family & all the rest of the relatives.  I have thought of you much & have been thinking of answering your good letter dated last August, but I have put it off from week to week.  I think I have told you Sue & Mollie were practicing in Stenography & Typewriting.  Well Sues' 21st birth day first of <Nov.> September Mary & Sue went to Boston to see if Sue could get a situation but could find no vacancy that day but left her address & came back the same day, She was examined & past the "test" & could have a recomend.  (There are a great many applications for every vacancy) As no call came she thought she should have a better chance if she were right there & she did fortunately for two weeks at a place, Now she thinks she has a permanent place.  One man told her he advertised two or three days one week & he had forty two applications,  He only wanted one, So you see when one gets prepared to do something there are so many others can do the same thing & can have a better chance that it is pretty difficult to get a permanent position
Sam got Mollie a place & she has been there since the first Monday in Oct. five weeks this last Mon.  Her employer seems satisfied & she is contented with her situation  She gets $7.00 (seven dollars) a week & may get more at the end of three months  Sue has had eight dollars a week.  All cannot get that, some experts get more.  Our girls room together & have a good boarding house  They pay four dollars a week & their washing done there.  Sue has so far come home 6 oclock Sat. evenings & plays the organ Sunday & returns Mon. morning starting from our door at 7 oclock & gets to Boston at 15 minutes of 9 oclock.  The choir rehearse at our house Sat. even., from 8 to 9 oclock & Sue is really pretty tired by that time.  We are glad to have her come home every week but we dont know as she will be able to stand it all winter.  She gets $50.00 a year for playing.  While here it was better than nothing.  It costs her a $1.10 to come home & go back every time & gets no reduction for her two days absence on her board bill.  One the whol we think it is vest for her to be there even on such conditions if she can stand it.  If it is too hard she will give up the Organ & not come home so often.  Mollie has been home but once but her  Mother has been down twice while she has been there
Sam is in the same place for five years & likes & is liked He sees the girls two or three times a week.  Took Mollie to the Theatre last Sat. night.  Perhaps you can understand that it has caused some thought & labor to get the girls prepared to go to Boston to get positions.  Sue & Molle have new outside garments & hats & new winter dresses &c &c.
Bessie remains at home, has not very good health, food distresses a good deal but she dont give up & is a great help in the family but has to be careful not to over exert herself.  Mary is not feeling very vigorous & calls her self well, as she is able to keep along but dont feel able to do much more than seems necessary to be done.  Amory is in usual health. Is in the apple busines again this Fall.  We dont know how he will come out this time.  I think it is not encouraging thus far.
My health is good for my age.  I can do my little work mostly.  I begin to feel a little touch of rheumatism coming upon me, & I tire more easily than I did when you last swaw me, but I can sew & knit & make buttonholes & mend & read. but I must have plenty of time to do it.  How I have written a great deal without saying much.  I want to hear from you very much.  I hope you are in comfortable health  We received the announcement of Minnie's marriage & want to hear about it & about Flemington friends.  How good they all are.  Thank you for the letter you sent in your last   I was glad to see it.  Perhaps I ought to have returned it sooner, but time speeds on.
            Mary joins with me in to you & husband & all,  S J. Wallis,
                        It is mail time


                                                            [Photocopy]            Oberlin, O. Dec. 10th 1891.

[Original handwriting] Dear Aunt Caroline,
[Photocopy]                        We were greatly shocked about noon of Dec. 1st to receive a telegram announcing my sister Lavinia's death, which occurred that morning at her home near Grinnell.  She had not enjoyed usual health since an attack of "La Grippe" a year ago last winter.  To save her from the exposures to the next cold season, her son Marcus and his wife sent for her a year ago, to spend the winter in Salt Lake City.  She was with them from the first of December to the latter part of April, but even there did not escape a second attack of the dreadful disease.  She however rallied, and I was with her a few days on her return.  She looked more delicate than I had ever seen her, but seemed cheerful and enjoyed talking of the strange things she had seen and heard at Salt Lake City.  I hoped that warmer weather would bring a return of her wonted strength, but some references to her health in letters received during the summer and autumn, gave me serious concern.  On Sep. 22nd after hearing that brother Theodore had been suffering from an attack of rheumatism, she wrote: "I am sorry you and Theodore have such a heritage of pain, but Dr. Safford used to say that "Pain was one of God's blessed ministers,' and though it seems hard to think it so, when tortured almost beyond endurance, yet I know from personal experience that it is <so> true, and I have never felt Him nearer, or his presence more consoling than at such times.  Earth loses its charms, and Heaven seems something to be longed for, as suffering increases, and our strength grows less."
            Her son Lynds is spending his second year with us, a member of the Senior College class.  It has been the plan for some time, that his mother should be here next summer, when he graduates, and that Kate Cowles and Margaret Starkey should meet her.  We were anticipating it as much, for Lavinia had not visited us for more than twenty years.  In writing her last letter to me Nov. 5, she is looking forward to it, saying "If I am no worse, when Lynds graduates than I am now, I think I should venture to go.  It will be a great disappointment if I can not, but I shall try to bear cheerfully, whatever the Blessed Master has in store for me."
            I felt hopeful that the right sort of medical treatment would relieve her difficulties, and wrote to her recommending a Sanitarium, where some of my friends had been successfully treated.  She returned word, writing to Lynds on Friday, Nov. 27th with her own hand, that she was not able to leave home at present, though feeling better at the time of writing.  Her physician, she said, did not encourage her to expect a return of health, but assured her that she could be made more comfortable.  This word was received on Monday and news of her death on Tuesday!
            Lynds started for Grinnell on the first through train, and has written particulars of her last days, and the funeral services.  I am greatly surprised to learn that the cause of her declining health was a cancer.  She was herself aware of the fact but with characteristic heroism kept it a secret from every one except her husband.  The immediate occasion of death was congestion of the liver and though that brought dreadful pain arriving the last three days of her life, it no doubt saved her more prolonged sufferings from the other disease.  Her physical exhaustion and distress were so great that there was no opportunity for parting words with her family, but when her husband raised her in his arms, that she might breathe more easily she said: "Don't hold me back Father.  I want to go Home."  Her letters as I read them now, show that she had anticipated the worst that came to her, and faced it calmly.  She had lived such as consistent, faithful christian life that we have no shadow of doubt that she is now tasting those joys "which eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man."
            She was the life of her family, dearly beloved and honored by all her children, who are proving the influence of her wholesome training.  The youngest of them is now twenty years of age, and there is not a frivolous or wayward one among them all; seven sons and one daughter!  Marcus came all the way from Salt Lake City to attend the funeral, which occurred at their home last Friday, her entire family being present. 
            The day was cold and there was snow upon the ground, but the weather did not prevent many near friends from gathering for the last sad services.  The hymn "My Jesus as Thou wilt" was followed by remarks in the same strain, and a most comforting prayer by Dr. Magoure.  Prof. Buck gave a sketch of her life, and the song "I know that my Redeemer lives" was sung at the close. -- As seemed fitting her sons bore her body to its last resting place near the grave of my mother.
            Her relatives who have known of her abundant labors and self denials in bringing up so large a family, had hoped she would enjoy an easier life in her later years -- reaping the fruitage of so much toil and care -- but in the sight of Him "who doeth all things well," she was ready for the kingdom above.  "The Lord's appointment is the servant's hour."
            Only the sweet and inspiring memory of her life remains to her loved ones, but we take comfort in the thought that her influence will continue to be felt in the lives of her children, and all whom she helped to aspire toward the best things.  In our time of supreme need may we look, as she did, to the great Consoler and find comfort and strength.
[Original handwriting]            I thought you knew enough of her to be interested in what I have written of her last days.  Mother's family all feel her death, deeply, but the loss seems greatest to me, because, being the oldest, I remember her, very well, as she was before her marriage.  Since Margaret's death, thirty one year's ago, she has been my only sister, and the bond between us was very strong.  Heaven ought to seem nearer and dearer, now that she is there!  Truly, I am coming to have as many friends there as in this world.
            We saw Carrie on her way home, and have heard from her since her arrival.  I hope she has been really benefitted by her stay in Castile, but she told me she never expected to be strong.  She is a dear sweet girl!
            Hoping you and uncle are both well, and with much love, in which the family join, I am,
                                                            Your affectionate niece
                                                                        Mary B. Shurtleff


                                                                        Beloit Wis. [Wisconsin]
                                                                                    Dec 23rd 1891
My dear Mother,
            We send to-day some felt shoes for you.  I wish I had asked before hand whether father would have liked some.  If he would tell me & I can send him something  Tell me about what he would like if he wants something in that line.  I send him a little book that if he has not read, I think he would enjoy.
            Carrie is home & I will write you about her as soon as I can  she is not yet greatly better, strength improved in some ways.
            Almon goes to-morrow if he is able -- he is suffering from a severe cold -- to Oberlin to see his Father, who is very feeble just now.  we hope it will not prove serious, but are quite alarmed.  I dont know as I have written you since Austins death.  He was buried two weeks ago to-day.  His family remain in Mystic till April next the neighboring ministers supplying the pulpit & she receiving the salary.  It is probable that she will then go to Oberlin to educate the children.  $5.000 life insurance.  His age was forty two.  Papers & money that you sent received.  I can not write more now as we are terribly busy but will try to write again before very long  May Christmas be a pleasant day to you.  God bless & keep you both.
                                                                        With love,
