Children's Books and Childhood Reading in Early America


American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States

The following research papers were written by students in the 1994 seminar, "Children's Books and Childhood Reading in Early America," under the supervision of Samuel F. Pickering, Jr.

  • "The Robinsonade Genre in Massachusetts, 1858-1866," by Bill Borowski
  • "Nineteenth-Century Children's Elves," by Jennifer Clark
  • "Magic: The Sugar Coated Discipline Pill," by Nicole Cloeren
  • "The Raven: Bird or Devil?," by Nick Conti
  • "Angels in American Childhood Literature, 1850-1890," by Jennifer Coonan
  • "Images of Family and Society in Nineteenth Century Alphabet Books," by Danielle S. Gray
  • "Handicapped Children in Nineteenth Century Children's Literature," by Carol Medico
  • "Mahlon Day's Gender Teaching," by Cari Meister
  • "Child Abduction in Nineteenth-Century American Children's Literature," by Kirsten A. Person
  • "Blue Beard: Curiosity and the American Woman," by Tommy Schrider
Seminar Leader