The following names have a bookplate in the personal bookplate collection. The institutional name list is in process.
An inventory for the personal bookplate collection, including location, dates, and notes, is available as an Excel sheet.
A., C. D.
A., C. & F. M. & C.
A., C. H.
A., M. A.
A., W. H.
Abbot, Henry W.
Abbot, J. H.
Abbott, Holker
Abbott, John Caldwell
Abbott, Samuel A.B.
Abbott, Simon C.
Abbott, Jun., Timothy
Abercrombie, James
Abercromby, Sir. Robert
Abercrombie, Wm. H.
Ackley, J. Edward
Acland, Arthur H. Dyke
Adair, James
Adam, John
Adam, Lucy
Adam, Robert
Adams, Adam
Adams, Andrew
Adams, Jr., C. G.
Adams, Charles
Adams, Charles Francis
Adams, D.
Adams, Frederick A.L.
Adams, H. W.
Adams, Hannah
Adams, Henry
Adams, Henry Brooks
Adams, Isaac
Adams, Israel
Adams, James H.
Adams, John
Adams, John Quincy
Adams, John Wheelock
Adams, Josiah Howard
Adams , Lydia
Adams, D.D., Richard Newton
Adams, May
Adams, Robert
Adams, Samuel
Adams, Simeon P.
Adams, Walter
Adams, Labdiel B.
Addis, Henry P.
Adolphus, Esq., John
Affleck, James
Acard, Horace
Agor, Lydia
Agnew, Esq., James
Agnew, Esq., John
Aiken, Edward
A. , T.
Ainsliel, G. R.
Ainsworth, Charles W.
Ainsworth, J. H.
Aitken, T.
Akin, Bartholomew
Akin, Eugene L.
Akin, Thomas B.
Alden, Jun., Timothy
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
Alexander, Andrew
Alexander, L.
Alexander, Jr., Moses W.
Alexander, William W.
Allan, John
Allan, M.D., Richard
Allan, William
Allderdice, John A.
Allen, C. E.
Allen, Charles J.
Allen, Charles L.
Allen, D. C.
Allen, E. M.
Allen, Ephraim W.
Allen, Geo.
Allen, Jr. , Geo.
Allen, George L.
Allen, Jeremiah B.
Allen, John
Allen, John Campbell
Allen, John W.
Allen, Jonathan A.
Allen, Isaiah
Allen, Moses
Allen, Nathan
Allen, Normand F.
Allen, Paschal
Allen, Ralph S.
Allen, Sarah P.
Allen, Samuel
Allen, Seth
Allen, Stephen
Allen, Steph.
Allen, William
Alleyne, Esq. , John F.
Alleyne, Thomas
Allgaier, John
Allen, Jared
Alling, Ebenezer
Allinson, Margaret
Allison, Edward
Allison, Joseph J.
Allison, Richard
Almon, Mather B.
Almon, W. J.
Alfonsen, S.
Alsop, Joseph W.
Alsop, Richard
Alston, B. H.
Alston, Charles
Alston, James
Alston, John Ashe
Alston, Joseph
Alston, Philip W.
Ambler, John Jaquelin
American Board of Commissioners,
Amerman, James L.
Ames, Jr. , O.
Amherst, Lord Jeffery
Ammon, David
Amory, Jr. , J.
Amory, Jr. , Thomas C.
Amory, Jr. , William
Amsbury, Eleazer N.
Anderson, Alex.
Anderson , Alex.
Anderson, Amasa
Anderson, Edward J.
Anderson, F. P.
Anderson, James
Anderson , James M.
Anderson, James Madison
Anderson, John
Anderson, Lewis
Anderson, Mortimer C.
Anderson, Thomas D.
Anderson, W. J.
Anderson , William Preston
Andrade, J. M.
Andrew, Charles
Andrew, John
Andrew, W. J. Dewes
Andrews, Benjamin
Andrews, Benj.
Andrews, Daniel
Andrews, Eliza
Andrews, Garnett
Andrews, George H.
Andrews, George
Andrews, Henry P.
Andrews, I. G.
Andrews, J.
Andrews, James
Andrews, John
Andrews, Joseph
Andrews LLB, Townsend
Andrews, W. S.
Andrews, W. L.
Andrews, W.
Andrews, William W.
Angell, George A.
Angerstein, John
Angus, Joseph
Ankrim, Josiah
Annis, S. H.
Annis, John W.
Ansley, Gilbt.
Anthony, Belle H.
Anthony , Edmund
Anthony , Henry B.
Anthony, Henry B.
Anthony , James
Anthony , Joseph B.
Anthony, Samuel
Antill, Esq., Edward
Antill, Esq., John
Antill, Lewis
Antrobus, Sir Edmund
Aplins?, William
Appleton, D. F.
Appleton, Daniel
Appleton, Francis H.
Appleton, G. L.
Appleton, Nathan
Appleton, Samuel
Appleton, Thomas Gold
Appleton, W. S.
Apthorp, Steph.
Apthorp, Thomas
Apthorp, Thos.
Apthorp, Ste.
Apthorp, A.M., East
Apthorp, J. T.
Apthorp , William
Archibald, Thomas G.
Archdeacon, S.
Archer, Allin L.
Archer, John
Archer, William
Archibald, A. G.
Arden, John
Arkwright, Richd.
Armiger, Samuel Wall
Armistead, Jr., T. Stuart
Armor, Dr. Edward
Armstrong, Andw.
Armstrong, A.
Armstrong, Collin
Armstrong , Edward
Armstrong, J. C.
Armstrong, Gen. John
Armstrong, Jr. , John
Arnold, NY
Arnold, Jr., Benjamin
Arnold, Jr. , Benjamin
Arnold, Benjamin Greene
Arnold, Aaron
Arnold, Charles
Arnold, Esq., George
Arnold, George U.
Arnold, Oliver C.
Arnold, S. G.
Arnold, Samuel
Arnold, Welcome
Arthur, Chester A.
Arthur, Mary Y.
Asay, Edward G.
Asay, E. G.
Ash, M.D., James
Ash, M.D., John
Ashcraft, Elam S.
Ashe, Rev. Robt.
Ashe, John Baptist
Ashfield, Lewis Morris
Ashhurst, John
Ashhurst, Lewis Richard
Ashhurst , Lewis Richard
Ashhurst, Mabel
Ashhurst, Roger
Ashmead, Saml. B.
Ashton, M.D., S. K.
Ashwell, Charles
Askin, Duncan M.
Asmus, J. H.M.
Aspinwall, John A.
Aspinwall, Lloyd
Aspinwall, W. K.
Aspinwall, Wm. H.
Asheton, M.D., Ralph
Asheton ,Esq., William
Asheton, Wm.
Astell, Wm.
Athawes, John
Athawes, Samuel
Atherley, Arthur
Atherton, Charles H.
Atkeson, William
Atkin, H.
Atkins, Nelson Falley
Atkinson, Amos G.
Atkinson, Buddle
Atkinson, George
Atkinson, Henry
Atkinson, James
Atkinson, Joseph W.
Atkinson, Matt.
Atkinson, Rupert
Atkinson, S.
Atkinson, S. C.
Atkinson, Theodore
Atkinson, T.
Atkinson, William
Atkinson, William King
Atlee, Jr. M.D., W. L.
Atlee, M.D., Washington L.
Atlee, Esq., Will. Aug.
Atterbury, Edwd. J.C.
Atwater, Eugene
Atwater, James C.
Atwater, John Wm.
Atwell, Pickering
Atwood, A. Watson
Atwood, Geo. B.
Atwood, Harry
Atwood, Moses
Atwood, Thomas
Auber, John
Auchmuty, Esq. , Robert N.
Auchmuty, Richard Tylden
Auger, Jr. , Hezekiah
Austen, Edward
Austen, Esq., John
Austen, Elizabeth S.
Austin, J. T.
Austin, John
Averill , E. B.
Avery, Elroy M.
Avery, F?.L.B.D.W.
Avery, John
Avery, Richard
Avery , Winslow W.
d'Abrey, E. Marshall
Axtell, Esq., Wm.
Ayer, George Washington
Ayer, J. Cullen
Ayer, Dr. James
Ayer, Joseph C.
Aylsworth, Jun., Abel
Aylwin, Thos.
B., A. G.
B., E.
B., F. L.D.
B., J.
B. , J. L.
B., S.
B. , S. M.
B., W.
B., W. R.
Babbitt, James K.
Babbitt, 2d., Ziba
Babcock, Jr., Benjamin
Bache, Prof. A. D.
Bachelder, Nathan
Bachman, G. O.
Bachman, John
Backhouse, Ja.
Backhouse, MA, W.
Backus, Elijah
Backus, F. R.
Bacon, A. T.
Bacon, Francis H.
Bacon, Francis W.
Bacon, John
Bacon, Joseph
Bacon, Thomas
Badger, George E.
Badger, John
Badger, Joseph
Bagg, Abner
Baggott, Samuel
Bailey, Ebenr
Bailey, Edward W.
Bailey, Jonathan
Bailey, Robert M.
Bailey , Thos. T.
Bafley, Wm.
Bailhache, John
Bainbridge, John
Baird, Henry Carey
Bairnsfather, Meta
Baker, Abijah R.
Baker, Alexis S.
Baker, Ann G.
Baker, C. B.
Baker, Charles
Baker, G. T.
Baker, Henry V.
Baker, J. P.
Baker, Joseph
Baker, L. C.
Baker, Jr. , Richard H.
Baker, Theodore
Baker, Rev. Wm.
Balch, Benjamin
Baker, William L.
Balch, George W.
Balch, Thomas
Balch, William
Balcom, George L.
Baldwin, M.D. , Cornelius
Baldwin, Cyrus
Baldwin, D.
Baldwin, Ebert Francis
Baldwin, Harvey
Baldwin, Esq., John
Baldwin, John
Baldwin, Luke
Baldwin, Robt.
Baldwin, Samuel
Baldwin, Simon
Ball, A. Brayton
Ball, Alfred S.
Ball, B. Williams
Ball, Benjamin
Ball, Chas. B.
Ball, Charles B.
Ball, Flamen
Ball, John
Ball, Joseph
Ball, Seabury D.
Ballard, Jr. , Joseph
Ballord, Wm.
Ballow, Wm.
Ballon, G. A.
Ballou, Adin
Ballou, Anna
Ballou, Moses
Balmain, Alexis
Bancker, Abr
Bancker, Anne E.
Bancker, Anne Elizabeth
Bancker, Charles N.
Bancker, Charles
Bancker, C. N.
B, C. N.
Bancker, Christ.
Bancker, Dr.
Bancker , Evert
Bancker, Evert J.
Bancker, James A.
Bancker, Jas. A.
Bancker, J. A.
Bancker, Jas A.
Bancker, Mary
Bancker, Richd.
Bancroft, A.
Bancroft, G.
Bancroft, George
Bancroft , George
Bancroft, Timothy
Bancroft, S.
Bangs, Edmund
Bangs, Edward D.
Bangs, Elijah L.
Bangs, E. L.
Bangs, John Kendrick
Bangs, John T.
Banker, Gersh
Banker, David F.
Bankson, Jacob
Banning, Jeremiah
Banting M.D., F. G.
Banwell, Henry
Barber, Isaac B.
Barber, John W.
Barbour, Edmond P.
Barbour, Jr., James
Barbour, Volney Giles
Barclay, Andrew
Barclay, David
Barclay, Rev. J. T.
Barclay, Robert
Barclay, R.
Bard, Jr. , John
Bard, M.D., Samuel
Bard, William
Barger, Samuel F.
Barham, John Foster
Barham, Esq., Jos. Foster
Barker, Elizabeth C.
Barker, Hugh
Barker, Isaac
Barker, John
Barkly, Oneas
Barksdale, George
Barlow, Esq., Joel
Barlow, James
Barlow, Samuel Latham Mitchill
Banister, John
Bernard, Eliel
Barger, B. Franklin
Barnes, Benjamin H.
Barnes, Daniel
Barnes, David Leonard
Barnes, H. A.
Barnes, J. Deane
Barnes, Jun., John
Barnes, Jun. , John
Barnes, W. H.L.
Barnett, Charles
Barney, Charles Norton
Barnum, Phineas T.
Barr, Charles
Barratt, John
Barre, Rt. Hon. Isaac
Barrell, Geo. G.
Barrell, Joseph
Barrett, B.
Barrett, Calvin
Barrett, James J.
Barrett, John
Barrett, S. M.
Barrett, Thos. A.
Barrett, Thomas T.
Barroll, James E.
Barroll, William
Barroll, William H.
Barrows, C. M.
Barrows, M.D. , H. G.
Barry, Fred W.
Barry, Frederick William
Barry, Jos. B.
Barry, William T.
Barstow, John
Barstow, Samuel
Barstow, Z. S.
Bartells, G. L.
Barter, George
Bartholomew, Rev. A. R.
Bartholomew, Mira Kelly
Bartholomew, Thomas
Barthin, Elizabeda
Bartlett, Ichabod
Bartlett, Alfred
Bartlett, Bailey
Bartlett, P. Challis
Bartlett, Challis
Bartlett, C. L.
Bartlett, E. R.
Bartlett, Elihu
Bartlett, Elisabeth Hallowell
Bartlett, Emma Spaulding
Bartlett, E. S.
Bartlett, Emma
Bartlett, Florence
Bartlett, Greenleaf C.
Bartlett, John Russell
Bartlett, Jonas N.
Bartlett, L. S.
Bartlett, Leux
Bartlett, Mary F.
Bartlett, Raymond S.
Bartlett, Nelson Slater
Bartlett, Walter P.
Bartlett, Th. F.
Bartlett, Wm. H.
Bartol, R. K.
Barton, Alex. J.
Barton, Catherine Josephine
Barton, James G.
Barton, Frederick A.
Barton, J. H.
Barton, Jr., Jas.
Barton, William Ellery
Bartram, Isaac
Bartram, John
Bartram, M.D., William P.
Bartow, D. B.
Bartow, Howard Key
Bartow, Jr. , Howard Key
Bartow, Morris
Bartram, George
Barr & Co.
Bartrina, Lewis
Baruch, Sylvan
Barwick, Walter
Bassett, Alice H.
Bassett, Barbara
Bassett, H. Wheeler
Bassett, Helen W.
Bassett, Martin B.
Bassett, S. M.
Bassett, Wilbur
Bastedo, Helen Prindeville
Baston, R. R.
Batchelder, J. P.
Batchelder, John C.
Batchelder, Samuel
Batchelor, J. P.
Bateman, J. M.
Bates, Albert, Alice C.
Bates, Albert C.
Bates, Arlo
Bates, Caleb
Bates, E. A.
Bates, Eleanor Wright French
Bates, James V.
Bates, John
Bates, Joseph
Bates, Joseph N.
Bates, Joshua
Bates, Julian
Bates, Lillian Gilbert
Bates, Louise Esther
Bates, Martin W.
Bates, Oric
Bates, W. M.
Bathurst, Charles
Bathurst, M.D. , D. Christoph
Batt, Violet Roy
Batte, Peter P.
Battersby, Douglas
Battier, J. J.
Battier, Jean Rodolphe
Bauer, Lazard
Bauerlein, J.
Baugh, George W.
Baumanni, Dr. J. M.W.
Baugardner, S.
Baumgartner, T. S.
Baumstone, Dr. Maurice
Bavoillot, C. Jolly
Baxter, Percival Porter
Baxter, James Phinney
Baxter, Stafford S.
Baxter, Thomas Russell
Bay, M.D., William
Bay, M.D. , William
Bayard, James A.
Bayard , James A.
Bayard, Richd. H.
Bayard, James
Bayard, Dr. Wm.
Bayard, M.D. , Wm.
Bayley, Clive
Bayley, William
Bayley, William A.
Baylis, Jr. , William
Baijer, Esq., John Otto
Bayes, Thomas P.
Bayley, Anselm
Bayley, Ebenr.
Baylies, Frederick
Baylies, Nicholas
Baylor , Eloise
Bayly, John
Bayly, Ann Upshur
Bayly, Josiah
Bayly, Richard
Bayly, Thomas
Bayne, A. Herbert
Bayne, Herbert
Bayne, Marian Speiden
Beach, Abraham
Beach, Bloomfield Jervis
Beach , C. Y.
Beach , Helen & Geo.
Beach, Laura Eldridge
Beach , Lazarus
Beach, W. A.
Beach, William
Beal, Boylston Adams
Beal, Rev. Francis Leavitt
Beal, Major Howard W.
Beal, Ida De Ford
Beal, William L.
Beale, Charles Currier
Beale, Charles F.T.
Beale, Joseph H.
Beal, T. & E.
Beale, Tho.
Beals, Charles F.
Beals, Donald Marcy
Beals, Jr., J. Whitney
Bean, Henry H.
Bean, Lucien Harriman
Beans, W. C.
Beard, Daniel C.
Beardsley, Ethel
Beardsley, Orasmus Drake
Beardsley, Jr., W. A
Bearup, T. W.
Beasley, Jr. , F. W.
Beattie, David
Beatty, George
Beatty, Hugh Gibson
Beatty, M.D., J.
Beaujeu, George Rene de
Beaujeu, G. Raoul de
Beaujeu, Yvonne de
Becher, Henry Corry Rowley
Beck, Abigail
Beck, Charles
Beck, Jacob
Beck, John
Beck, Martin
Beck, William Atthill
Beck, William W.
Beck, William C.
Becker, Dorothy
Becket, Henry
Becket, Mabel
Beckford, Fra. Love
Beckwith, Charlotte
Beckwith , Kenneth Daggett
Beckwith , Holmes
Beckwith, Holmes
Bedard, E.
Bedell, Gregory T.
Bedford, John
Bedinger, Henry
Bedlow, Henry
Bedlow, William
Bee, Barnard E.
Bee, William
Beebe, Edwin and Mae
Beebe, James Arthur
Beebe, O. B.
Beebe, Willilam
Beecher, A. W.
Beeching, The Rev. H. C.
Beeckman, G. L.
Beekman, Peter D.
Beeckman, Peter D.
Beeman, Allen Everett
Beer, George Louis
Beer, John T.
Beer , John T.
Beerman, Dr. Herman
Beers, Ethel M.
Beeson, S. V.
Beetel, Joseph
Behrens, Edward
Beilby, Samuel
Beland, Albert
Belasco, David
Belcher, Andrew
Belcher, C. W.
Belcher, Frederick
Belcher, Gov. Jonathan
Belcher, Jonathan
Belcher, W. H.
Belcher , Walter Scott
Belcher, William
Belchier, J.
Belchier, William
Belden, E.D.
Belden, Edward Mead
Belden, G. Mortimer
Belknap, Alice M.
Belknap, Harry
Belknap, Leverett
Bell, Alex. Melville
Bell, Charles K
Bell, H. M.
Bell, John
Bell, M.D., John
Bell, John Robertson
Bell, Joseph McClellan
Bell, Mary
Bell, Shubael
Bell, Susan
Bell , Thomas
Bell, William
Bell's Circulating Library,
Bellamy, Harry E.
Bellard, Alfred
Bellerjeau, John C.
Bellows, Caleb
Bellows, W. S.
Belmont, Oliver
Belt, Dr. Elmer
Belt, T. Hanson
Bemens, Clarence S.
Bemens, E.
Bemis, Benjamin
Bemis, Jr., Jonas
Benedict, Russell
Benedict, Timothy
Benezet, Daniel
Benjamin, Charles H.
Benjamin, J. p.
Benjamin, Marcus
Benjamin, Park
Benjamin, Jr. , Park
Benjamin, S. C.
Benjamin, Walter Romeyn
Benkard, Rudolph
Bennett, Alexan.
Bennett, Alice Babbitt
Bennett, C. S.
Bennett, M.D., Elias S.
Bennett, James O'Donnell
Bennett, Joann C.
Bennett, Joseph
Bennett, Lillian Barbour
Bennett, M. S.
Bennett, Preston
Bennett, William
Bennett, William & Elizabeth
Bennett, William J.
Benoist, Howard
Bensel, Caroli
Bensel , Caroli
Bensel, Carolum
Benson, Charles Coleman
Benson, Edwin and Mae N.
Benson, Esther Mary
Benson, John Prentiss
Benson, Louis F.
Benson, S.
Benson, Samuel
Bent, Harold Townsend
Bentley, John T.
Bentley, William
Benton, Albert
Benzon, Ernst L.S.
Berdell, Theodore
Berens, H. & M.
Beresford, Richard
Berg, Chas. I.
Bergey, Dr. D. H.
Beringuier, Claire
Berkeley, D.L., George
Berkhan, C.
Berle, Adolf Augustus
Berlyn, Florina
Bermingham, Edward T.
Bernard, Jr. , William
Bernheimer , Charles S.
Bernhard, W. J.
Bernheim, George Alice
Bernsteen, Simon
von Bernstorff, Dr. Wm. Hugo
von Bernstorff,
Berolzheimer, Daniel D.
Berrian, Samuel U.
Berrian, William
Berry, John
Berry, Philip
Berry, Thomas H.
Berry, Thomas B.
Berryman, Clifford K.
Berryman, M.D. , John
Berryman, W. R.
Besant, Henry
Besant, Walter
Beschter, John William
Best, Chester A.W.
Bethea, Oscar Walter
Bethel Sunday School Library,
Bethune, Strachan
Betton, Samuel
Betton, Thomas Forrest
Betton, T. F.
Betton, Thos. Forrest
Betton, M.D. , Thos. Forrest
Betts, James
Betts, Samuel Rossiter
Betts, William
Bevan, Beckford
Bevan, Paul
Bevan, Susanna Mary
Beverley, Harry
Beverly, Robert
Beverley, Robert Mackenzie
B., S.O.
B., L.S.
Bickel, John F.
Bickerton, Agnes C.
Bickerton, Eleanor Cassidy
Bickerton, Frances Spencer
Bickerton, Spencer
Bickerton, Thomas
Bickford, Elinor
Bicknell, Algernon Sidney
Bicknell, T. W.
Biddle, Arthur
Biddle, Edward C.
Biddle, George
Biddolph, Thomas
Biese, Karl
Bigelow, Abijah
Bigelow, Abby A.
Bigelow, Agnes E.
Bigelow, Frank H.
Bigelow, Henry Bryant
Bigelow, John
Bigelow, L. G.
Bigelow, Louise Bennett
Bilbrough, A.
Bill, Edward
Bill, Frank W.
Billings, Esq. , Andrew
Billings, David Lane
Billings, Edward H.
Billings, Edgar Francis
Billings, Elizabeth G.
Billings, Sherrard
Billings, Uriah
Billingsley, J. A.
Billington, Raya
Billman, Sadie E.
Billmeyer, Michael
Bilyeu, Peter
Binder, A. W.
Bingaman, Adam L.
Bingham, Chas. D.
Bingham, George P.
Bingham, Harriet F.L.
Bingham, Hiram
Bingham, Alfreda Mitchell & Hiram
Bingham, William
Bingham, William Rutherford
Binney, Amos
Binney, Hor.
Binney, Isabella
Binney, William
Binns, John
Binns, Ralph Holden
Birch, Esq., Robert
Birchard, William M.
Bird, Abraham C.
Bird, G. C.
Biard, Edward C.
Bird, Edward C.
Bird, Elisha Brown
Bird, E. B.
Bird, Elizabeth Bowditch
Bird, Johnston
Bird, Jonat.
Bird, Nemmie Shumway
Bird, Rose Tyler
Bird, I.
Birkbeck, Deborah
Birmeli, Daniel
Birmingham, Dr. Samuel T.
B., M.
Birtwell, Edwin E.S.
Bisbee, Orville
Bisco, Thomas C.
Bishop, Dorothy
Bishop of New York,
Bishop, Edw. D.
Bishop, Florence Jane
Bishop, H. R.
Bishop, Henry Alfred
Bishop, Joseph R.
Bishop, Mary Charlotte
Bishop, R. H.
Bispham, E. J.
Bispham, Esq., George Tucker
Bissell, Ezekiel
Bissett, Clark Prescott
Bissinger, George H.
Bittong, Robert Arthur
Bixby, Alfred
Bixby, F. Lovell
Bixby, W. K.
Black, Anna
Blachly, Absalom
Black, Dr. Campbell
Black, Carrie Nelson and Samuel L.
Black, Charles H.
Black, Charles L.
Black, J. W.
Black, James R.
Black, John
Black, John Willard
Black, Kathleen
Black, Peter
Black, William
Blackall, Clarence H.
Blackburn, C. H.
Blackburn , Lillian Peterson
Blackburn, Lillian Peterson
Blackburn, Oscar Taylor
Blackburn, Oscar T.
Blackburn, O. T.
Blackburn, S.
Blackburne, Frederic T.
Blackford, F. W.
Blackford, Wm. M.
Blackman, Floyd
Blackman, Jno. Lucie
Blackman, Roland
Blackmer, Ernest
Blackstone, Henry
Blackstone, William
Blackstone, William Seymour
Blackwell, Ebenezer
Blackwell, Henry
Blackwell, Samuel
Bladen, Washington
Bladen, M.D. , Wm. T.
Blaine, James G.
Blair, Eleanor
Blair, Jr. , F. P.
Blair, George
Blaisdel, Charles
Blake, Rev. D.
Blake, Eugene M.
Blake, Francis
Blake, George Baty
Blake, George Winthrop
Blake, Harriette Appleton
Blake, James B.
Blake, Leslie
B., L.
Blake, Mela
Blake, Peregrine
Blake, Sara Eugenia
Blake, Sara E.
Blake, Sara Lowell
Blake, Stillman
Blake, Thomas
Blake, Walter
Blake, Wm. Hume
Blake, William Phipps
Blake, William S.
Blakeslee, F. D.
Blakeslee, Robert E.
Blanc, William
Blanchard, Albert E.
Blanchard, Anthony
Blanchard, Francis
Blanchard, Frank
Blanchard, George L.
Blanchard, Kenneth Clark
Blanchard, M. Elizabeth
Bland, Harry McNeill
Blandy, John
Blasland, Jr. , Thomas
Blatchford, Edgecumbe H.
Blatchford, Henry S.
Blatchford, James W.
Blatchford, Mary Edgecumbe
Blatchford, Paul
Blatchford, Thomas W.
Bleeker, Lybrant
Bleeker, J. Robinson
Blenkin, Rev. G. K.
Blenman, Jonathan
Blessing, Arthur Reed
Blight, Atherton
Blight, George
Bliss, Charles Allen
Bliss, Chester W.
Bliss, Edward P.
Bliss, Jr. , George
Bliss, Grace M.
Bliss, Leon D.
Bliss, Margaret
Bliss, Pelatiah
Bliss, Samuel
Bliss, Theodore Harrison
Bliss, William
Bliss, William Julien Albert
Blizard, Gul.
Block, Alfred
Blodgett, Warren
Blondin, D. P.
Bloodgood, Abraham
Bloodgood , H. S.
Bloodgood, S. DeWhitt
Bloomfield, Joseph
Blore, Charles Christopher
Blount, Esq., Fred.
Blount, Rd. A.
Blow, Henry T.
Blumer, George
Blumbey, Agnes Lowell
Blumpey, Marguerite
Bluder, Albert
Blunt, E. O.
Boardman, D. & E.
Boardman, Mary
Boardman, Offin
Boardman, Samuel Lane
Boardman, Samuel L.
Boas, F. S.
Bockes, Wm. Hay
Bocock, John Paul
Boddily, John
Boddily , John
Boddinghouse, Sarah
Boddington, Reginald Stewart
Bodfish, Rev. Joshua P.
Bodge, George M.
Bodge, G. M.
Bodwell, A. E.
Boehm, Edmund
Bogardus, Jacob
Bogart, Philip E.
Bogart, William S.
Bogert, William Benezet
Bogle, Jr. , Jas.
Boggs, Ralph
Bogle, Jr. , James
Bohm, Rudolph
Bohrer,M.D., Benjamin S.
Bois, Le. Ed.
Bois, Taille
Boisnard, Louis A.
Boker, M.D. , Charles S.
Boker, Dr. Charles S.
Boker, George H.
Boland, Frank Wells
Bolande, Frank W.
Bolling, Robt.
Bolling, Esq., Robt.
Bolling, Robert
Bolm, Adolf
Bolton, Aldrich
Bolton, Charles Knowles
Bolton, Charles Knowles & Ethel Stanwood
Bolton, L. E. & Sarah K.
Bolton, Lois Arnold & Stanwood Knowles
Bolton, Robert
Bolton, William Ernest
Bolton, Willm.
Bolton, Wm. Ernest
Boncompagni, Margaret Draper
Bond, Alderman
Bond, Beverly W.
Bond, F. E.
Bond, Hulbert Augustus
Bond, Julia Trask
Bond, Julia T.
Bond, Mary E.
Bond, Ruth
Bond, T.
Bond, Thomas
Bonhomme, A.
Bonn, Francis Charles
Bonneau, Jacob & Drusilla
Bonner, Paul Hyde
Bonner , Paul Hyde
Bonsal, Vincent
Bonsall, Amos
Bonus, Alice M.
Boogher, William Fletcher
Booker, R. P.L.
Boome, John Henry
Boomer, Jorgine S.
Boone, Thomas
Booth, Edwin
Booth, Elisha
Booth, G. F.
Booth, Gifford J.
Booth, Leon
Booth, W. H.
Borchert, Walter F.
Borden, Alden Edson
Borden, Edward Shirley
Borden, Fanny
Borden, Leah Agnes
Borden, Nannie Jenckes
Borden, Richard Plummer
Borden, Robert Laird
Boardman, John
Boreman, R. J.A.
Borg, Sidney Cecil
Borland, John
Bosanquet, Esq. , Samuel
Bosanquet , W.
Bosanquet, Wm.
Boseville, G.
Bosler, J. Herman
Bosley, T.
Boston, Frances G.
Boston, Mich.
Bostwick, Gideon
Boswell, Alfred Craig
Boswell, Thomas Shaw
Bottomley, John Taylor
Botts, C. T.
Botts, Ebert J.
Boucher, Adlelaid J.
Boucher, Jonathan
Boucher, Jona.
Boucher, Rev. Jonathan
Boucher, Barton
Boudinot, ?
Bowen, Edward J. & Ella Gaffney
Boulton, Henry John
Boulton, William
Bourcard, G.
Bourcard, Gustave
Bouchery, Dr. P. V.de
Bourchier, Esq., Jno.
Bourdillon, Francis
Bourne, Edward E.
Bourne, E. E.
Bourne, Ezra Allen
Bouton, J. W.
Bouton, N.
Boutwell, Madelaine Endicott
Bouvier, J.
Bow, Asa
Bowden, Edward George
Bowden, E. G.
Bowden, ?
Bowden, John
Boewden, John
Bowden, William
Bowditch, Alfred & Mary L.
Bowditch, Charlotte
Bowditch, Ernestus William
Bowditch, Harold
Bowditch, Henry I.
Bowditch, Nath.
Bowdoin, Esq., James
Bowdoin, W. G.
Bowen, Abel
Bowen, Clarence Winthrop
Bowen, Edward
Bowen, Holder Borden
Bowen, Gertrude
Bowen, Henry
Bowen, James
Bowen, Louise deKoven
Bowen, P. A.
Bowes, Robt. T.
Bowie, Richard Ashhurst
Bowie, William
Bowler, Alexander
Bowler, Ruth Colburn
Bowles, F. A.
Bowles, Henry
Bowly, Danl.
Bowman, Chas. D.
Bowman, John McEntee
Bowman, L. L.
Bowne, Jacob T.
Bowne, Jessie Draper
Bowne, Samuel W.
Boyce, Mary B.
Boyd, G.
Boyd, Harriet A.
Boyd, John
Boyd, John P.
Boyd, Joseph C.
Boyd, Julian P.
Boyd, Lendal G.S.
Boyd, Lillian D.
Boyd, Newell
Boyd, S. S.
Boyd, William W.
Boyden, A.
Boyden, Addison
Boyden, Albert
Boyden, Jeremiah
Boyden, Nathaniel
Boyden, N.
Boyden, Roland W.
Boyden, Jr., William Cowper
Boyer, B. M.
Boyer, Daniel
Boyer, Henry K.
Boylan, Moses M.
Boyle, Allan M.
Boyle, J. P.
Boyle, James
Boyle, Peyton
Boylston, M.D., Henry
Boylston, Dr. H.
Boylston, Arms de
Boynton, Frederick Perry
Boynton, John W.
Boynton, John
Boys, T. Ross
Boyssou, Timothee
Bozeman , John L.
Bozman, Esq. , John Leeds
Brabrook, Benj. F.
Brace, George
Brace, Jonathan
Brackenridge, H. H.
Brackett, Joshua
Brackett, Adino N.
Brackett, J. De F.
Bradburn, George
Bradford, Catherine
Bradford, Henry Martin
Bradford , R. B.
Bradford, Thomas
Bradford, William
Bradford & Read,
Bradford, Jr., William B.
Bradford, William H.
Bradlee, Caleb D.
Bradlee, F. W.
Bradlee, Henry Goddard
Bradlee, P. B.
Bradlee, Thomas Stevenson
Bradlee, Arthur I.
Bradley, C. B.
Bradley , Charles Henry
Bradley, Eli
Bradley , Frank H.
Bradley, G. P.
Bradley, Henry Stiles
Bradley, J.
Bradley, Jerusha
Bradley, Samuel
Bradshaw, Richard
Bradshaw,Esq., Thos.
Bradstreet, Simon
Brady, Alice G.
Brady, Cyrus Townsend
Brady, James Cox
Brady, John
Brady, Richard Towson
Bragdon, Claude Fayette
Bragdon, May
Brailsford, M.D., Edward
Brainard, Newton C.
Brainerd, Ella Williams Osley
Brainerd, Samuel
Braithwaite, Dan.
Brand, Charles Alvan
Brand, Charles and Ottilie
Brandebury, L. A.
Brandegee, Robert B.
Brandeis, Mrs. Arthur D.
Brandeis, Leola
Brandling, Esq., Cha.
Brandsness, Margaret
Brandt, Charles F.
Branigan Memorial, Thomas
Brandon, Charles Henry
Bransby, James Hews
Branthwayt, Esq., Miles
de Bourbourg, Domini Brasseur
Brassey, Nathaniel
Branner, Ethel Cecilia
Brasher, Henry
Brathwaite, Thos.
Brattle, William
Bratton, Samuel
Braxton, Jr. , Sherrod
Bray, T.
Brayton, Mary
Brazer, John
Brazier, Joseph Harrison
Breaker, Richard Osborn
Breare, T.
Brearley, David
Bredell, Edward
Breed, Lydia Adelaide
Bremer, Frank Morison
Breneman, B. Frank
Brengle, Henry Gaw
Brennan, Mary A.
Brentano's Literary Emporium,
Brennan, Mary Elizabeth
Brentano, Arthur
Brenton, Cranston
Brereton, J. A.
Brereton, William Westropp
Brevard, Esq., Joseph
Brevoort, Jr. , Hen.
Brewer, Francis H.
Brewer, Gardner
Brewer, John
Brewer, Luther A.
Brewer, N.
Brewer & Brothers, Sam. L.N.
Brewer, Samuel
Brewer, Thomas
Brewer, Jr. , W. A.
Brewer, Wheaton Hale
Brewer, Jr. , William H.
Brewer, Wilmon
Brewster, Anne M.K.
Brewster, Jr. , B.
Brewster, Benjamin H.
Brewster, Henry B.
Brewster, H. P.
Brewster, James
Brewster, Jessie
Brewster, Matthew
Brewster, Sallie Macy
Brewster, Samuel
Brewster, Walter Rogers
Brewster, William
Brice, Calvin
Brice, Joseph W.
Brice, Nicholas
Brice, Philip Howard
Brice, Thomas J.
Bricker, William H.White
Bridden, Benjamin
Bridge, Joseph
Bridgen, Charles
Bridges, Callie A.
Brierley, Alison
Brigden, Arnold O.
Brigden, Fred H.
Briggs, Charles Edward
Briggs, Edward Cornell
Briggs, Elizabeth
Briggs , S. A.
Briggs, Sally H.
Briggs, William Sumner
Brigham, Betty
Brigham, Edwin Howard
Brigham, Elijah
Brigham, Helen Green & Francis Gorham
Brigham, William Dexter
Brewer, Darius
Brigham, Wm. Tufts
Brightly, Frank Frederick
Brindle, Jas.
Bringhurst, John
Bringhurst, Joseph
Brinley, George
Brinton, Daniel G.
Brion, Mary F.O.
Brisbane, William
Briscoe, Henrietta E.
Brise, Dorothea Ruggles
Bristow, Willilam R.
Bristowe, Duncombe
Brittan, Mary Burt
Britten, Rev. H. B.
Brittin, Louise Hotchkiss
Britton, William H.
Broadbent, Henry Geoffry
Broadhead, Theo. H.
Broadhead, Esq. , Theodore Henry
Broadhurst, Jean
Broadhurst, John
Brobson, William
Brock, Emma
Brock, Robert Coleman
Brock, Robert C.H.
Brock, Robert Coleman Hall
Brockbank, William
Brockenbrough, William
Brockett, Edward J.
Brockett, Edward F.
Brockett, John Trotter
Brockett, Paul
Brockett, William Henry
Brocklebank, J. W.R.
Brodbelt, Francis Rigby
Brodbelt, M.D., Francis Rigby
Brodie, J. Dawson
Broeck, Anthony Ten
Broden, Mrs. John
Brokaw, George Tuttle
Bromhall, Winifred
Bronson, Christine Fredrika
Bronson, Enos
Bronson, "Laddie"
Bronson, Tillotson
Bronson, Winifred Maybelle
Brooke, Charles Wallace
Brooke, George
Brooke, John
Brooke, Jr. , Richard
Brooke, William
Brooke, James H.
Brooks, Abijah
Brooks, Alice
Brooks, Alice Flint
Brooks, Arthur deWitt
Brooks, Benjamin
Brooks, Benjamin S.
Brooks, Charles
Brooks, Charles E.
Brooks, Charles Wolcott
Brooks, David
Brooks, Edward
Brooks, Franklin V.
Brooks, Francis
Brooks, Gorham
Brooks, H. and B.
Brooks, Henry M.
Brooks, I. Hobart
Brooks, I. M.
Brooks, John
Brooks, Margarette W.
Brooks, Maruerite
Brooks, Noah
Brooks, Phillips
Brooks, Robert Langdon
Brooks, Rosamond Sturgis
Brooks, Sumner Brooks
Brooks, Walter
Brooks Brothers,
Brooksbank, Stamp
Broome, ?
Broomhall, Jr. , J. M.
Broome, Sam.
Brophy, Rich. Ge.
Brotherton, Rev. T. W.
Brough, C. S.
Brough, Robert
Brous, Henry S.
Broughton, Frederick
Brown, Adelaide Coolbaugh
Brown, Agnes Lisle
Brown , Alexander D.
Brown, Alfred Jerome
Brown, Alling
Brown, Alphonso Bickford
Brown, Anna Robeson
Brown, Arthur and Florence
Brown, Benjamin W.B.
Brown, C. C.
Brown, Chester Holbrook
Brown, Constance Reed
Brown, David Paul
Brown, Eleanor Bonney
Brown, Eleanor Lyons
Brown, Elizabeth
Brown, Elisha Rhodes
Brwon, Ella Grace
B., F. C.
Brown, George
Brown, Geo. E.
Brown, George Washington
Brown, Grace Overton
Brown, Gretchen Magdalen
Brown, H. H.
Brown, Harriette Stuart
Brown, Hedwig Wood
Brown, Henry Armitt
Brown, Henry B.
Brown, Henry H.
Brown, Hervey
Brown, Jr. , Hiram Staunton
Brown, J. Coffin Jones
Brown, Jacob
Brown, James
Brown, James H.
Brown, James M.
Brown, James Olcott
Brown, James Roberts
Brown, John
Brown, John Carter
Brown, John Carter & John Nicholas
Brown, John Carter & Harold Carter
Brown, ?
Brown, Jr. , J. T.
Brown, John W.
Brown, Joseph
Brown, Joseph P.
Brown, Joseph T.
Brown, June
Brown, Katherine
Brown, L. B.
Brown, Lawrason
Brown, Latitia Ruth
Brown, Luther
Brown, Mary A.
Brown, M. L.
Brown, Magdalen Klein
Brown, Mary
Brown, Mary Elizabeth
Brown, Mason
Brown, Maude E.
Brown, Mortimer Harris
Brown, Moses
Brown, Nancy
?, Brown
Brown, Obadiah
Brown, Peleg
Brown, Peter
Brown, Paul Bartlett
Brown, Philip
Brown, Philip Greely
Brown, Reynolds Driver
Brown, Richard
Brown, Robert C.
Brown, Robert Eden
Brown, S. M.
Brown, Stephen Howland
Brown, Thomas
Brown, Thomas Hassall
Brown, Thos. E.
Brown, T. Crawford
Brown, Thomas Storrow
Brown, Warren Wilmer
Brown, Waterman
Brown, William
Browne, Jr. , A. G.
Browne, Causton
Browne, Edward Ingersoll
Browne, Harold C.G.
Browne, Herbert W.
Browne, Ivy
Browne, John Ownsworth
Browne, Peter A.
Browne, Peter Arrell
Browne, Mrs. Sabine
Browne, William
Browne , William
Browne, William Bradford
Browne, Alfred Smith
Brownell, Eleanor Olivia
Brownell, Harriette Fisher
Brownell, Richmond
Browning, Arthur
Browning, B. F.
Browning, Gertrude
Brownlee, John
Brownlow, W. Phillip
Broyles, Arnold & Frances Divine
Bruce, C. H.
Bruce, Mrs.E. B.
Bruce, Edith Young
Bruce, Harold & Elizabeth
Bruce, Herbert A.
Bruen, E. B.
Bruen, M.
Bruet, P.
Brune, John C.
Brunner, Arnold William
Brunor , Emile
Brunson, Tillotson
Brunt, C. Uan
Brush, Oliver R.
Brussel, I. R.
Bryan, Jonathan
Bryan, Thos.
Bryant, Gridley T.F.
Bryant, Hewlings
Bryant, H. W.
Bryant, Hubbard Winslow
Bryant, J.
Bryant, Louis Edwards
Bryant, Marion Hannah
Bryant, Wm. F.
Bryant, Myrtle
Buchan, Earl of, David S.
Buchan, James
Buchanan, Alexander
Buchanan, Arthur William Patrick
Buchanan, I. L.
Buchanan, Jno.
Buchanan, W. B.
Buchanan, W. T.
Buchanan, Wentworth J.
Buchanan, William F.
Bucher, J. C.
Buck, Florence Earle
Buck, Glen
Buck, Howard M.
Buck, I. B.
Buck, Rev. James A.
Buck, John H.
Buck , John H.
Buck, Juliana Randolph
Buckeridge, Rev. C.
Buckham, Laura Tyler
Buckingham, E.
Buckingham, S. G.
Buckland, Frank Merton
Buckland, K. D.
Buckle, Henry Thomas
Buckle , Thomas
Buckler, M.D. , John
Buckler, M.D. , Riggin
Buckler,M.D., Thomas H.
Buckler, M.D. , Thomas H.
Buckley, Henry
Buckliu, Esq., D. W.
Bucknam, Edith Phoebe
Bucknor, W. G.
Buckshorn, Louis K.
Buddy III, Luigi
Buddy III, Lewis
B, L 3
Budroe, W. A.
Buehler, Huber G.
Buek, Ella Willaims
Buemstead, Jeremiah
Bumstead, Joseph
Buel, D.
Buel, Jr. , David
Buell, Jesse
Buehrle, R. K.
Buel, Samuel
Bulkeley, Samuel
Buergher, David
Buhler, Yves Henry & Kathryn
Bulis, Frank H.H.
Bulkeley, S.
Bulkley, George R.
Bulkley, John W.
Bull , George
Bull , Henry De Saussure
Bull , Isaac
Bull, Esq., John
Bull, Martin
Bull, Richard
Bullard, A.
Bullard, Charles
Bullard, Elsie
Bullard, Francis
Bullen, James C.
Bullen, Sarah
Buller, Rev. Arthur
Buller, W. H.
Bulloch, W. B.
Bullock, Augustus George
Bullock, Edward
Bullock, Mary Ann
Bult, Henry R.
Bumpus, Johannis
Bunbury, T.
Bunce, Frances
Bunce, John H.
Buncombe, C. T.
Bundeson, Norman N.
Bundsmann/Kenyon, Anton/ Mildred
Bunis, Louis
Bunker, James M.
Bunn, Jonathan
Bunn, Sarah
Bunn, M.D., William H.
Bunn, William M.
Bunnell, Sterling Haight
Bunting, Hannah
Burbank, Luther
Burbank, Reginald
Burch, Duncan
Burch, Evelyn
Burchard, Henny
Burchard, Ludwig
Burchard, S. Louise
Burckhard, Dr. G.
Burckhard, Dr. Georg
Burckhardt, Joh. Rud.
Borden II, Spencer
Burdick, Dr.& Mrs. L. F.
Buren, M. V.
Burford, W. K.
Burgess, Barbara
Burgess, Clilnton
Burgess, Don
Burgess, Ebenezer
Burgess, Jr., Edward Phillips
Burgess, Frederick
Burgess, James Hervey
Burgess, John Kingsbury
Burgess , John Kinsbury & Antoinette Converse
Burgess, Lewis
Burgess, Theodore Phillips
Burgis, Will.
Burgwin, George Collinson
Burgwin, George W.B.
Burgwyn, Wm. H.S.
Burhans, Rev. Daniel
Burke, Dr. Francis
Burke, Francis
Burk, Jesse Y.
Burke, John
Burke, Richard
Burke, Thomas
Burke, Rhodes
Burleigh, Sarah Lydia
Burleigh, W. H.
Burley, Elizabeth
Burley, William
Burlingame, Aylsworth
Burlingame, Howard B.
Burlingame, Miriam
Burnaby, Esq., Wm.
Burnaby, Wm.
Burnelle, Rev. J.C.
Burnet?, John
Burnet, Isaac G.
Burnet, John
Burnett, Philip Mason
Burnett, S. M.
Burnett, Swan M.
Burnett, William Albert
Burney, Richardi
Burnham, Henry D.
Burnham, Abraham
Burnham, David
Burnham, J. A.
Burnham, Jr., J. A.
Burnham, Johanna Heckscher
Burnham, Katherine French & William Henry
Burnham, Marie Sophrene
Burnham, Reuben Abbott
Burnham, Sarah C.
Burnham, William Henry & Katherine French
Burnham, Wm.H. & Katherine P.
Burnley, A. T.
Burns, D. S.
Burns, Fitzhugh
Burns, Marie Jane
Burpee, Lucien Francis
Burr, M.D., Charles W.
Burr, James Joseph
Burr, Joseph
Burr, Olivar C.
Burr, William
B., A. V.
Burrage, Charles D.
Burrage, W. Clarence
Burrell , Sidney
Burrill, Jun. , John
Burritt, E. D.
Burroughs, Charles
Burrough, Geo. A.
Burroughs, Silas M.
Burrowes, Alice Crowel
Burrowes, Edward James
Burrowes, Ellen
Burrowes, Dr. F. S.
Burrows, Charles W.
Burrows, Charles William & Lottie Thomas Mott
Burt, Andrew G.
Burt, Henry M.
Burt, John
Burtis, Margaret K.
Burton, Alfred M.
Burton, Arthur M.
Burton, Charles F.
Burton, Decimus
Burton, Frances
Burton, Frank N. W.
Buron, J. E.
Burton, John E.
Burton, Richard
Burton, Robert H.
Burton, Silas
Burton, Warren F.
Burtsell, Peter
Burtt, John
Bury, Comitis R. Visart de
Bury, James A.
Busby, William
Bush, Fenner
Bush , J. F.
Bush, James
Bush, Jun. , Levi
Bush, Stephen
Bush, Wendell T. & Mary L.
Bushby, Fred W. & Ida A.
Bushby, Fred & Ida
Busk, Laird & Eleanor
Buss, Kate Meldram
Busse, Carl
Busse, Paula
Bussey, Benjamin
Bussey, Judith
Butler, Alice
Butler, Anna Gay
Butler, Caleb
Butler , Charlotte W.
Butler, Edward Kent Strathearn
Butler, Frederick
B, J.
Butler, James Joseph
Butler, John M.
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Butler, William
Butler, Wm.
Butler, Winthrop Fessenden
Butterfield, Claire Deake
Butterfield, E. S.
Butterfield, William Archer
Butterworth, G. A.
Butterworth , G. M.
Button, Wm. B.M.
Butts, Jr. , James E.
Butts, Jr. , Robert
Buxton, Clifford
Buxton, Edmund
Buxton, I. Holmes
Buxton, Isaac
Buxton, Esq., Thomas Fowell
Buxton, William
Buzzel, John
Byam, Francisci
Byers, Alexander
Byington, Katherine Preston
Byles, Julius
Byles, Mather
Byllesby, Henry Marison
Byrd, Richard Evelyn
Byrd, William
Byrd, W.
Byrne, Elinor
Byrne, P.
Byrne, Esq., W. P.
C., A. W.
C., A.
C., A. B.
C., A. S.
C., C.
C., E. T.
C., E. R.
C. , F. E.
C., F. E.
C., H. B.
C. , H. B.
C., J.
C., J. M.
C., J. T.
C. , M.
C., M. B.
C., N.
C. , N. I.
C., O. K.
C., W. H.
C., R. G.
C., T. O.
C., T. U.
C., W. D.
Cabell, Abram J.
Cabell, Doct. George
Cabell, Patrick Henry Carey
Cabell, Paul C.
Cabell, Samuel Jordan
Cabot, Arthur Tracy
Cabot, J.
Cabot, Joseph
Cabot, Samuel
Cabot, William
Cabote, Joseph
C., M. V.
Cadena, Mariano Velazquez
Cadley, Peter
Cadman, S. Parkes
Caldwalader, Thomas
Cady, Albemarle
Cady, Jonathan Rider
Cafar, Charles
Cahalane, Daniel C.
Cailland,Esq., John
Caine, William
Calder, George
Calder, Rev. H. L.
Calder, John
Calderon, Dr. Andres Alvarez
Caldwell, Andrew
Caldwell, Charles Andrew
Caldwell, Eliot
Caldwell, Sir John
Caldwell, John R.
Caldwell, Lenora
Caldwell, Robert A.
Calef, Josiah
Calhoun, F.? Phillip?
Calhoun, David S.
Call, Clair de
Call, James
Call, Richard Ellsworth
Callahan, Edwin B.
Callatin, A. E.
Callender, Cecilia Margaret
Callaway, John
Callaway, Thos.
Callender, James
Callender, John
Callicot, T. C.
Calver, E. H.
Calvert, Fran.
Calvert, Frederic
Calvert, Harry
Calvert, John
Calvert, Peter
Calvert, Thomas
Calvert, Thos.
Calvert, Sr. Wm.
Calvin, J. A.
Camac, John Burgess
Camac, William
Cambon, Bettina
Cambon, Sandra
Camden, Lord
Cameron, Adeline
Cameron, Dr. Charles E.
Cameron, John Hillyard
Cameron, Hillyard H.A.
Cameron, Jessie
Cameron, John
Cameron, J. Hillyard
Cameron, Mary Wiley
Cameron, Ward
Campbell, Eureka
Campbell, A.
Campbell, Arch. A.
Campbell, Alan D.
Campbell, Alex. W.
Campbell, MD, C. J.
Campbell, Charles Macalester
Campbell, Charles A.
Campbell, MD, D.
Campbell, Daniel
Campbell, Duncan Pearsall
Campbell, Frederic Wells
Campbell, Geo.
Campbell, H. A.J.
Campbell, Ivor
Campbell, J. D.
Campbell, James
Campbell, J. D.?
Campbell, John
Campbell, John J.
Campbell, John Gilles
Campbell, John Henry Mayne
Campbell, Kleber
Campbell, II, Kleber
Campbell, III, Kleber
Campbell, MD, Lorne Colin
Campbell, Mary F.
Campbell, Phoebe Lewis
Campbell, N.
Campbell, St. Geo. T.
Campbell, Stewart A.
Campello, Solone de
Campion, Jane
Cammann, Henry J.
Campart, Peter
Campbell, Lieut. Gen.
Canals, Emilio
Canda, Henry Greeman
Canby, R. C.
Canfield, Joel
Canfield, J.
Canfiled, John
Canfield, Thos. H.
Canisius, College
Canini, Principis
Cannac, P. P.
Cameron, Evelyn T.
Canning, J. C.
Cannon, Geo. R.
Cannon, John Brown
Cannon, John H.
Cannon, Philip A.
Cantine, Moses I.
Cantrell, Florence
Cantrell, Francis S.
Capelle, Charles Stanislaus
Car, James
Capen, Jr., Edmund
Capers, Ellison
Capers, T. F.
Caplin & Bloom, May Frances & Stella Caplin
Caplin, Stephen
Capon, Charles R.
Capp, Seth Bunker Stitt
Capron, Samuel M.
Capron, William C.
Carberry, Clifton Benjamin
Cardell, W. S.
Cardner, Edna
Cardozo, D.A. Jessurun
Cardwell, Albert Paine
Cardwell, Wm F.
Carew, Sir Benjamin Hallowell
Carew, Lucie B.
Carey, John
Carey, Mathew
Carey, Timothy
Carey, Thomas
Carey, Tom. C.
Carey, William
Carlisle, Calderon
C., H.
Carleton, Jr., Bukk G.
Carleton, Mary S.
Carleton, Emma Shields Nunemacher
Carleton, Osgood
Carleton, Phineas
Carleton, Will M.
Carlton, M.
Carlton, William Newham
Carman, MD, Louis Dale
Carman, William Warren
Carmichael, A.
Carmichael, Esq., Wm.
Carmichael, William
Carnegie, Andrew
Carnegie, 2nd, Andrew
Cargegie, Lucy Coleman
Carolus, Elizabeth
Caron, C. H.
Carpenter, Benjamin
Carpenter, Catherine
Carpenter, Edmund Janes
Carpenter, Jun., Christopher
Carpenter, E. H.
Carpenter, Ford Ashman
Carpenter, Frederic Ives
Carpenter, F. V.
Carpenter, George Moulton
Carpenter, George Oliver
Carpenter, Geo. W.
Carpenter, J. Edward
Carpenter, Job
Carpenter, John
Carpenter, J. M.
Carpenter, R. W.
Carpenter, Susan
Carpenter, Thomas F.
Carpenter, Jr., Victor Howard
Carpenter, Esq., William
Carr, S.
Carr, Robert
Carr, Rev. Samuel
Carr, Wilbur & Edith John & Koon
Carriden, J. H.
Carrington, Edwin W.
Carrington, Jun., P.
Carrington, Peyton Rodes
Carrington, Peyton R.
Carroll, Raymond and Alice
Carroll, C. R.
[Carroll], [Charles]
Carroll, Charles
Carroll, Coote
Carroll, Daniel
Carroll, Elizabeth Baggaley
Carroll, Ephraim
Carroll, Eph.
Carroll, G. H.
Carroll, Harry D. G.
Carroll, Esq., James
Carroll, John
Carroll, W.
Carroll, Wm. Tho.
Carruth, H. S.
Carruth , H. S.
Carruthers, F. F.
Carruthers, John
Carson, Alda Chase
Carson , Bill and Beverly
Carson , Harry Roberts
Carson, Jean Stoddard
Carson, Jr., Joseph
Carson, Sam
Carson, Thomas William
Carter, A. G.
Carter, Albert Paine
Carter, C.
Carter, Caleb
Carter, Calvin
Carter, Edward H.
Carter, G.
Carter, Georgius
Carter, Harriet W.
Carter, Henry Alpheus Pierce
Carter , James
Carter, Jessie M.W.
Carter , John Wilkins
Carter, Lillian W.
Carter , Melissa A.
Carter, M.D., R. M.
Carter, Robert W.
Carter , Tom.
Carter, M.D., W. H.
Cartwright, Charles Copp
Cartwright, Daisy
Cartwright, James S.
Cartwright, John S.
Cartwright, John W.
Carver, Amy and Ransome
Carver, G. N.
Carver, Clifford Nichols
Carter, Clifford Nichols
C, C
Carter , Clifford Nichols
Cary, Jr., Alpheus
Cary, M.
Cary, Marion
Cary, Miles
Cary, Samuel
Cary, Thomas
Cary, Thos. G.
Cary, Jr. , T. G.
Cary, Jr., ?
Cary, Wilson
Cary, Wilson Miles
Casals, Teresa
Case, Harry
Case , Benjamin
Case, Cyrus
Case, Elizabeth Nichols
Case, Frank D.
Case, Henry
Case, Nancy Redmond
Case, Seldon
Case, Walter
Case, William Scoville
Cashatt, Helene Ruth
Cashman, Mary Conway
Casier, Jos.
Cassebeer, Walter K.
Cassel, A. H.
Cassels, Robert
Cassidy, Fannie B.
Castle, Harry Allen
Castle, Julia White
Castle, Willilam Richards
Castleman, Maria
Castlerosse, Elizabeth
Caswall, Henry
Cathcart, Wallace Hugh
Catherwood, T. J.
Catherwood, H. Wilson
Catherwood, Wilson
Cator, Joseph
Cator, William
Catlin, Frances H.
Caulfield, Richard
Causten, James H.
Causten, Jr., James H.
Causten, John Hyman
Cavalcanti, Vicecomitis de
Cavell, Edith
Cavendish, Harriet
Cavendish, W. H.
Caverly, Charles Solomon
Cavin, Samuel Young
Cawthra, Henry Victor Holton
Cay, Gabriel
Cayley, Mary S.
Cebrian, Juan C.
Center, Harry B.
Center, Joseph H.
Chace, Eloy
Chace, Grace Koechlin
Chace, Patience
Chace, Perry J.
Chadbourn, Thomas
Chadbourne, Caroline Lodge
Chadwick, Edward Marion
Chadwick, James
Chadwick, James Andrew
Chadwick, Richard Allard
Chafee, Zechariah
Chafee, William H.
Chahoon, Elisabeth McEchron
Chahoon, Mary
Chalkley, Genevieve Howland
Chalkley, Hilda Marcia
Chalkley, Marcella Howland
Challis, Thomas
Chalmers, Esq., Geo.
Chalmers, Junr., James
Chamberlain, D. H.
Chamberlain, [Collection]
Chamberlain, Hunting S.
Chamberlaine, R.
Chamberlayne, Emma C.
Chamberlin, Emerson
Chamberlin, F.
Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar
Chambers, Alice Pusey
Chambers, Benjamin
Chambers, Benj.
Chambers, Esq., John
Chambers, Reuben
Chambers, Stephen
Chamecin, Ulyssis
Champ, Frederick Frances Percival Winton
Champion, Jr., Epaphroditus
Champion, Richard
Champion , Samuel C. and Elizabeth
Champlin, Press
Champlin, Charles B.
Champlin, Hallie Elizabeth
Champlin, Paris B.
Champlin, Sarah
Champney, C. S.
Champney, Freeman
Champney, George M.
Champneys, B.
Champneys, Benj.
Chancellor, Henry
Chancellor, Maria
Chancellor, W. E.
Chandler, B. F.
Chandler, Benjamin T.
Chandler, Ph.Dr. , Charles J.
Chandler, Chas. W.
Chandler, Cyprian
Chandler, Gardiner
Chandler, Gar.
Chandler, Jr., John
Chandler, G. L.
Chandler, Jr. Esq., John
Chandler, Jr. Esq.,
Chandler, Robert A.
Chandler, Rufus
Chandler, Samuel
Chandler, Sam.
Chandler, Seth
Chandler, T. P.
Chandler, Theophilus B.
Chandler, Theophilus Parsons
Chandler, Walter Lillibridge
Chandler, Warren Rufus
Chaney, Mary Elise
Chaney, Morgan Rial
Channing, Walter
Channing, Willliam Elery
Chapin, Bela
Chapin, MD, Sc.D., Charles Value
Chapin, Chester W.
Chapin, Enoch
Chapin, Esther Susan
Chapin, Howard & Hope
Chapin, J. D.
Chapin, L. D.
Miss Chapin's School,
Chapin, Roy Dikeman & Inez Tiedeman
Chapin, Wm.
Chapin, Wm. R.
Chapman, Abigail
Chapman, Arthur Wakefield
Chapman, Billie
Chapman, Eleanor Jay
Chapman, Emily M.
Chapman, Henley
Chapman, James
Chapman, Ira Thomas
Chapman, Jeremiah
Chapman, John
Chapman, Jr. , Lebbeus
Chapman, Mabyn
Chapman, Mary
Chapman, Nancy Davol
Chapman, Richard
Chapman, Jr. , Silas
Chapman, William
Chapman, William H.
Chappell, Mary H.
Chlapowski, Caroli Bozenta
Chard, F. Mitchell
Charlton, M.D. , Edward
Chase, Albro E.
Chase, Alden
Chase, Dorothy Evelyn Bremond
Chase, Edith L.
Chase, Edwin M.
Chase, Elizabeth
Chase, Frederic
Chase , George B.
Chase, George B.
Chase, Geroge B.
Chase , Henry
Chase, Lewis
Chase , Matilda
Chase, Pearl
Chase, Peter Pineo
Chase, Philip Augustus
Chase, S
Chase, Esq., Samuel
Chase, Samuel
Chase , Samuel
Chase, Jun., S.
Chase, Thomas F.
Chase, Waldo K.
Chase, Warren E.
Chase, William H.
Chasemore, Archibald
Chatfield, Mollie
Chatham, James
Chatman, Anna Ray
Chauncey, Charles
Chauncey,Esq., Charles
Chauncey, M.D. , Charles W.
Chauncey, Henry
Chauncey, J. St. Clair
Chauncy, Ann
Chauncy, Dr. Charles
Chauncy, Nathaniel
Chauncy, M.D., Charles
Chauncy, M.D., Cha.
Chauncy, Toby
Chausse, Alcide
Chaworth, Elizabeth
Chaytor, Joshua D.
Cheape, John
Cheek, Jr., Leslie
Cheever, Charlotte
Cheever, David W.
Cheever, E. B.
Cheever, Frances
Cheever, George B.
Cheever, Henry
Cheever, Marion
Cheever, N.
Cheever, Nathaniel
Cheney, C. H.
Cheney, Edward
Cheney, Emma Lewis
Cheney, Frank Woodbridge
Cheney, Garnett
Cheney, John Vance
Cheney, Sheldon
Cheney, Warren
Cheny, Paul
Cherry, Peter
Chesebrough, Robert T.
Chesley, Franklin
Chesley, Wm. S.
Chester, Albert H.
Chester, Rev. Charles
Chester, Jr., John
Chester, John
Chester, John Needels
Chester, J. W.
Chester, John William
Chesterton, Thomas Warner
Chestnut, D. G.
Chevalier, Madeline C.
Chevalier, W. W.
Chevers, Jno. M.
Chevers, J. M.
Chew, Beverly
Chew, Joseph
Chew, Philemon
Chichester, John Hopton Russell
Chickering, Katherine
Child, Addison
Child, Henry Preston
Child, M.D., Henry T.
Child, Isaac
Child, J. T.
Child, John
Child, Thomas
Child, William Henry
Child, Wm. Spencer
Childs, Alice Moen
Childs, Arthur Edward
Childs, Francis Lane
Childs, George W.
Childs, Henry A.
Chinnery, Richard
Chinnock, Edward J.
Chipman, Geo. T.
Chisholm, Gertrude Tozier
Chisholm, T. Melville
Chittenden, George Herbert
Chittenden, George W.
Chlapowska, Helena Modrzejewska
Chittendon, George Herbert
Chofflet, Avocat
Cholmley, Harry Walter
Chouteau, Gabriel S.
Christian, Georgette Eleanor
Christian, Henry A.
Christian, Esq., John
Christian, Thomas H.
Christian, Rev. W. H.
Christian Social Library,
Christie, A. H.
Christie, G.
Christie, John Watson
Christie, Wm. A.
Christopher, T. S.
Chrysler, Walter P.
Chrystie, E. T.
Chrystie, Thomas
Church, Antipas
Church, Eleanor B.
Church, Frederic Hatch
Church, Munson B.
Church, Ransom M.
Churcch, S. P.
Church, Sarah Hegliger
Churchill , Arthur Lyman
Churchill , Asa
Churchill , Anna Quincy
Churchill , Henrietae
Churchill , Jessie
Churchill , Willis C.
Churchman, C. W.
Churchman, H.
Chute, R.
Ciciva, George
Cigard, John Herbert
Cilley, Adelaide A.H.
Cilley, Daniel P.
Cintas, Oscar Benjamin
Cist, Charles
Cist, Lewis J.
Clafton, W.
Claggett, Thos. In.
Clagett, W. H.
Claghorn, James L.
Claiborne, August
Claiborne, William Stirling
Clap, John
Clap, Charles
Clapp, Ebenezer
Clapp, Elizabeth
Clapp, Eugene Howard
Clapp, George W.
Clapp, James B.
Clapp, Margaret
Clapp, Wm. R.
Clare, Julius
Clark, A. H.
Clark, Gail Wiilliams
Clark, Alice Sargeant
Clark , Alice
Clark, Mrs. Annie M.L.
Clark, Arthur A.
Clark, Arthur N.
Clark, Arthur W.
Clark, Arthur Wellington
Clark, M.D. , Arthur W.
Clark, Dr. A. W.
Clark, B. Preston
Clark , Barrett Harper
Clark, Benjamin
Clark, Byron N.
Clark, C. Goodwin
Clark, Charles G.
Clark, Charlotte A.
Clark, Clarence H.
Clark, Daniel
Clark, D. Lawrence
Clark, David J.
Clark, Donald R.
Clark, Edward Ford
Clark, Edward L.
Clark, Edward T.
Clark, Eugene F.
Clark, Geo. B.
Clark , George Edward
Clark, George H.
Clark, Geo. H.
Clark, Gertrude Sard & George Crawford
Clark, Greenleaf
Clark, H. B.
Clark, Hamlet
Clark, Harold
Clark, Henry
Clark, Henry G.
Clark , Henry G.
Clark , Herma
Clark, Inez Penniman
Clark, J. C.H.
Clark, J. H.
Clark, James Wilson
Clark, Jr., Mrs. Jay
Clark, John
Clark, M.D. , John
Clark, John A.
Clark, John Dudley
Clark, John L.
Clark, John Lew
Clark, Jonas
Clark , Jonas
Clark, Jonathan
Clark, Joseph
Clarkq, Joseph
Clark, Joseph W.
Clark, May
Clark, Melville
Clark, H. Smith
Clark, Reul B.
Clark, Robert
Clark , Samuel
Clark, Sarah
Clark, Sarah M.
Clark, Mrs. Susie F.
Clark, W. H.
Clark, Walter
Clark, William
Clark, W.
Clark, William O.
Clark, William H.
Clark , William James Louring
Clark, Wm. Mortimer
Clark, Sir William Mortimer
Clarke, Rev. Abra.
Clarke, Alfred
Clarke, Botsford Ralph
Clarke, Edward Pedkins
Clarke, Frances A.
Clarke, Esq., Gedney
Clarke, Gedney
Clarke, George
Clarke, George Harvey
Clarke, Grace
Clarke, H. J.
Clarke, J.
Clarke, Esq., James
Clarke, John Leslie
Clarke, John
Clarke, Joseph
Clarke, Mary Louise
Clarke, Mary Woodworth
Clarke, R. Floyd
Clarke, Robert George
Clarke, S.
Clarke, Alice De V.
Clarke, Simon
Clarke, Tho.
Clarke, Tho. F.
Clarke, Thos. Wm
Clarke, Walter
Clarkson, Jr., David
Clarkson, Gerardus
Clarkson, David
Clarkson, Matthew
Clason , T. A.F.
Claudy, Carl Harry
Clausen, Marie
Clay, Chas. M.
Clay, J. C.
Clay, J. H.
Clay, J. R.
Clay, John C.
Claybourne, Dorothy
Clayton, William
Clearwater, Alphonso Trumpbour
Cleaveland, Nehemiah
Cleaveland, Parker
Cleborne, C. I.
Clemons, Anita
Clement, Clara Erkskine
Clement, M.D., G. Colburn
Clement, Converse
Clement, Peter
Clement, Jr., Robert
Clements, William L.
Clemes, M. B.
Clemons, Charles Bailey
Clepham, Robert Coleman
Clerk, James
Cleveland, C&M
Cleveland, Charles Dexter
Cleveland, Gladys
Cleveland, Henry R.
Cleveland, Newcomb
Cleveland, Roger Pecke
Cleveland, Stephen
Cleveland, Mrs. William
Cleveland, H. M.
Clifford, Helen
Clifford , Nathan
Clifton, Charles
Clifton, Esq., Will.
Clifton, William
Clinton, Charles
Clinton, DeWitt
Cloak, Samuel F.
Clode, Charles John
Clopton, J. B.
Clouard, Maurice
Clough, Arthur Dana
Clougher , T. R.
Clouston, E. S.
Clow, M.D., Fred Ellsworth
Clowes, John
Cluett, Junior, Robert
Clalow, George
Clute, Walter Marshall
Coates, Andrew
Coates, Emily Colby
Coates, Frederic Sumner
Coates, Michael
Coats, James
Cobb, Alvan
Cobb, Ella Messenger
Cobb, Francis A.
Cobb, Ivo Geikie
Cobb,Jr., Lyman
Cobb, M.
Cobb, Sylvanus G.
Cobbs, Waddy
Coburn, Frank W.
Cochran, Henry
Cochrane, Alexander
Cochran, Tho.
Cock, Nicholas
Cock, Townsend D.
Cock, William
Cockayne, E. O.
Cockburn, George
Cockburn, James
Cockburn, Kathleen
Cocke, Wm. Archer
Cockey, Edwardi T.
Cockran, W. Bourke
Codman, Alice Newbold
Codman, Dorothy
Codman, Edith
Codman, Henry Sargent
Codman, Leila Howard
Codman, Ogden
Codman, Jr. , Ogden
Codwise, D.
Coe, Charles A.
Coe, Cleveland Beach
Coe, Family - Rosalie Coe, Colles Johnston Coe, Eugene Heny Coe, Jr.
Coe, E. E.
Coe, George Albert
Coffin, Amery
Coffin, Charles A.
Coffin, Ebenezer
Coffin, Edmund
Coffin, Hector
Coffin, James
Coffin, Julia Dexter
Coffin, Louisa W.
Coffin, Pine
Coggeshall, Edwin W.
Coggeshall, Frederic
Coggeshall, Rev.S.W.
Coghill, Cora Ellen
Coghill, James Henry
Cogswell, Elizabeth L.
Cogswell, E.
Cogswell, Nathaiel
Cohen, Benjamin L.
Cohen, Jacob
Cohen, Jacobi Sollis
Cohen, John M.
Cohn, Edith Armer
Cohn, Louis
Cohn, Maimie
Cohn, Margaret
Coit, Joseph Howland
Coker, Daniel
Colborne, Thomas
Colburn, Anna
Colburn, Hannah `
Colburn, Joel
Colburn, Lizzie
Colburn, Mildred
Colburn, Sarah E.
Colburn, S. H.
Colby, Abram
Colby, Charlotte
Colby, Jr., Isaac
Colby, Jr. , Isaac
Colcleugh, Emma Shaw
Colcord, Joanna C.
Colder, Cadwallader D.
Colder, James
Cole, George E.
Cole, George Watson
Cole , George Watson
Cole, Simmons
Cole, Stephen W.
Cole, Timothy
Colman, Cary
Colebrooke, George
Colby, Geo. J.L.
Coleman, Fannie
Coleman, Jr. , J. Winston
Coleman, Jr., J. Winston
Coleman, John J.
Coleman, Melicent B.
Coleman, William
Coleman, Wm. D.
Coleman, W. F.
Colepeper, Esq., Jno. Spencer
Coleridge, William Hart
Coles, G.
Coles, J. D.
Coles, J. T.
Coles, J. Ackerman
Coley, James F.
Colgate, Caroline
Colhoun, William B.
Colhoun, Esq., William
Colles, George Wetmore
Collet, J. Wallace
Collet, Hon. Joseph
Collet, L. S.
Collet, M. W.
Colleton, Frances
Colleton, James Edward
Collier, Allen
Collier, Arthur J.
Collier, Jr., Barron G.
Collier, David L.
Collier, Elizabeth Kathleen
Collier, Jean
Collier, John
Collier, Robert
Collier, Walter
Collings, Catherine
Collingswood, Wm.
Collins, Carl Clifton
Collins, Charles Terry
Collins, Clarkson & Caroline
Collins, Edward
Collins, Fred
Collins, George Ernest
Collins, James
Collins, Prof. Leslie N.
Collins, M.
Collins, Otto
Collins, Robert
Collins, Samuel Avery
Collins, Violet V.
Colp, Ralph
Colman, Wm. A.
Coltart & Son,
Colton, Rev. Richard Francis
Columbia, Bishop of
Colvin, Amey L.
Colwell, Charles R.
Colyer, Paul Howe
Combes, Horace Mintzer
Combes, Theodore Chamberlain
Combs, Gilbert
Combs, Samuel
Comerford, James
Comings, Rev. A, G.
Comings, Fannie S.
Comins, Julia Ann
Comly, Joshua W.
Commercial Plates,
Commeline, T.
Comstock, Ada L.
Comstock, Edward
Comstock, Frederick H.
Comstock, Geo. Stedman
Comstock, Harvey B. Hurd
Comstock, John
Comstock, John & Carol
Comstock, Dr. T. G.
Conant, Grace Patten
Conant, Hezekiah
Conant, Lewis Kingsbury
Conant, Lewis S.
Conant, Nathaniel
Conant, Samuel Morris
Conant, M.D. , William M.
Conarroe, George M.
Condie, Thomas
Condit, Caroline Dodge
Conduitt, Esq., John
Cone, Anna R.
Cone, S. W.
Cones, Salmon
Congdon, Charles T.
Congdon, G. E.
Conger, Wilhelmina Bogart
Conkle, D. Irvin
Conklin, Charles R.
Conklin, Geoff
Conklin, Roland R.
Conklilng, Nathan.
Connell, Frank
Connell, Margaret Morgan
Connel, Robert
C., W. B.
Connelley, William Elsey
Conner, Ralph E.
Conner, William
Connolly, Charles M.
Connolly, D. W.
Connor, Evalyn Hill
Conner, George Skeffington
Connor, George Skeffington
Connor, John Frank
Conover, Charles H.
Conover, L. V.
Conrad, Henry C.
Conrad, Robert R.
Conrow, Wilford Seymour
Consistory, Albert Pike
Constable, William
Convers, E. B.
Converse, Alfred Woods
Converse, Benjamin
Converse, Harry Elisha
Converse, Joshua
Conway, Charles
Conway, Eustace
Conway, Richard
Conway, William Palen
Conwell, Henricus
Conwell, Helen Marguerite O'Kane
Cony, Daniel
Conyngham, Redmond
Conynham, Redmond
Cook, Alfred L.
Cook, Bob
Cook, Charles Emerson
Cook, Edward Hudson
Cook , Fred
Cook, Gustvus Wynne
Cook, G. W.
Cook, James
Cook, James P.
Cook, Katharine Innes
Cook, Philip Howard
Cook , Philip Howard
Cook, P
Cook, Randall
Cook, Robert Lucius
Cook, S. M.
Cook, Samuel
Cook, Sarah
Cook, Thomas Newton
Cook, Walter
Cooke, Elisha
Cooke, Elizabeth
Cooke, George
Cooke, James W.
Cooke, John
Cooke, Jr., Montague
Cooke, Jr., Nicholas
Cooke, Philip Tatton Davies
Cooke, Stewart
Cooke, M.D., Thomas
Cooke, Wm. G..M.W.W.
Cooledge, David
Cooley, Sam.
Cooley, Samuel
Cooley, Thomas
Cooley, Timothy M.
Coolidge, Amory
Coolidge, Calvin
Coolidge, Ethel Warren
Coolidge, Harold Jefferson
Coolidge, Jr. , Harold Jefferson
Coolidge, Jr. , J.
Coolidge, J.
Coolidge, M.D., Richard H.
Coolidge, T. J.
Coolidge, Jr. , T. J.
Coobe, Rev. Thomas
Coombs, Zelotes Wood
Coon, C. H.
Cooper, Benjamin
Cooper, C. Beauchamp
Cooper, Edmund B.
Cooper, Elizabeth Montgomery
Cooper, Emeline
Cooper, Ezekiel
Cooper, Fenimore
Cooper, Henry S. Fenimore
Cooper, J. Fenimore
Cooper, James Fenimore
Cooper, Joseph & Elizabeth
Cooper, Miles
Cooper, Rob.
Cooper, Samuel
Cooper, Joseph
Cooper, John F.
Cope, John Gardner
Cope, Ronne
Copeland, M.D. , G. M.
Copeland, George Rogers
Copeland, Grace
Copeland, Paul & Mary
Copeman, William Sydney Charles
Copland, Charles
Copley, Elizabeth Clark
Copp, F. Edwin
Copp, Rich.
Copp, William
Copperthwaite, Sam.
Coppinger, Peter
Cora, S. S.
Coram, Thomas
Corbet, Clifford Cole
Corbet, Henry
Corbett, Henry Ladd
Corbin, Francis
Corbin, Esq., Fran.
Corbin, James P.
Corbin, Richard
Corbin, Spotswood Wellford
Corby, W. S.
Corcoran, N.? N.?
Corcoran, Wm. W.
Corey, George Henry
Corey, George H.
Corey, Jr., Jacob
Corey, Jacob
Corey, Mary
Corkhill, George B.
Corkhill, Hortense S.
Corkhill, Nelson G.
Corlies, Susan Miegs
Cornelius, Mary Anne Shiercliffe
Cornell, Ezekiel
Cornell, Helen Harrower
Cornell, Louise Havemeyer
Cornell, R. R.
Cornell, Wm. W.
Cornell, William W.
Corney, Thomas
Corning, Ephraim Leonard
Corning, E. L.
Corning, Ephm. L.
Corning, Jr. , Erastus
Corning, Hanson K.
Corning, John B.
Corning, John Herbert
Corning , John Herbert
Cornish, Louis C.
Cornish, Louis H.
Coarnish, Louis H.
Cornman, O. P.
Cornwallis, Marquis
Cornwallis, Cha.
Cornwell, Edward A.
Corelli, Marie
Corriveau, Achilles & Cora
Corson, Hiram
Cosgrave, E. Macdowel
Cosgrave, E.& A. Macdowel
Cossart, T. T.
Costigin, Esq., Francis
Cotes, Christopher
Cotheal, Alexander I.
Cotton, Bruce
Cotting, Benjamin Eddy
Cotton, Alice Mann Richards
Cotton, Albert Louis
Cotton, Alberti L.
Cotton, Sir Charles
Cotton, Elijah
Cotton, Geo. T.
Cotton, Jabez
Cotton, John
Cotton, Phil. L.
Cotton, Sarah
Cotton, William
Cotton, William A.
Cotton, Wm. A.
Couch, Herbert Herman
Coughlan, Arthur and Eileen
Coughlan, Bertrand Daniel
Coulden, W. E.
Coulston, J. Warren
Coulter, Stanley
Cortenay, Esq. , Henry
Courtenay, William Ashmead
Courtney, Joseph W.
Coutant, Dr. R. B.
Coutant, Richard B.
Covell, Anna
Covington, Samuel Fulton
Cowan, Anna Gilbert
Cowan, Frederick
Cowan, James
Cowdin, Winthrop
Conwell, David
Cowell, W. Wilson
Cowen, Robert
Cowen, Sidney J.
Cowenhoven, D.
Cowin, Jean
Cowing, W. Thornton
Cowles, Roxana Caldwell
Cowperthwait, Benjamin Ely
Cowperthwait, J. B.
Cox, A. J.
Cox, Catharine M.
Cox , Charles F.
Cox,A.M., M.D.,L.L.D., Chris. C.
Cox, A.M., M.D., Chris.
Cox, C. G.
Cox, Edward W.
Cox, Guy W.
Cox, J. Harry
Cox, John
Cox, L Estelle
Cox, Louis Sherburne
Cox, Nathaniel
Cox, Rowland
Cox, S.
Cox, Sam.
Cox , Samuel H.
Cox, Tho. Campbell
Cox, Vernon & Mary
Coxe, Brinton
Coxe, M.D., John Redman
Coxe, Margrance
Coxe, Richard S.
Coyle, Corinne Dessommes
Coyle, Jun., John
Coyle, John
Coyne, Mrs. H. A.
Cosgrabe?, Anna
Cozzens, Frederick S.
Crabbs, Nancy Harris
Cracraft, Elbridge G.
Cradock, Rev. T. R.
Craft, Caleb
Craft, Chas. W.
Craft, George
Craft, Sarah Ann
Craft & Faxon,
Craig, Edy
Craig, Helen Margarett
Craig,Jr., Hugh
Craig, Isaac
Craig, James M.
Craig, John
Craig, Robert
Craig, William Cumming
Craige, Burton
Craighill, Geo. P.
Crake, John Wilkinson
Cram, C. H.
Cram, Charles H.
Cram, Ethel Latimer
Cram, George Washington
Cram, Henry A.
Cram, Jacob
Cramer & Constable, Fritz & Kate
Cranch, Rich.
Cranch, Braintree
Cranch, ?
Crandon, Edwin S.
Crane, C. Austin
Crane, C. Howard
Crane, Charles Theomartyn
Crane, Edward N.
Crane , Elizabeth Fitch
Crane, Elizabeth Fitch
Crane, Jr., Joshua
Crane, M.D., J. Wyatt
Crane, John H.
Cranshay, George
Cranston, Henry C.
Cranston, Sara
Crapo, Samuel
Crary, Calvert
Crary, Ruth
Craven, Penelope
Craven, Esq., Will.
Craven, William Lord
C., W.
Crawford, David
Crawford, Francis Marion
Crawford, Gilbert Holmes
Crawford, George A.
Crawford, M.D., John
Crawford, John Wm.Roy
Creagh, Arthur Gethin
Cree, Thomas K.
Creech, Samuel W.
Creecy, Joshua S.
Creed, Margaret J.
Crehore, Charles Frederic
Creighton, J. C.
Creighton, Mandell
Crenshaw, John Bacon
Cresson, Elliott
Cresson, John A.
Cressman, Philip
Cresson, Charles M.
Cresson, Charles C.
Cresson, John C.
Cresson , J. C.
Cresson, Walter
Cressom, Walter
Cresson , William
Cresson, William
Cressy, Noah
Crews, Heber C.
Cringan, A. T.
Crippen, E. H.
Cripps, John S.
Crisp, Arthur
Crispe, Thomas
Cri, Jacob D.
Crittenden, J. H.
Croasdale, J.
Crocker, 3rd., Alvah
Crocker, Charlotte J
Crocker, Clara Ballard
Crocker, Courtenay
Crocker, Eleanor
Crocker, Eunice
Crocker, Jr., George Glover
Crocker, the third, George Clover
Crocker, Jr., George H.
Crocker, George U.
Crocker, George Uriel
Crocker, L. B.
Crocker, Lyneham
Crocker, Margaret
Crocker, Margaret B.
Crocker, Marjorie
Crocker, Muriel
Crocker, Sarah L.
Crocker, Uriel H.
Crokatt, James
Croker, Gerard
Crombie, James Clark
Cromelien, Alfred
Cromie, James
Crompton, Samuel
Cromwell, Ann
Cromwell, ?
Cromwell, Richard
Crooker, Robert H.
Crooks, Rob. Pilkington
Crookshank, George
Crookshank, Lt. Col. C. H.
Crookshank, Judge
Crookshanks, M.D., Gavin
Croswell, Edwin
Crosby, Caleb
Crosby, Carrie Louise
Crosby, ernest Howard
Crosby, Hiram B.
Crosby, J. Howell
Crosman, Samuel
Cross, Arthur Lyon
Cross, Eliot Buchanan
Cross, Frances & Frank
Cross, Michael Hurley
Cross, Porter
Crouch, Henry
Crouch, Lucy
C., M. C.
Crowe, Belle Chisholm
Crowe, Fred.
Crowe, Stanley
Crowe, Stanley & Ada
Crowell, Charles E.
Crowell, E. Beach
Crowell, Rufus
Crowninshield, E. A.
Crowther, Richard
Croy, Arthur
Croxier, Thomas F.
Cruickshank, Eustace D.
Crum, Thomas Eugene
Cudworth, Addison Edward
Culbertson, Owen
Culbertson, William
Cullen, Thomas Stephen
Cullis, Charles
Culpeper Library,
Culver, Jay
Cumins, Edward
Cummings, E. L.
Cummings, Gwendolyn
Cummings, Prentiss
Cummings, J. A.
Cummings, Silas
Cummings , Silas
Cunliffe, Foster
Cunningham, Arthur
Cunningham, Augustine J.
Cunningham, Edward
Cunningham, Frank Simpson
Cunningham, Frederick
Cunningham, Junior, James
Cunningham, James
Cunningham, J. R.
Cunningham, Mary Elizabeth
Cunningham, Susy Everhart
Cupples, Sam.
Curle, Grace Lister
C., M. E.
Curran, Mary Eleanor
Curran, Pauline Garner
Curran, Robert Garner
Currant & Kellar, George & Elinor Ritzinger
Curelly, C. t.
Currer, Frances Mary Richardson
Curry, D.D., George
Currey, G.
Currie, Dr. G.
Currie, James G.
Currier, M.D., J. M.
Currier, Dr. John M.
Curry, Tho.
Curry, William B.
Curticle, Helen Burr
Curtin, Roland
Curtin, M.D., Roland Gideon
Curtin, M.D. , Roland Gideon
Curtis, Abel W.
Curtis, Allen
Curtis, B. R.
Curtis, Beriah
Curtis, Daniel Sargent
Curtis, Ellen Amory
Curtis, Fanny
Curtis, George Munson
Curtis, George R.
Curtis, Isabel Gordon
Curtis, John
Curtis, Joseph & Hannah E.
Curtis, Joseph
Curtis, Lewis Perry
Curtis, Lewis Beers
Curtis, Leonard Eager
Curtis, Mary Louise
Curtis, Medad
Curtis, Paul
Curtis, Samuel
Curtis, Sarah
Curtis, T. W.T.
Curtis, Thos.
Curtis, Will E.
Curtis, William Derbyshire
Curtis, William Eleroy
Curtis, William J.
Curtiss, John C.
Cushman, Clara
Curwen, S.
Curwen, Charles F.
Curwen, George R.
Curwen, Geo. R.
Curzon, Baron Penn
Curzon, Henry
Cusachs, G.
Cushing, C.
Cushing, Caleb
Cushing, J. P.
Cushing, Jacob
Cushing, Edward
Cushing, Josiah Stearns
Cushing, Martin
Cushing, Robert H.
Cushing, Thomas
Cushman, [Charlotte]
Cushman, Anna Taber
Cushman, Blanche
Cushman, Rev. Geo. F.
Cushman, Henry Otis
Cushman, Herbert Ellsworth
Cushman, Rufus Cutler
Cushman, R. W.
Cushman, Seth
Cushman, Thaddeus Lyon
Cusi, Joaquim
Custis, ?
Custis, J. P.
Custis, John
Custis, Parke Hansell
Custis, William P.
Cutbush, M.D., E.
Cuthbert, Geo.
Cushing, Henry
Cutler, Charles Newton
Cutler, Elihu
Cutler, Harriet Sewall
Cutler, Henry
Cutler, I. Morton
Cutler , James Goold
Cutler, Joseph Warren
Cutler, Peter Young
Cutler, Timothy
Cutten, W. H.
Cutter, Abram E.
Cutter, Leonard R.
Cutter, Nathaniel
Cutting, Frank
Cutting, Hiram A.
Cutting , Hiram Adolphus
Cutting, Hiram Adolphus
Cutting, James S.
Cutting, John Barnes
Cutting, Robert
Cutting, William
Cuyler, C.
Cuyler, Esq., C.
C., Th.
D., A. R.
D. A.,
D., C. D.
D., E. O.
D., E. F.
D., G. M.
D., J. S.
D., L. Y.
D., K. R.
D., R. H.
D., Jr., W.
Dabney, Frederick Lewis
Dabney, Geo. Wm.
Dabney, John
da Costo, Emanuel Mendes
Dagenais, Dr. A.
Daggett, Ada Spencer
Daggett, Ethel Goodwin
Daggett, Frank S.
Daggett , Mrs. James
Dahlgren, John Ninton
Dahlinger, Bess McCain
Dahlinger, Charles William
Daignault, W. E.
Dakin, Anna Felton
Dale, Gertrude
Dale, John
Dale, Lydia Jackson
Dale, Michael G.
Dale, M.D., Thomas
Dallas, Frederick
Dalling, Col.
Dalmau, L.
Dalrymple, Rev. Edwin A.
Dalrymple, Henry A.
Dalrymple, Julia Priscilla & Helena Patricia
Dalrymple, Wm. H.
Dalton, Jn. C.
Dalton, Tristram
Daly, Augustine
Daly, D.
Daly, Josseph Francic
Daly, M. B.
Daly, Matthew
Dame, George W.
Dame, N. P.
Damer, Anna
Dampier, Thomas
Dan, Wm Ias
Dana, Charles E.
Dana, Edmund Trowbridge
Dana, Francis
Dana, J. Freeman
Dana, John Cotton
Dana, Richard Henry
Dana, Samuel
Dana , Samuel
Dana, William Franklin
Dancull, Milan
Dandy, Wm. P.
Danforth, Allen
Danforth, Jarvis
Daniels, George Fred
Danforth, Joseph Warren
Daniel, Peter V.
Daniel, Peter V
Daniell, Thomas
Daniels, Georgie
Daniels, Hannah
Daniels, John A.
Daniels, Marion
Daniels, Thomas Leonard
Dann, W. S.
Danton, George H..& Annina Periam
Danson, Susanna
Dapel?, ?
Darby, H. D.
Darby, John Custis
Dare, Franklin
Dare, H. Craig
Darling, John Gilman
Darling, T. S.
Darlington, Esq., Edward
Darlington, F. G.
Darlington, Frank Graef
Darlington, James Henry
Darlington, M.D. , Wim.
D'armand, Pinsot
Darnall, Ellis
Darrach, Grace
Darrow, Ben. L.
Darrow, Mary Neil and Walter N.P.
Darrow, Fritz Sage
Darst, Thomas Campbell
Dart, Edna
Dartt, Mary A.
Darwin, Carl Carlyle
Dasha, Joseph Andrew
Dashiell, Benj. F.A.C.
Dashwood, Esq., Charles Vere
Dashwood, Samuel
Dassonville, Marion
Davenport, Adrianna M.
Davenport, Isaac
Davenport, Mary
Davenport, Wm. W.
David, P.M.S. Society
David, John
Davidson, Dr. Alan
Davidson, Amy Caroline
Davidson, Flora Neil
Davidson, H. E.
Davidson, Esq. , Henry
Davidson, Henry
Davidson, John
Davidson, Madeleine Douglas
Davidson, Susanna Ferrar
Davidson , Truel
Davidson, William
Davidson, Rev. W. Fayette
Davidson, W. F.
Davie, W. R.
Davies, Work, McNamee & Hilton,
Davies, Benj.
Davies, Dorothy & Lindale
Davies, Emily O'Neill
Davies, Francis Pritchard
Davies, Henry
Davies, J. Clarence
Davies, Robt.
Davies, Willm.
Davis, Albert
Davis, Albert F.
Davis, Andrew Mc.F.
Davis, Andrew McFarland
Davis, Charles
Davis, M.D., Charles
Davis, Dr.Charles A.
Davis, Dr.Charles A, & Charles Thornton
Davis, Chas. T.
Davis, Chester M.
Davis, D. R.
Davis, E.
Davis, Eleanor Whitney
Davis, Elsie Osborn
Davis, Emerson
Davis, Enoch
Davis, F. W.
Davis, George Hardy
Davis, George S.
Davis, Horace
Davis, Horatio Nelson
Davis, 2nd, Isaac
Davis, John
Davis, Jo
Davis, John A.
Davis, John Chandler Bancroft
Davis, John D.
Davis, John W.
Davis, Lavinia
Davis, Loyal
Davis , Mackie Paschall
Davis, Marcia Winter
Davis, Marjorie Browne
Davis, Martley Cortlandt
Davis, Mary Cheney
Davis, Ozora Stearns
Davis, Paul W.
Davis, Reuben Robert
Davis, Richard
Davis, Samuel
Davis, Robert Coulton
Davis, S. H.
Davis, Stephen
Davis, Stevart
Davis, T. S.
Davis, Thomas R.
Davis, Walter Goodwin
Davis, Jr., Wendell
Davis, Wm. G.
Davis, William L.
Davis, Wm. T.
Davis, Wm. V.
Davis, W. V.
Davis, Winfield J.
Davison, C. Theresa
Davison, Heloise
Davison, John Harper
Davol, Charles Dean
Davy, Lady
Dawbarn, Robert H.M.
Dawes, Charles Gates
Dawes, Henry L.
Dawes, J. K.
Dawes, Rufus
Dawes, Rufus C.
Dawes, Jr., Thomas
Dawkin, Edward
Dawkins, Esq., Henry
Dawkins, Esq. , Henry
Dawkins, Walter F.
Dawson, Alexander
Dawson, Constance & William
Dawson, Ernest
Dawson, W. C.
Day, Albert
Day, Alfred
Day, Benjamin
Day, David Sheldon
Day, Elizabeth Hamilton
Day, Ernest Hermitage
Day , George Parmly
Day, John
Day, John C.
Day, M. W.
Day, Mary Bostwick
Day, Sarah Colt
Day, Steven
Day, Rev. Wm.
Dayton, Helena Smith
Deacon, E. D.
Deacon, Frederick
Deacon, Harleston
Deacon, Humphrey Hierophilus
Deady, Edward N.
Dean, A. T.
Dean, D.M.D., F. H.
Dean, Gaius
Dean, H. W.
Dean, Henry O.
Dean, Israel
Dean, Maud
Dean, S. B.
Deane, George
Deane, Gorham
Deane, John
Deane, Ruthven
Deane, Simeon
Deane, Thomas
Deane, Walter
Dearborn, Cornelia Hatch
Dearborn, E. H.
Dearborn, George L.
Deats, H. E.
Deats, Hiram Edmund
Deats, Hiram E.
Debenham, Ernest Ridley
de Blois, Austen Kennedy
Deblois, Geo.
DeBlois, Lew.
Deblois, Lewis
DeBlois, N. J.
Deblois, Thomas Amory
De Boeken?,
DeBow, J. D.
de Bruyne, H. Bernard
De Butts, John
De Campos, Henrique
Dechant, A. S.
Deck, Philip
DeCoster, B.
DeCourey, Charles A.
Decroix, Maurice
Decrow, Marion
Deems, George
Deering, C. W.C.
Deering, Frank Cutter
Deering, Frank C.
Deering, James A.
Defonds, Ardery Vincent
DeForest, George B.
DeForest, Henry Pelouze
Degen, Charles F.
Degen, George Frederic
Dejarnatt, Arthur Wesley
deKrafft, E. B.
Delafield, Maturin L.
DeLancey, Gen.
DeLancey, Anne Charlotte
DeLancey, James
DeLancey, Oliver
Delaney, Arthur J.
DeLange, M.
DeLannoy, Delano
Delano, Amaziah
Delano, C.
Delano, Eugene
Delano, H. L.
Delano, Warren
Delaolaine, Pierie
Delaval, Paul
Delavan, Marion Rumsey
Delawarr, John
Delawarr, John L.
Delehanty, Daniel
Delespine, Ja.
DelMar, Eugene
del Noce, Gennaro
DeLury, Alfred
DeLuze, M. C.
Demarest, Josephine M.
DeMeyers, Victor
DeMille, J. H. Hobart
Demond, Elijah
Dempster, Esq. , George
Denegre, Edith Bayne
Deneke, Doris
Dengler, J. M.G.
Denham, Edward
Denham, George
Denholm, William J.
Denio, Francis B.
Denison, A. C.
Denison, Henry
Denison, James
Denison, Merrill
Denison, William & Florence
Denlinger, D.
Denman, Thomas Baron
Dennery, Melanie
Dennery, Theodore
Dennett, Moses B.
Dennett, Eath'l
Dennett, Roger H.
DeVinne, Theo. L
Dennis, Alfred L.
Dennis, George Ravenscroft
Dennis, Jr., John D.
Denny, Esq., Edward
Denny, Thomas
Denny, William
Denny, William R.
DeNormandie, John
Denroche, Charles
Denroche, Elizabeth S.
Denton, Rev. L. M.
DePasson, George
Depew, Chauncey
Depew, Chauncey M.
DePeyster, Frederick
dePeyster, John Watts
dePeyster, J. Watts
DePuy, H.
Derbon, Joseph
Derby, Ezekiel Hersy
Derby, John
Derby, Martha
Derby, Richard H.
Derby, Sam.
Derby, Jr., William M.
DeRenne, W. J.
Dering, D.
Dering, Henry P.
Dering, N. H.
Dering, Nicoll H.
Dering, Thomas
Dering , Thomas
Derome, J. A.
deRouville, Hertel
Derr, John F.
Derry, Cecil Terry
Desborough, Young & Desborough,
DesBrisay, Guy
Desbrisay, Thomas
Desbrisay, Theophilus
DeSilver, Albert & Margaret
Desmonds, Dick
Desmond, Jr. , Walter
Dethick, Thomas
Devall, Frederick DuMonlier
Deverell, Esq. , Rich. Blake
DeVinne, Theo. L.
DeVoe, Walter
Devotions, Eben.
Dewar,M.D. , J. F.
Dewar, Esq., Robert
Dewes, Thos.
Dewey, C. B.
Dewey, Frances M.
Dewey,Jr., Francis Henshaw
Dewey , Henry Bond
DeWitt, Charlotte L.
DeWitt, Francis
DeWitt, Jacobus
DeWitt, Rich. Varick
DeWolf, Edwin Allis
D'Wolf, Wm. H.
Dexter, Aaron
Dexter, Ann
Dexter, Arthur
Dexter, Carolus
Dexter, Chester
Dexter, Christopher C.
Dexter, Edward
Dexter, F. Gordon
Dexter , Franklin
Dexter, G. Stillman
Dexter, George
Dexter, Gordon
Dexter, Henry M.
Dexter, Mary Deine
Dexter, Samuel
Dey, Edward Merton
di Campello , Solone
Dialectic Society,
Diamond, Betsie
D, E W.
Diamond, Elizabeth
Diamond, Elizabeth Watson
Diamond, Jack and Betsie
Diamond, J. E.
Diamond, Jack
Diamond, J. Edouard
Diamond, J.
Diamond, W. J.
Diblin, Chas. C.
Dick, Elisha C.
Dick, Harris Brisbane
Dick, Rev. Will.
Dickens, Charles
Dickerman, H. B.
Dickerson, Jr., J. H.
Dickey, Kenneth McM.
Dickie, Patrick
Dickinson, A. H.
Dickinson, Bessie and Rosa
Dickinson, P. S.
Dickinson, Dorothy M.
Dickinson, Geo. K.
Dickinson, George
Dickinson, James Taylor
Dickinson, Esq., John
Dickinson, Joseph F.
Dickinson, Jr., Leslie A.
Dickinson, Marquis Fayette
Dickinson, S. N.
Dickinson, Robert L.
Dickinson, Samuel
Dickinson, Theodore
Dickinson, Thomas A.
Dickinson, Timothy
Dickinson, W. B.
Dickinson, W.. J.
Dickson, Frederick
Dickson, H. S.
Dickson, Dr. S. Henry
Dielman, Lovis Henry
Dietrick, Jacob D.
Dietz, Charles A.
Dietz, Dorothy
Diffenbaugh, James A.
Diffenderffer, Frank Ried
Digby, Stephen
Digby, Rev. William
Digges, Esq., Dudley
Digges, George
Diggles, James H.
Dill, Joshua Martin
Dillaway, Charles K.
Dillingham, Elizabeth Thompson
Dillon, Edward
Dillon, Janet Wright
Dillon, Robert J.
Dillwyn, George
Dillwyn, Lydia
Dimmick, L. F.
Dingley, Frank L.
Dingwell, James
Dinier, Harriet F.
Dinneford, William
Dinvidoie, Rob.
Dinsmore, Clarence Gray
Dinsmoor, Kate
Dinsmore, Lucetta
Dion, Louis G.
Disturnell, J.
Dithridge, Geo. W.
Dibett, George Ross
Divilbliss, Dr.S. B.
Diviney, Thomas J.
Dix, Edward Spencer
Dix , Jonas
Dix, Leon
Dix, Rev. Morgan
Dixey, Arthur Sturgis
Dixey, Charles A.
Dixon, Esq., B. Homer
Dixon, B. Homer
Dixon, Francis B.
Dixon, Mary
Dixon, Mary Quincy
Dixon, II, Robert B.
Dixon, Thomas
Doan, A. W. Ross
Doan, Charles Austin
Doane, George W.
Dobbin, George W.
Dobbins, James H.
Dobbin, Leonard
Dobbins, Laura E.
Dobbs, Francis
Dobie, William
Dobree, Peter B.
Dobson, Arthur C.
Dobson, C. L.
Dodamead, Geo. M.
Dodd, Frank
Dodd, Ruth and Loring
Dodge, B. W.
Dodge, Cleveland Hoadley
Dodge, Rev. DeForrest B.
Dodge, Eliza
Dodge, Elizabeth Richardson
Dodge, Helen Blanche
Dodge, Dr. Henry Nehemiah
Dodge, Herbert
Dodge, Laurence Paine
Dodge, Laurence P.
Dodge, Mary A.B.
Dodge, Moses
Dodge, Nathaniel
Dodge, Pickering
Dodge, Richard
Dodge, Leril
Dodge's Circulating Library,
Dodson, George
Doe, Benjamin
Doe, Martha W.
Doering, A. M.
Doerr, M.D. , Alex
Dohrmann, Edith and Bernhard
Dolan, Leona
Dolbeare, Benjamin
Dole, Arthur
Dole, Isaiah
Dole, Mary
Dole, Mary W.
Doliber, Thomas
Dolley, M.D., Sarah R.A.
Donald, Richard A.
Donaldson, Bvt. Brig. Gen. Jas. L.
Donaldson, James
Donaldson, T. L.
Donavin, L. K.
Done, John
Dongan, Esq., Thomas
Donkin, ?
Donnell, John R.
Donohoe, Christine P. & Joseph A.
Donovan, Daniel V.
Donson, Mrs. Bernard T.
Doran, Josephus M.
Dore, Harry Ellsworth
Dore, Lutie
Dorman, Aniceta Ruth
Dorman, Anna
Dorman, Nancy
Dorman, Philip
Dorrance, Johannes
Dorrity, Barbara Raine
Dorsey, Farnum Francis
Dorsey, T.
Dorien, Sally M.
Dorkey, Carol L.
Dorkey, Jr. , Charles E.
Dorkey, Margaret E.
Dorkey, Marjorie L.
Dorsett, E. Lee
Dorsey, Clement
Dorsey, Walter
Dorsey, William H.
Dorson, Richard
Dessetor, Thos. P.
Doten, Calvin
Doubleday, Dorothy
Doubleday, Nelson
Doubleday, S.
Daugherty, William H.
Doughty, John
Doughty, Samuel
Doughty, Wm.
Douglas, Achilles
Douglas, Achilis
Douglas, Joyce B.
Douglas, Jacob M.
Douglas, James
Douglas, James Alexander
Douglas, Louis Archambaud
Douglas, Maie Bruce
Douglas, Malcolm
Douglas, Marian Lewis
Douglass, Anna E.
Douglas, Orson
Dove , Doct. J.
Dove, Doct. J.
Dove, James
Dove, Matthew
Dove, Samuel E.
No name,
Dow, Enoch
Dow, Jabez
Dow, Phinehas
Dowdell, Victor Lyle
Dowdeswell, John
Dowling, Frank
Dowling, T. Joseph
Downer, Samuel
Downes, Donald Chase
Downes, George Edward
Downes, Louis W.
Downes, Mary Lois Seagrave
Downes, Esq., T. H.
Downes, Mary
Downey, Mary Elizabeth
Downing, Agnes
Downing, Charles
Downing, Rev. Daniel J.
Downing, George
Downing, Sarah
Downing, W. H.
Downs, Frank B.
Downs, Dr.Geo A.
Downs, Jere Arthur
Downside, De
Dowse, W. B. H.
Dowson, Joseph
Dox, Jacob
Doyle, Frederick
Doyle, Henry Grattan
Doyle, Irene
Doyle, John Francis
Doyle, Rose
Doyle, Thomas
D'Oyly, George
Dragonette, Jessica
Drake, Andrew
Drake, Betty
Drake, Doris
D., C. R.
Drake, Edward
Drake, Francis
Drake, Grant
Drake, William Walker
Draper, Anna Palmer
Draper, A. Wetherell
Draper, Eben S.
Draper, James
Draper, Margaret
Draper, Moses
Draper, William
Draper, Gen. William Franklin
Draper, W. H.
Drayton, Drayton Grimke
Drayton, Jacob
Drayton, J.
Drayton, Judson
Drayton, William
Dreer, Ferdinand
Dreiser, Katherine S.
Dressel, Herman
Dresser, Frank Farnum
Dresser, Paul
Dressler Osteopathic,
Drew, William
Drew, Wm. M.
Drew, A. J.
D., F. E.
Drexel, Lucy Wharton
Drexel, Mary Irick
Drinkwater, John
Driscol, S. G.
Dro?, Moses S.
Drumm, Cyril
Drummond, Alexander
Drummond, Arthur W.H.Hay
Drummond, Andrew
Drummond, Andrew Mortimer
Drury, Esq., Henry
Drury, John
Drury, S. S.
Drysdale , Thomas M.
Duane, C. W.
Duane, James
Dubbs, Henry Alfred
Dubbs, Joseph Henry
DuBois, Loren Griswold
Dubs, Joseph S.
Ducharme, G.
Dudley, Herbert H.
Dudley, Jane
Dudley, Joseph
Dudley, Katherine M.
Dudley, Rachel
Duer, Alex
Duer, John
Duer, W. A.
Duer, Esq., Will.
Duerdin, John
Duff, Margaret R.
Dufferin, Marquess of and Ava
Duffield, Dr. B.
Duffield, George
Duffield , Howard
Duffield, Howard
Duffield, Samuel
Duffield, Samuel Pitts
Duffield, W. H.
Duffy, F. J.
Duffy, James O.G.
Duggan, John
Duhme, Ophelia Fowler
Duick, Benjamin
Duke, Helen
Dulany, Jr., Esq. , Daniel
Dull, Helen Boyd
Dumaresq, Julia M.
Dumaresq, Th.
Dumaresq, Anne
Dummer, Charles
Dummer, Jer.
Dummer, Joseph Newell
Dummer, Thomas Lee
Dummer, William
Dumont, John Elgnace
Dunbar, Charles F.
Dunbar, George
Dunbar, Esq., Will.
Duncan, George A.P.H.
Duncan, James Grant
Duncan, James H.
Duncan, John
Duncan, John M.
Duncan, Esq., M.
Duncan, Mary
Duncan, Robert
Duncan, William Butler
Duncombe & Matheson,
Dungan, James
Dunha, Daniel
Dunham, Helen
Dunham, Sturges Sigler
Dunkin, Robert Henry
Dunlap, Charles E.
Dunlap, Edward Slater
Dunlap, Cleone S.
Dunlap, John
Dunlap, W.
Dunlop, Esq. , Will.
Dunmore Library,
Dunmore , Catherine
Dunn, Horace
Dunn, V.Rev. John Patrick
Dunne, Frank Lysaght
Dunnel, M.D. , H. G.
Dunster, Henry
Dunster, Henrie
Dunster, Henry Thos. & Annette
Dunton, Charles Hamlin
Dunton, Gardner
Dunton, Helen McClean
Dunton, Isaac
Dunton III, Wm. Rush
Dunwell, James Potter
DuPonceau, Esq., Peter
DuPonceau, Peter S.
DuPont, Alfred Renee
DuPont, Pierre S.
DuPuy, Amy
Dupuy, Charles Meredith
Dupuy, Edward J.
Dupuy, Dr. Homer
Durand, Albert D.
Durand, Helen
Durand, Esq., John
Durand, S. M.
Durant, William West
Durell, Thomas M.
Durfee, Jr. , James
Durgin, Mark H.
Durham, Constance Mackenzie
Durham, Lord
Durkee, Cornelius E.
Durkee, George
Durkee, Richard Philip Hart
Durfee, Thomas M & Harriet S.
Durston, A. M.
Duryea, Samuel Bowne
Dutton, Hosea
Dutton, J. D.
Dutton, John
Duttoon, Will
Duttons, Inc.,
DuVal, Caroline Mae
DuVal, Frances M.
Duval, Lewis
Du-Val, Obadiah
Duvall, Gabrielis
Dwight, Frederick
Dwight, M. E.
Dwyer, John P.
Dyas, Thomas
Dyvall , Robert
Dyckman, J. G.
Dyckman, Peter Corne
Dyckman, States Morris
Dye, Theadogia
Dye, W. G.
Dyer, Charles E.
Dyer, Jabez
Dyer, Joseph F.
Dyer, Palmer
Dyer, Walter A.
Dyer, William
Dymond, John
Dyre, Timothy I.
Eames, George M.
Eames, W. S.
Earhart, Dr. J. R.
East Earl Township,
Earle, Elizabeth H.
Earle, Elizabeth
Earle, Howard Irwin
Earle, Jean M.
Earle, Jr. , Thomas
Early, John
Early, Samuel S.
Earnshaw, Bertha Wetherbee
Earnshaw, G. Fred
Easby-Smith, James
Easby-Smith, James S.
Easson, Henry
East , Jannette S.
Easterling, T. C.
Eastman, Chase
Eastman, Cyrus L.
Eastman, George
Eastman, Joseph B.
Easton, Elwood Gracy
Easton, Irving Boyd
Eaton, Cora Smith
Eaton, Edgar Allison
Eaton, Florence Mary
Eaton, Gilbert McCrea
Eaton, Hugh & Margaret
Eaton, Sir John Craig
Eaton, John David
Eaton, Josiah
Eaton, Lady
Eaton, Margaret
Eaton, Margaret W.
Eaton, Peter
Eaton, Susan
Eaton , Timothy Craig
Eaton, Timothy Craig
Eaton, Zerad
Eaves, John
Ebeling, George and Anna
Eberth, Joseph
Ebsworth, R. M.
Eby, Addison
Eby, J. N.
Eby, Jason W.
Eby, Simon P.
Eccleston, John
Eccleston, John B.
Echlin, John Stafford
Eckhart, Ruth Alma
Ecklin, Sarah Ann
Eckman, James R.A.
Ecky, John H.
Ecroyd, Mary
Eddis, Will.
Eddis, W.
Eddy, Elizabeth K.
Eddy , Henry Hudson
Eddy , Frederick A.
Eddy, John
Eddy, R. H.
Eddy, Rosamond Weston
Eddy, Sarah
Eddy, William Simonson
Ede, Thomas
Edelglass, Jack A.
Eden, John
Eden, Rob.
Eden, Wm.
[Edgar, Hon. Sir James David]
Edgar, Jr. , John
Edgar, Pelham
Edge, James
Edgerly, D.M. & C. B.
Edgerly, J. C.
Edgerton, Plenny
Edie, John
Edgett, Edwin F.
Edlmann, Herbert
Edmonds, Amos Lawrence
Edmonds, Charles Howard
Edmonds, Geo.
Edmondon, John
Edmondson, Jr., Thomas
Edmunds, Franklin Davenport
Edson, Ambrose
Edwards, Bryan
Edwards, Esq., Bryan
Edwards, Charles
Edwards , Charles
Edwards , Chas. D.
Edwards, Charles Jerome
Edwards, Daniel
Edwards, E. H.
Edwards, George Wharton
Edwards, I.
Edwards, Isaac
Edwards, J. W.
Edwards, Jonathan Walter
Edwards, Joseph Plimsell
Edwards, Joshua
Edwards, June Delight Elizabeth
Edwards, Marjorie P.
Edwards, S. L.
Edwards, Sarah E.G.
Edwards , Sam. L.
Edwards, Will. Embury
Edwards, Ward and Mamie
Edwards, Weldon N.
Effingham, E.
Effingham, Countess of , Katherine
Effison, Robert
Efron, Edith Carroll
Egbert, Dr. Joseph C.
Egerton, J. W.
Eggleston, Edward
Egment, Earl of , John Percival
Ehlers, Robert F.
Ehrenfeld,III, Augustus Clemens
Eichelberger, Rev. Ludovici
Eichelberger, Ludovici
Eichorn, Gale Liming
Eichorn, Maria Cecilia
Edelheim, Carl
Eights, J.
Eisemann, Frederick N.
Eisenberg, Moses J.
Eisenhart, August
Eisenhart, Martin Herbert
Ekins, Rev. Fred.
Ekvall, Anna Louise
Elam, Samuel
Elam, Sam.
Elder, George Saffarrans
Elder, Thomas
Elder, William 52 Leverett Street, Boston
Eldredge, Jr. , Donald
Eldredge, Donald & Elsie
Eldredge, Dorothy
Eldredge, Edward Irving
Eldredge, Emma L.
Eldredge, Geo. P.
Eldredge, H. Fisher
Eldredge, Mary E.
Elfreth, James
Elington, Wm. R.
Eliot, Andrew
Eliot , Charles
Eliot, Joseph
Eliot , Mather
Eliot, William H.
Eliot , William H.
Elkins, Samuel
Elklins, William C.
Elkinton, Joseph S.
Ellerby, E.
Ellerby, Edward
Ellery, Benjamin
Ellery, Harrison
Ellery, May
Elletson, Esq. , Roger Hope
Elliot, A. deZ.
Elliot, Frank D.
Elliot, Frank M.
Elliot, Henry R.
Elliot, Esq., Ja.
Elliot, William
Elliot, Barnard
Elliott, Charles Burke
Elliott, Clare
Elliott, Emily
Elliott, Essie
Elliott, Geo. R.
Elliott, J. B.
Elliott, James
Elliott, John Barwell & Noel Forsyth
Elliott, Leighton
Elliott, Robert Thomas
Elliott, William Rupert
Elliott, William S.
Ellis, A. W.
Ellis, Allison
Ellis, Caswell Prewitt
Ellis, Elizabeth and Ethan
Ellis, M.D. , Frederick Warren
Ellis, G. B.
Ellis, George E.
Ellis, Esq. , John Barwell & Noel Forsyth
Ellis, Lewis Ethan
Ellis, Col. R.R. W.
Ellis, Victoria
Ellis, Warren B.
Ellis, Annie Corinne
Elliston, Robert
Elliston , Robert
Ellsworth, Edward Augustus
Ellsworth , Edward Bryant
Ellsworth, F. W.
Ellsworth, Judiah
Elmendorf, J. B.
Elmendorf, James B.
Elmer, Lucius Q.
Elmsley, J.
Elmsley, Esq., John
Elsegood, Rev. Jos. I.
Elsegood, Rev.Joseph J.
Elsinger, Josephine
Elton, Rose Saxton
Elw?, Jonathan
Elwell, John Hudson
E., J. H.
Elwes, R. C.
Elwood, Geo. May
Elwood, George May
Elwood , George May
Elwood, Harold May
Ellwood, Harold May
Elwood, Marguerite
Ely, Alfred
Ely, Amelia Maria
Ely, Caroline Gertrude
Ely, grosvenor
Ely, John S.
Embree, S.& A.
Emerson, B. K.
Emerson, Charles
Emerson, Daniel
Emerson, George W.
Emerson, George Waldo
Emerson, Guy
Emerson, Rev. John
Emerson, John M.
Emerson, Joseph Sewall
Emerson, Marian B.
Emerson, Mary Ann
Emerson, Rodney S.
Emerson, Samuel H.
Emerson, W. C.
Emerson, William
Emerson, Wm. Key Bond
Emery, Benjamin T.
Emery, Charles Goodwin and Frank Whitney
Emery, Geo. E.
Emery, Georgia Hill
Emery , Helen L.
Emery, Howard B.
Emery, Third, Manning
Emery, Noah
Emmet, Katherine
Emmet, M.D., Thos. Addis
Emmet, M.D., T. A.
Emmet, William Temple
Emmet, Chris
Emory, Robert
Emotts, Wm.
Empie, Rev. A.
Endicott, Robert
Endicott, Jr., William
Endicott, William Crowninshield
Engle, W. N.
Engler, Arthur
[Engler, John]
No name on plate,
Engler, Mabel
Engles, Joseph P.
English, David
Eno, H. C.
Eno, Henry C.
Enos, Frank
Entwisle, James Clifford
Epplen, Dr. Frederick
Epplen, Marie Dorothea
Epps, Mary L.
Ercolini, Mary Alice
Erickson, Elmer
Erickson, Milton Hyland
Erisman, H. M.D.
Erisman, M. H.
Ernst, Harold Clarence
Errington, Rowland
Erskine, Lucile
Erving, Esq., William
Erwin, George
Estabrook, Eliza
Estabrook, Jane Dodge
Estabrook, Milicent Barrett
Eschmann, F. W.R.
Estes, Abigail Perry
Estes, James F.
Etting, Frank Marx
Etting, Gratz
Eubank, Richard
Eustace, Col. John Ikey
Eustis, Celestine Elizabeth
Eustis, George
Evans, A. C.
Evans, Arthur Llewellyn
Evans, David E.
Evans, Evan
Evans, Fanny
Evans, Felix Gordon
Evans, Hiram Lowry
Evans, John
Evans, J.
Evans, John C.
Evans, John W.
Evans, Jonathan
Evans, Montgomery
Evans, Owen Brooke
Evans, Robley D.
Evans, Roger Flagg
Evans, Rowland E.
Evans, Ruth
Evans, Samuel Scriven
Evans, Thomas
Evans, Thomas William
Evans, W. E.
Evans, Jeremiah
Evarts, Prescott
Everdell, William
Everest, Charles William
Everest, Esq., Solomon
Everett, Edward
Everett, Mrs. H. A.
Everett, Jr. , Henry Coffin
Everett, J. E.
Everett, Oliver Hurd
Everett, Raymond
Everett, William
Everhart, B. M.
Evill, Henry
Ewart, George C.
Ewart, John Hamilton
Ewing, Alonzo Prentiss
Ewing, Charles Mortan
Ewing, Jane Washington & Felix Grundy
Ewing, Chas.
Ewing, Maskl.
Ewing, jun. , Maskell
Ewing, Samuel
Ewing, William C.
Eyerman, John
Eyre, Esq., Charles
Eyre, James
Eyre, John
Eytinge, Samuel Miller
F, D. H.
F., E.
F., W.
F., W. B.O.
Fabres, Sukey
Fagan, Leo F.
Fagan, Lulu M.
Fager, Dr. John H.
Fahnestock, Harris C.
Fahnestock, M.D., William B.
Failey, Bruce Franklin
Fairbairn, Robert
Fairbanks, Charles Mason
Fairbanks, Charles Oliver
Fairbanks, Henry P.
Fairbanks, Israel
Fairbanks, Joseph
Fairbrother, William
Fairchild, H. J.
Fairchild, Hamlet
Fairchild, John
Fairless, Charlotte
Fare Fac,
Fairfax, Fairfax L.
Fairfax, Robert
Fairholme, Esq., Adam
Falcon, Irene
Fales, Alonzo Courtland
Falk, Ralph
Falkiner, Cesar Litton
Fallon, John Michael
Falvey, Lawrence Katherine
Fanning, Carra Lane
Fanning, David Hale
Fanning, Edmund
Fanning, Helen Josephine
Fanning, Walter G.
Fantus, M.D., Bernard
Fardell, Raymond Huntley
Fargo, Louise Mears
Farley, Jr. , Benjamin M.
Farlow, M.D., John W.
Farmer, Arthur Augustus
Farmer, Jasper
Farmer, John
Farmer, Robert
Farmer, Walter Whittemore
Farmin, Urial
Farnam, Albert A.
Farndale, W. G.
Farnham, James
Farnham, Julia Paulding
Farnham, Putnam I.
Farnsworth, John P.
Farnum, H. R.
Farnum, John
Farnum, William
Farr, M.D. , Clifford Bailey
Farr, Mary Parry
Farr, Sophia Sword
Farra, John C.
No name on plate ( The Gift of) ,
No name on plate ( The Gift from her Library) ,
Farrand, Beatrix
Farrand, Max
Farrar, Clarence B.
Farrar, H. C.
Farrar, John A.
Farrington, Isabel H.
Farrington, Luther and Katharine
Farrow, Blanche Clare
Farrow, Garrason Anglo
Farson, John
Farwell, A.
Farwell, Arthur
Farwell, John W.
Farwell, Willard B.
Fassett, Jacob Sloat
Fassett, Jennie Crocker
Fassett, O. F.
Fauieres, James
Faulke, Eliza Ann
Faulkner, Anne Robbins & Abby L.
Faunce, Sewall Allen
Fauquier, Esq., Thomas
Faust, A. J.
Fawcett, Dora E.
Fawcett, Margaret Hale
Fawcett, Owen Stanley
Faukener, Esq, , Wm
Fay, Darius
Fay, Charles Ernest
Fay, Addison G.
Faxon, Wm
Faxon, F. W.
Fay, John 1793
Fay, Katherine
Fay, Sarah Abbott
Fearing, Charles F.
Fearing, C. F.
Fearing, Daniel B.
Fearon, Edward Pingey
Featherstone, Ella
Felch, Walton
Fellowes, Francis
Fellowes, H.
Fellowes, H. D.
Fellowes, H? ?
Fellowes, I.
Felton, William Locker
Fendall, Philip Richard
Fenimore, Samuel
Fenderson, M. J.
Fendall, Thomas H. M.
Fenn, Albert Orton
Fenn, Edmund Winthrop
Fenn, Harry Winthrop
Fenn, James Pierce
Fenner, Albert G.
Fenner, Robert
Fenner, Stacy W.
Fenning, William
Fenno, Catharine
Fenton, A. R.
Fenton, Arthur E.
Fenton, Helen Mooney
Fenton, Helen M.
Fenwyke, A.
Fenwick, M.D., ?
Fenwick, John
Fenwick, K. M.
Fenwick, Sophy
Ferguson, M.D. , A.
Ferguson, Clement
Ferguson, C. C.
Ferguson, James B.
Ferguson, Jean B.
Ferguson, John W.
Ferguson, R. Henry
Ferguson, W. A.
Ferguson, William Chalmers
Fermoy, Cecil
Fernald, M.D., C. A.
Fernald, M.D., George A.
Fernald, H. T.
Fernberger, Samuel Weiller
Ferrers, Henrici
Ferriday, W. C.
Ferrier, Walter
Ferriss, Ann
Ffoulkes, W. Wynne
Field, Aaron W.
Field, C. K.
Field, Cutler
Field, Cyrus W.
Field, D. D.
Field, David D.
Field, Dudley
Field, Eugene
Field, Francis Elliott
Field, George Louis
Field, George Prentice
Field, Hamilton Easter
Field, John
Field, John White
Field, Jr., Leonard H.
Field, Lila Vanderbilt
Field, M.
Field, Martin
File, M. D.
Field, S. J.
Field, Maunsell Bradhurst
Field, Roswell
Field, Wm. Bradhurst Osgood
Field, William H.
The Fieldings,
Fielding, H. B.
Fielding, Mantle
Figgins, Robert
Filene, A. Lincoln
Filene, Edward Albert
Filgate, Macartney
Fillmore, Millard
fincham, Alfred
Fincham, H. W.
Fincham, W. A.
Fincham, H. A.
Findlay, Frances A.
Findley, Esq., William
Findlay, William S.
Finley, Anthony
Finley, John
Finkle, M.D., Albert Mark
Finkle, Kate Talbot
Finley, Elizabeth Reynold
Finley Brothers,
Finley, Agnes and Walter
Finn, Walter L.
Finotti, Josephus M.
Frey, Katherine
First Social Library,
Firth, Austin M.
Firth, William
Fischer, Dr. Oscar Edward
Fischer, Rowena K.
Fish, M.D., Augustine H.
Fish, Erland Frederick
Fish, Frederick Samuel
Fish, Hamilton
Fish, Harold E.
Fish , John D.
Fish, Stuyvesant
Fisher, Cameron Mann
Fisher, Clarence S.
Fisher, Eben S.
Fisher, Frederick Bohn
Fisher, Francis
Fisher, George T.
Fisher, Harry H.
Fisher, Herman P.
Fisher, J. B.
Fisher, Irving
Fisher, James
Fisher, Jeffery
Fisher, John
Fisher, Jonathan
Fisher, Josephine
Fisher, Joshua
Fisher, J. Francis
Fisher, Lindley
Fisher, Lizette Andrews
Fisher, Louisa J.
Fisher, Mildred H.
Fisher, N.
Fisher, Richard
Fisher, Richard Douglass
Fiaher, S.
Fisher, Stowell LeCain
Fisher, Jr., Thomas
Fisher, William Edgar
Fisher, Wm. Edgar
Fisk, Edwin
Fisk, Emily S.
Fisk, John
Fisk, Pliny
Fiske, Edwin
Fiske, G. Walter
Fiske, John
Fiske, Henry Metcalf
Fiske, Lewis Clifford
Fiske, Samuel
Fiske, William Perry
Fitch, Asa
Fitch, Arel
Fitch, James B.
Fitch, Jeremiah
Fitch, Mrs.William G.
Fitch, William R.
Fitler, M.D. , Joseph P.
Fitts, Calvin R.
Fitz Clarence, Col.
Fitz-Gerald, Blance
Fitz-Gerald, E.
FitzGerald, Edward
Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Ann
Fitz-Gerald, Esq., James
FitzGerald, Minnie
FitzGerald, Gerald
FitzGerald, Lord Walter
Fitzharris, Rev. John
Fitzhugh, Augustine
Fitzwhylsonn & Potter,
Flagg, Betsy
Flagg, Charles Fobes
Flagg, Sabrina
Flagler , H.H. & A.L.
Flammer, J. George
Flanagan, James
Flandin, Pierre
Fleischner, I. N.
Fleisher, Florence Loeb
Fleming, Arthur H.
Fleming, Augustus
Fleming, J. Harry
Fleming, L. I.
Fleming, Sandford
Fleming, Jr., Thomas
Fleming, William
Fleming , William M.
Fletcher, Adolphine
Fletcher, Bruce
Fletcher, Elijah T.
Fletcher, George
Fletcher, J.
Fletcher, John
Fletcher, Mary Beth
Fletcher, N. Cleaveland
Fletcher, Noah
Fletcher, William
Flexner, Gertrude
Figman, Carrie
Flinn, Jane Case
Flint, Abel
F., S. A.
Flint, D. B.
Flint, E. H.
Flint, H. S.
Flint, L. N.
Flood, John
Florence, William J.
Florsheim, Irving & Lillian
Flower, Benjamin
Floyd, John
Floyd, L. H.
Floyd, Robert Mitchell
Floyd, R. Wentworth & Adelaide
Flynn, R. W.J.
Flynn, J. R.
Fobes, Alpheus
Fobes, Dantel
Fobes, Edward A.
Fobes, Francis Howard
Foehl, Charles Allen
Fogg, Dr. J. S.H.
Fogilson, Anne
Foglesong, Hortense
Foglesong, J
Fogle, Jacob
F., P. K.
Fokina, Vera
Fokine, Michel
Folger, George H.
Folger, Philip H.
Folger, Philip D.
Folker, Howard O.
Folkes, Wm. J.
Follet, Edith Chalin
Folsom, Charles
Folsom, John W.
Folts, M.D. , D. V.
Folwell, Richard
Folwell, Sarah Hubbard
Fonda, David Albany
Fonda, Nicholad Albany
Foose, Sarah Anne
Foot, Ebenezer
Foot, John
Foot, John Forrester
Foote, Benjamin Hatley
Foote, Ebenezer
Foote, Henry Wilder
Foote, Israel
Footte, Israel
Foote, Johannis
Foote, John P.
Foote, Lewis
Forbes, Anthony
Forbes, Bessie L.
Forbes, Darius
Forbes, Esther
Forbes, Frank W.
Forbes, Johanis
Forbes, John Murray
Forbes, Eli
Forbes, Katherine Maria
Forbes, Mary R.
Forbes, R. B.
Forbes, Sarah
Forbus, Alexander
Force, William O.
Forbush, John
Ford, Albert Jones
Ford, Charles
Ford, Emily E.
Ford, Emma VanAllen
Ford, Frances M.
Ford, George Hounsfield
Ford, Henry Bell
Ford, Horance and Angie
Ford, Jean Churchill
Ford, Juliet Trimble
Ford, Nath.
Ford, M.D., Stirling
Ford,II, Sunshine Helen
Ford, W. H.
Forehand, Frederic
Forgue, Stephenn Euline
Foriot, Adrian T.
Forney, James
Forrest, David M.
Forrest, Edwin
Forrest, James
Forrester, John
Forstall, DnPedro
Forsberg, Dorcas
Forster, John
Forsyth, James C.
Forsyth, Russell
Fortier, L. M.
Fortune, Luke
Forwood, M.D., W. Stump
Foslett, James D.
Foss, Sam Walter
Foster, Agnes
Foster, Anna L.A.
Foster, Benjamin Franklin
Foster, Birket
Foster, C.
Foster, Dexter
Foster, Dwight
Foster, D
Foster, Eden B.
Foster, Elizabeth
Foster, Eliza Jane
Foster, George Green
Foster, George M
Foster, Ingham
Foster, Isaac
Foster, Jacob
Foster, James
Foster, James F.
Foster, John Morrell
Foster, John W.
Foster, Jonathan
Foster, Joseph
Foster, Lucy Maria
Foster, May F.
Foster, Mary Frances
Foster, Moses B.
Foster, John Brown
Foster, R. S.
Foster, Rev. R. S.
Foster, Robert H.
Foster, Robert Lionel
Foster, Robert Thompson
Foster, Roger
Foster, [Sukey]
Foster, Theodore D.
Foster, T. Henry
Foster, William
Foster, M.D. , Wm. D.
Foster, William Davis
Foster, William Eaton
Foster, William Heber Thompson
Foster, W. H.T.
Fothringham, Alex.
Fountain, H.
Foust, Robert M.
Fowle, Fulwar William
Fowle, Geo. D.
Fowler, Albert B.
Fowler, Albert Brown
Fowler, Andrew
Fowler, Anna St.Louis
Fowler, Arthur
Fowler, Arthur Thomas
Fowler, B.
Fowler, Betty
Fowler, Charles Darton
Fowler, Eleanor
Fowler, G. W.
Fowler, 2nd., Harriet P.
Fowler, Harry Alfred
Fowler, H. Alfred
Fowler, Alfred
F., A.
Fowler, Maj. Harry Alfred
Fowler, Henry Wood
Fowler, John Harold
Fowler, Marjorie
Fowler,M.D., Mark Walker
Fowler, Mary A.
Fowler, Robert Ludlow
Fowler, Rufus B.
Fowler, Samuel P.
Fowler, T. MacKenzie
Fowler, Welthy
Fowler, Wilma
Fownes, Rev. Joseph
Fox, Catherine Payton
Fox, Charles
Fox, Charles Edwin
Fox, David J.
Fox, J. W.
Fox, James
Fox, Julia and Herbert
Fox , Louis Rodman
Fox, Mary
Fox, Robert
Foxcroft, Frank
Foxcroft, Esq., John
Fraenkel, Numa
Frame, Clara L.
Frame , Julia Locke
Frampton, Christabel A.
Franc, Ruth
France, Richard
Francis, Alfred
Francis, Christina D.
Francis, David
Francis, Ebenz.
Francis, George
Francis, George Ebenezer
Francis, John
Francis, Lewis Witherbee
Francis, Samuel W.
Francis, M.D., Valentine Mott
Frank, Alfred
Frank, Henry Pennell
Frank, Joseph
Frank, Louis
Franke, Julius
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, John
Franklin, Walter
Franks, Robert Augustus
Fraprie, F. R.
Fraprie, Frank Roy
Fraser, Andrew
Fraser, D. C.
Fraser, Jr., David
Fraser, Elizabeth
Fraser, G. B.
Fraser, Juliette May
Fraser, Roderick Ferguson
Fraser, Lt. Col.
Fraser, Wm.
?, Michael
Frayser, Benjamin Robson
Frazar, Douglas
Frazee, Ida Cony
Frazer, I. F.
Fraier, J. L.
Frazier, J. L.
Frazier, Samuel
Frear, Frederick William
Freas, P. K.
Freas, W. R.
Frederick, Sir Charles
Frederickson, C. w.
Free, Alfred
Freeland, Albert F.
Freeland, James
Freeling, Charles
Freeman, Rev. A. F.
Freeman, Agnes D.
Freeman, Ernest Maynard
Freeman, Frederick
Freeman, Frederic William
Freeman, George Albree
Freeman, Henry G.
Freeman, Jr., Jonathan
Freeman, Lewis D.
Freeman, Nathaniel
Freeman, Samuel
Freeman, Esq., Thomas Edwards
Freeman, ? Blackstone?
Freeman, Warrren E.
Freeman, Jr., William
Freeman and Duren,
Freitag, K.
French, Asa
French, Asa P.
French, B. B.
French, Benjamin Brown
French, Benj. Vinton
French, Charles Thornton
French, Esq. , David
French, E. B.
French, Eliot Channing
French, Eliza
French, Francis
French, Frederick H.
French, Frederick W.
French, M.D., Geo.
French, Hollis
French, Ruminando
French, Jonathan
French, Lloyd
French, Robert
French, Samuel
French, M.D., Sam. W.
French, Dr. Samuel W.
French, Samuel W.
French, Thomas Ewing
French, Rev. Wm. C.
French, Ziba
Frew, Walter Edwin
Frey, Amelie B.
Freytag, Doctor E.
Frick, Amos
Frick, Henry Clay
F., H. C.
Frick, Frank
Frick, Joel
Friedmann, Arthur
Friedman, Jack Belle
Friedman, Lee M.
Friedman, Reuben
Friend, William
Frishmuth, Anna Biddle
Frost, Donald McKay
Frost, Jr., Donald McKay
Frost, Francis
Frost, Simon
Frost, George H.
Frost, G. Hornn
Frost, Marguerite Scribner
[Frost, Robert]
Frost , Robert
The Scribner Frost Brochure,
Frothingham, A.
Frothingham, Edward
Frothingham, Ellen
Frothingham, F. G.
Frothingham, Frederick
Frothingham, John Whipple
Frothingham, Rich.
Frothingham, Theodore
Frothingham, W.
Frowert, Percival K.
Fry, Charles
Fry, Chas.
Fry, Edward
Fry, James N.
Fry , Maria D.B.
Fry, Samuel G.
Frye, Cordelian Evans
Fry, Maria D.B.
Fry, Daniel
Frye, Frederick
Frye, Oliver
Frye, Walter Preston
Fuguet, Will. Henry
Fuller, Arthur B.
Fuller, Arthur G.
Fuller, Charles
Fuller, Daniel Hunt
Fuller, Geo. K.
Fuller, Geow.
Fuller, George W.
Fuller, H. W.
Fuller, Eliza
Fuller, Helen T.
Fuller, Levi K.
Fuller, Lit.
Fuller, Louise Stetson
Fuller, Melville Weston & Mildred Fuller Wallace
Fuller, Oliver
Fuller, Robert Gorham
Fuller, Timo
Fuller, Esq., Timothy
Fuller, Wm. B.
Fullerton, M.
Furber, Jane
Furber, John D.
Furey, John S.
Furley, Edward
Furman, Dorothy
Furman, Fannie
Furness, Clifton Joseph
Furness, Dawes Eliot
Furness, Jr., H. H.
Furness, Horace Howard
Furniss, Henry Dawson
Furst, Arnold
Futvoye, C. H.
G., A. W.
G., B. W.
G., C.
G., F.
G., W.
G., L.
G., I.
G., M. L.
G., R.
Gabell, Eleanor
Gaberman, Faye and Peter
Gable, William F.
G., W. F.
Gable, Glen
Gable, Lowell
Gaddis, Jacob B.
Gadsen, John
Gage, Alfred F.
Gage, Frank Herbert
Gage, Idys Mims
Gage, Isaac K.
Gage, John Charles
Gage, Esq. , Robert
Gage, M.D. , Thomas Hovey
Gage, Jr. , T. H.
Gage, Jr. , Thomas Hovey
Gagnon, P.
The Gaiety,
Gailor, Thomas Frank
Gaines, Clarence
Gaither, George R.
Galbraith, Wm. A.
Gale Library, Alfred deForest
Gale , Lucille
Gale, Esq., Robert
Gale, Walter Church
Gales, Winifred D.
Gallagher, James
Gallagher, Walter F.
Gallatin, P. Mich.
de Gallatin,
Gallaudet, S. D.
Gallienne, Richard Le
Galligher, Harry P.
Galloupe, Charles W.
Gallup, Chas.
Galpin, Ph. S.
Galt, Matthew W.
Galton, Hubert
Gambier, Robert
Gamble, Charles
Gamble, Elizabeth
Gamble, Rev. Henry
Gamble, Miss Jane
Gamble, John Marshall
Gamble, Y. Lee
Gamble, W.
Gambrill, Charles A.
Gang, Ella
Ganley, Rev. Wm.
Gannett, Eliza
Gannett, Ezra Stiles
Gannett, George
Gannon, Katherine H.
Gansevoort, Harmen
Gansevoort, Leonard
Gansevoort, Peter
Garber, MaryAnn
Gardin, John E.
Gardiner, Chandler B.
Gardiner, David
Gardiner, George S.
Gardiner, Herbert Fairbairn
Gardiner, F. S.
Gardiner, Jetur
Gardner, Joel
Gardiner, John
Gardiner, Lion Madison
Gardiner, robert Hallowell
Gardiner, Robert S.
Gardiner, Samuel
Gardiner, Tudor
Gardiner, William
Gardner, Augusta
Gardner, Estelle Allison
Gardner, Dorothy Caroline
Gardner, L. D.
Gardner, Prince
Gardner, Richard
Gardner, Robert
Gardner, Sam. P.
Gardner, Sankey
Garner, Thomas
Gardner, Walter J.
Garfield, Harry A.
Garfield, James A.
Garidel, Jr., L. Armand
Garland, A. H,
Garland, Betsey
Garland, Charles Fuller
Garland, James
Garland, Jr. , James
Garland, Marie Tudor
Garland, Mrs. Mary L.
Garland, S.
Garland, T. B.
Garlick, Samuel
Garnett, John
Garnett, James M.
Garrett, Edmund H.
Garrett, J. W.B.
Garrett, Marshall
Garretson, Isaac
Garret, Marshall
Garrett, Robert
Garrett, Violetta
Garret, Wait
Garrick, David
Garrison, Frank W.
Garrit, John
Gardette, E. B.
Garson, Andreas
Garson, Andreas & Etta
Garson, Etta Corbett
Garston, Mary Ann
Garvan, Edward Joseph
Gaskill, Charles Francis
Gass, Preston & Emma Butler
Gaston, Clara F.
Gaston, Hope
Gaston, W. A.
Gaston, William
Gatehouse, Jun., C.
Gates, Burton Noble
Gates, Donald Macleod
Gates, Harriet Grant
Gates, Helen Fay
Gates & Gates,
Gattie, F. S.
Gault, Matthew & Helen H.
Gauntt, Charles S.
Gaus, Edward L.
Gause, H. T.
Gause, J. T.
Gauss, John D.H.
Gauthier, Marguerite
Gavitt, Frances C.
Gavit, John F.
Gavit, Jos.
Gay, Ernest L.
Gay, G. H.
Gay, George H.
Gay, Julius
Gay, Rebecca Bird & Ryder Holmes
Gayangoe, Juan Riano
Gannor, George W.
Gear, Harry Barnes
Gebing, Regina Sulger
Geddes, Henry
Gee, Charles
Gee, E. R.
Gee, Joseph
Geer, Walter
Geiger, J. W.
Geist, I. S.
Geldart, Joseph
Gelder, Herm.
Gelink, Will. J.
Gemmell, Thomas
Gemmill, William D.
Gent, James Grierson
Genvng, George F.
George, Albert E.
George, Andrew D.
George, David S.
George, E. B.
George, Edward
George, Janet E.
George, Jerome Rowley
George, John C.
George, Mary N.
George, John
Gerard, Georges
Gerard, J. B.
Gerard, Sherman
Gerhard, William G.
Gerlach, Frank Henry
Gerould, M. L.
Gerrish, Janet
Gerrish, John
Gerrish, Joseph
Gerrish, Moses
Gerry, Jr., Elbridge
Gerstle, Henry S.
Gerstley, Adele & James
Gerstley, Henry E.
Getting, James Charles
Gest, John Marshall
Gibbes, ?
Gibbes, Edmund A.
Gibbes, John
Gibbes, Robert M.
Gibbes, Wilmot L.
Gibbon, J. A.
Gibbs, Jr., Benjamin
Gibbs, Hanson
Gibbs, Herbert
Gibbs, John Walters
Gibb, John Walters
Gibbs, Josiah Willard
Gibbs, Josiah W.
Gibbs, Lincoln Robinson
Gibbs, Montgomery
Gibbs, Sarah
Gibbs, William
Gibbs, Wolcott
Gibson, Charles Dana
Gibson, Edward R,
Gibson, Edward R.
Gibson, Geo. G.
Gibson, Jr. , George S.
Gibson, John
Gibson, S. Ashley
Gibson, Wm.
Gichner, Ernest
Giddings, Elizabeth Marshall
Gifford, Adam
Giger, Paul Molly
Gilbert, Bill
Gilbert, Edward Hooker
Gilbert, Elias
Gilbert, G.
Gilbert, I. H. Grenville
Gilbert, Ralph
Gilbert, H. F.
Gilbert, Jas. J.
Gilbert, M J.
G., M. J.
Gilbert, Napoleon J.
Gilbert, Esq., Nath.
Gilchrist, John James
Giles, Branch H.
Giles, Daniel
Giles, Jr. , Jacob
Giles, James
Gillan, Patrick
Gilhooly, P. H.
Gilfillan, D. R.
Giles, Samuel
Gillen, Edythe A.
Gillet, Edith L.
Gillett, Lillian May
Gillett, Geo. W.
Gillett, Omer Rand
Gillette, A. D.
Gillette, Daniel Gano
Gillette, King C.
Gillette, Lucia Sill
Gilliam, Robert B.
Gilliat, Mrs. J. H.
Gilligan, Lillian rich
Gilliland, Jun., Will.
Gillingham, Harrold Edgar
Gillis, James L.
Gillis, Katherine C.
Gesenius, D.
Gilliss, Thomas H.
Gilman, Alfred
Gilman, Mrs. Charles M.
Gilman, Edward H.
Gilman, Elizabeth
Gilman, Gorham Dummer
Gilman, J.
Gilman, Joseph
Gilman, Mary Rebecca Foster
Gilman, Theodore
Gilman, William Franklin
Gilman, Winthrop Sargent
Gilmor, William
Gilmore, Mary
Gilmore, Merrill C.
Gilmour, William Pegram
[Gilpin], Rev. E. B.
Gilpin, F.
Gilpin, Frederick Morton
Gilpin, George
Gilpin, Henry D.
Gilpin, Joseph Elliott
Gilpin, J.
G., J.
Gilpin, James
Gilpin, John F.
Gilpin, T.
Gilpin, William
Gilson, Arthur Scott
Gilson, Viola M.
Gilson, W. H.
Ginn and Company,
Ginsberg, Louis
Gipson, Eugenia Harriet
Girardin, L. H.
Girault, A. N.
Giraulx, A. N.
Girdlestone , Rev.Charles
Girdlestone , C.
Girling, Winthrop and Katherine
Girouard, J. J.
Gittings, Thomas
Givan, Myrtle Gertrude
Gladden, Washington
Gladding, Henry G.
Gladstone, William Ewart
Glasfurd, John
Glass, David
Steuben Glass, Inc,
Glazebrook, Arthur James
Gleason, Charles K.
Gleason, Edward B.
Gleason, John
Gleason, O. F.
Gleim, Lilian Frances
Glen, John
Glentworth, J. B.
Glentworth, M.D. , W. W.
Glidden, Charles H.
Glidden, John M.
Glidden, M. M.
Gloninger, Jun., Jno.
Glover, Anne
Glover, E. V.
Glover, Henry L.
Glover, Pearl B.
Glover, Robert B.
Glover, Towend
Glyn, Elinor
Goadby, John
Gobhainn, Alistair Mhac A.
Goble, Cleon
Goble, Homer
Goble , Leroy
Goble, Leroy T.
Goble, Winifred E.
Goble, Winifred
Goble, Winifred McKee
Gochnauer, Joseph
Godard, George Seymour
Godbold, G. B.
Goddard, Benjamin
Goddard, Charles
Goddard, Henry S.
Goddard, Rev. Kingston
Godddard, Lucius P.
Goddard, M.D. , Paul B.
Goddard, William G.
Godding, Dr.Chas. Lee
Goddu, Frank B.
Godfrey, Eva Emily
Godfrey, Frank
Goding, Florence Longley
Godley, W.
Godwin, Elizabeth Douglas
Goebel, Harry C.
Goelet, Ogden
Goelet, Peter
Goelet, Rob. R.
Goelet, Thomas B.
Goetz, Ludovic Godfrey
Goff, John
Gold, Theodore S.
Goldfarb, Virginia L.
Goldie, George Grover
Goldsborough, B. G.
Goldsborough, Brice J.
Goldsborough, Robert
Goldsmith, Alfred F. & Ray S.
Goldsmith , Anne Furman
Goldsmith, Benjamin W.
Goldsmith, Jean Alva
Goldsmith, Ray S. & Alfred F.
Goldsmith, Seth
Goldstein, Maksymilian
Goldston, Will
Goldthwait, Obed
Goldwater, Hortense L.
Goler, Frank Hall
Goncalves, J. Cardoso
Good, James I.
Good, Ralph E.
Good, W. A.
Goode, Arthur C.
Goode, J. Brown.
Gooderham, Colonel A. E.
Gooderham, Helen V.
Gooding, Alfred
Goodfellow, Wallace Clifford
Goodhart, Phyllis Walter
Goodwin, Edw.
Goodrich, Charles
Goodrich, Chauncey
Goodrich, Frances
Goodrich, S. G.
Goodrich, Juliet
Goodsell, P. B.
Godspeed, Dr. Helen A.
Goodspeed, C. E.
Goodspeed, Charles E.
Goodspeed's Book Shop,
Goodwin, Chas.
Goodwin, Cham.
Goodwin, Charles
Goodwin, Cyrus
Goodwin, Daniel
Goodwin, David
Goodwin, Emma C.
Goodwin, Frank
Goodwin, George
Goodwin, Henry
Goodwin, Herbert & Lila
Goodwin, J. Cheever
Goodwin, James
Goodwin, Judith
Goodwin, Mary E.
Goodwin, Oliver
Goodwin, William
Goodyear, M.D., Emil S.
Gookin, Charles Bailey
Gookin , Nathalie Clotilde
Goolrich, Charles
Gordon, Alexander
Gordon, Doctor Alexander
Gordon, Dr. Alexander
Gordon, Arthur
Gordon, Admiral Charles
Gordon, Bazil F.
Gordon, Donald
Gordon, Catherine
Gordon, Edith Brurr
Gordon, Esq., Henry Percy
Gordon, James Gay
Gordon, Esq., Hon. Patrick
Gordon, Thomas Willson
Gordon, William
Gore, Theodore Woodman
Gorgas, Sally
Gorges, Grace
Gorges, Raymond
Gorham, Elizabeth M.
Gorham, John
Gosse, Edmund William
Gottschalk, Edward
Gottschalk, F.
Gotwald, W. V.
Goubert, Winnie & Harold
Gough, W. A.
Gould, Charles W.
Gould, Edith
Gould , Edith Kingdon
Gould , Edward
Gould, Elizabeth Lincoln
Gould, Elwyn B.
Gould, George
Gould, Jr., George
Gould, Gloria
Gould , Jay
Gould, Jay
Gould, J. J.
Gould, M.
Gould , Robert John
Gould, Samuel
Gould, S. C.
Gould , William E.
Gould, William T.
Goulden, W. E.
Goulding, Frank Palmer
Goulding, Louis Rice
Gourgas, Ann M.
Gourgas, Jean Louis
Gourgas, John Mark
Goury, Georges
Gove, Elizabeth
Govett, R. C.L.
Gow, John L.
Gowdy, James
Gower, William Macdonald
Graber, Fritz
Grabosky, Louis B.
Grace, Alice Devine
Grace, Piercii F.
Gracie, Robert
Gracie, R.
Graczyk, Adam
Grady, Thomas F.
Graeme, Elizabeth
Graeme, Thos
Graeme, Thomas
Graff, Jr., Frederick
Graff, Gilbert Grace
Grafffenriedt, Tscharner de
Graffenriedt, Tscharner de
Graham, Bessie
Graham, Betty
Graham, C. H.
Graham, Chauncy
Graham, Edward
Graham, Henry Hale
Graham, James Lorrimer
Graham, Jimmie
Graham, MD, John A.
Graham, Martha
[Graham, Thomasella]
Graham, Thomas Haskins
Graham, Wallace Belmont
Graham, Walter B.
[Grainger, Thomas]
[Grammar School, Kingston, C.W. ],
Grammer, Jr. , John
Granberry, James
Granfield, Horace
Grange, T.E.G.M. de la
Grant, Bessie W.
Grant, Charles
Grant, Charles John Cecil
Grant, Charles Edward
Grant, Ebenezer
Grant, F.
Grant, Col. F.
Grant, Georgia Lehman
Grant, John
Grant, P.
Grant, Patrick
Grant, Percy Stickney
Grant, Robert
Grant, Rev. Roland D.
Grant, Sarah Holmes
Grant, Lieut. Gen. U. S.
Grant , U. S.
Grant, MD, W. R.
Grant, William Robertson
Grant, W. W.
Grasett, Frederick Le M.
Grasett, Henry James
Gratwicke, W. T.K.
Garrett, Wait
Grave, Hannah
Graves, Caroline
Graves, Clifford L.
Graves, Henry
Graves, John Raynor
Graves, Martha Wells
Graves, Mary Sedgwick
Graves, Miles W.
Graves, Rev. I.
Graves, Captain Thomas
Graves, Esq., William
Gray, Arthur
Gray, Arthur Fairfield
Gray , Arthur Fairfield
Gray, Benjamin
Gray , Benjamin
Gray, Bessie
Gray, Betty
Gray, Charles
Gray, Charlotte Constock
Gray, Fredercik T.
Gray, Frederick T.
Gray, John
Gray, Horace
Gray, J. E.
Gray, James
Gray, Jane McAllister
Gray, Jno. A.C.
Gray, Jonathan
Gray, Louis Herbert
Gray, Russell
Gray, Samuel
Gray, S. W.
Gray, William
Gray, William H.
Gray, Zenas
Greeley, Chas. G.
Greeley, Jonathan
Greely, John M.
Greeley, John M.
Greely, Nathaniel
Green, A.
Green, Amos
Green, Ashbel
Green, Charles
Green, Charles G.
Greene, Christopher R.
Green, Edward
Green, Ellen May
Green, Francis Cushing
Green, Grief
Green, John
Green, J. S.
Green, 3rd, John
Green, Rev. J. H.
Green, Jr. , John
Green, Jr., John
Green, John P.
Green, Joshua
Green, Dr. Joshua
Green, Jr. , Joshua
Green, Junior, Joshua
Green, Lewis
Green, Maria T.
Green, Robert Frederick
Green, Roger Edward
Green, S. A.
Green, Walton Atwater
Green, Mary S.
Green, Esq., Wm.
Green, William S.
Green, Willilam S.
Greene, A. Crawford
Greene, Albert C.
Greene, Albert G.
Greene, B. D.
Greene, Benjamin
Greene, Breckinridge
Greene , Breckinridge and Florence
Greene, Carleton
Greene, David
Greene, Edith Anne
Greene, Edward Lee
Greene, Francis Vinton
Greene, George Sears
Greene, H. Carleton
Greene, Henry B.C.
Greene, Howard
Greene, J. S.Copley
Greene, J. S. Copley
Greene, Jeremiah
Greene, Joseph
Greene, Josiah
Greene, Levi R.
Greene, Richard Gleason
Greene, Richard Ward
Greene, Stephen
Greene, Jun., Thomas
Greene, Thomas R.
Greene, W.
Greenleaf, Daniel
Greenleaf, Eliza H.
Greenleaf, John
Greenleaf, Marion C.
Greenleaf, Patrick H.
Greenleaf, Jr, Richard Cranch
Greenleaf, William
Greenleaf, Wm.
Greenley, Charles H.
Greenough, David S.
Greenough, David Stoddard
Greenough, J. K.
Greenough, Horatio
Greenough, Marietta
Greenough, Ruth and Chester
Greenough, Thomas
Greenough, William S.
Greenough, William
Greenough , Wm. W.
Greenough, Wm. W.
Greenoughs, David
Greenway, Jr., E. M.
Greenway, Jr., John
Greenwood, Frederick
Greenwood, Isaac John
Greenwood, John W.
Greenwood, Jonathan
Greewood, Martha
Greenwood, Roland Rawson
Gregg, Andrew
Gregg, Mrs.H.
Gregg, William Henry
Gregory, Alfred and Josephine
Gregory, Allene
Gregory, Eliza B.
Gregory, Emily
Gregory, Samuel O.
Gregory, Wyllys E.
Gregson, Rev.John
Greg, Arnold A.
Greiffinger, Harriet
Greig, John
Greig, Wm;
Greimel, Marie
Greiner, Harry Hess Welch
Greswold, Edward
Gretter, David B.
Gribbel, Elizabeth Bancker
Griffin, Anthony J.
Griffin, George
Griffen, George C.
Griffen, Soloman Bulkley
Griffen, William
Griffis, Dorothea N.
Griffis, Wm Elliott
Griffith, Dorothy
Griffith, Manuel
Griffith, H. C.
Griffith, Joseph
Griffith , Richard William Smith
Griffith, Robert Eglesfeld
Griffith, Robt. E.
Griffith, R. Eglesfeld
G., R. E.
Griffiths, Adelaide
Griffiths, David
Griffiths, William
Grignan, Gustave
Grigsby, Hugh Blair
Grime, Will. B.
Grimes, Rev. Issac W.
Grimshaw, Jackson
Grimshaw, Robert
Grimsley, Thornton
Grinnell, Cornelius
Grinnell, William Minturn
Grinnell, W. T.
Griswold, Almon M.
Griswold, Almon W.
Griswold, Carrie
Griswold, Daniel P.
Griswold, F. Gray
Griswold, Matthew
Griswold, Mehitable
Griswold, M.D., R. M.
Griswold, Roger
Griswold, Sherman S.
Griswold, Sherman S. Copley
Gronemann, P. G.
Groome, A. M.
Groome, Samuel
Gross, Arthur M.
Gross, Henry B.
Gross, Joseph P.
Gross, Rebecca T.
Grossenheider, R. P.
Grosset, Alexandra
Grosvenor, Robert
Grosvenor, Very Rev. William Mercer
Grothe, L. Emile
Grout, Jonathan
Groven, Edwin Osgood
Grove, John
G., O. L.
Grover, Olive Lothrop
Groves, John Stuart
Groves, Nellie G.
Grubb, J. H.
Grubb, James H.
Grubb, Jun., Peter
Grubb, Samuel S.
Gruener, Edwin E.
Gruger, Frederic Rodrigo
Grundy, George
Grylls, Rev.. Rich. Gervys
Grunwood, Edw.
Gubbins, John Punton
Guffey, Alexander
Guggenheim, M. Robert
Guiana, Bishop of
Guier, Adam
Guild, Chester
Guild, Chester & Minot
Guild, Howard Redwood
Guild, Jacob
Guild, James Wyllie
Guild , Miranda
Guild, William G.
Guilford, Simeon H.
Guillow, Dr. Chas. F.
Guillou, Constant
Guillou, Victor
Guion, John Marshall
Guion, Mrs. Elizabeth
Guion, I. L.
Gulick, Sydney Lewis
Gumley, Edmund Maurice
Gummere, John
Gunn, James
Gunner, John
Gunning, Rev. Dr. Peter
Gunnison, Ebenezer
Guntermann, Bertha Lizette
Gunther, Franklin Mott
Guptill, Doris Blackburn
Gurley, Ruth & Fred
Gurney, Esq., Henry
Gurney, John
Gurney, Joseph John
Gurney, Thomas J.
Gustine, Joel T.
Guthrie, James
Guthrie, James Birney
Guthrie, Mary Eleanor
Guy, Albert
Gwathmey, Robert
Gwinn, Mary
Gyent, Gwynedd O.
Gwynne, MD, Samuel C.
Gzowski, C. S
H., C.
H., C. S.
H., A.
H., E. B.
H., E. A.
H., G. P.
H., J.
H., E. L.
H., I.
H., F.
H., L. S.
H., M. F.
H,, S. P.
H., S. P.
Haber, Louis I.
Haber, Milton J.
Habersham, Stephen F.
Hack, Apphia Thwing
Hack, Christopher A.
Hack, R. K.
Hackett, Bess
Hackett, J. P.
Hackley, Charles Elihu
Hackley, Charles H.
Hackley, Harriet
Hackley, William R.
Haddon, R. B.
Hadduck, B. Franklin and Helen G.
Hadduck, Charles B.
Haden, Russell L.
Hadley, Edwin Marshall
Haerle, Elisabeth
Haffenreffer, Marie R. and Theodore C.
Hagar, J.
Hagarty, I. H.
Hagedorn, Jr., Hermann
Hagemeyer, F. E.
Hagen, Winston H.
Hagen, Winston Henry
Hager & Herr, Elizabeth & Martin L.
Hagerty, Mary Phillips
Haig, [Dr.]
Haigh, Helen
Haight, Anne Lyon
Haight, C.
Haight, C. L.
Haight, Edward
Haight, Frederick Everest
Haight, Henry H.
Haight, Samuel
Hailstone, Edward
Haines, Andrew Mack
Haines, C. W.
Haines, Gregory
Haines, Jr., R. T.
Haines, William Austin
Haines, William D.
Halberstadt, George M.
Haldane, Mrs. John
Halderman, Samuel S.
Hale, Charles
Hale, Chester S.
Hale, Chester
Hale, Cyrus K.
Hale, Edward
Hale, John K.
[Hale, Mable Blake]
Hale, [Judge]
Hale, Esq., Robert
Hale, Rowland
Hale, Ruth
Hale, Wm. Jn.
Hale, Joseph
Hales, Mary Barbara
Halford, Alfred
Haliburton, R. G.
Haliday, James F.
Haliday, Robert
Hall, [Dr.]
Hall, M.D., A. D.
H., A. S.
Hall, Adele May
Hall, Alfred
Hall, C. E.
Hall, Charles
Hall, Charles L.
Hall, Daniel
Hall, David
Hall, Elise Coolidge
Hall, F. A.
Hall, Frank Oliver
Hall, Frederick
Hall, Frederick Garrison
Hall, Fredercik J.
Hall, F. B
Hall, G. Stanley
Hall, Geo.Abbott & Jane Harris
Hall, George Lovett
Hall, George W.
Hall, Gertrude and Grace
Hall, Dr. H. E.
Hall, Harrison
Hall, Henry Twitchell
Hall, Herbert James
Hall, Irving Kent
Hall, Irving Kent & Helen Macy
Hall, Doct. J. C.
Hall, Dr. J. L.
Hall, James
Hall, James Ashley
Hall, John
Hall, John Brooks
Hall, Josephine E.M.
Hall, King
Hall, Lena M.
Hall, Lydia A.
Hall, Margaret Seymour
Hall, Mary R.H.
Hall, Norman Alexander
Hall, P. D.
Hall, Phebe E.
Hall, Prescott Farnsworth
Hall, S. C.
Hall, Thomas
Hall, Timothy
Hall, Timothy H.
Hall, W.
Hall, Esq., Will.
Hall, Jun., William
Hall, William D.
Hall, William H.
Hall, William James
Hall, Wyllys
Hallagan, Stuart Dudley
Hallauer, Carl S.
Halle, Rita S. & Louis J.
Hallett, B. F.
Hallett, Theodore
Hallock, Edith Cammeyer
Hallock, Sara Cammeyer
Hallock, Waverley West
Hallock, Wm. A.
Hallowell, Benjamin
Hallowell, Elisabeth Moore
Hallworth, J.
Hallowell, Thomas Jewett
Halsey, Edmund D.
Halsey, Frederick Robert
Halsey, Frederic R.
Halsey, R.T.H. & H.E.
Halsey, Hugh
Halsey, William H.
Halsey , William D.
Halsted, W. M.
Hallzimmer, G.
Hamblin, Nathan
Hambly, Tho. C.
Hamersley, J. W.
Hamill, Alfred Ernest
Hamill, Alfred Ernest and Clarice Walther
Hamill, Helen Bartlett
Hamill, Lafayette & J.Belle
Hamill, Mary Baldwin
Hamilton, A.
Hamilton, Adam
Hamilton, Alexander van C.
Hamilton, Esq., Alex.
Hamilton, And.
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Andrew
Hamilton, Archibald
Hamilton, Charles Alexander
Hamilton, Frederick W.
Hamilton, Franklin
Hamilton, George Langford
Hamilton, I.
Hamilton, I. R.
Hamilton, Ida
Hamilton, M.D., James
Hamilton, James W.
Hamilton, Jessie
Hamilton, John
Hamilton, Otho
Hamilton, Turner
H., S. V.
Hamilton, W.
[Hamilton], [Walter]
Hamilton, William
Hamilton, Rev. Wm.
Hamlin, Charles Sumner
Hamllin, Clara Louise
Hamlin, Lot Morrill
Hamlin, Samuel
Hammatt, Henry H.
Hammelrath, Maurice
Hammersley, Thomas
Hammitt, F. ?
Hammitt, William
Hammond, Eleanor Prescott
Hammond, Fanny Reed
Hammond, Gardiner Green & Esther Lathrop
Hammond, George
Hammond, George W.
Hammond, Godfrey
Hammond, H. B.
Hammond, James D.
Hammond, James H.
Hammond, James
Hammond, L. W.
Hammond, M. O.
Hammond, Mary T.
Hammond, M.D., Roland
Hammond, T.
Hammond, William A.
Hammond, Jr., William Churchill
Hammond, Jr. , William Churchill
Hammond, William Churchill
Hamner, James G.
Hampstead Social Library,
Hance, Seth S.
Hanchett, John
Hancock, Azariah
Hancock, Esq., Charles L.
Hancock, Geo.Abbott & Jane Harris
Hancock, John
Hancock, Lavretta
Hancock, Maj. Gen. Winfield S.
Hancock, Gen. Winfield S.
Hand, David Edward
Handcock, W. D.
Handley, John
Handschin, Prof.Dr. Charles
Hanford, Andrew
Hanford, Franklin
Hanington, Henry
Hanks, Edwin J.
Hanks, Annie DeWaele
Hanks, Horace
Hanman, Kathleen M.
Hansel, Harriet Day
Hansell, William F.
Hansen, Oskar J. W.
Hansford, Theo.
Hansmann, Carl A.
Hanson, Jr., E. Iriving
Hanson, E. Irving
Hanson, George A.
Hanson, Ralph Trowbridge
Hanson, Richard
Hanson, Stephen
Hanzsche, J. G.
Hapgood, Edward T.
Hapgood, Mary Morgan
Hapgood, Melvin P.
Hapgood, Melvin H.
Hapgood, Sarah
Hapgood, Theodore Brown
Harraugh, Wm. B.
Harbeck, Dorothy Dodge
Harbeck, Jervis Ralph
Harbeson, Jas. P.
Harbour, Dr. Paul
Hard, Mrs. Catharine V.
Hard, P. H.
Hardenbergh, T. E.
Hardenbrook, William Ten
Harding, Aalbert Edwin
Harding, Dorothy Sturgis
Harding, J. J.
Hardinge, Arline B.
Hardinge, Hal Williams and Bertha
Hardman, Bertha
Hardy, Basil E.
Hardy, Eliza
Hardy, Evelyn
Hardy, George H.
Hardy, Geo. H.
Hardy, Jacob
Hardy, Josiah
Hardy, Manley
Hardy, William
Hare, Russell Ingman and Florence Bright
Hare, S. J.
Harford, Esq., Henry
Hargraft, Alan A.
Hargrove, Maria L.
?, Dieter
Harington, Rich.
Harison, Esq.,
Harison, Esq., Rich.
Harison, Esq., Richard
Harison, Esq., Richard H.]
[Harison, William H.
Harison, Esq., William Max
Hark, J. Max
Hark, J.
Harker, Samuel
Harkness, Mary Stillman
Harlan, Dr. Justin E.
Harlow, Thompson R.
Harman, Jer.
Harman, Thomas Leader
Harman, Wm. H.
Harmer, William Roberts
Harmon, H. L.
Harmon, Katherine Farnsworth
Harmsworth, Alfred
Harned, Thomas B.
Harold, John
Harper, J. Henry
Harper, James
Harper, John
Harper, Philip J.A.
Harper, Will R.
Harrah, C. T.
Harriman, Frank P.
Harriman, Oliver
Harriman, M.D., S. K.
Harrington & Goodman,
Harrington , Charles Pratt
Harrington, D. C.
Harrington, G. D.
Harrington, G.. D.
Harrington, Henry F.
Harrington, Herbert Ellis
Harrington, Howard R.
Harrington, John
Harrington, N. M.
Harrington, Nahum
Harrington, Samuel M.
Harrington, Jr., William
Harris, A. Emerson
Harris, Andrew
Harris, Dr. C. A.
Harris, C. Fiske
Harris, Dr. C. H.
Harris, D. H.
Harris, Edward
Harris, Edw. Doubleday
Harris, Dr.Elisha
Harris, Florence
Harris, Francis
Harris, Franklin D.
Harris, Frederick
Harris, G. W.
Harris, George X.
Harris, Gilbert
Harris, H.
Harris, Hannah
Harris, Helen Mary
Harris, Mrs. Henrietta C.
Harris, Henry
Harris, John Andrew
Harris, Rev. John S.
Harris, L.
Harris, Louisa Margarett
Harris, Louisa M.
Harris, F. L.
Harris, Mabel Eleanor
Harris, Ray Baker
Harris, Samuel
Harris, Dr. Thomas
Harris, Victor
Harris, Walter
Harris, Walter & Jeannette
Harris, Willliam T.
Harris, William T.
Harrison, A. C.
Harrison, Albert
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, George
Harrison, George L.
Harrison, Hall.
[Harrison, James]
Harrison, James T.
Harrison, Rev. John Isaac
Harrison, J.
Harrison, Jun., Joseph
Harrison, Josiah
Harrison, Katherine I.
Harrison, Mitchell
Harrison, Norvell
Harrison, Robert A.
Harrison, Th? S.
Harrison, Theodore L.
Harrison, Tipton Battaile
Harrison, W. H.
Harrison, William
Harrison, Will Jerome
Harriss, James
Harrod, Stanley
Harrod , Stanley
Harrod, Thomas
Harry, Benjamin F.
Harsha, D. A.
Harshberger, John W.
Harstrom, Lee Selden Partridge
Hart, Albert Bushnell
Hart, Charles H.
Hart, Charles Henry
Hart, Charles Theodore
Hart, Edna
Hart, Francis
Hart, Francis Russell
Hart, Gerald E.
Hart, Harriet
Hart, Jerome A.
Hart, John
Hart, Levi
Hart, Naphtaly
Hart, Samuel M.
Hart, Theodore M.
Hart, William Henry
Hart, William T.
Harte, Bret
Harter, Cornelia Sherman
Harter, Mary Louise
Hartley, George Downing
Hartley, Thomas
Hartman, E. Grace
Hartman, J. Hiestand
Hartman, Nancy Bruce
Hartridge, Alfred L.
[Hartshorn, C.]
Hartshorn, Cornelia
Hartshorn , John
Hartshorne, Robert
Hartshorn, Stewart
Hartshorn, Stewart Henry
Hartshorne, Edward V.
Hartshorne, Mary Minturn
Hartsook, B. C.
Hartt, Dudley N.
Hartt, Harris D.
Hartwell, Isaac
Hartwell, Sam.
Hartwright, R.
Hartzell, Charles Routt
Harvey, Albert Lee
Harvey, George
Harvey, Gulielmi F.
Harvey, Harry A.
Harvey, J. S.
Harvey, John
Harvey, Joseph H.
Harvey, Joseph Harris
Harvey, Josiah
Harvey, Mary E.
Harvey, S.
Harvey, William
Hasbrouck, Doct. Chas.
Hasell, James
Hasell, Wm. S.
Haskell, Alfred T.
Haskell, Charles Lansing
Haskell, Helen Eggleston
Haskell, John W.
Haskell, Margaret
Haskell, Willliam A.
Haskins, Caryl Davis
Haskins, Jr. , Davis Greene
Haskins, Mary C.D.
Haskins, Ralph
Haslewood, Lewis H.
Hassall, J.
Hassard, M. Lillibridge
Hasselaer, Scheppen
Hastie, John
Hastines, Cocoline Bucnham
Hastings, Frank Watson
Hastings, Stewart
Hatch, Charles
Hatch, Frank S.
Hatch , Frank & Marian
Hatch, Frank & Marian
Hatch, Esq., James
Hatch, Marian H.
Hatch, Rowland
Hatch, Wm. Franklin
Hathaway, Rufus Hawtin
Hathaway, Henry D.
Hatton, Harrison
Haughton, Alison
Haughton, Lydia
Haughwout, Petri Britton
Hausmann, Theone
Havemeyer, Henry Osborne
Haven , Franklin
Haven , George and Elizabeth
Haven , John Alldis
Haven , Simon Z.
Havens, Munson & Betty Ganson
Havens, Munson Aldrian
Haviland, Edward
Haviland, T. Heath
Hawes, Cyrus Alger
Hawes, Levi
Hawes, Noves P.
Hawes, R. L.
Hawkes, Eleanor Silliman
Hawkins, Dexter A.
Hawkins, John Adair
Hawkins, Lyla Maud
Hawkins, W. G.
Hawes, Francis L.
Hawks, John
Hawks, John S.
Hawley, Emma Charlotte
Hawley, George M.B.
H., G. M.
Hawley, John G.
Hawley, Lydia M.
Hawley, Rebecca Morrison
Hawthorn, Robert H.
Hay, Andrew
Hay, Charles Chauncey
Hay, George
Hay, Henry Palethorp
Hay, James
Hay, John D.
Hay, Mary
Hay, Mercy
Hay, M.D. , Peter
Hay, M.D. ,
Hay, Robert H.
Hay, Samuel
Hay, Thomas
[Hay, William]
Hay, William
Hay, M.A., William Robert
Hay, Esq., William Robert
Hayden, C. B.
Hayden, George R.
Hayden, Joseph H.
Hayden, Jopseph H.
Hayden, Martisy
Hayden, Maude J.
Hayden, Richard
Hayden, Sarah L.
H?, Emily Niles
Hayden, Jos,. H.
Hayes , Agnes McDonald
[Hayes, Agnes McDonald]
Hayes, Harry F.
Hayes, John S.
Hayes, Joannes McNamara
Hayes, Jr., Joseph Kimball
Hayes, Mary Esther
Hayes, M.D., Nathan
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Hayman, William
Hayne, Dr. Heny Woodworth
Hayne, Esq., Isaac
Hayne, Robert Y.
Haynes, Charles H.
Haynes, Joseph
Haynes, Sumner
Hays, J.
Hays, Wm. Leeto
H, W. R.A.
Hays, William R.A.
Hayward, H. S.
Hayward, Webster G.
Haywood, Rufus
Hazard, Rev. O. H.
Hazard, Rowland
Hazelton, H. W.
Hazen, Azel Washburn
Hazelhurst, James W.
Hazelhurst, Jr., S.
Hayward, Eliza
Hayward , George
Hayward, George
Hayward, John Samuel
Hayward, Sarah
Hayward, Sarah H.
Head, Charles
Head, D.
Head, Joseph
Head, Nelson
Headlam, Maurice
Headley, Madge
Heald, Frank Albert
Head, Mary E. and Edward A.
Healy, Marquette A.
Healy, Thomas Raymond
Heard, John Jay
Heard, Joseph
Hearsy, Jr., Elijah
Hearst, John
Hearst, Phoebe Apperson
Hearst, Phoebe A.
Heath, Amasa
Heath, John
Heath, Katherine Rose
Heath, Lucius E.
Heath, Richard
Heath, Robert Amedee
Heath, Thomas
Heath, U. S.
Heatly, G. I.
Heatly, Sam. P.
Hebard, Mary E.
Hebert, John H.
Hebrew Union College,
Heberton, Alexander
Hecker, Geo. V.
Hecht, Rudolf S.
Heckscher, Anna M.
Heckscher, John Gerard
Hedge, Lothrop & Laura
Hedges, Albert A.
Heijn, Cornelis
Heilman, C. U.
Heinecke, Dr. Geo. F.
Heineman, Etta
Heins, John William
Heinsheimer, Edward and Sallie
Henry, Cynthia Marie
Heinz, Anna M.
Heise, Fred. H.
Heiskell, Henry L.
Heller, Hannah
Helmuth, Henry
Heman, J. H.
Hemingway, Franklin White
Hemphill, ?mes
Hemphill, Melvin
Hempstead, Louise
Henckill, Esther
Hendershot, Florence M.
Hendeerson, Archibald
Henderson, Elizabeth
Henderson, Francis
Henderson, Hugh
Henderson, Hugh L.
Henderson, J. A.
Henderson, James
Henderson, James A.
Henderson, James D.
Henderson, Mary
Henderson, Robert Lloyd
Henderson, Samuel
Henderson, Theodore Sommers
Henderson, Thomas
Henderson, Thos. H.
Hendren, John
Hendricks, L. C.
Hendrie, Mary Murray
Hendrie, Wm.
Hendrix, Joseph
Hendrix, Wilbur F.
Henekey, George
Hening, Edmund
Hening, Eliza
Henfel, Rebecca
Henfel, Solomon
Henkel, Saul
Henkle, Saul
Henkel , Solo. P.C.
Henkels, Stan. V.
Henry, L. D.
Henley, James
Henriques, James Clark
Henriques, Redd. A.C.
Henrotin, Doctor Fernand
Henry, C. B.
Henry, Clinton
Henry, Fernand
Henry, James
Henry, John Joseph
Henry , Patrick
Henry, Patrick
Henry, W. L.
Henry, Mellinger Edward & Florence Stokes
Henry, P.
Henschel, M.D., Edvardi
Hensel, Elizabeth
Hensel, W. Uhler
Hensel, William U.
Henshaw, Daniel
Henshaw, Rutherford
Henshaw, Samuel
Henslow, James
Henthorn, J. C.
Henthorn, Mrs. John C.
Hepton, Dorothy Maclaren
Hebermann, Charles G.
Herbert, B. W.
Herbert, C.
Herbert, Charles
Herbert, George
Hebert, Harry
Herbert, Justus Grant
Herbert, Robert Mattie
Herbert, Wm.
H, Archibald
Hering, M.D., C.
Hermano, D.
Herold, Rosemary
Heron, Pat.
Herr, A. Jackson
Herr, Benjamin
Herr, Irene Viancourt
Herr, Isaac
Herr, M. Scott
Herreshoff, Agnes Muller
Herrick, Colin James
Herrick, Jedidiah
Herrick, Samuel Edward
Herring, George
Herrmann, Carl and Ruth
Hertz, Dr. Julius J.
Hertzler, Dr. Ralph H.
Hervey, Alpheus Baker
Hervey, Charles Bedell
Hervey , James B.
Hervey, James B.
Hess, Gabriel Lorie
Heuslein, Isaac Leonard
Hesston, A. M.
Hewes, David
Heverin, Cator
Hewett, Ida Ainslie
Hewett, Nettie May
Hewins, Charles A.
Hewins, Harry W.
Hewitt, Hawley
Hewitt, Nina
Hewlett, George Robert
Heyden, Benajah
Heydrick, Benjamin A.
Heydrick , Benjamin A.
Heylyn, Edward
Heyser, William
Heysham, Esq., Wm.
Heyward, Dubose and Dorothy
Heyward, T. Savage
Heyward, Thomas
Heywood, Albert Samuel
Heywood, Chester D.
Heywood, Dorothy Chester
Heywood, James Modyford
[Heywood, Russell Hubbard]
Heywood, Sidney Brown
Hibbard, M. B.
Hibbert, Sarah
Hibbs, Manton E.
Hick, Ernest Frederick
Hickey, James J.
Hickey, Marie Cooke
Hickman, C. W.
Hickman, J.
Hicks, Elias
Hicks, Thos.
Hicks,Esq., Whitehead
Hidden, Abigail J.
Hidden, E. N.
Hidden, Elizabeth
Hidden, Mary B.
Higbee, Charles
Higgins, Jo.
Higginson, M.
Higginson, Ida Agassiz
Higginson, A. T.
Higginson, Henry Alexander
Higginson, Jeanne Calducci
Higginson, Waldo
Higley, Mary Gerrish
Hilbish, W. H.
?, Hilda
Hildebrand, Wm. A.
Hildreth, Dorothy
Hildreth, Eugene W.
Hildreth, James T.
Hildreth, Samuel P.
Hildreth, Sarah Eugenia
Hiley, Fred.
Hill, Benjamin Fleming
Hill , Benjamin Thomas
Hill , Charles E.
Hill, Charles Edwin
Hill, Charles W.
Hill, Clara Therese
Hill , Clara Therese
Hill , Donald MacKay
Hill , Eben C.
Hill , Elizabeth Knox
Hill, George A.
Hill, George Edwin
Hill , George Edwin
Hill , Geo. V.
Hill , J. T.
Hill , J. Henry
Hill , Dr. J. L.
Hill , John
Hill, Louisa
Hill , Marcus Samuel
Hill , Margaret
Hill , Mary Ann
Hill , Richard Baxter
Hill , Robert William
Hill , Sam.
Hill, Junior, Thomas
Hill , W. H.
Hill, William H.
Hillary, MD, William
Hiller, P. C.
Hilliard, F. A.
Hilliard, John Northern
Hilliard, Margaret Burgwin and Katherine Haven
Hillis, Samuel
Hillman, Joseph
Hillquit, Morris
Hills, Charles E.
Hills, Israel
Hills, Julia Litchfield
Hillyard, William K.
Hilton, Margo
Hilton, M.D., William
Hinchman, Anna W.
Hinckley, Anne Outram
Hindle, C. J.
Hine, Reginald L.
Hines, Dixie
Hines, Robert
Hinkley, Arthur Guy
Hinkley, Arthur Hills
Hinkley, Willard Hall
Hinman, Benjamin
Hinman, Marion Stanton
Hipkiss, Edwin J.
Hirshberg, Julian Rich
Hiscock, Cornelia King
Hinkley, Alice Hills
Hipp, Edward Sothern
Hirons, Wes. B.
Hiser, James H.F.
Hitchcock, Willson & Wade,
Hitchcock, E. A.
[Hitchcock, Esther Mary]
Hitchcock, Hellen
Hitchcock, Percy Bourne
Hitchcock, S.
Hitchcock, Sam.
Hitchens, Roy Kenney
Hitchman, Robert
Hixon, Herbert N.
Hoadley, Charles J. & George E.
Hoadley, Wm. H.
Hoag, Harriet M.
Hoar, [George F.]
Hoar, Richard
Hoar, Wm.
Hoban, Edward Francis
Hobart, John Henry
Hobart, Mary
Hobbs, E. D.
Hobbs, Franklin Warren
Hobby, Jonathan
Hobson, Eleanor
Hobson, T.
Hoch, Herman E.
Hoch, Clara E.
Hoch, Emma B.
Hoch, Helena M.
Hochstetler, Chas. L.
Hocken, Thomas Morland
Hockley, Jr., John
Hodge, Fredercick Webb
Hodge, Maria
Hodges, Evelyn
Hodges, Esq., George Clarendon
Hodges, Harry Foote and Alma Reynolds
Hodges, James
Hodges, John
Hodges, Luke
Hodges, Mary
Hodges, S. C.
Hodgins, James Cobourg
Hodgins, John George
Hodgkinson, George
Hodgkinson, J.
Hodgson, Charles H. & M. Louisa
Hodgson, E. J.
Hodgson, George Wright
Hodgson, J. G.
Hodgson, James
Hodgson, Telfair
Hodgson, Thomas & Bertha
Hodgson, William
Hodgson, J. S.
Hodgson, Jr. , W.
Hodgson, Jr. , William
Hodson, George
Hoe, Richard
Hoe, Richard M.
Hoe, Robert
Hoekstra, Dirck
Hoffman, Audrey
Hoffman, Charles Burrall
Hoffman , Rev. C. F.
Hoffman, Rev. Chas. F.
Hoffman, Rec. C. F.
Hoffman, David
Hoffman, D.
Hoffman, Ellen Agnes
Hoffman, J. M.
Hoffman, J. H.
Hoffman, Samuel Verplanck
Hoffman, W. B.
Hoffman, William H.
Hoffman, William P.
Hofheimer, Henry
Hofheinz, Katy B.
Hofheinz, Rudolph H.
Hofmayer, Stephen P.
Hogan, John M.
Hogane, Robert
Hogg, Clara Hyde Dewey
Hoggson, Noble Foster
Hogset, Lillian D.
Hogue, Blanche Hersey
Hogue, Richard and Caroline
Holabird, S. B.
Holbrook, Abner
Holbrook, David
Holbrook, Donald
Holbrook, Emma
Holbrook, George
Holbrook, Ida Leon
Holbrook, Mary Storrs
Holbrook, Percy
Holcomb, Lemuel
Holden, Edwin
Holden, Gladys Eleanor
Holden, Joshua R.
Holden, L. E.
Holden, Nathaniel J.
Holden, William R.
Holdrege, Henry
Holfelder, Jo
Holgate, William
Holland, Arthur
Holland, D. A.
Holland, D. G.
Holland, Esq., Henry
Holland, J. L.T.
Holland, Samuel
Holland, Stephen
Holland, Stephen George
Hollenbush, C. G.
Holley, A. H.
Holley, Alexander H.
Hollingsworth, A. L.
Hollingsworth, Amor L.
Hollingsworth, Levi
Hollingsworth, Nathaniel
Hollingsworth, Rev. Samuel
Hollins, John
Holloway, Edward Stratton
Hollyer, Madeline Charlotte
Hollyer, S.
Holman, S. L.
Holman, Winifred Lovering
Holme, John Stanford
Holmes, Burton
Holmes, Francisco
Holmes , Christopher C.
Holmes, M.D. , E. B.
Holmes, Eugene
Holmes, H. R.
Holmes, Helen
Holmes, Ida B.
Holmes, J. Henry
Holmes, John
Holmes, John Henry
Holmes, Marion
[Holmes, Oliver Wendell]
Holmes, R. J.
Holmes, Dr. S. K.
Holmes, Samuel
Holmes, Will.
Holsman, D.
Holt, Hamilton
Holt, Joseph
Holt, Joseph G.
Holt, R.W.& A.
Holt, Stephen
Holt, Thomae
Holt, Thomas
Holt, William A.
Holt, William W.
Holton, I. F.
Holtum, Edith K.
[Hopson, Ada Carter]
Holway, S. M.
[Holy Trinity Church ],
Holyland, Carrie F.
Holiokael, Edvardi
Holyoke, E. A.
Holyoke, Edw.
Holyoke, Edward Augustus
Holyoke, Oliver P.
Homans, John
Homer, Eleanor M.
Homer, Eleanor Maree
Homiston, M.D. , J. M.
Hone, Annie
Hone, Philip
Hood, Evangeline
Hood, Florence
Hood, George
Hood, Henry
Hood, John M.
Hook, James Lewis
Hooke, S. H.
Hooker, Edward
Hooker, Sanford Burton
Hooker, W.
Hooper, Chas. Edw.
Hooper, Franklin W.
Hooper, Geroge R.
Hooper, Joseph
Hooper , Joseph
Hooper, Nona Newlin
Hooper, Parker Morse
Hooper, Stephen
Hooper, T. W.
Hooper, William
Hooper, William Harcourt
Hoops, Robert
Hooton, Earnest Albert
Hooton, Mary Camp
Hooper, Herbert
[Hope, Sir James]
Hopkins & Albertson,
Hopkins , A.
Hopkins, Albert A.
Hopkins, Benjamin Bond
Hopkins, Benjamin B.
Hopkins, Bertha J.
Hopkins, Edmund Smith
Hopkins, H. M.
H., G.
Hopkins, Henry
Hopkins , Henry
Hopkins, Mary
Hopkins, Mary Murray
Hopkins, Sam.
Hopkins, Samuel
Hopkins, Will.
Hopkins, William Randolph Innes
Hopkins, William Swinton Bennett
Hopkinson, Edmund
Hopkinson, Francis
[Hopkinson, Joseph]
Hopkinson, Joseph
Hopkinson, M.D. , Joseph
Hopkinson, Jos.
Hopper, Isaac Tatem
Hoppin, James Mason
Hopson, William Fowler and Ada Carter
Hopson, Wm. F. and Ada
Hornberger, L. P.
Hornblower, Henry
Hornby, Nathaniel
Hornby, Edward Thomas Stanley
Horne, Charles Albert
Horne, Charles F.
Horne, James Anthony
Horner, Burnham W.
Horner, Christopher
Horner, Inman
Horner, W. E.V.
Horner, Wm. Macpherson
Hornor, Robt. E.
Hornsby, Thomas
Horr, Rev. E.
Horry, C.L. Pinckney
Horry, Esq., Dan
Horry, Elias
Horsey, Outerbridge
Horsford, Lilian
Horsmanden, Esq., Dan.
Horswell, Hazel
Horton, Edward A.
Horton, Edward J.
Horton, Martha M.
Horton, Sanford J.
Hosack, D. 1790
Hosbach, Edith Virginia
Hosbach, J.T. Albert
Hose, Henry Gottlieb
[Hosmer, Charles]
Hoskins, Halford Lancaster
Hosmer, M.D., Alfred
Hosmer , C.
Hosmer, C.
Hosmer, Benjamin
Hotaling, Anson Parsons
Hotchkiss Literary Monthly,
Hotchkis, Leonard
Hotchkiss , H. Stuart
Hotchkiss, Henry D.
Hotson, Katherine
Houblon, Jacob
Hough, Dorothy Whitehead
Hough, Edward S.
Hough, Franklin B.
Hough, George A.
Hough , Henry Guelph
Hough, Isaac
Hough, Laurence Cooper
[Hough, Laurence Cooper]
Hough, IV, Oliver
Hough, Walter
Hough, William S.
Houghtaling, A. P.
Houghteling, Francis S.
Houghteling, Leila
Houghteling, Margaret Stuyvesant
Houghton, Clement S.
Houghton, Elizabeth Goodridge
Houghton, F. S.
Hougthon, F. S.
Houghton, George Clarke
Houghton, Geo. Fred.
H., H. O.
Houghton, Jr., Herbert R.
Houghton, J. Danbar
Houghton, Kate A.
Houghton, Mary C.
[Houghton Miflin Co.],
Houlihan, Bob
Hourwich, Ena
House, Frances Dimond
House, Katrina Trask
Houser, John G.
Houston, Dr. D. W.
Houston, Dr. Grant
Hovey, Abijah W.
Hovey, Henry
Hovey, Henry Emerson
Hovey, Josiah
Hovey , Sallie W.
Hovey, William Alfred
How, Sara Kent
How, William S.G.
Howard, A.
Howard, A. H.
Howard, Adonis
Howard, Alfred
Howard, Amasa
Howard, B. E.
Howard, Benjamin C.
Howard, Betsey
Howard, Bezaleel
Howard, C. S.
Howard, Catharine L.
H, E. I.V.
Howard, Eleanor
H., F. A.
Howard, H. C.
Howard, James Kenneth
Howard, John L.
Howard, M.D., John Tilden
Howard, Joseph J.
Howard, J. J.
Howard, Leland
Howard, Margaret M.
Howard, Mary Greenwood
Howard, Jr., Moses
Howard, Ralph Standish
Howard, S. H.
Howard, M.D.,
Howard, William
Howard, William Jordan
Howard, William Ralph
Howard, M.D., Wm.
Howatt, James
Howe, E.
Howe, Elisabeth T.
Howe, J.
Howe, John
Howe, Made Wolfe
Howe, Mary
Howe, O. H.
Howe, Jr., Percival S.
Howe, Samuel
Howe, W. T.H.
Howell, Edmund P.
Howell, George Alexander
Howell , James E.
Howell, John
Howell, Thomas
Howell, Wealthy A.
Howell, William P.
Howell, Wilson S.
Howes, A. Florence
Howes, Abigail
Howgate, H. W.
Howland, Asa
Howland, Elihu Sanford
Howland, Florence Letchworth
Howland, Henry J.
Howland, John
Howland, Louis B.
Howland, Mabel Gladys
Howland, Mary
Howland, Meredith
Howland, Mildred R.
Howson, Henry
Hoyle, John Thomas
Hoyne, Thomas
Hoyt, Barnard
Hoyt, D. B.
Hoyt, Elton
Hoyt, Enos
Hoyt, F. W.
Hoyt, George
Hoyt, Mary
Hoyt, Jr. , T. R.
Hoyt, Thomas A.
Hubard, Edna W.
Hubard, James
Hubbard, Bertha
Hubbard, Anne Swann
Hubbard, Elbert
Hubbard, F. T.
Hubbard, Gardiner G.
Hubbard, Gladys B.
Hubbard, Joel W.
Hubbard, John Gellibrand
Hubbard, John P.
Hubbard, Julia
Hubbard, Lucius
Hubbard, Lucius L.
Hubbard, Lucius Lee
Hubbard, Malcolm MacGregor
Hubbard, Samuel
Hubbard , William
Hubert, Bickford
Hubbard, Wm. J.
Hubbell, Posie
Hubert, Louise Annan
Huber, Mabel L.
Huckel, Earle Wentworth
Huckel, Joseph
Hudnut, David I..
Hudnut, David I.
Hudson, Barzillai
Hudnut, James M.
Hudson, Charles & Izette
Hudson, C. H.
Hudson, John E.
Hudson, M.D., R. Duncan
Hudson, Samuel H.
Huestis, Helen A.
Huger, Benjamin
Huger, T. Pinckney
Huger, John M.
Hughes, Adelaide Mould
Hughes, Benj.
Hughes, Daniel
Hughes, David John
Hughes, George W.
Hughes, J. D.
Hughes, Memucan
[Stephens, Erek]
Hughes, Robert
Hughes, Ro. W.
Hughes, William L.
Hulburt, Caroline M.Bowne
Hulbert, Edwin T.
Hulbert, Oliver Woodward
Hulings, E. J.
Hull, A. Girard
Hull, Franklin T.
Hull, John F.
Hull, Maude Pollard
Hull, Moses
Hull, Robert
Hulscutter, Pearl
[Hume, J. R.]
Hume, Jr., Wm.
Humphrey, Alice and Clarence
Humphrey, Henry B.
Humphrey, John T.
Humphrey, Esq., Reuben
Hun, Thomas
Hungerford, Edw.
Hungerford, Maude E.
Hunn, Peter F.
Hunnewell, James F.
Hung, Alfred Mortimer
Hunt, Albah
Hunt, Charles H.
Hunt , Benjamin Peter
Hunt, Edward Browne
Hunt, F. R.
Hunt, Eugene F.
Hunt, Frederick Thayer
Hunt, Freeman
Hunt, Isaac
Hunt , Israel T.
Hunt, John B.
Hunt, Leigh H.
Hunt, Maria B.
Hunt, Mary Elouise
Hunt, Rachel McMasters Miller
Hunt, Radnor
Hunt, Rebecca F.
Hunt, Richard Morris
Hunt, Roy Arthur
Hunt, Sally E.E.
Hunt , Sidney
Hunt, Susannah C.
Hunt, Torrence
Hunt, W. L.G.
Hunter , Adam
Hunter , Archibald
Hunter , Elizabeth
Hunter, Frances E.
Junter, George Wallace
Hunter, Jessie D.
Hunter, John
Hunter, Esq. , Robert
Hunter, Robert
Hunter, Walter
Hunter, William
Hunting, Maro S.
Hunting, Nathaniel Stevens
Huntington, Anne
Huntington, Caleb
Huntington, Cornelia Eleanora
Huntington, D.
Huntington, Gurdon
Huntington, Henry Edwards
Huntington, John
Huntington, W. K,
Huntley, Ruth M.
Huntting, Elizabeth
Huntting, Ella
Huntting, Mary Newton
Hurd, Dorothy
Hurd, Henry M.
Hurd, Isaac
Hurd, T. A.
Hurd, W.T. & J. D.
Hurlbut, Charles Hovey
Hurlbert, Jr. , Thomas
Hurlbert, Thomas N.
Hurlbut, Henry H.
Hurlbut, William Nathan
Hurley, Ida
Hurst, C. D.
Hurst, John F.
Hurt, J.
Husband, Joseph
Husband, Esq., Joseph
Hussey, Alice Lydia
Hussey, Bessie Ingalls
Husted, William Seymour
Huston, Andrew C.
Huston, Joseph
Huston, Joseph M.
Huston, Joseph R.
Huston, Matthew
Hutchins, Charles Henry
Hutchins, Rev. Charles l.
Hutchins, Charles L.
Hutchins, Thomas
Hutchings, William Vincent
Hutchins, Edward Webster
Hutchins, Henry Clinton
Hutchins, Wilhemena B.
Hutchinson, A.
Hutchinson, Rev.E. C.
Hutchinson, J.
Hutchinson, J. B.
Hutchinson, T. H.
Hutchinson, Susan Dimock
Hutchinson, Thomas
Hutton, A. Watson
Hutton, Edward Francis
Hutton, Geo.
Hutton, Laurence
Hutton, Lucius O.
Hutton, Una Louise
Hutton, William
Hyam, A.
Hyatt, Elizabeth Mast
Hyde, Allyn
Hyde, Fillmore VanS.
Hyde, Carolyn Knowland
Hyde, George W.
Hyde, Henry
Hyde, H.
Hyde, Henry F.
Hyde, James Hazen
Hyde, John
Hyde, Thomas W.
Hyneman, John
Hyslop, David
Hyslop, Rob.
I., M.
I., R. J.
Iasigi, Marie Vitalis
Ibenez, Vicente Blasco
Ibanez, Vicente Blasco
Ibbetson, James
Illingworth, Robert Stanley
lIsley, Ferdinand
lIsley, William
Impey, Elijah
Imray, Howard Harrington
Inches, M. B.
Ingalls , David
Ingalls, Jr. , Francis Abbott
Ingalls, Lemuel
Ingalls, Martha Houghtaling
Ingersoll, Jr. , Colin M.
Ingersoll, Ed.
Ingersoll, Esq., Jared
Ingham, Geo. Trenchard
Ingham, Jonathan
Ingham, William Henry
Inglis, Rt.Rev. Charles
Inglis, Alex.
Inglis, George
Inglish, Sam.
Inglis, John
Inglis, Samuel
Ingraham, Alfred
Ingraham, Duncan
Ingraham, E. D.
Ingraham, Edw. D.
Ingraham, Edward D.
Ingraham, Joseph Holt
Ingraham, Wm.
Ingram, Esq., Archibald
Ingram, Geo.
Inman, Albert H.
I, M
Inman, M.D., Thomas
Innes, Colonel
Innes, Mary Oliver
Inskeep, Joseph
Inwood, Fred. G.
Ioline, Adrian Hoffman
Ipers, Ed.
Ipsen, Ludvig Sandoe
Irby, Richard
Iredell, Iames
Ireland, Johm
Irvine, James Alexander
Irvine, John
Irvine, Walter
Irving, George T.
Irving, Henry
Isaac, E.
Isaacs, Julien M.
Isaacs, Myer S.
Iselin, Helen
Isenbeck, Louise H.W.
Isenberg, Max
Isum, Mary Frances
Israel, F.
Israels, Belle Lindner & Charles Henry
Ives, Benj.
I., B.
Ives, George B.
Ives, Howard C.
Ives, Stephen B.
Izard, Ralph
Izard, R. S.
J., C. H.
J., A. B.
J., C. S.
J., J. G.
J., M. B.
J., O.
J., O. G.
J., R.
J., R. L.
Jablin, Ann and Julian
Jack, A. E.
Hack, David Russell
Jack, David Russel
Jack, David Russell
Jack, Edward
Jack, J. Allen
Jack, Theodore Henley
Jackes, Edwin Hervey
Jackman, Edgar R.
Jacks, Noel Henry
Jackson, Annie Murray
Jackson, Jr. , B. Frank.
Jackson, Charles
Jackson, Cordelia
Jackson, Jr. , E.
Jackson, Edward
Jackson, Edw.
Jackson, Elizabeth Parrish
Jackson, Francis James
Jackson, Fredrika H.
Jackson, Gustavus Browne
Jackson, Henry
Jackson, Rev. Henry
Jackson, Prof. Henry
Jackson, Henry Mather
Jackson, Holbrook
Jackson, Isaac
Jackson, J. Edw.
Jackson, James
[Jackson, James]
Jackson, John
Jackson, John Ley
Jackson, Jonathan
Jackson, Joseph
Jackson, Josephine A.
Jackson, Lester T.
Jackson, Hon. Judge
Jackson, Levi
Jackson, Lucy Askew
Jackson, Mary Lee
Jackson, P. C.
Jackson, Phebe
Jackson, Richard
Jackson, Robert
Jackson, Robert Macauley
Jackson, S. S.
Jackson, Sally
Jackson, Samuel
Jackson, Sarah
Jackson, Stephen
Jackson, W.
Jackson, S. R.A.
Jacob, Arthur
Jacobs, Caroline Adelaide
Jacob, Earl Eugene
Jacobs, Henry Barton
Jacobs, M.D., H.
Jacobs, Joseph
Jacobs, Samuel
Jacobson, F. Arthur
Jacobson, Rose
Jacques, Richard
Jaehne, Herman & Paul
Jaffe, Lewis
Jaffray, N. R.
Jahncke, Ernest Lee
Jamaica, Audrey
Jamaica, The Bishop of,
James, Arthur Gray
James, David Lawler
James, George Abbott
James, Isa M.
James, Esq., H.
James, Esq., Houghton
James, Lucy Wortham
James, Rice
Jameson, Jr., Archibald G.
Jameson, Arthur Chesterton
Jameson, Charlotte Jossett
Jameson, Harriet D.
Jameson, J. G.
Jameson, John & Janet
Jameson, John William
Jameson, E.D.& K.D.
Janlet, Pierre
Janney, Rebecca Sinclair
Janney, Robert M.
Jansen & Co., T. B.
Janson, M.
Janvier, Frances D.
Janvier, Meredith
Jaques, Richard Machel
Jaquith, Colins H.
Jarcho, Dr. Julius
Jarvis, Charles Maples
Jarvis, C. M.G.
Jarvis, Jr., Francis
Jarvis, Leonard
Jarvis, Richard Hunter
Jarvis, Samuel Farmar
Jarvis, William
Jarvis, William P.
Jaudon, F. Duncan
Jaunce, John
[Jauncey, William]
Jauncey, William
Jay, John
Jay, John Clarkson
Jayne, David W.
Jayne, Horace
Jayne, John P.
Jeanes, Joseph Y.
Jeavons, W. Norman
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeffery, Barth.
Jeffery, George
Jeffery, Thomas Nickleson
Jeffreys, Robert
Jeffries, Dr.B. Joy
Jeffries, Edward P.
J., J.
Jeffries, Dr. John
Jeffries, W. Lloyd
Jeffry, James
Jeffry, ?
Jekyll, T.
Jellett, Morgan
Jellett, Robert Patterson
Jenifer, Daniel
Jenings, Edmund
Jenings, Esq., Thomas
Jenings, Thos.
Jenkins, Alexander F.
Jenkins, Ann Elisabeth
Jenkins, Frank Lynn
Jenkins, Henry
Jenkins, Hermon Dutilh
Jenkins, H. H.
Jenkins, John
Jenkins, Joseph W.
Jenkins, Lawrence Waters
Jenkins, Lewis
Jenkins, Mary
Jenkins, Michael
Jenkins, Micah
Jenkins, Perez
Jenkins, Senr., Robert
Jenkins, S. F.
Jenkins, Stephen Waters
Jenkins, T. Robert
Jenkins, Thornton A.
Jenks, Archie N.
Jenks, Geo. A.
Jenks, Louise Davidson
Jenks, Robert Darrah
Jenks, Robert W.
Jenks, Simeon
Jenks, M.D. , Thomas L.
Jenks, Tudor
Jenks, Tudor S.
Jenks, William
Jenner, Charles
Jennings, Edwin B.
Jennison, Samuel
Jenison, Edwin
Jennison, William
Jepherson, George A.
Jerman, E. D.
Jerome, Hiram K.
Jerome, Thomas Spencer
Jervis, Frank I.
Jessop, R.
Jewell, E. P.
Jewett, David
Jewet, D.
Jewett, Joshua
Jewett, John P.
Jewett, Jr., Paul
Jewett, Sophie
Jewett, Stephen S.
Jewett, William R.
Joachimsen, P. J.
Johns, Ethel Incledon
Johns, Richard
Johnson, A. G.
Johnson, B. F.
Johnson, Baker
Johnson, Benjamin
Johnson, Charles Hudson
Johnson, Charles R.
Johnson, Clarissa
Johnson, Jr., Crawford Toy & Mary-Stuart Snyder
Johnson, Lincolniana
Johnson, Dwight
Johnson, E. E.S.
Johnson, Ebenezer & Jonathan
Johnson, Edward
Johnson, Edward Hine
Johnson, Fred. W.
Johnson, C. E.
Johnson, H. F.
Johnson, Sir Henry Allen
Johnson, J. Cockerell
Johnson, I.
Johnson, James D.
Johnson, James Dandegrift
Johnson, James Gibson
Johnson, John
Johnson, John A.
Johnson, John E.
Johnson, John Evans
Johnson, John J.
Johnson, Jno.
Johnson, Jonathan G.
Johnson, M.D., Laurence
Johnson, M. N.
Johnson, Oscar Dickson
Johnson, R. A.
Johnson, Jr., Reverdy
Johnson, Robert
Johnson, Sam.
Johnson, S. E.
Johnson, T.
Johnson, Theodore T.
Johnson, Thomas
Johnson, W.
[Johnson, Sir William]
Johnson, Willliam
Johnson, Wm.
Johnson, Jr., William
Johnson, W. L.
Johnson, Wm. L.
[Johnson, William Lau.]
[Johnson, Willliam Lau.]
Johnson, William Lau.
Johnson, William Savage
Johnson, M.D., Woolsey
Johnston, Archibald
Johnston, Bartlett S.
Johnston, Benjamin
Johnston , Benjamin
Johnston , Bessie
Johnston, Charles M.
Johnston, E. S.
Johnston, Eleanor Lydia
Johnston, Franklin
Johnston, Esq., Gabriel
Johnston, ?
Johnston, J.F. and B.K.
Johnston, James
Johnston, James W.
Johnston, John
[Johnston, John]
Johnston, Josiah S.
Johnston , M.
Johnston, Mercer Green
Johnston, Newman
Johnston, R. H.
[Johnston, Jr., Reverdy]
Johnston, Rob.
Johnston, Robert L.
Johnston, W.
Johnston, Rev. W. D.
Johnston, William
Johnston, Esq., William
Johnstone, John Edward
Jolley, Esq., T.
Jones, Albert S.
Jones, Alexander H.
Jones, Alex. H.
Jones, Alfred T.
Jones, Barrett & Carolyn Sheldon
Jones, Cav.
Jones, Jr., Charles C.
Jones, Charles Henry
Jones, Rev. Chas. J.
Jones, Rev. Charles J.
Jones, Chester Arthur
Jones, D. L.
Jones, Dan Burne
Jones, E. H.
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Gabriel
Jones, Gardner
Jones, George W.
Jones, Geo. Wymberley
[Jones, George Wymberley]
Jones, George Wymberley
Jones, Gertrude Bartlett
Jones, Gordon M.
Jones, Guy P.
Jones, Helen B. & George R.
Jones, Henry
Jones, Henry Parr
Jones, Herschel V.
Jones, James
Jones, John
Jones, Esq., John
Jones, John Matthew
Jones, John R.
Jones, John Thomas
Jones, Jonathan
Jones, Katharine Douglas
Jones, Kathrine
Jones, Lillian Durham
Jones, Lombard Carter
Jones, Louis K.
Jones, Marjorie
Jones, Marjorie Kip
[Jones, Matt B.]
Jones, Mary Cadwalader
Jones, Matt B.
Jones, Nellie
Jones, P. A.
Jones, Nich.
Jones, Pringle
Jones, Robert
Jones, Jr., Robert Tyre
Jones, Esq., Samuel
Jones, Samuel Beach
Jones, Sarah
Jones, T. O'Conor
Jones, Thomas
Jones, W. A.
Jones, Walter R.T.
Jones, Rev. Wm.
Jones, W. S.
Jones, Winifred M. Oliver
Jopling, Joseph
Jorda, J. M.
Jordan, The Barbara Jordan Library of Birds
Jordan, C. A.
Jordan, David
Jordan, Eben D.
Jordan, Francis
Jordan, Heinrich
Jordan, H. Donaldson
Jordan, William
Jordan, William O.
Joseph, Ellen
Joseph, Frank John
Joslyn, C. D.
Joslin, James Alexander
Joslin, Rebecca Richardson
Joss, M. M.
Joubert, Alice Palmer
Joy, George
Joy, John
Joy, Michael
Joyes, Patrick
Joyce, Thomas M.
Joynt, M.D., Christopher
Judah, Benjamin S.
Judah, Henry R.
Judah, Naphtali
Judd, Arthur Curtis
Judd, George E.
Judd, M.
Judd, J. S.
Judd, O.
Judd, W.
Junge, C. S.
Jung, Leo
Junge, Fannie & Carl
Junge, Fannie Corbett
Junkin, Jr., Joseph DeForest
Juny, E. DeS.
Justice, Lewis R.
A., K.
[K., G. O.]
K., J.M. & S.
K., H.?
K., M.
K., R. L.
K., M. R.
Kahn, Fanny Dennery
Kahn , Helene M.
Kahn, Helene M.
Kaighn, John
Kaine, Daniel
Kaminer, Blanche Moore
Kane, Joseph Nathan
Kane, Esq. , Robert P. & John K.
Kannard, Joseph S.
Kaplan, A. O.
Kaplan, C. J.
Kaplan, Ben
Kaplan, Rose Mary
Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Kasc, Philip Godfrid
Kassing, Edwin S.
Katz, Eugene
Katz, Herbert
Katzenstein, Leon
Kaucher, Harriet
Kauffeld, Elizabeth C.
Kauffmann, Philip C.
Kaufman, Gerald Lynton
Kaufman, Theodore N.
Kaufman, Jr., Eugene M.
Kay, B. Lincoln
Kay, Jr., James
Kay, Geo.
Kaye, Adeline Cecilia Lister
Kean, A. D.
Keane, Rev. John J.
Kearney, Marion
Kearney, Harold Wood
Kearney, Ravaud
Kearsley, Margaret
Kearsley, R. M.
Keating, Esq., Nich.
Keeble, E. A.
Keefe, Arthur Thomas
Keeler, 2nd., Thaddeus
Keemle, Esq., John
Keen, Jeanette Vance
Keen, Jr., Wm. W.
Keene, Caroli
Keeney, Cadwell B.
Keese, John
Keese, D. John
Keesey, Robert Buckley
Keller, Dr. F. A.
Kehew, Mary Morton
Kehler, James Howard
Keim, Emily S.
Keim, Jr., G.D. B.
Keim, George de Benneville
Keim, Isaac H.
Keim, Sarah B.
Keith, Abbie Howard
Keith, Charles W.
Keith, Edward
Keith, Mary
Keith, L. Elsie
Kelker, Rudolph F.
Kellen, Margaret Russell
Keller, Esq., William V.
Keller, Benj.
Keller, Carl E.
Keller, Eleanor
Keller, Emanuel
Kellett, William
Kell, James
Kelley, Edward A.
Kelley, Ethel M.
Kelley, Ruth Brewer
Kellner, Evelyn Fermier
Kellogg, Charles Poole
Kellogg, E. B.
Kellogg, Frank B.
Kellogg, H.
Kellogg, Helen Katherine
Kellogg, Stephen Wright
Kelly, Agnes M.
Kelly, Geraldine
Kelly, Esq., William
Kelso, John D.
Kelton, Edith
Kemble, Peter
Kemerer, D. M.V.
Kemp, Polly
Kempe , John Tabor
Kempe , George H.
K., W.
Kendall ,
Kendall , John Melvin
Kendall , M. A.
Kendall , Oliver
Kendall , Russell
Kendrick, G. A.
Kendrick, Green
Kendrick, Nathaniel
Kennedy & Sons, P.
Kenison, Jr., Alphonse
Kenly, John R.
Kennard, Elinor
Kennedy, M.D., G. G.
Kennedy, James
[Kennedy, John Stewart?]
Kennedy, Jos. M.
Kennedy, Sinclair
Kennedy, W. P.M.
Kennon, William G.
Kent, Bertha Bigelow
Kent, Chas. W.
Kent, Elizabeth S.
Kent, Sam. Luck
Kent, Thomas Goddard
Keople, Raymond C.
Kepke, John
Kercheval, R. H.V.
Kerfoot, M.D., Geo. B.
Kerfoot, G. B.
Kerfoot, Joh. B.
Kern, John
K., M. B.
Kerr, G. B.
Kerr, H. D.T.
Kerr, James
Kerr, John De
Kerr, John Campbell
Kerr, Rev. R.H.
Kerr, Rev.R.H.
Kerr, Samuel
Kerr, Thompson B.
Kerr, W. B.
Kerr, William
Kerr, William Murray
Kerr, Brown & Co.,
Kersabiec, Marie Seok'han
Kershaw, Henry I.
Kershaw, Iohn
Kervey, H. Rush
Ketcham, George W.
Ketchum, Daniel
Ketchum, Rev.Silas
Ketchum, Silas
Kettle, H.
Key, F. S.
Keyes, Danforth
Keyes, Thankful
Keys, Hollis Dodge
Keys, James H.
Keyser, P. A.
Keyser, Peter D.
Keyser, Willliam Swift
Kidder, Daniel P.
Kidder, Florence
Kidder, Nathaniel Thayer
Kidder, Jr., Samuel
Kidder, Thompson
Kiehle, Frederick Andrews and Clara Cross
Kiess, G. B.
Kift, John Thos.
Kilborn, George D.
Kilbourn, Dwight C.
Kilbourne, Edwin Ingersoll
Kilbreth, J. William
Kilburn, Thomas
Kilby, Barbara
Kilgour, James Frederick
Kille, A. D.
Kilton, Amos
Kilroe, Edwin P.
Kimball, David P.
Kimball, Eliphalet
Kimball , Eliphalet
Kimball, Emily
Kimball, George Brewster
Kimball, George F.
Kimball, Gilman
Kimball, H. C.
Kimball, Jr. , Harold Chandler
Kimball, Iddo K.
Kimball, James
Kimball, Lenora Blanche
Kimball, LeRoy Elwood
Kimball, Thatcher Kimball
Kimball, Richard
Kimball, Walter Francis
Kimball, Walter
Kimber, natalie Bird
Kimberly, Thos.
Kimberly, James H.
Kinder, Ar.
King & Dennison,
King, Albert D.
King, Doctor B.
[King, Benjamin]
King, Jessie S.
King, M.D., C. Henry
King, C. S.
King, Carl
King, Carl & Emily
King , Charles
King, Charles Arthur
King, Charles Bird
King, Clifford Julius
King, D.
King, Daniel
King, Dr. David
King, David B.
King, Edgar Weld
King, Edna B.
King, Edward
King, Edw.
King, Edward Lacy
King, Emily B.
K., E. B.
King , Emily B.
King, Freelove
King, Gedney
King, George A.
King, George Gordon
King, Geo. L.
King, Gertrude
King, Harvey J.
King, Helen S.
King, Henry C.
King, Hulton
King, Jacob H.
King, James
King, Jerome Allen
King, John
King, John H.
King, John Henry
King, John S.
King, Joseph
King, Morris
King Library, Moses
King, Orasmus C.
King, Robert P.
King, Rufus
King, Sue Senter
King, T. D.
King, Valentine
King, W. B.
King, William
King, Wilson
Kingman, Abner
Kingman, Bradford
Kingman, L. M.
Kingman, William Livermore
Kingsbury, Byron
Kingsbury, Oliver
Kingsbury, William Evelyn
Kingstone, Frederick W.
Kinloch, Esq., Francis
Kinnard, M.
Kinney, Burton A.
Kinney, Chesley
Kinney, George
Kinney, J. K.
Kinney, William
Kinnicutt, Leonard Parker
Kinsley, Carrie C.
Kinsley, Sumner A.
[Kinsley, Sumner A.]
Kinsley, Edith Lancaster
Kinsley, P. W.
Kinsley, Maybelle Carleton
Kip, Leonard
Kip , Leonard
kip, Wm. Ingraham
[Kipling, Rudyard]
Kirby, Sarah Louise
Kirchberger, Celia
Kirk, E. M.
Kirk, Harris Elliot
Kirk, Josie L.
Kirk, Lucy Anne
Kirk, Mary Wallace
Kirk, Samuel J.
Kirkham, Guy
Kirkland, Frederic R.
Kirkpatrick, Harriet and Robert
Kirkpatrick, James
Kirkpatrick, R. T.
Kirkpatrick, Wm.
Kirkwood, Maclean
Kiser, Jr. , William Howell & Ellen Finley
Kisner, Elliott P.
Kifsam, Benj.
Kitchel, Florence
Kitchel, Francis W.
Kite, IV, Thomas
Kittera, John W.
Kittredge, Charles
Kittredge, M.D., E. A.
Kittredge, Edward Holmes
Kittredge, Geo. A.
Kittredge, William
Klapp, M.D. , Joseph
Klarner, Julia
Klatzkin, Driakor
Kein, Dr.A. W.
Kleinsorge, William E. & Louise D.
Kline, William J.
Kling, Flora Gardiner
Klingberg, J. E.
Klippart, J. H.
Klatschkoff, W.
Knap, Isaac
Knapp, C. W.
Knapp, Frances S.
Knapp, Kate Louise
Knapp, Shepherd
Knapp, Jr., Shepherd
Knapp, Susan Trevor
Knapp, W. A.
Knappenberger, Prof. J. W.
Knauff, Theo. C.
Knechtel, Geraldine E.
Kneeland, F. L.
Knickerbacker, D. B.
Kniest, F. B.
Knight, Addison
Knight, Alfred I.E.
Knight, D. Allen
Knight, Edward
Knight, Edward Balch
Knight, Hannah
Knight, Horace Tyndall
Knight, J.
Knight, Jonathan
Knight, Joseph
Knight, Josephine
Knight, Levi
Knight, Marietta
Knight, Samuel Bradford & Della Hood
Knight, William and Mary
Knight, William Windvs. and Edna Ford
Knight, Winifred
Knolle, Wilkes A.
Knott, J. E.
Knowles, Charles Oswald
Knowles, D. C.
Knowles, Walter Stanley
Knowlton, Frederic and Elizabeth
Knowlon, I. C.
Knowlton, I. C.
Knox, Andrew
Knox, C. M.
Knox, Charlotte D.
Knox, Henry B.
Knox, John Pray
Knox, Jno. Jay
Knox, Kate
Knox, Samuel
Knox, Esq., Will.
Knox, William George
Knox, William W.
Kobler, John
Koch, Bruno
Koch, Theo. W.
Kochenderfer, C.
Koecker, Leonard
[Koecker, Leonard]
Koecker, M.D., Leonard R.
Koecker, M.D.,
[Koecker, Leonard R.]
Koecker, L. R.
[Koecker, L. R.]
Koecker, Leonard R.
Koeppe, Clarence Eugene
Kofoia, Charles Atwood
Kohlmann, Dr. William
Kohlsaat, Edith Milton
Kohn, Lois
Kollock, Shephard K.
Konody, P.
Koons, U. S.
Kops, de Bruyn
Korellis, Mary
Korn, Richard Kaye
Kortright, Warren Post
Koss, Harry
Kotylansky, Chaim
Kraffert, Benjamin] Franklin
Kraft, Henry
Kramer, Carolyn V.
Krapf, Willard Paul
Krass, Nathan
Kraus, Eduard L.
Krauth, C. P.
Kraus-Boelte, Maria
Krech, Shepard
Krementz, Walter Martin
Kretschmar, Arthur William
Krieghoff, William George
Krolik, Hortense
Kruger, Alma
Krum, John M.
Krumbhaar, George D.
[Krumbhaar, George D.]
Kruse, Paul R.
Kruse, Hugo H. & Margaret N.
Kuehne, Florence G.
Kuney, Jr., Clark G.
Kunz, George Frederick
Kunze, Johann Christoph
Kuranda, Camille
K., C. K.
Kurtenacker, Karl G.
Kurtz, Geo. P.
Kurzman, Seymour P.
Kweskin, Yale
Kyle, Howard T.
L., E. D.
L., E. F.
L., F.
L., H. S.
L., J.
L., M. A.
L., B.C.P. & O.I.
L., S.
L., S. B.
L.?, T.
LaBau, Julia Stanly
Lacey, Josiah
Lackey, Ro. J.
Lackland, Matthew C.
LaCour, Arthur Burton
Lacy, Thos.
Ladd, Geo. W.
Ladd, Herbert Warren
Ladd, Mary B.
Ladd, Simeon
Ladd, William Palmer
Ladds, George Gordon
Laemmert, D'Eduardo
Lahler, Paul T.
Laforce, John B.
LaFontaine, L. G.
Laforest, L.de
Laidley, Joseph
Laidlaw, R. A.
Laight, Henry
Laird, Samuel
Laislap, Frank W.
Lake, W. Elwell
Lalone, Emerson Hugh
Lamar, M.D. , Henry S.
Lamb, George M.
Lamb, Henry Burt
Lamb, John
Lamb, Wm. W.
Lambert, Daniel
Lambert, Edwin W.
Lambert, Mary Robinson
Lambert, Thomas
Lambert, Thomas R.
Lambeth, M.D. , W. L.
Lamont, Harold Blair
Lamplugh, B. C.
Lamprey, L.
Lamprey, Ray
Lampson, Phyllis
Lamson, D. S.
Lancaster, Alston H.
Landauer, Bella C.
Landauer, Bella Clara
Landauer, James D.
Landers, W. P.
Lane, A. Church
Lane, Rev.B. H.
Lane , Benjamin H.
Lane, Charles
Lane, David
L., E. P.
Lane, Eben
Lane, George
Lane, Jane M.
Lane, John
Lane, Katharine Ward
Lane, Preston & Dorothy
lane, William
Lane, William and Josephine
Lang, Eustance Arthur
Lang, Geo. S.
Lang, Henry
Lang, Sarah
Langdale, Henry Lord
Langdon, elisabeth
Langdon, John
Langdon, John LeDroit
Langdon, William Chauncey
Langenscheidt, Carl G.F.
Langenscheidt, Frida
Langford, Joseph C.
Langham, Jefferson Davis
Langley, Alfred G.
Langley,Esq., Richard
Langton, T.
Langton, Thomas
Langworthy, F. G.
Langworthy, Isaac H.
Lanier, Henry Wysham
Laning, Jasper
Lanneau, B. P.
Lansing, A.
Lanterman, Roy Stanley
Lapachet, Bernard Kenny
LaPierre, M.D. , Julian
Lapsley, Anna Welsh
Lapsley, David
Lapsley, Gailland T.
Lardner, John
Larimer, Harry G.
Larkin, Alfred O.
Larkin, Alfred Otis
Larkin, Lyman B.
Larned, William A.
Larner, John B.
Larner, N. D.
LaRose, Petrie de
LaRofe, Pierre de Chaignon
Larpent, George G.de Hochepied
Larabee, William C.
Larzelere, Mary
Lasell, Jessie Keeler
Lasell, Mary K.
Latham, Henry
Latham, L
Latham, William Ashby
Lathers, Richard
Lathrop, Cyrus C.
Lathrop, Alanson P & Eleanor F.
L., F. S.
Lathrop, Helen
Latimer, James B.
Latimer, Randolph B.
Latimer, Ray
Latrobe, John H. B.
Latta, M.D. , S. W.
Latta , William J.
Lauck, Jacob
Lauda, Bi
Laughton, Norris Hastings
Laurens, Edward R.
[Laurens, Henry R.]
Laurie, Rev. Thomas
Laussat, Antony
Laux, James Berkeley
Lavine, S. A.
Lavinia, Sister
Law,Esq., Edward E.
Law , Ernest
Law, Henry I.
Law, I. D.
Law, Isobel Graham
Law, James
Law , John
Law, Jr., Robert
Law, S. D.
Law Society of Upper Canada,
Lawrence, Albert Gallatin
Lawrence, Amos
Lawrence, Rev. Benj.
Lawrence, C.
Lawrence, Charles
Lawrence, Charles E.
Lawrence, Frances Temple
Lawrence, I. Tharp
lawrence, Jr., James
Lawrence, John
Lawrence, Lewis Morfe
Lawrence, Richard H.
Lawrence, Richard Hoe
Lawrence, R. M.
Lawrence, S. Abbott
Lawrence, Samuel C.
Lawrence, T. Bigelow
Lawrence, Upton
Lawrence, William
Lawrence, William Beach
Laws, Ann
Lawson, Eugene
Lawson, Francis
Lawson, Harry L.
Lawson, Henry Cheslyn
Lawson, John ?
Lawson, L. M.
Lawson, Malvina
Lawson, Thomas W.
Lawton. Jr., Alexander R.
Lawver, W. P.
Lawver, M.D. , W. P.
Lay, Charles D.
Lay, George William
Lay Memorial, Hiram Towsley and Martha Morrill
Lazarus, Edgar M.
Lea, Fannie Heaslip
Lea, Henry Charles
Lea, I.& E.
Leach, F. Granville
Leach, John
Leach, Lillian Dolbeare
Leake, Samuel
Leaming, Joseph F.
Leaming, Robert Waln
Leaming, Robert W.
Lear, Benjamin Lincoln
Learmont, W. J.
Learned, Walter
Learoyd, John S.
Leavenworth, Abel Edgar
Leavenworth, David
Leavenworth, Elias W.
Leavitt, Amos T.
Leavitt, Jr., Amos Towle
Leavitt, Martha P.
Leavitt, William
LeBoutillier, James
Lecca, Georgii
Leckie, Robert
LeCompte, Benjamin W.
Leddel, J.
Ledlie, James B.
Ledyard, Wm. W.
Lee, Carrie
Lee, Charles C.
Lee, Chauncey
Lee, Daniel
Lee, Esq., Edward
Lee, Georgia Medora
L., G. M.
Lee, Henry Hugh
Lee, Hedworth
Lee, Henry
Lee, Ivy
Lee, John
Lee, John & Martha
Lee , John Fitzgerald
Lee, Lancelot Charles
Lee, Esq., Philip Ludwell
Lee, Richard B.
Lee, Roger
Lee, Stanley Burdett & Helen
Lee, Thomas
Lee, Jun., Thomas
Lee, Thomas J.
Lee, M.D., William
Lee, William Blackstone
Lee, Wm. W.
Leech, D.
Leech, Rich.
Leech, Robert
Leeds, Daniel L.
Leeds, Sarah
Leeming, J. G.
Leeming, Joseph & Emily
Lees, I. W.
Leeson, Mildred Dix
Leete, Elizabeth M.
Leete, William D. & Mary R.
Lefevre, C. H.
Lefevre, Owen
Leffertrs, Marshall Clifford
Lefferts, Marshall Clifford
Lefker, Eva and Harry
Lefroy, Augustus Henry Frazer
Lefroy, Lt. General Sir Henry
Legge, Henry
Legge, Capt. John
Legge, Robert and Rene
Legge, William
Legler, Henry E.
Legro, Samuel H.
Lehman, G. Ferdinand
Leibert, Catherine
Leicester, Bagworth
Leidich, S. M.
Leidy, Joseph
Leidy, Dr. Philip
Leigh, Egerton
Leigh, Esq., Egerton
Leigh, Sir Egerton
Leigh, Marion L.
Leighton, Francis Henry
Leighton, Geo. E.
Leightonensis, Johannes Naylor
Leightonhouse, Sam.
L., E. R.
[Leippert], Emily
Leiningen-Westerburg, Karl Emich
Leishman, Lucille and Tom
Leitch, G. F.
Leland, M.D., R. G.
Leman, Caroline
LeMoyne, Wm. J.
Lemmon, Joseph
Lemmon, Rufus
Lemperly, Paul
Lenehan, Nathaniel V.
Lenlinger, Barbara
Lennox, Clan
Lenny, C.
Lenox, Hugh
Lenox, Itha May
Lenox, James
Lenox, Robert
Lent, Eugene
Lenthall, John
Leo, Edgar F.
Leonard, Bessie W.
[Leonard, Edgar Cottrall]
Leonard, Esek S.H.
Leonard, George
Leonard, Henry
Leonard, Isam
Leonard, Katherine
Leport, W. T.
LeRoy, Herman L.
Les Chats Noir,
Lesley, Jr. , James
Lesley, Jr. , Peter
Leslie, Albert
Leslie, James
Leslie, W. O.
Lesser, Jessie May & Harry
Lesser, Mona
Lester, Thomas S.
Letchworth, G. J.
Lethbridge, Alan
Letherman, Dorothy Catherine
Lethieullier, Samuel
Leuba, Henry
Leventritt, Leo & Helen
Leverett, John
[Leverett, John]
Leverton, Edith Waldemar
Levi, Joseph C.
Levick, Hugh Gwynne & Agnes Burwell
Levien, Francis
Levin, S. Davis
Levy, A. G.
Levy, B.
Levy, Lawrence
Levy, S. Yates
Lavin, Stephen
Lewinson, Benno
Lewis, Alfred Henry
Lewis, Annie C.
Lewis, Charles D.
Lewis, Dorothea
Lewis, Enos
Lewis, Eugene Howard
Lewis, Eva
Lewis, Jun., Evan
Lewis, Grace
Lewis, Harriett and Harold
Lewis, Harriot A.T.
Lewis, James Albert
Lewis, James Gilpin
Lewis, Iohn Delaware
Lewis, John Frederick
Lewis, John H.
Lewis, Joseph J.
Lewis, Joseph S.
Lewis, Louis Balbfus
Lewis, J. R.
Lewis, Mary Emma
Lewis, Mary Stone
Lewis, Mordecai Cooper
Lewis, Mordecai
Lewis, Randolph Cooper
Lewis, Ray
Lewis, Richard Anthony
Lewis, Robert
Lewis, M.D., Sam.
Lewis, Samuel S.
Lewis, Thomas
Libbe, C. F.
Libbie, Frederic
Libbie, Frederick James
[Libbie, Frederick J.]
Libby, Charles Freeman
Liberty S.F. Co.,
Lichliter, James Marcellus
Lichtenwalter, Geneve
Lichtenstein, Richard C.
Lick, Rose Margarethe Zobelein
Lidbury, Frank Austin
Lidbury, Isaac Stephen
Liddle, Charles
Lieb, John William
Liebner, Walter Carl
Lifschutz, M.D., Jacob
Liggett, Louis K.
Lightfoot, John Robert
Lightfoot, Esq., William
Lilienthal, Joseph
Lillie, Madeleine
Lilly, Josiah Kirby
Lincklaen, John
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Allen
Lincoln, Elizabeth W.
Lincoln, Elsie
Lincoln, Jr., Frederic W.
Lincoln, Governor
Lincoln, Hankes
Lincoln, John W.
Lincoln, Leroy A.
Lincoln, Levi
Lincoln, Sophia
Lincoln, William
L., E. G.
Lind, F.
Lind Collection, Jenny
Lindars, Edna May
Lindars, Evalyn Evans
Lindars, Fred. W.
Lindesay, Frederic
Lindley, Walter
Lindquist, Harry
Lindquist, Harry L.
Lindsay, G. F.
Lindsay, Harry Bernard
Lindsay, John Douglas
Lindsay, John S.
Lindsay, Samuel Macaulay
Lindsey, Benjamin
Lindsey, Benj.
Lindsey, Ben. B.
Lindsey, Jr., Benj.
Lindsey, Cyrus W.
Lindsley, Halstead
Lindsley, James H.
Lindsley, Margaret Ashton
Linsenbarth, Adolph Carl August
Lion, Oscar
Lipett, H. W.
Lipman, Hymen L.
Lippett, Norris G.
Lippincott, Joshua Bertram
Lipsett, William J.
Lisle, Henry Maurice
Lisman, Anthony A.
List, William H.
Lister, Edmund R.C.
Litchfield, E.
Litchfield, E. Hubert
Litchfield, John
Litchfield, John G.
Douglas-Lithgow, R. A.
Litsey, William Louis
Littell, John
Little, Clarence Cook
Little, Edward H.
Little, George T.
Little, harry Britton
Little, John P.
Little, Maarian G.B.
Little, Peter
Little, Samuel
Little, Seelys William & Mary Dodd
Little, Stella Hayward
Little, Valentine
Little, William A.
Littlefield, Benaiah
Littlefield, Agnes
Littlefield, Cora A.
Littlejohn, Cynthia Pugh
Littlejohn, Lulu
Littleton, Stephen F.
L., C. H.
Litzelmann, Carl Heinrich
[Litzelmann], Sarah
Liveright, Alice Springer
Livermore, C. C.
Livermore, Edward St.Loe
Livermore, John F.
Livingston, Alfred S.
Livingston, Arch.
Livingston, Esq., Brockholst
Livingston, Edward
Livingston, Henry W.
Livingston, John R.
Livingston, John S.
Livingston, Maturin
Livingston, Philip Ph.
Livingston, Richard M.
Livingston, Robert ?
Livingston, Esq., Robert R.
Livingston, Walter
Livingston, Will. Smith
Livingston, William
Livius, Barham John
Livius, George
Livius, Rev. H. George
Llorens, J.
Lloyd, Andrew James
Lloyd, Anne
Lloyd, E. ?H.
Lloyd, Gamaliel
Lloyd, Henry A.
Lloyd, Hendrie
LLoyd, J. C.
Lloyd, James
LLoyd, James H.
Lloyd, Jno. N.
Lloyd, Mary Eleanor
LLoyd, Samuel
LLoyd, Thomas
LLoyd, William A.
LLoyd, William R.
LLoyd, Wm. S.
Loardan, Elinor
Lobaugh, Ernest D.
Lober, Dolorees K.
Lochman, Harriett D.
Lock, Ephrain
Lock, Mehitable B.
Locker, J. J.
Locker, Frederick
Locker, Cap. Wm.
L., C. W.
Lockwood, Emily
Lockwood, Florence Bayard
Lockwood, Joshua
Lodge, Abraham
Lodge, Fred. S.
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Lodge, North Way
Lodge, William Franklin
Lodge, John
[Lodge, John]
Loeb, Ada L.
Loeb, Harold S.
Loeffler, Ch-Martin
Logan, Alice
Logan, Charles
Logan, Donald Brigham
Logan, Hugh
Logan, I. Dickinson
Logan, James
Logie, Daniel
Lombaert, Herman J.
Lombard, Arthur C.
[Lombard, Frank A.]
Lombard, Herbert Edwin
L., H. E.
[Lombard, Herbert Edwin]
Lombard , Herbert Edwin
Lombard, Herbert E.
Lombard, Mary Joy
Lombardi, Cesar Maurice
London, Charmian
London , Jack
London, John R.
Long, Breckinridge
Long. Esq., Charles beckford
Long, Edward J.
Long, George W.
Long, J. L.P.
Long, Jos. Y.
Long, Richard H.
Long, Esq., Samuel
Long, Samuel
Long, William
Long, William Bowditch
Longbottom, Abram P.
Longfellow, Abigail
Longfellow, Jr., Alexander Wadsworth
Longfellow, Edward
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow , Henry W.
Longfellow, H. W.
Longfellow, R. C.
Longley, George C.
Longley, John
Longley, Jonathan
Longman , William
Longstaff, Margery
Longstreet, Augustus B.
Longyear, John Munro
Loockerman, John
Loockerman, Theodore R.
Loomis, C. B.
Loomis, G. H.
Loomis, James C.
Loomis, John True
Loomis, Luther
Loomis, Thomas
Loomis, Thomas H.
Loper, S. Ward
Lopez, Henri
Lord, Abraham Brackett
Lord, Arthur
Lord, Daniel
Lord, Elsie Prentiss
Lord, George C.
Lord, Janet Hay
Lord, John Paul
Lord, Lewis L.
Lord, Jun., P.
Lord, Jun., Peter
Lord, Russell S.
Lord, R. S.
Lord, Sterling
Lord, William
Lord, Day & Lord,
Lorenz, Karl
Loring, Augustus Peabody
Loring, A. P.
Loring, Charles G.
Loring, Jr., Charles G.
Loring, Rev. Henry Lloyd
Loring, J. S.
Loring, J. Q.
Loring, James
Loring, John Alden
Loring, John J.
Loring, Sally Pickman
Loring, William Caleb
Lorsch, Arthur & Etta
Loscombe, Joseph
Lotbiniere, M. de Marquis de
Lothrop, A. M.
Lothrop, Henry Wood
Lothrop, Henry W.
Lothrop , Henry Wood.
Lothrop, S. Kirkland
Lott, Abraham
Lott, James R.
Lotterhos, Anne
Loubat, Duc de
Loud, May Hallowell
Loud, Sarah L.
Loudon, James
Loudown, John Earl of
Loughead, Isaac M.
Loughead, Joseph
Love, John
Love, Jr., John B.
Love, William DeRoss
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips
Lovegrove, Stanley Dressler
Lovejoy, Martha B.
Loveland, Catherine Pollock
Lovell, Alex.
Lovell, Clarence B.
Lovell, Ephraim
Lovell, Lucille
Lovell, Nathaniel
Loveman, Samuel C.
Lovering, Charles Taylor
Lovering, Charles Loverling & Sarah Malthy
Lovett, Rev. B. B.
Lovett, Rev. Benj. Barnes
Lovett, Benj. Barnes
Lovett, Johannes
Lovington, Earle
Low, Adele Tyldeu
Low , Cornelius
Low , Edward Gilchrist
Low, M.D. , James
Low, Mary B.
Low, Will H.
Lowdell, George
Lowe, Enoch M.
Lowe, Marion Castell
[Lowe, Robert]
Lowe, Roberti Gul.
Lowe , William Ebbets
Lowell, Augustus
Lowell, Beatrice
Lowell, C. R.
Lowell, D. O.S.
Lowell, Guy
Lowell , Henry H.
Lowell, J. A.
Lowell, James S.
Lowell , John
Lowell, Jr., John
Lowell, John Amory
Lowell , John Amory
Lowell , Payson Tucker
Lowell, Percivall
Lowell , Robert Traill Spence
Lowell, Robert Traill Spence
Lowell, Sarah E.
Lowell , Walter M.S.
Lower, Abraham
Lowery, Ruth
[Lowery, Ruth]
Lownes, Albert Edgar
Lowndes, Arthur
Lownes, John
[Lownes, John]
Lowrey, Grosvenor Porter
Lowrie, Lester
Lowry, D. D.
Lubin, A. W.
Lucas, John Robert
Lucas, Samuel
Lucas, William
Luce, Hervey
Ludeford,Esq., Lohn
Ludington, George Franlin
Ludlow, Abraham
Ludlow, Alice
Ludlow , Cary
Ludlow, Gabriel Verplank
Ludlow, John Crooke
Ludlow, William H.
Ludwell, Esq., Philip
Luey, John
Luhring, A. G.
[Lukens, Henry Clay]
Lukens, James
Lukens, John
Lull, O. W.
Lummus, Aaron
Lummis, Chas. F.
Lund, Samuel Herbert
Lunt, Micajah
Lupton, Dilworth Richardson
Luse, A. P.
Lush, Lydia
Lustig, Sonia
Luther, Martin
Luxemborg, Rosa
Luzerne, D. D. de La
Lydick, William H.
Lydig, Rita de Alba
Lygon, Wm. Beauchamp
Lykins, W. H.R.
Lykins, Wm. H.
Lyle, James M.
Lyle, John R.
Lydia, Peter
Lyle, William S.
Lyman, Arthur T.
Lyman, Edward E.
Lyman , F. S.
Lyman, F. S.
Lyman, Harold
Lyyman, Jonathan
Lyman, Mary H.
Lyman, Richard
Lynch, Charles David
Lynch, Helen M.
Lynch, John P.
Lynch, William B.
Lynde, Hannah
Lynde, Nicholas
Lyndhurst, Sarah G.
Lynn, G. D.
Lynn, Scott
Lyon, Charles W.
Lyon, Chester
Lyon, H. D.
Lyon, Heber C.
Lyon, Isabel Van Kleeck
Lyon, Leland Hebbell
Lyon, Nancy
Lyon, Oliver
[Lyon, P.]
Lyon, Ralph
Lyon, Walter
Lyon, Willard
Lyon, William
Lyons, Jacob
Lyth, John
[Mason, W. G.]
M., A.
[M., B. & J.B.M.]
M., B.
M., C. S.
M., E. P.
M., E.
M., F. L.
M., H.
M., J.
[M., M.]
M., K.
M., M.]
M., S.
M., S. B.
M., W.
[M., W. I]
Mabbott, Thomas O.S.
Maberly, Wm. L.
Mabie, Hamilton Wright
The Mabinogion,
McC., G.
Macadam, Elizabeth
McAleenan, Joseph
McAlister, Amelia
MacAlister, J. Y.
McAllister, Alex. L.
McAllister, F. M.
McAllister, Hall
McAllister, J. Edgar
McAllister, John M.
[McAllister, John]
McAllister , Martha Thornton
McAllister, Mardale G.
McAllister, Jr., M. H.
McAllister, William Y.
McAllister, W. Y.
McAlpine, William
McAlpine, Wm. J.
McAndrew, Robert
McAnulty, O. H.
McArthur, Arthur
Macartney, George
McAuley, E. M.
Macauley, George M.
Macauley, James F.
Macaulay, John Simcoe
Macaulay, M.D. , P.
Macbeth, George Alexander
Macbeth, James
McBride, James
M'Bride, James
McCabe, Michael
McCabe, Pauline & Ambrose
McCabe, William Gordon
McCaffrey, Henry
McCahan, Jno. M.
McCall, John C.
McCall, John
McCalla, John M.
MacCallum, James
MacCallum, Robert Nelson
McCartney, John
McCarthy, D'Alton
Macartney, Geo.
Maccarty, Thaddeus
Mccarty, T.
M'Caul, Alexander
Mcauley, Francis Campbell
M'Chesney, Charles G.
McClain, Bruce
McClain, J. Wesley
M'Claskey, John
McClees, Wm. K.
McCleery, Robert
McClellan, Clara Denison
McClellan, Wm. B.
McClelland, J.
McClelland, Morgan T.
McClelland, Thomas S.
McClelland, William
McClintock, J.
McClintock, Gilbert Stuart
McClintock, Mary Law
McClintock, T.
McCloud, Francis
McCloud, Richard
McCluer, C. W.
Macclure, David
McClure, Francis
McClure, Hannah
McClure, Margaretta D.
McCollester, S. H.
McComb, Eleazer
McComb, John
McConnell, Benjamin Rush
McConnell, S. D.M.
McConnell, William L.
McCord, Mary Nicholena
MacCormack, Thomas J.
McCormick, George Boldt
McCormick, Jr., J. Guy
McCormick, Robert R.
McCoun, Wm. T.
Mcleoy, Frank J.
M'Coy, J. F.
MacCoy, James C.
McCoy, James Comly
M'Crackan, William
M'Craw, Samuel
McCrea, Reinette M.
McCrea, Reinette
McCredie, George
McCreery, Joseph
M'Croskey, Samuel
MacCubbin, Samuel
Mccue, William P.
McCulloch, Andrew Hardie
McCulloch, Joannis R.
M'Culloch, James W.
McCulloh, G. B.
McCulloch, Joseph Graham
McCulloh, Henry Eustace
McCullough, Ann
McCullough, W. G.
McCully, Winifred Hartwell
McCutcheon, Alice B.
McCutcheon, George Barr
McCutcheon, Theodora N.
McDaniel, John Rob'n.
M'Daniel, Jno. Rob'n.
McDermott, Mary Scudder
Macdonagh, Esq., Francis
Macdonald, Augustin Sylvester
MacDonald, Diana
MacDonald, F. V.
MacDonald, Horace E.
McDonald, Horace Edward
Macdonald, Hugh Calais
Macdonald, Hugh J.
Macdonald, John A.
Macdonald, L. G.
McDonald, Margaret Stewart
Macdonald, T.
Macdonald, W. R.
McDonald & Rigby,
Macdonell, J. D.
MacDonnell, Gladys
McDonnell, Thomas
Macdonell, William John
McDonough, Joseph
Mcdonall, Esq., William
McDowell, H. M.
M'Dowell, Harry
McDowell, Malcolm H.
McDowell, Martha Austin
McDowell, Samuel
M'Duffee, John
McElhone, J. J.
McElrath, Percy
McElroy, John G.R.
Macelroy, Mary Holbrook
McElwain, William Howe & Helen Whyte
McElwee, Catherine
M'endree, John H.
McEwen, Jr., Thos.
McEvers, Bache
M., A. C.
McFadden, Charlotte Morgan
McFadden, Hugh Norman
McFarlan, Frederic
McFarland, Fra.
MacFarland, Leo
McFarland, Neal L.
McGee, Susan De
M'Gibbon, ?ratus ?
McGibbon, D. Lorne
McGinley, Sarah Jane Atterbury
McGinnis, William E.
McGirr, Newman F.
McGlohon, Samuel Bailey
McGloughlin, ? ?
McGloughlin, Madeline
Macgowan, Marjorie Butterick
McGowan, N. F.
McGrady, Josephine Schayer
McGrann, Bernard Penn Gaskell
McGrath, T.
McGregor, Ivan
McGregor, Tracy
McGroarty, William Buckner
M'Gruder, S.
M'Guire, Edward C.
M'Guire, D.D., Edward C.
Mcguire, Elisha Whipple
McIlwaine, A. Graham
McIlwaine, Bloomfield
McIlvaine, Bloomfield
McIlvaine, Charles
McIlvaine, Joseph
M'Entire, Rufus
McIntosh, Charles L. & Mrs.
McIntosh, Robert Duncan
MacIver, Jr.,
Mack, David
Mack, Samuel E.
Mack. M.D., Theophilus
Mack, M.D. , Theophilus
Mack, William Andrew
Mack, William F.
Mack, Wm. G.
Mack, Wm.
Macarness, Rev. George Richard
Mackay, Clarence H.
McKay, Clarence Wright
Mackay, James
MacKay, W. McDonald
Mackay, Willliam
Mackay & Co.,
McKee, Thos. J.
McKean, Esq., Thomas
McKelden, Andrew
MacKellar, Thomas
MacKellar, William H. & Elizabeth
McKellen, Willliam H.
McKellops, H. J.
Mackenzie, jaames
Mackenzie, James R.
McKenna, A. G.
McKenney, Edmund K.
McKenney , Frederic & MacVeagh, Wayne Wayne
Mackenzie, Alexander
Mackenzie, Alexander W.
Mackenzie, Colin
Mackenzie, Donald
McKenzie, Esq., Francis
Mackenzie, G. L.B.
Mackenzie, John
Mackenzie, Esq., John M.
Mackey, M.D., Albert G.
Mackey, M.D., Joseph K.
McKibben, Darthea
M'Kie, James
McKIm, William W.
Mackintosh, Frank H.
Mackintosh, Hugh Fraser
McKillick, John
McKnight, Mary Callen
Mackubin, Richard
McLallen, Henry
McLanahan, George Xavier & Caroline Duer
McKane, Allan
McLane, Jas. L.
McLane, Louis
McLane, Sidney H.
Mclaren, D. C.
Maclaren, John J.
McLaren, Robert
McLauchlan, William
McLauchlin, Eva
Maclay, Alfred Barmore
Maclay, Esq., William
Maclean, Andrew Dyas
McLean, Archibald
McLean, Grace S.
McLean, Allen
McLean, Helen
McLean, Hugh
McLean, James
Maclean, L.
MacLellan, A.L. & D.M.
McLennan, E. P.M.
M'Lennan, Hugh
McL, D
Macleod, Eldon
McLeod, Ezekiel
McLeod, E. & R.
MacLeod, Jr., George Inglis
Macleod, John
Mcleod, Morson & McQuarrie,
Macleod, William Alexander
McClure, Edmundi
MacMahon, Hugh
MacManus, Charles
McManus, Charles
McManus, Jas.
McManus, Mary Alice
MacMechan, Archibald McKellar
McMeen, Samuel Groenendyke
McMichael, Walter
Macmillan, Donald Baxter
Macmillan, Frederick
Macmillan, H. P.
McMillan, Howard Ives & Mabel Langdon
McMillan, J. M.
Macmillan, Jessie M.
MacMurchy, Majory
M'Murphy, Jr., Robert
McMurrich, W. B.
McMurtrie, Henry
Macnab, Allan Napier
Macnab, James D.
McNair, James B.
McNair, James Birtley
McNair, Thomas S.
M'Nairy, John
McNeil, R.
McNeil, Archibald
M'Neill, Isaac
McNeily, Alex. J.W.
McNet, Walter
McNitt, Marie Bellows
Macomber, Jr., Alexander G.
Macomber, Frank Gair
Macomber, Jeremiah
Macomber, John Russell
Macon, Rev. Clifton
McPherson, Edward
McPherson, Jean
Macpherson, M.D., Wm.
Macpherson, Cap. John
Macpherson, Margaret Jean
McPherson, W. M.
Macpherson, William
McQuade, Samuel
McQuail, John H.
McQuestion, Frank D.
McRae, Emma Mont
Macrae, John and Ruth
Mackay, Katherine
McSparran, James
McTavish, John
Mactavish, Newton
Macveagh, Eames
MacVeagh, Wayne
McVeagh, Wayne
McWeeny, George Henry
McVickar, John
Macwilliam, Donald
Macy, Francis G.
Macy, Silvanus J.
Macy, Jr., Silvanus
Madden, John C.
Madigan, P. F.
Madigan, Patrick Francis
Madigan, Thomas Francis
Madsen, Leo John
Maes, Urban
Maffet, Rachel
Magee, Christopher Lyman
Magee, John
Magill, Charles
Magill, John
Magnus, Elsa Lena
Magrath, W.
Maher, Stella Collins
Maho, J. T.
Maidment, James
Maier, Frank
Main, Charles Reed
Main, Jas. Leslie
Maitland, S. R.
Maitland, Thos. J.
Mallinson, Hiram Royal
Malloch, A. Gertrude
Malloch, Helen Stanley
Manchester, Jr., Curtis A.
Mandelbaum, Herbert D.
Manfield, Bertha A.
Manfield, Dorothy
Manfield, Vera
Manheim, Louis
Manigault, Charles T.
Manigault, Peter
Mankin, Nancy G.
Mann, Caleb S.
Mann, Cameron
Mann, Ella E.
Mann, W. M.
Mann, William B.
Mann, William
Mann, Jun., Timothy
Mann, Roland William
Mann, Juliet M.
Mann, John Preston
Mann, John
Mann, Jacob
Mann, J. R.
Manning, Alex.
Manning, J. Woodward
Manning, James
Manning, John
Manning, Richard
Manning, Robert
Manning, Warren H.
Manning, William
Manning, Jun., William
Manoe, Denig
Mansfield, Benj. F.
Mansfield, M.D., Bernard M.
Mansfield, Edward D.
Mansfield, Jared
Mansur, E. M.
Marble, Albert C.
Marble, Anna Therese
Mantle, Lee
Marble , Annie Russell
Marble, Arthur DeMerick
Marble, Bruce Buttler
Marble, Edwin H.
Marble, Edwin T.
Marble, John
Marble, John Putnam
Marbury, B.
Marbury, Ella M.
March, Charles
March , Charles
Marchand, Jeanne & Jeannine
Marchant, Henry
Marchi, John W.
Marcus, Ralph
Marcus, William Elder & Mary Chapin
Marcy, Charles
Marchant, A. H.
Marcy, Helen S.
Marean, Browning Endicott
Marim, Charles
[McCormick, W.]
Markham, Thos.
Maris, T. R.
Marix, Lyda
Marran, Willis Adams
Marryat, Jr., Joseph
Marsh, Grace Ethel
Marsh, Lottie Beasley
Martin, Caroli Trice
Markham, William Guy
Markland, James Heywood
Markoe, Francis
Markoe, John
Marks, David
Marks, Henry Koval
Marks, Percy J.
Marks, Phebe
Marks, Walter D.
Marquand, Frederick
Marr, Alem
M., L. N.
Marriott, Frank Pickford
Marriott, John
Marriott, Joy M.
Marryat, Joseph
Marsh, Amos
Marsh, Bela
Marsh, C. Edith
Marsh, C. H.
Marsh, Edward B.
Marsh, Edward S.
Marsh, F?
Marsh, Frederick
Marsh, Guy C.
Marsh, Henry Wheelwright
Marsh, John
Marsh, Samuel
Marsh, Truman
Marsh, W. J.
M., W. J.
Marshall, A. S.
Marshall, F. A.
Marshall, Florence P.
Marshall, Frank Evans
Marshall , Frank Evans
Marshall , J. W.
Marshall, J. W.
Marshall , James
Marshall , Jessica Smith
Marshall, John
Marshall, John Byles
Marshall , Ivlian
Marshall, Marion Blatt
Marshall, Sarah C.
Marshall, Thomas H.
Marshall, Thomas Lee
Marston, John
Marston, Nath.
Marston, Nymphas
Martin, Aaron
Martin, Charles T.
Martin, Edward
Martin, Edward F.
Martin, F. X.
Martin, Frances
Martin, George Castor
Martin, George Currie
M., H. G.
Martin, H. W.
Martin, Horace Tassie
Martin, J.
Martin, James
Martin, Jr., James
Martin, John G.W.
Martin, John S.
Martin, Joannis S.
Martin, Esq., Josiah
Martin, J. Hill
Martin, Josiah
Martin, James H.
Martin, Lenala
Martin, Luther
Martin, Mary
Martin, Mary B.
Martin, Mattie Hungerford
Martin, Ralph & Katherine
Martin, Rich'd.
Martin, Richard A.
Martin, S. S.
Martin, Thomas
Martin, Trowbridge
Martin, Willa Gray
Martin, W. H.
Martin, William Bond
Martineau, James
Martini, Joseph
Martin, William Fanshawe
Marvin, Dwight Edwards
Mason, Henry Lowell
Mason, William
Mather, Amasa Stone
Martyn, ?
Martz, Rev.G. J.
Marvin, Dwight E.
Marvin , George R.
Marvin, Samuel Wesley
Mason, L.
Mason, Abraham
Mason, Alfred
Mason, Daniel Gregory
Mason, Frank H.
Mason, Frederick
Mason, Geo. B.
Mason, Jr., Geo.
Mason, George C.
Mason, Georgia K.
Mason, H. L.
Mason, Henry Lee
Mason, J.
Mason, J. J.
Mason, James
Mason, Jonathan
Mason, Jr., Jonathan
Mason, Orion A.
Mason, Orion T.
Mason, Sydney Russell and Elsa Whitin
Mason, T. B.U.
Mason, William J.
Mason, William Smith
Massey, Alice Vincent
Massey, M.D., Isaac
Massey, Vincent
Massey, Vincent & Alice
Massey, Rev. W. A.
Masson, A.
Masters, The Misses
Masson, P. E.
Masters, Nicholas Shelton
Masury, Evelyn Fellows
Masury, John W.
Matchett, F. Baltimore
Matchett, Lloyd Leroy
Mather, Henry
Mathers, Jemima
Mather, Mary H. Askew
Mather, Nathaniel
Mather, O. H.
Mather, Samuel
Mather, Esq. M.D., Sam.
Mather, Warham
Mather, William
[Mather , William]
Mathers, A. T.
Matheson, John Luther
Mathew, Esq., George
Maturin, Rev. Edmund
Maude, John
Maurer, Katharine Marie
Maus, Hans
Matheson, Thomas G.
Mathew, Daniel
Mathew, Daniel Byam
Mather, Daniel Dering
Mathewson, Rollin
Matter, Grace Dunn
Mathew, Esq., William
Mathias, Benj. Williams
Matson, Aaron
Matson, William Lewis
Mattern, F. R.
Matteson, W. B.
M., B. J.
Matthews , Elinor
Matthews , John
Matthews , Joseph
Matthews , Margaret
Matthews , Matt.
Matthews , Stanley
Matthews , William
Mattery, Edwin L.
Maude, Bella K.
Maule, Wm. H.
Mauran, James Eddy
Maury, R. H.
Mautouchet, A.
[Maverick, Andrew]
Maverick, Peter
[Maverick, Samuel]
Maverick, Wm. H.
Mavor, James
Mavor, Jacobus
Maxey, Virgil
Maxey, V.
Maxwell, Anna C.
Maxwell, James
Maxwell, Ora L.
Maxwell, S. A.
Maxwell, M.D., Samuel
Maxwell, William
Maxwell, Wm. H.
May, Edward Porter
May, George
May, J. F.
May, jun., John
May, John Joseph
May, Marion
May, Perrin
May, M.D., S. Passmore
May, Sadie A.
May, Samuel
May, Samuel W.
Maybin, Matilda
Mayer, Brantz
Mayer, Henry C.
Mayer, John L.?
Mayer, Lenore R.
Mayer, Lillie & Arthur
Mayer, Samuel
Mayers, Henry Adams
Maylin, Joseph
Maynard, Charles A.
Maynard, George
Maynard, Horace
Maynard, J. C.
Maynard, John
Maynard, Katharine
Mayo, John
Mayo, Lawrence Shaw
[Mayo, John]
Mayo, Robert A.
Mayor, J. E.B.
Mayse, Margaret Townsend
Mays, Betty
Maz?, S.
Mazua, Shirley
Mead, Samuel
Mead, Stith
Mead, Violet
Meade, George
Meade, Joseph Lyons
Meade, Richard K.
Meade, Richard W.
Meader, J.& E.
Mealy, Stephen A.
Means, Carroll Alton
Means, James
Means, Jr., Robert
Means, Chas. E.
Meader, Robert W.
Mebane, John A.
Medary, Henry Martin
Meder, K.
Medina, Harold R.
Meegan, Madeline Marie
Meehan, J. F.
Meek, George
Meeker, David Edward
[Meeker, David Edward]
Medley, John
Megaw, R.
Megede, A. F.
Meginness, John Franklin
Mehard, Churchill Brown
Meiggs, H. H.
Meigs, Rev.Henry Ingersoll
Meigs, M.D., J. Aitken
Meiklejohn, Alexander
Meill, Don Gleason
Meirs, Richard Waln
Melcher, Charles H.
Melcher, Frederick
Mellen, James
Mellon, William Larimer
Meloon, Mary-Ann
Mellus, May
Melvill, Esq., Robert
Melyn, Samuelis
Mench, Edmund A.
Mencken, Henry Louis
Mendelssohn, Gordon
Medenhall, John C.
Mendenhall, Mamaduke T.
Mendes, Isaac London
Mendez, Albert Alexander
Mendoza, Isaac
Mennen, William Gerhard
Menzies, John S.
Menzies, Robert H.
Mercein , James R.
Mercein , William A.
Mercelis, Edo & Jean
Mercer, Carroll
Mercer, Ch. Fenton
Mercer, George
Mercer, Hugh W.
Mercer, James
[Mercer, John]
Mercer, William John
Merckells, John H.
Meredith, Catherine Keppele
Meredith, Jr., Jonathan
Meredith, William Morris
Meredith, William Symons
Merian, Paul
Mirou, Martin Garcia
Merriam, Frank
Merriam, J. P.
Merriam, Margaret
[Merriam, Olin Lane]
Merriam, R. A.
Merriam, William Dyer
Merrick, George
Merrick, J. Hartley
Merrick, John Vaughan
Merrick, Jr., John Vaughan
Merrick, Samuel Vaughan
Merrill, Lucie Elizabeth
Merrill, Mary E. Rath
Merrill, Benjamin
Merrill, Albert Rome
[Merrill], Alene
Merrill, Charles A.
Merrill, Jr., Charles Edmund
Merrill, Elmer Truesdell
Merrill, Enoch
Merrill, John Douglas
Merrill, Joseph Edward
Merrill, Lucie Elizabeth & William Waldo
Merrill, Mary E.Rath
Merrill, Sarah
Merriman, M.D., Sam
Merriman, M.D., Samuel
Merritt, John S.
Merritt, N.
Merritt, Percival & Elisabeth
Merritt, T. R.
Merritt, Wm. H.
Merry, Robert
Merrymount Press, The,
Merson, W.
Merton, Ephraim
Mervine, Wm. M.
Meserve, Charles Dana
Messchert, Huizinga
Messchert, M. Huizinga
Messel, L
Messenger, Mariea Gerard
Messenger, Zora Belle
Messer, Nancy
Messier, Alfred R.
Messinger, Ebenezer
Metcalf & Betts,
Metcalf , Edith L.?
Metcalf, Frank J.
Metcalf, Homer Robert
Metcalf, J. G.
Metcalf, John G.
Metcalf, Rachel V.
Metcalf, Rev. Theodore A.
Metcalf, W. P.
Metzler, Christian E.
Metea, Marjorie Fanny
Meyer, Alice
Meyer, Audrey
Meyer, Elsie I.
Meyer, Richard M.
Meyers, Dudley Cameron
MEyers, Henry
Meylan, George L.?
Mhoon, Willoiam
Michaels, Louis & Irene
Michie, James
Michie, R. L.
Middlebrook, Carrie Allen
Middleton, D.
Middleton, Jr., E. F.
Middleton, F. G.
Middleton, Henry
Middleton, J. J.
Middleton, James Smith
Middleton, John J.
Middleton, Nathaniel
Middleton, Newton
Middleton, M.D., Peter
Middleton,Esq., Peter
Middleton, Thomas
Midgley?, Henry
Midlo, Charles
Miel, Rev, Ernest deF.
[Mielatz, Charles Frederick William]
Miel, Julia Percy
Mielziner, Ella Friend
Miesse, Gabriel
Mifflin, Samuel
Mikell, Judah
Mikell, T. Waring
Mikell, William E.
Miles, Rev. Geo.
Milbourne, Sewell T.
Milburn, Charles H.
Miles, Lucy
Milhau, Louis John de Grenou de
Milgram, Morris
Mill , Hercules
Millar, J. T.
Millard, Henry
Millard, James
Miller, Andrew] A.
Miller, Chas. Dexter
Miller, Jefferson
Miller, Charles Jefferson
Miller, D. H.
Miller, D. Henry
Miller, D. S.
Miller, Rev.D. S.
Miller, Daniel Sutter
Miller, Rev. Daniel Sutter
Miller, Dewitt
Miller, Dr. E. P.
Miller, Edward
Miller, Jr., Everett B.
Miller, Donald & Katharine
Miller, F. J.D.
Miller, Frank
Miller, Gardiner Hope
Miller, H. H.
Miller, H. N.
Miller, H. W.
Miller, Henry W.
Miller, Henderson N.
Miller, Hoyt
Miller, Hugh M.
Miller, M.D., Hyman
Miller, Jahu Dewitt
Miller, James
Miller, Jr., John
Miller, John
Miller, Dr. John
[Miller, John]
Miller, John Blount
Miller, John J.
Miller, John Janney
Miller, Io. Petri
Miller, John S.
Miller, Jo.
Miller, Joseph
Miller, Joseph Irwin
Miller, Margaret M.
Miller, Mary Hovey
Miller, Mavd
Miller, Maurice L.
Miller, Montgomerie
Miller, Morton M.
Miller, Nathaniel
Miller, O. D.
Miller, Olive Thorne
Miller, Robert Talbott
Miller, Samuel T.
Miller, Theodore Augustus
Miller, Thomas Macaulay
Miller, William
Miller, Esq., William
Miller, Jun., Wm.
[Miller, W.]
Miller, William A.
Miller, William Davis
Millet, Dorcas
Millett, Charles
[Millett, C.]
[Millicent, her book],
Milligan, Blanche
Milligan, Robert
Milliken, Annie York
Mills, Benjamin
Mills, Charles H.
Mills, Doris Heustis
Mills, Edward
Mills, George Dallas
Mills, George M.
Mills, Levi
Mills, Rose Edith
Mills, William C.
Mills, Mark Carter
Mills, Wm. E.
Mills, William S.
Mills, William Webster
Milner, James
Milner, F. L.
Milner, Esq., Thomas Picton
Milner, Uia
Milner, Vivian Irene
Milnes, Governor
Milnes, Mary
Milnes, M.
Milnor,Jr., William
Miltimore, James
Minckler, Alice Bryant
Miner, Charles
Miner, E. P.
Miner, Sally
Mingle, W. H.
Miniken, James
Minerley, Walter Francis
Minot, Charles Sedgwick
Minot, Joseph Grafton
Minshull, John
Minturn, William
Miquel, Leonor
Miracle, Frederich J.
Miracle, Frederich
Miranda, Artur Mario da Mota
Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight
Mitchel, Robert
Mitchel, Simeon
Mitchell, Alfred
Mitchell & Bingham, Alfreda & Hiram
Mitchell, Ann Jane
Mitchell, Beatrice
Mitchell, Esq., David
Mitchell, David Scott
Mitchell Memorial Library, Donald G.
Mitchell, E. Coppee
Mitchell, F.
Mitchell, M.D., J. K.
Mitchell, James T.
Mitchell, Joseph Edgar
Mitchell, Peleg
Mitchell, Ralph Wallace
Mitchell, W.
Mitchell, Weir
Mitchell, W. T.
Mitchell, Wm. H.
Mitchell, J. Grant
Mix, Clifton H.
Mixter, Jason Woods & Flora Curtis
Moat, Horatio Shepheard
Mock, Dr. E.
Moen, Mary C.
Moeran, Edward H.
Moeser, Y.E. and D.E.
Mohr, Louis
Mohr, W. Frank
Moir, Arthur Duncan
Moir, Wm. Wilmerding
Moles, Jr., Edwin J.
Moller, Jr., Charles George
Moller, Jr., Elizabeth Sweetser
Moller, Jr., Susan Anderson
Molt, Olive S.
Molt, R. Nelson
Molt, Robert Nelson
Monaghan, R. Jones
Monahan, Michael
Monckton, Hon. Mary
Monckton, Robert
Monell, Charles
Mongez, J. A.
Monges, Aristides
Mongin, W. H.
Monk, James
Monk, R. B.M. Lingard
Monkhouse, Jane
Monks, John Peabody
Monro, Rev. Harry
Monro, Mrs. Elbert B.
Monroe, Mrs. Elbert B.
Monroe, Albert B.
Monroe, James
Monroe, Virginia M.
Monroe, Will S.
Monsaluatue, Joseph
Monsaluatue, Trinidad
Monser, J. W.
Monson, Alfred S.
Montague, Zebina
Montada, R.
Montada, Ramon
Montague, Sophia
Montgomery, Clare
Montgomery, John
Montgomery, John C.
Montgomery, John T.
Montgomery, R.
Montgomery, Thomas
Montgomery, Esq., Thomas
Montgomery, Walter Alexander
Montgomery, Wm. M.
Montizambert, Edward
Moodie, J. W.Dunbar
Moody, James
Moody, Rob. Baker
Moody, Jr., W. S.
Moody, William H.
Moon, Edith Bucklin
Moon, Henry
Moore, Andrew
Moore, Lady
Moore, Abel Mace
Moore, Dorothea
Moore, Edward
Moore, Edward Martin
Moore, Edward Wynne
Moore, Elizabeth D.
Moore, Florence
Moore, George
Moore, Hale
Moore, Esq., Henry
Moore, Henry
Moore, Henry W.
Moore, John
Moore, Esq., John
Moore, J. Owen
Moore, J. Wilson
Moore, J.
Moore, James P.
Moore, Lambert
Moore, Martha
Moore, Nath. F.
Moore, Richard Channing
Moore, Richard M.
Moore, Robt.
Moore, Robert
Moore, Robert William
Moore, Sam. W.
Moore, Samuel
Moore, Stephen
Moore, Thos. Ewing
Moore, Thomas Guernsey
Moore, Thomas L.
Moore, William
Moore, Wm.
Moore, William H.
Moorehead, Warren King
Moorman, R. B.
Mordecai, J. Randolph
More, Wilson F.
Mordough, J. H.
Moreau, C. F.
Moreau, Charles C.
Moreau, John B.
Moreduck, Thomas F..
Moreduck, Jasper
Morehead, Esq., William
Morehouse, Aaron
Morehouse, George R.
Moress, Rose Lillian
Moretti, Frederick
Morey, Nellie C.
Morey, Elizabeth
Morey, W. C.
Morgan, A. C.
Morgan, Appleton
Morgan, Basil George
M., C. L.
Morgan, Charlotte
Morgan, Constance
M., E. J.
Morgan, Jr., Edwin D.
Morgan, Eleanor H.
Morgan, Emily Malbone
Morgan , Estelle
Morgan, Esq., Fisher Corlies
Morgan, Forrest
Morgan, Frederic
Morgan, Franklin Townsend
Morgan, George M.
Morgan, Jr., Henry Gibbes
Morgan, Horace H.
Morgan, James
Morgan, Jr., James E.
Morgan, Jane F.
Morgan, M.D., John
Morgan, John Pierpont
Morgan, M. Josephine
Morgan, Morris
Morgan , Morris
Morgan , Morris H.
Morgan, Mary
Morgan , Mildred
Morgan, N. D.
Morgan, D. E.
Morgan, Nancy Lee
Morgan, Patrick
Morgan, Paul Beagary
Morgan, William Forbes
Morganthau, G. L.
Morin, J. F.
Morin, Victor
Morison, George S.
Morison, John
Morison, Mary
Morison, Murdoch
Morison, N. H.
Morison, Samuel Eliot
Morison, Samuel
Morland, William Wallace
Morley, Ethel I.
Morong, Thomas
Morley, Mary
Morang, Thomas
Morosini, G. P.
Morphy, Paul
Morrell, Davis
Morrill, Charles Sumner
Moorman, M.D., J. J.
Morrill, Edward
Morrill, Jr., James
Morrill, George Burnham & Margaret Elwell
Morrill, Mendon
Morrll, Samuel Robert
Morrill, Samuel Robert
Morris, Esq. , Amherst
Morris, Anthony
Morris, Benjamin
Morris, Beulah S.
Morris, Charles
Morris, Charlotte J.C.
Morris, Edward Everett
Morris, Effingham B.
Morris, elise Ward
Morris, Elizabeth Hunt
Morris, Frederick Philipse
Morris, Esq. , Gouverneur
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, Helen Muriel
Morris, Henry
Morris, Herbert Brooke
Morris, Rev. J. Alexander
Morris, J. D.
Morris, Jacob and Carolina
Morris, James
Morris, Jeanne
Morris, John Michael
Morris, Lewis Rutherford
Morris, Esq. , Lewis
Morris, Luke
Morris, Luke W.
Morris, Morton
Morris, Ralph
Morris, Robert
Morris, Robert Tho.
Morris, Roland Sletor
Morris, Sophia Austin
Morris, Staats L.
Morris, Val
Morris, Valentine
Morris, Wharton
Morris, William
Morris, William Lewis
Morrison, Jr., E. A.
Morrison, Helen A.
Morrison, Esq., John
Morrison, John
Morrison, Joseph Curran
[Morrison, Virginia Lee]
Morrow, Wm. I.I.
Morse, Andrew B.
Morse, Anthony
Morse, Calvin
Morse , C. Osgood
Morse, C. Osgood
Morse, C. P.
Morse, Charles L.
Morse, Charles P.
Morse, E. R.
Morse, Elijah
Morse, Ellis
Morse, George Frederick William]
Morse, George W.
Morse, Glenn Tilley
Morse, John E.
Morse, John Robert
Morse, John South
[Morse, Joseph]
Morse, Julius N.
Morse, Mary Stearns
Morse, Nathan B.
Morse, Paulina E.
Morse, S. E.
Morse, Willard S.
M., W. I.
Mortimer, Alfred G.
Morton, Algernon
Morton, Charles A.
Morton, Rev.James
Morton, K.
Morton, Levi P.
Morton, Marcus
Morton, Perez
Morton, M.D., S. G.
M., T. L.
Moschcowitz, Eli
Moseley, Edw. L.
Moseley, Esq., John
Moses, George
Moses, Fred G.
Moses, Robert
Moses, Thomas P;
Mosker, Anna L.
Mosher, James
Mosher, Thomas B.
Mosher, Thomas Bird
Mosnat, H. Roy
Moss, Frances Dallam
Mothersill, Herbert J.
[Motley, Maude]
Motley, Maude]
Mott, E.
Mott, Frank Luther
Mott, Henry
Mott, William F.
Motte, Francis
Motte, Helen Jewell
Moulton, Louise Chandler
Mountfort, G.
Movius, Hallam Leonard
Movius, Julius
Mower, John
Mowry, Alfred B.
Moyer, Chas. D.
Muckleston, May J.
Mudd, Seeley G.
Mudge, Alfred
Mudge, B. F.
Mudge, Ezra Warren
Muehlstein, Herman
Mueller, Lorenz E.
Mueller, R. E.
Muenscher, Charles T.
Muhlenberg, Henry A.
Muir, K.J.& A.C.
Muir, Andrew
Muir, John
Muirheid, Jno. Guild
Mulcahy, Lovat A.
Muldrow, Andrew
Mulford, Calvin
Mulford, Jacob
Mulholland, Joseph
Mullan , George Vincent
Mullan , Thomas
Mullan , Tho.
Mullan &Tracy,
Mullen, William J.
Muller, Margaret
Mulliken, Alfred Henry
Mullikin, John Contee
Mullins, Hilda lane
Mumford, George S.
Mundall, M. M.
Mundy, C. T.
Munford, William G.
Munger, Joseph F.
Munn, Jessie I,
Munro, Jr., Allen
Munro, John Cummings & Mary Squibb
Munro, Wilfred Harold
Munroe, Jacob P.
Munroe, William
Mumsey, Herbert Haskell
Munson, Edgar
Munson, Lizzie Clarendon
Munzer, Ida
Murat, Achille
Murdoch, Aimee Beringer
Murdoch, Alexander
Murdoch, George William
Murdoch, Thomas
Murdock, Harold
Murdock, James Nelson
Murdock, Jonathan R.
Mure, William
Murphey, A.
Murphy, Charles S.
Murphy, Claudia Q.
Murphy , Edward
Murphy, Emma Bates
Murphy, Franklin
Murphy, Goodrich K.
Murphy, Grace Emeline Barstow
Murphy, Joseph J.
Murphy, Robert Cushman
Murray, C. S.
Murray, Arthur T.
Murray, D. Colden
Murray, David
Murray, Francis Edwin
Murray, Harriet Elizabeth
Murray, James
Murray, Esq., James
Murray, James B.
Murray, John
[Murray], John]
Murray, Rev. John
Murray, Esq., Joseph
Murray, Joseph Edward
Murray, J.
Murray, Lindley
Murray, W. M.
Murray, W. T.
Murray, William
Murrell, D. G.
Muse, Jos. F.
Musgrave, Richard
Musselman, J. Doan
Musser, Adeline
Mussey, R. Delavan
Musson, Balfour
Muttlebury, M.D., James
Myddelton, Esq., John
Myers, George Hewitt
Myers, Mary Calvert
Mynderse, Wilhelmns
Mytinger, C. E.
Mytton, Thomas
N., E. L.
N., J.
Nabstedt, J. M.
Nadaway, William Snelling
Nadeau, Gabriel
Naef, M.D., Emile
Nagel, Charles
Nagle, Jno. J.
Nairy, Isabel
Nally, Anna
Naly, J. N.
Nash & Hollock,
Nash , William Alexander
Nash, Charles F.
Nash, Chas. F.
Nash, Edward Watrous
Nash, Francis Philip
Nash, Fred
Nash, John Fiske
Nash, Esq., Richard
Nash, W.
Nash, Walter L.
Nash, Warren Bynner
Nash, Willis King
Nason, Elias
Nathan, Louise & Claude
Nattali, Benjamin
Naumburg, Rosalind Paradise & Robert Elkan
Nauts, Gulielmi Boone
Nay, Frank Nelson
Naylor, George Prentice
Naylor, N. C.
Neal, D. K.
Neale, Rollin H.
Nebeker, Sarah W.
Necker, W. L.
Needham, Alfred Carter
Needham, Jenny M.
Neeld, Edith
Neeser, Robert
Neifert, William Washington
Neild, Grace
Neild, Ja.
Neill, Don Gleason
Neilson, Dorothy Crawford
Neilson, Gavin
Neilson, Howard Stout
Neilson, Jane Wallace
Neilson, Jane Wallace & Katherine Bishop
Neilson, Robert
Neilson, Sarah Mitchell
Neilson, Wallace Platt
Neish, William
Nelson, Alex.
Nelson, Charles Alexander
Nelson, Charles Edgar
Nelson, E.
Nelson, Florence A.
Nelson, Esq., George
Nelson, Hugh
Nelson, Levi
Nelthorpe, James
Neltnor, John C.
Neltnor, Mary E.K.
Neltnor, Shelley Butler
Nesbit, Reed M.
Netcher, Ethel
Netter, Emil
Netter, Helene
Netterville, Thos.
Nettlefold, John S.
Nerman, Rudolf
Neuscheler, Elmer Wm.
Neves, J. Carlos
Neville, Earl J. & Jane
Neville, G. L.
N, E W
New, Clarence Herbert
Newberry, John Strong
Newberry, Roger
Newbold, Martha
Newbold, Thomas Hall
Newbold, S.
Newcomb, Burton Edgar
Newcomb, Willilam
Newell, Charles W.
Newell, E. A.
Newell, Edward A.
Newell, Edward Theodore
Newell, John C.
Newell, Jr., Jonathan
Newell, Joseph K.
Newell, Timothy
Newhall, Charles H.
Newman, James B.
Newman, Louis F.
Newman, Phebe
Newman, Samuel P.
Newnham, Esq., Thos.
Newsum, Arthur C.
Newton, Gertrude Hyde & Arthur Duane
Newton, A. Edward
Newton, B. Larz
Newton, Charles Edward
Newton, Edward Augus.
Newton, Ephraim H.
Newton, Florence Huntington
Newton, Isaac S.
Newton, Lucretia F.
Newton, Marjorie Ludington
Newton, Susannah
Newton, William
Niccolls, Lewis S.
Niccolls, S. J.
Nice, Winnard & Susanna
Nichol, Robert R.
Nichols, Ammi
Nichols, Brayton L.
Nichols, Burton & Martha
Nichols, Charles
Nichols, Jr., Charles L.
Nichols, George
Nichols, George W.
Nichols, H. P.
Nichols, Henry Sargent
Nichols, Ichabod
Nichols, John Edward
Nichols, Joseph P.
Nichols, Lyman
Nichol, Mary Edith
Nichols, Myra Hall
Nichols, Phinehas
Nichols, R. S.
Nichols, Rufus
Nichols, Walter Irving & Elizabeth Borden
Nichols, William
Nichols, William Ernest
Nichols, William Ford
Nicholson, G. J. Guthrie
Nicholson, Henrietta
Nicholson, Lindzey
Nicholson, Meredith
Nicholson, Tho. Stockport
Nicholson, Walter Lamb
Nickerson, David D.
Nickerson, George Augustus
Nickerson, John
Nickerson, William E.
Nickerson, Wm. E.
Nickerson, William Emery
Nickey, William Ellsworth and Nelle McMahan
Nicolai, Catarina A.
Nicholas, Joseph
Nicoll, Esq., Benjamin
Nicoll, Charles
Nicolls, William Jasper
Niemann, Grace
Niemann, H. H.
Nieuwland, J. A.
Nightingale, John Clark
Nightingale, W. E.
Niles, John M.
Niles, P. B.
Niles, W. H.
Nilsen, Nic. Andr.
Nilson, J.
Nind., Philip Henry
Ninsonoff, Dr. Joseph
Nitzsche, George Erasmus
Nixon, E. P.
Nixon, John T.
Noarth, George
Noble, Augusta
Noble, John
Noble, William Woodbridge
Noble , William Woodbridge
Noel, Helen
Noel, Jr., John Vavasseur
Noiseux, F.
Nolen, John
Noll, Arthur Howard
Nolty, John
Norcross, Lanson Powers
Norcross, Mary E.
Norcross, Nancy
Norcross, Otis
Norfleet, Ruth & Vance
Norin, Alf
Norman, Richard Whitmore
Norman, W. C.
Norr, Roy
Norris, Charles
Norris, Donald
Norris, G. P.
Norris, George W.
Norris, George M.
Norris, Henry L.
Norris, Homer A.
Norris, Isaac
Norris, Isaacus
Norris, John
Norris, Joseph Parker
Norris, Lowell Ames
Norris, Rastus Ransom
Norris, Sam.
Norris, Thomas C.
Norris, William Fisher
North, Cecil and Adelaide
North, Dwight
North, Fred C.
North, Gilbert
Morth Loomis,
North, Oren S.
Northend, William D.
Northup, Ezra
Northrup, Henry G. & Jennie
Norton, Alfred M.
Norton, Anna Susan
Norton, Asa
Norton, Dr. C. S.
Norton, Charles Eliot
Norton, Bishop
Norton, Frances Sager
Norton, Leslie
Norton, Nathanael R.
Norton, Noah
Norton, Richard
Norton, Samuel
Norton & Company, Wm.
Norwood, Edward Everett
Norwood, Frank B.
Norwood, Mary Rose
Noswitz, M.
Nosworthy, Bob
N., W. J.
Nowell, Henry
[Nowell, Henry]
Nowell, James A.
Noyes, Abby Ann
Noyes, Alfred
Noyes, Charles J.
Noyes, Emily W
Noyes, Frederick Brooks
Noyes, George N.
Noyes, Jr., Josiah
Noyes, William Curtis
Nutt, Charles
Nutt, Marion
[Nuttall, Zelia]
Nutter, George Read
Nutting, Franklin Porter
Nutting, George Hale
Nutting, W. W.
Nye, Arius
Nye, Pliny
Nyman, Lombard deG
Nysmith, Algernon
O., C. S.
O., D. D.
O., B.
Oakes, John A.
Oates, Esq., M.D., R.
Oakey, Dan'l.
Oakford, Edditha
Oakford, Parsey
Oakley, John Woolley
Oakley, Rich
Oatman, Dr. Homer Clifton
O'Brien, A. H.
O'Brien, John
O'Brien, John Boyle
O'Brien, Joseph
O'Brien, Kathleen
O'Brien, Louise
O'Brien, Mary F.
O'Brien, Robert Lincoln
O'Brien, Sally Jane
O'Brien, William F.
O'Bryen, Morough
O'Callagan, F. B.
Ochs, Richard
O'Connell, Daniel
O'Connor, Basil
O'Connor, M.D., John
O'Connor, Cha.
Odell, Wm.
Odiorne, J. C.
Odiorne, Susan Huntington
Odirne, John Livermore
Odlin, Elisha
Odlin, Woodbridge
O'Donnell, Frank P.
O'Dowd, D. Herbert
O'Driscoll, Rev. E.
Ogden, Jr., J. G.
Ogden, Charles
Ogden, Nicholas G.
Ogden, Peter V.
Ogden, Thos. C.
Ogden, Warren Greene & Patty Earle
Ogilvie, J. A.
Ogle, Benjamin
Ogilvie, Peter
Oglethorp, Esq., James
Olcott, Geo.
Olcott, F.
Olcott, George
Olcott, J. Van Vechten
Olcott, Josiah
Olcott , Katharine
Olcott, William Tyler
Olden, Joseph
Oldfield, Joseph
Oldham, George Ashton
Olds, William B.
Olendorf, Emma A.
Oliphant, Jas. H.
Oliver, Wm. Andrew
Oliver, Andrew
Oliver, Charles A.
Oliver, Daniel
Oliver, Fitz Edward
Oliver, Francis Johonnot
Oliver, Fra.
Oliver, Frederick Scott
Oliver, Gulielmi
Oliver, James
Oliver, Joseph
Oliver, Peter
Oliver, T+H
Oliver, Thomas
Oliver, Vere Langford
Oliver, Vere L.
Oliver , Willard I.
Oliver, Willard I.
Oliver & Plumb,
Ollendorff, G. J.
Olmstead, A. B.
Olmsted, Charles H.
Olney, Geo. H.
Olney, Jesse
Olney, Louis Atwell
Olschki, Leonis S.
Onderdonk, Andrew J.
O'Neill, Emma T.
Ooster, Wm. A.
Oppenheimer, Gideon H.
Orchard, A. Gertrude
Orchard, Ernest R.
Ord, Georgii
Ordish, Joseph B.
Ordway, John Gilman
Ormond, Timothy
Orne, Jo. 1781
Orne, Joseph
Orne, Sally F.
Orne, Wm.
Orne, William P.
O'Rourke, John Francis
O'Rourke, William T.
Orr, Hugh
Orr , Rev.Robt. G.
Ortiz, Manuel
Ortiz, M. A.
Ortiz, Manuel A.
Orvis, Louise Simonds
Orbison, James D.
Osborn, Chase S.
Osborn, Mary
Osborn, Minott A.
Osborn, Esq., Sheldon
Osborn, William
Osborne, G. G.
Osborne, Isadore Bailey
Osborne, Katherine
Osborne, Margaret
Osborne, Peter
Osborne, Robt.
Osborne, Ruth T.
Osburn, Bernice and Burl
[Osburn?], Harriet
Osburn, Judith Winifred
Oschmann, Francis W.
Osgood, Joseph
Osgood, Katherine
Osgood, Peter
Osgood, Robert and Margaret
Osgood, Samuel
Osgoode, William
Osten, Anna L.Von Der
Osterhoudt, Brogun Hoff
Oswald, John Clyde
Oswald, Mabel
Otey, Jas. H.
Otey, Mary A.
Otis, A. W.
Otis, Alfred
Oti[s], Allyne
Otis, Harrison Gray
Otis,3rd, Harrison Gray
Otis, Jenkes Harris
Otis, Jr., James
Otis, Virginia
Otley, Rich.
Otway, Esq., Charles
Oughton, Lt.Gen.
Outlaw, William T.M.
Oval, Chase J.
Overbury, Joseph W.
Overton, Marion Frances
Overton, Wm. G.
Ovington, Earle L.
Owen, E. H.
Owen, Jr., Ebenezer
Owen, Isabella Anne
Owen, J. M.Gwynne
Owen, Jacob Miller
Owen, John
Owen, Rachel
Owen, Roger
Owens, John E.
Owens, Miss P. J.
Owens, William
Ozeas, George
P., A.
P., C.
P., E. B.
P., E. D.
P., F.
P., G. M.
P., H. O.
P., M.
P., O.
P., T. P.
P., J.
Paca, John P.
Pacaud, Louis Edouard
Pace, Cappie
Pace, Henry
Pacifico, E.
Pack, John
Packard, Horace
Packard, Mrs. J. E.
Packwood, Richard T.
Paczkowski, Thaddeus
Padelford, Arthur
Padfield, Claudia
Page, A. Page
Page, Edward D.
Page, Elizabeth Fry
Page, F. B.
Page, Francis
Page, Fra.
Page, Georgia Weymouth
Page, Henry
Page, Irene Owen
Page, Jesse
Page, Mildred Nelson
Page, Sarah Crocker
Page, Sid
Page, Olive Cecilia
Page, R. S.
Page Family,
Paige, E. M.
Paige, Lucius R.
Paine, Charlotte
Paine, Cornelius
Paine, Elizabeth Grosvenor
Paine, Frederick W.
Paine, Nathaniel
Paine, Nathaniel A.
Paine, Nath. A.
Paine, Nathl.
Paine, Robert Treat
Paine, Jr., Robert Treat
Paine, Sarah
Paine, Walter R.
Paine, William R.
Painter, George F.
Pakington, John L.
Palfrey, Elizabeth Buncombe
Palfrey, Elizabeth Goelet Rogers
Palfrey, Herbert
Palle, Pepita
Palmer, Albert Robert
Palmer, B. I.
Palmer, Benjamin M.
Palmer, Eliza
Palmer, Everard
Palmer, Florence Prather
Palmer, Franklin
Palmer, Frederick
Palmer, George Herbert
Palmer, James
Palmer, Lincoln B.
Palmer, Love Maria
Palmer, Nathan
Palmer, Robt. N.
Palmer, S. F.H.
Palmer, Thomas
Palmer, William
Palmer's Circulating Library,
Palmstrom, P. O.
Pankalos, Antonio
Pannell, E. V.
Pannell, Ernest Vincent
Panter, Frederick Downes
Panton, Fran.
Panton, Esq., Paul
Papin, Theophile
Papineau, D. E.
Pappenheimer, Alwin M.
Paquette, Louis J.
Paranbos, J. M.da Silva
Paranteau, Robert V.
Parente, Hector
Parera, M.
P., H.
Parish, Elijah
Parish, Moses
Parish Book Club,
Park, Edwards A.
Park, John Gray
Park , Philip
Park, William
Park , William Edwards
Park, Wm. E.
Parke, Benj. C.
Parke, George Henry
Parke, James
Parke, James P.
Parke, J. P.
Parke, John
Parke, Dr. Thomas
Parke, W. G.
The Parkers',
Parker, Mildred
Parker, Amelia Day Campbell
Parker, B.
Parker, Benjamin F.
Parker, Beulah
Parker, Daniel
Parker, Jr. , David
Parker, Edw. 178?
Parker, Edward Ludlow
Parker, Frances S. & Francis W.
Parker, Francis W.
Parker, George
Parker, George Phillips
Parker, George W.
Parker, Harold
Parker, H. W.
Parker, Henry W.
Parker, Ida Kerr
Parker, Isaac
Parker, Esq., James
Parker, Joseph Gibbs
Parker, Lucy Persis
Parker, J. W.
Mrs. Parker's Circulating Library,
Parker, Nellie L.
Parker, Percival
Parker, Peter
Parker, Richard E.
Parker, Robt.
Parker, Rufus
Parker, Samuel
Parker, Thomas
Parker, M.D. , William Thornton
Parker , William Thornton
Parker & Ditson,
Parkes, Rich.
Parkes, James
Parkhurst, Richard
Parkhurst, Wellilngton E.
Parkman, John Boston
Parkman, Mary Eliot
Parkman, Samuel
Parks, Frederick H.
Parks, J. S.
Park, John
Parks, John & Maude
Parmele, Geo. L.
Parmele, Dr. Geo. L.
Parmele, Henry Francis
Parmele, Sam.
Parmenter, Edward Stewart
Parnie, William
Parr, Samuel
Parrish, M.D., Joseph
Parrish, M.D., Jos.
Parrish, R. L.
Parry, Rich. R.
Parry, Arhtur J.
Parry, Glyndon Owen
[Parry, Thomas]
Parry, Thomas P.
Parsell, Henry V.A.
Parshley, Burt Wilbur
Parshley, Sylvester
Parsons, Amy
Parsons, Clara Turner Brayton
Parsons, Dr. E.
Parsons, Eben
Parsons, Gorham
Parsons, H. M.
Parsons, Rev. Isaac
Parsons, James C.
Parsons, M.D. , John
Parsons, Lucy G.
Parsons, M. F.
Parsons, Moses
Parsons, Theodore
Parsons, Theophilius
Parsons, Willliam
Parsons, William
Parsons, William Henry
Partridge, Capt. Alden
Partridge, Elizabeth
Partridge, Harvey Earl
Partridge, Helen
Partridge, Henry Champion
Partridge, Oliver
Paschall, S. Edward
Pasley, William
Passano , Leonard Magruder
Passaw, George de
Passmore, William
Passos, Cyril Franklin dos
Pasteur, Edward G.
Paston, M.D. , Jacobus
Patch, Frank Wallace & Kate Whiting
Paterson, James
Paterson, W.
Paterson, Esq., Wm.
Patrick, John Menan
Patridge, John
Pattee, George O.
Patten, John
Patten, Jonathan
[Patten, Richard]
Patten, Mrs. R.
Patterson, C. Venton
Patterson, Christopher Stuart
Patterson, David
Patterson, David W.
Patterson, Edna
Patterson, Edw.
Patterson , Galbreath
Patterson, Henry S.
Patterson, Henry W.
Patterson, Timothy M.
Patterson, Wm. A.
Patterson, Walter
Patteson, Edward
Patteson, Thos. O.
Patttison, Holmes A.
Patton, Danl.
Patz, Helen Augusta
Paul, Fulton
Paul, Henry
Paul, Jr., Henry N.
Paul, John
Paulding, Frederick W.
Paulding, J. K.
[Paulding, J. K.
Paulding, Philip R.
Paxson, Oliver
Paxson, William
Paxton, William McGregor
Payne, Alice V.
Payne, Edward T.
Payne, George M.
Payne, J. W.
Payne, John Webber
Payne, Esq., Ralph
Payne, Robert K.
Payne, Sam.
Payne, William
[Payne, William]
Paynter, Samuel
Payson, Arthur Lithgow
Payson, Charles Shipman
Payson, Henry
Payson, Henry Martyn
Payson, S. Clifford
Peabody, Frederick Forrest
Peabody, F. H.
Peabody, George H.
Peabody, Harold
Peabody, James D.
Peabody, John Endicott
Peabody, Katharine Putnam
Peabody, May
Peach, Bishop Robert Westly
Peachey, Esq., John
Peachey, Samuel
Peachey, Willliam S.
Peacock, C. J.
Peacock, William
Peakes, Charles Edmund
Pearl, R.
Pearce, Allen S.
Pearce, Jas. Alfred
Pearce, Jas. Alred
Pearce, Richard Mills
Pearce, Samuel
Pearre, James W.
Pearsall, I. S.
Pearsall, Jr. , Thomas M.
Pearson, Amos
Pearson, Elizabeth Miller Thom
Pearson, Helen
Pearson, Hiram A.
Pearson, Kendrick T.
Pearson, Nathaniel
Pearson, Nicholas
Pearson, Thomas
Pearson, W. O.
Pearson, Weetman Harold
Pease, Jr., F.
Pease, Jr., Frederick S.
Pease, Rev. John Morris
Pease, Maxfield
Pease, Oliver
Pease, P.
Pease, Richard Edward & Nina Phelps
Pease, Benjamin F.
Pease, Pirsis
Pease, Theresa
Peaslee, Amos
Pebble, Mac, Puss, & Jerry
Peck, Clara S.
Peck, E. M.
Peck, George
Peck, Henry E.
Peck, John & James
Peck, Natalie
Peck , R. S. & Co.
Peck, R. S. & Co.
Peck, Robert & Mabel
Peck, Sally Perry
Peck, Walter
Peck, Wm. H.
Pecker, J. F.
Peckham, Howard Henry
Peckham, Marcia
Pedilie, John
Peel, Gwladys Freda
Peele, Joliah B.
Peet, Edward W.
Peifenburg, Jim
Peirce, Abby B.
Peirce, Beulah M.
Peirce, Charles
Peirce, Daniel
Peirce, Ebenezer W.
Peirce, Enoch
Peirce, George
Peirce, J. L.
Peirce, Joshua W.
Peirce, Levi
Peirce, Thomas May
Peirson, A. L.
Peirson, George
Pelham, Thomas
Pelham's Circulating Library,
Pell, Alfred
Pell, Duncan C.
Pell, Jr., Herbert Claiborne
Pell, Howland
Pell, James K.
Pell, Ino. Aug.
Pell, Olive
Pell, Rob.
Pell, William T.
Pellew, George
Pelot, J. Alma
Peloubet, Maurice Edouard
Pemberton, Charles
Pemberton, J.
Pemberton, James
Pena, Victoria
Pence, J. T.
Pendleton, Claudia C.
Pendleton, E. A.
Pendleton, Edm. H.
Pendleton, J. S.
Pendleton, Phil. C.
Pendleton, William Henley
Pengelly, W. G.
Penhallow, Benj.
Penhallow, Benj. H.
Penhallow, William P.
Penington, Augustine H.
Penington, Edward
Penington, Jr., Edward
Penington, Ferdinand
Penington, Henry
Penington, H. Robert
Penington, Isaac
Penn, Edm.
[Penn, Granville]
Penn, Esq., Granville
Penn, Henry John
Penn, Isabella Mary
Penn, James
Penn, John
Penn, Esq., John
Penn, Juliana
Penn, Richard
Penn, Sophia
Penn, Tho.
Penn, Thomas
[Penn, Thomas]
Penn, Esq., William
[Penn, William]
Penn, Esq. , William
Penn, W.
Penn, William
Penn, Wm.
Penniman, George Henry
Penniman, Jr., Henry
Penniman, James
Penniman, James Hosmer
Penniman, Sally
Pennington, A. C. M.
Pennington, M.D., I.
Penningtton, Isaac
Pennington, William
Penningtopn, William George
Pennock, Abraham L.
Pennock, C. Wislar
Penny, Edvardi Lewton
Penny, Sarah
Pennypacker, J. J.
Pennypacker, Samuel W.
Pennypacker, Saml. W.
Pentecost, G. F.
Pentecost, Hugh O.
Pentland, Robert
Penton, John A.
Pentz, Marie R.
Pentz, William Ross
Pepall, George T.
Pepper, George Wharton
Pepper, Henry
P., W.
Pepper, William
Pepperell, William
Perceval, M. K.
Percival, Elizabeth
Percival, Helen Mason
Percival , Helen Mason
Percival , John
Percivale, Sir John
Percival, Olive May Graves
Percival, Olive
Percy, Jr., David Thomas
Perdue, Jane Ellis
[Peries, Adolphus]
Peries, Adolphus
Perine, Fred Agens
Perkins, Arthur?
Perkins, Chas. E.
Perkins, Charles Elliott
Perkins, Dorothy
Perkins, F. B.
Perkins, George Batcheller
Perkins, J. H.
Perkins, James
Perkins, Jr., J. A.
Perkins, Jeanette Eloise
Perkins, Mary Virginia
Perkins, Nathan
Perkins, Oliver Henry
Perkins, Thomas
Perkins, T. H.
Perkins, Thomas Handasyd
Perley, Thos. F.
Peronneau, Robert
Perot, James
Perrin, Arthur
Perrin, Bernadotte
Perrin, Daniel
Perry, J. L.
Perry, Abbby S.
Perry, Arthur
Perry, B. E.
Perry, Frederick William
Perry, A. W.
Perry, John B.
Perry, Joseph
[Perry, Joseph]
Perry, Samuel
Perry, Simeon
Perry, Jarvis C.
Perons, Alex M.
Pescod, Esq., Wm.
Peter, Esq., John
Peter, Thurstan C.
Peters, Alex. C.
Peters, Alexander E.
Peters, Clarrisa
Peters, Harry Twyford
Peters, John S.
Peters, Willliam
Petersen, Rev. Carl E.
Petersen, Marie S.
Petersen, John & Son.
Petersen, John Ferdinand
Petersen, Margaret L.
Petersen, N. S.
Petheram, W. Comer
Petigru, James Louis
Petigru, James
Peto, Mary M.A.
Pettee, Eugene Everett
Pettee, M. Westall
Pettee, Mabel Westall
Pettibone, Jr., Abraham
Pettibone, Abraham
Pettigrove, Fred G.
Pettis, Wm. M
Peus, Virginia
Peyser, Ethel
Peyton, John
Peyton, John H.
Peyton, Wm. M.
Pfeiffer, Raymond L.
Pfister, Francis
Phelan, James D.
Phelps, M.D., Abner
Phelps, Charles A.
Phelps, Elijah
Phelps, Francis M.L.
Phelps, Gardner
Phelps, Geo. H.
Phelps, Guy R.
Phelps, Julie Groshon
Phelps, Lancelot Ridliensis
Phemisger, Edward Alexander
Philbrook, F. B.
[Philbrook, Nancy]
[Philbrook, Helen]
[Philbrook, Constance]
Philbrook Farm,
Philips, Erasmus
Philips, William
Philips, Samuel
Philipse, Esq., Frederik
Philips, Anna G.
Phillips, Charles Lincoln
Phillips, Dinwiddie B.
Phillips, Florence
Phillips, Florence Lydia
Phillips, Jr., Henry
Phillips, J. I.
Phillips, James
Phillips, Esq., James
Phillips, John
Phillips, John Charles
Phillips, Jonas Altamont
[Phillips, O.]
Phillips, Ralph
Phillips, Major Robert Titus
Phillips, M.D., St. John
Phillips, S.
Phillips, Samuel
Phillips, Lt.Gov. Samuel
Phillips, Samuel D.
Phillips, Smith R.
Phillips, Stephen W.
Phillips, Wilbur Carey
Phillips , William
Phillips, William
Phillips, William Page Thomas
Phillips, William & Marion
Phillips, Zalegman
Philpot, Mary L.
Phinney, Ellis
Phinney, H. Frederick
Phipps, Honorable Augustus
Phipps, Hon. Edmund
Phipps, Cadis
Phipps, Constantine
Phipps, Gerald Hughes
Phoenix, Stephen Whitney
Physick, P. S.
Physick, Philip S.
Pick, R. F.
Pickard, M L.
Pickard, Dr. M. W.
Pickens, Ebenezer
Pickens, Israel
Pickering, D.
Pickering, H. S.
Pickering, Henry
Pickering, John
Pickering, Jr., John
Pickering, Rev. Samuel
Pickering, S.
Pickering, Jr., T.
Pickering, T. A.
Pickett, Harry E.
Pickford, John
Pickman, Benjamin
Pickman, Catherine Saunders
Pickman, Dudley Leavitt
Pickman, Lucy Grafton
Pierce, Charles Rogers & Janet Hempstead
Pierce, Clay Arthur
Pierce, Edwin
Pierce, Evi
Pierce, Frank H.
Pierce, Jr. , George
Peirce, Geo. J.
Pierce, Henry Clay
Pierce, James
Pierce, Ian Fielding
Pierce, John
Pierce, John Timbrell Milward
Pierce, Lucy
Pierce, H.
Pierce, Pollie Adams
Pierce, Jun., Seth
Pierce, William L.
Pierce, Wm. P.
Pierie, George W.
Pierpont, Charles
Pierpont, Harlan Trimble
Pierrpont, Henry Manvers
Pierpont, Jn.
Pierre, Julian
Piersen, David Barnard
Pierson, Abraham
Pierson, Bessie Catherine
Pierson, Clara
Pierson, Isabel F.
Pierson, Louise R.
Pietier, J. Morin
Pietz, Adam
Pihlblad, Arvid
Pike, Austin F.
Pike, Mrs. Eben W.
Pike, Nicholas
Pike, Richard
Pilgrim, Charles W.
Pillsbury, J. H.
Pilsbury, Benjamin
Pilsbury, John Hale
Pin, Eliz.
Pinart, Alph.
Pinchot, Gifford
Pinckney, Charles
Pinckney, Chs.
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth
Pinckney, Josephine Lyons Scott
Pinfold, Chas.
Pinkerton, Henry
Pinkney, C. W.
Pinkstan, Fleming
Pinney, Esq., John
Pintard, John
Pintard, Jun., William
Piper, Fred Smith
Piper, Jonas Brooks
Pitcher, Helen K.
Pitfield, Ann E.
Pitkin, Joseph F.
Pitt, Faris Chappell
Pitt, R. W.
Pitt, Gloria Eliza
Pitt, Thomas
Pittman, William H.
Place, Frank
Plain, John P.
Plater, John R.
Plath, Karl
Platt, Isaac Hull
Platt, Jeremiah
Platt, Iohannis
Platt, Marion Erskine
Platt, W. H.
Platt, Jane Wallace
Player, H. H.
Pleadwell, Frank Lester
Pleasants, A. C.
Pleasants, M.D. , A. C.
Plessis, J. O.
Plimpton, Frances A.
Plimpton, George A.
Plimpton, Jenny F.H.
Plinche, William
Plaw, Eleanor Bails
Plumb, Margaret Grant
Plumber, C. A.
Plumer, C. L.
Plumer, Daniel
Plumer, Jane
Plumer, Jr., William
Plummer, Kemp
Plummer, M & E.
Plummer, M. W,
Plumptre, John
Plympton, Gilbert Motier
Podolsky, M.D., Edward
Poe, Edgar Allan
Poe, Edgar
Poe School, Edgar Allan
Poey, Fs.
Pogue, James
Pointer, R. A.
Poirier Family,
Poirier, Philip Azarie
Poland, Myra
Pole, Margaret Florence
Pole, Margaret Lovisa
Polette, W. A.
Polk, James K.
Polk, Magdalen Tasker
Polkinhorn, H. A.
Pollard, James edward
Pollard, Robert
Pollefte, Louise T.
Pollock, David
Pollock, Hugh
[Pollock, Thos.]
Pollock, S. C.
Pollock, Walter Herries
Pomeroy, Eltweed
Pomeroy, B.
Pomroy, Gwendolen
Pomroy, Henry Keney
Pomeroy, John Norton
Ponceau, Peter S. du
Pond, Bremer W.
Pond, Florence Louisa
Pond, Gardner Dwinell
Pond, Helen Palmer
Pond, Marie Brockway
Pond, Millicent
Pons, Alexandre M.
Pool, Amelia G.
Pool, Frank Jean
Poole, Frederick Arthur
Poole, John & Alice
Poole, Lucius
Poole, M. Edna M.
Poole , William
Poor, Benjamin
Poor, Daniel
Poor, Henry Varnum
Poor, Henry William
Poor, Henry W.
Pope, Alexander Winthrop
Pope, Amanda A.
Pope, C. C.
Pope, Charles B.
Pope, J.
Pope, Jr., LeRoy
Pope, Richard
Pope, Thomas
Pope, Jr., W.
Popham, Alexander
Popham, William
Popkin, Esq., John
Porath, Betty
Porath, Preston
Porath, Joseph
Porcher, Henry
Porcherot, G.
Porter, Lowrey & Soren,
Porter, Aaron
Porter, Jun., Alexander
Porter, Allen W.
Porter, Bertha Currier
Porter, Caleb B.
Porter, David
Porter, Elmer
Porter, Edward Clark
Porter, F. M.
Porter, H. K.
Porter, Herbert
Porter, J. L.
Porter, John & Carolyn
Porter, Josephine E.
P., N.
Porter, T.
Porter, W. D.
Porter, William
Porter, Wm.
Porterfield, Charles
Porteus, Beilby
Post , Abram Skidmore & Ida Crabbe
Postlethwaite, Colin W.
Potter, Albert K.
Potter, Alfred C.
Potter, Chas. Ed.
Potter, Christy
Potter, Edward
Potter, Edwin
Potter, M.D., Edwin
Potter, George Reuben
Potter, H. C.
Potter, Henry Codman
Potter, Jared
Potter, John F.
Potter, Marcus
Potter, Murray Anthony
Potter, Rockwell Harmon
Potter, Sarah J.
Potter, Thos. B.
Potter, Walter A.
Potter, William L.
Potter, Wm. T.
Potter, Wm. W.
Potts, Jonathan
Potts, Joseph
Potts, Mary J.
Potts, Tho.
Poudrier, A. L.
Poultney, Evan
Poultney, Thos.
Powel, John H.
Powel, Samuel
Powel, Samuel and Elsa
Powel, Thomas Ivis
Powell, Annie W.
Powell, Charles W.
Powell, Jr., Cuthbert
Powell, Edw.
Powell, Elizabeth
Powell, Emma Adee
Powell, Harriet
Powell, John
Powell, John Allan
Powell, W. Beverley
Powell, Wm. D.
Power, Gertrude Talbot
[Power, Sir James Talbot]
Power, James
Power, John J.
Powell, William
Powers, Cyrus
Powers, Hiram
Powers, Hiram Stevens
Powers, L. M.
Powers, Margaret Julien
Powers, Morris
Pownall, Thomas
Praed, Bulkley Campbell Mackmorth
Prager, M&F
Prankerd, Peter Dowding
Prather, A. Beatrice
Pratt, Amasa
[Pratt, Sir Charles]
Pratt, Dallas Bache
Pratt, Dorothy D.
Pratt, Eliot D.
Pratt, Ellen E.
Pratt, Emma A.
Pratt, Jr., George D.
Pratt, George Watson
Pratt, George W.
Pratt, John
Pratt, John Barnes
Pratt, John Teek
Pratt, Levi B.
Pratt, Lucia
Pratt, Martha Riley
Pratt, Mary A.
Pratt, Pascal P.
Pratt, Sherman
Pratt, Sidney Bowne
Pratt, Walter Merriam
Pratt, Lt. Col. W. M.
Pratt, W. M.
Pratt, Wm.
Prentice, Augusta Bowen
Prentice , E. Parmalee
Prentice, Frances Woodward
Prentice, Geo.
Prentice, Rusell
Prentice, Sydney
Prentice, F.
Prentice, Russel
Prentice, T.
[Prentiss, Henry]
Prentiss, John
Prentiss, Sophia
Prescott, Edvinus Sawyer Walker
Prescott, Alfred I.
[Prescott, Betty]
Presscott, Betty
Prescott, Frances Clifford
Prescott, Hazel Mills
Prescott, Lucy E.
Prescott, Esq., Robt.
[Prescott, W. C.]
Prescott, Walter Conway
Prescott, William
Prescott, William H.
Prescott, Winward
Prescott, W.
Prescott, Jr., Winward
[President's bookplates],
Preston, Faulkner
Preston, George C.
Preston, Georgia M.
Preston, Howard Willis
Preston, James Faulkner
Preston , Marrvin
Preston, Olivia Thermuthes
Preston, Samuel
Preston, Thomas
Preston, Thomas L.
Pretz, A. C.
Prewitt, T. F.
Price, Anbrey Charles
Price, Esq., Benjamin
Price, Christine
Price, Edward A.
Price, Elder C.
Price, Ezekiel
Price, James Hervey
Price, John Turner
Price, Norman R.
Price, Theom H.
Price, Thomson
Price, Vincent L.
Price, Gualterus
Price, Warwick James
Prichett, Wm.
Pride, Halcott B.
Pries, Edmund H.
Priest, Joseph Kilbourne
Priestley, George
Priestley, Jane Dundas
Priestley, John
Priestley, Joseph
Priestley, Jos.
Priestman, Wm.
Prime, Jr., Edward
Prime, Frederick
Prime, Richard
Prime, Samuel L.
Prime, Wendell
Prince, George Harrison
Prince, H.
Prince, John
Prince, Thomas
Prindiville, T. W.
Prindle, Rev. Chauncey
Pringle, W. Alston
Pringle, Wm. Alston
Pringle, Wm/ Bull
Prioleau, Samuel
Prioleau, Thomas G.
Procter, Christopher
Procter, Dorothy Knutsford
Procter, Richard Cunningham
Proctor, Charles Hayden
Proctor, Charles Marden
Proctor, Frank
Proctor, William Cooper
Prosser, Thomas
Prothero, C. W.
Proudfoot, William
Prouty, Jr., Charles Newton
Provancher, M. Leon
Provost, David
Provost, Edith W.
Provoost, Iohn
Provoost, Sam.
Provoost, Esq., Sam.
Pruyn, John V.L.
Pruyn, Mrs. John V.L.
Pruyn, Samuel
Pryce, Esq., Chas.
Pryce, Rev. D. F.
Puck, Harry
Puddefoot, W. G.
Pue, Eleanor Stanley Field
Pue, Mary
Pugh, William
Pulrang, Stanford
Pulitzer, Joseph and Elinor
Pulitzer, Ralph Frederica
Pulsifer, William H.
Pumphrey, Jas. W.
Punchard, John
Punchard, J.
Purchase, Marjorie R.
Pur?, John
Purdon, John G.
Purdon, Rowan
Purdy, J. Harsen
Purdy, W. A.
Purple, M.D., S. S.
Purviance, W. Y.
Pusey, William W.
Putnam, Aaron
Putnam, Augustus Lowell
Putnam, Austin R.
Putnam, Benjamin
Putnam, Catherine
Putnam, Charles S.
Putnam, David
Putnam, E. A.
Putnam, Ethel Prothingham
Putnam, Frances Cabot
Putnam, Jane
Putnam, M. Louise
Putnam, Oliver
Putnam, R. M.S.
Putnam, Shirley
Putnam, William Edward & Helen Preston Houghwout
Prybus, Esq., John
Pyke, Joseph
Pyke, L. E.
Pyle, Howard
Pyle, M.D., Walter L.
Pym, Juliette Caroline Fox
Pynchon, Thomas R.
Pyne, Charles M.
Pyne, Edward M.T.
Pytts, Esq., Jonathan
Qualley, Lena
Quayle, Martha L.
Quayle, Reginald A.
Quebec, Bishop of
Quicke, Nutcombe
Quigg, Howard Townsend
Quigley, Rev. Charles Alexander
Quimby, Elihu Thayer
Quimby, William Emory
Quincy, Chas. F.
Quincy, Josiah
Quincy, Jr. , Josiah
Quincy, T.
Quincy, Mary Ann
Quinn, John
Quinn, John Henry
Quinake, Therese
Quitzow, Charles
R., H. L.
R., H. S.
R., J. H.
R., M.
R., S. H.
R., W. A.
R., O. M.
R., W. B.
Race, Kittredge
Rackemann, Charles Sedgwick
Radbill, Samuel X.
Radbill, M.D., Samuel X.
Raddin, Jr., George Gates
Radcliff, Sarah Ann
Radek, Karl
Rademacher, Carl U. & Paula
Radford , Charles & Bessie
Radford, John H.
Radin, Herman Theodore
Raffael, Jack
Rafols, Enrich
Ragland, Ashby Thomas
Rainsford, Cha.
Raleigh, Walter
Ralstom, Robt.
Ramsay, Rev. Canon
Ramsay, David
Ramsay, Septimus
Ramsey, Joseph
Ramsey, Robt. H.
Rand, Benjamin
Rand, Edward Gillette
Rand, Edward S.
Rand, Eliza
Rand, Isaac
Rand, William
Randall, James H.
Randall , John
Randolph, H. Fitz
Randolph. Esq. , Herbert
Randolph, John
Randolph, Jun.,
Randolph, Jun., Iohn
Randolph, Joseph F.
Randolph, M.
Randolph, Esq., Peyton
Randolph, Julianna
Randolph, R. C.
Randolph, R. Carter
Randolph, Ryland
Randolph, Theo.
Randolph, Thomas Mann
Randolph, W. K.
Ranger, Carroline Rebecca
Rankin, R.
Rankin, M. Annette
Ranney, M.D., M. H.
Ransom, Harry Lockwood and Mildred Forsythe
Ransom, Alexander
Rantoul, Robert S.
Rapelye, George B.
Raphael, M.D., B. J.
Raphael, M.D., B. I.
Rathbone, A. H.
Rathbone, John
Rathbone, Lewis
Rathbone, Philip H.
Rathbun, B.
Rathbun, Samuel
Rathvon, S. S.
[Rattray, S. C.]
Rauschenbush, Steve
Ravenel, Daniel
[Ravenel, Daniel]
Rawle, William Brooke
Rawlings, J. B.
Rawlings, Susan M.G.
Rawlins , Gershom
Rawlins , F.
Rawson, Christopher
Rawson, Homer Elbert
Rawson, Samuel
Ray, David Crockett
Ray, Robert
Raybold, Frederick A.
Raymond, ?
Raymond, Curtis B.
Raymond, Florence M.
Raymond, Mary Elizabeth
Raymond, Wayte
Raymond, William Lee
Rayrigg, Fletcher Fleming
Read, Catherine P.
Read, Cha.
Read, Elsie Woodworth
Read, George F.
Read, M.D., Ira B.
Read, Jr., John Meredith
Read, Thomas
Read, Jr., Thomas
Read, Wm.
Reade, Jesiah T.
Reade, M. H.
Reade, Maria Hawes
Reade, Rose
Readio, William Cooper
Readio , William Cooper
Reay, Samuel
Rebasz, Eurith Trabue
Rebmanni, Francisci J.
Redding, Mary D.
Redfearn, Patricia
Redman, Josephi
Redpath , Peter Whitfield & Jocelyn Clifford
Redway, G. W.
Redway, Laurance
Reed, Abner
Redman, L. V.
Redmond, Zachary
Reece, Madison
Reed , Alan H.
Reed, Augustus
Reed, Charles B.
Reed, Dorothy Dean
Reed, Edmund Baynes
Reed, Elijah F.
Reed, Emma Taylor
Reed, Wm. B.
Reed, Henry
Reed, Henry H.
Reed , Horace
Reed, Horton Winter
Reed, Isaac
Reed, Jane
Reed, John Alton
Reed, Joseph
Reed, Maro M.
Reed, William
Reeder, George
Reeder, J. H.
Reeder , Thomas
Rees, James
Reese, Charles Louis Wyland
Reeside, Frank Patton
Reeve, J. Stanley
Reeve, Samuel
Reeves, Esq., John
Reves, Tapping
Register, S.C. & O.B.
Rescott, ?
Reichard, H. F.
Reichert, Robert & Elsa
Reid, Adam
Reid, John Rae
Reid, Lorna
Reid, Saml.
Reid, T.
Reid, William S.
Reif, Herbert Richard
Reilly, Charles
Reilly, Frank C.
Reilly, Frank A.
Reily, James
Reinhardt, Aurelia Henry
Reinhold, Gertrude
Reiss, Paul Louis
Reitzel, Philip H.
Remax, Stephen S.
Remey, Charles Mason
Remick, Henry Clay
Remington, Daniel William
Remington, Stanley D.
Remond, Ad.
Remsen, Henry
Remsen, Simeon Henry
Renault, Raoul
Render, Harold Merrill
Renner, Ralph L.
Renwick, M.D., Thomas
Renwick, Aspinwall and Owen
Reppert, Harold
Resor, Walter
Reveley, Henry
[Revere, Paul]
Rivioire, Paul
Rivoire, Paul
Revere, Paul
Revere, Paul and Son
Reyburn, Samuel W.
Reynolds Library,
Reynolds, Abraham
Reynolds, Almon F.
Reynolds, Anna
Reynolds, M.D., B. P.
Reynolds, Cassius and Aimee
Reynolds, G. M.
Reynolds, G. U.
Reynolds and Harris,
Reynolds, Hannah
Reynolds, James Burton
Reynolds , James L.
Reynolds, John F.
[Reynolds, John Fulton]
Reynolds, J. F.
Reynolds, III, John Phillips
Reynolds, M. A.
Reynolds, Margaret Williams
Reynolds , M.D., T. O.
Reynolds, Walter
Reynolds, William Foster
Reznor, John
Rhead, Katherine
Rhead, Louis
Rhead, Louis J.
Rhen, C. J.
Rhinelander, Dr.
Rhoades, Julius
Rhodes, IV, Charles
Rhodes, Charles D.
Rhodes, Frederick Leland
Rhodes, John
Rhodes, Marcus Arnold
Rhodes, Mary Lovell
Rhodes, Thomas Daniel
Rianhard, J. V.L.
Rice, Alexander Hamilton
Rice, Dan
Rice, Edwin Fay
Rice, George Tilly
Rice, Henry
Rice, John Asaph
Rice, John Hamilton
Rice, Mancel & Mildred
Rice , Mary Ann
Rice, Samuel McNellie
Rice, Stephen Burke
Rice, Jr. , T.
Rice, Wallace
Rich, Edwin Willis
Rich, Ernest E.
Rich, Everett Blaine
Rich, Jr., Thaddeus
Rich, Waldo Leon
Richards, Alfred Thomas
[Richards, Alice Ann]
Richards, Anne Ashburner
Richards, E. Loring
Richards, Elizabeth M.
Richards, Francis H.
Richards, M.D., Gordon E.
Richards , James
Richards, Joel
Richards, John
Richards, John R.
Richards, Leonard
Richards, Luther
Richards, Ralph C.
Richards, Russell Lowell
Richards, Sally
Richards, Samuel
Richards, William
Richards, William Francis
Richards, Wyatt
Richardson, Benjamin
Richardson, Charles J.
Richardson, Edward
Richardson, Eliza
Richardson, Eunice
Richardson, J. P.
Richardson, Farrar Dodge
Richardson, Frank Wood
Richardson, George
Richardson, George C.
Richardson, George P.
Richardson, Henry S.
Richardson, J. H.
Richardsobn, J. Kirk
Richardson, Johannes Alexander
Richardson, John
Richardson, John F.
Richardson, Jno.
Richardson, Leon
Richardson, Priscilla
Richardson, R.
Richardson, Ruth
Richardson, Robert
Richardson, Thomas
Richardson, William H.
Riche, Thomas
Richier, Helen Ruth
Richmond, Edward Dean
Richmond, Henry Augustus
Richmond, Henry Bradford
Richmond, Rev. J. L.
Richmond, John B.
Richmond, Loring
Richmond, Wellington H.
Richstein, W. F.
Rickard, Dick
Ricku, Annie S.
Ricketts, Geo. Will.
Rickets, Esq., William
Ricketts, Lindsay
Rickey, Randle
Ricksher, Charles
Riddel, Samuel H.
Riddell, William R.
Riddle, Hollis Lee
Riddle, James
Riddle, Robert T.
Rideing, William H.
Rider, Charles & Ione
Rider, Elizabeth M.
Rider, Olive P.
Rider, R. P.
Ridgely, C. Washington
Ridgely, Chas. W.
Ridgely, Greenbury W.
Ridgely, Jane L.W.
Ridgely, Nicholas G.
Ridgway, Mary
Ridgway, W. H.
Ridley, M.
Ridout, George
Ridout, J. G.
Rigden, Miss
Riggs, Alfred D.
Riggs, E. F.
Riggs, Jr., Elisha
Riggs , Lawrason
Rights, Robert M.
Riker, John L.
Riley, Charles Russell
[Riley, J. Woodbridge]
Riley, James Whitcomb
Riley,M.D., Joshua
Riley, Dr. Wm.
Ringgold, Walter
Ringwood, R. F.
Rintala, Reynold
Rintoul, William
Ripley, Chauncey B.
Ripley, M. D.D.
Ripley, Lauren W.
Ripley, Wainwright
Risbeck, R. W.
Risk, J. B.
Risley, Hanson A.
Risser, Alberta B.
Ritchie, Alice
Ritchiae, Craig D.
Ritchie, Eliza
Ritter, Abraham
Rivers, Mary
Rivers, Robert Wheaton
Rivers, Thomas
Roach, Joseph H.
Roach, Lois M.
Roach, Rebecca H.
Robarts, Grace A.
Robarts, James Tho.
Robb, Charles Spittal
Robbins, Amelia
Robbins, Charles G.
Robbins, F. D.
Robbins, Horace Wolcott
Robbins, James
Robbins, James Murray
Robbins, Joseph
Robbins, Joseph W.
Robbins, Philemon
Robbins, Phyllis
Robbins, Russell Hurlburt
Robbins, Samuel P.
Robbins, Thomas
Robert, Mathias
Roberts, ?
Roberts, Algernon Brooke
Roberts, Anne
Roberts, Anthony E.
Roberts, Anthony
Roberts, Brian Chadwick
Roberts, Charles
Roberts, Ellis H.
Roberts, M.D., G. C.
Roberts, M.D., George C.
Roberts, Harold Morton
Roberts, F. B.
Roberts, James
Roberts, John
Roberts, Esq., John
Roberts, Kenneth
Roberts, M. Emma
Roberts, Marshall O.
Roberts, Pratt
Roberts, Samuel
Roberts, M.D., Sydney
Roberts, Tho.
Roberts, Thomas
Roberts, M.D., Thomas S.
Roberts, W. D.
Roberts, W. J.
Robertson, A. J.
Robertson, Archibald Gerard
Robertson, Arthur F.
Robertson, C. F.
Robertson, E.
Robertson, Eben
Robertson, Eben William
Robertson, F. Beverley
Robertson, George
[Robertson, Gilbert]
Robertson, Gordon
Robertson, Harrison
Robertson, James D.
Robertson, John Stuart Struan
Robertson, Samuel
Robertson, Sam.
Robertson, Thomas
Robertson, W.
Robertson, Esq., William
Robertson, William John
Robertson, William
Robie, Ellen Naudain & Amy
Robins, Ezekiel
Robins, Jr., Gordon
Robins, Onesiphorus
Robinson, Ann
Robinson, Beverley
Robinson, C.
Robinson, Jr., C. Henry
Robinson, Charles Mulford
Robinson, Christine Smith
Robinson, Dorothy
Robinson, Ebenezer
Robinson, Edward Moore
Robinson, Ed. Randolph
Robinson, Erdis G.
Robinson, Frederick
R., G. H.
Robinson, G. R.
Robinson, Helen Weir
Robinson, Henry
Robinson, J. C.
Robinson, Jabez
Robinson, John
Robinson, John Beverley
Robinson, Esq., John
Robinson, Jonathan
Robinson, Joseph
Robinson, Katherine L.
Robinson, Leonard N.
Robinson, Lydia Gillingham
Robinson, Mary Barber
Robinson, Peter
Robinson, M.D., Robert
Robinson, Samuel
Robinson, T.
Robinson, Thomas
Robinson, Tho.
Robinson, Thomas Russell
Robinson, Victor
Robinson, W. G.
Robinson, W. H.
Robinson, Wm.
Robinson, William Duer
Robson, M.D., John
Roca, Joseph M.
Rochester Social Library,
Rockefeller, John P.
Rockwell, M.D., Alonzo
Rockwell, Alonzo
Rockwell, Francis Williams
Rockwood, A. A.
Rockwood, Henry
Rodgers, James B.
Rodgers, Stead Wright
Rodman, Esq., William
Rodney, Caesar C.
Rodriquez, E. B.
Roe, A. S.
Roe, Edward
Roe, John O.
Roe, John P.
Roecker, Leonard R.
Roeder, A. L.
Roelofson, Elizabeth Bruce
Roelofson, W. F.E.
Roelvink, Herman Christiaan Jvriaan
Rogers, Aaron
Rogers, Agnes
Rogers, Albert S.
Rogers, Alfred W.
Rogers, Anne E.S.
Rogers, Annette Dumaux
Rogers, Benjamin K.
Rogers, Bruce
Rogers, Cyrus
Rogers, Edgerton Stewart
Rogers, Ellen Douglas
Rogers, Fairman
Rogers, Florance W.
Rogers, George
Rogers, Hannah
Rogers, Henry B.
Rogers, Horatio
Rogers, Isaac T.
Rogers, J. Henry
Rogers, J. Smyth
Rogers, James Slocum
Rogers, Jane Grey
Rogers, Jeremiah
Rogers , John
Rogers, John
Rogers, Louisa
Rogers, M. Edward
Rogers, Miriam
Rogers, Nathaniel
Rogers, Dr. P. K.
Rogers , Robert
Rogers, Robert
Rogers, Robert William
Rogers, Roland Clay
Rogers, Rovillus R.
Rogers , T. E.
Rogers, Rev. William
Rogers, William Frederick
Rogers, William Lorance
Roget, E. A.
Rohr, A.
Rohrer, M.D. , Benj.
Rolfe, Henry Winchester
Rollins, A. P.
Rollins, Daniel G.
Rollins, Helen
Rollins, Martha
Rollins, Montgomery
Rollins, Richard
Rombauer, Irma K.
Romeyn, Thomas
Ronald, George W.
Roney, Moses
Rood, Alice Quan
Roome, John H.
Roorbach, John T.
Roos, Elizabeth Leslie and Leon Lazare
Roosevelt, Edith Kermit
Roosevelt , Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt , Henry Parish
Roosevelt, Kate Shippen
Roosevelt, Laura D'Oremieulx
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Elihu
Root, Esther Sayles
Root, John Bernard
Root, Paul C.
Rootes, Thomas Reade
Ropes, James Hardy
Ropes, Jun., Samuel
Rorer, J. B.
Rose, Arnir?
Rose, Arthur V.
Rose, Gad
Rose, Horace Chapman
Rose, Esq., John
Rose, Juslus
Rose, Lorine Shirley
Rose, Nelson Peabody
Rose , Pierre de Chaignon
Rose, Robt. H.
Rosenbaum, C. L.
Rosenberg, H. M.
Rosener, Dorothy Levey
Rosenthal, Arthur Chester
Rosenthal, Sidney & Esther
Rosenwald, Lessing & Edith
Rosewald , Lessing & Edith
A., R.
Ross, A.
Ross, Charles
Ross, Denman W.
Ross, Rev. Donald
Ross, Eva
Ross, Harvey Dent Barber
Ross, George
Ross, George G.
Ross, James Leith
Ross , James Leith
Ross, James Alfred
Ross, John
Ross, Esq., John
Ross, John T.
Ross, L.
Ross, Mariae
Ross, Susan Husted
Ross, T. Edward
Ross, W.
Ross, William L.
Rossbach, Adolph
Rosseter, Louise Webster
Rossiter, E. K.
Rossiter, Goodrich
Rothman, Edgar L.
Rothchild, Alonzo
Rouleau, Albert
Roulstone, John
[Roulstone, Michael]
Roundey, John W.
Rounsevel, Elsie
Rountree, Harrison H.
Rous, H. L.
Rouse, Francis Willis
Rouse, Henry Clark
Rouse, J. H.
Rouse, John H.
Rouse, W. J. Shaw
Rouviere, B. G.
Rouand, Rev. W. L.H.
Rowe, Alice Evans
Rowe, Antoinette Lockwood & James Lincoln
Rowe, Geo. A.
Rowe, H. S.
Rowe, Henry Sherburne
Rowe, John
Rowe, Lucy Wisdom
Rowe, Mark
Rowe , Mark
Rowe, Milward
Rowell, B. M.
Rowell, B. M..
Rowell, Clark F.
Rowell, Daniel C.
Rowell, Dorothy Chase
Rowell, Gretta G.
Rowell, Gretta Gordon Brown
Rowen, Daniel
Rowland, John L.
Royall, Esq., Isaac
Royce, C. C.
Royce, Elizabeth
Royce, Lucien M.
Royer, John H.
Royster, James Finch
Rubovits, William H.
Ruch, John
[Rudberg, John N.]
Rudd, Sam.
Rudd, Robert Barens
Rudderom, Morris W.
Ruddy , Howard S.
Ruff, Daniel P.
Ruff, Daniel Peverill
Ruff, Joanna M.
Rugg, A. P.
Rugg, Harold Goddard
Ruggles, Anson
Ruggles, Henry Stoddard
Ruggles, J. Francis
Ruggles, Mary Elizabeth
Ruggles, Philo T.
Ruggles, Jun., Timothy
Rugggles, Tim.
Ruggles, V. D.
Rumford, C. P. Miller
Rumph, David
Rumsey, Julia
Runyon, Theodore
Rupert, E. S.
Rupp, Geo. P.
Ruscha, Lulu
Ruschenberger, M.D., W. S.W.
Rush, M.D., B.
Rush, M.D., Benjamin
Russell, Arthur Martin
Russell, Barrett B.
Russell, Edw.
Russell, Francis Whitworth
Russell, Fred.
Russell, Helen Louise Leonard Lillian
Russell, H. P.
Russell, Isaac W.
Russell , John E.
Russell, John E.
Russell, Marie
Russel, Marie Davenport
Russell, Mary Ellen
Russell, Jr., Nathan
Russell, Philip Alden
Russell, Solyman
Russell, Sylvester D.
Russell, Thomas
Russell, Walter Hall
Russell, Will.
Rust, Enoch
Rust, H.
Rust, Katherine
Rutgers, Hendrick
Rutherfoord, John
Rutherford, John
Ruthrauff, Florence May Barlow
Rutledge, Lyman U.
Ruttan, R. F.
Ruttan, G. F.
Ryan, Edward
[Ryan, Edward]
Ryan, Lawrence
Ryburn, Henry
Ryder, Lilian
Rylance, J. K.
Ryland, Jr., Will.
Rylands, Peter
Rylands, W. Harry
Ryrie, Evan
S., A.
S., A. L.
S., C.
S., ?
S., P.
[S., C. E.]
S., Jr., G. H
[S., E. & L.]
S., J.
S., J. A.
S., J. H.
S., F. C.
S., I. M.
S., L.
S., L. E.
S., N. L.
S., S.
S., W.
S., C. O.
S., W. J.D.
Sabin, Hez.
Sabin,Esq., John
Sachse, Julius F.
Sachse, Julius Friedrich
Sachse, William Lewis
Sackman, Lee Rosalind
Sacker, Amy M.
Sadler, William Digby
Sadler, D. M.
Sadtler, Marian
Saeug, Ludwig
Safford, Wm. C. and Harriet D.
Safford, Joseph
Safford, Mary Pusey
Sage, Dean
St.Clair, Anna Emily
St.Clair, John
St. John, C. E.
St. John, Cynthia Morgan
St. John, Everitte
St. John, Francis
St. John, T. E.
St. Memin, Benigne Charles Fevret
Sale, T. D.
Salisbury, Jr. , Benjamin
Salisbury, Edward E.
Salisbury, Stephen
Salisbury, Jr. , Stephen
Salmon, W. F.
Salmond, Esq., William
Salisbury, Henry
Salter, Edith Agnes
Salter, John W.
Salter, Philip
Salter,Esq., Rich.
Salter, R.
Salter, William
Saltmarsh, Ernest Olmstead
Saltonstall, Leverett
Saltonstall, R. M.
Saltonstall, Rob.
Saltonstall, Satterlee
Saltonstall, Will.
Salvat, Teresa Casals
Sampson, Claire
Sampson, Ezra W.
Sampson, William
Samson, W. H.
Samuel, Henry
Samuels, Louis Tilden
Samuels, Maurice
Sams, Conway Whittle
Sanders, Ethel Frances
Sandford, Jared
Sandford, Peter
Sandor, Pa?
Sands, Abraham B.
Sands, Dr. D.
Sands, M.D., David
Sands, Edward Parker
Sands, Robert C.
Sands, Esq., William John
Sandwith, M.
Sanford, E. P.
Sanford, Edmund C.
Sanford, Leonard J.
Sanford, Samuel S.
Sanger, Eli L.
Sangermano, R. E.
Sanner, Else
Sansom, Henry
Sargeant, Jr., Edw.
Sargeant, George D.
Sargeant, Geo. Edw.
Sargeant, Jacob
Sargent, Bertha Lord
Sargent, Bertha Taylor
Sargent, Bertha Louise
Sargent, Charles S.
Sargent, Charles Sprague
Sargent, Epes
Sargent, Emma Worcester
Sargent, Winthrop
Sargent, Frederick Leroy
Sargent, G. W.
Sargent, Ignatious
Sargent, Jr., Ignatious
Sargent, John Smith
Sargent, Jonathan
Sargent, Lucius M.
Sargent, Percy
Sargent, Dr. W.
Sargent, Jr., Winthrop
Saroff, Andrew
Sarton, George
Satterlee, Geo. B.
Satterlee, Hugh
Satterlee, Mary
Satterlee, S. K.
Satterthwaite, Katie J.
Satterthwaite, T. B.
Sauber, Wilhelm
Saul, John Cameron
Saunders, Asahel
Saunders, Charles Francis and Elisabeth Hallowell
Saunders, Fleming
Saunders, J. Mowton
Saunders, Joseph & Nancy Olive
Saunderson, Jr. , Jonathan
Saussure, Dr.
Sauvageau, Tancrede
Savage, George Hubbard
Savage, H. M.
Savage, John
Savage, Paul Wentworth
Savage, Tyndall
Savage, William B.
Savary, George
Savery, William
Savile, Albany
Savile, Bourchier Wrey
Saville, James Hamilton
Saville , James Hamilton
Saville, R. L.
Sawler, Helen Virginia
Sawyer, Alice N.
Sawyer, Charles and Kitty
Sawyer, Charles H.
Sawyer, Edmund
Sawyer, G. Y.T.D.T.
Sawyer, Judith
Sawyer, Mary Esther
Sawyer, Miles Standish
Sawyer, Pingree
Sawyer, Walter Leon
Sawyer, William
Sawyer, William Henry
Saxton, M. H.
Say, Benjamin
Say, Dr. Benjamin
Sayle, Christopher
Sayles, Robert W. & Adelaide B.
Saylor, Henry Hodgeman
Saylor, Jas. E.
Sayre, Robert Heysham
Scadding, Henrici
Scadding , Henry
Scadding, Henry
Scaife, Roger Livingtston & Ethel Bryant
Scales, Edward P.
Scales, Irving & Ione
Scammon, Julia Simms
Scammon, Richard Everling
Scandlin, William C.
Scanlan, Philip Frances
Scarborough, William
Scatttergood, Jr., Ann
Schaeffer, George B.
Schaeffer, Julien
Schaeffer, Jeannette Engel
Schaffer, W. L.C.
Schaffter, C. A.
Schalkwyck, Mary Van
Schaller, Walter Frank
Scharf, George
Schauinger, J. Herman
Scheetz, Esq., Henry
Scheffauer, Herman
Scheide, W. T.
Schellenberg, J. Rod.
Schenck, Charles Weigs& Lizzie Stone
Schenck, Noah Hunt
Schenck, Remsen
Schenck, William C.
Schenck-Elberger, A. F.
Schermerhorn, M. K.
Scheuer, Chas.
Schevill, Margaret
Schiff, Leonard J.
Schiff, Martin Noel
Schiff, Mortimer L.
Schlaic, Fred. C.
Schlaifer, Robert
Schlatter, Michael
Schlemmer, Joseph
Schley, Jeannine-Marie
Schley, Kenneth Baker
Schley, Reeve
Schmitt, Dorothy Jane
Schmitt, Ewald J.
Schmitz, Frederick
Schmoll, Jr., Armand
Schneider, Rev. Fred. M.
Schoenherr, Henry L.
Schoff, Ethelwynn & Wilfred
Scholes, Joseph
Scholey, Peter
Scholey, Samuel
Scholfield, Andrew
Scholfield, Jr., John
Scholz, Ernest A.
School, Ebenezer S.
Schott, George S.
Schott, Jr., James
Schou, A. H.
Schroder, Alfred
Schroder, John Frederic
Schroeder, Frances
Schroeder, M.D., W.
Schroeter, Herman M.
Schulte, Hermann von W.
Schultz, M.D., S. S..
Schurig, Helen
Schuyler, Eugene
Schuyler, Philip
Schuyler, Esq., Philip
Schuyler, Samuel
Schwabacher, Edwin S.
Schwartze, J. C.F.
Schweikerin, Barbara
Schwenke, Johan
Scobell, Fannie C.
Schofield, Charles Sorest
Schofield, H.
Schofield, James M.
Schofield, Mary Modena
Scoles, Richard John
Scollay, Charles L.
Scorer, George Castell
Scotford, Rev. J.
Scott, A. M.
Scott, Capt.Alex.
Scott, ? K.
Scott, Benjamin
Scott, Clement
Scott, J. R.
Scott, Edward J.L.
Scott , G. Walter
Scott, Frank T.
Scott, Fred.
Scott,M.D., Frederick
Scott, George Cole
Scott, Gustavus
Scott , Henry Charles
Scott, Henry E.
Scott, Henry Lee
Scott, John
Scott, Jun., John
Scott, John B.
Scott, J. Bindon
Scott, John Howe
Scott, John A.D.L
Scott, Kidder M.
Scott, R.
Scott, R. C.
Scott, Robert Fergus
Scott, Robert G.
Scott, S. P.
Scott, Wm. H.
Scott, Esq., William
Scott, William L.
Scott, Winfield
Scotton, Jonn
Scovell, Amherst D.
Scovell, Solomon
Scranton, John Walworth
Scribner, G. Hilton
Scribner,Jr., G. Hilton
Scribner, Howard and Anne
Scribner, John Blair
Scribner, Sarah Marguerite
Scribner, Sarah Pettengill
Scriven, John
Scudder, Horace E.
Scudder, Vida Dutton
Scull, John Irwin
Seabrooke, Thomas
Seabury, Chas. M.
Seabury, Richard Williams
Seager, Henry Rogers
Seaman, William Grant
Seamans, G. B.
Searcy, Mary H.
Seare, Esq., Jn.
Searings, Jam.
Searle, Charles P.
Searle, Edward Francis
Searll, Jr., John
Sears, David
Sears, Eleanor
Sears, Eleanor Cochrane
Sears, George E.
Stars, Geo. Edw.
Sears, John
Sears, Marie
Sears, R.
Sears, Ruth Williams
Sears, Jr., Walton Harvey
Seaward, George W.
Sebastiao, S.
Sebring, Edward
Seccomb, Ebenezer
Seccombe, Joseph
Secombe, John
Sedelius, Wolfgangus
Sedgwick, Catherine M.
Sedgwick, Robert
Sedgwick, Jr., Theodore
Seeley, Elias P.
Seelman, Jr.,
Seelye, Caroline A.
Seemuller, John R.
Sefcik, A. J.
Seitz, John
Selby, George
Selby, T. J.
Selden, Andrew
Selden, Elizabeth Camfield
Selden, Wilson C.
Selden, Jr., Wilson C.
Selfridge, George Shepley
Selfridge, Thomas O.
Seligman, E. J.
Sellers, Edwin Jaquett
Sellers, Isaac
Sellers, Junr., Nathan
Selling, Laurence
Sellons, Jean Leonard
Semmes, T.J.
Semple, Anthony
Semple, Rebekah
Sener, S. M.
Senior, Esq., As. William
Sennett, Lucien Frank
Sergel, Charles H.
Serrier, Fr.
Sessums, Davis
[Seton, Robert E.]
Seton, Maj. R. S.
Seton , William
Sevaniensis, Gulielmi
Sever, Francis W.
Severance, Frank H.
Severance, Franklin C.
Sewall, Edmund Quincy
Sewall, Frank
Sewall, Henry
Sewall, Jacob
Sewall, Jacob S.
Sewall, Samuelis
Sewall, Samuel
Sewall, Stephen
Sewall, William S.
Sewell, E.
Sewell, Matthew
Sewell, Phebe September 11, 1781
Sewell, Robert
Sewell / Peirce, Robert/ James H.
Sewell, R. C.
Sewell, Thomas
Sexton, Sarah Mills
Sexton, Thos. Grainger
Seymour, George Dudley
Seymour, Henry
Seymour, James Madison
Seymour, Nathan Perkins
Seymour, Ralph Fletcher
Seymour, Thomas Day
Seymour, William D.
Shachtman, Max
Shackelford, Maria L.
Shaffner, Henry
Shaffner, Mary Hey
Shaftel, Norman
Shaftel, M.D., Norman
Shailer, William M.
Shakespear, David
Shank, Edmund S.
Shanly, Walter
Shannon, A. R.
Shannon, Ellwood
Shannon, Herbert C.
Shannon, Owen Evans
Shannon, Patrick A.
Shannon, Sally
Shapleigh, Anna Merritt
Shapleigh, Margaret
Sharkey, William L.
Sharp, Cecil
Sharp, Daniel
Sharp, Leedom
Sharp, Samuel M.
Sharp, William
Sharpless, Blakey
Sharpless, Joseph
Sharpless, Joshua B.
Sharples, Nathan
Sharples, Philip P.
Sharpless, Nathan
Sharswood, George
Shattuck, George Cheyne
Shattuck, Dr. Geo. F.
Shaw, Ada M.
Shaw, Benj. L.
Shaw, Bertha Brown and Robert Kendall
Shaw, George
Shaw, George C.
Shaw, Henry Russell
Shaw, Herbert M.
Shaw, J. Angus
Shaw, John
Shaw, Lemuel
Shaw, Louis Agassiz
Shaw, Margaret Whitman
Shaw, Olive
Shaw, Oliver J.
Shaw, Robert Gould
Shaw, ?
Shaw, Sarah Pemberton
Shayler, Rev. Ernest Vincent
Shead, Oliver
Sheafe, Alfonso Josephs
Sheafe, Saml.
Sheard, Theodore Senior
Shedd, Agnes
Shedd, Freeman Ballard
Shedd, Jessie M.
Shedd, Josiah
Shedden, Gladys
Shee, Parke
Sheean, Oliver Clement
Sheean, Oliver C.
Sheehan, C. H.
Sheepshanks, John
Sheffield, William Paine
Sheffield, William P.
Shefloe, Joseph S.
Shekell, C. F.
Shelden, Daniel
Sheldon, Anna Russell
Sheldon, Calyin
Sheldon, D.
Sheldon, Daniel
Sheldon, David N.
Sheldon, Edward Wright
Sheldon, Eleanor
Sheldon, H. W.
Sheldon, Henry Davidson
Sheldon, Henry L.
Sheldon, John
Sheldon, Thomas
Shell, Edward Chamberlin
Shelton, Ada Stewart
Shelton, John T.
Shelton, Rev. Phil.
Shenk, Henry
Shepard, Benjamin F.
Shepard, C. D.
Shepard, Edith May
Shepard, George L.
Shepard, Harvey N.
Shepard, Helen Gould
Shepard, Horace M.
Shepard, Isaac F.
Shepard, James S.
Shepard, Mary
Shepard, Morgan
[Shepard, Morgan]
Shepard, P. L.
Shepard, Stanley
Shepard, William P.
Shepardson, Samuel
Shephard, John
Shepherd, C. George
Shepherd, Francis J.
Shepherd, Homer
Shepherd, Patience
Shepherd, Rev.W.
Sheppard, Edw.
Sheppard, F.
Sheppard, Furman
Sheppard, John H.
Sherborn, Caroline Davies
Sherburne, Eleanor Gertrude
Sherburne, Edward H.
Sherburne, Kenneth
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Sheridan, Wilfred
Sherman, Adonijah
Sherman, Florence Bagley
Sherman, Francis
Sherman, Frederic
Sherman, Rev. Henry B.
Sherman, L. M.
Sherman, Roger
Sherrard, Thomas
Sherriff, Alexander Clunes
Sherrill, Helen May and Everett Ames
Sherwin, Bertha Lucina
Sherwin, Clara Prentis
Sherwin, Frances and John
Sherwin, Henry A.
Sherwin, Jr., John
Sherwood, Elizabeth Julia
Shields, Thomas
Shier, A. E.
Shillingford, R. A.
Shindell, Jas. C.
Shinn, Charles & Julia
Shipley, Aug. B.
Shipley, S. Geo.
Shipman, John & Lillia
Shippen, Joseph
Shippen, Albertus
Shipperdson, Edward
Shipton, Clifford Kenyon
Shir-Cliff, Bernard Wilson
Shir-Cliff, W. H.
Shircliff, William H.
Shirley, Ed.
Shirrefs, Robert A.
Shoemaker, Geo.
Shoemaker, Henry W.
Shoemaker, Joseph Moore and Annie Miller
Shoeberger, Ella Beatty
Shoffner, Chas. P.
Sholes, Fanny and Will
Shoolbred, John G.
Shore, Edwin and Lucy
Shoreham, John Ellman Brown
Shorey, Paul
Short, Charles
Short, Petton
Short, William
Short, William F.
Shorter, Clement K.
Shotter, Spencer P.
Shotwell, Margaret Caldwell
Shreve, A. R.
Shriver, Harry T.& Maude S.
Shrubsall, Leonard J.
Shubrick, Thomas
Shuey, Amos
Shiff, Aaron O.
Shugio, H.
Shultz, Mary Janet
Shuman, Lilian Gertrude
Shurtleff, Sarah Eliza
Shuter, Leonard
Shuttleworth, Henrici Cary
Sias, Solomon
Sibley, Boyden D.
Sibley, Grace B.
Sibley, Mark H.
Sibthorpe, Humphry
Sieger, Louis
Siegfried, Laurence Benjamin
Sislaff ?, Verna A.
Sislaff , Verna A.
Sigman, James G.
Signouney, Charles
Sikes, Rev. Oren
Sikes, Thad.
Sikes, Thaddeus
Silberman, Dorothy Conrad
Silberman, Henry R.
Siling, Wilmer Lester
Sill, E. M.
Sill, Francis Livingston
Sill, George Imbrie
Sill, Howard
Silliman, B
Silliman, B.
Silliman, Benjamin D.
Sills, Benjamin
Silsby, Ithiel
Silberman, Ella Mary
Silver, John Archer
Silver , Louis J.
Silver, Louis J.
Silverthorne, Julia Belle
Silvester, Esq., Peter
Simcoe, Lt. Col.
Simes, William
Simkins, Jun., Eldred
Simmons, Allyn
Simmons, Jos.
Simms, Julia
Simon, H. L.
Simon, Hermon
Simon, Dr. Sidney Kohn
Simon, W. L.
Simonds, Jonathan
Simonds, William
Simons, Helen and Minot
Simons, Letitia W.
Simons, Loammi
Simons, Minot Osgood
Simons, Nicolas
Simons, Samuel
Simpson, David Burke
Simpson, Edith M.
Simpson, Frank E.
Simpson, J.
Simpson, John
Simpson, M.D., J. Y.
Simpson, Jonathan
Simpson, Louis Wright
Simpson, Sarah Davenport & Edward Palmer
Simpson, William
Simpson, Esq., William
Simpson, Jr, Wm. H.
Sims, Clifford Stanley
Sims, Henry Augustus
Sims, Josephi
Sinclai, Gregg M.
Sinclair, Harry & Florence
Sinclair, Minryetta
Sinclair, Robert and Muriel
Sing, Joshua
Singer, Sallie
Sirera, Viola Denesa
Sise, Edward
Sisson, C. H.
Sisson, Francis H.
Sitgreaves, Ione
Sitgreaves, John
Sizer, Theodore & Caroline Foster
Sjoberg, Nils
Skeel, Roswell & Emily E. F.
Skeel, Thomas
Skelding, Marjorie
[Skelton, Olive M.]
Skelton , Olive M.
Skelton , Reuben
Skene, John
Skerry, Emma Gulick
Skidmore, D. W.
Skiff, Frederick W.
Skillings, W. G.
Skinner, Cort. Geo.Macgregor
Skinner, Fitzowen
Skinner, Francis
Skinner, John
Skinner, R.
Skinner, Rufus B.
Skipwith, Fulwar
Skipwith, Esq., Fulwar
Skipwith, Lady
Skottowe, Esq., John
Skrimshire, W.
Skrine, W. H.
Slack, M.D., J. H.
Slacke, Benjamin
Slacke, John
Slade, Frank D.
Slade , Jonathan
Slafter, Edmund F.
Slater, M.D., E. F.
Slater, M.D., Elizabeth A.
Slater , Elizabeth
Slater, Henry
Slater, John
Slater, Mary A.
[Slater, Nancy C.]
Slater, W. A.
Slattery, Charles Lewis
Slaughter, Jr., Philip
Slayter, John
Sleeper, C. W.
Sleight, Harriet Colfax
Slichter, Charles S.
Slifer, Dr. F. Sebring
Sloan, J. M.
Sloan, John T.
Sloan, W. H.
Sloan, William Eyres
Sloane, Thomas S.
Sloane, William Douglas
Slocum, Myles Standish
Slocum, William A.
Slosson, J Lawrence
Small, Arthur Everett
Small, Gideon
Small, Ruth Jarvis
Smalley, Carl J.
Smalley, E. H.
Smalley, W. F.
Smart, Jas. S.
Smart, John G.
Smart, John S.
Smart, W. S.
Smart, William Lynn
Smead, Quarus
Smedley, Thomas
Smidt, Dr. H.
Smirke, Mary
Smith, Mrs.
Smith & Weston, A. & R.D.
Smith, A. F.
Smith & Weston, A. L.
Smith, A. T. F.
Smith, Agnes Weed
Smith, M.D., Albert H.
Smith, Alexander Grant
Smith, Alice & Amy
Smith, Andrew
Smith , Annie Morrill
Smith, Annie Morrill
Smith, Ballard
Smith, Basil Woodd
Smith, Beaton
Smith, Benjamin Hayes
Smith, Bessie Gordon
Smith, Besaleel
Smith, Bruce C.
Smith, C. D.
Smith, C. F.Mather
Smith, C. Morton
Smith, C. Walter
Smith, Caleb B.
Smith, Carlos
Smith, Caroline Hooper
Smith, Catherine T.
Smith, Cedric E.
Smith, Charles
Smith, Jr., Chas.
Smith, Chas. J.
Smith, Charles C.
Smith, Charles Douglas
Smith, Charles Jeffrey
Smith, Charles Perrin
Smith, Clement
Smith, Curtis Rye
Smith, Cyril
Smith, Esq., D.
Smith, D. G.
Smith, David Gage
Smith, David Wm.
Smith, D. W.
Smith, Daniel B.
Smith, Douglas Chadwick Macdonald
Smith , Douglas Tracy
Smith, Dwight L.
Smith, Edith Ellis
Smith, Esq. , Edith
Smith, Edward Lincoln
Smith, Rev. Edward Orlebar
Smith, Edw. W.C.
Smith, Edmund
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Elizabeth H.
Smith, Elliot
Smith, Evelyn Rives
Smith, F. Patterson
Smith, Everett Pepperrell & Grace Richards
Smith, Fleming
Smith, Fletcher
Smith, Francis Goodwin
Smith, Francis
Smith, Frank Bulkely & Nancy Earle
Smith, Fred. G.
Smith, Fred G.
Smith, Frederick G.
Smith, Frederick Madison
Smith , G. A.
Smith, G. Henry
Smith, G. L.
Smith, G. Larratt
Smith, G. Sidney
Smith, G. Spencer
Smith , George
Smith, Geo. D.
Smith, George H.
Smith, George P.
Smith , Geo. P.
Smith, Geo. W.
Smith, George Walter Vincent
Smith, Georgiana Derby
Smith, Goldwin
Smith, Goldwyn & Harriet
Smith, Grace & Clarence
Smith, Grace & Winchell
Smith, Hal Harrison
Smith, Jr., H. M.
Smith, Harrison Brooks and Katherine Bowne
Smith , Harry Worcester
Smith, Harry Worcester
[Smith, Harry Worcester]
Smith, Hawley Lester
Smith, Haziel
Smith, Esq., Henry
Smith, Henry Ecroyd
Smith, Henry H.
Smith, Henry Parks
Smith, Henry Peters
Smith, Henry Stooks
Smith, Herbert
Smith, Hezekiah
Smith, I. V.C.
Smith, Isaac
Smith, Isaac H.
Smith, Ismael
Smith, J.
Smith, J. B.
Smith, J. Belknap
Smith , J. E.
Smith, James
Smith, James A.
Smith, James Frederick
Smith, James C.
Smith, James Grayson
Smitth, James L.
Smith, James M.
Smith, James Robinson
Smith, James Scott
Smith, Jessie Comfort
Smith , John
Smith, Jun., John
Smith , John A.
[Smith, John Adams]
Smith, John A.
Smith, John C.
Smith , John Duke
Smith , John L.
Smith, M.D., John Miller
Smith , Jonathan
Smith, Joseph
Smith , Joseph
Smith , Joseph S.
Smith , Julia
Smith , Julia W.
Smith , Junius Penny
Smith , Justin Harvey
Smith , Kirby Flower
Smith , L. A.
S., L. V.
Smith , L. M.
Smith , Larrett
Smith , Larrett William
Smith , Larrett W.
Smith , Leslie Victor
Smith , Lillian M.
Smith , Mrs. Louis H.
Smith, Lydia
Smith , M. B.
Smith , Mabel
Smith, Emily Smythies Machell
Smith, Margaret Pollard
Smith , Margaret Pollard
Smith , Marques and Edith
Smith , Martha
Smith , Martin Stafford
Smith, Mary Ann
Smith , Mary Ann
Smith, Mary Clement
Smith , Mary Nixon
Smith , May and Hugh
Smith , Mehitable
Smith , Milton W.
Smith , Nathan
Smith, Nathan
Smith, Newman
Smith, Noah
Smith , Noah
Smith, Jun., Noah
Smith, Norris T.
Smith, Orlando
Smith, Owen Milliken
[Smith, Pamela Coleman]
Smith, Pauline Allis
Smith, Philip
Smith, Phyllis Margaret
Smith, Preserved
Smith, R. A.
Smith, Rapin E.
Smith , Rapin Ellsworth
Smith , Richard Leslie
Smith, Richard and Rebecca Mayes
Smith, Robert
Smith , Robert
Smith, Robert E. and Hannah W.
Smith, Roger
Smith , R. ?
Smith, Ruel Perley
Smith, Russell D.
Smith , Ruth Lyman
Smith, S. C.K.
Smith, Esq., Samuel
Smith, Samuel
Smith , Samuel
Smith, Samuel S.
Smith, Sarah
Smith, Sarah M.
Smith , Sarah M.
Smith, Seth
Smith, Th. R.
Smith , Sidney Vanixem
Smith, Simeon
Smith, Stephen
Smith, Stephen Lincoln
Smith, Stuart Wallace
Smith , Susanna
Smith , Sylvester
Smith, Sylvester
Smith, Thomas
Smith , Thomas
Smith, Esq., Thomas
Smith, Jr. Esq., Thomas
Smith, Thomas C.
Smith , Thomas L.
Smith, Tho. A. M.
Smith, Thomas S.
Smith , Thomas Street
Smith , Thorowgood
Smith, Till Adams
Smith , Valentine
Smith , W. Harvey
Smith , W. T. Bernhard
Smith , Walter A.
Smith , Walter Harlan
Smith, Washington
Smith, William
Smith , William
Smith, Esq. , William
Smith, Esq., William
Smith, Wil.
Smtih, William
Smith , William and Olive
Smith, Wm
Smith , William Charles
Smith, William Dalton
Smith, William H.
Smith , W. Loughton
Smith, William P.
Smith, William R.
Smith , William R.
Smith , William Roy and Marion Parris
Smith, William Roy and Marion Parris
Smith, William Stark
Smith, William T.
Smull, M.D., W. G.
Smyser, D. M.
Smyser, Daniel M.
Smyth, Alex
Smyth, Esq., Andrew
Smyth, Arthur
Smyth, Rev. Thomas
Smyth, Max L.
Smythe, Elizabeth Harris
Sneade, Francis
Snead, Vdolpho
Sneath, Thomas S.
Sneed, Stephen K.
Snell, Amos
[Snell, Mary E.]
Snell, Sarah P.
Snelling, John Linzee
Snelling, Richard
Snelling , Samuel
Sneyd, W. D.
Snider, E. F.
Snively, Alex Crosby
Snively, Thaddeus
Snow, Edwin F.
Snow, George W.
Snow, Irving Miller
Smow, Lambert Graham
Snow, Nora E.
Snow, Rachel Parker
Snow, Walter Bradlee
Snowden, Yates
Snyder, Robert McClure
Soames, Arthur G.
Society, Graham P.
Sohier, George Brimmer
Sohier, W. D.
Solalinda, Antonio G.
Sole, Edward
Soliday, H. Marion
Soloman, Harry
Somaster, William
Somervell, William Howe
Somerville, William C.
Somervell, William C.
Somes, John
Sonnenschein, Robert
Sorley, Mary Simpson
Sorbers, F.
Souder, Jr., Casper
Soule, Phelps & Doris
Soule, Thomas & Wentworth
Southard, S. S.
Souther, C. V.
Sothern, Edward Hugh & Julia Marlowe
Southmayd, Daniel S.
Southwell, Esq., Edw.
Southwick, E.
Southwick, Jeanie Lea
Southwick, Mary Kinnard
Southwick, Philip R.
Southworth,Jr., C.
Southworth, E. D.E.N.
Southworth, R. J.
Southworth, M.D., R. J.
Sower, Charles G.
Sower, J. Randolph
Sower & S. Cole,
Soyres, John de
Spackman, Henry S.
Spaight, Richard D.
Spalding, Lucinda
Spalding, M. E.
Spalding, Mathias
Spalding, Phebe Estelle
Spalding, Philip E.
Spalding, Susanah
Spamer, Richard
Spangler, F. L.
Spangler, John
Spargo, John
Sparhawk, John
Sparhaw, Jr., John
Sparks, James
Sparks, C. A.
Sparrow, Edward W.
Spates, John
Spaulding, H. & Co.
Spaulding, W. A.
Speakman, H. B.
Spear, Arthur Prince
Spear, James M.
Spenceley, Frederick
Spencer, Charles A.
Spencer, Charles H.
Spencer, Edith Emerson
Spencer, F. H.
Spencer, George Bennett
Spencer, Georgiana Madelina
Spencer, M.D., H. N.
Spencer, M.D., Harvey
Spencer, John B.
Spencer, Josie J.
Spencer, June Caroline
Spencer, O. M.
Spencer, Philena
Spencer, R. J.
Spencer, William A.
Sperling, Harry G.
Spicer, George
Spiegelberg, Jr., Frederick
Spiegelberg, Virginia Housman
Spinney, Sam. R.
Spinney , Samuel Rogers
Spinning, James Martin
Spode, Josiah
Spoffard , W. E.
Spohn, Howard L.
Spokes, Sidney
Spooners, A.
Spooner, Esq., Charles
Spooner, John J.
Spooner, Joshua
Spook, John A.
Sprague, A/ A.
Sprague, Blanche Hazard
Sprague, Charles
S., E. & L.
Sprague, John Hobart
Sprague, Joseph
Sprague , Robert
Sprague, Rufus William
Sprague, Jr., Seth
Spranger, Esq., John
Spratt, Ernest O.
Sprengel, Herbert & Marion
Sprigg, Jun. , Richard
Sprigg, Jun. , William O.
Spring, Clarence W.
Spring, Cllarence W.
Spring, Marcus
Springer, O.
Sproat, Arthur H.
Sproat, Henry
Sproat, James H.
Sproat, Wm. A.F.
Sproat and Rolph,
[Sproat and Rolph],
Sproatt, Henry
Sprong, O. T.
Spry, Horatio?
Squiers, Herbert G.
Squire, William Barclay
Staats, Henry T.
Stackpole, Pierpont & Laura
Stackpole, Jr., William
Stadnitski, H. E.A.
Stake, Mary J.
Stakle, Mary
Stalker, Mary Grace
Stall, Sylvanus
Stallknecht, F. S.
Stamats , Herbert
Stanbrough, L. T.
Stanford, John
Stanford, Thos. N.
Stanley, C. N.
Stanley, Inez
Stanley, Matthew
Stanley, William
Stanly, W. C.
Stanwood, ?
Sstaples, Charles J.
Staples, Dorothy Davy
Staples, Isaac
Staples, S. E.
Stark, James
Stark, Lewis M.
Stark, Miriam Lutcher
Stark, William and Miriam Lutcher
Starks , Rev. H. L.
Starr, Frank F.
Starr, Frank Samsworth
Starr, Frederick
Starr, Mary
Stauffer, Bob
Stauffer, D. McN.
Stauffer , David McNeely
Stauffer, David McNeely
Stauffer, Florence Scribner
Stauffer, F. H.
Stauffer, J.
Stauffer, Jacob
Stauffer, L. M.
Steane, Edward
Stearns , Abigail
Stearns, 2nd., Albert Thomas
Stearns, Jr., Albert Warren
Stearns, Annie P.
Stearns, Charles
Stearns, C. A.
Stearns, Charles Augustus
Stearns, Ephraim
Stearns, Foster
Stearns, Vedafti
Stearns, Foster Waterman
Stearns, Frank Waterman
Stearns, H. A.
Stearns, Harold Crawford
Stearns, Helen J.
Stearns, Louis
Stearns, Lutie? E.
Stearns, Margaret B.
Stearns, Martha Genung
Stearns, Oakman S.
Stearns, Richard H.
Stebbins, Charlotte
Stebbins, Cyrus
Stebbins, E.
Stebbins, M.D., Henry Herbert
Steckel, Edith A.
Stedman, Alexander
Stedman , Edmund Clarence
Stedman, Edmund Clarence
Stedman, Marshall
Stedman, Rosa
Steel, Andrew R.
Steel, F. A.
Steel, John
Steel , Sophie Bertha
Steel, Thomas
Steele, A. Floridus
Steele, Emma Blanche
Steele, George F.
Steeles, Isaac
Steele, J. D.
Steele, Esq., John
Steele, Robert
Steele, T.
Steell, Willis
Steer, Charles
Steere, A. G.
Steere, Kenneth David
Steers, Bernard Macdonald
Steers, Lilian
Stegall , Alby W.
Steget, T. A.
Stein, Gertrude
Stein, Leo D.
Steinbach, Walter
Steiner, Bernard Christian
Steiner, Estella R. and G. Gustav
Steiner, Paul M.
Steiner, Walter Ralph
Steinfeld, M.D., A. M.
Steinman, George
Steinman, Geo. M.
Steiman, Geo. M.
Steinway, Ruth Gardner
Stennett, Rev. Walter
Stephen, Jr., Ja.
Stephen, James Fitzjames
Stephen, Nadine Francis
Stephens, Benyon
Stephens, Romeo H.
Stephens, Thomas
Stephens, William Walker
Stephenson, Harris Grant
Stephenson, Nancy K.
Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright
Stephenson, Theodore Rumer
Sterling, Joseph Henry
Sterling, Maria M.
Stern, III, Arthur L.
Stern, Molly and Arthur
Stern , Jon M.
Sterngerg, Maurice
Sterne, Elaine
Sternfeld, Theodore
Sterns, Blanchette
Stetson, A. W.
Stetson, Anna M.
Stetson, Ann M.
Stetson, David
Stetson, Herbert O.
Stetson, Wm. Graydon
Steuart, John
Steuart, W. M.
Stevens, Ada Pugh
Stevens, Alex. H.
Stevens, Angie Walker
Stevens, Atherton H.
Stevens, Benjamin F.
Stevens, Bertram
Stevens, C. Ellis
Stevens, Caroline Harris
Stevens, Charles A.
Stevens, Charlotte Howe
Stevens, Charlotte Whittingham
Stevens, E. A.
Stevens, Edward Francis and Sally Field
Stevens, M.D., Edmund Horace
Stevens, Edmund W.
Stevens, Col. Edward G.
Stevens, Eleanor S.
Sstevens, G. W.
Stevens, George
Stevens, Harriette Monteath
Stevens, Henry
Stevens, Jr., J. Austin
Stevens, J. J.
Stevens, John Clavin
Stevens, Jr., John P.
Stevens, John S.
Stevens, Joseph
Stevens, Joseph Wells
Stevens, L. D.
Stevens, Mary Bradford
Stevens, Rachel
Stevens, Richard Fowler
Stevens, Ross
Stevens, Samuel C.
Stevens, Shepherd
Stevens, William Bertrand
Stevens, William Franklyn
Stevenson, A.
Stevenson , Frances W.
Stevenson, George S.
Stevenson, Jno. M.
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stevenson, Timothy J.
Stevenson, Wm.
Stevenson, Wm. F.
Stewart, Anthony
Stewart, F. Campbell
Stewart, George
Stewart, Horatio Granville Murray
Stewart, J. H.
Stewart, John M.
Stewart, Esq., John
Stewart, John Alex
Stewart, John Starr
Stewart, Joseph
Stewart, Levi M.
Stewart, Maureen
Stewart, Peter
Stewart, Ralph A.
Stewart, Robert Buchanan
Stickney, Jeremiah
Stickney, Joseph Augustus
Stickney, Mary W.
Stickney, Wm.
Stickney, William Brunswick Curry
Stidolph, D. M.
Steibel, Heinrich Edland
Stiger, Edwin Tenny
Stiles, A. L.
Stiles, Ezra
[Stiles, Ezra]
Stiles, Frederic W.
Stille, M.D., Alfred
Stille, M.D., Charles Janeway
Stille, Jun., John
Stillman, Allyn S.
Stimson, Frederick J.
Stiness, Philip B.
Stimecke, Henry A.
Stipes, M. F.
Stirlilng, Edmund
Stites, Ichardus
Stith, William
Stobbs, C. K.
Stockbridge, Charles
Stockbridge, Henry
Stockhouse, Edna B.
Stockton, Richard
Stockton, Sam. W.
Stockton, Thos. H.
Stockton, William H.
Stockwell,M.D., C. M.
Stockwell, Dr. G. Archie
Stoddard, Henry B.
Stoddard - Woodruff,
Stoddard, James Kent
Stoddard, Caswell Wheeler
Stoddard, W. B.
Stodder, James Chesterman & George Tyler
Stodder, Henry F.
Stokes, Esq., Anson Phelps
Stokes, Rev. Anson Phelps
Stokes, Anthony
Stokes, James
Stokes, William Axon
Stokely, James
Stonard, Jonathan
Stonard, Josh.
Stone, Abbie B.
Stone, Anna Tora
Stone, Arthur D.
Stone, Arthur Robinson
S., C. E.
Stone , Edith Wright
Stone, Edward L.
Stone, Eliza Atkins
Stone, Ellery
Stone, Frederick D.
Stone, George M.
Stone, Henry
Stone, Jr., J. N.
Stone, James S.
Stone, James Sydney
Stone, Dr. James W.
Stone, Janet Tryon
Stone, Joseph
Stone, Kenneth
S., L. N.
Stone, Lillian N.
Stone, Lillian Newton
Stone, Lillian Newton & Wilbur Macey
Stone, Malcolm Newton
Stone, Mary Tryon
Stone, Mary Tyron
Stone, Maurice
Stone, Melville E.
Stone, Pauline
Stone, Jr., P. J.
Stone, Jr., Phinehas J.
Stone, Rachel Norton Tryon
Stone, Timothy W.
Stone, Tom
Stone, Wm. L.
S. , W. M.
Stone, Wilbur Macey
Stone., W. M.
Stone, W. M.
Stone, Wilbur M.
Storck, M.D., Jacob Ambrose
Storer, Bellamy
Storer, D. H.
Storer, Frank H.
Storer, John Humphreys
Storer, Sophie Cary
Storke, Charles Allbert
Storke, John
Storke, Mary Gregory
Storke, William
Storks, Levi
Storm, William C.
Storrow, Charles
Storrow, Charles S.
Storrow, J. J.
Storrow, Tho. W.
Storrs, Experience
Storrs, Henry R.
Storrs, Jr., Lemuel G.
Storrs, Leonard Kip
Storrs, Lewis Austin
Storrs, Origen
Story, Abraham
Story, Charles
Story, Charles C.S.
Story, Julian Russell
Storz, Leon Axtelle
Stott, Eben
Stott, Ebenezer
Stott, John
Stotz, Eugene F.
Stoutenburgh, T. A.
Stovels, Jonathan
?, Milicent
Stowell, J.
Stowell, Jona.
Stowell, Lem.
Strachan, James M.
Straith, Alexander
[Strange, Sir John]
Strange, Thos. And.
Strange, Thomas Lumisden
Strasser, Alfred & Charlotte
Strathcona, Lord
Stratton, Charles Edwin
Stratton, ? Norcross
Stravs, Herbert Nathan
Strauss, Margarethe
Sttrauss, Margarethe
Straus, Oscar S.
Street, Augustus Rufsell
Street, William
Streeter, Daniel Denison
Streeter , Edward Carl
Streeter, Frank S.
Streeter, G. L.
Sterns, Eugene & Willy
Strickland, E. F.
Strickland, Rev.Edward F.
Strickland, W.
Strickland, Walter
Strickler, Emilie Doehre
Strider, James W.
Stringer, Sam.
Strobel, Martin
[Strobel, Martin]
Strode, Sam.
Stroebe, Lilly
Strong, A. M.
Strong, Barbara
Strong, Henry Barnard
Strong, John M.C.
Strong, John McCordy
Strong, Jonathan P.
Strong, Margaret Woodbury
Strong, Mary Briggs
Strong, Mary Jackson
Strong, Jr., Nathan
Strong, Nathaniel W.
Strong, Nehemiah
Strong, Putnam Bradlee
Strong, Thomas
Strong, William
Strong, William Wolcott
Stroock, Sol & Hilda
Stroud, John Purling
Strousberg, Dr.
Struthers, John
Strutt, Jos.
Stuart, Alex'r. H.H.
Stuart, Allison Ellsworth
Stuart, Archibald
Stuart, G. Okill
Stuart, Frank Alfred
Stuart, Jr., Geo. H.
Stuart, Sir James
Stuart, Sarah Glen
Stuart, W. D.
Stubbs, Violet Houghton
Sturges, John
Sturgis, Alanson Hall
Sturgis, Charles Russell
Sturgis, Frank R.
Sturgis, F. R.
Sturgis, Frederick R.
Sturgis, Henry T.
Sturgis, James
Sturgis, John H.
Sturgis, N. R.
Sturgis, Jr., Richard Clipston
Sturgis, Russell
Sturgis, Susan Bainbridge
Sturtevant, Paul and Charlotte
Stutson, Harvey
Stuyvesant, Peter Gerard
Styche, Mary Herbert
Styles, F. W.
Suffern, A. Edward
Sugden, T. D.
Snit, Rosa Pelham
Suiter, Helen Janet
Sullivan, George
Sullivan, James
Sullivan, John
Sullivan, Mary
Sullivan, Wm.
Sullivan, William B.
Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs
Summers, Helen
Summers, L.
Summers, Willard B.
Sumner, Edmund
Sumner, Geo.
Sumner, J. S.
Sumner, Josephus
Sumner, Mrs. Morton
Sumner, Palmer
Sumner, Sarah Ann
Sumner, Tho. W.
Sumner, W. H.
Sunday, Gladys
Sussex, Ruby Kathleen
Sutherland, Charles Welton
Sutliff, Mary Louisa
Sutton, David
Sutton, G.
Sutton, Hannah
Sutton, Israel Bird
Sutton, William
Sutton, Wm.
Sutton, Jr., William
Sutton,, Wm.
Suydam, Rev. J. Howard
Suydam, Lora
Swan Printers,
[Swan Printers],
Swan, Chas. H.
Swan, Cyrus
Swan, George Arthur
Swan, Henry & Emma
Swan, J. A.
Sypher, J. R.
Swan, James
Swan, John Mumford
Swan, Joseph
Swan, Walter Dana
Swanson, Kate
Swasey, Ambrose
Swasey, Horatio E.
Swasey, Horatio Robert
Sweatman, Rt. Rev. Arthur
Swedenborg, Emanuel
Sweeny, Edward N.
Sweet, Samuel White
Sweetman, Elvira
Sweetnam, M.D., Lesslie M.
Sweeny, James Fielding
Swett, J. B.
Swezey, Irving Maynard
Swift, Edward Cassius
Swift, Elisha P.
Swift, Florence Bailey
Swift, Hester
Swift, Levant R.
Swift, Lindsay
Swift, Stephen A.
Swigart, W. Emmert
Swinden, Philip Van
Swinstead, A. E.H.
Swits, Abraham A.
Switzer, Lewis M.
Swoope, H. Bucher
Swope, Horace Meter
Swope, John A.
Swope, Rodney Rush
Swora, William
[Sydenham, Lord]
Sylvester, Edmund
Sylvester, G. F.
Sym, William
Symes, Rev. James
Symmers, George
Symmons, Esq., John
Synnott, Henry J.
T., A.
T., C.
T., G.
T., H. C.
T., I. B.
T., W.
Taaffe, Henry Ed.
Taber, Abraham
Tabor, Stephen J.W.
Tackaberry, Richard Jones
Taft, William Howard
Taggart, David and Ruth
Taggart, Mrs. T. O.
Taggart, John K.
Tagliaferro, Richard
Tailer, Thomas Suffern
Taintor, John A.
Talbot, I. Tisdale
Talbot, Lowell & Alice
Talbott, E. H.
Talbot, Clare Ryan
Talbot , Clare Ryan
Talcott, Mary Kingsbury
Taliaferro, N. M.
Talley, Perle C.
Tallmer, Ilona H.& Albert F.
Tams, Blanche E.S.
Tanner, Elizabeth
Tanner, Harbert
Tanner, Iohn
Tanner, John
Tanner, T. H.
Tanner, William
Tanneall?, W.
Tapley, G. H.
Tappan, Chas.
Tappan, Chas. Langston?
Tappan, Chas. L.
Tappan, E. M.
Tapscott, John Shurman
Tarbell, Arthur Winslow
Tarbell, Mary Anna
Tardy, A. H.
Tarrant, Leonard
Tatham, Chas.
Tatlow, John
Tatman, Charles Taylor
Tatnall, William
Tatsch, Jacob Hugo
Tatton, William
Tatum, David
Taunton, John Colley
Taussig, Charlotte
Tavistock, W. Gill
Tayloe, Benj. Ogle
Tayloe, B. O.
Tayloe, John
Taylor, Asher
Taylor, Benj. B.
Taylor, Charles
Taylor, Jr., Chas. H
Taylor, Jr., Chas. H.
Taylor, Charles H.
Taylor, Creed
Taylor, D. H.
Taylor, Daniel Everett
Taylor, David
Taylor, Edward T.
Taylor, Edward
Taylor, Effie Mae
Taylor, F. P.G.
Taylor, Rev. George
Taylor, George
Taylor, Grace and William
Taylor, Jr., Harry
Taylor, Henry W.
Taylor, Herbert Hale
Talylor, Hezekiah
Taylor, Rev. Hezekiah
Taylor, J. F.
[Taylor, Lady E.]
Taylor, James
Taylor, James Arthur
Taylor, James P.
Taylor, Jr., John
Taylor, John ?
Taylor, Jonathan
Taylor, L. M.
Taylor, Margarett Rhett and Julius Heyward
Taylor, Dr. N. W.
Taylor, Nathanael
Taylor, Philip
Taylor, De. R. Kidder
Taylor, K. K.
Taylor, Rhea Mary
Taylor, Robert B.
Taylor, Robert E.
Taylor, Samuel
[Taylor, Samuel]
Taylor , Theo. A.
Taylor, Tazewell
Taylor, Walter
Taylor, Mrs.Walter
Taylor, Wendell Hertig
Taylor, Wm, H.
Taylor, William Osgood
Taylor, Z. P.
Tazewell, Henry
Tazewell, John N.
Tazewell, John
Tazewell, Littleton W.
Teackle, John
Teackle, Litt. D.
Teall, Gardner C.
T., G. C.
T., K. C.
T., W. A.
Teahon, Esther
Tebbetts, Theodore C.
Tebbs, Harry V.
Teed, T. G.
Teefy, Matthew
Teegarden, Alice
Teel, Joseph
Tefft, Charles Griswold
Tefft , Emma Augusta
Tefft, Erastus T.
Tefft, Henry M.
Tefft, William Erastus
Tefft, Jr., William Erastus
Tegmeyer, John H.
Telford, Margaret H.
Temple, John
Temple, Rich. Earl
Temple, Seth H.
Templetonn, Elizabeth
TenBroeck, Anthony
TenBroeck, John C.
TenEyck, James
Tennant, May
Tennent, O. E.
Tenney, Caleb J.
Tenney, Henry A.
Tenney, Jonathan
Tenny, John
Tenny, Mary C.
Tenny, Perley
Tenny, William
Teont, E. J.
Terrell, Evelyn Mason
Terrell, W. ?
Terrett, John C.
Terrett, John Cotton
Terry, Charles
Terry. Jr. , David Dickson
Terry, Duncan Niles
Terry, Ebenezer
Terry, Henry
Terry, Henry K.
Terry, James
Terry, John
Terry, Roderick
Terry, Stephen
Teulon, W. F.
Tevis, John Garnan
Tevis, John G.
Thacher, Thomas
Thacher, William Larned
Thackara, Saml. W.
Thackara, W.
Thalhimer, Irma Marie
Thatcher, Elisha
Thatcher, Geo. A.
Thaw, Benjamin
Thaw, Charles
Thaw, Mrs. Elizabeth B.
Thaw, Joseph
Thaxter, Samuel
Thaxter, Thomas
Thayer, Bayard
Thayer, Charles M.
Thayer, C. S.
Thayer, Dorothy
Thayer, Ethel Randolph
Thayer, Harry Bates
Thayer, John E.
Thayer, John Eliot
Thayer, Rev. John Henry
Thayer, Lilian Aldrich
Thayer, Lucius Harrison
Thayer, Ruth
[Thayer, Nathaniel]
Theisen, Clement Frank
Therasson & Bryan,
Thew, James
Thiebavld?, Iames
Thieme, Theodore F.
[This, Book]
Thom, Decourcy Wright
Thomatan, P. K.
[Thomas, A. J.]
Thomas, A. G.
Thomas, Albert Sidney
Thomas, Arnold William
Thomas, Benjamin
Thomas, B. A.
Thomas, C. Cartwright
Thomas, Edith Prince
Thomas, F. Wolferstam
Thomas, Francis J.
Thomas, George
Thomas, George A.
Thomas, Grace
Thomas, Helen Goss
Thomas, Henry W.
Thomas, I. G.
Thomas, M.D., Isaac
[Thomas, I.]
[Thomas, Isaiah]
Thomas, Isaiah
Thomas, Jr., Isaiah
Thomas, James
Thomas, John Allen
T., J. B.
Thomas, John Grew
Thomas, Martha Banning
Thomas, Mary
Thomas, Mary Hoxsey
Thomas, Maude Huston
Thomas, Rev. Nathaniel S.
Thomas , Nicholas
[Thomas, Robert B.]
Thomas, Samuel W.
Thomas, Thos. B.
Thomas, Thomas S.
Thomas, W. M.
Thomas, William M.
Thomason, H. R.Y.
Thompson, A. C.
[This book…],
Thompson, A. H.
[Thompson, Sir Benjamin]
Thompson, Charles Leslie
Thompson, Charles L.
Thompson, C. O.
Thompson, Charles O.
Thompson, David Allen
[Thompson, Fred]
Thompson, Jr., Garland
Thompson, George C.
Thompson , J. H.
Thonpson, James Henry
Thompson, J. M.
Thompson, Leo.
Thompson, Lucas P.
Thompson, Margaret
Thompson, Mary E.
Thompson, Nancy
Thompson, P.
Thompson, Percy W.
Thompson, Esq., Robert
Thompson, Robert
Thompson, S. R.
Thompson, Thomas
Thompson, Tho.
Thompson, Tilghman L.
Thompson, W.
Thompson, Gulielmi
Thompson, Esq., Will.
Thompson, William
Thompson, W. A..
Thompson, Wm. A.
Thompson, W. H.
Thompson, William Somers
Thompson, Wilmot
Thomson, Alice Elizabeth
Thomson, Arthur J.
Thomson, Charles S.
Thomson, Georgianna
Thomson, Ignatius
Thomson, John
Thomson, James
Thomson, James W.
Thomson, S. S.
Thomson, T. G.
Thomson, William de Forest
Thorn, Samuel E.
Thorn, M. William
Thorndike, Augustus
Thorndike, Charles
Thorndike, Henry A.
Thorndike, Mary W.
Thorndike, O?
Thorndike, L. Lothrop
Thorndike, Townsend Wm.
Thorne, John Calvin
Thornhill, Evelyn
Thornhill, John
Thornton, George M.
Thornton, James
Thornton, J. Wingate
Thornton, Robert
Thornton, William
Thorpe, T. M.
Thorpe, Warren
Thring, W. D.
Thruston, Buckner
Thruston, George A.
Thurber, Charles
Thurgood, William
Thurman, Allen G.
Thurnman, A. G.
Thurnman, John
Thurston, Brown
Thurston, Charles Myrick
Thurston, John R.
Thurston, R. H.
Thurston, Margaret G.
Thurston, Ruth
Thurston, Dr. Rufus L.
Thwing, Rev. E. P.
Tichner, Ernest
Ticknor, Anna Eliot
Tickner, George
Ticknor, Henry Wilmer
Tickknor, Wilmer
Tiernan, Charles
Tiernan, Luke
Tiffany, Louis C.
Tiffany, Osmond C.
Tiffany, O. H.
Tiffany, Osmond
Tiffany, Wm. Geo.
Tighe, Benjamin
Tilden, R. P.
Tilden, Joseph
Tilden, Lydia
Tilghman, Abrahamus
Tilghman, Henry
Tilghman, Jacobus
Tilghman, Oswald
Tilghman, William M.
Till, Lawrence William
Tillinghast, C. B.
Tillotson, Thomas
Tillyer, Thomas
Tilney, Geo. A.
Tilton, Albert F.
Tilton, Anne Eugenia
Tilton, Elizabeth
Tilton, H. C.
Timken, Henry H.
Timpson, Theodore
Tindall, Frederic Markham
Tingley, William
Tinker, Anna P.
Tinker, Edward Larocque
Tinker, Edward L.
Tinker, Edw. Larocque
Tinker, Frances McKee
Tinker, Sam.
Tinsleyu, John B.
Tipper, Ezra Squier
Tirrill, Kathleen Porter
Tischler, Belle E.
Tisdale, Samuel
Titcomb, Edward
Titcomb, Jun., Michael
Titter, B. P.
Titus, Jr., Anson
Titus, Jr., Willet L.
Titzel, John M.
Tobey, Ellen Howard
Tobey, Phineas S.
Tobin, William & Ethel
Todd, Albert May
Todd, Alexander Martyn
Todd, Alice A.
Todd, C. S.
Todd, Frederick Charles
Todd, J. M.
Todd, John
T., J. G.
Todd, J.
Todd, Lovell
Todd, Robert
Todd, Wm.
Todd, William
Toedteberg, Augustus
Toland, Henry
Toland, Robert
Toland [?], Sarah
Toldervy, William
Tolman, Edward Mayo & Ruth Dunbar
Tolson, T. H.
Tomkin, Alice Mildred
Tomkins, Floyd Williams
Tomlinson, Irving C.
Tompkins, Eugene
Tompkins, Henry J.
Tompson, Samuel
Tompkins, Maude H.
Tompsonus, Edvardus
Tompson, Frederick A.
Tope, M.D., W. A.
Topping, Charles H.
Torgersen, Gordon M.
Totten, Enoch
Toronto, John
Torrance, Frederick W.
Torrance, Frederick
Torrey, C. A.
Torrey, George
Torrey, Gratia Ann
Torrey, James Humphrey
Torrey, Joseph W.
Torriano, William Harcourt
Totten, Emma J.
Totten, E. J.
Tottie, T. W.
Tottingham, M. T.
Touch, George Alexander
Tough, John Sloan
Tousley, W. M.
Tovell, Harold M.
Tower, Ellen M.
Towle, George W.
Towle, George Wm.
Town, Harylin
Towne, E. S.
Towne, Harriet B.
Towne, Wm. E.
Townley, Rev. Frank M.
Townley, Wellington Reid
Towne, W. Henry
Townley, William
Townsend, David
Townsend, George
Townsend, Gertrude
Townsend, Henry C.
Townsend, M.D., Howard
Townsend, J. Barton
Townsend, John
Townsend, Joseph
Townsend, Mary Scott
Townsend, Rich.
Townsend, T. H.
Townsend, W. M.
Townsende, Edwin George
Townshend, Esq., Edward
Townshend, Esq., Geo.
Townshend, George
Tracey, Nathaniel
Tracy, Traci Tracye
Tracy, A. W.
Tracy, Henry Dana
Trail, William
Traill, M.D., Thomas Stewart
Trainer, Celia E.
Trapier, Benjamin F.
Trask, Benjamin Hartshorne
Trask, Susan Haven
Trask, Susan H.
Travers, John
[Travers, J.]
Travers, Esq., John
Trawick , Suzanne
Traylor, Robert Lee
Treadway, Jr., Charles Treadway
Treadway, Jr., George
Treadwell, John
Treadwell, W.&D.
Treat, Charles H.
Treat, Salmon
Tredick, Benjamin T.
Tredwell, Richard
Tredwell, Rich.
Treffinger, Elizabeth
Tregaskis, Rev. James
Tregear, H. D.
Trelawney, John
Tremper, Jacob
Trenchard, Lieut. E.
Trent, Dr. Peterfield
Trestler, M.D., J. B. Curtii
Treuttlein, Jonathan
de Treville, E.
Trew, William
Trevelyan, Charles
Tripp, Guy E.
Trippe, Mary Emerson
Trist, Dr. H.
Trist, Bronse
Trist, Nicholas D.
Troth, Henry
Troth, Oliver
Troth, Samuel
Troth, Samuel F.
Troth, Edmund
Troth, Jr., Geo.
Troth, Esq., Nicholas
Trotter, Esq., Alexander
Trotter, Esq., Isabel
Trotter, Joseph
Troup, John
Trow, John F.
Troxell, Gilbert McCoy
True , Benjamin
Truesdell, Amy Ivers
Truesdell, Winfred Porter
Trumble, Alfred
Trumball, George A.
Trumball , J. Hammond
Trump, Marjorie
Truscott, James Lynn
Tryon, Esq., Thomas
Tryon, James Seymour
Tryon, Thomas
Tubbs, Robert
Tucker, Bertha
Tucker, Dudley Gilman
Tucker, Enoch
Tucker, Harvey
Tucker, Ichabod
[Tucker, Ichabod]
Tucker, James
Tucker, James W.
Tucker, W.
Tucker, N.
Tucker, Nelson
Tucker, R. A.
Tucker, R.
Tucker, Rich.
Tucker, Robert G.
Tucker, T. H.
Tucker, Rev. W. M.
Tuckerman,Jr., Bayard
Tuckerman, Edward
Tuckerman, Henry Theodore
Tuckerman, J. Willard, Jr. & Elsie Morrill
Tuckerman, Samuel Parkman
Tuckerman, Walter Rupert
Tuckwell, W.
Tuckwell, William
Tudor, Frederic
Tudor, Rosamond
Tuer, Andrew White
Tufnell, George
Tufts, A. L.
Tufts, Martha
Tufts, Rebecca
Tufts, S.
Tuholske, H.
Tulis, Ann
Tulis, Anna E.
Tulis, Anne E.
Tullberg, Hasse W.
Tunis, Charles H.
Tupper, Sir Charles
Turberville, George Lee
Turko, Michael N.
Turnbull, Robert
Turner, Alfred Rogers
Turner, Alfred
Turner, Austin R.
Turner, C. H.
Turner, Charles Henry
Turner, David
Turner, E.
Turner, Geneva Irene
Turner, Geo.
Turner, Henry E.
Turner, Isaac
Turner, J. W.
Turner, John
Turner, Julia Mather
Turner, Lewis McK.
Turner, Mary Greenleaf
Turner, Maud
Turner, Paul Davis
Turner, Richard Greenleaf
Turner, Robert
Turner, Samuel H.
Turner, Thomas G.
Turner, William A.
Turner, William
Turner, William George Arthur
Turner, William Jay
Tuthill, Burnet Corwin
Tuthill, William Burnet
Tuttle, E. C.
Tuttle, Edwin V.
Tuttle, Eliza P.
Tuttle, Ellen Hoit
Tuttle, Hugh H.
Tuttle, S. J.
Tuttle, William P.
Tueri, Thoma
Twiss, Esq., George
Twist, W.
Twitchell, Amos
Twitchell, J.
Twombly, J.S. & A.B.
Tylee, Florence
Tyler, Andrew
Tyler, Edward Royall
Tyler, Eleanore Cowperthswaite
Tyler, Geo. M.
Tyler, Gertrude
Tyler, M.D., Grafton
Tyler, Helen
Tyler, Jane
Tyler, John
Tyler, Johanis
Tyler, John S.
Tyler, Joseph
Tyler, Lewis
Tyler, Morris F.
Tyler, R.
Tyler, Samuel
Tyler, Sidney Frederick
Tyler, M.D., W. Bradley
Tyler, Wm.
Tyno, Dudley Atkins
Tyng, Stephen Higginson
Tyrrell, K. V.
Tyrrell, John
Tyrrell, William
Tyson, Edyth Johns
Tyson, J. W.
Tyson, Jonathan
Uggle ,
Uhl, Russell F.
Uhler, I. Clem.
Uhlmann, Gustav
Underhill, Adelaide
Underhill, James
Underwood, Francis H.
Underwood, Francis N.
Underwood, Frank L.
Underwood, Franklin J.
Underwood, M.D., Jonas
Underwood, Kennard
Underwood, Levi
Unger, Gladys
Unger, C. W.
Unger, Blanche G. & William F.
Uniacke, Andrew Mitchell
Uniacke, Rev. Fitzgerald
Uniacke, Norman F.gerald
Uniacke, Esq., Rich. John
Uniacke, Richard John
Unruh, John N.
Unruh, Rev. J. N.
Untermeyer, Louis
Ulp, Justine Huntley
Updike, Daniel Berkeley
Updike, Wilkins
Upham, C.
Upham, M.D., E. F.
Upham, Timothy
Upham, William P.
Upshur, Caleb B.
Upshur, M.D., George L.
Upshur, M.D., Thomas W.
Upshur, M.D., Thoomas W.
Upson, Arthur
Urbans, B. F.W.
Urquhart, David
Ustick, Thomas
Utassy, Anton von
Utter, David
Utter, Jr., Robert Palfrey
Utter, Robert Palfrey
V., C. C.
V., R.
Vail, Albert W.
Vail, J. G.
Vail, James Cummings
Vail, R. W.G.
Vail, Rev.S. C.
Vail, Walter Newberry
Valencia, Tortola
Valentine, Benjamin E.
Vallance, James
Vallancy, Major Charles
Vallancy, Chas.
V., A..
Van Allen, Adam
Van Alst, Alice
Vanamec?, William
Van Berckel, P. T.
Van Blarcom, M. G.
Van Bokkelen, L
Van Bokkelen, L.
Van Buren, Ab. A.
V. Buren, M.
Van Cortlandt, Jane
Van Cortlandt,
van Daell, Alphonse N.
Vanderbilt, Edith
Vanderbilt, George
Vanderbilt, Reginald C.
Van der Kemp, Dr.
Van Derlip, Willard C.
Vanderpoel, A. J.
Vanderpoel, John H.
Vanderpoel, S. Oakley
Vandeursen, John
Van Deusen, Edgar
Van Dike, Thomas
Van Duzer, Henry
Vandyke, Jr., Nicholas
Van Dyke, Tertius
Van Ingen, M. A.
Van Kenney, Wm. B.
Van Meter, Ruth Anne
Van Veshli, Ahu. R.
Van Ness, Jacob
Van Ness, I. P.
Van Ness, W.P.
Van Nest, Abraham
Van Nest,
Van Norman, Maria Amelda
Van Nostrand, W. T.
Van Orden, Jun., J.
Van Patten, Nathan
Vn. Rensselaer, Ie.
Vn. Rensselaer, Esq., Ie.
Van Rensselaer, Esq., K. K.
Van Rensselaer, John King
[Van Rensselaer],
V. Rensselaer,
Van Rensselaer, Major Philip
Van Rensselaer, Stephen
Van Santboord, C. T.
Van Schaack, Jr., F.
Van Schaick, John
Van Schaack, John Jay
Van Schoonhoven, Wm.
Van Siclen, Henry K.
Vansittart, N.
Van Suetendael, Achille Octave
Van Vechten, Peter
Van Voorhees,
Van Voorhis, Eugene
Van Voorhis, Frances Galusha
Van Wagenen, Jun., H.
Van Wyck,
Varick, Esq., Richard
Varden?, John
Varney, A. Katherine
Varney, Frederick A.
Varnum, James
Varnum, Joseph B.
Vasconcellos, Barao de
Vassall, Dr.
Vassall, Henry
Vassall, Esq., John
Vassall, Spencer L. H.
Vatet, Oscar Valentine
Vaudreuil, Alfred de
Vaudreuil, Comtesse de
Vaughan, Benjamin
Vaughan, Jun., Benj.
Vaughn, E. H.
Vaughan, M.D., J.
Vaughan, Samuel
Vaughan, Esq., Samuel
Vaughan, Jun., Samuel
Vaughan, William
Vaughan, William Warren
Vaux, Jasper
Vaux, Edward
Vaux, Jun., Susanna
Veatch, Chas.
Veatch, Charles
Venable, Paul C.
Venable, Richard N.
Venable, Samuel W.
Verm?, Joseph M.
Vernon, Ralph and Katherine
Vernon, Samuel
Vervliet, J. B.
Verreau, L'Abbe
Verrill, Robinson and Agnes
Verster, Jean F.
Verster, Jean
Very, Edward D.
Vesper, Robert A.
Vesper, Ropbert A.
Veth, D. Giltay
Vibbert, G. H.
Vickery, J. E.
Vickery, Willis
Vickroy, T. R.
Victor, F. A.
Viets, Ioger
Vignoles, Hutton
Viles, Blaine S.
Viles, Edward
Villard, Oswald Garrison
Vincent, John Martin
Viner, George Arthur
Vimton, Alexander H.
Vinton, Eleanore
Virgin, Edward Warren
Vivant, Rosaire
Vizetelly, Frank H.
Vogeler, August
Vogle, Harry S.
Vognild, Edna
Vogt, Kathryn S.
Volkmar, Henry
Voinard, Antonii
Volz, Louise
von Bayros, F.
Von MRP,
von Mosbach, Josephine
Voorhees, J. Spencer
Voorhees, Jr., Ralph Spencer
Voorhees, Stephen
Voorhees, Theodore
Voorhis, Charles Van
Voorhis, Eugene Van
Vosburg, Lilian
Vosburg, Minnie S.
Vose, James W.
Vose, Louis Ellis
Vose, Solomon
Vroom, Garret Dorset
W., A. C.
W., A. E.
W., B. D.
W., B. S.M.S.
W., T. W.
W., E.
W., G.
W., H.
W. , J. P.
W., J.W & E. S.
W., K. A.
W., P. S.
W., R. C.
W., R.
W., V.
W., W.
Wabbell, R. B.
Waddington, George
Waddle, John
Waddle , John
Waddle, W.
Wade, Amasa D.
Wade , Amasa D.
Wade, Caroline Dupee
Wade, Jos. M.
Wade, Stuart
Wade, Esq., Wm.
Wadhams, Albert
Wadleigh, Joseph
Wadsworth, Charles
Wadsworth, Dr. Henry
Wadsworth, Jere.
Wadsworh, Jere.
Wagenwen, Ethel Van
Wagner, Henry R.
Wagner, M. S.
Wagner, W.
Wagstaff, David
Wahlstrom, Carl E.
Wainwright, Rev.E. H.
Wainwright, Francis
Wainwright, G. W.
Wainwright, J. M.
Wainwright, Jr., Peter
Wainwright, P.
Wainwright, Wm. L.
Wait, A. Dallas
Wait, George
Wait, Horatio Loomis
Wait, Joseph
Waite, John
Waite, S. B.
Wakefield, W. F.
Wakeman, Henry
Wakeman, Stephen H.
Walborn, J. J.
Walcott, E. W.
Walcott, Edward
Walcott, Jesse
Waldman, David L.
Waldman, Ruth
Waldman, M.D., Sidney
Waldo, Albigence
Waldo, Charles Sidney
[Waldo, Charles Sidney]
Waldo, D.
Waldo, Elizabeth
Waldo, Samuel
Waldron, Laurence A.
Walen, Ernest Dean
Wales, Alice Stratton
W., G. H.
Wales, G. W.
Wales, J. L.
Wales, Jonathan
Wales, Martha S.
Walker, B.
Walker, B. E.
Walker, B. P.
Walker, Calvin
Walker, D.
Walker, David F.
Walker, David
Walker, E. S.
Walker, Sir Edmund
Walker, Edward
Walker, Francis
Walker, Francis Amasa
Walker, Frank
Walker, Fred S.
Walker, Frederick W.
Walker, George
Walker, George T. Forestier
Walker, Grant
Walker, Jessie
Walker, John W.
Walker, Jno. J.
Walker, Joseph Timothy
Walker, Lyman B.
Walker, Mary
Walker, Melville
Walker, R. B.N.
Walker, R. L.
Walker, R. W.
Walker, Samuel
Walker, Susanna
Walker, Stuart
Wallker, William Hall
Walker, William Hall
Wall, Bernhardt
Wall, Caleb A.
Wall, Caleb Arnold
Wall, Sarah E.
Wall, Thomas
Wall, Wm. Ellis
Wallace, Alex.
Wallace, Andrew
Wallace, Florian D.
Wallace, Frances Abbe
Wallace, Frederick
Wallace, Jr., George Rodney and Alice Georgia
Wallace, Henry Edw.
Wallace, Herbert Ingalls
[Wallace, Hugo]
Wallace, Hugh
Wallace, James W.M.
Wallace, John Findley
Wallace, John William
Wallace, Joshua M.
Wallace, Esq., Joshua Maddox
Wallace, Mary
Wallace, Sara J.
Wallace, W. F,
Wallace, Walter Thomas
Wallace, William
Wallace, William H.
Wallcut, Robert F.
Wallcut, Thomas
Waller, Benj.
Waller, Edmund
Waller, Robert B.
Walley, Samuel H.
Walley, Jr., Samuel H.
Walley, Samuel Hurd
Wallis, Frank E.
Wallis, Philip
Walter, Edward Lorraine
Walmsley, I.
Walmsley, Morris
Walpole, Horatio
Walpole, Thomas
Walsh, Alexander
Walsh, Francis
Walsh, Thos.
Walter, Helen
Walter, Jacob
Walters, Henry
Walters, Mollie Gerald
Walton, Alice
Walton, Basil Manly
Walton, Henry
Walton, J. A.
Walton, John
Walton, Perry
Walton, William
Walton, Will
Waltz, Marion Leslie
Walworth, Ellen Nardin
Walworth, Count Tenison
Wanamaker, Rodman
Wangenheim, Alice
Wanger, Justine & Walter
Warburton, George Augustus
Warburton, George A.
Ward, Anna L.
Ward, C. F.C.
Ward, Caroline Elizabeth
Ward, ChesterWard Dorothy
Ward, Fred
Ward, George C.
Ward, George M.
Ward, H. D.A.
Ward , Harry Parker
Ward, Harry Parker
Ward, Henry
Ward, Henry D.A.
Ward, J.
Ward, Jane Shaw
Ward , John
Ward, Joseph
Ward, L. F.
Ward, Lutie
Ward, Milton M.
Ward, R. Halsted
Ward, Samuel
Ward, T.
Ward, Ted
Ward, Thomas
Ward, Virginia
Ward, William
Ward, William Hayes
Ward, Jr. , Dwight Edward
Warden, Frank L.
Warden, George
Warden, Jr., Samuel
Wardrop, Janet
Wardroper, Herbert E.
Wardwell, J. Otis
Wardwell, Stephen S.
Ware, Adeline Mason
Ware, Ashur
Ware, Emma Forbes
Warfield , Benjamin
Waring, Armenia
Waring, E. L.
Waring, Harriet and Vechten
Waring, M.D., Joseph Ioor
Waring, William H.
Warley, Charles
Warlow, Robert Yancey
Warner, Clarance M.
Warner, Edward
Warner, George
Warner, Langdon
Warner, Mary Corbit
Warner, Mason & Mary
Warner, Morris H.
Warner, Esq., Wm.
Warr, John Gough
Warrell, Esq., Jos.
Warren, Miss
Warren, G. Washington
Warren, J. Mason
Warren, Helen
Warren, Israel P.
Warren, J. Collins
Warren, John C.
Warren, Joseph
Warren, Lucius Henry
Warren , Lucius Henry
Warren, Paul C.
Warren, W.
Warren, Esq., Thos.
Warren, Washington
Warren, Sen., William
Warren, William
Warren, Jr., William C.
Warriner, Mary Ann
Warraington, James
Warrington, M.D., Joseph
Warrington, Richard K.
Warson, M. L.
Warwick, Ruth Cotes
Washburn, Arthur
Washburn, Charles
Washburn, Charles G.
Washburn, Eliza Ann
Washburn, E. A.
Washburn, George Hamlin
Washburn, Margaret Floy
Washburn, Rahum
Washburn, Ruth C.
Washburn, Walter Rice
Washburn, Wm. D.A.
Washburn, William Lewis
Washington, Bushrod
Washington, George
[Washington, George]
Washington, John
[Washington, Mary Hammond]
Washington, M.
Washington, Richard
Washington, Rich.
Washington, M.D., S. W.
Wasserkrug, Morris
Wasson, Watson Lovell
Waterbury, J. H.
Waterhouse, John
Waterman, H. L.
Waterman, R. Wm.
Waterman, Robert Hanna
Waterman, Thomas
Waaterman, Thomas
Waterman, Tho.
Waters, Clara Erskine
Waters, Edwin Forbes
Waters, Robt. Edmond Chester
Waterstor, R. C.
Waties, Tho.
Watkins, Elsie Gardner
Watkins, H. E.
Watkins , John W.
Watkins, Judd
Watkins, Miranda
Watkins, Robert
Watson, Arabella
Watson, Brock
Watson, Edgar
Watson, Elizabeth
Watson, Edward
Watson, Frank H.
Watson, Jr., Henry Brock
Watson, Jeanne
Watson, Leonard
Watson, Samuel Edmiston
Watson, Stephen Manion
Watson, Thomas James
Watt, James
Watt, Madge Robertson
Wattles, C. W.
Watts, E.
Watus, W. D.
Waugh, Frank A.
Way, Gregorius Ludovicus
W., A. Y.
Way, Joseph
Wayt, John
Weare, Henry
Weart, Jacob
Weaver, Elijah
Weaver, Gertrude Baillie
Weaver, Gustine Courson
Weaver, L. G.
Webb, Carl Ely
Webb, Carolus R.
Webb, E. F.
Webb, G. W.
W., G. W.
Webb, Gregory Burkitt
Webb, H. Walter
Webb, Harold Worthington
Webb, I. Watson
Webb , James
Webb, James
Webb, Jean
Webb, John Griswold
[Webb, M. E.]
Webb, Margaret Ely
[Webb, Margaret Ely]
W., M. E.
Webb, Mary
Webb, Sarah W.
Webb, William Mackenzie
Webb , William Mackenzie
Webbe, Jno.
Webber, A. D.
Webber, Charles E.
Webber, Charlotte B.
Webber, Ralph & Louise
Weber, Eva M..G.
Webber, W. G.
Webster, Ann
Webster, Chas.
Webster, Charlie H.
Webster, Dan
Webster, Frank B.
Webster, Hamilton Fish
Webster, Hanson Hart
Webster, Harrison B.
Webster, J. H. B.
Webster , James
Webster, John
Webster, Reuben
Weckerly, Wm. M.
Weed, Antoinette & Kenneth
Weeks , Edson J.
Weeks , John Wingate
Weeks , Nathaniel
Weddle, Thomas
Weeks , Gertrude
Weeks , Stephen B.
Weems, Elijah
Weeton, T. R.
Wegg, Esq., Edmund Rush
Wegg, Esq., Sam.
Wehle, Jr., Fred
Weiberg, Samuel
Weicker, Herman G.
Weidenhammer, C. Y.
Weigley, Robert E.
Weil, Elsie F.
Weil, Helen K.
Weill, Minna?
Weinberger, Bernhard Wolf
Weinrich, Elisabeth Dorothea
Weir, Mrs.
Weir, Agnes
Weir, Charlotte
Weis , Frederick Lewis
Weis , Joseph Deutsch
Weis , Roy
Weiser, Stanley
Weiss, Jacob
Welch, B. T.
Welch, Caroline Briggs
Welch, Charles A.
Welch, d'Alte Aldridge
Welch, Francis William
Welch, Joseph
Weld, Arthur Cyrill Gordon
Weld, Charles Goddard
Weld, G. W.
Weld, George Francis
Weld, Isaac
Weld, Mary
Weld, Otis E.
Weld , Quade Christopher
Weld, Quade Christopher
Weld, Sumner Appleton
Weld, S. M.
Welford, John G.
Welker, Matilda
Welles, Charles Edwin
Welles, Junior, Samuel
Welles, Sam.
Wellford, M.D., Beverly R.
Wellford, Rev. G.
Wellington, Alfred A.
Wellington, Alice Webster
Wellington, J. Frank
Wellington, J. Mortimer
Wells, A. R.
Wells , A. R.
Wells , Benjamin T.
Wells, Bulkeley
Wells, C. W.
Wells, Carolyn
Wells, Cora M.
Wells, Edward
Wells, Elizabeth Brewer
Wells, George E.
Wells, Henry
Wells, James N.
Wells, Joel Cheney
Wells, Esq., John
Wells, John
Wells, John Dagworthy
W., L. H.
Wells, Leslie C.
Wells, M. D.
Wells, Margery
Wells, Marha D.
Wells, Phebe H.
Wells, Jr.., Samuel
Wells, Solomon
Wells, Esq., T. Tileston
Wells, W. D.
Wells, William L.
Welsh, Charles
Welsh, Gertrude Clarkson
Welsh, William H.
Welter, Hubert
Welton, Thurston Scott
Wendel, David
Wendell, Roland M.
Wendell, William
Wenman, Evert
Wensley, John
Wentworth, Edward N.
Wentworth, Mrs. Hall
Wentworth, Hiram
Wentworth, John
Wentworth, Marjorie
Wentworth, Paul
Wert, Peter
Wesby, Maude E.
Wesby, Maude Earle
Wesbu, Maude
Wesselhoeft, William P.
Wessely, Hugo
Wesson, Elizabeth Howland
Wesson, James L.
Wesson, Katherine
West, Allen Brown
West, Charles F.
West, George Fletcher
West, George S.
West, H. N.
West, Hannah M.
West, Kenneth
West, Jr., Henry T.
West, Jun., John
West, Nathaniel
West, S. Stillman
West, Sophie Harris
West, W. Russell
Westcot, Elizabeth Tourtello
Westcott, Clinton Stevens
Westcott, Peter Thomas
Westervelt, Harman
Westfall , L.
Westmorland, Percy Thuillier
Weston, Daniel
Weston, G. Melville
Weston, James P.
Weston, Nathaniel
Weston, Plowden
Weston, Robert Dickson
Weston, Samuel
Weston, Thomas
Westropp, M. R.
Westwood, Henry C.
Wetherbee, John
Wetherell, Annie Hall Bosworth
Wetherell, Daniel B.
Wetherell, Meredyth Hale
Wetherill, John
Wetherill, John Price
Wetherill, Joseph Bloomfield
Wetherill, Marion Grey and Kent
Wetherhold?, T.
Wethey, Charles Henry
Wetmore, Charles H.
Wetmore, E. B.
Wetmore, Edith
Wetmore, Oscar Davison
Wetmore, Rev. Robt. G.
Wetmore, Robert W.
Wetmore, Samuel
Wetmore, Thomas
Wetmore, William
Weyerhaeuser, Phillip
Weyerhueuser Phillip ,
Wexler, Solomon
Whaley, Joseph
Wharton, Agnes
Wharton, Edith
Wharton, Thomas
Wharton, Jn.Austin
Wharton, Rodman
Whatley, Joseph
Wheat, A. E.
Wheatland, Henry
Wheatley, Henry B.
Wheaton, M.D., F. L.
Wheaton, M.D., H. S.
Wheaton, Jeffe
Wheaton, Josephus
Wheeler, Alice and Albert
Wheeler, Jr., Andrew
Wheeler, Arthur L.
Wheeler, Benjamin Ide
Wheeler, Bennett W.
Wheeler, B. W.
Wheeler, Louis
Wheeler, Cleora Clark
Wheeler, David B.
Wheeler, E. J.
Wheeler, Everett Pepperrell
Wheeler, Florence Ethel
Wheeler, Florence Sylva
Wheeler, Frost Montaine and Emma Phyllis
Wheeler, Geo. M.
Wheeler, Ida May
Wheeler, J.
Wheeler, James P.
Wheeler, James Rignall
Wheeler, Joseph
Wheeler, Joseph Huntress
Wheeler, Joseph & Mabel A.
Wheeler, Louis Arthur
Wheeler, Marilla Clark
Wheeler, Mary
Wheeler, Mary B.H.
Wheeler, Nell Rose & Charles Van Cise
Wheeler, O. C.
Wheeler, Rachel Flora
Wheeler, Jr., S. G.
Wheeler, T. B.
Wheeler, Theophilus
Wheeler, Woodbury
Wheelock, Edward J.
Wheelock, Eleazer
Wheelock, Eli
Wheelock, Elizabeth
Wheeler, Howard E.
[Wheelwright, Charles Apthorp]
Wheelwright, Charles Apthorp
Wheelwright, Horatio William
Wheelwright, John
Wheelwright, Lois and Josiah
Wheelwright, Nat.
Wheless, Elizabeth T.
Whicher, George Frisbie
Whidden, Foster Cook
Whinna, Robert
Whipp, C. E.
Whipple, Clarissa
Whipple , Franklin
Whipple, Franklin
Whipple , George Harding
Whipple, Lizzie May
Whipple, Perley
Whipple, Robert Lee
Whitaker, C. W.
Whitaker, Celia and Charles
Whitall, W. Van R.
Whitbeck, Alice Grover
Whitley, Thomas John
Whitcomb, G. Faunce
Whitcomb, Lot
Whitcombe, Charles
White, Mrs. Aaron
White, Alden Perley
Write, Andrew C.
Write, Andrew Curtis
White, Andrew D.
White, Andrew Dickson
White, Bob & Pat
White, Charles
White, Carson Hunter
White, D. A.
White, Daniel A.
White, David
White, Elenor W.
White, Elsie F.
White, Esther
White, George T.
White, Harrison G.O.
White, George Robert
White, J. William
White, James Clarke
White, James R.
White, John
White, Joseph
White, Jr., Joseph Nelson
White, Leonard
White, Lilliam E.
White, Margaret
White, N. G.
White, Orville Harold
White, Pliny H.
White, Richard Grant
White, Jr., Robert
White, Roderick Juan
White, Stephen
White, Thomas E.
White, Thomas Jeston
White, W. A.
White, William
White, Rev. William
Whitebread, William
Whiteford, J. W.
Whiteford, Margaret Wells
Whitehead, F.
Whitehead, Helen
Whitehead, Dr.J. C.
Whitehead, Julia A.
Whitehead, W.
Whitehead, W. C.
Whitehead, Wilbur Cherrier
Whitehill, Walter Muir
Whitehouse, A. P.
Whitelaw, J.
Whitelaw, Robert
Whitelaw, William
Whiteley, George Carpenter
Whiteley, George Henry
Whiteley, Henry
Whiteman, Wm. A.
Whitin, J. C.
Whiting, Fred Erwin
Whiting, G. E.
Whiting, George C.
Whiting, Isaac
Whiting, Joseph J.
Whiting, Matthew
Whiting, William
Whitinge, Francis
Whitle, Robert
Whitman, Esq., Alfred
Whitman, Benjamin Gardner
Whitman, Elizath.
Whitman, Henry B.
Whitman, Isaac W.
Whitman, William
Whitmarsh, Jessie
Whitmore, Harriet
Whitmore, Hezekiah
Whitmore, Ruth
Whitman, William H.
Whitney, Abigail
Whitney, Amos
Whitney, Charlotte Anita
Whitney, Eli
Whitney, Everett E.
Whitney, Joseph
Whitney, Joseph Dwight
Whitney, Margaret Mason
Whitney, Marjorie
Whitney, Mary E.
Whitney, Peter
Whitney, Richard S.
Whitney, Ruth
Whitney, Samuel
Whitney, Thomas Surette
Whiton, Emelyn
Whiton, Hannah S.
Whitridge, Arnold & Janetta
Whitridge, Frederick Wallingford
Whitridge, J. B.
Whitridge, M. L.
W., J. B.
Whittaker , Francis
Whittaker, Francis
Whittaker, Laha
Whittelsey, Sam.
Whittemore, B. B.
Whittemore, C. B.
Whittemore, C. T.
Whittemore, Francis Lee
Whittemore, Miss M. A.
Whitten, M. E.
Whittier, Harriet Elizabeth
Whittier, James A.L.
Whittier, John Greenleaf
Whittier, Louise B.
Whittlesley, Charles W.
Whittlesley, Derwent Stainthorpe
Whittlesley, Eliphalet
Whittlesley, Harvey
Whittlesley, Henry
Whittuck, Joseph
Whitwell, Samuel
Wiatt, John
Wick, Luise
Wicker, Cyrus French
Wick, Otto
Wickersham, James
Wickes, Grace F.
Wickes, Lewis Webster
Wickham, John
Wicks, Janet Lansing
Wicks, Robert Russell
Wicksteed, G. W.
Wicksteed, Horatio Asprey
Wicksteed, Philip B.
Wicksteed, Thomas
Wicksteed, William
Wicksteed, R. J.
Wickware, Arthur Manley
Widener, Harry Elkins
Widman, Anna
Wiechel, Ellen Marquerite
Wiechel, Ione Klenk
[Wiechel, Ione Klenk]
Wiegand, Conrad
Wiepert, David Douglas
Wier, David
Wierman, Sarah
Wiers, Edgar Swan and Luella McClure
Wiese, 2nd, William
Wiesenthal, A.
Wiesenthal, Doctor Andrew
Wiesenthal, T. V.
Wiestling, Jun., Samuel C.
Wiestling, Jacob H.
Wiggin, Andrew
Wiggins, Joseph
Wiggins, P. Porter
Wiggishoff, C.
Wight, Anne
Wight, Crocker
Wight, Jr., Delana
Wicht, R. A.
Wightman, A. S.
Wightman, E. P.
Wightwick, George
Wightwick, Esq., John
Wigman, J. H.M.
Wikoff, Henry
Wiksell, Gustave P.
Wilbur, Edward Russell
Wilbur, Miss E. D.
Wilby, Joseph
Wilcocks, Horace Sharp Lodge
Wilcot, Alice Wilson
Wilcox, Asa
Wilcox, Jr., Benjamin
Wilcox, Edmund
Wilcox, Janet C.
Wilcox, Jerome Kear
Wilcox, Moses & Aaron
Wilcox & Stearn,
Wilcox, Wm. C.
Wild, Maylou E.
Wilde, Henry A.
Wilde, Samuel
Wilde, William Cobb
[Wilder, Frank J.]
Wilder, George Endicott
Wilder, George Edicott
Wilder, Marshall P.
Wilder, O.
Wilder, William R.
Wiley, John T.
Wilkenson, Jr., George D.
Wilkes, Doctor
Wilkes, Charles
W., C.
Wilkins., Charles M.
Wilkins., T. D.
Wilkins., Warren E.
Wilkinson, Alfred
Wilkinson, John
Wilkinson, Maria
Wilkinson, W. J.
Wilks, Rev. Matthew
Will, Alda E.
Willar?, Isabella Maria
Willard, Ashton R.
Willard, Samuel
Willard, Sidney
Willard, Simon
Willard, Thomas T.
Willcox, Katherine A.
Willett, Charles
Willett, John S.
Willey, Henry Alpheus
Williams, Alfred M.
Williams, Avery
Williams, Azarias
Williams, Benjamin
Williams, Bertram & Olive
Williams, Blanche Colton
Williams, Charles
Williams, Charles Howard
Williams, Chauncey Lawrence
Williams, Clark
Williams, Donald & Stella
Williams, Edmund Sydney
Williams, Edmund T.
Williams, Esq., Edward
Williams, Edvardi
Williams, Edward A.
Williams, F. G.
Williams, Frederick Wells
Williams, Gardner Stewart
Williams, G. Huntington
Williams, Geroge
Williams, George
Williams, Geo. H.
Williams, George J.
Williams, George W.
Willilams, Georgia
Williams, Guit
Williams, Gulielmi
Willilams, H. Dwight
Williams, Helen
Williams, Helen Elizabeth
Williams, Helena V.
Williams, Hen. A.
Williams, Henry
Williams, Henry I.
Williams, Henry B.
Williams, Henry L.
Williams, Huntington
Williams, Isaac H.
Williams, I.
Williams, J. M.
Williams, James
Williams, Jane
Williams, Johannes
Williams, Esq., John
Williams, John
Williams, John C.
Williams, J.
Williams, John L.
Willliams, John P.
Williams, Joseph
Williams, Joshua
Williams, Julia Willets
Williams, Kemper
Williams, Mary Washinngton and David Shelby
Williams, Nancy
Williams, Otho. H.
Williams, Samuel
Williams, Capt. Sam.
Williams, Sarah Bradford
Williams, Simeon H.
Willliams, Solomon W.
Williams, Solomon
Williams, Thomas
Williams, Stephanus
Wiliams, Jr., Stephen
Williams, Stephen W.
Williams, Toddard
Williams, Sydney
Williams, Tyler
Williams, W.
Williams, Warren Hoyt
Williams, Watkin
Williams, William C.
Williams, William R.
Williamson, C.
Williamson, E. S.
Williamson, Geo.
Williamson, G. M.
Williamson, M.D., James
Williamson, Stephen
Williamson, Thom.
Williamson, William P.
Willing, Edward S.
Willing, Eliz. S.
Willis, Caroline C.
Willis, Elmer
Willlis, Henry A.
Willis, J. L.M.
Willis, Jn.
Willis, Rachel
Willis, Ruth Collins
Willis, Thomas V.
Willoughby, Alice Stanton
Willloughby, Julius Edgar
Willoughby, Raymond Royce
Wills, Alfred
Willson, Alpheus P.
Willson, Bayne S.
Willson, William H.
Wilmarth, J.
Wilmer, John
Wilmerding, Lucius
Wilson, A. Curry
Wilson, A. D.
Wilson, Ada Grey
Wilson, Fred Allan
Wilson, Ann
Wilson, Beatrice
Wilson, Catherine P.
W., C. P.
[Wilson], Christine
Wilson, D.
Wilson, D. Edgar
Wilson, David
Wilson, Wilson
Wilson, Edith Frances
Wilson, Francis
Wilson, Frederick
Wilson, George Orr
Wilson, George W.
Wilson, Gladys
Wilson, H. B.
Wilson, Harry G.
Wilson, Harry M.
Wilson, Helen
Wilson, J. P.
[Wilson, James ]
Wilson, James Appleton
Wilson, M.D. , James F.
Wilson, James Harrington
Wilson, James
Wilson, James Henry
Wilson, John & Mary
Wilson, Josephine
Wilson, Kate Ophelia
Wilson, Kit
Wilson, Louis N.
Wilson, Luther T.
Wilson, M.
Wilson, Marjorie
Wilson, Mathew
Wilson, Noah L.
[Wilson], Patty
Wilson, Jr., M.D., Robert
Wilson, S. F.
Wilson, Stanley Kidder
Wilson, Tho.
Wilson, Thomas
Wilson, Thomas B.
Wilson, Thomas Burder
Wilson, W. D.
Wilson, Walter
[Wilson, William]
Wilson, Wm. C.
Wilson, Wood Levette
Wilson, Woodrow
Wilstach, Wm. P.
Wiltberger, C. H.
Wimer, William Woodfield
Winant, Frederick
Winant, John Gilbert
Winch, Francis L.
Winchell, James M.
Winchester, A.
Winchester, S. G.
Winchester, Samuel
Winchester, Stephen S.
Winchester, W. M.
Winder, William H.
Windes, Guilford Reagan
Windey, Hen. Geo.
Windle, Bertram C.A.
Windle, Thos. H.
Winfield, R.
Winfield , Richard
Wingate, Louisa Man
Wingate, R. Paul
Wingate, S. Dana
Wingfield, George
Wink, A. S.
Winn, Herbert J.
Winn, Isabel C.
Winnall, A. B.
Winnett, Henry
Winship, George Parker
Winship, J. P.C.
Winship, Wm. W.
Winslow, Arthur
Winslow, Gardner
Winslow, John
Winslow, Olie M.
Winslow, Samuel
Winslow, Shadrach
Winslow, Thomas Harley
Winsor, Justin
Winsor, William
Winston, Donald
Winston, Frederick Shaefer
Winter, Clarence B.
Winter, Joseph C.
Winter, William
Winterbotham, J. B.
Winterburn, Louise E.
[Winthrop, Adam]
Winthorp, Adam]
Winthrop, B.
Winthrop, B. R.
Winthrop, Benj. R.
Winthropp, Rev. Edward
Wintrop, Jr., Francis B.
Winthrop, Robert C.
Winthrop, Grenville Liddall
Winthrop , James
Winthrop, Jr. , Robert Charles
Winthrop, T. L.
Winthrop , William
Winthrop, William
Winton, Henrietta & Charles
Wisan, J. M.
Wise, Edmond D.E.
Wise, Frank
Wise, Fred Ayshford
Wise, Janet
Wise, Stephen S.
Wiseman, Joseph
Wisner, Polydore B.
Wisner, William
Wisner, Jun., Richard
Witcraft, John R.
Witham, Anna Whitman
Witham, Dr.C. E.
Withers, J. T.
Withers, Robert W.
Withers, Thomas T.
Withey, Olah Harriet
Withington, Chandler
Withington, Margaret
Witter, Amos
Witter, Florence Waldo
Witter, Robert Bruce
Witter, Wm. Clitus
Witthaus, Rudolph August
Witton, H. B.
Wizzmann, Henry Wade
Woguild, Edna
Wolberg, Doris
Wolbrandt, Caecilie
Wolcott, Oliver
Wolfe, George Dering
Wolff, John G.
Wolff, William
Wolff, William Almon
Wolfson, A. L.
Woll, Matt
Wolbrandt, Carl
Wolcott, Alexander
Wolcott, Frederick H.
Wolcott, Glenn Wyatt
Wolcott, J. H.
Wollaston, Frederick
Wollenweber, M.D., Henry Ludwig
Wolter, Jo
Wolverton, Edith A.
Womack, Wm. L.
Womrath, Arthur Romain
Wood, ? ?
Wood, Amos
Wood, Anton Sears
Wood, Arad Hazelton
Wood, G. H.
Wood, Casey A.
Wood, Cyrus Wyman
Wood, E. R.
Wood, M.D., Edwin L.
Wood, Eleanor Childs
Wood, Fernando
Wood, Florence
Wood, Frank
Wood, Gladys J.
Wood, J. Ben.
Wood, James
Wood, James R.
Wood, John
Wood, Joseph
Wood, Josiah
Wood, Lewis Amasa
Wood, Marquis L.
Wood, N. N.
Wood, Richard
Wood, Robert W.
Wood, Th. B.
Wood, Ting
Wood, W.
Wood, Willliam B.
Wood, William B.
Wood, William Madison
Woodard, Library
Woodberry, Charles Dane
Woodberry, George
Woodbridge, Dudleus
Woodbridge, Dudley
Woodbridge, George M.
Woodbridge, Nathaniel S.
Woodbridge, Wm.
Woodbury, Alice Motley
Woodbury, Charles Levi
Woodbury, Louis A.
Woodbury, John P.
Woodd, John
Woodfin, Nicholas W.
Woodford, John B.
Woodgale, Robt.
Woodhouse, Ollvett
Woodin, William Hartmann
Woodman, Anna S.
Woodman, George W.
Woodruff, Elinor
Woodruff, George Morris
Woodruff, George W.Lane
Woods, Byron A.
Woods, Edward A.
Woods, Mrs. Emma
Woods, J. M.
Woods, James H.
Woods, Lawrence Crane
Woodthorpe, John W.
Woodward, Alfred
Woodward, Bezeleel
Woodward, Ebenezer
Woodward, Edith
Woodward, Edith Dee
Woodward, Elizabeth
Woodward, John
Woodward, Joseph Curley
Woodward, R. F.
Woodward, Ray L.
Woodward, Samuel B.
Woodward, Sophie G.
Woodward, Thos.
Woodward, William
Woodworth, A. M.
Woodworth, Mrs. A. M.
Woodworth, Frances
Woodworth, Lawrence
Woolford, Arthur
Woolford, Dr. John
Woolls, Dyson A.
Woolsey, Edward J.
Woolsey,Jr., Edward J.
Woolsey, Elijah
Woolsey, John Munro
Woolsey, John Munroe
Woolverton, Ellrel
Woolworth, Aaron
Wooster, John
Worcester, Alfred
Worcester, Ethel Burnham & William Loring
Worden, Nathaniel
Wormeley, M.D., Carter W.
Wormeley, Ralph
Wormeley, R.
Wormser, Dorothy, Paul, Elsie
Worrell, Is.
Worsham, H. C.
Worsley, Mary A.
Worstell, Mary Virginia
Worth, Mrs.Richard DeLany
Wortham, C. P.
Worthington, Erastus
Worthington, Wm. C.
Worthington, W. C.M.
Worthington, W. G.D.
Worthington, M.D., Wilmer
Wortman, Tunis
Wortman, Dr. W. S.
Woy, Leota
Wraight, Katherine S.
Wren, W. H.
Wrench, Jacob George
Wright, A. T.H.
Wright, Aron
Wright, C. J.
Wright, Chester
Wright, David
Wright, E. R.V.
Wright, Eben. Kellogg
Wright, Ellsworth D.
Wright, Frank V.
Wright, Grace Duncan
Wright, Herbert Carlton
Wright, Iames
Wright, Esq., James
Wright, Sir Ja.
Wright, James A.
Wright, The Rev. John
Wright, Rev. John
Wright, John Harvey
Wright, Mrs. John S.
Wright, Joseph
Wright, Laura Pearce
Wright, Luther
Wright, Mabel Osgood
Wright, Pauline
Wright, R. H.
Wright, Esq., Robert
Wright, Robert
Wright , Samuel
Wright, Samuel
Wright, S. P.
Wright, Th.
Wright, Thomas
Wright, W. D.C.
Wright, W. H.K.
Wright, W. H.K..
Wright, W. Lloyd
Wright, Washington
Wright, W. P.
Wurts, Charles Stewart
Wyche, Wm.
Wyer, Henry O.
Wyeth, William Maxwell
Wylands, Emma
Wylie, D. S.M.
[Wylie, Gertrude Sheffield]
Wylie, George Morris & Gertrude Sheffield
Wylie, Laura Johnson
Wyllie, Robert
Wylly, Esq,, William
Wylly, William
Wyman, Ferdinand A.
Wyman, Gerald K.
Wyman, M. Louise
Wyman, Oliver Cromwell
Wyman, Rufus
Wyman, Samuel W.
[Wyman, Silas]
Wynch, P. B.
Wynkoop, Augustus
Wynkoop, Hubert S.
Wynkoop, Peter
Wythe, George
Yakel, Lillian M.
Yale, Esq., John
Yardley, Thomas H.
Yarm, H. Spence
Yarman, John Valentine
Yarnall, B. H.
Yarnall, Francis C.
Yates, Anah
Yates, Ch.
Yates, Christ.
Yates, Daintry
Yates, ?
Yates, Jr., Henry
Yates, John B.
Yates, John Lawrence
Yates, John V.N.
Yates, Marjorie
Yates, Esq., Peter W.
Yates, Samuel Wildman
Yeates, Anthony
Yateses, Stephen
Yeates, John
Yearst, ?orley
Yewdale, Ralph Bailey
Yhost, Mary A.
Yost, Jacob S.
Young, Albert
Young, Alexander
Young, Ann Rebecca
Young, Archibald
Young, David
Young, Dexter
Young, Edward
Young, Evelyn
Young, Harrie M.
Young, Henry
Young, James
Young, John R.
Young, John Steele
Young, Matthew
Young, Benjamin Perry & Nola Ayers
Y., N. A.
Young, Roland Keith
Young, T. Osborne
Young, Thomas John
Young, Walter Stevens
Young, William
Young, Esq., William
Younglove, Esq, John
Youngman, Adelaide
Yule, Harriet Head
Zahm, John A.
Zahm, N.
Zahm, Saml. H.
Zahm, Samuel H.
Zahm, Samuel
Zahn, John Edward
Zantzinger, William C.
Zappone, A.
Zappone, Dr. A.
[Zancke, Frid.]
Zeckwer, Isolde T.
Zeitlin, Miss E.
Zetkin, Clara
Zieber, Eugene
Ziegler, Arthur Herman
Zieger, Joh. E.
Zielonka, Martin
Ziemer, Elizabeth
Ziegler, Gladys
Zimmerman, M. Ellen
Zimmerman, J. R.
Z., F. A.G. v.
Zukor, Adolph