The Constitution and the Press, 1787-1788: Popular Culture, Political Opinion, and the Ratification Debates


American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States

The following research papers were written by students in the 1987 seminar, "The Constitution and the Press, 1787-88: Popular Culture, Political Opinion, and the Ratification Debates," under the supervision of Charles E. Clark.

  • "The colonial Post Office: The Carrier of the Constitution and the Ratification Debates," by James C. Berube
  • "Newport Newspapers and Ratification of the Federal Constitution," by Deborah A. Bockus
  • "Swimming Against the Tide," by Carla Buckley
  • "The Ratification Process in New Hampshire," by Beth A. Crawford
  • "A Political Perspective on South Carolina: Sectionalism, Ratification and Slavery," by Donald LeBlanc
  • "All of a Piece: Shays' Rebellion and Rural Anti-federalism in Western Massachusetts," by Sharon A. Moore
  • "Federalism, Anti-Federalism, and the Newspapers' Role in Publishing the Opposition to the Constitution in Connecticut, 1787-1788," by Victoria Peters
  • "The Concept of Deference and the Ratification of the U.S. Constitution in Hartford County," by E.C. Schroeder
  • "The Paper War: The Newspaper Battles and the Ratification of the Constitution in Massachusetts, September 1787-February 1788," by Richard F. Wareing
Seminar Leader