American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States
The following research papers were written by students in the 2000 seminar, "Romanticism Confronts History: Literary and Material Culture in the United States, 1820-1876," under the supervision of Harvey Green.
- "Woodworth and Jones: A Study of American Sentiment and Material Culture through the War of 1812," by Evan Barringer
- "The Making of National Myths: An Examination of Ransom's Osceola and Bickley's Adalaska," by James Henry
- "American Material Romanticism: The Marketing of Moral Structure in 19th Century Historical Novels," by Rini Kilcoyne
- "The Last of the Mohicans and Norwood: How Accessibility Shaped the Historical Consciousness of Nineteenth-Century America," by Heather Maisey
- "Spaces of History: A Comparative Study of Joseph C. Hart's Miriam Coffin and Edward Eggleston's The Circuit Rider," by Kenny St. Onge
- "The Revolutionary Epic Meets the Western Frontier Story: One Genre, Two Different Results ... ," by Rachel Souza
- "Exploring History through the Development of the 19th Century Novel: Two Tales of Witchcraft, Delusion and Salem," by Melissa Wojciechowski
Seminar Leader