Ethnic America Before the Flood: The Irish and Others


American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States

The following research papers were written by students in the 1983 seminar, "Ethnic America Before the Flood: The Irish and Others," under the supervision of Professor Charles Fanning.

  • "The American Fenian Brotherhood and the Irish-American Press, 1855-1866," by Kevin Rosseel
  • "Anti-Catholicism and the Protestant Press: The Burning of the Charlestown Convent, August 22, 1834," by Michael J. Wall
  • "Les Canadiens-Français Affluent à Southbridge," by Kerry Varin
  • "The Fenian Invasion of 1866 and the Reaction of Five Prominent Newspapers in the United States," by Mark D. Flaherty
  • "The Rise and Fall of Worcester Nativism to the Irish Catholics, 1847-1856," by Cynthia A. Walden
  • "The Truly Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk: The Marketing of Bigotry in the 1830s," by Michael Downing
  • "The Yellow Peril," by Tina Landroche.
Seminar Leader