Join us as we explore the intriguing history of The Whole Book of Psalms, printed in 1640. Known as the Bay Psalm Book, it was the first book printed in British North America and an early acquisition made by AAS's founder Isaiah Thomas. This modest volume of metered psalms, meant to be sung during worship services, had many subsequent editions. The 1709 edition featured musical notations, making it the earliest example of printed music in the Society's collections. The 1640 volume is one of AAS's prized items, as only eleven copies survive today. Although suffering from the signs of 300 years of wear and tear when it first came to AAS, conservators have since restored the seventeenth-century publication to readable condition for researchers.
This program features an engaging discussion between collector Michael Zinman; Elizabeth Watts Pope, curator of books; Babette Gehnrich, chief conservator; and Nancy Fresella-Lee, conservation assistant. Each will share their perspectives on the Bay Psalm Book, drawing from their own areas of expertise.
Nancy is conservation assistant at the American Antiquarian Society.
Babette Gehnrich is the chief conservator at the American Antiquarian Society. She received her training in book/paper conservation and hand bookbinding in Berlin, Germany, and at the Centro del bel Libro in Switzerland. Prior to joining the AAS staff in 1989, she held the position of assistant book conservator at Yale University.
Elizabeth Watts Pope is curator of books and digitized collections at the American Antiquarian Society. She works closely with digitization partners to make AAS collection material as widely available as possible. She has also served as head of readers' services and in acquisitions at AAS, as well as in the archives at the Dodd Center at the University of Connecticut. She has an MA in history from the University of Connecticut.
Michael Zinman collects early American (pre-1800) imprints and manuscripts. He was elected to AAS Membership in 1985