Personal Narratives from the Age of the American Revolution, Or Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times


American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States

The following  research papers were written by students in the 2006 seminar, "Personal Narratives from the Age of the American Revolution, Or Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times," under the supervision of Joseph Cullon, assistant professor of history at Dartmouth College.

  • "John Chandler: Worcester Loyalist, Exiled from Democracy," by Jason Borowy
  • "The Political Ambiguity of John Rowe," by Jarret Byrne
  • "Engraving the American Identity: The Evolution of Amos Doolittle, the American patriot," by Nacie Elizabeth Carson
  • "'Full-blooded Yankees from New Hampshire, Sir': The Honor and Duty of a Revolutionary War Soldier: Major General Henry Dearborn," by Nicole Dellasanta
  • "The Sufferings of America's Patriot Privateers: Joshua Davis and Motives for Going to Sea during the American Revolution," by Chris Flynn
  • "The Relationship of William North and Benjamin Walker during the American Revolution," by Steve McHugh
  • "'I have lost nothing': A Study of Ministerial Authority in New England during the Revolution and Early Republic," by William P. Miskinis
  • "'The Spirit of '76': Remembrances of the Revolution Surrounding the Narrative of Ebenezer Fletcher," by Erin O'Grady
  • "Jonathan Carpenter: A Life in Pursuit of National and Personal Independence," by Krystal Parker
  • "Victims of Forgotten History: Alexander Bartram and the Days of Decision," by Brad Raboin
  • "A Motley Crew: Edward Macatter and the Atlantic World in the Age of the American Revolution," by Marjorie Whalen
Seminar Leader