
Almanac: twice annual newsletter
Almanac, a newsletter for members and friends of AAS, is published twice annually in spring/summer and fall/winter. Its purpose is to publish news and feature stories regarding the collections, those who use the library, and members of the Society.

Past is Present: The blog of the American Antiquarian Society
This blog provides a virtual platform to highlight AAS’s antiquarian treasures (and oddities) as well as to share helpful resources, programs, and events.

Annual Reports (2008-present)
Annual reports provide an overview of the year: notable acquisitions, fellows and scholarly research, seminars and conferences, workshops for K-12 educators, publications, public programs, endowed lectures, online exhibitions, and behind-the-scenes work being done in cataloging, conservation, and digitization.

Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society (1880-2008): available in PDFs
The Society's journal has been a source for articles, bibliographies, and tools for scholarship within the general area of American history and culture through 1876.

Books in Print
AAS publishes books under its own imprint. Most are bibliographies of key genres or areas of American imprints, edited primary documents, other reference tools, and papers from AAS conferences. Full color exhibition catalogs have accompanied recent AAS exhibitions, including Beyond Midnight: Paul Revere (2019) and In Pursuit of a Vision: Two Centuries of Collecting at the American Antiquarian Society (2012).

Commonplace: The Journal of Early American Life
In 2019, the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture joined the AAS in a new partnership to redesign and reinvigorate the site. Commonplace, a destination for exploring and exchanging ideas about early American history and culture. A bit less formal than a scholarly journal, a bit more scholarly than a popular magazine, Commonplace speaks—and listens—to scholars, museum curators, teachers, hobbyists, and just about anyone interested in American history before 1900. 

Just Teach One
Recovery of neglected or forgotten texts is an integral part of teaching and writing in early American studies. Just Teach One hopes to provide a modest attempt to further this work.

Just Teach One: Early African American Print
Scholars continue to rediscover new and fascinating texts, authors, and communities—in part by looking at venues like the Black press and the Colored Convention movement often unknown to or ignored by earlier literary historians. In order to advance textual recovery work we encourage folks to take the next step in rethinking the American literary and cultural landscape by agreeing to “just teach one” lesser-known early African American text.