Box 4 Folder 12

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[Addressed to]                                                            Mrs. Caroline Grant,
                                                                        New Marlborough,
[Printed return address]                                    Return to HOLMES & GAY,
                                                                        WEST WINSTED, Conn.,
                                                                        If not delivered within 5 days.
                                                                        West Winsted, Conn.,
                                                                        Jan’y. 7th, 1892.
Mrs. Caroline Grant,
            New Marlborough, Mass.
Dear Madam:-
            We have your letter of the 6th inst., and replying would say that there is in the Bank $100.70 to the credit of Daniel Grant, and $10.60 to your credit. 
            We are sorry to learn of the death of your husband.  The influenza is very prevalent here, and we think that there are three or four persons who have died within twenty-four hours, and two or three others not expected to live.
                                                                        Yours truly,
[Signature]                                                            Holmes & Gay


[Note at top of letter]                        Mary Shurtleff writes in this of Mary Grant Burges.
                                                                        Oberlin, O. [Ohio] Jan. 7th 1892.
Dear aunt Caroline,
            The tidings contained in your letter of the 3rd ought not to have surprised me, and yet, as some time had passed without my hearing any thing, I had begun to hope that it would not come as a result of this illness. – Grandfather’s family are all gone now, except Marcus.  The circle of our older relatives seems rapidly contracting.  If it were not for our interest in the generation just coming on, there would seem to be little left to us, to make it worth while to live.  Let us rejoice that there is so much of promise, so much to look forward to, with hope and confidence, among the younger portion of our kindred!
            I have thought much of the sad trip to Colebrook on Tuesday.  Was it taken in carriages or by rail?  I hope the weather was not unusually inclement, and that you were not altogether prostrated by fatigue! – I should be glad to know how you found uncle Marcus’ family.
            I can not endure to think of your living all alone, in that large house!  Surely some arrangement will soon be made by which you will be assured of congenial company.  I have thought that you might have Mrs. Pinney with you, or perhaps you will think it better to dispose of your present home. and be with Edward’s [Edward Grant] family or Abbie’s [Abigail E. Grant Burr].  If you come this way, we shall want to claim a long visit from you.
            I think you will be glad to hear of something I have lately heard from Mrs. Harding, a returned missionary to India, with reference to aunt Mary Burgess.  Mrs. Harding is one of the loveliest of women, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ballantine who were associated with Mr. and Mrs. Burgess at Ahmednugger [India].  She has often heard her mother speak of aunt Mary, whom she dearly loved.  Mrs. Ballantine was with aunt Mary [Mary Grant Burgess] when she died, and always spoke of her death as a great loss to the mission.  Mrs. Harding says she has often seen her grave, and that of little Edwin  [Edwin Burgess] who lies by her side.  The cemetery is well taken care of by the English people resident in Ahmednugger. – I know you would enjoy meeting this Mrs. Harding.  She and her husband came with their family, for a year’s rest in this country, and decided to locate in Oberlin, for the sake of the school advantages.  Beside Mrs. Harding is our own cousin of the President of the College, Mrs. G. Ballantine.  The Hardings expect to remain here till next September, when the parents will return to India, with part of the children.  Mrs. Harding gave a very interesting talk to our missionary society, yesterday afternoon. – It was on account of preparations for that meeting, that I failed to give earlier response to your letter.
            We are all usually well here, except Mr. Shurtleff, who is somewhat affected by a cold, though he keeps rounds at his accustomed work.  The family all unite with me in expressing their love and sympathy in this time of sorrow.
                                                                        Your affectionate niece
                                                                        Mary B. Shurtleff.


[Addressed to]                                                            Mrs. Caroline Grant
                                                                        New Marlboro
                                                                        Berkshire Co.
                                                                        Mass. [Massachusetts]
[Printed return address]                                    RETURN AFTER TEN DAYS TO
                                                                        <WILLIAM HENRY SMITH,>
                                                                        <DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF LAW,>
                                                                        UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA.
[Note on envelope]            from Theron Crissey 1892
                                                                        Lincoln Neb. Jan’y. 24, 1892.
Dear Cousin Caroline:
            I heard recently, through a letter from my brother Ralph, of the death of Mr. Grant, and have had it in mind to write you ever since, but this Sabbath afternoon seems to be my first opportunity.  I am not surprised to learn of his death, as he seemed feeble, when I saw him last June, and this winter seems to be unusually severe with persons advanced in life, where they have become somewhat enfeebled.  I realize somewhat I believe your bereavement and loneliness, now that your companion is gone, to return no more, and that your home must seem quite desolate, if you find yourself there, all alone.  As I advance in life I realize much more than formerly the greatness of the loss to the one who remains, when a couple who have been united for many years are separated by death.  But there is such a comfort in the thought that the separation is but for a little time.  The one who has “passed over unto the other side,” has reached the end of his journey, and is at rest, at home.  “Tossed no more on life’s rough billow,
                                                     “All the storms of sorrow fled,
                                                     “Death has formed a quiet pillow,
                                                     “For the faithful Christian’s head,
                                                     “Peaceful slumbers, guarding o’er his lowly bed.”
                                                     “Fixed in an Eternal State,
                                                     “They have done with all below;
                                                     “We a little longer wait;
                                                    “But how little, none can know.”
            What a comfort it is, when our friends are removed from us by death, to feel assured that it is well with them; - that they learned the great “lesson of life;” – that they were prepared for the great change, and are at rest.
            I know a little of how hard it is to feel resigned to God’s will sometimes, when our dearest earthly friends are removed.  When my dear sister Olive was taken away, it did seem as though I could not have it so, and that it was a mistake in some way, and wrong, and that it must not be so: - but I have felt comforted many times by the thought that she escaped many of the trials, disappointments and griefs which come to nearly everyone, in one way or another, whose days on earth are lengthened.
            May the blessed Comforter, who knows the burden and grief of every heart, be very present to you, dealing tenderly with you, and sustaining you every day and hour, helping you to “lean heavily” upon His sustaining arm.
            Did Mr. Grant have a severe sickness at the last, or did he fail gradually?  I should be pleased to hear from you and learn the particulars of his death.
            I called upon Hattie Burr, Kilburn, thinking she had not heard of Mr. Grant’s death, but found that she had seen a notice of it in the Winsted Herald.
            She said she had thought of you a great deal since she heard of his death, and would have written you, if her eyes would have permitted it.  She wished me to remember her very kindly to you.
Hattie’s health is pretty good now, except that her eyes trouble her very much, so that she cannot use glasses at all, and cannot see to read, write or sew.  She has a very pleasant home, but there seems to be a serious drawback to her happiness in the trouble with her eyes.  Charlie Burr’s oldest boy, (Frank Daniel,) boards at Mr. Kilburn’s, and is Clerk in a Savings Bank here, of which Mr. Kilburn is a Director.  Charlie lives in Gove Co. Kansas.  Martha (Burr Stocking) lives now in Creighton, this State.  She has a nice family: three boys & three girls.  As for myself, I am feeling much better than when I was East, last June.
            From Ralph’s letter, I judge that there is a very un-usual amount of sickness in Norfolk and vicinity, and he mentioned several deaths there recently.  So the old acquaintances and friends are one by being “gathered home.”  My wife heard quite recently of the death of an Aunt, a sister of her mother, in Boston.  She had been in poor health for years, having at times severe attacks of asthma;
            I shall hope to hear <f>how your son’s health is.  We heard from him several weeks ago through Dr. Hartwell, who stopped over a day with us on her return to Colorado, and understood from her that he was somewhat improved.  Ralph wrote that Mary, Warren’s wife, had been quite sick with “la grippe.”  I have not heard directly from them.
You told me last summer when I saw you where your daughter’s home is, but I have forgotten.  The thought has been <possibly> in my mind that possibly you will go and have your home near or with her.
            My letter has reached great length b<y>ut I do not seem to have said much.  You and Erastus, and Uncle Silas three children are all the cousins I have remaining alive.  Albert Norton, William Norton’s oldest son (He lives in Waterloo, Iowa,) is only a little younger than I am and always has seemed quite near to me, as have also some other second cousins, especially Halsey Hulburt’s children.
            I shall hope to hear from you if you have the time and feel able to write.  Give kind regards to Edward and his family, as I suppose you see them frequently.
                                                                        I am Your cousin
                                                                        Theron [M?]. Crissey.
                                                                        Lincoln Neb.
Direct, P. O. Drawer 1493.


[Addressed to]                                    Mrs Caroline B. Grant –
                                                c/o Ewd B. Grant Esq.
                                                Southfield –
                                                Mass. [Massachusetts]
                                                                        5 Forest St.
                                                                        Oberlin Ohio
                                                                        Feb. 15th 1892
Dear Aunty:
            Have been thinking much of you lately and in Father’s letter received this A. M. he writes that you have sold cow and chicken & rented house  This last item must be in one sense a blessing, and yet it will make you much work if you have to give possession very soon  How I wish it were possible to divide myself into three persons then one part of me would go to you and one part would go to Flemington  [New Jersey] Allies nurse was obliged to leave having another engagement, and the third part would stay here where I am still needed to look after these patients
            My husband did his regular work last week  One morning Thurs. I think he felt so much worse that I went for the Dr.  When he came he wanted to keep bed that day but finally told him if he would go in a carriage & return in the same way, he might be allowed to do so  But it is very hard for him to properly estimate his strength  He was in the house four weeks the longest time he was ever away from his classes because of illness  Well am glad it did not come last year when I could not have seen him, or done anything for him  Mother Wright has been sick six weeks is now able to come down to all her meals gains strength but slowly  As for myself am well but of course feel somewhat tired  We had a nurse for Mother W. three weeks constantly and the fourth week the nurse was here at night  I took all care of A. night and day but he needed but little care at night after first two weeks
            I had a sympathetic attack of la grippe  Should have been in bed several days if it had been possible  The nurse did come down and take care of Albert and me too for two days  I was up but not able to do much but I came up again very rapidly.  Am very thankful it was so
            Mrs Shurtleff was in Sat. eve spoke of writing you within a day or two  I do greatly enjoy her friendship
            I think I have written you since Uncle’s death but have no recollection of what I said  I am glad that Providence brought Uncle D. thr[u]’ all his wanderings into a quiet home for several years  And I am glad too that he is laid to rest in Colebrook  I remember the last time I was in Conn. [Connecticut] that I saw the beautiful spot where “They who have gone before” were sleeping.  It was in such neat order and seemed such a peaceful spot  Mary Sage I think took one there
            I do hope you can rest some but how can you at Edwards where so many things will walk right into your hands to do  But really it is your duty to spare yourself if possible after these weeks of unusual strain.  My mind would be easier about you if you were at Abbys tho’ I know how you feel about it I suppose, but, dont overdue  I do want to see you very much  Oh dear me the truth is I do get home sick for my own [Jobber?] sometimes  Not that I am not happy  I am but I just ache once in a while to talk things over.  Dont worry about me one bit  They are all just as good to me here as they can be.  And I do enjoy and trust my husband more and more
            How sorry I am for Emma [Penton?]  It does seem dreadful that people should be burned to death as he Alonzo Townsend was.  Some ladies from Flem. William H [Fullers?] widow & daughter were at the same hotel that night and barely escaped with their lives  I do not remember to have heard a word about Aunt Jane Wallace  What do you hear from her  Wish you might visit her sometime  I send a newspaper with acct. of celebration they gave Almon’s Father on his 80th birthday
            Do you remember that Saturday was Father’s birthday  Seventy years and the oldest of the living Hills.  I sent him a birthday letter  It comes to me that next Monday is your birthday  I wish for you years of comfort and quiet happiness  It does trouble me that I have had nothing to send you this year  Believe me it is not that I do not think of it and long to do it  But it has seemed impossible  But I love you and shall never forget all the loving kindnesses that have come to me from you  Nor do I forget how dearly our Mother loved you and how close and near you were to each other.  Oh!  I do long so sometimes just to see Mother and hear her speak once more.  But she has been spared much that would have been hard for her to bear  For that I am thankful  Will you be seventy two or three  I do not seem to remember just how much older Mother was  Now I feel that I must close  Give love to Ewd. and [Lucy?]  Keep the largest share for your own self                                                            From your loving niece
                                                                        Mary [P. B Sh.?] Wright


[Addressed to]                                                            Mrs Caroline Grant
                                                                        Mass [Massachusetts]
[Note on envelope]            from Mrs Geo Fuller
                                                                        New Marlboro
                                                                        Feb. 19th. 1892.
Mrs Grant
Dear. Friend
            I recived yours last night  Mr. Fitzpatrick wanted me to ask you if you could have the house or part of it cleared by the first of March because he has a chanch to rent it and is afraid of loseing the rent of it  I can help you right away if you want me as Miss Cadwell is here to stay with Alice, or when I get back just as you like  I cannot help your son now for I would not dare to go so far away from home for I am afraid they will send for me or Telephone for me.  I think I shall go to Gt Barrington Monday and then I will see about your [Hat?]  Alice is a getting along nicely
                                                                        Yours Truly
                                                                        Mrs Geo. Fuller.


[Addressed to]                                                            Mrs. Caroline Grant.
                                                                        Berkshire Co.
                                                                        Mass. [Massachusetts]
[Note on envelope]                        from Abigail E. Grant Burr
                                                Beloit Wis. [Wisconsin]
                                                May 29th 1892
My dear Mother,
            We were so glad to get a letter from you again  It was such a very long time since we had heard, & were glad of all the particulars that you gave, for I have wondered so much how things were going with you & Edward.  Will attend to matters of which you spoke, [spoon?], bible &c.  I know I shall be glad to have some of the things of which you spoke, [bidding?] &c.  Mr. Burr is sick to-day but is keeping quiet, & hopes to be around tomorrow.  The children are all as usual, are at church this morning.  This is a most beautiful day.
Tuesday we.
Mrs. Emerson came down yesterday to return all her furniture from the house.  She could not have come at a more inconvenient time for me, as we are expecting company this week – Almons classmate – Florence Kellogg & her husband.  And the Academy reception comes in two weeks.  Commencement company &c.  It looks like absolute meanness, because she knows that [theres?] no time to replace things now. 
You ask why we cannot pay more rent?  Because we cannot afford what she asks.  We now pay $20.00 a month & she reserves some rooms  We do not feel that we can afford more than $25.00 a month.  We have offered that but they want $40.00 a month so that we cannot pay  Neither is the house worth it.  Every one says that they cannot get it.  About Mr. Emerson, no one knows what he thinks she wont let him peep & manages everything herself.  I presume if they put the place in decent repair that we would pay $29.00 <or> - $35.00 pr year rather than more, but I think from the way Mrs. E. talks that they, would rather let the house be vacant. <than wait>
Your second letter enclosing check to be signed came yesterday, have signed as you see & will try not to forget to put it in.
Was glad to see Mary Shurtleffs letter it told me quite a bit of news, as you surmised different from what the girls write.
Adelie Emerson is still here though visiting elsewhere for a few <...> days, will be back with us the last of the week.  I think she is improving quite fast now.  It has been our intention to have you come back with me when I come home from my visit, & we hope that nothing will happen to prevent it.  We expect to have room for you whenever we have to move.  I would like to stay here for your sake if we could have the whole house, but as it is now, we could have no room here, for Mrs E will not let me have the large front rooms upstairs, unless we pay $40.00 a month, so we have to move.  We feel very much that we must have you with us this winter.  The children want it as well as we older ones.  About our coming, we shall not all come as we at first planned.  I think that plan was given up when Father died.  I doubt if Almon comes, & which of the children or whether either I dont yet know.
When would you prefer to have me come?  As soon as I can after Commencement?  or later?  I dont yet know when I can come, but will try to come at at your convenience if possible. 
Do not worry about your dresses.  We can get dresses [after?] at the house here & it will be much easier to attend to your wardrobe than there.
            I was glad to hear a few words about the children, in whom I am always interested.  Arthur & I are looking forward to much pleasure in driving there by & by.
With love to you all
                                                                        Your aff daughter