‘A Bird to overhear--’


American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States

Join artist Brece Honeycutt as she discusses her project “A Bird to overhear-” an audio-visual essay drawn from her research as a Creative and Performing Artists and Writers Fellow at the American Antiquarian Society in 2019. During her fellowship at AAS, Honeycutt examined over 140 books and collections, yet it was the unexpected viewing of the book Illustrations of the Nests and Eggs of Birds of Ohio (1886) that intertwined her appreciation of plants deemed useless, such as weeds, with the magnificent nests of birds. That publication along with other collections materials, including a selection of Emily Dickinson manuscript poems, will be shared live from the archive for this virtual program. Honeycutt will lead viewers through her process of research and studio work that culminated in her published essay with Copy Press UK for their Becoming Fireflies series in 2022.


Brece Honeycutt makes nature-based and history-based drawings, sculptures, and installations. For Honeycutt, facts gleaned from research in primary sources and discussions are materials just as much as thread, graphite, and paper that form the results of her work. She holds a B.A. in Art History from Skidmore College and an M.F.A. in sculpture from Columbia University. Her recent artist residences, where she explored both place and history, include Hancock Shaker Village, Fashion Institute of Technology, and Naumkeag. She held a William Randolph Hearst Foundation Creative Artists and Writers Fellowship at the American Antiquarian Society in 2019.