American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States
Between May 21 and June 6, 1791, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison took a trip together through Upstate New York and parts of New England on horseback. This "northern journey" came at a moment of tension for the new nation, one in whose founding these Virginians and political allies had played key roles.
In this hybrid program, Louis Masur discusses the trip which is detailed in his new book A Northern Journey: Jefferson, Madison and the Forging of a Friendship. Madison maintained that the excursion was for "health, recreation, and curiosity." He and Jefferson needed a break from their public responsibilities, so off they set. Along the way, they took notes on the ravages of the Hessian Fly, an insect that had been devastating wheat crops. While in Vermont, they focused on the sugar maple tree, which many hoped might offer a domestic alternative to slave-grown sugar cane imports. An encounter with a free Black farmer at Fort George resulted in a journal entry that illuminates their attitudes toward slavery and race. A meeting with members of the Unkechaug tribe on Long Island led to a vocabulary project that preoccupied Jefferson for decades, and which remains relevant today.
The Northern Journey was also about friendship. Madison later recalled that the trip made Jefferson and him "immediate companions," solidifying a bond with almost no peer in the annals of American history, one that thrived for fifty years. Jefferson declared at the end of his life, that his friendship with Madison had been "a source of constant happiness" to him.

Louis P. Masur is Board of Governors Distinguished Professor of American Studies and History at Rutgers University. He is the author of many many books, including two that he researched as a fellow at AAS, and his articles have appeared in various publications including the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and Slate. His website is www.louismasur.com