Digital resources

Many collections from the American Antiquarian Society are available digitally via digital collections, inventories, online exhibitions, project, and specialized catalogs. Digital collections include both resources that are freely available as well as subscription-only resources (these are clearly indicated in the chart below). Subscription digital collections can be freely accessed by readers who are on-site in the library. Inventories, which are all freely available, will include a mix of information including simple lists of objects or names, image files of individual pieces in a collection, descriptions of objects, or a combination of all of these. Online exhibitions are freely available and include descriptive and historical content about a collection as well as images and related resources. Specialized catalogs provide information not included in the general catalog.

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Title Description Access
19th Century American Children’s Book Trade Directory From American Antiquarian Society

This directory contains 2,600 entries documenting the activity of individuals and firms involved in the manufacture and distribution of children's books in the United States chiefly between 1821 and 1876. 

Catalogue of American Engravings From American Antiquarian Society

A union catalogue describing engravings issued as separate publications or as illustrations in books and periodicals from the early eighteenth century through the year 1820. 

Clarence: Newspapers and Periodicals of the American Antiquarian Society From American Antiquarian Society

Clarence is an item-level catalog which provides detailed information on the newspaper and periodicals holdings of the American Antiquarian Society. 

GIGI: The AAS Digital Image Archive From American Antiquarian Society

GIGI, the American Antiquarian Society's digital asset database, is a storage and retrieval system for the Society's digitally-created collections and surrogates.
