Religion in the American Revolution


American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States

The following research papers were written by students in the 1989 seminar, "Religion in the American Revolution," under the supervision of Stephen A. Marini.

  • "The Bolton Controversy of 1771," by John J. Argitis
  • "The Effect that Episcopal Thought and Reconstitution Had on the Development of the U.S. Constitution," by Carleton D. Boardman
  • "Religion and Revolution in South Carolina," by Daniel C. Brown
  • "The Struggle for Power Between the Associate Presbytery and the Associate Reformed Presbytery During and After the American Revolution," by Richard Buckley
  • "Idealogy and Historiography: A Study of Jonathan Mayhew," by Timothy Delahunty
  • "The Dutch Reformed Church and the Revolutionary Identity," by David J. Edwards
  • "Hymnody as Theology in the Revolutionary Era," by Dorothy Sue Malone
  • "Shaker Theology: Celibacy, Confession and Infantilism Towards Perfection and the Return to Archaic Times," by Ann Nielsen
  • "Influence of Revolutionary Theology on the American Colonists' Decision of Revolution," by Alan W. Nordquist
  • "The Portrayal of Religion Through the Philadelphia Press During the American Revolution," by Sarah Prescott
Seminar Leader