The Monthly

The Monthly is a handwritten newspaper edited by John Quan and created by J. Corr and Solomen Lee in Dingmans Ferry, Pike County, Pennsylvania, during 1866. It was made from scrap paper cut into small squares and bounded together with string. It includes puzzles, poems, advertisements, short stories and anecdotes, and original drawings.

The newspaper, and especially the drawings, were copyrighted in both numbers by either the editor or the printer. The drawings are very small and done with black ink, and depict scenes from the different short stories. There is also an illustrated puzzle, with the drawings being part of the riddles.

Some of the titles of the short stories include "The Lady Zo; or The Mystery of Woodville," "The Skating Bully; or The Death Race," and "Scraps of the Life of J. S. Sketch." The contributors include Dr. Wood, Evan Over, W. W. Webb, C. Richardson, J. S. Sketch, Ella Laney, Don Beoan, J. Clarke, P. R. Doy, and Anna Wells (possibly ca. 1854- ). A contributor that provided several entries was William Henry Layton. He was born around 1849 in Pennsylvania to John and Mary Layton. At the time of the newspaper, he was around 17 years old. He is listed as a teacher in the 1870 census.