Books Based on Fellowship Research

Since the inception of the AAS fellowship program in 1972, fellows have written over five hundred books based on research conducted at AAS. Below is an illustrated directory of these books.
Author / Fellow Title Publisher Publication Date Sort descending Description Link to edit Content
Jean Silver-Isenstadt Shameless: The Visionary Life of Mary Gove Nichols Johns Hopkins University Press 2002 AAS Catalog Record
Paul Foos A Short, Offhand, Killing Affair: Soldiers and Social Conflict during the Mexican-American War University of North Carolina Press 2002 AAS Catalog Record
Joanne Passet Sex Radicals and the Quest for Women's Equality University of Illinois Press 2002 AAS Catalog Record
Steven B. Stoll Larding the Lean Earth: Soil and Society in Nineteenth-Century America Hill and Wang 2002 AAS Catalog Record
Robert Wright The Wealth of Nations Rediscovered: Integration and Expansion in American Financial Markets, 1780-1850 Cambridge University Press 2002 AAS Catalog Record
Rebecca Tannenbaum The Healer's Calling: Women and Medicine in Early New England Cornell University Press 2002 AAS Catalog Record
Philip B. Gould Barbaric Traffic: Commerce and Antislavery in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World Harvard University Press 2003 AAS Catalog Record
Richard Rath How Early America Sounded Cornell University Press 2003 AAS Catalog Record
W Lhamon Jump Jim Crow: Lost Plays, Lyrics, and Street Prose of the First Atlantic Popular Culture Harvard University Press 2003 AAS Catalog Record
Philip F. Gura C.F. Martin & His Guitars, 1796-1873 University of North Carolina Press 2003 AAS Catalog Record
Robert E. Shalhope A Tale of New England: The Diaries of Hiram Harwood, Vermont Farmer, 1810-1837 Johns Hopkins University Press 2003 AAS Catalog Record
Robert Lawson-Peebles American Literature Before 1880 Routledge 2003 AAS Catalog Record
Thomas Augst The Clerk’s Tale: Young Men and Moral Life in Nineteenth-Century America University of Chicago Press 2003 AAS Catalog Record
Susan Ryan The Grammar of Good Intentions: Race and the Antebellum Culture of Benevolence Cornell University Press 2003 AAS Catalog Record
Meredith L. McGill American Literature and the Culture of Reprinting, 1834-1853 University of Pennsylvania Press 2003 AAS Catalog Record
Renée Sentilles Performing Menken: Adah Isaacs Menken and the Birth of American Celebrity Cambridge University Press 2003 AAS Catalog Record
Nicole Cooley The Afflicted Girls Louisiana State University Press 2004 AAS Catalog Record
Candy Brown Word in the World: Evangelical Writing, Publishing, and Reading in America, 1789-1880 University of North Carolina Press 2004 AAS Catalog Record
David Paul Nord Faith in Reading: Religious Publishing and the Birth of Mass Media in America Oxford University Press 2004 AAS Catalog Record
Eliza Richards Gender and the Poetics of Reception in Poe's Circle Cambridge University Press 2004 AAS Catalog Record
Stephen O'Connor Orphan Trains: The Story of Charles Loring Brace and the Children He Saved and Failed Houghton Mifflin 2004 AAS Catalog Record
Kate Larson Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman, Portrait of an American Hero Ballantine Books 2004 AAS Catalog Record
Richard Wightman Fox Jesus in America: Personal Savior, Cultural Hero, National Obsession HarperSanFrancisco 2004 AAS Catalog Record
Stephen Rice Minding the Machine: Languages of Class in Early Industrial America University of California Press 2004 AAS Catalog Record
Stephen Middleton The Black Laws: Race and the Legal Process in Early Ohio Ohio University Press 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Eldrid Herrington The Afterlife of John Brown Palgrave Macmillan 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Barbara M. Weisberg Talking to the Dead: Kate and Maggie Fox and the Rise of Spiritualism Harper Collins Press 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Sarah Messer Red House: Being a Mostly Accurate Account of New England's Oldest Continuously Lived-In House Viking 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Krystyn Moon Yellowface: Creating the Chinese in American Popular Music and Performance, 1850s-1920s Rutgers University Press 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Melissa J. Homestead American Women Authors and Literary Property, 1822-1869 Cambridge University Press 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Mary Beth Sievens Stray Wives: Marital Conflict in Early National New England New York University Press 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Bruce G. Laurie Beyond Garrison: Antislavery and Social Reform Cambridge University Press 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Jennifer Baker Securing the Commonwealth: Debt, Speculation, and Writing in the Making of Early America Johns Hopkins University Press 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Shane White The Sounds of Slavery: Discovering African American History through Songs, Sermons, and Speech Beacon Press 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Helen R. Deese Daughter of Boston: The Extraordinary Diary of a Nineteenth-Century Woman, Caroline Healey Dall Beacon Press 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Karen Woods Weierman One Nation, One Blood: Interracial Marriage in American Fiction, Scandal, and Law, 1820-1870 University of Massachusetts Press 2005 AAS Catalog Record
David J. Silverman Faith and Boundaries: Colonists, Christianity, and Community among the Wampanoag Indians of Martha's Vineyard 1600-1871 Cambridge University Press 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Scott A. Sandage Born Losers: A History of Failure in America Harvard University Press 2005 AAS Catalog Record
David Weir Early New England: A Covenanted Society W. B. Eerdmans 2005 AAS Catalog Record
Ginger Strand Inventing Niagara Simon & Schuster 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Daniel Williams Liberty's Captives: Narratives of Confinement in the Print Culture of the Early Republic University of Georgia Press 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Marla R. Miller The Needle's Eye: Women and Work in the Age of Revolution University of Massachusetts Press 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Jacqueline Goldsby A Spectacular Secret: Lynching in American Life and Literature University of Chicago Press 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Susan Scott Parrish American Curiosity: Cultures of Natural History in the Colonial British Atlantic World University of North Carolina Press for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Martin C. Brückner The Geographic Revolution in Early America: Maps, Literacy, and National Identity University of North Carolina Press for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Timothy Marr The Cultural Roots of American Islamicism Cambridge University Press 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Clare A. Lyons Sex among the Rabble: A Intimate History of Gender & Power in the Age of Revolution, Philadelphia, 1730-1830 University of North Carolina Press for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Ronald J. Zboray, Mary Saracino Zboray Everyday Ideas: Socioliterary Experience among Antebellum New Englanders University of Tennessee Press 2006 AAS Catalog Record
John Evelev Tolerable Entertainment: Herman Melville and Professionalism in Antebellum New York University of Massachusetts Press 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Mary C. Kelley Learning to Stand and Speak: Women, Education, and Public Life in America's Republic University of North Carolina Press 2006 AAS Catalog Record
David Roderick Blue Colonial Copper Canyon Press 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Richard Stillson Spreading the Word: A History of Information in the California Gold Rush University of Nebraska Press 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Anne Baker Heartless Immensity: Literature, Culture, and Geography in Antebellum America University of Michigan Press 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Granville Ganter The Collected Speeches of Sagoyewatha, or Red Jacket Syracuse University Press 2006 AAS Catalog Record
Stephen A. Mihm A Nation of Counterfeiters: Capitalists, Con Men, and the Making of the United States Harvard University Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Karen Ordahl Kupperman The Jamestown Project Harvard University Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Kenneth J. Moynihan A History of Worcester: 1674-1848 Arcadia Publishing 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Elisa Tamarkin Anglophilia: Deference, Devotion, and Antebellum America University of Chicago Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Barbara Lacey From Sacred to Secular: Visual Images in Early American Publications University of Delaware Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Leslie Butler Critical Americans: Victorian Intellectuals and Transatlantic Liberal Reform University of North Carolina Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Nancy G. Isenberg Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr Viking 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Rosemarie Zagarri Revolutionary Backlash: Women and politics in the early American Republic University of Pennsylvania Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Benjamin L. Carp Rebels Rising: Cities and the American Revolution Oxford University Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Leon Jackson The Business of Letters: Authorial Economies in Antebellum America Stanford University Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Liam Riordan Many Identities, One Nation: The Revolution and Its Legacy in the Mid-Atlantic University of Pennsylvania Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Catherine Albanese A Republic of Mind and Spirit: A Cultural History of American Metaphysical Religion Yale University Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Howard Chudacoff Children at Play: An American History New York University Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
William W. Freehling The Road to Disunion: Volume II: Secessionists Triumphant, 1854-1861 Oxford University Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Scott E. Gac Singing for Freedom: The Hutchinson Family Singers and the Nineteenth-Century Culture of Reform Yale University Press 2007 AAS Catalog Record
James Thomas Stevens A Bridge Dead in the Water Salt Publishing 2007 AAS Catalog Record
Ronald P. Formisano For the People: American Populist Movements from the Revolution to the 1850s University of North Carolina Press 2008 AAS Catalog Record
J. Opal Beyond the Farm: National Ambitions in Rural New England University of Pennsylvania Press 2008 AAS Catalog Record
Cynthia Van Zandt Brothers Among Nations: The Pursuit of Intercultural Alliances in Early America, 1580-1660 Oxford University Press 2008 AAS Catalog Record
Scott E. Casper Sarah Johnson's Mount Vernon: The Forgotten History of an American Shrine Hill and Wang 2008 AAS Catalog Record
James Rixey Ruffin A Paradise of Reason: William Bentley and Enlightenment Christianity in the Early Republic Oxford University Press 2008 AAS Catalog Record
Gretchen Adams The Specter of Salem: Remembering the Witch Trials in Nineteenth-Century America Cambridge University Press 2008 AAS Catalog Record
Kenneth Haltman Looking Close and Seeing Far: Samuel Seymour, Titian Ramsay Peale, and the Art of the Long Expedition, 1818-1823 Pennsylvania State University Press 2008 AAS Catalog Record
David Hancock Oceans of Wine: Madeira and the Emergence of American Trade and Taste Yale University Press 2008 AAS Catalog Record
Nancy Rubin Stuart The Muse of the Revolution: The Secret Pen of Mercy Otis Warren and the Founding of a Nation Beacon Press 2008 AAS Catalog Record
Benjamin Reiss Theaters of Madness: Insane Asylums and Nineteenth-Century American Culture University of Chicago Press 2008 AAS Catalog Record
Marcus Daniel Scandal and Civility: Journalism and the Birth of American Democracy Oxford University Press 2009 AAS Catalog Record
Konstantin Dierks In My Power: Letter Writing and Communications in Early America University of Pennsylvania Press 2009 AAS Catalog Record
Elmer O'Brien The Wilderness, the Nation, and the Electronic Era: American Christianity and Religious Communication, 1620-2000: An Annotated Bibliography Scarecrow Press 2009 AAS Catalog Record
R. Sikoryak Masterpiece Comics Drawn and Quarterly 2009 AAS Catalog Record
Kathleen Brown Foul Bodies: Cleanliness in Early America Yale University Press 2009 AAS Catalog Record
Carolyn Eastman A Nation of Speechifiers: Making an American Public After the Revolution University of Chicago Press 2009 AAS Catalog Record
Wendy A. Woloson In Hock: Pawning in America From Independence Through the Great Depression University of Chicago Press 2009 AAS Catalog Record
Edward Rugemer The Problem of Emancipation: The Caribbean Roots of the American Civil War Louisiana State University Press 2009 AAS Catalog Record
Nick Yablon Untimely Ruins: An Archaeology of American Urban Modernity, 1819-1919 University of Chicago Press 2009 AAS Catalog Record
Vivian Conger The Widow's Might: Widowhood and Gender in Early British America New York University Press 2009 AAS Catalog Record
John McCurdy Citizen Bachelors: Manhood and the Creation of the United States Cornell University Press 2009 AAS Catalog Record
Cornelia Nixon Jarretsville Counterpoint Press 2009 AAS Catalog Record
Graham Hodges David Ruggles: A Radical Black Abolitionist and the Underground Railroad in New York City University of North Carolina Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Vicki Hsueh Hybrid Constitutions: Challenging Legacies of Law, Privilege, and Culture in Colonial America Duke University Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Bernd Herzogenrath An American Body|Politic: A Deleuzian Approach University Press of New England 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Christopher Lukasik Discerning Characters: The Culture of Appearance in Early America University of Pennsylvania Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Angela Pulley Hudson Creek Paths and Federal Roads: Indians, Settlers, and Slaves and the Making of the American South University of North Carolina Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
David J. Silverman Red Brethren: The Brothertown and Stockbridge Indians and the Problem of Race in Early America Cornell University Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Nancy Newman Good Music for a Free People: The Germania Musical Society in Nineteenth-Century America University of Rochester Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Education and the Culture of Print in Modern America Adam K. Nelson Education and the Culture of Print in Modern America University of Wisconsin Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Aimee Parkison Sister Séance Kerpunkt Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Reiner Smolinski Biblia Americana: America's First Bible Commentary: A Synoptic Commentary on the Old and New Testaments: Volume 1: Genesis Baker Academic 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Stacey Robertson Hearts Beating for Liberty: Women Abolitionists in the Old Northwest University of North Carolina Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Michael Jarvis In the Eye of All Trade: Bermuda, Bermudians, and the Maritime Atlantic World, 1680-1783 University of North Carolina Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Ilyon Woo The Great Divorce: A Nineteenth-Century Mother's Extraordinary Fight Against Her Husband, the Shakers, and Her Times Atlantic Monthly Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Mitchell Snay Fenians, Freedmen, and Southern Whites: Race and Nationality in the Era of Reconstruction Louisiana State University Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Matthew Joseph Needle Toussaint Louverture and the American Civil War: The Promise and Peril of a Second Haitian Revolution University of Pennsylvania Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Camille T. Dungy Suck on the Marrow Red Hen Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Mark R. Valeri Heavenly Merchandize: How Religion Shaped Commerce in Puritan America Princeton University Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record
Sally G. Kohlstedt Teaching Children Science: Hands-On Nature Study in North America, 1890-1930 University of Chicago Press 2010 AAS Catalog Record