American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States
Join Ashley Cataldo, AAS curator of manuscripts, and Meredith Neuman, associate professor at Clark University, for a lively presentation on early New England manuscript culture. Presenters will showcase a variety of genres, including diaries, correspondence, account books, deeds, sermon notes, notebooks, annotations, and more. They will explore other intriguing features of manuscripts from the period, including shorthand and curious preservation issues. This hour-long webinar is for both new and experienced researchers who want to expand their knowledge of early manuscript culture, as well as members of the general public who have an interest in early New England history and culture.
Meredith Neuman, author of Jeremiah’s Scribes: Creating Sermon Literature in Puritan New England (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013), was elected a member of AAS in 2012.

Ashley is curator of manuscripts. She is responsible for selecting, cataloging, and making accessible the Society's collection of diaries, correspondence, and other papers. She served as assistant curator of manuscripts for four years and, prior to that, held a variety of positions at AAS, including cataloger of books, reference assistant, and digital expediting assistant. Ashley holds an MA in English from Clark University and has pursued graduate work toward a PhD in history also at Clark University. Ashley has published articles on early American bookbinding, presented on seventeenth-century manuscript culture, and is interested in the intersection of information studies and the environmental humanities.