Antebellum and Civil War Biography


American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States

The following research papers were written by students in the 1985 seminar, "Antebellum and Civil War Biography," under the supervision of Betty Mitchell

  • "The Eye of Argus: John Denison Baldwin in the Years of the Tempest," by Everett H. Bigwood, Jr.
  • "Helen of a Thousand Dreams: a Short Biography of Sarah Helen Power Whitman, 1803-1878," by Jacqueline Blaine
  • "Josiah Quincy, Jr.," by Scott A. Cronin
  • "'Tis great joy to see the world grow better at anything": The Early Career of Abby Kelley Foster," by James A. Delle
  • "The Guardian of the Premises: a Biographical Sketch of Ichabod Washburn," by Joyce Gerrard
  • "View from the Castle: Eli Thayer," by Elinor U. Hutchinson
  • "The Crusade for Battling the Indifference Towards the Indigent and Mentally Ill: A Short Biography of Dorothea Lynde Dix," by Marybeth Nadeau
  • "Shattering Delusions: The Medical Reforms of Doctor Oliver Wendell Holmes," by Barbara C. O'Toole
  • "Following the Cannon: The Early Life and Career of Clara Barton," by Donna Paradis
  • "Beacon of Liberty: A Biography of William Lloyd Garrison," by Walter F. Precourt, III.
Seminar Leader