Wide Awake Journal

The Wide Awake Journal was edited by May Klody in Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon during 1887. It included a variety of articles on the local baseball teams, the Ashland N.S. and the Ashland Red Jackets, and news on the birthday of Presiden McKinley's mother, the dedication of the Grant Monument, the oldest lady in Scotland, education spending in Alabama, the weather, Irish immigration, and congressional votes on various pieces of legislation. It also included many puzzles, an original poem, local advertisements, and several newspaper clippings. The names mentioned in the newspaper include Robert Hammond (1883-1949), Dewey, Lewis Stanley (1883-1958), Docia Willits (ca. 1884- ), Howard Rose (ca. 1881-1944), Beryl Elsaian, Laura Garrett (1883-1973), Johnnie, Blanche, Chalmers, Lena Kendall, Effie, and Mary Caldwell. The editress mentions what was happening in their school, such as "Lewis Stanley and the measles are having quite a time. We all hope that Lewis will get the best of the measles. Lewis caught them but they will not go away."