Frances Hiatt Fellowship

Frances Hiatt Fellowships were awarded from 1980-93. The fellowship was open to graduate students at work on doctoral dissertations. The funds for these fellowships derived from a gift made by Jacob Hiatt (1905-2001) of Worcester, Massachusetts, in memory of his wife Frances (d. 1980)


Date Name Affiliation Position
1992-93 Patricia A. Crain Columbia University PhD Candidate Cultures of Reading in the American Renaissance
1992-93 Erik R. Seeman University of Michigan PhD Candidate Laity, Clergy, and the Shaping of Popular Religious Culture in New England, 1720-1770
1991-92 Alice E. Fahs New York University PhD Candidate Publishing the Civil War: Northern Publishers and the Literary Marketplace of War
1991-92 Catherine A. Brekus Yale University PhD Candidate Female Preaching and Evangelical Religion in America, 1740-1840
1991-92 Lucy Rinehart Columbia University PhD Candidate The Drama of Democracy: The Staging of America from the Revolution to the Civil War
1990-91 Todd Gernes Brown University PhD Candidate Schoolgirls: Young Women's Literary Culture, Political Expression, and the Aesthetics of Affiliation in Nineteenth-Century America
1990-91 Elliot B. Davis Harvard University Teaching Assistant American Drawing Books, 1820-80: Practical Guides for Artist and Artisan
1989-90 Vivian Conger Cornell University PhD Candidate Being Weak of Body but Firm of Mind and Memory: Widowhood in Colonial America, 1630-1750
1989-90 Mark Mastromarino College of William and Mary PhD Candidate Elkanah Watson and Massachusetts Agricultural Fairs
1989-90 Alan Gibson University of Notre Dame PhD Candidate The Development of the Concept of Public Opinion in the American Enlightenment, 1760-1800
1988-89 Steven Wilf Yale University PhD Candidate Public Executions and the Rituals of Order in the Late 18th Century
1988-89 Margaret Newell University of Virginia PhD Candidate Economic Ideology and Development in New England, 1629-1820
1988-89 Peter Way University of Maryland PhD Candidate Rough Labor: The Digging of North America's Canals, 1780-1860
1987-88 Nancy G. Isenberg University of Wisconsin, Madison PhD Candidate `Co-Equality of the Sexes': The Feminist and Religious Discourse of the Nineteenth-Century Woman's Rights Movement in America, 1848-60
1987-88 Mark Schantz Emory College PhD Candidate Piety in Providence: The class Dimensions of Religious Experience in Providence, Rhode Island, 1790-1860
1987-88 Saul Cornell University of Pennsylvania Andrew W. Mellon Fellow The Political Thought and Culture of the Antifederalists
1986-87 Richard R. John University of Illinois, Chicago Instructor Managing the Mails: The American Postal System and the Communications Revolution in the Early Republic
1986-87 Dona Brown Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Visiting Instructor Tourism in New England
1985-86 Elaine Swift Harvard University PhD Candidate Reconstitutive Congressional Change: The Case of the US Senate, 1789-1841
1985-86 Ann D. Braude Yale University PhD Candidate Women in American Spiritualism
1984-85 Patricia Watson Johns Hopkins University PhD Candidate Preacher-Physicians of Colonial New England
1984-85 David Weir Princeton University PhD Candidate The Covenant in New England, 1620-80
1984-85 Priscilla Brewer Brown University PhD Candidate Technology and Domestic Ideology in the Nineteenth-Century
1983-84 Andrea J. Tucher New York University PhD Candidate Froth and Scum: Murder, News, and Murder News in the New York Penny Press, 1833-1860
1983-84 Harlow Sheidley University of Connecticut PhD Candidate Sectional Nationalism: Massachusetts Conservatives and the Epic of New England, 1815-1836
1982-83 Nym Cooke Eagle Hill School Lives of the Psalmodists
1982-83 Louis P. Masur Princeton University PhD Candidate The Culture of Executions in America, 1776-1860
1981-82 David Philip Jaffee Harvard University Teaching Fellow The Formation of a Yankee Culture
1980-81 Beverly Held University of Michigan PhD Candidate American Festivals--The Early Republican