Yankee peddlar

The Yankee Pedlar was published in New York during 1842. It contains an original story of an adventurer named Ben Bobsey traveling out west and encountering a robber who was injured by his own comrades because he tried to escape and sabotage the thieves' activities. Bobsey saves the robber and together they sneak into the thieves' cave. Bobsey beheads their leader and kills most of the thieves, finding thousands of dollars in treasure. The story is written in an explicit manner. The paper also includes an editorial, in which the unidentified editor criticizes a rival newspaper titled "Spy Glass," and an article about a temperance meeting in New York. There is a drawing in ink at the heading of the paper of a man walking with a cane and a backpack, as well as an engraving of Shakespeare done by an amateur engraver.