2010 Summer Seminar in the History of the Book
The Global American South and Early American Print Culture
Sunday, June 13: Welcome and Introductions
4:30-6:00 | Welcome and collections overview |
6:00-8:00 | Drinks and dinner |
Monday, June 14: Southern Scales of Print
9:00-10:00 | Welcome and introductions |
10:15-12:00 | Seminar 1: Assigned readings:
Recommended readings:
12:00-1:15 | Lunch |
1:30-4:45 | Archival experience A: Traffic in Print, Traffic in Slaves Assigned readings:
Recommended readings:
Tuesday June 15: A Mudsill Book History?
9:00-12:00 p.m. | Seminar 2: Guest Faculty: Robert E. Bonner, Assoc. Prof. of History, Dartmouth College Assigned readings:
Recommended readings:
12:00-1:15 | Lunch |
1:30-3:15 | Archival Experience B: Southern Manifestos Assigned readings:
Recommended readings:
3:30-5:00 | Individual meeting with seminar leaders |
Wednesday June 16: Beyond a Domestic, Dependent Print Culture
9:00-10:30 p.m. | Seminar 3: Assigned readings:
Recommended readings:
10:30-10:45 p.m. | Break |
10:45-12:00 | Discussion continued |
12:00-1:30 | Lunch |
1:30-4:00 | Seminar 4: Assigned readings:
4:30-8:00 | Library open late tonight only |
Thursday, June 17: Nations Within and Beyond the Nation
9:00-12:00 | Archival experience D: Les Cenelles and the Tinker Collection Assigned readings:
Recommended readings:
12:00-1:15 | Lunch and Meet to Drive to Pequot Museum |
1:30-4:45 | Pequot Museum field trip |
Friday, June 18: Final Thoughts
9:00-noon | Seminar 5: Recommended readings:
noon | Lunch and goodbye |