American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States
The following research papers were written by students in the 1987 seminar, "The Constitution and the Press, 1787-88: Popular Culture, Political Opinion, and the Ratification Debates," under the supervision of Charles E. Clark.
- "The colonial Post Office: The Carrier of the Constitution and the Ratification Debates," by James C. Berube
- "Newport Newspapers and Ratification of the Federal Constitution," by Deborah A. Bockus
- "Swimming Against the Tide," by Carla Buckley
- "The Ratification Process in New Hampshire," by Beth A. Crawford
- "A Political Perspective on South Carolina: Sectionalism, Ratification and Slavery," by Donald LeBlanc
- "All of a Piece: Shays' Rebellion and Rural Anti-federalism in Western Massachusetts," by Sharon A. Moore
- "Federalism, Anti-Federalism, and the Newspapers' Role in Publishing the Opposition to the Constitution in Connecticut, 1787-1788," by Victoria Peters
- "The Concept of Deference and the Ratification of the U.S. Constitution in Hartford County," by E.C. Schroeder
- "The Paper War: The Newspaper Battles and the Ratification of the Constitution in Massachusetts, September 1787-February 1788," by Richard F. Wareing
Seminar Leader