American Studies Seminar for Undergraduates

Fall 2025
Poetry in the Press

Who in the twenty-first-century reads newspapers and journals for poetic inspiration? Yet in the nineteenth-century, newspapers and magazines featured poems covering a wide variety of topics: labor, fashion, abolition, temperance, war, women’s rights, death, love, nature, religion, and more. In this year's American Studies Seminar, students will examine poetry in nineteenth-century periodicals and other forms of mass printing (broadsides, chapbooks, compilations). They will explore what these poems tell us about popular print media over time; how editors positioned poetry in their publications; how poetry was used to influence readers; which authors appeared most prominently and to what effect. In a workshop setting, students have an opportunity to interact with numerous archival materials, produce significant research projects, and experiment with poems of their own. There are no prerequisites.

When and Where

The seminar will meet Thursday afternoons, from 2-4 p.m., at the American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury Street, Worcester, Massachusetts.

About the Instructor

Wyn Kelley, Senior Lecturer in the Literature Faculty at MIT, has published academic research on 19th-century authors, and also had considerable experience in print and digital editing. As a recent NEH fellow at the American Antiquarian Society, she commenced new work on Frances E. W. Harper and her writing in The Anglo-African Magazine. In that project and other recent scholarship, she has been particularly interested in the presence of Brazilian stories of enslavement and freedom in United States print culture.

Eligibility and Application

The seminar welcomes applications from students enrolled at one of the five participating institutions whose academic record, personal statement, and letter of recommendation indicate a commitment to academic excellence, the ability to work independently, and a sincere interest in the seminar’s subject matter.

Eligible students may contact one of the faculty representatives listed above for more information.

Apply Online  

About the American Studies Seminar

The theme and leader of each year's American Studies Seminar change, but all provide a rare opportunity for undergraduates enrolled at one of the five participating institutions to do primary, in-person research in a major research library.

Admission to the seminar is coordinated by the following faculty representatives on each of the five participating campuses:

  • Assumption University: John F. Bell, jf.bell [at] (jf[dot]bell[at]assumption[dot]edu)
  • Clark University: Meredith Neuman, meneuman [at] (meneuman[at]clark[dot]edu)
  • College of the Holy Cross: Gwenn Miller, gmiller [at] (gmiller[at]holycross[dot]edu)
  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute: Prof. Steven C. Bullock, HUA, sbullock [at] (sbullock[at]wpi[dot]edu)
  • Worcester State University: Alison Okuda, thangen [at] (aokuda[at]worcester[dot]edu)

Previous Seminars

Year Leaders / Presenters Title
2025 Wyn Kelley American Studies Seminar for Undergraduates: Poetry in the Press
2024 Joseph M. Adelman Living in New England in the Age of Revolutions
2023 Leonard von Morzé Water, Land, and Ecology: Doing Environmental History in Early America
2022 Britt M. Rusert We Protect Us: Early American Histories of Mutual Aid and Community Care
2021 Holly Jackson A Second and More Glorious Revolution: Protest and Radical Thought in the Nineteenth-Century United States
2019 Lisa H. Wilson Pirates in Early America
2018 Jen Manion Early American Transgender Studies
2017 Robert F. Forrant Industrializing Massachusetts: Lowell, Springfield, and Worcester, 1800-1875
2016 Joanne Pope Melish The Worm in the Apple: Slavery, Emancipation, and Race in Early New England
2015 Kevin M. Levin The North's Civil War: Union and Emancipation
2014 Caroline Frank Portraits, Dolls, and Effigies: Humans as Objects in America
2013 Daniel Klinghard The Nineteenth-Century Networked Nation: The Politics of American Technology, 1776-1876
2012 Stephen A. Marini Reason, Revival, and Revolution: Religion in America's Founding, 1726-1792
2011 Hannah Carlson Dressing Democracy: Clothing and Culture in America
2010 Sarah Anne Carter History of Sexuality in Early America
2009 Megan Kate Nelson America's Environmental Histories
2008 Jack W. Larkin "Written by himself... Written by herself" American Life Stories: The Northern United States 1780-1860
2007 Kevin Sweeney Captive Histories: Puritan Captivity Narratives and Native Stories from the Era of the Colonial Wars, 1675-1760
2006 Joseph Cullon Personal Narratives from the Age of the American Revolution, Or Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times
2005 Jack W. Larkin Childhoods Actual and Imagined: New England, 1790-1860
2004 Catherine A. Corman Communication in the Early Nation: Literacy and Print in America, 1750-1840
2003 Carolyn J. Lawes Imagining the Civil War: Race, Gender and the Popular Culture, 1860-1877
2002 Helen R. Deese Private Writings: Their Uses and Value for History and Literature
2001 Daniel A. Cohen Crime, Punishment, and Popular Culture in Early America, 1674-1860
2000 Harvey Green Romanticism Confronts History: Literary and Material Culture in the United States, 1820-1876
1999 Barnes Riznik The Shaping of Historical Memory: Collecting the Artifacts of America's Past, 1790-1840
1998 Gregory H. Nobles Seeing America First: Exploration and Imagination in North America, 1500-1900
1997 Ann V. Fabian Accounts of the Self: Autobiography and Personal Narrative in Antebellum America
1996 Wayne S. Franklin Revolutionary Narratives: Memory and Desire in Antebellum America
1995 Janice Simon Wilderness Views: Nature as Other, Self, and Enterprise in American Culture c.1776-1900
1994 Samuel F. Pickering Jr. Children's Books and Childhood Reading in Early America
1993 Dona Brown The Invention of New England in the Nineteenth Century
1992 Lee E. Heller Little Women and Self-Made Men: Gender in the Nineteenth Century
1991 William W. Freehling Slavery and Antislavery in American Civilization, 1820-1861
1990 Jonathan M. Chu Law and Society in America, 1760-1860
1989 Stephen A. Marini Religion in the American Revolution
1988 Philip Cash Health and Health Care in America's Past
1987 Charles E. Clark The Constitution and the Press, 1787-1788: Popular Culture, Political Opinion, and the Ratification Debates
1986 John Conron The American Landscape
1985 Betty Mitchell Antebellum and Civil War Biography
1984 Robert R. Dykstra The Lethal Imagination: Perceptions of Western Violence in American Thought, 1850-1900
1983 Charles Fanning Ethnic America Before the Flood: The Irish and Others
1982 Donald M. Scott High Culture, Low Culture: Recreation and Entertainment in Nineteenth-Century America
1981 Ross W. Beales Jr. Individual, Family, and Community in Eighteenth-Century New England
1980 Kenneth J. Moynihan , Charles Estus Community Life in Preindustrial Worcester
1979 David D. Hall Popular Culture in Preindustrial America, 1650-1850
1978 Stephen W. Nissenbaum Literature and Society in Jacksonian America: Writers Confront the Marketplace