American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States
Friday, 12:00-12:45 p.m.
Goddard-Daniels House, 190 Salisbury Street
Pre-conference workshop
Tom Neville and Patrick Cronin, Flint Hill School, Oakton, VA, “Pedagogical Pollination: Crowdsourcing DC History Through Partnership and Collaboration”
This interactive workshop will introduce participants to a model called pedagogical pollination, an official partnering of archives, schools, academic research, and crowdsourcing software. (No extra charge, but pre-registration is required. Bring your laptops. Limited to 20)
Friday, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Antiquarian Hall, 185 Salisbury Street
Session 1: Urban Streetscapes
- Martha McNamara, Department of Art, Wellesley College, “New England City Views and the Discourse of American Urban Culture, 1820-1860”
- Jeffrey Cohen, Growth & Structure of Cities Department, Bryn Mawr College, “Depicting the City of Small Pieces: Long Views of a Lost Boston”
- Marina Moskowitz, College of Arts, University of Glasgow, “Standing on the Threshold: The Nature of an Urban Shop Front”
- Aaron Wunsch, Program in Historic Preservation, University of Pennsylvania, “Sentimental Urbanism: The Rural Cemetery as Anti-Streetscape in Antebellum Philadelphia”
Friday, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Antiquarian Hall, 185 Salisbury Street
Session 2: Form and Environment
- Shana Klein, Department of Art History, University of New Mexico, “Taking Still Lifes Outdoors: A Study of Nineteenth-Century Fruit Painting beyond the Dining Room”
- Laura Turner Igoe, Department of Art History, Temple University, “The Transformation of Unwrought Timber: William Rush, Landscape, and Sylvan Agency”
- Lois Olcott Price, Conservation Department, Winterthur Museum, “Drawing Toward Context: Nature and the Environment I American Architectural Drawings”
Friday, 6:00 p.m.
Antiquarian Hall, 185 Salisbury Street
Keynote address: Aaron Sachs, Departments of History & American Studies, Cornell University
From Wild Grandeur to Poignant Prospects: A Stump Speech
Reception follows at the Goddard-Daniels House, 190 Salisbury Street
Saturday, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
Salisbury Lab, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Session 3: Landscape and Memory
- Christine DeLucia, Department of History, Mount Holyoke College, “Visualizing Wartime Memoryscapes: Monuments, Markers, and ‘Invisible’ Memorial Terrain of King Philip’s War
- Akela Reason, Department of History, University of Georgia, “Creating a Commemorative Landscape: New York's Worth Monument”
- Whitney Martinko, Department of History, Villanova University, “Beyond the Picturesque: Rethinking Views and the Meaning of Preservation in the Early American Republic”
Saturday, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Salisbury Lab, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Session 4: Vision and the Viewshed
- Alan Braddock, Departments of Art History & American Studies, The College of William & Mary, “Ballistic Landscapes: Guns, Vision, and Organic Form”
- Daegan Miller, Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Picturing Nature’s Nation: A Poetics of Sylvan Vision in the 19th-Century United States”
- Leslie K. Brown, Program in History of Art & Architecture, Boston University, “The Value of a View: The Viewsheds of Frederic Edwin Church and Winslow Homer”
Saturday Lunch, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Saturday, 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Salisbury Lab, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Session 5: Photography, the West, and American Scenery
- Sarah Luria, Department of English, College of the Holy Cross, “Building on Timothy H. O’Sullivan’s Properties: Using the Camera to Reframe Human/Nature Relations”
- Shana Lopes, Department of Art History, Rutgers University, “Refashioning American Scenery: The Bierstadts and the White Mountains”
- James Swensen, Department of Art History, Brigham Young University, “That Awesome Spectacle: Echo Canyon and the Changing Nature of the Western Sublime”
Saturday, 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Salisbury Lab, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Session 6: Oceanic Landscapes and the Visualization of Abundance
- Gregory Nobles, Department of History, Georgia Institute of Technology, “The ‘American Woodsman’ at Sea: The Oceanic Ornithology of John James Audubon”
- Julia Sienkewicz, Department of Art History, Duquesne University, “Of Place and Displacement: The Immigrant Landscapes of Benjamin Henry Latrobe”
- Kathryn Morse, Department of History and Program in Environmental Studies, Middlebury College, “Landscapes of Energy: Making Oil Visible before 1890”