Little Women and Self-Made Men: Gender in the Nineteenth Century


American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States

The following  research papers were written by students in the 1992 seminar, "Little Women and Self-Made Men: Gender in the Nineteenth Century," under the supervision of Professor Lee Heller.

  • "Lesbianism in Nineteenth Century America," Dana Marie Badway
  • "The Role of Women in Revivals and Camp Meetings," Anna Discenza
  • "Gendering 'Paddy' and 'Bridget': The Invention of Nationality in Antebellum Bostonian Culture," Christine E. Doyle
  • "The Impact of the New York Magdalen Society: A Look at the Moral Reform Crusade in New York City," Mark Fruzzetti
  • "The Causes and Effects of Female College Education in the Nineteenth Century," Patricia Girouard
  • "Will the True Louisa May Alcott Please Come Forward: The Unmasking of a 19th [century] Woman Author," Jennifer Harrak
  • "Caroline Barrett White and the Cult of True Womanhood," Donna M. Kimball
  • "Silent Suffering: A Historical Overview of Nineteenth-Century Battered Wives," Suzanne LePage
  • "The Creation of Identity within Cultural Constructs: A Case Study of Amateur Journalists in the Late Nineteenth Century," Carrie Siler
  • "Frontier Life: The Hardships Experienced by Women in a Moving Society," Melanie Ward
Seminar Leader