American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
United States
When the top British general in America, Thomas Gage offered a general amnesty in June 1775 to all revolutionaries who would lay down their arms, he excepted only two men: John Hancock and Sam Adams. These two would hang. Speaking about his new book Samuel Adams: A Life, Worcester native, historian and journalist Ira Stoll will describe the pivotal role that Adams played in the fight for our nation's formation and the vital role religion played in the American Revolution. In doing so Stoll also restores Adams to the first tier of the founding fathers. As Jefferson later observed Samuel Adams was "truly the man of the Revolution."

Ira Stoll was a founder and managing editor of The New York Sun. He has been a consultant to the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal, an editor of the Jerusalem Post, managing editor and Washington correspondent of the Forward, editor of Smartertimes.com, and a reporter for the Los Angeles Times.