Portrait by photographer Arthur Pointer. Catalog record.
- American Historical Print Collectors Society
- Archives of American Art
- Archive of Early American Images at the John Carter Brown Library
- Artists in the Archive: Creative and Performing Artists & Writers Fellowships
- Borderlands Archives Cartography
- Boston Athenaeum Digital Collections
- Bryn Mawr College Center for Visual Culture
- California Heritage Collection
- Center for Black Visual Culture at New York University
- David Rumsey Map Collection
- Ephemera Society of America
- GIGI: The AAS Digital Image Archive
- Graphics Atlas
- Images of the American Civil War: Photographs, Posters, and Ephemera
- Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Online Catalog
- The MET Collection
- Newberry Library Digital Collections
- New York Public Library Digital Collections
- Philadelphia on Stone
- Political Campaign Memorabilia at Cornell University
- Princeton University Graphic Arts Collection
- Sheet Music Consortium
- Trade Cards: The Art of American Advertising
- Visual Culture Program at the Library Company of Philadelphia
- Winterthur Library Digital Collections