Digital resources

Many collections from the American Antiquarian Society are available digitally via digital collections, inventories, online exhibitions, project, and specialized catalogs. Digital collections include both resources that are freely available as well as subscription-only resources (these are clearly indicated in the chart below). Subscription digital collections can be freely accessed by readers who are on-site in the library. Inventories, which are all freely available, will include a mix of information including simple lists of objects or names, image files of individual pieces in a collection, descriptions of objects, or a combination of all of these. Online exhibitions are freely available and include descriptive and historical content about a collection as well as images and related resources. Specialized catalogs provide information not included in the general catalog.

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18
Title Description Access
American Portrait Prints From American Antiquarian Society

A name list for a reference collection of over 5,000 portrait prints of Americans. Contains images removed from newspapers, periodicals, books, letterheads, and ephemera.

Bookplates From American Antiquarian Society

An inventory, including location, dates, notes, of the personal bookplates collection is available as an Excel spreadsheet. The institutional name list is in process.

Booksellers' and Auction Catalogs From American Antiquarian Society

An inventory of American booksellers' catalogs, listing the firm names and dates of catalogs, is available as an Excel spreadsheet. An inventory of foreign booksellers' catalogs, listing the firm names, country, and dates of catalogs, is available as an Excel spreadsheet.

Booksellers' and Binders' Labels From American Antiquarian Society

A name list for the booksellers' and bookbinders' labels collection is available as an Excel spreadsheet.

Calling and Sentiment Cards From American Antiquarian Society

Box level inventories for the calling cards and sentiment cards collections.

Cross Family Collection Box List From American Antiquarian Society

An inventory of 29 boxes and 8 oversized folders of material dating from the late 18th through the early 20th centuries with the bulk of the collection falling between 1870 and 1890.

Currency From American Antiquarian Society

An inventory, including denomination, printer, place, and design description, is available as an Excel spreadsheet. Currency is a Reserve collection with restricted access. 

On-site Only
George Dubois Family Collection From American Antiquarian Society

A box list of just over 1,000 objects which provide a visual record of the work of the lithographic printmaker George Dubois (c.1810-1888) and his descendants. 

Libraries From American Antiquarian Society

A list of U.S. public libraries and a list of individuals' private libraries are available as Excel spreadsheets. A list of foreign libraries is available as a pdf.

Louis Maurer Collection From American Antiquarian Society Anywhere
Maps and Atlases From American Antiquarian Society

The Society's collection of 10,000 maps focuses primarily on the United States, although there are maps representing all parts of the world. 

Membership Certificates From American Antiquarian Society

 Inventory of over 320 hand-lettered, engraved or relief printed certificates of membership dating from 1785 to 1946.

Paul Revere Collection Inventory From American Antiquarian Society

Inventory of a collection of Paul Revere's (1735-1818) separately published prints, currency, receipts and bookplates, illustrations and plates, and political pieces.

Photographs of Actors and Performers From American Antiquarian Society

Inventory of the undigitized collection of cabinet cards of actors and performers. The collection includes portraits of opera singers, actors, psychics, and musicians.

Sheet Music From American Antiquarian Society

The majority of the collection is accessed through a title index card file in the reading room.

On-site Only
Stereographs From American Antiquarian Society

A box and subject list for this collection is available. Over 800 stereographs with Civil War content have been digitized and are also available through the Society's digital image archive.

Tickets From American Antiquarian Society

Box level inventory arranged by size and by type, with tickets for transportation separated out from all others.

Worcester Portrait Prints Collection From American Antiquarian Society

A name list for a reference collection of over 1,000 portrait prints of residents of Worcester, Massachusetts. 
