Health and Health Care in America's Past


American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States

The following research papers were written by students in the 1988 seminar, "Health and Health Care in America's Past," under the supervision of Professor Philip Cash.

  • "Medicine in Worcester, Massachusetts, 1850," by Sande Bishop
  • "Health Care During the Civil War: The Advent of Modern Nursing and Hospitals," by Margaret Burley
  • "Legal and Clinical Concepts of Insanity in Nineteenth Century America," by Stephen J. Easton
  • "'The evil is not only moral but it is likewise physical': Medical Views of Nineteenth Century American Intemperance," by Gerald E. Farrell, Jr.
  • "Unique Yet United: The Life Histories of Five Women Physicians in Nineteenth Century America," by Elizabeth Fay
  • "Civil War Surgery," by Paul A. Irish
  • "The Struggle for Supremacy: Male Physicians Versus Female Midwives in the 18th and 19th Centuries," by Rodyn Latessa
  • "The Evolution of American Surgical Literature, 1710-1889," by James Mellor
  • "Samuel B. Woodward and the Medical and Moral Challenges of Insanity," by William Provencher
  • "The Role of the Massachusetts Medical Society in the Passage of the Anatomy act of 1831," by Kevin J. Smith
Seminar Leader