Ballots have been used in political and other types of elections for centuries. Sometimes called a ticket, these ballots listed the names of candidates. In early American political elections, ballots were specific to a party, listing every person from that party who was running for office. The voter would turn in the party ballot to the voting station. By 1888, many states began instituting secret ballot voting by supplying voters with ballots that listed several parties in columns, allowing the voter to choose a particular party or individual. They could then drop the ballot in a general ballot box and keep their election choices secret. The American Antiquarian Society has a collection of 952 election ballots that include national, state, and town elections.
The entire collection has been digitized and inventoried. The collection is housed in four boxes, three of which hold Massachusetts ballots ranging in date from ca. 1826-1889. The fourth box holds ballots from a variety of other states, dating from 1811-1888. Separate ballots have not been individually cataloged. Links to each box/folder are available below.
Box 1 Folder 1
Election Ballots, Massachusetts
National and State Offices, ca. 1826-1848
53 tickets for various parties, letterpress, some woodcut with letterpress on paper; various engraved motifs, some manuscript; voice votes and annotations, some uncut sheets
Parties include: Federal Ticket, Free Bridge and Equal Rights, Lincoln and Independence – Adams and Liberty, National Republican Ticket, Union ticket, Workingmen’s ticket, Free Bridge and Non-imprisonment, Whig, Amory Hall Whig, Democratic, Republican, Regular, Liberty Ticket, Regular Free Soil, Democratic Union, Union Democratic, People’s, Independent
Illustrations include bridges, liberty pole with cap, stars, eagles, shields, Native Americans, coach with horse, Massachusetts state seal, Farmer’s Paw, Whig Paw, men carrying flag beneath building with pillars, view of Boston, portrait of George N. Briggs
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Box 1 Folder 2
Election Ballots, Massachusetts
National and State Offices, 1850-ca. 1862
82 tickets for various parties. Letterpress, some woodcut with letterpress on paper; various engraved motifs. Some manuscript and mathematical notations, many with colored engraving depicting name of ticket on reverse, some uncut pages, one backed with a letter dated November 6, 1861 from Cambridge [Mass.], one facsimile
Parties include: Whig, Fillmore American, Democratic, Old Line Democracy, Regular Democratic, Representative, Free Soil, Maine Law, Free Democracy, Temperance, Regular Whig, Republican, Liberal Union, American, People’s Union, Fremont, Freedom, Whig State, Independent, American State, Citizen’s, Anti-Gardner, Banks, Constitutional Union, National Republican, National Union, Regular Republican, Black Hawk’s American, American Republican, Union Republican, Regular, People’s
Illustrations include eagles, flags, banners, Massachusetts state seal, portrait of George Washington, portrait of John C. Fremont, arm and hammer in wreath, mason laying bricks with eagle, wood-engraved portrait of Abraham Lincoln signed (Bricher & Russell), workingmen gathering around flag beneath Liberty, Eagle/View of Boston/Seal of Massachusetts inset in medallions, city seal, colored American flag, portraits of Abraham Lincoln and Gen. Charles Devens, Gen. Henry Halleck, Gen. George McClellen inset in circles between American soldiers bearing American flags and the US Capitol Building, Native Americans, colored portraits of allegorical Peace with dove and Liberty holding chains, a star, hands shaking
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Box 1 Folder 3
Election Ballots, Massachusetts
National and State Offices, 1862-1871
89 tickets for various parties. Uncut one for Lincoln/Johnson, some color printed, some letterpress, many with wood engraved headers, some printed on colored paper with colored ink, includes manuscript counts and annotations, letter from John H. Evans describing his voting experience, one annotated with declaration of nouns in Maori and Hawaiian
Parties include: National Union, Regular, Union Republican, Republican, Democratic Union, National Democratic, Regular Democratic, Labor Reform, Regular Republican, Liberal Democratic, Citizens’ License, National Republican Union, Liberal, Liberal Republican, Democratic State, Workingmen’s, Prohibitory, Democratic, Independent Republican
Illustrations include Liberty with cap perched upon a pole, shield labeled Union, eagles, portrait of George Washington, Massachusetts State seal, portrait of George McClellen flanked by a soldier and a sailor and eagle, allegorical figures of Peace and Liberty with chains and dove, Angel with horn/trumpet over globe (wood engraving signed by Johnson Dyer), soldiers hoisting up flag on pole with fortification and cannonballs in background, soldier and sailor flanking a ballot box with view of Boston, Native American in Chippendale border on coastline with mills and smokestack, American flags, hammer and arm with mason and soldier and scales of justice (signed by Dyer), hands shaking, Liberty holding pole and Constitution with mills and farmland, portrait of Horatio Seymore flanked by Justice and Liberty, portraits of Ulysses S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax, shield labeled Peace flanked by gravestone and man (signed W.H. Tyler, Engraver 84 Washington Street), allegorical Justice leaning against shield holding scales and sword, woman laborer before waterwheel and mill building, allegory of mason and farmer, hammer and arm flanked by linked medallions of vocations including printer, blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, mason, shipbuilder and mill worker (signed by W. Hyler?), allegorical figure holding shield of Peace atop a globe in front of urban and rural landscapes, train, mills, steamship (signed Russell Richard and Son), Native American in shield surrounded by images of commerce and farming (signed Richards & Cobb Del Johnson and Dier Sc.), portrait of John Adams with eagle
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Box 1 Folder 4
Election Ballots, Massachusetts
National and State Offices, 1872-1875
38 tickets for various parties; includes false/comic ballot for Horace Greeley president and Jefferson Davis Vice President for Liberal Republican and National Democratic Parties (with George Washington portrait), manuscript annotations on reverse, some printed on colored paper
Parties include: Democratic and Liberal Republican Ticket, Regular Democratic, Republican, Regular Republican, Democratic, People’s Independent, Prohibition
Illustrations include eagles, eagle and shield, portrait of Washington, US Capitol Building encircled with eagle, cornucopia and shield (signed Johnson/Dyer), men reaching out to touch oversize-orb carrying flags before US Capitol building with eagle flying overhead (signed Russell-Richardson), allegorical figure in front of shield holding justice scales (signed Dyer), Native American in Chippendale shield flanked by scenes of farming and commerce, image of two men back to back on rock signed 1620 and 1874 – Pilgrim holding open book gesturing towards waterfront, workingman holding hammer pointing towards railroad, soldier and sailor with encircled Bunker Hill Monument, portrait of William Gaston, Beacon Hill view (signed by Johnson-Dyer)
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Box 2 Folder 1
Election Ballots, Massachusetts
National and State Offices, 1876-1877
59 tickets for various parties, includes a joke ballot, manuscript annotations, voice votes and poll hours, manuscript letters on verso, some hand-colored, some with reproduction of signatures and a reproduction of a letter by Tilden, a letter starting “Dear Patriot”
Parties include: Labor Reform, Independent Greenback, Republican Regular, Civil Service Reform, Democratic and Liberal Republican, Regular Democratic, Citizens’, Republican, Prohibition, Republican Presidential, Labor, Independent Republican, Republican and Independent
Illustrations include an arm holding scales above library building with ferries, factory and trolley (signed F. Heaye?), portrait of Washington, eagles with shield, Centennial imagery including two soldiers from 1776/1876 (signed J.S. Conant) with flags and Liberty Bell, cracked Liberty Bell flanked by portraits of Rutherford B. Hayes and William A. Wheeler, portrait of Samuel J. Tilden inside shield with star reading North/South/East/West, seal with eagle and shield surrounded by images of commerce and farming, portrait of Alexander H. Rice (on reverse), allegorical image with Massachusetts seal with decorative border (signed Richards & Cobb, Johnson & Dyer), allegorical Liberty with pole and flags holding Constitution with embracing hands beneath, portraits of Samuel J. Tilden and Thomas A. Hendricks separate by eagle and shield, arm holding hammer, rolled scroll with Massachusetts state seal, allegorical Justice holding scales atop globes surrounded by images of industry, bust of Liberty with crown of raysCatalog Record | View and Browse Digitized Folder
Box 2 Folder 2
Election Ballots, Massachusetts
National and State Offices, 1878-1883
89 tickets some color-printed, tickets on colored paper, one with party platform/individual platform on reverse, some with facsimiles of signatures, manuscript letters, annotations, some on purple striped paper, one with French translation of Biblical passage Matthew XVIII on reverse
Parties include: Prohibition, Regular Democratic, Regular Republican, Republican, Regular Democratic, Greenback, National Greenback, Greenback Labor, Regular Greenback, Independent, Labor, Independent Greenback, Prohibitory, Independent Democratic, People’s Party, Independent Republican
Illustrations include inset portraits of Thomas Talbot and John D. Long, eagles and flags, US seal with photo-electro portraits of Talbot and Long (signed Claus-Suwerkrop del), shield labeled Honest Money Honest Men, portrait of Benjamin Butler, Massachusetts State Seal and State House in oval, allegorical Liberty holding Massachusetts seal with Faneuil Hall with wheat, hammer and anvil (signed G.E. Johnson), Massachusetts Seal with banners, flats and arm with sword (signed D. Dwyer), Massachusetts seal flanked by blacksmith and factory and soldier with arms, unknown portrait inset with men carrying “Labor Has rights” and type-setters/printers, allegorical image of woman flying with cornucopia with inset images of shipyard and printer, press above with rays
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Box 2 Folder 3
Election Ballots, Massachusetts
National and State Offices, 1884-1889
53 tickets and electoral items; some printed on colored paper, annotations and counts on reverse, some feature illustrations of poling placing and instructions/suggestions on voting, facsimile signatures, two ballots mounted to a newspaper clipping on “Rev. Jonas Clark’s View” and returns of the presidential vote, facsimile of Secretary of Commonwealth annotation on front, (at top Australian System New Form of Votes used Nov 5, 1889)
Parties include: Regular Democratic, People’s Party, Regular Republican, Republican and Independent Ticket Committee of 100, People’s Party, Regular People’s Party, Republican and Independent, Prohibition, Independent Butler Protective Tariff, Independent Republican
Illustrations include portraits of Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hendricks, portrait of Benjamin F. Butler, Massachusetts State Seal with scroll, eagles and shield, portrait of Frederick O. Prince, portrait flanked by Beacon Hill and Soldier’s Monuments, portrait of Oliver Ames with Massachusetts State Seal, globe with flag marked “Our Country” in water, portraits of Benjamin Harrison and Levi P. Morton inset in ovals, portraits of Cleveland and Thurman with train on railroad and ship at port, interior of polling station
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Box 2 Folder 4
Election Ballots, Massachusetts
National and State Offices, Undated
12 tickets; some illustrated at head, letterpress on wove paper
Parties include: National Union, Regular State, Prohibition, Prohibitory, Democratic, Regular Democratic, Republican
Illustrated with Massachusetts, Boston and United States seals inset in circles with Union bell between, eagles and shield atop globe, clipper ship on the seas
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Box 2 Folder 5
Election Ballots, Massachusetts
Miscellaneous, 1825-1924; undated
53 items; envelopes with notes included, many are lists with notations, counts and candidates, typed letter to the Republicans of Cambridge For Senator Warren F. Spalding, election notice, small sheets listing candidates for Lieutenant-Governor, Attorney General and Delegates to the State Convention, note to the Citizens of Massachusetts with quote from historian George Bancroft, Bulletin votes, broadsheet comparing counts from 1922/1924 elections, broadsheet on Ward 11 Republican Primaries
Materials for issues/parties include: granting of licenses for sale of liquor, State Ticket, IXth District, National Republican and Rail Road, People’s Union, List of men for Representatives, National Republican, Antimasonic Republican, Equal Rights, Whig Ticket, Administration Ticket, Free Democratic, Free Soil Electoral, Taylor and Fillmore, Webster Electoral, Democratic, McLean, Labor Reform, Fillmore, Union, Citizens Liberal, Liberal Conservative, Citizen’s and American
Illustrated with: Massachusetts State Seal, eagles and shield, cannon firing “Spirit of 76” with cannonballs in background, Boston City Seal
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Box 3 Folder 1
Election Ballots, Democratic Massachusetts Town Offices (except Boston)
50 items; tickets include several with heavy annotations, some with paste downs and others with pictorial images
Parties include: Regular Democratic, Regular Democratic C.H.E., Liberal Democratic, Independent Democrat and Citizens’ Ticket, Democratic, Regular Ticket, Overseers of Schools
Illustrations include the Massachusetts State Seal, eagles, allegorical representation of a woman holding scales in front of a shield with scroll (signed Dyer, Eng.), motif with elements of Massachusetts State seal in landscape with train, buildings, boats (signed Richards & Cobb, Del. and “Johnson & Dyer, Sc.) Eagles with flags, angels with trumpets over globe with scroll reading ‘Democracy the safeguard of liberty” (signed by Johnson Dyer), scene with mother and three children in broken home through the doorway walks the father holding a bottle of gin, the children and mother look frightened (signed A.C. Russell, Sc.)
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Box 3 Folder 2
Election Ballots, Republican Massachusetts Town Offices (except Boston)
28 items; tickets include several with annotations and paste-downs, one has election returns for Constables on the reverse, on the reverse of the temperance ticket is a notice “To the voters and tax-Payers of Quincy.”
Parties include: Republican Temperance Ticket, Republican, Regular Republican
Illustrations include the Cambridge city seal with a view of the city surrounded by a Chippendale border, an image on the Republican Temperance ticket features a young family seated, mother holding an infant and father with daughter on her lap, at his side is a son (image is signed “A.C. Russell, Sc. and Cochrane & Sampson, Printers, 9 Bromfield St., Boston), some titles of the parties are enclosed in decorative borders
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Box 3 Folder 3
Election Ballots, Miscellaneous Massachusetts Town Offices (except Boston), 1852-1876
27 items including several tickets with annotations and election counts on the reverse, paste-downs
Parties include: Regular, Whig, Citizens’, Old Board, Regular Citizens’, Harding Ticket, Temperance, Independent, Workingman’s, People’s, Laboring-Man’s
Images include eagles with shields, flags, Cambridge city seal, eagle sitting atop a drum, an open book with the “Union Constitution and the Laws” encircled in a wreath with shields and flags emblems, in front is a rolled banner, scales of justice, swords and rifles; behind is a sun rising on “Liberty”
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Box 3 Folder 4
Election Ballots, Unidentified
91 items including many annotated, some with names cut out, one with “Amendment to the Constitution,” Yes/No pasted cards on stock, an envelope for Abraham Lincoln/Andrew Johnson with the party platform on the reverse, annotations, one features a letter written “Answer to Silver threads among the gold” – a poem about aging, envelopes, sheets meant for cutting with candidate’s names, a piece of ephemera by Nicoll the Taylor featuring the electoral and popular vote for successful presidents and the electoral vote for 1880 (with space to record), a jury list (for Vermont), temperance literature, list of the Republican Vote-President and Governor 1892-1900 with a comparison to St. Louis City elections of the same year, folded pamphlet to record electoral vote by Travelers of Hartford, Conn. Life and Accident Insurance, sheet to record the votes (Yea/Nay) of list of representatives, some annotated, pamphlet of political information for 1884, No City information (for 1822) directing votes of resolves, draft of a city charter amendment, a Republican Ticket which indicates to mark an X in the candidate’s box (1892), a spoof ticket “Citizens Non-Partisan Relief Ticket. No more Work or Taxes----Loafers to be Pensioned”, literature which advocates to be “taken to the polls,” broadsides for 1916 prohibition – Shaw for Governor
Parties include: Democratic Republican, Republican State (Parish of Assumption), Regular Republican Reform, Storrs’ Municipal, The People’s Ticket, Republican (for Justice of the Peace), Assembly, Democratic, Independent Democratic, Buchanan and Breckinridge, Adams Republican, Democratic Republican, Citizens’ Union, Regular Whig, Citizens, Common Sense, Independent Citizens’, The People’s Ticket, Labor Reform, Ward 3 Ward & City Conmmittee (sic), Regular Citizens’, Ward Three Usher Ticket, Ward 21, American Republican, Eighth Precinct Republican Primary Election, Members of the National Republican Ward and County Committees
Illustrations include scene labeled “sound Currency, An Honest Administration, Economy & Reform” with coins, several shipbuilders and a farming scene flanked by American flags, an open book with the “Union Constitution and the Laws” encircled in a wreath with shields and flags emblems, in front is a rolled banner, scales of justice, swords and rifles; behind is a sun rising on “Liberty,” a devil with pitchfork, eagle with flag, a portrait of George Washington encircled in a wreath, eagle with shield, a sinking globe with “America” visible and a flag on top, decorative lettering, an image of a soldier and sailor flanking a circle of ship with men working and pointing towards a sunrise labeled “F. Hedge Sc.”, an image of a child labeled “Forget-Me-Not” holding flowers, image of an animal (horse/City Mare) chained head and feet upside down, image of a man ringing a bell wearing a placard listing hours of the polls
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Box 4 Folder 1
Election Ballots, City Offices – Boston
76 tickets including several annotated with candidate’s names and election returns on reverse, one certificate of election
Parties include: Ward Four Municipal Reform, Ward 9, Free Bridge, Whig, Ward 11 – American Republican, American Ticket, Members of City Council (1855), Citizen’s Union, Citizens’ Nominations for 1860, Citizens Committee of Sixty, Regular Republican, Democratic Union, Constitutional Union, Democratic, Citizens’ Republican, Union Republican, Republican, Regular Republican, Regular Democratic, Liberal Republican, People’s Ticket, Citizens, Sixteenth Ward Improvement, Horticultural Hall Citizens’, Mechanics’ Hall Citizens, National Republican, Temperance, Ward 16 Prohibition, Liberal Citizen’s
Illustrations include eagles holding arrows and olive branch, eagle with American flags and shield, Boston City Seal, Eagle holding banner “Union is Strength” with tied bundle beneath, landscape scene with Native American rowing boat with mountains in background labeled Trimountain-1630, decorative seal for Boston with Thomas Jefferson quote, eagle inset in circle with flags and lanterns signed (Bricher & Russell, Sc.), soldiers pointing up towards an American flag being raised up a flag pole – in the background are cannons and cannonballs, three seals interlocked – United States, Massachusetts State and Boston, in the foreground is a soldier with gun and banner underneath reading “E Pluribus Unum”, eagle, allegorical woman seated with arm against anchor holding a flag over her shoulder, flanked by four scenes including a soldier and sailor (signed Bricher & Russell, Sc), soldier and sailor holding flags – between them is an encampment and ballot box, above is the Boston City Seal (signed Bricher & Russell, Sc), an eagle resting on items of war including firing cannons, swords, cannonballs, drums and shields – behind is the US Capitol building, inset view of Old City Hall, Boston (signed Russell, Engraver), allegorical woman riding on the back of an eagle holding a flag and flying above a landscape of Boston, statues with men of the city in various poses (one on horseback), a portrait of Washington, portrait of Columbia with liberty pole and cap on a pedestal, beneath are landscapes with industry and agriculture as well as a handshake, an eagle with shield and flag, a winged allegorical figure holding an olive branch with arms extended, seal of Boston flanked by portraits of John Adams and Justice with scales, an inset landscape of Boston from the sea, birds-eye view of Boston showing roads to Brighton, Charlestown, East Boston, South Boston, Dorchester, West Roxbury and Roxbury, image of two men sitting on a rock labeled 1620 and 1874 one gestures to the waterfront, the other towards a train (signed L.F. Lawrence & Co, Printers), decorative scroll flanked by liberty caps, allegorical figure pointing towards a book, “Law” at her feet – behind her are boats, trains, a cityscape and a mountainous landscape, Minuteman soldier with copies of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights as well as rope, bundles, anchor and cut wheat (signed E.H.G.) steam locomotive, eagle on a domed building with cityscape in background (signed Rockwell & Churchill), decorative border with Boston seal and Massachusetts State seal with Boston City Hall and portrait of Nathaniel J. Bradlee (signed Johnson-Dyer), allegorical figure holding the Boston City seal, behind her is waterfront, (signed G.E. Johnson), allegorical figure on top of a globe pointing upwards surrounded by cornucopia and wheat (signed E.H.G. and G.E. Johnson, Eng), Massachusetts State Seal, stone bridge with waterfall with cornerstones labeled “Total Abstinence” and “Protection for the Weak”, a portrait of Samuel C. Cobb
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Box 4 Folder 2
Election Ballots by State (except Massachusetts), 1811-1867
50 tickets, many annotated, several feature ballots pasted down on letter sheet with manuscript notations on number of votes, states include New Hampshire, California, Connecticut, Louisiana, Rhode Island, Maine, Ohio, New York, a French ticket ca. 1823, uncut sheet of Whig Tickets for 1848, one with poem inscribed on the reverse “If Ever life shall seem/To thee a evil some way…”, three items taken from the Manchester American March 14, 1845, a ticket found in Tribune Almanac and political register for 1872, a manuscript letter with ballots attached which is a “Statement of the Result of a general election for Pern, Clinton Co. New York” (1857), “Statement of Votes given” for 1858 including election returns, broadside for Republican ticket for Governor Ichabod Goodwin
Parties include Whig, Washington, New Hampshire Great Election, Union, Democratic Republican and Farmers’ Prox., Liberty, Democratic Republican, Old Republican Prior., Republican Administration and Farmers’ Prox., Antimasonic Prox., “Law & Order” City, Regular Whig, Democratic, American Ticket, Fremont, Republican and People’s Reform, Union State, Liberty, Democratic and Liberal, Regular Republican, Regular Republican
Illustrations include the Royal Coat of Arms, a flag, naval scene with Alabama, Kearsarge and Deerhounds engaged in battle, flag with “Democracy” banner, eagle with shield, a ship, men holding flag beneath a building labeled Liberty, seal with Native American and farmer with eagle and windmill, anchor in Chippendale border labeled “Hope”, eagle with flags, shields and banner, a train labeled “Fremont” signed “Herrick”, eagle perched on war items including drums, cannonballs and swords with crossed flags, several men on a boat with pirate flag labeled “Salt River”, hands shaking in front of the Constitution and flag, eagle holding shield, olive branch and arrows labeled “Be just & Fear Not”, Columbia holding liberty cap and pole with shield (signed John & Andrew), an image of two seals overlapping – United States seal and Massachusetts State seal, behind is an eagle holding arrows and a rolled copy of the Constitution with flags, an inset portrait of Adams with Boston city hall in background with banners and flags, eagle and flag, soldier and sailor flanking a portrait of Ulysses S. Grant
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Box 4 Folder 3
Election Ballots by State, 1868-1888; undated
102 ballots plus envelopes, several annotated; separate envelopes for Clinton County, New York, Rhode Island tickets, and New Hampshire Tickets, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, uncut sheet, notice to the “Voters of Brooklyn”, an “Official Ballot Diagram for the Myers Ballot Machine,” a “Fraud” ticket, Indiana, a ticket signed by J.R. Marble, election returns for Black Brook, Clinton, New York for November 1871, North Carolina, two copies of “Statement of Votes Given for Electors of President and Vice President” for Ausable, Clinton County, New York for 1868
Parties include: Constitution Assessment and Taxation, School Commissioner, Judiciary, Constitution Property Qualification, State, School commissioner, Constitutional Union State Ticket, Free Trace and No Embargo, Republican, Washington, Register of Deeds, Peace, Labor Party, American, Democratic State, Chaffee County Republican, Regular Democratic, Hancock and the Union Democratic Ticket, National Union Republican, Democratic, Republican, Liberal Republican
Illustrations include: anchor with Chippendale border and scroll of “Hope”, a caricature/cartoon of an African American looking through a fence, allegorical woman leaning against shield holding liberty pole and cap on top of “The Constitution” signed (John Andrew), eagle with flag, portrait of Ezekiel A. Straw (signed French) with flags in a landscape scene, image of farmer and merchant leaning against “Economy and Reform” surrounded by Chippendale border with eagle on top, eagle with olive branch and arrows, a flag, a brick archway with the individual states listed with eagle and flag on top, beneath are two portrait of James G. Blaine and John A. Logan, soldier and sailor flanking a portrait of Ulysses S. Grant, soldier and sailor with agriculture and sea at their backs in between are shipbuilders pointing at a sun (signed F. Hedge Sc.) Figures of Justice