Chip Badley PhD Candidate in English, University of California, Santa Barbara |
2018-19 |
Botein |
Aesthetic Sociality and Nineteenth-Century America |
Joshua Bartlett PhD Candidate in English, State University of New York, Albany |
2018-19 |
Last |
The Many Lives of the Charter Oak |
Ben Bascom Assistant Professor of English, Ball State University |
2018-19 |
Feeling Singular: Masculinity and Desire in the Early Republic, 1786-1822 |
Alex Beringer Assistant Professor of English, University of Montevallo |
2018-19 |
Last |
Lost Literacies: Experiments in the Nineteenth-Century American Comic Strip |
Jamie Bolker PhD Candidate in English, Fordham University |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Lost and Found: Wayfinding in Early American Literature and Culture |
Lance Boos PhD Candidate in History, Stony Brook University |
2018-19 |
Last |
The Development of a British Atlantic Musical Marketplace in the Eighteenth Century |
Courtney Buchkoski PhD Candidate in English, University of Oklahoma |
2018-19 |
Legacy |
Benevolent Colonization: Emigration Aid and the American West, 1820-1880 |
Camden Burd PhD Candidate in History, University of Rochester |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
The Ornament of Empire: Nurserymen and the Making of the American Landscape |
Greg Childs Assistant Professor of History, Brandeis University |
2018-19 |
Scenes of Sedition: Racial Politics in Bahia during the Age of Revolution |
Nicholas Crawford Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse |
2018-19 |
Sustaining Slavery: Plantation Provisioning and the Politics of Health in the British Caribbean, c. 1775-1838 |
Ann Daly PhD Candidate in History, Brown University |
2018-19 |
Lapides |
Hard Money: The Making of a Specie Currency, 1828-1846 |
Gordon Fraser Assistant Professor of English, North Dakota State University |
2018-19 |
Reese |
The Hawaiian Creation Chant and the Firm of Lee & Shepard |
Lauren Freese Assistant Professor of Fine Arts, University of South Dakota |
2018-19 |
Last |
A Taste for Images: Depictions of Food and Eating in the American Popular Press |
Mark Gallagher PhD Candidate in English, University of California, Los Angeles |
2018-19 |
Packer |
'In the Optative Mood’: Unitarian Optimism and the Transcendental Affects of Peabody, Parker, Emerson, Fuller, and Thoreau |
Caroline Gillaspie PhD Candidate in Art History, CUNY Graduate Center |
2018-19 |
Last |
Fueling America: Visual Representations of Nineteenth-Century U.S. Coffee Consumption |
Sarah Gillespie PhD Candidate in Art History, CUNY Graduate Center |
2018-19 |
Last |
'One Thing New Under the Sun': The Cross-Currents of Science and Art in the American Daguerreotype, 1839-1850 |
Julia Grummitt PhD Candidate in History, Princeton University |
2018-19 |
Last |
The Great National Work: Visualizing Territory and Race in Nineteenth-Century North America |
Sonia Hazard Visiting Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Franklin & Marshall College |
2018-19 |
The Touch of the Word: Evangelical Cultures of Print in Antebellum America |
Nikki Hessell Associate Professor of English, Victoria University of Wellington |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Sensitive Negotiations: Romantic Literature and Indigenous Diplomacy, 1820-1950 |
Lucien Holness PhD Candidate in History, University of Maryland, College Park |
2018-19 |
Last |
Between North and South, East and West: The Anti-Slavery Movement in Southwestern Pennsylvania |
Peter Jaros Associate Professor of English, Franklin & Marshall College |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Incorporate Things: A Literary Genealogy of Corporate Personhood in Antebellum America |
Sandro Jung Fellow, Herzog August Library |
2018-19 |
Last |
A Transnational History of American Book Illustration |
Adam Laats Professor, State University of New York, Binghamton |
2018-19 |
Alstott Morgan |
Toe the Line: Joseph Lancaster and the Delusion of Early School Reform |
Joseph Larnerd PhD Candidate in Art and Art History, Stanford University |
2018-19 |
Jaffee |
The Makings of Cut Glass in America, 1876-1916 |
Emilia Le Seven PhD Candidate in English-Speaking Cultures, Université Paris Diderot |
2018-19 |
d'Héricourt |
Cooper’s Sea Romances and the American Grand National Narrative |
Trent MacNamara Assistant Professor of History, Texas A&M University |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Big Sky: Popular Ideas about the Heavens in America |
Elspeth Martini Professor of History, Montclair State University |
2018-19 |
Humanitarian Authority and Indigenous Dispossession in the U.S. and British Empires |
Kate McIntyre PhD Candidate in English, Columbia University |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Fugitive Circulations: The Political Ecology of Poetry in Early African-American Newspapers |
Don James McLaughlin Assistant Professor, University of Tulsa |
2018-19 |
Hench |
Infectious Affect: The Phobic Imagination in American Literature |
Sharon Murphy Professor of History and Classics, Providence College |
2018-19 |
Banking on Slavery in the Antebellum South |
Emma Newcombe PhD Candidate in American & New England Studies, Boston University |
2018-19 |
Last |
A Place Rendered Interesting': Antebellum Print Culture and the Rise of Middle-Class Tourism |
Camille Owens PhD Candidate in African American Studies, Yale University |
2018-19 |
Schiller |
Blackness and the Human Child: Race, Prodigy, and the Logic of American Childhood |
Rachael Pasierowska PhD Candidate in History, Rice University |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Beasts, Birds, and Bondsmen: Animal and Slave Interactions in Atlantic World Slavery |
Erika Pazian PhD Candidate in History, CUNY Graduate Center |
2018-19 |
Visual Culture and National Identity during the U.S.-Mexican War |
Seth Perry Assistant Professor of Religion, Princeton University |
2018-19 |
Reese |
Lorenzo Dow and the Origins of American Religious Celebrity |
Tanya Pohrt Project Curator, Lyman Allyn Art Museum |
2018-19 |
Drawn to Art |
Mary Way and Elizabeth Way Champlain: Miniaturists of the Early Republic |
Tatania Prorokova Adjunct Instructor in American Studies, Philipps-Universität Marburg |
2018-19 |
Ebeling |
Climate Change, the Environment, and the Industrial Revolution in the U.S. |
Madeline Kearin Ryan PhD Candidate in Anthropology, Brown University |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
The Sensory Ecology of the Worcester State Hospital for the Insane |
Neal Salisbury Barbara Richmond 1940 Professor Emeritus in the Social Sciences, Smith College |
2018-19 |
Mellon Distinguished Scholar |
Lives on the Line: Colonial Histories in Early New England |
Asiel Sepulveda PhD Candidate in Art History, Southern Methodist University |
2018-19 |
Last |
City Impressions: Lithography and Urban Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Havana |
Dorin Smith PhD Candidate in English, Brown University |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Brain Fever |
Matthew Suazo Visiting Assistant Professor of English, Kenyon College |
2018-19 |
Wetland Americas: Literature, Race, and the Mississippi River Valley in Translation, 1542-1884 |
Justin Tackett PhD Candidate in English, Stanford University |
2018-19 |
Peterson |
Investigating the Poetics of American Stethoscopy and Telegraphy |
Melissa Trafton Adjunct Professor of Art History, University of New Hampshire |
2018-19 |
Last |
Animals in the Age of Darwin |
Rachel E. Walker PhD Candidate in History, University of Maryland, College Park |
2018-19 |
Last |
A Beautiful Mind: Faces, Beauty, and the Brain in the Anglo-Atlantic World, 1780-1870 |
Jordan Wingate PhD Candidate in English, University of California, Los Angeles |
2018-19 |
Tracy |
The Periodical Origins of the American Self |
Magdalena Zapedowska PhD Candidate in English, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
2018-19 |
Botein |
Black Dissent and Black Freedom: Revolution, Emigration, Reform, 1850-1870 |