The Flower is a handwritten newspaper published semi-monthly by Thomas A. Buffum and edited by William O. Bartlett in Smithfield, Providence County, Rhode Island during 1836. At this time Buffum was approximately 13 years old and Bartlett was approximately 17 years old. They wrote original poetry, moralistic reflections, and political commentary and critiques.
The topics include support for the candidacy of Gen. Harry Harrison for presidency, critiques of Richard M. Johnson's bid as Vice President, alcohol comsumption and temperance, slavery in the South, famous poets, and an incident in Cincinnattti where a mob lynched workers at a printing office. At the end of the first issue, there is a section about a reward of $10,000 that was posted in the South for Rev. A.A. Phelps, likely to be Amos Augustus Phelps (1805-1847), a minister and abolitionist. In the second issue, the editors indicate that it would be the last issue printed and thanked their patrons and subscribers for their support.
Thomas Arnold Buffum was likely born around 1823 in Smithfield, Providence County, Rhode Island to Thomas and Maria Buffum. William O. Bartlett was likely born around 1819 in Smithfield, R.I. and married Caroline Bartlett.
Volume 1, no. 1 and 2 are available.