The Union Harmonist

The Union Harmonist was edited by Hattie F. Lakin (ca. 1846- ) and published by students of the School District No. 5 in Mason, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire during 1862. It includes moralistic reflections about education, nature, and marriage, poems, anecdotes and short stories, puzzles, and wanted and lost notices. The contributors are listed as Abbie E. Hosmer (ca. 1844- ) Melvina Davis (ca. 1852- ), William A. Lakin (1844- ), Edmund H. Blood (ca. 1845- ), Eva F. Prescott (ca. 1848- ), Myra A. Davis (ca. 1849- ), Mary E. Lowell (ca. 1852-1883), Orrin D. Prescott (ca. 1847- ), and Annie M. Flagg (ca. 1855- ).

The School District No. 5, also known as the Sunny Valley Schoolhouse, was built in 1821 in Mason, Hillsborough County, N.H. It was built out of brick instead of wood, which was more commonly used for schoolhouses. It was a one room school house that was used until it closed in 1914. Afterwards, the building was used as an art studio by Elizabeth Orton Jones, illustrator of Little Golden Book's "Little Red Riding Hood."
