Jay and Deborah Last Artist Fellowship

The Jay and Deborah Last Artist Fellowship is for creative and performing artists and writers.

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Date Name Affiliation Position
2023 Jen Bervin Guilford, CT Poet and Interdisciplinary Artist Research for “Measuring the Sun,” encompassing new and ongoing work on Emily Dickinson focused on artworks in the form of composites, concordances, visual indexes, and artist books
2022 Janet Pritchard University of Connecticut Professor of Art Emerita Research for photographic project about the Connecticut River and its rich history from early European settlement to 19th-century industrialism to protected land
2020 Marianne Petit New York, NY Mixed Media Artist Mouth & Toes: The World of 19th-Century (Performative) Silhouette Artists with Disabilities
2019 Jazzmen Lee-Johnson Providence, RI Interdisciplinary Artist Contraband: Visual pieces that explore how the industry of slavery laid the blueprint for drug crimes, gang culture, and mass incarceration in Black communities
2018 James Arthur Baltimore, MD Poet On a Portrait Bust in Worcester, Massachusetts: A poem inspired by an anonymous marble portrait bust acquired on behalf on the Antiquarian Society in 1881
2017 Steven Subotnick Providence, RI Filmmaker Tender Parts: A series of short animated films
2016 Krista Elrick Santa Fe, NM Photographer A Country No More: Rediscovering the Landscapes of John James Audubon
2015 Annie Bissett Providence, RI Printmaker A series of woodblock prints about the spiritual and religious influences on American identity during the colonial period
2014 Meganne Fabrega Portsmouth, NH Writer Tell Me a Story: Amy Ella Blanchard and Ida Waugh's World of Girls
2013 Stephanie Wolff Norwich, VT Visual Artist Artist books and prints focusing thematically on weather and its intersection with human experience, with specific focus on the diaries of Anna Blackwood Howell