The Interval Record

The Interval Record was published by the students of the Lower Intervale Schoolhouse during 1869 in Intervale, Carroll County, New Hampshire. The students wrote about nature, education, childhood, and the village of Intervale. They include poems, puzzles, and local notices. On two of the articles, they mention a day full of heavy rain which caused flooding in the village and two of the students' parents went to the school to warn the teacher named Adah. The students mentioned in the paper include Fred, Adrian, Alice, Alma Doane, Joseph L. Smith (ca. 1856- ), Ina I. Bean (1858-1943), Charlie Ray Bean (1855-1912), Benjamin Frank Bean (1860-1923), Joseph Albert Bean (1862-1941), Frank Sanders (ca. 1853- ), Lilian S. Barron (ca. 1858- ), Carrie S. Goss (ca. 1859- ), and Cora Lock (ca. 1859- ).

The Lower Intervale Schoolhouse was likely built in the early 19th century to serve the Intervale area of the town of Bartlett, Carroll County, N.H. It is mentioned on the Bartlett town report for the fiscal year of 1897. It was replaced with the Intervale Grammar School in 1938. The new school served the children from the Intervale, Glen, and Goodrich Falls areas until it closed in the late 1950s. The builidng of the old schoolhouse is a private residence nowadays.